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around us
Ethereal-dynamic approaches to
resolving the energy crisis

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around us
Ethereal-dynamic approaches to
resolving the energy crisis

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around us
Ethereal dynamic approaches to resolving
the energy crisis

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Second edition


UDC 530.3.
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V.A.Atsyukovsky. Energy is all around us. Ethereal-dynamic

approaches to resolving the energy crisis. Second edition. M.
Publishing house "Petit", 2009, 80 p.

The limitless possibilities of using the energy of the ether - a high-energy medium that
fills all cosmic space - are shown.

For anyone interested in the problems of energy resolution

economic crisis and energy prospects.

ISBN-978-5-85101-098-9 © Author
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1. Heat pumps
1.1. “Perpetual motion machine”, Principles of thermodynamics
and Thermal Death of the Universe…..…………………..……11
1.2. General physical invariants and their role in
natural science……………………………………………………….18 1.3.
Physical revolutions, ether and its role in nature......23
1.4. What are “heat pumps”?…………………………...27

2. Energy of vortices
2.1. Some information about curvilinear motion......32
2.2. Wood's box. Where do tornadoes and cyclones get their energy..39
2.3. Centrifugal pumps. Where do water bodies get their energy?
2.4. Where do ball lightning get its energy?…………….....51
3. Tesla Transformer
3.1. How to evaluate the energy of magnetic fields?…………......62
3.2. Fast-acting keys and etheric energy…….65
3.3. Tesla's double helix…………………………………..68
3.4. Tesla Transformer……...……………………………..70
3.5. Peculiarities of pulse formation in the primary circuit of a
Tesla transformer……………………………
3.6. Features of positive feedback and
regulation of energy flows……………….
3.7. Block diagram of the etherodynamic layout
energy generator……………………………………

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The state of energy in the modern world is alarming. Over the twentieth
century, the energy-to-labor ratio - an indicator of the consumed mechanical and
electrical energy replacing manual labor - already in 1976 exceeded the level of
1913 by 34 times; now this level is several hundred units. The energy availability of
countries is very uneven. For example, the US population is only 5% of the planet's
population, but the US consumes 50% of all energy produced on the planet, i.e.
Each US resident consumes energy on average 20 times more than the average
person on the planet. It must be taken into account that the world population
continues to increase, and in 2000 it was already more than 6.5 billion people. The
production of consumer goods requires more and more energy.

As is known, the main energy received by humans for production, transport and
heating is energy from the combustion of fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas. Old energy sources
such as peat and oil shale no longer occupy a dominant position in the energy sector, and
coal has almost been exhausted. Both oil and gas will soon be used up; the end is
expected in the coming decades. Their remnants are trying to appropriate developed

economic countries that had long spent their national resources and became energy
dependent on the countries of the “third world”: already in 1939-1945. 9/10 of the oil
reserves were in the “third world” countries, and today almost all the energy in developed
capitalist countries is provided by imported oil and gas.

At the same time, as it turned out recently, the combustion of fossil energy
resources at the expense of atmospheric oxygen can lead to catastrophic and
irreversible consequences due to
unacceptably high consumption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere, as well as sulfur and sulfur dioxide vapors
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acids and many others. The release of carbon dioxide can create the so-called
“greenhouse effect” and lead to overheating of the planet. Harmful gases can
poison not only the atmosphere, but also the soil and water.

The attempt to solve the energy problem through the use of nuclear power
plants cannot be considered completely successful. Firstly, there are no absolutely
safe nuclear power plant projects; the construction of some of them, for example,
the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a number of others,
was carried out without taking into account the geological situation, and this is
fraught with further disasters. Secondly, as it turned out, reserves of uranium ore
suitable for processing and use in nuclear reactors may also be depleted in the
near future, although somewhat more distant than oil and gas. And thirdly, there is
the problem of burying extremely harmful radioactive waste, which all countries
operating nuclear power plants have already faced. Therefore the problem remains.

The environmental problem of energy can be partially solved by using

renewable sources - forests, but their reserves are small, and their destruction
without complete reproduction, which is also characteristic of the present time, also
leads to disastrous environmental conditions.

In August 2007, they again remembered the “thermonuclear” - a method of
producing energy using thermonuclear fusion. We can agree that solving the
problem of thermonuclear fusion will also solve the energy problem. However, the
difficulties with stabilizing high-temperature plasma have not been overcome over
the past 50 years, and the assigned new deadline - an additional 50 years without
designating new ideas for stabilizing plasma does not give any confidence that the
energy problem will be solved along this path.
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The way out of this difficult situation is

the use of energy sources that are fundamentally inexhaustible, and in a way that will ensure
stabilization of the environment for almost any period of time. This means that it is necessary
to use devices capable of converting the energy contained in the environment into a form of
energy suitable for human use for practical purposes. At the same time, the circulation of
energy must be ensured: after use, all energy must be returned to nature and exactly in the
form in which it was removed from it. However, on the way to the implementation of this
undoubtedly beneficial idea there are barriers in the form of provisions established by science,
according to which this cannot be done in principle. One of them is the provisions of
thermodynamics, its First and Second principles. Attempts to create such devices have always
been equated with attempts to create perpetual motion machines
(perpetuum mobile - perpetual motion),

of which a great many were designed, but all of them did not work. In 1775, the French
Academy of Sciences
stopped considering perpetual motion projects, and in the mid-19th century, the
establishment of the Law of Conservation of Energy proved their fundamental impracticability
[1]. Since then, projects of this kind have been rejected by all serious scientists without
consideration. And everything would be in order here if these scientists did not confuse the
concepts and did not subsume systems under the concept of “perpetual motion machines”,
these engines do not

having nothing to do with it.

Currently, various inventors have proposed and partially implemented many projects in
which more energy is obtained than invested. Having confirmed this experimentally, the
inventors begin to argue about the injustice of the known laws of thermodynamics, called
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written in science by the “Principles of Thermodynamics”, according to which this

cannot be. The so-called “serious scientists” who, in order to preserve their prestige,
avoid considering the problem in every possible way, cannot answer this question.

Therefore, the time has come, if possible, to sort out this confusing issue and
try to put everything in its place. Then, perhaps, the problem of obtaining energy
from the environment will be solved.

It should be recalled that the problem of obtaining energy from the surrounding
space was once solved by the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla.

The great Serbian electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla was born in
1856 and worked until 1882 as an engineer at the Telegraph Society in Budapest,
from 1882 to 1884. in the Edison company in Paris, and then emigrated to the USA
and from 1884 worked at the Edison and Westinghouse factories.

During his life, Tesla invented many different electrical devices - multiphase
electrical machines, including asynchronous electric motors, energy transmission
systems via multiphase alternating current; in the USA he launched a number of
industrial electrical installations, including the Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station
(1895 ), the largest at that time. Since 1889, Tesla began researching high-
frequency currents and high voltages. He invented the first examples of high-
frequency electromechanical generators and a high-frequency transformer, called
the “Tesla transformer.” Under his leadership, a 200 kW radio station was built in
Colorado. During these same years, Tesla designed a number of radio-controlled
self-propelled mechanisms (“teleautomatic machines”), after 1900 he received many
patents for inventions in various fields of technology - an electric meter, a frequency
meter, a number of
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improvements in radio equipment, steam turbines and

Already during Tesla's life, legends circulated about him. Many of his
inventions did not work according to the rules created by that time in the theoretical
foundations of electrical engineering, which are still in effect today. In accordance
with these principles, Tesla's installations should not work at all, but they worked,
once again confirming that no theory reflects the entire diversity of natural

It was said that Tesla invented a car that

I drove without refueling with anything, drawing energy from nowhere. It was he
who was credited with the phenomenon of the Tunguska meteorite, which was
allegedly the result of his unsuccessful experiment in wireless energy transfer (the
remains of the meteorite were never found). And they also said that Morgan, the
American oil king, was extremely concerned about his success, perhaps because
obtaining energy from nothing (from the ether) called into question his oil income.
They say that Morgan took appropriate measures because Tesla's laboratory, which
Morgan had subsidized, suddenly ceased to exist, and until his death in 1943, Tesla
did nothing major.

The greatest mystery was his famous transformer, with the help of which Tesla
received voltages of up to 15 million (!) volts at frequencies of hundreds of kilohertz.
There is still no theory for this transformer. And the transformer itself looks somehow
unusual: the transformer does not have an iron core, its primary winding made of a
very thick wire is located outside, and the secondary winding is inside, a high-
frequency spark gap is included in the primary circuit, which must be adjusted in
resonance with the circuit formed primary winding and capacitor. In this transformer,
the transformation ratio is not observed, since the output voltage is significant
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significantly more than it follows from conventional calculations. But, who knows,
no one has ever checked all the parameters and made the necessary calculations,
since no one has created any methodology for this. And for the same reason, the
direction developed by Tesla did not develop, especially since the era of vacuum
technology had already begun, in which everything was clear.

However, today considerations have arisen that it would be necessary to

return to work similar to that carried out by N. Tesla. This is due to the emergence
of a new field of theoretical physics -
etherodynamics, which restored the idea of ether - a gas-like medium that fills the
entire world space. The ether turned out to be a gas, to which all the laws of
ordinary gas mechanics apply, and the first opportunity arose to consider from this
perspective the work of the Tesla transformer, which somehow draws energy from
the surrounding space. The preliminary experiments carried out indicate the
fundamental possibility of this. This is all the more likely because today there are
so-called heat pumps, or, more simply, ordinary refrigerators that draw energy
from the surrounding space and return it there, after heating the room. Their
efficiency is always and fundamentally greater than unity. Tesla's transformer is
probably a similar heat pump, but it draws its energy not from the river, as
conventional heat pumps do, but from the surrounding ether. And the schemes
turn out to be quite simple. Difficulties arise in selecting the modes of all
components of the circuit, and for this you need a theory, you need a laboratory
equipped with at least some instruments. And, most importantly, we need people
who would have the desire and patience to do such work. For now for free. But if
things start to work out, then...
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That is why the author of this brochure, who created ether-

dynamics, but does not have a laboratory, decided to share his thoughts
with lovers of such scientific adventures. But what if?

Chapter 1. Heat pumps

1.1. “Perpetual Motion Machine”, Principles of

Thermodynamics and Thermal Death of the Universe
In accordance with the classical definition, a perpetual motion
machine is a machine that, once put into motion, would perform useful
work for an indefinitely long time, without borrowing energy from the
outside. The last phrase “without borrowing energy from outside”
means that the energy contained in the environment is not used to
replenish the energy of the moving parts of the engine mechanism.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows examples of attempts to create perpetual

motion machines.

Rice. 1. Design options for a perpetual motion

machine: a) with a rolling closed chain; b) with rolling balls.

In these examples, it is assumed that some heavy body, completing

a closed path, returns to its original position, simultaneously performing
useful work. However, a heavy body in a mechanism not only performs
useful work;
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that, but also wastes energy on overcoming the friction of the mechanism. Therefore,
having spent the energy of the first shock on performing useful work and on heat
losses, the entire system of bodies inevitably stops.

In more complex structures, mechanical energy is converted into another form -

thermal, electrical, etc., but the essence remains the same: the energy of the primary
shock is used to perform useful work, and as it is consumed, the system stops. No
transformations can increase the total amount of energy in the system, and this is
generally accepted. Therefore, there will be no perpetual motion machines

can not.
The impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine was confirmed in the
mid-19th century by the formulations of the First and Second Principles of
Thermodynamics [2].
The first law of thermodynamics states that if a system undergoes a
thermodynamic cycle, i.e. returns to its original state, then the total amount of heat
imparted to the system during the cycle is equal to the work performed by it.

