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UNIT 7, TEST (Vocabulary)

Name: Class: Date:

1 Translate to Croatian following phrasal verbs: (4)

2 Make definitions by following phrases: (4)

1 a very urgend issue __________________________________________
2 bring ideas to something ______________________________________
3 the best time in life ___________________________________________
4 all kinds of people ____________________________________________

3 Complete the text with correct words: (4)

1 The nurse was very _____________________ to the whole family.
2 Despite her young age, Melanie is _____________________ and reliable.
3 The doctor seemed very _______________, so I agreed to her suggestion.
4 My brother's behaviour at the party was __________________. It was so embarrassing.

4 Complete the text with one of the words below. (4)

elderly, self-reliant, long in the tooth, dependent, youthful, set in her ways, childish, supportive

Last weekend my grandmother started a course on how use the Internet. I was amazed because normally
she is ________________________ and doesn't try new things, but she is determined to be
____________________ and use computers without my help. My grandfahter isn't being very
____________________ and says that she is too _________________ for Facebook.

5 Complete the text with one of the words below. (4)

all the time, ahead of time, behind the times, in next to no time, in the nick of time
The renovation was a huge project, but the builders managed to complete our home ___________________.
Don't wory. We'll get it done ____________________ if we carry on like this.
My grandfather know everything about politics, but when it comes to technology, he's really
We don't feel that we have any privacy. My husband's parent are here ______________________________.
6 Complete the text with the correct words (a–d). (8)
Graduating from university … at ninety-seven!
The thought of going back to university as a mature student might 1________ most people. But dynamic
pensioner Allan Steward, from Port Stephens in Australia, isn’t most people. In fact he tends to shrug off his
achievements, simply putting it down to good genes. In 2006, after gaining a law degree aged ninety-one,
Guinness World Records awarded him a record for the oldest graduate, giving him a new lease 2________ life.
At ninety-seven, he seems to be in the prime of his life, having just completed his fourth degree.
Allan is far from 3________ on others or over the hill. He fishes, swims in the sea, grows his own vegetables
and is a carer for a friend. It’s 4________ if he were a man fifty years younger!
If he 5________ get bored easily, he might never have gone back into education. ‘I have so much time on my
hands these days and I like to keep mentally active,’ he says. Allan plans to ease off the studies now – but he
said that after his last degree! I guess it’s a question of how long he can 6________ the boredom this time.
Allan is living proof that you are never too long in the 7________ for anything. Supposing you had the chance
to go back to school in your nineties, 8________ you?

1 a fight off b put off c call off d brush off

2 a for b in c of d with
3 a dependent b inexperienced c independent d supportive
4 a only b seem c like d as
5 a doesn’t b wouldn’t c hadn’t d didn’t
6 a wear off b fend off c make off d warn off
7 a mouth b chin c tooth d face
8 a do b will c can d would

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