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PC1 : 01 - PT.

Megah Estetika Perkasa

PC2 : 02 - Operational Klinik
PAYMENT VOUCHER (PV) PC3 : 08 - Makassar
PC4 :

Proposed By : Accounting PV No. : PV.

Due Dated : 5-June-2024 PV Dated : 30-May-2024
Descriptions : Budget Visit Makassar PV Type : Advance
Cash/Bank Type : Bank BCA : 0930081396 a/
n Ni Kadek Doni

No. Transactions Descriptions Amounted

1 Advances - To Employee Visit Makassar 6 sd 9 Juni 24 1,400,000

Total : 1,400,000
Proposed By Head Approved Finance Approved

Accounting (_______________________) -
Run Report : 30/05/2024 10:02:47, UserEntry : Ni Kadek Doni Page 1 Of 1

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