The first law of thermodynamics is essentially an expression of the law of

conservation of energy for systems in which thermal processes play a significant
role. Energy equivalence of heat and work, i.e. the possibility of measuring their
quantities in the same units and thereby the possibility of comparing them was
proven by the German physicist J.R. Mayer in 1842 and especially by the Englishman
J. Joule in 1843. The first principle of thermodynamics was formulated by Mayer, and
then in a much clearer form by the German physicist G. Helmholtz in 1847. The
above formulation is equivalent to a statement about the impossibility of creating a
perpetual motion machine of the 1st kind, since part of the energy by the system
will inevitably be lost in the form of heat.
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While prohibiting a perpetual motion machine of the 1st kind, the First Law of
Thermodynamics does not exclude the possibility of creating a continuous machine
that would be capable of converting almost all the heat supplied to it into useful
work, the so-called perpetual motion machine of the 2nd kind . However, all the
experience in designing heat engines available at the beginning of the 19th century

indicated that efficiency (coefficient of performance), i.e. the ratio of the work
received to the heat expended is always less than unity, because Some of the heat
inevitably dissipates into the environment. S. Carnot was the first to show in 1824
that this circumstance is of fundamental nature, since any heat engine must contain,
in addition to a heat source (heater) and a working fluid, for example, steam,
performing a thermodynamic cycle, also a refrigerator having a temperature,
necessarily lower than the heater temperature.

A generalization of Carnot’s conclusion to arbitrary thermodynamic processes

occurring in nature is given by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, to which the
German physicist R. Clausius gave the following formulation in 1850: heat cannot
spontaneously move from a system with a lower temperature to a system with a
higher one. temperature. Independently from Clausius and in a slightly different
form, this principle was expressed by W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin): it is impossible to
build a periodically operating machine, all of whose activity would be reduced to
lifting a certain load, i.e. to the performance of mechanical work and the
corresponding cooling of the thermal reservoir.

Despite the qualitative nature of this statement, it leads to far-reaching

quantitative consequences, for example, it allows us to determine the maximum
possible efficiency of a heat engine. But the most impressive conclusion
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from the Second Law of Thermodynamics turned out to be the so-called Thermal
Death of the Universe [3]. The idea of the
Heat Death of the Universe was formulated in 1865 by R. Clausius, having
analyzed the consequences to which the Second Law of Thermodynamics leads.
Since heat cannot spontaneously transfer from a less heated body to a more heated
one, and any energy transformations are accompanied by thermal losses, then one
day all temperatures in the Universe will equalize and all processes will stop. Heat
death will occur. There is a thermodynamic paradox, since the Universe must exist
forever. Because if there is an End, then there was a Beginning. And then how did
it come into being, not as a result of the Big Bang or Divine creation? Clausius'
message about the inevitability of the Heat Death of the Universe caused an
incredible stir among both physicists and ordinary people. Numerous attempts have
been made to refute Clausius's conclusions. L. Boltzmann, for example, put forward
the fluctuation hypothesis, according to which the Universe,
although it is always in some thermodynamic equilibrium, but by chance
continuously fluctuates, so processes continue all the time. Supporters of Einstein's
Theory of Relativity put forward another version, according to which Clausius's
conclusion is contradicted by the fact (?!) of the expansion of the Universe, born as
a result of the “Big Bang” of a singular point in which the entire mass of the future
Universe was concentrated. The mass of the Universe after the Explosion began to
fly in all directions at superluminal speed, since after a few milliseconds it began to
have dimensions of several light years (?!), which completely contradicts the very
theory of relativity, which prohibits any movement with superluminal speeds.
speeds. But today it is believed that the recession of the Universe is allegedly
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the observed “Redshift” of the spectra of distant galaxies. The Universe is

expanding and therefore is always in a non-stationary state. Therefore, there will
be no Heat Death. The possibility of explaining the “Redshift” in other ways, of
which there are many, is not considered by relativists. And the fact that the very
idea of the “Big Bang” contradicts the foundations of the Theory of Relativity itself
is ignored by relativists.

It is difficult to recognize such “explanations” as satisfactory. In the first case,

it is assumed that everything is subject to chance without any reason. The
consequences of such an “explanation” are of a very vague nature, because it is
not clear how these random fluctuations are realized in the Universe to maintain it
in a working state; Boltzmann did not indicate this anywhere.

In the second case, the Theory of Relativity itself, which supposedly “explains”
the paradox, raises doubts, because this “theory” itself has so many postulates
and inconsistencies that only teachers of this discipline cannot see this. In fact,
“Redshift” has dozens of very different explanations that have nothing to do with
the expansion of the Universe, for example, the loss of energy by photons during
their journey across the expanses of the Universe, which is why the photons
themselves expand and increase wavelength. This assumption is in full agreement
with the theory of gas vortices, which gives rise to assumptions about the structure
of the photons themselves as a system of ethereal vortices.

Therefore, we have to admit that “serious” scientists have not yet come up with
a satisfactory solution to the thermodynamic paradox. True, they increasingly talk
about the need to combine science and religion, to which all the hitherto
unexplained effects could be attributed, and they even organize joint conferences
with the church.
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rations (for example, “serious scientists” of the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical
University succeeded in this...
Today it has become clear to many that ideas about the essence of the
efficiency factor and, accordingly, ideas about a perpetual motion machine need to
be adjusted.

In fact, the efficiency of any device should be considered the ratio of the
amount of energy received, useful from the point of view of the goal set , to the
amount of energy expended for this purpose . And the magnitude of this efficiency
will depend both on the goal set and on the method of achieving this goal. If the
goal is to obtain mechanical work using a thermal installation, then, as is rightly
defined by thermodynamics, the efficiency
will always and in principle be less than unity. However, if the goal is to obtain
thermal energy through forced heat transfer from a cold body to a heated one,
then the efficiency will always and in principle be greater than unity. All refrigerators
have an efficiency greater than one, since they not only release the energy they
take from the network as heat, but also add heat taken from the refrigerator
compartment to it. And since there is more heat energy at the output than at the
input, the temptation arises to close the system. True, no one has yet managed to
do this, but maybe this is temporary?

The purpose of this book is to change ideas about the fundamental impossibility
of creating perpetual motion machines, i.e. devices that generate useful energy by
turning to the external environment. All such devices must operate on the principle
of so-called heat pumps, and many such devices have already been created. But in
many cases, the authors themselves have no idea from what reservoir of energy
they draw it. Therefore, the book makes an attempt to explain this circumstance
from the standpoint of
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the emerging new field of physics - ether dynamics, which has a great future.

2. General physical invariants

and their role in natural science
The result of any physical experiment is the dependence of some physical
quantities on others. The purpose of the experiment, as a rule, is to obtain these
functional dependencies of physical quantities from each other. In this case, some
of them are taken as arguments, i.e. for independent quantities that are invariant
with respect to all others, and others for variables, i.e. for functions of these invariant
quantities that act as arguments, and often this is done without proper justification.

In addition, in any experiment there are some quantities that are not explicitly
taken into account, which are assumed to be either unchanged or not to affect the
course of the research, which is also not always obvious.

As an example of what can result from neglecting the justification of the

invariance of quantities, we can cite Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity [4, 5].

As is known, when creating the Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein based it

on five postulates (and not two, as written in textbooks). The first postulate was the
absence of ether in the nature, which has not been confirmed experimentally (all
statements about the “zero” result of Michelson’s experiments are lies [6]), and if
not for this, then the Theory of Relativity could not have appeared on the planet at

light. But its mathematical justification was the postulates about the constancy of
the speed of light and the constancy of the four-dimensional interval in which time
is connected with space through the same speed of light. Neither Einstein nor
anyone else has any justification for this. These are postulates
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those. provisions accepted as the basis of a theory without proof

Thus, these two physical quantities are taken as invariants in the Special
Theory of Relativity. The consequence of them was the so-called “Lorentz
transformations”, obtained by Lorentz in 1904, i.e. a year before Einstein created
the Theory of Relativity and based on the presence of absolutely motionless ether
in nature [8]. And already a consequence of the Lorentz transformations in the
Special Theory of Relativity was the dependence of the mass, size of bodies and
time on the speed of movement of the body. If other quantities had been accepted
as invariants, for example, mass, space and time, then the conclusions would have
been completely different, and the speed of light would not necessarily be constant,
and no one would even remember about the four-dimensional interval. Therefore,
the responsibility of the researcher for the formulation of the initial invariants is very
great. And it is even more great when determining universal physical invariants that
apply to all natural science. In this regard, the speed of light, i.e. a particular property
(speed) of a particular phenomenon (light) cannot in any way be recognized as
universal. The same applies to the four-dimensional interval in which the speed of
light connects spatial and time coordinates.

In fact, only such physical quantities, or more precisely, physical

categories that are present in all material objects, interactions and
physical phenomena, can be accepted as universal physical
invariants. Such categories are matter (all objects of the universe
and all phenomena are material), space

(everything happens in space) and time (all processes take place

in time). And, consequently, only these categories can act as
general physical invariances.
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ants, they are always argumentative and can never be functions of any particular
phenomenon [9, p. 33].
And the existence of matter in space and time is movement, and mechanical
movement , for the movement of material bodies in space and time is


This means, firstly, that any theories in which the indicated categories are not
considered invariant, fundamentally do not correspond to physical reality and,
therefore, are not correct, they include not only A. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
itself , but also its numerous modernizations (for example, the theories of Logunov,
Shipov, in which space is “curved”, Kozyrev’s theory, in which time is discrete, and
some others), any theories that exclude any of the listed categories or attribute they
have new properties (for example, Bartini’s theory, in which time is three-
dimensional), and secondly, that the basis of all physical processes, including the
so-called fundamental interactions - strong and weak nuclear, electromagnetic and
gravitational, must be mechanical processes, which can occur at deep levels of the
organization of matter. And if official science still has not understood this, then these
are its shortcomings, and not at all the principle of the structure of nature.

Being invariants, matter, space and time can in no way be created or destroyed,
and, therefore, motion can in no way be created or destroyed, it can only be
transformed from one form to another, from potential form, useless for applied
use, for example, atmospheric pressure or extracted fuel into a useful form - heat,
electricity, light, mechanical work through appropriate transformation. At the same
time, the total amount of motion of matter, including all
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possible losses not used for practical purposes are always the same. In this sense,
the efficiency of any process is equal to one. But in fact, the efficiency coefficient
reflects only the relative proportion of energy that is used in a given applied purpose, and
it is defined as the ratio of the energy useful for the given purpose to that which was
expended for this purpose. And if more energy is expended than received, then the
efficiency is less than one, and if more energy is received than expended, then the
efficiency is greater than one. And the overall balance of energy is always the same, the
ratio of energy received, taking into account losses, to energy expended is always equal

but only one.

In this regard, there is no need to argue with the validity of the Principles of
Thermodynamics, as some inventors do, because these Principles are correct. The
conclusions that some “serious scientists” draw from them are incorrect, since in each
case it is necessary to consider the problem in its entirety, and not just what lies on the
surface. And then the conclusions may be different.

However, every specific process has a beginning and has

end. Engels writes about this:
“...And so we returned again to the view of the great founders of Greek philosophy
that all nature, starting from its smallest particles to the greatest bodies, starting from
grains of sand and ending with the suns, is in eternal arising and disappearing, in a
continuous flow , in constant movement and change." [F. Enegels. Dialectics of nature.
M.: IPL. 1969, p.15.]

