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Why is Java a platform independent language?

Why is Java not a pure object oriented language?

Difference between Heap and Stack Memory in java. And how java utilizes this.
Can java be said to be the complete object-oriented programming language?
Oops, SQL, DSA, Projects, Certifications
Tell me a little bit about yourself. ... What are your hobbies? ..
How is api calls are made?
About oops concepts and a string program
Basic Concepts in Java ,searching and sorting algorithms
Simple interview questions like buffers streams and array objects
Data Structures and Algorithm questions on Array, Recursion, Linked List and Stacks
why java is independent compared to other languages
some output of programs and exception handling
Remove duplicates in SQL, SCD type 2 flow, Dynamic lookup, Department wise highest
salary -query in SQL, How to consider list of files in Informatica PC
Explain about OOPS concept in Programming Language
What is your main interest and what languages are you comfortable with, asked easy
level coding questions and expected to code and execute the questions.
python concepts like list, tuple, list comprehension, oops, string reverse. They
given program for prime number, palindrome. Program to count number of words from a
.oops concepts and then one program and SQL query to solve compulsory.other round
is genral hr with salary discussion . Projects done previously in the college and
works are been asked .roles and responsibilities were asked .
Explain binary search in java
Coding questions Sum of numbers from string
Basics questions from Java Springboot and microservices Self Introduction Level 2:
Coding questions Sum of numbers from string Manager Round Details how will you
manage client discussion HR round
What is linked List? What is unit test? They asked about the project I did in final
year of
Oops concepts, java , basic coding questions
What is machine learning and give a real life example?
Java advanced question were asked along with spring boot.
Virtual interview Introduce yourself. Which is the last movie that you saw? Which
is your dream company. What do you think are the qualities that a Team Leader
should possess? What are your future plans? What are your strengths? Weakness?
Based on python oops concepts, day to day automation based on python, pandas
functions for data manipulation, data management techniques, understanding of sdlc
cycles and it's concept, basics of c++

o write a program in c++ involving string manipulation

Simple palendrom question and triangle using star
Write a program to print duplicate words from array?
Easy process only dsa asked in which array string and binary tree was more
prominent apart from this asked about core java and spring boot and mysql in db
where transactions were more asked
They asked me to code in Python for some basic Algorithms like Palindrome I guess
or Sorting. I was able to do it easily.Abstract classes and interface difference
Write a code for prime number
exchange walue of 2 integers without using third integer
Explain the SDLC process and how is that we develop a software now as compared to
the models we used earlier? And why is Agile methodology considered better than
previous methodologies ?
What will you do if system slows down
Tell a story about how you dealt with a stressful situation.
How do you effectively manage multiple deadlines?
Apply BST in linear and moderate time complexities
OOP in java, SOLID principle
Simple Oops concept and basic programming
OOP, Java, Spring, Databases, etc.
Difference between heap and stack
How can you cut a cake in 8 parts only by cutting it 3 times
Maximum array sum in an array
What is java and how to use for the developer
What is a pointer? What is encapsulation? what is encryption?
Code to print 1 22 333 4444 55555
What's are joins in sql

Questions about OOP principles such as inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism,

and abstraction. Sorting methods. Discussion about your strengths, skills, and
qualities that make you a good fit for the role, as well as areas where you may
have opportunities for growth or improvement.

java reverse string program

Which algorithm followed in stack.
Spring boot annotations. spring framework collection framework exception handling
core java java 8 coding questions.

What is the symbol used for destructor in python.

Pointer in c and Oops concepts
What is method overriding in Java 8?

Tell me about usrself? 2.Program for reverse of a string? 3.Opps concepts like
interface ,Abstraction differences 4.Abstract classes or interfaces supports
100%Abstraction 5.Difference between string buffer and string builder 6.Iterator in
collections concept 7.what is singleton class do you rate urself in java
9.difference between absolute XPath and relative XPath 10.Some questions on scrum
and Agile practices

What are the Features to java

tell me about oops constant ?

Asked about SQL commands Asked about java basics and advanced concepts

Computer science basics and some basic Data Structures

write a code to print the current date and time in Java language
Prime Number and Factorial using Python
oops concepts and collection framework.

Asked for introduction and covered all oops concepts like inheritance,
polymorphism, Abstraction and encapsulation And some sql concepts Truncate, delete,
alter, insert terms Asked networking questions like ftp, https, http, smtp

What is the difference between compile time exception and run-time exception?
Write the code to sort an array with O(n)
Describe all the OOPS concepts
Java related questions and sql related

Oops dbms data mining sql

Calculate second maximum salary in Oracle

Time complexity for merge sort

bubble sort algorithm in cpp

What are decorators in python? What is the difference between python lists and
What are the differences between C++ and Java? Q: What do you understand by an
instance variable and a local variable?

Can you explain the difference between abstraction and encapsulation? How does
inheritance work in object-oriented programming? What is the difference between a
stack and a queue? Can you provide examples of their applications? Can you explain
the concept of polymorphism and provide an example? Problem-Solving Questions:
Given an array of integers, how would you find the largest and smallest numbers?
How would you reverse a linked list? Write a function to check if a string is a
palindrome. Implement a function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence. Behavioral
Questions: Can you describe a challenging problem you faced on a previous project
and how you solved it? How do you prioritize tasks when working on multiple
projects simultaneously? Can you describe a situation where you had to work with a
difficult team member and how you handled it? How do you stay updated with new
technologies and trends in software development? System Design Questions: Design a
URL shortening service like Bitly. How would you design a distributed key-value
store? Design a system for real-time analytics of user interactions on a website.
Discuss the architecture of a scalable chat application.

OOPS, what is encapsulation, is-a relationship, Java 1.8 features, interface,

springboot and microservices questions, I answered almost all questions to the
What's difference between new and old Java memory management
Fibonacci series program and for loop execution

What are classes in C++.

classes/objects, encapsulation/data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and

What are the pillars of oops
Tell me about the loops, while and do while?
Finding unique elements through different ways
Linked list and file in python
Question 1

Simple program to reverse string

They asked to write a program to reverse a string

All questions java basic and threads and collections.

Questions were asked from own domain and typical coding concepts were also asked
including 1 leetcode medium. Talked about specific projects and internships
pertaining to software engineering and development using html, css, js and react.

How to balance binary tree

SQL queries for max salary of employee from each department. List and queue

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