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Organizations Page 9

Regional Trade Organization/Blocks

European Union(EU) Established: 1993 (Maastricht Treaty), but the origins date back to the 1950s with the European India, EU sign semiconductor pact to help build a robust supply chain
Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community.
Mandate: Economic and political union between its member states, including a single market with The Hindu
standardized laws.
Members: 27 countries following the United Kingdom’s exit).
North American Free Established: NAFTA in 1994, replaced by USMCA in 2020. U.S., Canada, Mexico sign trade deal after last-minute brinkmanship
Trade Agreement Mandate: To eliminate trade barriers and facilitate the cross-border movement of goods and
(NAFTA) / United services between the countries. The Hindu
States-Mexico-Canada Members: United States, Mexico, and Canada.
Agreement (USMCA)
BRICS Mandate: BRICS is an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, BRICS, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa,
India, China, and South Africa. The group’s main objectives include cooperation in economic inducted six new members (Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Argentina,
development, significant influence over global affairs, and mutual support in economic and political Egypt, Ethiopia) to become BRICS Plus. This expansion aims to
spheres. bolster the collective voice of the Global South.
Headquarters: BRICS does not have a formal headquarters as it is an association rather than a
formalized institution. The Hindu
Date of Formation: The group was originally known as “BRIC” before the inclusion of South Africa
in 2010. BRIC was formed in 2006.
Members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
Association of Formation Year: The agreement was signed in 2009 and came into effect in 2010. Engagement with ASEAN is an important pillar of India’s ‘Act East’
Southeast Asian Nations Mandate: To enhance economic cooperation and trade between ASEAN countries and India. policy, says PM Modi
(ASEAN) Members: 10 ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and India. The Hindu
Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia (ASEAN Secretariat).
Gulf Cooperation Established: 1981 India, Gulf Cooperation Council to launch free trade pact
Council (GCC) Mandate: To achieve unity among its members based on their common objectives and their similar negotiations on November 24
political and cultural identities.
Members: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The Hindu
South Asian Association Formation Year: 1985 Road for India becoming ‘Vishwaguru’ is through SAARC, not G-20:
for Regional Mandate: To promote regional cooperation and development in South Asia. Mehbooba Mufti
Cooperation (SAARC) Members: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
Headquarters: Kathmandu, Nepal. The Hindu

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Mekong Ganga Founded in 2000 Peace and prosperity in Mekong region play pivotal role in India’s Act
Cooperation The Mekong Ganga Cooperation (MGC) was established in 2000 and it East policy: Jaishankar
comprises 6 member countries - India and five ASEAN countries - Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia,
Laos and Vietnam. The Hindu
The MGC meetings are co-chaired alternatively every year between India and one of the 5 Mekong
• The 11th Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) ForeignMinisters’ Meeting was held in July 2021. It
is co-chaired by India and Cambodia.
• It noted the progress in the MGC Plan of Action 2019- 2022 implementation whichwas adopted in
the 10thMGC.
Bay of Bengal Initiative Formation Year: 1997 BIMSTEC to focus on connectivity; to adopt Bangkok vision 2030 at
for Multi-Sectoral Mandate: To create an enabling environment for rapid economic development, accelerate social next summit
Technical and Economic progress, and promote collaboration on matters of common interest in the Bay of Bengal region.
Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Members: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand. The Hindu
Headquarters: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
BBIN In 1996, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, formed the South Asian Growth Quadrangle to angladesh, India, Nepal move ahead on motor vehicle agreement
boost project
energy and power, trade and investment, transport, and tourism.
They requested ADB’s assistance. The Hindu
The addition of Maldives and Sri Lanka to this group lead to the creation of the SASEC Program,
leaving the
four-party idle.
In 2014, when SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement failed due to rejection by Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India,
and Nepal Initiative was formulated to push the agenda.
The landmark BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement was signed by Transport
Ministers of the BBIN in 2015.
It will allow seamless movement of passenger and cargo vehicles among
the four countries.
Bangladesh, India and Nepal have agreed on the operating procedures for passenger vehicle
movement in the sub-region under the MVA.
Bhutan did not ratify it, demanding a cap on vehicles entering its territory for some time.
• Three signatory countrieshave anyway agreed to start implementation of the MVA among them
Shanghai Cooperation Formation Year: 2001 (India became a full member in 2017) Diminishing returns: On India and its Shanghai Cooperation
Organisation (SCO) Mandate: Primarily focused on security, political, and economic cooperation in Eurasia. Organisation engagement
Members: China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and
Iran(Iran recently inducted in 2023). The Hindu
Headquarters: Beijing, China.