But this does not mean at all that the movement as such can arise or be destroyed.
Movement is eternal, only its form changes, which in fact in each specific case has a
specific expression and, accordingly, a specific beginning and a specific end. This is
usually related
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with the transition of forms of motion from internal to external, for example, from
thermal, i.e. chaotic movement of molecules of bodies (micro level) into the
movement of the same or other bodies (macro level), or, conversely, from the
movement of bodies (macro level) into thermal forms (micro level). But there may
be others.

1.3. Physical revolutions, ether and its role in

There is a somewhat misleading idea in modern science about what physical
revolutions are. Most often, physical and other similar revolutions are associated
with the names of great people who significantly changed humanity’s ideas about
the nature around it. Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish scientist, at one time changed
ideas about the structure of the world, replacing the geocentric system with a
one, thereby producing a revolution in the minds of people, and this, according
to many, is a revolution in the universe.

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky made a revolution in geometry, creating the so-

called non-Euclidean geometry, according to which through one point lying in the
same plane as a straight line, at least two lines parallel to it can be drawn that do
not coincide with each other.

Albert Einstein created the Special Theory of Relativity, which denies the
presence of ether in nature, and the General Theory of Relativity, which affirms
the presence of ether in the same nature, and thereby made a revolution in the
minds of people, introducing ideas about the Big Bang or the Beginning of the
Universe, the curvature of space , time dilation and other concepts that cannot be
fundamentally verified. This is a revolution in natural science.
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This is what official science believes. However, this is not entirely

Yes, because all this is subjective.
In fact, physical revolutions are transitions in natural science to ever deeper
levels of the organization of matter. Each such transition not only organizes the
accumulated knowledge, but also opens up fundamentally new directions of
research and, most importantly, new

technological capabilities.

There were five such revolutions in total [10, p. 10; 11, p. 44].
It is advisable to consider the first revolution to be the transition from nature
as a whole to substances, which was most fully formulated by Aristotle in the 4th
century BC. Substances meant “earth” (solid), “water” (liquid), “air” (gas) and “fire”
(energy), i.e. aggregative states of matter. This made it possible to divide nature
into certain processes and provided the basis for philosophy as a new method of
thinking. The second revolution should be considered the introduction of
substances into consideration. The German physician Paracelsus (Philip von
Hohenheim) was especially
successful here, believing that the cause of disease was an incorrect
combination of substances in the body. He actually gave birth to pharmacology,
which made it possible to cure, although not everyone, but many. This happened in
the 16th century.

The third revolution was the transition to corpuscles (according to

Lomonosov), elements (according to Lavoisier), the minimal part of which was later
called a molecule (small mass). In fact, this happened in the 18th century, and it
gave a powerful
impetus to chemistry and chemical technology.

The fourth revolution was the transition to the atom (Dalton, 1824), and this
gave rise to electricity. Here it is fair to mention the names of Davy, Volt, Ampere,
Faraday and many other devotees of electricity and chemistry, from which electricity
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The fifth revolution was the transition to “elementary particles” of matter; this is
already the 20th century. This was formalized by Rutherford’s model of the atom (1911),
the discovery of the proton, electron and neutron, artificial radioactivity (Curie, 1934), and
later by the massive discovery of elementary particles, the number of which increased
exponentially with the introduction of new synchro-phasotrons, crushing atoms into all kinds
of fragments. However, this led to nuclear technology.

Each such transition was actually the introduction into consideration of a new,
increasingly deeper building material; the previous level of organization of matter turned
out to be just a combinatorics of this material: matter - a combinatorics of molecules,
molecules - a combinatorics of atoms, atoms - a combinatorics of elementary particles.
This made it possible to resolve accumulated paradoxes and contradictions, put the
accumulated material in order and open new avenues of research. These are true physical
revolutions in natural science.

Of course, the change from geocentric ideas to heliocentric ones, produced by

Copernicus, can also be considered as a revolution, but this revolution is still of a private
nature, it concerns astronomy and has practically little to do with the general progressive
development of natural science necessary for social production. And the revolutions made
by Lobachevsky in geometry and Einstein in natural science are not revolutions at all, but
counter-revolutions, since they do not bring us closer to the knowledge of real reality, but
move us away from


Transitions to a new, deeper level of organization of matter are real revolutions that
contribute to
development of natural science, they lead to new technologies and affect all production.
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Today we are experiencing the stage of exhaustion of the achievements of the

fifth natural science revolution. Over the past decades, the number of scientific
discoveries has decreased, theoretical physics has actually turned into mathematical
physics, there are almost no new ideas, and those that appear do not find
understanding among “serious scientists” who are still trying from “well established
laws" to get something new on the paths of mathematical combinatorics. In fact, a
typical situation has now emerged: elementary particles turned out to be not
elementary at all, their number ranges from 200 to 2000
depending on what you count, they are all capable of transforming into each
other, and even a physical vacuum ( not an empty void)

capable of generating such particles from fields. And this means that all these
particles consist of the same building material, which is contained in the entire world
space, i.e. from the ether, which modern “science” rejected at the beginning of the
20th century.

It has now been established that the ether is a thin gas that has all the properties
of an ordinary real one, i.e. viscous and compressible gas. Its density in near-Earth
space is 8.85.10–12 kg/m3
, despite
for such a low density, the pressure in it is 1037 Pa, and the energy content is 1037
J/ m3 , and this is the big one
perspective for future energy.
It should be recalled that energy consumption by humanity for all needs -
industrial, transport, household, research, military, etc. composes according to
estimates range from 1020 to 1022 Joules per year, and if it were possible to
harness the energy of at least one cubic meter of ether, then this energy would be
enough for humanity for many billions of years. But almost no one is doing this,
because modern “scientists” consider this direction not scientific...
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1.4. What are “heat pumps”?

Refrigerating machines or simply refrigerators, invented at the beginning of the 19th century
by the Englishman J. Leslie, and then improved by the Frenchman F. Carré and the German F.
Windhausen, cast a shadow on the universal justice of the Principles of Thermodynamics not in
the sense of their injustice, but in the sense of the resulting of which are statements about the
fundamental impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine.

As you know, every refrigerator has a refrigeration or even a freezer compartment, from
which heat is forcibly removed and transferred to an environment that has a higher temperature.
It turns out that heat is taken from a colder body and transferred to a hotter body with the help
of a refrigerant circulating between them - a liquid that can turn into steam and thereby take
away heat, and then turn into liquid again in another place, and thereby giving off heat. True,
this liquid must be forced to circulate using a special circulation pump, and therefore the word
“spontaneously”, which is in the formulation of the Second Principle, has nothing to do with it.
Still, not spontaneously, but forcibly

Actually, this changes things somewhat.

The block diagram of the refrigerator is shown in Fig. 2 [12].

Rice. 2. Block diagram of the refrigerator

1 - freezer; 2 – heater that releases thermal energy into the environment; 3 –
refrigerant circulating between the freezer and heater; 4 – pump that circulates the
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As already indicated above, the movement of matter cannot be created or

destroyed in any way. In the given example, the refrigerator consumes from the
network in the amount necessary to drive the pump pumping the refrigerant, and
on the air heater it releases this energy plus that which it forcibly takes from the
refrigerator compartment and the products located in it. The overall energy
balance is maintained, but the efficiency here in terms of heat release is always
greater than unity. If the goal is not to heat the room with the help of a refrigerator,
but to lower the temperature of the products stored in it, then the efficiency turns
out to be negative, because the temperature in the refrigerator compartment drops
and heat is removed. This once again demonstrates the need to clarify the very
concept of efficiency -

coefficient of efficiency (for the intended purpose) of action.

Thus, more energy is released on the heater, which is the output of the
refrigeration machine, than was expended to ensure the circulation of the
refrigerant. And this means that the efficiency of any refrigerator is greater than
one. In some cases, it is 3-4 and even 5. And this is very profitable, because if you
place the freezer in a river, lake or ocean, and place the heater in the house, then
you can take energy from water 3-4 times more than if you directly heat the room
with a simple stove. This has long been used all over the world and is called “heat
pumps”. And even a theory has been developed according to which heat pumps
operate without in any way violating the principles of thermodynamics.

But here the temptation arises to close the system and make the refrigeration
machine work forever without any artificial supply of energy to it. Why not? After
all, it is possible that the excess energy
released on a heater having a higher temperature
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juicer than the freezer, use to start the pump (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Modernized refrigerator circuit with short circuit

systems that turn a refrigerator into a perpetual motion machine: 1 - freezer; 2 –
heater that releases thermal energy into the environment; 3 – refrigerant circulating between the
freezer and heater; 4 – pump that circulates the coolant; 5 – feedback device that converts the
heater energy into energy for the refrigerant pump.

Then, after the first shock, the entire system will begin to move and will not
only pump coolant through the pipes, but also supply free energy to the heating
premises! How good! But for this it is necessary that the excess energy be large
and that the product of this excess and the efficiency of the pump be greater than
unity. In short, it is necessary that more energy be released than the pump
consumes. But this is not yet possible.

And although numerous heat pumps of various designs have been built all over
the world, which is very beneficial for power engineers, no one has yet succeeded
in closing the system so that it can work forever.

However, to date there has still not been a theorist who would prove the
fundamental impossibility of closing the refrigeration system and transferring it, so
to speak, to self-service in order to perform the task of pumping heat from a colder
river to a warmer room. And therefore, attempts to create such a closed system
continue, and perhaps they will be crowned with success. This
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can be expected, because it is not the one who achieves success

who knows that this cannot be done, and those who do not know this,
and that's why he does it. The history of inventions confirms this.
Here you should pay attention to one circumstance. Currently, many devices
have been invented in which efficiency, i.e. the ratio of energy released to
energy expended is greater than one. Many of them are patented, many are
implemented in the form of working samples. And almost all the authors of these
devices cannot explain where they get additional energy from. Without understanding
the physical essence of the processes they use, they try to question the existing
physical laws. This path is a dead end, because, firstly, these laws are true, and
secondly, the authors, without understanding the processes they use, deprive
themselves of the opportunity to improve their devices. In fact, in their attempts to
explain the effects they obtained, they simply do not take into account all the
circumstances. And most often, they do not take into account the presence of ether
surrounding their installations, from which these devices draw additional energy. It
is the formation of ethereal
vortices in the space surrounding the device, and then their absorption, that
makes it possible to explain all the effects associated with an increase in the
energy at the output of these devices compared to the energy they received at the

Chapter 2. Energy of vortices

2.1. Some information about curvilinear motion


There are many methods for converting energy from one form to another. This
includes the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical movement in thermal
power units.
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innovations, for example, in steam locomotives and steamships, the conversion of

water and air flows into electrical energy in hydro turbines and wind generators,
and the conversion of solar energy into electricity in selenium cells and many
others. But there is another purely mechanical method of converting the energy of
translational motion of bodies into their own rotational motion, which, on the one
hand, is known to everyone, on the other, which has not yet been given due
attention. In order to understand why it deserves special attention, it should be
recalled that in mechanics there are three laws of conservation of motion.

The first conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Quantity of Motion. Its
formulaic expression

K = mv = const

where m is the mass of the body, and v is the speed of its movement.
Previously, this law was called the law of conservation of living force, and later
physicists called it the law of conservation of momentum, since there is a relation

K = mv = FT = P (force impulse),

where F is the force of influence on a mass or masses on another body, and T

is the time of influence. There is doubt about the fairness of such a renaming,
since a flying body has mass and speed, but there is no force or time of its
interaction with another body, and no one knows when they will appear. Therefore,
the expression “impulse of force” corresponds to the idea that the very fact of the
existence of this mass flying in space takes place only insofar as it can interact with
someone. And if there is no such observable interaction, then

whether a mass exists in reality or not, it doesn’t matter

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because it cannot be observed. And this leads to great philosophical consequences.

