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Level 01 – Yellow – Revision

Conversation Questions and Answers

01. What is your full name?

* My name is ………………………………………………

02. Where are you from?

* I am from ………………………………………………

03. Where do you currently live?

* I live at ………………………………………………

04. What is your mother’s full name?

* My mother’s name is ………………………………………………

05. What is your mother’s occupation? / What does your mother do

for living?
* My mother is a ………………………………………………

06. What is your father’s full name?

* My father’s name is ………………………………………………

07. What is your father’s occupation? / What does your father do

for living?
* My father is a ………………………………………………

08. What are we doing?

* We are talking ………………………………………………

09. Who dropped you at school today?

* My ………………………………………………

10. Who picks you up from school?

* My ………………………………………………
11. Do you have a sibling or brother/sister?
* Yes / No

12. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

* I have ………………………… brothers and ………………………… sisters.

13. How old are your brothers and sisters?

* My brother is ………………… years old and my sister is …………………
years old.

14. Who is your favourite teacher?

* I like Mr./Mrs. ………………………………………………………

15. Why do you like Mr./Mrs. ………………………………………………

* I like them because ……………………………………………………………………

16. Which is your favourite subject?

* My favourite subject is ………………………………………………

17. Why is ……………………………………… your favourite subject?

* I like/love ……………………………… because ………………………………………………

18. Do you like to play games?

* Yes / No

19. Why do/don’t you like to play games?

* I do/don’t like to play games because ………………………………………………

20. Which is your favourite game?

* I like/love ………………………………………………

21. Do you watch TV?

Yes / No.
22. Why do/don’t you like to watch TV?
* I do/don’t like to watch TV because ………………………………………………

23. What do you like to watch on TV?

* I like to watch ………………………………………………

24. Do you like birds?

* Yes / No.

25. Why do/don’t you like birds?

* I do/don’t like birds because ………………………………………………

26. Which is your favourite bird?

* My favourite bird is ………………………………………………

27. Why do you like ……………………………………… (bird)?

* I like/love ………………………………… because …………………………………………

28. Do you like animals?

* Yes / No.

29. Which is your favourite animal?

* My favourite animal is ………………………………………………

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