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Career planning, executed in an organised, strategic manner,

not only gives professional direction but creates awareness of
one’s personality and skills. It helps in getting the necessary
education and occupational support to reach career goals, and
eventually leads to a more balanced life thanks to the right
career choice, and resultant job safety and financial stability.
What Is Career Planning?
Career planning maps the critical steps needed for strategic career goal
setting. Goals may include earning a degree, building industry networks
and seeking mentorship, sending out applications, and landing that first job.

While often associated with high school seniors or college students, career
planning also applies to working adults and mid-career professionals.

Many older college students decide that it’s time to make a change. A job
that no longer encourages your growth, perhaps, looking for new
challenges, avoiding burnout, or leaving a harmful workplace. Whatever the
reason, following a deliberate path of career planning set you up for
success (source:

Figure’s title : Benefits of career planning

Source :


In today's world of rapid change, transformation and progress, new career

paths are constantly unfolding, traditional ones are being changed and
shifts are taking place in occupation skills and educational requirements.
These changes are a result of new technology, modifications in
organizational design and the trend towards global business operations.
With all these changes, you might ask "What is the point of planning ahead
by developing a career plan?" It is important to be ready for change with a
set of career goals, strategies and options based on your interests,
personality, values and skills. Once you have a plan, you will be equipped to
manage your career and take advantage of changes in the economy and job
market rather than becoming a victim of change (source: ARTICLE:


A career plan lists short- and long-term career goals and the actions you can take to
achieve them. Career plans can help you make decisions about what classes to
take, and identify the extracurricular activities, research, and internships that will
make you a strong job candidate. Below are some helpful steps to guide you in
creating a career plan customized to your interests and ambitions. Still have
questions? We are here to help — set up an appointment with a Career Advisor to
get started or review your plan.

The career planning process

Career planning is perceived as self-generated career development goals of individuals that

are spiritual in nature. According to Chartered Institute ofPersonnel and Development,
2005, individual perspective on career isdetermined by the status of the individual
professional and personal life, age,family circumstances, financial expectations, desired
lifestyle, etc. (source: (PDF) Challenges of Career Development in Bangladesh. Available
pment_in_Bangladesh [accessed Apr 08 2024]. general perception about career planning
Figure’s title : Figure 2 Individual’s perspective on career

8 steps to an effective career plan

There are 8 steps to design an effective career plan: identify career options,
Prioritize, Compare, Consider other factors, Make a choice, SMART goals, define an
action plan, and if needed, meet with a career advisor (source:

Action plan options


Make a

other factors

Figure’s title: Key steps to design an effective career plan

1. Identify Your Career Options.

Develop a refined list of career options by examining your interests, skills, and
values through self-assessment. Narrow your career options by reviewing career
information, researching companies, and talking to professionals in the field. You can
further narrow your list when you take part in experiences such as shadowing,
volunteering, and internships.

2. Prioritize.
It’s not enough to list options. You have to prioritize. What are your top skills? What
interests you the most? What’s most important to you? Whether it’s intellectually
challenging work, family-friendly benefits, the right location or a big paycheck, it
helps to know what matters to you — and what’s a deal-breaker. We provide skills
and values assessments — set up an appointment with a Career Advisor to take
advantage of this service.

3. Make Comparisons.
Compare your most promising career options against your list of prioritized skills,
interests and values.

4. Consider Other Factors.

You should consider factors beyond personal preferences. What is the current
demand for this field? If the demand is low or entry is difficult, are you comfortable
with risk? What qualifications are required to enter the field? Will it require additional
education or training? How will selecting this option affect you and others in your
life? Gather advice from friends, colleagues, and family members. Consider potential
outcomes and barriers for each of your final options.

5. Make a Choice.
Choose the career paths that are best for you. How many paths you choose
depends upon your situation and comfort level. If you’re early in your planning, then
identifying multiple options may be best. You may want several paths to increase the
number of potential opportunities. Conversely, narrowing to one or two options may
better focus your job search or graduate school applications.

6. Set “SMART” Goals.

Now that you’ve identified your career options, develop an action plan to implement
this decision. Identify specific, time-bound goals and steps to accomplish your plan.
Set short-term goals (to be achieved in one year or less) and long-term goals (to be
achieved in one to five years).

Table’s title : SMART goals

Specific Identify your goal clearly and specifically

Measureable Include clear criteria to determine progress and

Attainable The goal should have a 50 percent or greater chance of

Relevant The goal is important and relevant to you

Time bound Commit to a specific timeframe

7. Create Your Career Action Plan.

It’s important to be realistic about expectations and timelines. Write down specific
action steps to take to achieve your goals and help yourself stay organized. Check
them off as you complete them, but feel free to amend your career action plan as
needed. Your goals and priorities may change, and that’s perfectly okay.

8. Meet with a Career Advisor.

Our advisors are here to help you make effective career decisions. Make an
appointment on Handshake to talk about your career options and concerns.


Putting a career planning process into place gives you the framework to make the
best career choice. Systematic career planning requires time, patience, and focus,
but it is time well spent as it leads to a fulfilling and prosperous career.

Career Planning is a lifelong process of exploration and planning of your career and
educational goals compatible with your interests, values, talents, personality and
aspirations. Career planning involves thinking about which educational and
occupational paths will provide you with satisfaction and fulfillment in all aspects of
your life, present and future.

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