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Indian Ocean Rim Formation Year: 1997 How is the Indian Ocean Rim Association a key bloc for India?
Association (IORA) Members: Major countries like Australia, India, Indonesia, and South Africa, among others. It also
includes dialogue partners such as the United States, China, Japan, and others. The Hindu
Mandate: IORA’s primary focus is on facilitating and promoting economic cooperation, trade,
and cultural ties among the countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Its mandate encompasses
a wide range of areas including maritime security, trade and investment facilitation, fisheries
management, disaster risk management, academic and scientific cooperation, and tourism.
Headquarters: Ebene, Mauritius
Organization of the Mandate: OPEC+ is not a formal organization but a collaborative group that includes OPEC member OPEC+ countries announced a voluntary oil production cut of 1.16
Petroleum Exporting countries and additional oil-producing nations. The group’s primary goal is to regulate the supply of million barrels per day, which could impact the Indian economy,
Countries (OPEC+) oil in order to manage oil prices, often through coordinated production cuts or increases. heavily dependent on oil imports. OPEC+ is a group of oil-producing
Headquarters: OPEC+ doesn’t have a formal headquarters as it’s a collaborative group rather than countries that manage the global supply and prices of crude oil, and
a formalized institution. the recent production cuts aim to support market stability by raising
Date of Formation: The term “OPEC+” started being used around 2016 when OPEC began crude oil prices.
collaborating with non-OPEC oil-producing countries, notably Russia, to manage the oil market.
Members: OPEC+ includes the 13 OPEC members and 10 additional countries: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, The Hindu
Brunei, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Russia, South Sudan, and Sudan.
OPEC and OPEC+ play si
Organization of the Mandate: To coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure the Fifty years ago | OPEC will try to import more from India
Petroleum Exporting stabilization of oil markets.
Countries (OPEC) Formation: Founded in 1960. The Hindu
Founding Members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

Multilateral Organization/Groupings
Group of Seven (G7) The G7 (or Group of Seven) is an organisation made up of the world’s seven largest so-called Among the elite: On India at the G-7 summit
advanced economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United
States. The Hindu
It used to be known as the G8 (Group of Eight) until 2014 when Russia was excluded because it
annexed Crimea from Ukraine.
The 49th G7 summit was held from 19 to 21 May 2023 in the city of Hiroshima in Hiroshima

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G20 Formation:1999. India’s moment: on the G-20 Summit outcomes

G20 Participants: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia,
Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea , Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United The Hindu
Kingdom, the United States and the European Union (EU). African Union was inducted as a
permanent member in the recent 2023 New Delhi summit.

Read more at:

The G20 focuses on a broad agenda of issues of global importance, although, issues pertaining
to the global economy dominate the agenda, additional items have become more important in
recent years, like: Financial markets Tax and fi scal policy Trade Agriculture Employment Energy
Fight against corruption Advancement of women in the job market 2030 agenda for Sustainable
development Climate Change Global Health Anti-terrorism Inclusive entrepreneurship
OECD Formation Year: 1961 Presently, the OECD’s Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI)
Mandate: To promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people framework provides for sharing of financial account details among
around the world. signatory countries with an aim to check tax evasion
Members: 38 member countries primarily from Europe and North America, but also from South
America, Asia, and the Pacific. The Hindu
Headquarters: Paris, France.
Nuclear Suppliers Group Formation: The NSG was formed in 1974 in response to India’s nuclear test, which demonstrated India looks forward to joining the NSG, says External Affairs Minister
that nuclear technology transferred for peaceful purposes could be used to produce nuclear Jaishankar
Mandate: The NSG aims to prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials, The Hindu
equipment, and technology that can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons.
Member Countries: It has 48 member countries, including major nuclear suppliers like the United
States, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, and others.
Headquarters: The NSG does not have a formal headquarters. Meetings are held in different
member countries on a rotational basis.India, Pakistan, Israel and South Sudan have not signed the

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Organization for the Founded in 1997 Chemical and biological weapons: what international regulations
Prohibition of Chemical It is an independent, autonomous international organisation with a working relationship with the bind Russia?
Weapons UN.
HQ - The Hague, Netherlands The country had signed the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997,
It is the implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which entered into force agreeing to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons
in 1997.
It has 193 Member States working together to achieve a world free of chemical weapons. The Hindu
India signed the treaty in 1993.
It was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2013.
By the Relationship Agreement (2001) between the OPCW and the UN, the OPCW reports on its
and other activities to the UN through the office of the Secretary General.

FATF Formation Year: 1989 FATF team in India to hold on-site review meetings
Mandate: To set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory, and
operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related The Hindu
threats to the integrity of the international financial system.
Members: 39 members, including 37 member jurisdictions and 2 regional organizations (the
European Commission and Gulf Cooperation Council).
Headquarters: Paris, France.

Comonwealth Nation Purpose: The Commonwealth is a political association of mostly former territories of the British Will the future of the Commonwealth change?
Empire. It focuses on fostering international cooperation, democracy, human rights, and economic
development. The Hindu
Members: It includes 56 member states, most of which are former British colonies or
Headquarters: The Commonwealth Secretariat is located in Marlborough House, London, United
Structure: The Commonwealth operates through intergovernmental consensus of the member
states, coordinated by the Commonwealth Secretariat. The Head of the Commonwealth, a symbolic
position, was Queen Elizabeth II until her passing in 2022.

