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Academic Year: 2024



Diploma in Entrepreneurship


Business Management for Entrepreneurs l (BME105D)

Dr Matome Masipa (Polokwane),
Mr Maanda Mabidi (Pretoria)
Mr Eliot Mafadi Mahamotse (eMalahleni)

1. This Assessment Pack consists of one Assignment question and an
Individual Assessment.
2. Adhere to the submission deadlines and consult the “Teaching, Learning
and Assessment Pack” for submission guidelines.
3. Each submission must include a Title page and Declaration by the
Candidate (see Study Guide).


PLACE OF SUBMISSION: Electronic submission: Brightspace

WORD LIMIT: Word Count: Max 1200 words.


METHOD OF SUBMISSION: MS Word (Font style: Arial 12 or Tahoma, Line

spacing: 1.15, Alignment: Justified)

OTHER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is a group assessment; on the provided

cover page, include your group members’
names and student numbers.

ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT: Submit a typed document in Word/pdf format.

Ensure proper citation if referencing external
sources (Harvard style). Use clear and concise

PLAGIARISM DECLARATION: By submitting this assessment, you hereby

declare the following: “I declare hereby that
this is my work and not the work of anyone
else. I understand what plagiarism is and the
rules of the Tshwane University of Technology
regarding plagiarism. I understand that I will
receive a mark of 0% should I copy any
section/part/sentence etc., from any source, be
it books, the internet, or any other relevant

There are quantitative and qualitative definitions of entrepreneurship, but also there
are a couple and often contradictory theories that lack standardization that define
entrepreneurship and are often cited in the literature. This definitional controversy is
due to several reasons:
- No agreement exists on common terms,
- The parameters of the study are not clear.
- The definition of entrepreneurship is not agreed upon.
- Few conceptual frameworks exist,
- There is no integrated unified theory.
Nonetheless, it has been agreed upon, among scholars who support a consensus on
entrepreneurship’s distinctive domain or the ontology that would distinguish the
entrepreneurship field from other management fields, that attempting to reach a
consensus on a single definition may be futile. Despite the differences in the
definitions, similarities do arise; these include the following terms used to describe
- Innovation
- Value creation
- Opportunity recognition and exploitation
- Creative Process
- Risk-taking
- Resourcefulness.
Source: (Venter & Urban, 2017)
QUESTION 1 [50 Marks]

Based on the above insert, analyze (1) GEM Report 2021/2022, (2) Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice, Oxford Book, (3) SEDA SMME Quarterly Update 3 rd Quarter 2022
Report, and (4) Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management, Oxford Book

1. Interpret the sources by identifying:

1.1. Various definitions of entrepreneurship using different perspectives. In
every perspective, provide at least three definitions.
1.2. What shapes entrepreneurship in SA?
1.3. Total number of SMMEs in SA (By demographics, industry, regions, etc.)
1.4. Motivations.
1.5. Job creation.

NB: The word count of your report is: 500-600.

QUESTION 2 [50marks]

As a potential entrepreneur, choose a business sector and create a business that has
the potential to succeed in the market once implemented. You are requested to map in
detail all the steps that you would follow to establish an entrepreneurial venture.

2. Use the entrepreneurial process as a guide in your response. Structure your

entrepreneurial process as thus and incorporate images, diagrams, and graphs in
your response.
2.1. Opportunity
2.2. Planning- Market
2.3. Resources
2.4. Entrepreneurial team.

NB: The word count of your report is: 500-600


Assessment Very poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

criteria 0-39% 40-49% 50-64% 65-74% 75-100%

Definitions of 50 Incorrect definition: Basic definitions: Moderate definitions: Good definitions: Excellent definitions:
entrepreneurship provided; Misaligned One perspective two perspectives more than two more than two
information provided minimally explored explored perspectives perspectives
that does not define explored with clear explored with a clear
entrepreneurship contrast between historical
Introduction to entrepreneurship

perspectives background on the

development of the
definition with
references made.
What shapes Incorrect limited Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
entrepreneurship information provided provided information provided provided was provided with
in South Africa clarity.
Total number of Limited information Basic graphical Moderate graphical Good graphical Excellent graphical
SMMEs in South provided without information is information was information on more information on more
Africa graphics provided without provided. than one criterion than one criterion
narration with narration with narration
provided. provided.
Motivations Limited information Basic information on Moderate Good information on Excellent information
on entrepreneurial entrepreneurial information on entrepreneurial on entrepreneurial
motivation in South motivation in South entrepreneurial motivation in South motivation in South
Africa was provided Africa was provided. motivation in South Africa provided Africa was provided.
Africa was provided
Job creation Limited information Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
was provided on the was provided on the information was was provided on the was provided on the
role of role of provided on the role role of role of
entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship in of entrepreneurship entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship in
job creation. job creation. in job creation. job creation. job creation.

Opportunity 50 Limited information Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
provided on provided on information was was provided on with images and
Entrepreneurial process

opportunities; opportunities; provided on opportunities; graphics was

identification, identification, opportunities; identification, provided on
measurement, and measurement, and identification, measurement, and opportunities;
evaluation stages evaluation stages measurement, and evaluation stages identification,
evaluation stages measurement, and
evaluation stages
Planning- Market Limited information Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
provided on the provided on the information provided was provided on the with images and
market and strategy market and strategy on the market and market and strategy graphics provided on
to capture the to capture the strategy to capture to capture the the market and
market market the market market strategy to capture
the market
Resources Limited information Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
was provided on was provided on information was was provided on with images and
resources needed to resources needed to provided on resources needed to graphics was
establish a business establish a business resources needed to establish a business provided on
in the chosen in the chosen establish a business in the chosen resources needed to
industry industry in the chosen industry establish a business
industry in the chosen
Entrepreneurial Limited information Basic information Moderate Good information Excellent information
Team was provided on the was provided on the information was was provided on the with images and
responsibilities to be responsibilities to be provided on the responsibilities to be graphics was
played by every played by every responsibilities to be played by every provided on the
member of the team member of the team played by every member of the team responsibilities to be
member of the team played by every
member of the team

GEM Report 2021/2022 SEDA SMME Quarterly Update 3 rd Business Sector Opportunities
Quarter 2022 Report

Students can also access textbooks from the library.


I hereby declare that the assignment submitted is my work and I have referenced all the

Subject Code BME105D

Assessment One (1)

Submission date: MAY 2024

Surname & Initials Student Number Signature

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