But the Law of Conservation of Momentum actually manifests itself during the
interaction of bodies, but only during their elastic collision. Bodies exchange
quantities of motion, i.e. impulses and scatter, each taking with it its share of
momentum, the sum of which remains unchanged before and after the collision.
This is the Law of Conservation of Momentum, also known as the Law of
Conservation of Momentum. The second Law of Conservation is the Law of
Conservation of Energy.

Its formulaic expression

W= —— = const

and it differs mainly from the previous one in that the speed of movement of the
body in it is squared. This law is observed for all types of interactions, both elastic
and inelastic.

In the middle of the 19th century, there was a long-term fierce debate between
natural scientists about what type of “living force” should be measured by motion -
the product of mass and speed, or energy, i.e. the product of half the mass and the
square of the velocity, since there were both such and such cases. By “living force”
different scientists understood different measures of movement. Physicists then
could not resolve this dispute, and the philosopher Friedrich Engels intervened in
the matter, who in his famous work “Dialectics of Nature” in the section “Measure
of motion - work” showed that both measures of motion are fair, but only one of
them – the quantity of motion is valid for indestructible movement, and the second
is energy –

for the destroyed, i.e. turning into heat [13].

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Engels writes: “In one word, mv is mechanical

physical movement, measured by mechanical movement,
mv²/2 is the same mechanical movement, but measured by its ability to transform
into a certain amount of another form of movement. And we saw that both of these
measures, however, do not contradict each other, since they are of a different
nature” [13, p.77].

Since then they have been used in this way, often, however, forgetting that
energy is a measure of the reserve of motion that can be converted into heat.
Engels writes: “... through
mv “motion transmitted and modified by mechanical devices” is measured, thus
this measure is applicable to the lever and all forms derived from it, wheels, screws,
etc. in short, to all mechanical devices that transmit movement. But one simple and
not at all new reasoning shows that here, to the same extent that mv is valid, mv2 is
also valid

. Let us take some mechanical device in which the

lever arms are in a ratio of 4:1 to each other, in which, therefore, a load of 1 kg
balances a load of 4 kg. By applying a completely insignificant additional force to
one shoulder, we can lift 1 kg 20 m; the same additional force, then applied to the
other arm, will lift 4 kg by 5 m, and, moreover, the weight receiving the advantage
will fall at the same time that the other load will need to lift it. Masses and velocities
here are inversely proportional to each other: mv, 1x20 = m'v', 4x5. If we allow each
of the loads - after they have been lifted - to freely fall to the original level, then a load
of 1 kg, having traveled a distance of 20 m, will acquire a speed of 20 m/s (we
assume here the acceleration of gravity equal in round numbers to 10 m/s2 instead
of 9.81 m/s2 );

Another load of 4 kg, having covered a distance of 5 m, acquired

tet speed is 10 m/s.
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mv2 = 1x20x20 = 40 = m'v' 2= 4x10x10 = 400.

On the contrary, the times of fall are different here: 4 kg travel 5 m in 1 second,
and 1 kg travel 20 m in 2 seconds. It goes without saying that we have neglected
the influence of friction and air resistance here.

But after each of both bodies has fallen from its height, its
movement stops. Thus, mv turns out to be a measure of what is
simply transferred, i.e. continuing movement, and mv2 turns out to
be a measure of the disappeared mechanical movement” [ibid., p.
But there is a third law of conservation - the Law of Conservation
angular momentum, expressed as

L = mvR = const,

and it is valid for cases when the mass moves along a trajectory with a variable
radius R. But here, however, some difficulties
arise. Let's imagine that a body is moving along a curve with a changing radius,
for example, a ball moving along a chute with variable curvature (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Movement of the ball along a curved groove with variable curvature

If the radius of the trajectory decreases, then, according to the law of

conservation of angular momentum, the speed should increase in inverse proportion
to the ratio of the radii:
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v2 = v1——

But then the laws of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy

are violated, because it is not visible that energy is supplied to a body moving
along a trajectory.
If the speed is conserved, then both laws are satisfied, but then the law of
conservation of angular momentum is violated. What should I do?

However, it turned out that movement along a curved trajectory can be carried
out in two ways - with and without energy supply, and these are completely different
(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Movement of a body along a curved path: a)

around a cylinder; b) around a fixed center;
c) section of the lower part of the tornado.
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If a body moves around a cylinder, held by a thread wound around the cylinder,
then the center of the circle moves along the cylinder and the radius decreases
(Fig. 5a). In this case, the thread is always tense, and the body rotates around the
center located on the surface of the cylinder. Here the angle between the trajectory
of the body and the thread is 90°, and there is no projection of the tension force of
the thread onto the trajectory, because of this there is no acceleration of the body,
although the radius of the trajectory changes! In the same way, it will change when
the ball rolls along a groove with a variable radius, and at the same time the speed
of the ball will change in direction, but not in magnitude. Because additional energy
is not supplied to it.

If a body moves around a constant center of rotation, then the movement will
occur along a curve with a constant radius, then the trajectory of the body is a
circle, because only a circle is a curve with a constant radius, there are no others.
In this case, the angle between the trajectory of the body and the thread is 90°,
the force holding the thread does not give any projection onto the trajectory. And
if in this case there are no energy losses, and the body is already moving, then it
can rotate around the center for as long as desired, and its speed will be constant
(Fig. 5b). If, as the mass moves around a fixed center, the thread is pulled, the
radius will begin to decrease, and the angle between the trajectory and the thread
will become smaller, not 90°. Then the force with which the thread is pulled will
project onto the trajectory, and the mass will begin to accelerate. Thus, the
acceleration of the mass occurs due to the energy that the person pulling the thread
puts into moving the mass towards the center. An example of this is a speed skater
who spins on the ice by first throwing his arms out to the sides and then pulling
them towards himself.

The calculation shows that with this method of reducing the radius, not only is
the Conservation Law exactly satisfied
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moment of momentum, but also the laws of conservation of

momentum and energy, since energy is added by an external source,
the one that pulls the thread.
Thus, it turns out to be possible to convert the tension energy of the thread into
the energy of rotation of the body around the center. Today it has become clear
that it is precisely this mechanism that underlies the energy of gas vortices (Fig.
5c), and this is a great prospect for energy.

2.2. Wood's box. Where do tornadoes and cyclones

get their energy from?
To check the fact of compressibility of gas vortices, it was
the so-called Wood's box was made.
Wood's box is an ordinary box of the type in which parcels are
packed, but instead of a lid, an elastic membrane is installed on it,
and a hole with a diameter of 5-6 cm is drilled in the bottom. A “smoke-
box” is placed inside, i.e. something that can create smoke, such as
a smoldering comb (Fig. 6).

1 2 3
Rice. 6. Formation of a gas toroidal vortex using a Wood box: 1 – stage of compression of the toroid;
2 – stage of toroid expansion (diffusion); 3 –
stage of toroid collapse.
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A sharp blow to the membrane leads to the release of a ring vortex from the opening
of the box. To clarify the features of the formation of a vortex, it is advisable to launch a
vortex along the wall on which the stripes are drawn. The vortex moves along the wall,
and it is clear that its movement consists of three stages.

Stage 1 – after leaving the hole, the toroidal vortex reduces its size; this is the main
process. As the vortex contracts, its energy increases.

Stage 2 – the vortex increases its size and slows down its speed. Here the energy
accumulated by the toroidal vortex is wasted.

Stage 3 – the vortex stops and collapses (diffuses). Here the weakened boundary
layer is no longer able to withstand centrifugal forces and diffusion of the vortex occurs.

Thus, this experiment, which any schoolchild can conduct, confirms that at the initial
stage, gas vortices are compressed by the surrounding atmosphere and, therefore,
accumulate energy: atmospheric pressure is converted into the kinetic energy of the
vortex. The assumption was confirmed.

As you know, tornadoes and typhoons appear on the globe from time to time, which
are air vortices that destroy everything in their path - forests, cities and villages, draining
swamps and lifting cows and frogs into the sky. Cyclones often appear - zones of low
pressure, which are also air vortices. Cyclones move across the surface of the Earth,
bringing with them hurricanes, rain and snowstorms. Noteworthy is the fact that cyclones,
and especially tornadoes and typhoons, have great strength and, therefore, carry a lot of
energy. The question arises, where did they get it from?

Several circumstances related to natural air vortices have been established. All of
them have compacted
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walls and reduced pressure in the center, in cyclones - by 10-

20%. The speed of movement of air masses in vortices is a noticeable fraction of
the speed of sound - up to half its value, i.e. about 150 and even 200 meters per
second, although this is only in tornadoes and typhoons. But even in cyclones, wind
speeds can be 20–30 m/s, and this is already a hurricane. The cyclones themselves
move along the surface of the earth at a speed of 50-60, sometimes up to 100 km/
h. This means that the speed of their movement is comparable to the speed of air
movement in the cyclone itself. And the air flows in all these formations - tornadoes,
typhoons and cyclones move along a helical trajectory.

Studies of air vortices have shown that they all have a tubular structure, in which
the walls of the vortex are compacted, the central part is rarefied, and the walls
rotating at high speed are separated from the environment by a boundary layer
(Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Cylindrical gas vortex: cross section of the vortex (a); gas density
distribution (b); diagram of tangential velocities (c); dependence of the angular
velocity of gas rotation in a vortex on radius (r)
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In this layer there is a transition from a relatively low air density in the space surrounding
the vortex to a significantly higher air density in the body of the vortex. In the boundary layer,
the temperature also transitions from relatively high in the medium to lower in the body of the

In accordance with gas mechanics, the gradient of gas flow velocity, i.e. the ratio of the
difference in flow velocities to the distance between flows also leads to a redistribution of gas
pressure inside the boundary layer.

As the central air flow swirls, the centrifugal force will begin to expel air molecules from
the center to the periphery, and the pressure in the center of the vortex will begin to decrease.
As the pressure decreases, the external pressure will begin to tighten the vortex, and its
diameter will begin to decrease. Then, according to

in accordance with the law of constancy of the moment of momentum

As soon as possible, the rotation speed will begin to increase, and the pressure in the center
will decrease even more. There will be an avalanche reduction in the diameter of the vortex
and a corresponding increase in the linear speed of movement of air masses along its periphery,
inversely proportional to the ratio of the diameters of the vortex at the beginning and end of
the process. And if the initial diameter of the vortex was 1 km, and at the end of the process it
was only 10 m, that is, the diameter was reduced by 100 times, then the gas flow speed will
increase by 100 times, and the energy by 10 thousand times. If the initial speed of the side
wind was only 1 m/s, then the speed of the vortex wall at the end of the process will be 100 m/
s, and this is already the speed of a hurricane.

It turns out that the formation of a vortex by the Earth’s atmosphere occurs spontaneously,
and at the same time, the potential energy of the air pressure surrounding the vortex is
converted into the kinetic energy of rotation of the vortex. This process, which undoubtedly
exists in nature, is completely counter-intuitive.
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speaks to the ideas of the Principles of Thermodynamics, if considered in a local

However, that's not all.
Retention of compacted gas in a localized space is possible only if its
temperature decreases. The fact of a decrease in temperature in air vortices and
in gradient air flows in general is widely confirmed. This includes icing of the aircraft
during flight, icing of the air intakes, and the formation of hail in tornadoes, throwing
it out horizontally in a wide fan. But then the question arises of where the energy
of the thermal movement of the gas that forms the tornado goes. And the answer
is: it is converted from thermal energy into translational energy of the gas flows of
the walls of the tornado. The speed of each gas molecule retains its value, but is
redistributed in directions, increasing in the direction of gas movement in the wall
(tangential direction) and correspondingly reducing the lateral component (normal
direction). Therefore, the speed of movement of the walls will be greater than it
follows from the ratio of the radii. And in the example given, the speed will no longer
be 100, but 150 or 200 m/s.

