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TOPIC:- Calibration of Ammeter And Voltmeter

1. In a galvanometer, 5% of the total current in the circuit passes through it. If the resistance of
the galvanometer is G, the shunt resistance S connected to the galvanometer is:
(A) 19 G (B) G/19 (C) 20 G (D) G/20

2. A 36Ω galvanometer is shunted by resistance of 4Ω, the percentage of the total current,
which passes through the galvanometer is:
(A) 8% (B) 9% (C) 10% (D) 91 %

3. The resistance of the shunt required to allow 2% of the main current through the
galvanometer of resistance 49 Ω is:
(A) 1 Ω (B) 2 Ω (C) 0.2 Ω (D) 0.1 Ω

4. A voltmeter has resistance of G ohm and range of V volt. The resistance required in series
to convert it into a voltmeter of range nV volt is:
(A) (n-1) G (B) nG (C) G/n (D) G/(n-1)

5. The maximum current that can be measured by a galvanometer of resistance 40 Ω is 10 mA.

It is converted into a voltmeter than can read upto 50V. The resistance to be connected in
series with the galvanometer is …. (in ohm):
(A) 5040 (B) 4960 (C) 2010 (D) 4050

6. A galvanometer of hang resistance 45 Ω gives full deflection at 1A current. Value of shunt

resistance required to convert it in 10 A range ammeter is:
(A) 4.5 Ω (B) 9 Ω (C) 5 Ω (D) none

7. A galvanometer having resistance G=50 Ω gives full deflection at 20 mA current, then

resistance required to convert it in voltmeter of range 20V will be:
(A) 1000 Ω (B) 2.5 Ω (C) 950 Ω (D) none

8. Range of the ammeter is 5 ampere and full scale deflection current is 0.5 𝜇𝐴. If resistance of
galvanometer is 50 Ω then find shunt resistance.

(A) 5 × 10−6 Ω (B) 5 × 10−3 Ω

(C) 50 Ω (D) 0.5 Ω

9. To send 10% of main current through a moving coil galvanometer of resistance 99 Ω, shunt
required is:
(A) 9 Ω (B) 11 Ω (C) 10 Ω (D) 9.9 Ω

10. If least count of an ammeter having 20 division on it is 0.1 amp/div, then its range it will
(A) 1A (B) 2A (C) 20 A (D) 4A

11. Range of an ammeter having 50 division on it is 10 ampere, then its sensitivity is:
(A) 10 div/amp (B) 5 div/amp
(C) 2 div/amp (D) ½ div/amp

12. Which of the following statement is correct?

(i) If range of an ammeter increases its least count increases.
(ii) If range of an ammeter increases its sensitivity increases.
(A) Both are true (B) (i) True and (ii) False
(C) (i) False and (ii) True (D) Both false

13. If least count of an ammeter having 20 division on it is 0.5 amp/ div, then its range &
sensitivity will be:
(A) 1A, 2 div/amp (B) 10A, 1 div/amp
(C) 10A, 2 div/amp (D) 5A, 2 div/amp

14. Resistance of an ammeter having 20 div is 20 Ω and its sensitivity is 10 div/apm, then shunt
required to convert it in an ammeter of range 10 amp is:
(A) 4 Ω (B) 5 Ω (C) 10 Ω (D) 3 Ω

15. An ammeter having resistance G =50 Ω and there are 20 division on it, if its least count is
0.1 amp/div, then shunt required to convert it in an ammeter of least count 0.3 amp/div
will be:
(A) 50/3 Ω (B) 25 Ω (C) 100 Ω (D) 150 Ω

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