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Dr.Purna Chandra Mohapatra Sir,“The Living God Of Cuttack”,Served Internationally Since Decades.

Had No Ambition to join Politics like others to take it as main Source Of Income. 2024-05-21

There should Not be any Politics when Such A man of Eminence, In Reality a man Next to
. God. A Doctor Internationally Served. He Always Preferred to Give. When Junior Doctors
were Paid Rs. 200/- He was accepting (Rs. 20/- )Rs. 50/- and many times he did not take any
Fee. When operations were made @ 30000 /- Or, more He kept 8000/- to 10000/- and even
5000/- inclusive of Room rent and Even free. Interestingly with that little fee he His
had alogo-
research center of his own with all facilities. Again He gave a High-Tech Research Center
Ran by his own Money. He always sees patients till 2.00 a.m. and started his next day from
5.00 a.m. for 40 years or, more. With Many OTs he serves Hundreds till end.
Lets be with This Godly Man Keeping Apart Politics. An Appeal to All Political Parties & Voters.
There Should not be Any Politics when Dr. Purna Chandra Mohapatra Sir is a Candidate. The Godly
man who has already served throughout His Life, Needs another Level Of Support to serve still More.

In Politics we need IITians, Doctors, Engineers and other intellectuals to join. Here at Cuttack
in the hands of Dr. Purna Mohapatra Sir and his team many babies have come to earth making
Possible all impossibilities. This Godly man is worshiped by one and all mentioned above.
Dr. Purna Mohapatra Sir is an International Doctor who had made many Miracles. Many, who
would not have babies of their own, due to his research have got babies. Many have got babies
by artificial ways. Many Babies could see this world due to Dr. Purna Chandra Mohapatra Sir
who proved that impossibility of Birth is Possible with the knowledge and Best hands of Purna
Sir and his Team. The fastest operating Doctor with many Doctors as his Students.
Every Body knows that he is a great Doctor But his fee was as Low as Rs 20/-. He was
accepting fee of Rs.50 /-(many times No Fee) only when other New Junior Doctors of the
same trait were Charging Rs.200/- for a checkup. He is having his own research center. HE IS
A GOD of Miracles.
Now this opportunity Of Election has given we all a chance to be squirrels of his next
Movement of Enhancement of His Services.
If all, who have got any little Service, come out to street, then hope fully the road will be closed for hours.
Show your gratitude and bring the Best person irrespective of any Party.

I, The selfish person, got inspired by my 7 years old daughter Shrestha who with Full of
eagerness and zest, with full energy screams aloud," My Doctor - My Doctor”, when ever sees
The Hoarding or, Banner Of Dr. Purna Mohapatra Sir anywhere in the streets. If we all will be
with him without any Party Feeling, Our Godly Man will be there to Serve us further.

Wish Dr. Purna Mohapatra Sir, The Godly Man - all The Success.
Hindu-MUSLIM, Sikh yaa Ishaai or, any caste and creed, All have Got Blessings of Dr.
Purna Chandra Mohapatra Sir, “The Living God Of Cuttack" . Got A chance to Worship.
INTEREST”. May the God/Allah/Jesus declare u having no LIABILITIES on Earth.
Appeal All form All Parts Of Country and even Internationally who has received any Service from this
Godly Man – A cool – smiling- non irritating – never scolding – caring – understanding …. Person , Should
come out Supporting Dr. Purna Chandra Mohapatra Sir for the shake of service which he has already extended
since 40 or, more years. Hope all party workers should respect his extended services without a thought to join
politics. He had visions and has shown to the world what he, by accepting a little fee and is serving the whole
world. Bring this Novel / the real God whom we have seen ever In BODY/ Live. His innovations will also
a get a drastic Support to serve / preserve Human. NO PARTY POLITICS FOR SUCH PERSONALITIES.
If By paying Fees One Could Have Survived, Michel Jackson with 12 Doctors and Many teams would have survived till 150years.

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