Thus, in general, air vortices, like any gas vortices, are a natural machine for
converting the potential energy of pressure of a gas external to the vortex, caused
by the thermal movement of its molecules, into the kinetic energy of rotation of the
vortex. And if it is practically impossible to use the potential energy of a gas, or at
least very difficult due to the lack of pressure gradients, then the kinetic energy can
be used, for example, by placing a turbine in a vortex. True, this raises the problem
of vortex stability.

From the above it follows that a gas vortex is capable of converting thermal
energy represented by the chaotic movement of the molecules of the vortex itself
and the molecules
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the gas surrounding it into an ordered movement, which contradicts all known
principles of thermodynamics. But not entirely, because if we consider all the
components of the process that are not in the body of the vortex, but in the entire
surrounding space, including in other areas in which the movement of gas occurs
completely imperceptibly, then it turns out that in On average, no thermodynamic
laws are violated. The vortex is not infinite, and gas flows in another part of the
vortex do not compress, but, on the contrary, expand. Here the processes go in the
opposite direction. If, moreover, we consider the process over time on the average,
then it will even turn out that there is no violation of the laws of thermodynamics,
since energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Movement is eternal. However,
after such purely mechanical transformations, it is possible to use the thermal
energy of the gas, converting it into the translational energy of the vortex walls.

2.3. Centrifugal pumps. Where do water

vortices get their energy from?
The accumulation of energy by water vortices has a different mechanism than
the accumulation of energy by gas vortices. Gas vortices acquire energy due to the
compression of their body by the pressure of the gas surrounding them, this is
shown above. Liquids are practically incompressible, but experiments show that
they can also accumulate energy, albeit less than gas vortices. The accumulation
of energy by liquid vortices is expressed in the form of heat accumulation - an
increase in the temperature of the liquid. Why could this be happening?

From the point of view of ether dynamics, water is capable of accumulating

ether, which is expressed in the form of its high dielectric constant: relative dielectric
constant of water ÿ = 81. How this happens in water - separately
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nary question. The ether accumulated by water is relatively weakly bound to its molecules,
and when the water rotates, it is thrown out of it (Fig.). A decrease in ether pressure inside
a water vortex leads
to the suction of ether along the axis of the vortex. Thus, an etheric doublet is formed -
the release of ether along the periphery of the vortex and the suction along its axis, and
this leads to the closure of the ether flows: two toroidal vortexes are formed around the
water vortex. As soon as the jets of ether are closed, the external pressure of the ether will
compress the formed etheric vortices and drive them back into the water, transferring their
to it. This is the additional one, due to which the water temperature rises. In all likelihood,
this process is repeated periodically, which, in principle, can be detected using frames or
special devices based on the effect of deviation of the laser beam from its normal position,
which can be recorded by photoelectric detectors.


The history of the creation of a heat generator by Yu.S. Potapov is typical in the sense
that everyone except him knew that this could not be done, but Potapov did not know this,
so it was he who created this generator.

In 1931, the French scientist Joseph Rank discovered the vortex effect of the energetic
separation of gases, later called the Rank effect. After Rank's report to the French Physical
Society, the effect was forgotten, and only since 1946 the vortex effect became an object of
research by scientists from different countries. A large number of experimental works on its
study, carried out in the USSR and in other countries of the world, made it possible to
reveal the main features of the vortex effect and approach its theoretical justification [14].
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The seemingly simple vortex effect actually contains a complex gas-dynamic

process occurring in a spatial turbulent flow of viscous compressible gas. This
probably explains the failure of many attempts to find an analytical solution to the
problem. However, based on the research carried out, semi-empirical methods for
calculating both the vortex effect itself and some types of vortex devices were
developed. On this basis, a period of mastering and introducing it into production
began, mainly in the creation of vortex refrigeration and heating units, vortex
refrigeration chambers, vortex thermostats and vortex vacuum pumps.

The vortex effect or Ranque effect manifests itself in a swirling flow of viscous
compressible gas and is realized in a very simple device called a vortex tube.

the schematic design of which is shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. Diagram of the Ranque vortex tube

The vortex tube is a smooth cylindrical pipe 1, equipped with a

tangential nozzle 2, a volute 3, a diaphragm 4 with an axial hole and a
throttle 5. When gas flows through the nozzle, an
intense circular flow is formed, the axial layers of which are noticeably
cooled and discharged through the diaphragm hole in the form of a cold
stream, and the peripheral layers are heated and flow through the throttle
in the form of a hot stream. As the throttle is closed, the overall pressure
level in the vortex tube increases
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increases, and the flow rate of the cold flow through the diaphragm opening
increases with a corresponding decrease in the flow rate of the hot flow. At the
same time, the temperatures of the cold and hot streams also change. Improvements
have been made to various pipe designs to improve pipe performance for specific

for certain purposes.

It should be specially noted that in the Ranka vortex tube the overall energy
balance is maintained.
Potapov tried to use water instead of air in the Ranque vortex tube, i.e.
incompressible liquid and got an unexpected effect: not cold, but warm water flowed
out along the axial line, and hot water flowed out along the periphery. After
calorimetric measurements, it was recognized that more thermal energy is released
than supplied, approximately 1.3 - 1.5 times.

Since it is clear to everyone that neither the creation nor the destruction of
energy is impossible in principle, and only the transfer of energy from one place to
another is possible, then somewhere there must be a hidden source of the
discovered additional energy. As an explanation, some scientists have suggested
that, in accordance with a slightly modified Theory of Relativity, mass is converted
into energy in Potapov’s heat generator, and, in addition, cold nuclear fusion is
also carried out in it. However, such assumptions seem very artificial.

The mechanism that ensures an increase in the temperature of the water in the
volute of the Ranque pipe is described above. This may happen periodically.
However, another option is also possible, when the released ether is then absorbed
along the ends of the pipe, then this process occurs continuously. In all cases, there
is additional compression of the resulting ethereal vortex by external pressure of the
ether and thereby
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input of additional energy, which is then transferred to water. To increase heat

transfer, it is advisable to improve the conductivity of water or introduce any
suspensions into it, and to facilitate the vortex formation of ether, the body and other
It is advisable to make a vortex tube not from metal, but from any insulating material.
Something similar has been found in devices
in which cavitation bubbles are used or spontaneously form. In principle, the
same amount of energy should be spent on the formation of bubbles as will later
be released when they collapse. But additional heat generation was also discovered
here, and it can be assumed that here, too, some similar process of ether capture
occurs, then its vortex formation, compression of the ether vortices by the
surrounding ether, thereby introducing additional energy into the vortices, then
absorption of the ether vortices by the same water and transfer of accumulated
energy to water, which causes its additional heating.

Currently, several types of vortex heat generators have been created in Russia
and all over the world for various capacities. One of the options is shown in Fig. 9.


Rice. 9. Diagram of a vortex water heat generator: M – motor, C – cylinder in which the water rotates,
D – disks. Arrows indicate
inflow and outflow of water from the cylinder.

The heat generator shown in the diagram is an ordinary asynchronous motor

coupled to a rotor placed in a thick-walled cylinder into which
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water is coming. The rotor is an axis on which flat disks are mounted. The rotation
of the disks by the engine allows you to obtain additional thermal energy, greater
than that expended by the engine. The developing pressure is several tens of
atmospheres. The measurements confirmed the presence of excess energy with
an overall efficiency of the order of 1.6 (in some samples up to 1.8).

The heat generator is installed in a separate room to avoid both noise effects
and possible ether-dynamic radiation.

While recognizing the creation of such heat generators as useful, one can,
however, doubt that even the widespread use of such devices will solve the energy
problem. With a heat transfer coefficient of 1.3-1.5, the overall energy savings are
not that great. Even if all thermal installations and all engines in the world
increased their efficiency by 30-40%, the energy problem would not be solved.

2.4. Where do ball lightning get its energy?

The only form of ether movement capable of holding the densified ether in a closed
space is a toroidal vortex, shaped like a donut, and its structure is similar to a pipe closed
on itself (Fig. 10).

The ratio of the thickness of such a toroid to its diameter is approximately 1:1.7, but
its shape can be closer to a spherical shape. In the center of the toroid there is a hole
with a diameter of about 0.1 of the diameter of the toroid. However, due to the general
glow of the lightning body in the air, there is no difference in the shape of lightning from
ball lightning, nor
The existence of a central hole has not yet been seen. A boundary layer is formed over
the entire surface of the toroid, which does not allow the compacted ether to dissolve in
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Rice. 10. Structure of a gas toroidal vortex

The ether in the body of ball lightning moves along a closed helical
line at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second. This
speed is determined from the amount of energy contained in ball
lightning and its mass. If we assume, as shown above, that its energy
content is 160 million Joules, and its mass is 0.01 g, then the speed of
the ether flow should be of the order of 5000 km/s. If ball lightning has a
mass less than 0.01 g, then the speed will be correspondingly greater.
Apparently, the ether flows in the body of ball lightning do not have
speed values close to the speed of light.

However, neither tornadoes, nor typhoons, nor cyclones can

be comparable in its specific energy content to ball lightning [15]. Specific energy
content is the amount of energy contained in a unit of body mass. For example,
gasoline, as a result of complete combustion, produces 44 MJ/kg, natural gas -
35.6 MJ/kg, and coal (anthracite) - 22 MJ/kg. In this regard, 1 kg of air moving in co-
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in a tornado with a speed of 100 m/s contains only 5000 Joules, which is
disproportionately small compared to any type of fuel. However, the average
tornado contains mass in the thousands of tons, hence its overall power.

As for ball lightning, even from ordinary observations one can draw important
conclusions. Since lightning floats freely with air currents, this means that its
specific mass is significantly less than the specific mass of air, which is 1 kg/m³,
that is, about no more than 0.1 kg/m³. The diameter of an ordinary ball lightning is
about 4-6 cm, which means that its volume is about 100 cubic meters. cm, and the
mass is about 0.01 grams or less. The energy content is such that it is capable of
evaporating more than 70 kg of water (there was a case when ball lightning hit a
barrel and evaporated about 70 kg of water), which requires at least 38,000 kcal
or, which is the same, 200 million joules. With a mass of one hundredth of a gram,
it turns out that the specific energy content of ball lightning is no less than 1.6.1013
J/kg. That's what you say! What kind of gasoline is there?

It is interesting to compare this specific energy content with the energy released
during an explosion, for example, of TNT. One kilogram of TNT releases 4.2 MJ
during an explosion, which is ten times less than the calorific value of gasoline, but
immediately. And only uranium and plutonium produce more energy during their
fission: 1 kg of uranium or plutonium is capable of releasing 22,500 kWh or 8.1014
J of energy during decay , i.e. their specific energy content is only 40 times greater
than that of ball lightning. But it's still nuclear energy!

Now many researchers are trying to reproduce ball lightning. They do this partly
out of curiosity, but partly also out of considerations that energy can be obtained
with the help of ball lightning. And for this they developed

all kinds of models.

