New Checklist

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Name: _________________________________________ Blk:______ Lot:_______ Subdivision:_______________

1 FILLING (Left Side) Date of Birth
1.Monitoring Sheet Sex & Marital Status
Complete Name & Subdivision Complete Address both present and permanent
Home ownership & years of stay
2. Acknowledgement Receipt
Complete Name of PB & CB Complete details of employer
3.ES Tin No & SSS/GSIS
Complete details of price, lts no. & lts date Borrowers contact Details both email & cp
Correct price of house and lot Employers contact Details both email & cp
Correct loan term Preferred time to be contacted
Signature of the Account officer Position & department
Years in employment
Mark if with occupation
Complete name of pb & cb
Preferred mailing address
Pag ibig No.
No. Of Dependents
Date of Birth & Marital Status
Spouse Personal Data
Employer, Address and Contact No.
Character References
5.CIBI Signature over printed name of pb and spouse & date
Complete name of employer and its address
Pag ibig MID Number
Office hours, Contact No., Email and Authorized Rep
1x1 picture
Signature over printed name of pb & cb
With existing HL
6. BVS Desired Loan Amount
Complete name, address and contact details Complete Name
Developer & Subdivision Relationship to the PB
Check the Particulars Date of Birth
Signature over printed name of pb, cb & aif Citizenship
7. Preliminary Appraisal Sex & Marital Status
Tin No & EE SSS/GSIS No.
(Right Side) Complete Address both present & permanent
1.CTS (2 copies )
Home ownership & years of stay
Name of Account Manager
No. Of Dependents
Complete name & address of pb & cb (if 2nd degree do not
include) CB contact details both email & cp
Correct Subdivision & Title No. Complete details of employer
Technical Description & correct area (blk, lot & area) Years in employment
Loan Amount Position & Department
Monthly amortization in words and in numerical with Preferred time to be contacted
correct no. of months (Refer to ES!!!) Preferred mailing address
Section 1.2 (1st paragraph only put the interest rate & yrs) Employers contact details both email & cp
Signature in every page of the am, witness & pb / cb / spa Spouse Personal data
Notarized, dry seal & insert no. of pages Character Reference
2. DOA Signature over printed name of cb & spouse &date
Name of Account Manager 10. Conformity of Subsequent of new housing loan
Complete name & address of pb & cb (if 2nd degree do not 11. Photocopy of Valid IDs with 3 specimen signature
include) 12. Proof of Income (COEC, Payslip, ITR)
Correct Subdivision If with Business:
Loan Amount Location Map Picture of Business Mayors Permit
Notary details of CTS BIR CTC DTI COR SPA
Technical description & correct area (blk, lot & area) 13. SPA if applicable
Title no. on page 3 (6-b) Correct name & address of the borrower & aif
Correct Signatory Subdivision, Blk & Lot, TCT No & Survey No.
No. of Pages Signature over printed name of Aif & borrower
3. Photocopy of Title Signature of witness
4. Tax Declaration ( Lot & Building) Notarized with dry seal & no. Of pages
5. Tax Receipt (Lot & Building) Correct date according to latest arrival
14. Photocopy of ID of AIF with 3 specimen signature (if with SPA
6. Dev. Sworn 15. Proof of Arrival & Departure (if with SPA)
Location of Subdivision 16.Authorize Rep. Information Sheet
Name of PB 1x1 picture
Signature of Account Manager Complete details of SPA
Notarized and dry seal Relationship to the applicant
No. Of pages (2 pages) Contact Details
7. Notice on Submission of Credit Data Permanent and Present home address
Date Answer the miscellaneous