G4 Formation Year: The concept of the G4 nations advocating for UN Security Council reform became G4 countries highlight ‘urgent need’ for reform in U.N. Security
prominent in the early 2000s. Council
Mandate: The G4 nations are a group of countries seeking permanent seats on the United Nations
Security Council. Their primary objective is to support each other’s bids for permanent seats and The Hindu
advocate for Security Council reform.
Members: Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan.

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I2U2 Quadrilateral Formation Year: The concept emerged around 2021. I2U2 discusses building series of integrated agricultural facilities in
Grouping Headquarters: The I2U2 doesn’t have a formal headquarters as it’s a diplomatic grouping rather India
than a formalized institution.
Mandate: I2U2 stands for India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. This The Hindu
grouping is aimed at encouraging joint investments and cooperation in various sectors like water,
energy, transportation, space, health, and food security. It’s a platform for these countries to
collaborate on shared goals in the Middle East and Asia.
Forum for India Pacific Mandate: FIPIC is a multilateral forum aimed at enhancing India’s relationship with countries in the The third summit of FIPIC was held in Port Moresby, Papua New
Islands Cooperation Pacific Islands. It focuses on cooperation in areas such as climate change, economic development, Guinea, attended by PM Modi. FIPIC facilitates cooperation between
(FIPIC) health, and education. The forum serves as a platform for India and the Pacific Island nations India and the Pacific island countries, addressing shared challenges
to collaborate on common interests and challenges, particularly in the context of sustainable and promoting development.
development and climate change.
Headquarters: FIPIC doesn’t have a permanent headquarters as it’s a forum rather than a The Hindu
formalized institution.
Date of Formation: The first FIPIC Summit was held in 2014.
Members: Includes India and 14 Pacific Island countries - Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands,
Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Tonga,
Tuvalu, Niue, and Cook Islands.
International Seabed Mandate: The ISA is an organization established to regulate mineral-related activities in the The International Seabed Authority announced it will start accepting
Authority international seabed area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, essentially the ocean floor. Its applications for deep sea mining from July, despite the absence of a
main roles include regulating deep-sea mining and ensuring the marine environment is protected mining code. Deep-sea mining, aimed at extracting valuable metals
from any harmful effects that may arise from mining activities. from the ocean floor, raises concerns about potential damage to
Headquarters: Kingston, Jamaica. seabed ecosystems.
Date of Formation: Established in 1994, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea. The Hindu
Members: The ISA has 167 members, including 166 States and the European Union.
African Union (AU) Mandate: The AU is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the continent The African Union is set to join the G-20, mirroring the European
of Africa. Its mandate includes promoting unity and solidarity among African states, defending Union as a regional body within the group. This development is seen
the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its members, accelerating political and socio-economic as a significant achievement for the Indian Presidency in advancing
integration, and promoting peace, security, and stability on the continent. the Global South’s interests in the G-20.
Headquarters: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Date of Formation: July 9, 2002, succeeding the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which was The Hindu
established in 1963.

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International Solar Formation Year: 2015 The ISA’s General Assembly approved the ‘Solar Facility’, a payment
Alliance (ISA) Mandate: To promote solar energy for reducing dependency on fossil fuels and to combat climate guarantee mechanism, to stimulate investments in solar projects,
change. It aims to mobilize over $1 trillion in investments for massive deployment of solar energy particularly in underserved markets in Africa. The ISA aims to unlock
by 2030. US $1 trillion of investments in solar power by 2030 and reduce the
Members: Open to 121 countries, most of them being sunshine countries, which lie either cost of technology and financing.
completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Headquarters: Gurugram, India. The Hindu

Organization/Body to security and Defence

Quadrilateral grouping Formation Year: The concept originated in 2007 but was formally established in 2017. US secretary of state Blinken’s statement on journey of Quad since
It doesn’t have a formal headquarters as it’s a strategic dialogue between four countries: the 2017 in this article. Anyways Quadrilateral as a grouping remains in
United States, Japan, Australia, and India. news since few years. The Quad is a diplomatic network between
Mandate: The Quad is aimed at ensuring and supporting a “free, open, and inclusive” Indo-Pacific Australia, India, Japan and the United States that is maintained by
region. It focuses on collaborative efforts to ensure peace, stability, and prosperity in the region, talks between member countries. First initiated in 2007, During
with an emphasis on democratic values, maritime security, counter-terrorism, and other common the 2017 ASEAN Summits in Manila, all four former members led
interests. by Abe, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi, and US President Donald Trump agreed to
revive the quadrilateral alliance in order to counter China militarily
and diplomatically in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the
South China Sea.

The Hindu
Missile Technology Founded in 1987 Unguided missile: On a malfunction and Pakistan’s probe demand
Control Regime MTCR is an informal, non-treaty association of governments
sharing common interests in the non-proliferation of missiles, The Hindu
unmanned air vehicles, and related technologies.It aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and
other unmanned
delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and
nuclear attacks.
It has 35 members, which include most of the world’s key missile manufacturers, including India.
Pakistan is
not a member.

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