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Most of these researchers assume that the main energy of ball lightning is
contained in the luminous volume of air, in which special compounds of nitrogen
and oxygen, the so-called clusters, are formed, which carry this energy. There are
suggestions that ball lightning is an electric current closed on itself, which is
contained in a volume of ionized air. There are ideas related to the fact that ball
lightning is a magnetic field closed on itself. But calculations do not confirm these
models, and attempts to implement ball lightning based on these models do not
work. It can be assumed that the researchers will not succeed on the indicated
paths, because if you lost your watch at the station, then you need to look for it at
the station, and not under a street lamp, where it is lighter.

Therefore, before carrying out work to create anything, you must first draw up
a technical specification for the item, i.e. determine the entire set of properties that
an object should have, then you need to understand its physical essence, and
then just try to do something.

What properties are known for ball lightning? These properties are:

– the size of stable ball lightning ranges from

prostrate up to tens of centimeters;
– the shape is spherical or pear-shaped, but sometimes vague, in the shape
of an adjacent object;
– bright luminosity visible in the daytime;
– high energy content (once hitting 100-
ball lightning evaporated 2/3 of the water contained in the barrel);

– specific gravity coinciding with the mass of air (lightning floats in the air);
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– ability to stick to metal objects

(there was a case when ball lightning stuck to the wing of a flying airplane);

– the ability to penetrate dielectrics, in particular glass;

– the ability to deform and penetrate into rooms through small openings such as
keyholes, as well as through dielectrics, in particular through glass; as well as through
non-wires, etc.;

– the ability to explode spontaneously or with co-

touching an object;
– ability to lift and move various objects
as well as other properties that are less significant.
And, at a minimum, any model must respond to the entire set of listed properties.
And, unfortunately, the authors of models and researchers of ball lightning do not yet
have this, and therefore all searches are carried out blindly. And since many years of
attempts by different researchers in different countries have not yet yielded positive
results, it is worth thinking about whether it is necessary to fundamentally change the
approach to this problem? Maybe we need some not-so-traditional considerations about
how ball lightning works, and then ideas for its creation will appear?

On the basis of ether-dynamic concepts, it was possible to develop a model of ball

lightning, which, in principle, answers all the questions posed.

As shown in [9], the entire cosmic space is filled with ether, which is a thin gas of
very low density, but extremely high energy content. All types of substances are based
on ether as a building material. All types of interactions are caused by the movement
of ether flows. Ball lightning is no exception.
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According to updated estimates, the density of ether in near-Earth space is

8.85.10–12 kg/m3 , pressure – 1037 Pa, energy
content 1037 J/ m3 . It is worth recalling that all of humanity
for all its needs consumes about 1020 -1022 Joules of energy per year, i.e.
significantly less than the energy contained in one cubic millimeter of ether. And
atomic energy uses no more than 0.01% of the energy contained in the volume
occupied by the spaces between nucleons in the nuclei of atoms. But this is so,
for the new

Between the surface of the metal and the lightning body, the ether pressure is reduced
due to the high gradient of the ether velocity on the surface of the lightning body, therefore
the lightning is pressed against the metal by the external pressure of the ether, without
penetrating into it, due to the presence of a layer of electrons in the metal (Fermi surface)

The glow of lightning is caused by the fact that the air molecules that enter its
body become excited and begin to glow. The energy of this glow is small and
makes up a very small fraction of the energy contained in lightning. It is the
secondary nature of the glow that can explain such properties of ball lightning as
penetration through glass. The air molecules caught in the body of the ball lightning
begin to glow, but when the lightning passes through the glass, the air molecules
on one side recombine and die out, and on the other side they light up. The
toroidal vortex of the ether is capable of compressing, deforming and penetrating
through small holes in the metal (Fig. 11). When ball lightning adheres to a flying
airplane, a current of air blows through the lightning, unable to tear it off the wing.
Those air molecules that entered the lightning body are excited and glow, and
those that left its body immediately go out, so
this case also has a simple explanation.

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Rice. 11. Mechanism of penetration of ball lightning through a small hole

strength in metal

Thus, the ether-dynamic model of ball lightning, in principle, corresponds to all

its currently known properties.

The closest model of ball lightning of all now

The existing model is one that assumes that ball lightning is a magnetic field flow
closed on itself. This model, however, does not explain how such a field can be
contained in a closed volume, since a magnetic field does not have such concepts
as a boundary layer, viscosity, compressibility or temperature. It cannot explain
the fact that lightning sticks to metal objects. But still, this model came closest to
the essence of ball lightning. Today, to explain the stability of this model, concepts
such as plasma stability, self-focusing, and even feeding the lightning body with an
external source located far beyond the lightning itself are used. All these artificial
constructions are not needed for the ether-dynamic model. How can you create ball
lightning in the laboratory? It’s difficult to talk about this now, because ball lightning
occurs at the most inopportune moment in the most seemingly ordinary conditions.
It can jump out of a regular socket, from a magnetic starter, during
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or after a thunderstorm, or even just anywhere. But it has been noticed that the
most frequent cases of the appearance of ball lightning are associated with spark
gaps, spark gaps, or simply bad
chemical contacts

You can try to create a closed magnetic field that exists independently in space.
To do this, you can use a high-speed electric switch, for example, a spark gap,
which can quickly pass a large current and lock the self-induction emf. The first is
necessary so that a large gradient of magnetic field is formed in space, in which a
gradient of the speed of the ether flow is formed and thereby the conditions for
creating the boundary layer of the future etheric toroid. The second is necessary in
order to quickly cut off the magnetic field from the conductor, where it will try to
hide after the current stops.

If the spark gap breaks the current in a short time, then it

a self-induction emf will arise equal to

E= - L di/dt

If the current passed is 1 Ampere, the circuit break time is 1 microsecond, and
the inductance of the line (1 meter of wire) is 1 microHenry, then the self-inductive
emf will be equal to 1 Volt. But this is probably not enough to create ball lightning,
since in a time equal to 1 microsecond, the magnetic field will have time to hide in
the conductor. This means that shorter intervals are needed, for example, 1
nanosecond. Then the field returning to the conductor at the speed of light will
only have time to travel 30 cm, and the rest of the magnetic field will be outside. It
will collapse and an etheric or magnetic toroid will be created. But here the spark
gap must be able to withstand a self-induction emf of 1000 Volts. At the same time,
the energy
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The energy of the formed toroid will be small, on the order of millionths of a Joule.
To increase the energy of
the formed magnetic toroid, it is necessary to increase the value of the
interrupted current. But with a current of 1000 Amperes, it will be necessary to
resist an emf value of 1 million Volts. The initial energy of the future ball lightning
will be in this case units of Joules. If, to create a field, we use air inductance of at
least a few hundredths of a Henry, then the initial energy content of lightning will
be hundreds and thousands of Joules, but the counter-emf here will already be
many millions of Volts. However, all this is not counting the subsequent compression
of the lightning body by the ether, in which the energy content of the lightning will
increase as the lightning body is compressed by the pressure of the ether in
proportion to the square of the decrease in its radius. And after ball lightning is
created, you can think about how to use its energy. This can be done, for example,
by driving lightning into a barrel of water...

Thus, there is still a fundamental way to both create artificial ball lightning and
extract energy from a vacuum, but the trouble is that spark gaps with the above
characteristics do not yet exist.

However, in nature, ball lightning appears under the most ordinary conditions
and at the most inopportune times. Apparently, something exists in addition to
what was stated above, some additional conditions that contribute to the formation
of ball lightning without arresters with the parameters mentioned above, something

Based on the above, we can still expect that, with the help of high-frequency
spark gaps and some other devices, devices will appear that make it possible to
use the energy of the ether. And it seems that the first such devices have begun
to appear. Chapter 3. Tesla Transformer
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3.1. How to estimate the energy of a magnetic field?

Of all types of force fields, the most convenient for

practical use are magnetic fields created by currents flowing in conductors. They
are energy-intensive, safe, easy to create, capable of providing force interactions
between various objects, and it is this circumstance that has made it possible to
use them in all kinds of power plants, including generators and engines of a wide
variety of designs. As is known, the energy contained in a magnetic field

is determined by the expression

w = ÿ —— dV, W,

where ÿÿ = 4ÿ.10–7 , GN/m – magnetic permeability of vacuum,

H, A/m – magnetic field strength, V, m3 – volume of pro-
a space filled with a magnetic field. Distribution of magnetic
field strength around
current-carrying conductor is determined by the Total Current Law

ÿ Hdl = i,

where l, m – segment of the length of the magnetic field line around the conductor
with current; i, A – the amount of current flowing through the conductor.

From the Law of Total Current it follows that the magnitude of the magnetic
field strength at a distance R from the conductor is

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N= ——,

and the ratio of magnetic field strengths at different distances should obey the
hyperbolic law,
H1 R2
= ——;
H2 R1

and in relative coordinates can be depicted as a hyperbola (Fig. 12, curve 1).

Rice. 12. Distribution of magnetic field strength around the wire

Nika with current

However, direct measurements have shown that this is not entirely true.
Already at a current of 0.1 A, the voltage ratio differs significantly from the indicated
distribution, and with increasing absolute value of the current, the deviation
increases more and more. There is a clear deviation of the real distribution of
magnetic field strength from the hyperbolic law, while the deviation from this law in
relative coordinates increases with increasing absolute value of the current in the
conductor (Fig. 12, curves 2 and 3) [16].
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The experimentally obtained deviation can be easily explained if we take into

account the compressibility of the ether and, as a consequence, the compressibility
of all structures, including the magnetic field. The total current law turns out to be
valid only for extremely low magnetic field strengths, at which compressibility can
be neglected. But it is not completely true for large currents, even 0.1 A. This means
that in reality the magnetic field per unit volume carries more energy than follows
from the Total Current Law and existing calculation methods.

From the foregoing, in particular, it follows that a circuit with high-quality coils,
tuned into resonance, must accumulate significantly more energy than it follows
from existing calculations, because energy is determined not only by the speed of
the helical flows of the ether, but also by -constituting a magnetic field, but also
their mass density. Perhaps this circumstance was taken into account by Nikola
Tesla when constructing his high-frequency power transformers, which necessarily
used resonance and which resulted in high voltages amounting to millions of volts,
which did not follow from conventional calculations.

But this same circumstance allows us to take a different approach to the energy
of ball lightning, which can be considered as a compacted magnetic field closed
on itself with the only peculiarity that existing theories of the magnetic field do not in
any way provide for the presence of a gradient in such formations. boundary layer.
To do this, you need to turn to ether-dynamic ideas about the physical essence of
force fields of interactions.

3.2. Fast-acting keys and etheric energy

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It is easy to verify that a discharge in a vacuum has high energy by charging a

high-voltage capacitor to a voltage of several thousand volts, and then discharging
it onto the independent electrodes of an old glass radio lamp. By gradually
increasing the voltage and capacitance of the capacitor from 100 pF and further,
and connecting it to the electrodes of the lamp, you can make sure that, starting
from a certain value, the electrodes inside the lamp will begin to explode, so that
they are left with dust. The lamp bulb remains intact. It follows from this that a
vacuum discharge has high energy.

Professor of the Economic University named after. Plekhanov

Alexander Vasilievich Chernetsky in the 70s - 80s conducted a
series of experiments with a vacuum spark gap. One of the devices
was assembled according to the diagram shown in Fig. 13.



~ BP L

Rice. 13. Scheme of A.V. Chernetsky: BP – power supply, R – spark

gap, S – capacitor, L – incandescent dumps.