Complete Name & address of pb & cb Character Reference
8.HLA Signature over printed name of SPA
Pag ibig MID Number 17.Health Statement Form
1x1 picture 18. Secretary Certificate
With existing HL 19. Other Supporting Documents of pb, cb, spouse
Desired Loan Term and Amount Birthcerticate Brgy Clearance
Repricing period, mode of payment & purpose of loan Marriage Contract
Property and Name of Developer & type pf property 20. Certificate of Registration
TCT No and Tax Dec No
21. License to Sell
Blk and Lot
Total FA and LA & no of storeys
Complete Name
2nd Filling
30. LMA
31. Secretary Certificate
32. Other Supporting Documents
(Left Side)
33. Dev Sworn (2 copies)
1.Monitoring Sheet
2.Evaluation Sheet 34. Cert of Acceptance
3.Acknowledgement Receipt Complete name & address
4.Pre Evaluation / Post Evaludation Complete Description of the unit
5. ES Lot Description & Tct no.
6. Processing Fee Name of AM
7. CIBI Signature of pb, cb, spouse and am (if 2nd degree do
not include)
8.BVS Notarized, dry seal & no of pages ( 2 pages)
Insert picture 35. CHLA
Name of pag-ibig authorized rep. Correct Blk & Lot
Date & time of validation Correct Description of the unit
9.COA Lot Description & tct no.
10. Plotting Signature of the pb, cb & am (if 2nd degree do not
11.Validation for the requirements include)
12. Appraisal Date & correct present address of the pb
13. Previous NOD 36. Health Statement
37. Other Permits
(Right Side) 38. Certificate of Registration
1.NOA 39. License to Sell
Signature of PB, CB & spouse (date) Conversion Copy
2. NOA Extension (if applicable) 1.SPA with copy of valid IDs
3. Letter of Guaranty / Annex A 2.LMA
4. Letter of Guaranty Complete name of pb & cb
5. EPED Section 1 – Loan Amount (refer to no.3)
6. Transfer Certificate of Title Section 7 – Loan Term (refer to no.3)
7. Affidavit of Correction Technical Description & correct area (Blk, Lot & Area)
8.CTS (photocopy) Signature of pb, cb & aif
9. DOA Include no of pages (7 pages)
Notarized, dry seal & With RD Stamp 3. DOAS
10. Borrowers Assignment of Rights over HI/HIC Name of AM
11. Contract for home improvement Complete name and address of pb & cb
12. Amendments/ Cancellation of DOA/CTS Blk , Lot, Subdivision & Tct no in witnesseth
13.Promissory Note (2 copies) Technical Description & correct area (Blk, Lot & Area)
Loan Amount (refer to no. 3) Put the details in notarized DOA (refer to no. 29)
Interest rate & correct months (refer to no. 3) Loan amount (refer to no. 3)
Monthly amortizations and insurance premiums Signature of pb, cb, spouse
(refer to no. 3) Include no of pages (3 pages)
Date of CTS (refer to no. 28) SIGNATORY
Signature over printed name of pb & cb Up to 750k – MS. JEAN V. NATOR
Notarized with dry seal – DIVISION CHIEF III
750-1.7 M - SONIA I. SEVILLA
No of pages (2 pages)
14. Tax Dec ( Lot & Building) -TIN NO. - 128-394-009
15. Tax Receipt ( Lot & Building ) 1.7M UP – ALVIN S. ROMEN
17. Disclosure Statement -TIN NO. - 212-924-787
Signature of PB, CB & Spouse (date) 1ST FILING
18. HLA (Original)
19. Conformity of Subsequent of new housing loan
20. Authority to Deduct ACCOUNT OFFICER
21. Credit Data Information
22. Photocopy of Valid IDs
23. Birth Certificate / Marriage Contract
24. SPA with Copy of Valid IDs of AIF
25. Proof of Arrival / Departure
26. Authorize Rep Information Sheet
27. All required Developers Undertaking Docs
28. Buyers Conformity
Complete name & address of pb
Details of the housing unit and tct no. ACCOUNT OFFICER
Signature of the pb, spouse, cb & am (if 2nd degree
do not include)
Date & province
29. Deed of Absolute Sale (Photocopy) ACCOUNT MANAGER

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