The circuit had a direct current source and a circuit consisting

of a 1 µF capacitor, an adjustable spark gap and two identical 60
W light bulbs. One lamp was turned on before the capacitor, the
second - after the spark gap. The voltage was selected so that
when the spark gap was closed, both lamps glowed slightly. When
opening -
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At the end of the spark gap, both lamps naturally did not light up. Then, by bringing the
electrodes of the spark gap closer together, it was necessary to establish a stable discharge
(usually, this corresponded to a distance between the electrodes of several tenths of a
millimeter) and then, by adjusting the spark gap, i.e. adjusting distance

between the electrodes using a micrometer screw, the incandescence of the lamps was
changed. In this case, the first lamp could go out completely, and the second was brought
to a high intensity, at which it could burn out.

It created a strange impression. Both lamps were connected in series in a circuit

powered by direct current, but one lamp went out and the second glowed brightly, which
clearly indicated that it was being fed with additional energy. In fact, this is not necessary at
all. Here the so-called shape coefficient played a significant role.

A.V. Chernetsky at one time had significant difficulties with determining the amount of
power released. This difficulty can be easily overcome if you use two more of the same
lamps, each powered by a separate direct current source, in the circuit of which measuring
the power consumption is not difficult. By using a pyrometer, bringing the incandescence of
each lamp to the incandescence of the lamps in the main circuit, you can determine the
power they emit and compare it with the power consumed by the main circuit. Unfortunately,
similar attempts by other researchers did not confirm the expected result. However, it was
suggested that these researchers did not bring the current value to a certain critical value at
which the effect would begin to manifest itself. Therefore, it is advisable
to continue experiments in this direction.


It is necessary to bring to the attention of the reader that Professor A.V. Chernetsky
died from skin cancer on his face, presumably having been exposed to radiation during the
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com from a pulsating magnetic field or a field of another nature

surrounding the spark gap. This means that when conducting such
experiments, care must be taken not to get close to the spark gap.

American scientist Kenneth R. Shoulders proposed a device using

a high-speed electric switch (vacuum discharger) to obtain energy from
the environment, in which a 30 to 50-fold increase in energy was
obtained, albeit in small quantities. Presumably, the same mechanism
of magnetic field formation and compression described above is
implemented here. The high efficiency of the device confirms the
feasibility of continuing work in this direction.

Thus, the use of high-speed keys for obtaining energy from the
ether may turn out to be very

3.3. Tesla's double helix

In some of his devices, Tesla used two flat spirals located in a
common plane, connected in series (Fig. 14). For what?

Rice. 14. Double helix for excitation of magnetic toroid

In Fig. Figure 15 shows the direction of propagation of the magnetic field along
the outer turns of the spirals and along their centers.
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Rice. 15. Formation of a magnetic toroid around flat spirals

Thus, the use of double flat spirals as an element of electrical circuits takes on
a specific meaning. However, a few additions need to be made.

Firstly, the closure of the magnetic toroid and its subsequent compression will
occur if the current in the circuit is pulsed and the leading and trailing edges are
sufficiently short. This especially applies to the trailing edge, the steepness of
which directly determines whether a boundary layer will be formed on the surface
of the toroid or not. Secondly, it is possible that the location of the spark gap
relative to the spirals plays a certain role: Tesla’s spark gap was located in the gap
between the spirals, which guaranteed the simultaneous creation of magnetic
fields in both spirals. Since at present there is practically no clear methodology that
allows calculating the parameters of spirals and arresters, the selection of
parameters will have to be done at first by experienced specialists.


3.4. Tesla Transformer

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One of the Tesla transformer models and the radiation

emanating from the upper part of the secondary (internal)
winding are shown in Fig. 16.

A) b)

Rice. 16. Tesla transformer: a) general view of the laboratory

sample; b) type of discharge at the output of the secondary (internal)
winding of the transformer

3.5. Features of pulse formation in the

primary circuit of the Tesla transformer

If a current i, A flows in an inductor L, H, then the energy wL

stored in the magnetic field will be equal to

wL = L ——, J
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Noteworthy is the fact that, in contrast to the capacitor C, F, charged with

voltage U, V, in which the stored energy wC, J is equal to

wÿ = ÿ ——, J,

energy is conserved and can be stored indefinitely, if there are no losses, the
energy disappears in the inductor as soon as the current stops flowing, and the
energy stored in the magnetic field is returned to the circuit that created the
magnetic field. But if this energy is returned not to the circuit that created the
magnetic field, but to another circuit in which the energy can accumulate, for
example, in a capacitor, then the total amount of energy will be proportional to the
number of pulses, i.e.

wL = NL ——, J

Here it is assumed that the current value is established in each pulse in a

vanishingly small time. Under the vanishingly short time to establish the current in
the pulse, it can be assumed that the duration of the pulse front is disproportionately
short compared to the duration of the pulse itself, i.e. about ten times smaller.
Then the energy accumulated in the capacitor connected to the second circuit will
grow unlimitedly over time.

The instantaneous power of each pulse with a duration T will be:

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ÿL = ——, W,

and, if the shape of the pulse corresponds to a meander, that is, the pulse duration
and pause duration are equal, then the total
power will be:

FL i 2

PL = ———, W,

If the radii of the primary winding r1 and secondary winding r2 are not
are equal, then

r1 2FL i 2
PL = —————, 2 Tue.
4 r2

Here it should be taken into account that the ratio of the radii should not be
large, since the dependence here is nonlinear and has yet to be established.

Time constant of the circuit key - primary winding

transformer is

TLR = L / R,

where L is the inductance of the primary winding, H, R is the resistance of the

switch in the open state.
If the pulse duration is equal to the time constant of the switch-primary winding
circuit of the transformer, then during the pulse duration the current in the circuit
will increase to a value of 0.632 of the total current when the circuit is powered with
direct current. Then the total maximum power that can be obtained is

will be:
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2 2 2
0.6322 R r1 i r1
PL = = 0.1 R i 2 ——, 2 Tue.
4 r2 r2

With the radius ratio r1/ r2 = 2, we obtain the value of the maximum power

PL = 0.4 R i , Tue.

With the ratio of radii r1 / r2 = 3 we get:

PL = 0.9 R i , Tue.

With a supply voltage of U = 100 V and a public key resistance of 100 Ohms,
the current will be 1 A and the maximum received power in the first case will be 40
W, in the second - 90 W. If keys capable of passing 10 A are used, then in the first
case the maximum power will be 4 kW, in the second 9 kW. The power expended
to maintain the process in both cases will be 0.1 R i 2, i.e., at a current of 1A 10 W,
at a current of 10 A - 1 kW. This power is released at the key, which requires
serious measures to be taken to cool it.

If the inductance of the primary winding is 100 ÿH, the time

constant of the circuit will be 10–4 / 100 = 10–6 s, therefore, the
switching frequency will be 500 kHz, and taking into account the
required steepness of the fronts, the frequency response of the
switch should be no worse than 5 MHz. If the
inductance of the primary winding is 100 ÿH = 10–4 H, and the
pulse repetition rate is 1 mHz = 106 Hz, then with a pulse current
of 1 A, the magnetic field power will be 100 W. At high frequencies
it will be correspondingly greater if during the duration
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pulse, the current in the primary winding will have time to reach its full value. In this case, the
duration of both the leading and trailing edges should each be no more than 0.1 of the duration
of the pulse itself. It follows from the foregoing that in order to increase the output power, one
should find the optimal ratio of the diameters of the
primary and secondary windings, and also strive to increase the switching frequency of
the current switch, which is possible only by increasing its resistance, and therefore increasing
the supply voltage and, accordingly, the allocated on

power key.
The measurements showed that with increasing
cross-section of the wire, the specific inductance of the wire decreases. As the wire cross-
section increases, its inductance decreases according to the logrithmic law:

Wire cross-section, mm2 Specific inductance, µH/m

0.35 1.65

0.5 1.45

0.75 1.2

1.0 0.97

When calculating the inductance of solenoids, as a rule, the cross-section of the wires
themselves is not taken into account; this is incorrect. However, one way to reduce inductance
values to obtain short edges is to increase the cross-section of the coil wire.

There is a second method - increasing the active resistance of the circuit to reduce the
time constant of the circuit, but this method is not profitable, because will require an increase
in pulse power. In addition, at high frequencies the skin effect should play a role, according to
which in the primary inductor not the entire cross-section of the wire will be used, but only the
surface layer, which
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which will lead to an increase in the active resistance of the circuit


Thus, increasing the cross-section of the primary winding wire is the best way
to reduce the duration of pulse fronts, which is what was done in the Tesla
transformer: the primary winding is made of thick wire with a cross-section of tens
and hundreds of square millimeters.

With a key supply voltage of U = 1000 V, R = 100 Ohm and a current of 10 A,

the power released on the key will be 10 kW, and the output power, taking into
account the loss for return power, will be 30 kW in the first case, and 80 kW in the

Tesla used frequencies of about 200 kHz in his transformers; it can be

assumed that this frequency is optimal, at least for the initial stage of work. We will
calculate the charging capacitance shunting the power circuit of the electronic
circuit based on the relationship for the electric charge

Q = CU = iT,

We have

C= ——

If the entire electronic circuit is powered by a voltage of 100

V, then at current i = 1 A and pulse duration T = 10–6 s
(F = 0.5 MHz), we get:

C = 0.01 µF.
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However, this assumes a complete discharge of the capacity, which is

impractical. In order for the capacitance to keep the supply voltage within changes
of no more than 1%, it is necessary to increase it 100 times, therefore, for the
example given, it is sufficient to have a shunt capacitance value of 1 ÿF at an
operating voltage of 100 V and frequency characteristics of up to 1-2MHz.

With an operating voltage of 1000 V and a pulse current of 10 A, a capacitor

with a capacity of the same 1 µF will be required at an operating voltage of 1000 V
and the same frequency characteristics.

Thus, the following principle emerges:

bots are devices for obtaining energy from the ether.
Current pulses with short edges are supplied to the primary winding of the
transformer with the highest possible repetition frequency. Pulses are taken from
the secondary winding, which has a greater number of turns than the primary, and
are sent through a rectifier diode to a capacitor that shunts the power supply circuit
of the pulse generator, thereby providing positive feedback designed to support the
entire process. The initial start-up of the entire circuit is carried out from the starter
- a separate power source for the pulse generator (mains, battery, accumulator),
which is turned off after the device enters the mode.

The energy for the external consumer is removed from the third winding, which
is placed, similarly to the secondary winding, inside the primary winding. A rectifying
diode is also connected to this third winding, and then a smoothing capacitor. The
resulting direct voltage can be used either directly or through appropriate converters
that convert direct current into the type of energy needed by the consumer.
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3.6. Features of positive feedback

communications and regulation of energy flows
Self-sustaining of the process of extracting energy from the environment in
any scheme is possible only if part of the received energy is directed to the input of
the device, this means that the system must be covered by positive feedback and
the gain of the closed circuit must be equal to unity (Fig. 17) .

Rice. 17. Power plant covered by positive feedback: a) structure; b) damped

transient process; c) divergent transient process

If less energy is returned to the system input than is needed to maintain the
working process, the process will inevitably die out. The damping of a process,
even one of an oscillatory nature, usually occurs according to an exponential law,
and the exponent has a negative sign.

If the gain of the closed circuit is greater than unity, then the system begins to
accumulate energy, the process develops according to an exponential law, but the
exponent has a positive sign, and the system goes into overdrive.
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In this case, there is some weakest link in the system that fails and interrupts the process.
One option for such an event is an explosion.

It is practically impossible to ensure that the gain of a closed circuit is exactly equal to
unity without regulation; in all cases, the operation of such a system will be unstable, it will
either stop or go into disarray.

In order to prevent this from happening, a regulator must be included in a system

covered by positive feedback, the task of which is to limit the part of the energy that is returned
to the input of the system through feedback. Such a regulator can be implemented in several

The first method is to simply limit the amount of reverse energy by some saturable link.
Such links can be any links with nonlinear characteristics such as saturation of iron or zener
diodes. In the case of using a transformer with an iron core, an increase in the voltage in the
primary winding after saturation of the core does not lead to an increase in the voltage on the
secondary winding. In the case of using zener diodes, excess energy is directed bypassing
the feedback circuit, which limits the flow of energy to

system input.
The second way is to use nonlinear negative feedback. Through the negative feedback
circuit, a second energy flow with a sign opposite to the sign of the energy flow coming
through the positive feedback circuit to the same input must arrive at the input of the system.
If the process is oscillatory, then the reverse flow must arrive at the input in antiphase to the
flow of positive energy; if the feedback is made in the form of a voltage of positive polarity,
then through the circuit there is a negative
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In this connection, energy must flow to the same point in the form of a voltage of
negative polarity. In each specific case, the type of energy used in the positive and
negative connection circuits is established specifically, in accordance with the
principle of operation of the system. The options for the functioning of negative
feedback can also be different. Its parameters can be
chosen, for example, such that it does not turn on at all until the energy level
in the positive feedback reaches a certain threshold, only after which it begins to
interfere with the process. These or other options for regulating processes are
described in sufficient detail by the theory of automatic control, without the use of
which it is difficult to build the systems under consideration even if all fundamental
solutions are found.

3.7. Block diagram of an ether-dynamic energy generator

Based on the above, the following diagram of an ether-dynamic energy

generator can be recommended for prototyping - a device for obtaining energy
from the ether (Fig. 18).

The entire device consists of two nodes:

– an external power source that serves as a starter to start the circuit;

– a pulse generator containing a Tesla transformer having three windings - a

primary (external) and two secondary (internal), one of which serves to create a
positive feedback circuit, and the second is an output winding connected through
a rectifier bridge to the load.
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Power generator Tr


Feedback circuit

Starter U2 W2

C1 C2 W1


I3 I1

Rice. 18. Option of a block diagram of a layout for obtaining energy

from the ether: PSU – power supply unit; Tr – transformer; W1 – primary
coil of the transformer; W2 – feedback coil; W.3 – transformer output coil;
C1 – charging capacity; C2 – circuit capacity (it is not established whether
it is needed); P1 – direct connection arrester (U1
breakdown of the order of 1 kV/mm); P2 – feedback gap (or diode) (U2 >
U1); P3 – voltage limiting arrester (or circuit) (U3 > U2 ); I1 –
current in the primary winding circuit of the transformer; I2 – current in the
feedback circuit; B – exit.

All elements used must be sufficiently high-frequency and must have operating
voltage reserves. The limiting frequencies for which all circuit elements must be designed
must be based on the long-term
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fronts with some margin. For example, to ensure a rise time of 0.1 ÿs, it is
necessary that all elements, including all microcircuits, transistors, capacitors and
diodes, can operate in operating mode at frequencies of at least 5 MHz. Debugging
of the device must be carried out for each node separately, taking into account
their load on subsequent circuits in the overall circuit. When selecting the
parameters of the transformer windings, one should proceed from the need to
provide two positions


1. exceeding the output voltage at the output of the winding

ki II pulse generator supply voltage;
2. exceeding the output power value of that consumed by the pulse generator.

Both of these positions must be obtained in open-loop mode, and without

their implementation, closing the positive feedback is meaningless.

The task of selecting parameters (values of capacitances C1

and C2, the ratio of diameters and turns of the primary and
secondary coils, voltage values U1, U2, U3) is to ensure that the
feedback current I2 becomes as large as possible with a
corresponding decrease in current I1. The task will be completed
if, in the presence of current I2, current I1 stops completely. The
appearance of current I3 in the limiting circuit indicates the
receipt of excess energy.
All ammeters indicated in the diagram must be ter-
mopair. Can be
connected in series with arrester P1
double helix according to Fig. 14 .
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As already mentioned, movement is eternal, and it can neither be created nor
destroyed, it can only be transferred from a useless form to a form suitable for
practical use. In this sense, the Laws of Thermodynamics, which state that energy
cannot be created, are absolutely right, and they do not need to be revised.

In all cases in which a real increase in energy is observed, there is necessarily

a certain reservoir from which this excess energy comes. All such devices are
essentially equivalent to “heat pumps”, drawing energy in various ways from the
environment - water, air, but, ultimately, from the ether. For all types of energy, be
it the thermal energy of air or water molecules, solar energy, electrical energy or
nuclear energy, are forms of movement of the ethereal medium. The ether fills the
entire world space, is a building material for all types of organization of matter,
various forms of its movement constitute the essence of all fundamental and non-
fundamental interactions, all physical phenomena without exception.

Attempts to replace the word “ether” with the words “physical vacuum”, i.e. not
an empty void are worthless attempts, having not a physical, but a social meaning,
an attempt by the dominant scientific schools, primarily the school of relativists -
followers of Einstein's theory of relativity, to disguise their bankruptcy. For the
physical vacuum has neither structure nor structure, but only properties that come
from nowhere. In this way it differs from the ether, which has both structure and
structural organization in each specific material formation and movement, has
specific properties and physical parameters. Ether is concreteness, “physical
vacuum” is abstraction. Properties of etheric structures - elementary
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particles of matter, atomic nuclei, atoms themselves, molecules are easily explained,
all fundamental interactions have a clear gradient mechanism and can be understood
by any schoolchild. There is not a single really existing physical (not informational!)
phenomenon that could not be understood on the basis of etherodynamics.

This means that in all phenomena in which an increase in energy is detected,

one must first of all look for an ether-dynamic mechanism. This, as a rule, is not
done, hence many misunderstandings like “resonant phenomena have the property
of producing energy.” Neither resonant nor any other phenomena can produce
energy. If, nevertheless, resonant phenomena somehow increase energy, then
they can only take it from the environment, from the ether, but this must also be
subject to careful verification. If the test confirms the increase in energy, then it is
necessary to determine the mechanism of energy intake, for example, as a result
of compression of ethereal vortices by ether pressure, such as, for example,
magnetic fields. The mechanism for pumping potential energy into the energy of
these vortices is discussed above.

In some inventions, batteries are used to start the device, which, at low power,
are capable of powering powerful engines. In fact, they play two roles. The first role
is that of a starter to start the entire device, which then works without them, drawing
energy from the surrounding space and returning part of it to the system input to
maintain the process. Second role -

this is the role of some stabilizer, i.e. the same starter, which, if necessary, is
connected to maintain the stability of the process. There is no mysticism here,
everything is explained simply, if we take into account the existence of ether in
nature. Otherwise, the problem is unsolvable and contradictions are inevitable.
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Currently, many authors have created operating energy devices in which the
efficiency exceeds 1, sometimes significantly. This is the Potapov heat generator
mentioned above [18], and its many analogues, electromechanical vortex heat
generators. This is also the Shoulders energy converter

[19] using high-density discharges, in which the efficiency reaches from 30 to 50,
unfortunately, so far in small doses of energy, Alekseenko’s fuel-free engine [20],
Hubbard power generator [21], vacuum triode amplifier (VTA) Sweet, Schauberg
engine, Dennard vortex generator and many others. All of them were made in the
form of prototypes, at least, according to the authors, they gave a positive result,
but all of them, except for heat generators, have not been brought to real practical

The energy crisis that humanity is approaching is not at all fatally inevitable.
This crisis is a crisis of existing technologies that do not use natural resources in
the best way. This is also a crisis of modern science, which arrogantly defines the
scientific or pseudoscientific nature of certain directions and tries to forever establish
the dominance of existing scientific schools. This is also a crisis of the capitalist
mode of production and hypertrophied commodity-money relations, in which
everything is measured by monetary profit and so-called profitability, even to the
detriment of the very existence of the human race. The capitalist mode of production
presupposes the presence of competition, and it requires the extraction of immediate
benefits, regardless of what consequences this will lead to in the future. And this is
especially clearly seen in the example of the use of oil and gas energy technologies.

It has long been clear to everyone that the increasingly widespread use of oil
and gas as fuel leads to environmental catastrophe.
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stanza. But everyone also understands that it is almost impossible to abandon

them due to established technologies.
In fact, everything is not so tragic. Ethereal-dynamic ideas about the structure
of the world indicate ways to solve many problems, including energy ones. The
costs of research that need to be carried out in this area are insignificant compared
to the costs of so-called science for the creation of “Tokamaks” and
synchrophasotrons, but no one goes to them due to the established ideas in
science about the absence of ether in nature. Now this is a matter of only individual
enthusiasts. But there is no doubt that sooner or later etherodynamic research will
be widely developed, and, like any new direction, it will lead to serious applied

As you know, scientific schools do not retrain, but die out. New schools, the
emergence of which is historically predetermined, will take the ether-dynamic
provisions for granted. The next physical revolution and the accompanying
technological revolution are just around the corner, and on their basis, pressing
practical problems, both in the field of energy and in many other areas of natural
science, will be solved.
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1. Myakishev G.Ya. Perpetual motion machine. TSB, 3rd ed. M.,
publishing house Soviet Encyclopedia, 1971. T. 4, p. 599.
2. Eliashberg G.M. Thermodynamics. Ibid., 1976. T. 25, p. 481.

3. Novikov I.D. “Heat death” of the Universe. Ibid., 1976. T. 25, p.

4. Atsyukovsky V.A. Critical analysis of the foundations of the theory
of relativity. Analytical review. Second edition. Zhukovsky, publishing
house “Petit”. 1996.
5. Atsyukovsky V.A. Materialism and relativism. Criticism of the
methodology of modern theoretical physics. M., Energoatomizdat, 1992;
M., publishing house “Engineer”, 1993.
6. Ethereal wind. Sat. Art. edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences
Atsyukovsky V.A. M., Energoatomizdat, 1993.
7. Gasteev Yu.A., Yesenin-Volpin A.S. Postulate. TSB, 3rd ed. M.,
publishing house Soviet Encyclopedia, 1975. T. 20, p. 423. 8. Zisman
G.A. Lorentz transformation. Ibid., 1974. T. 15, p. 26. 9. Atsyukovsky
General ether dynamics. Ether-dynamic modeling of the structures
of matter and fields based on ideas about gas-like ether. 2nd ed. M.,
Energoatomizdat, 2003.

10. Atsyukovsky V.A. Ethereodynamic hypotheses. Zhukovsky,

publishing house “Petit”, 2000.
11. Atsyukovsky V.A. Concepts of modern natural science. Story.
Modernity. Problems. Prospects. M., publishing house MSEU, 2001.

12. Tsirlin V.L. Refrigeration unit. TSB, 3rd ed. M.,

Publishing house Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. T. 28, p. 345.
13. Engels F. Dialectics of nature. M., IPL, 1969, p. 67-81.

14. Merkulov A.P. Vortex effect and its application in technology.

M., “Mechanical Engineering”, 1969.
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15. Imenitov I., Tikhiy D. Beyond the law. L., Gidro-met-izdat,

16. Atsyukovsky V.A. Physical foundations of electromagnetism
and electromagnetic phenomena. Ethereal-dynamic interpretation. M.,
publishing house URSS, 2001.
17. Atsyukovsky V.A. Device for generating electrical energy.
Russia. Patent for invention No. 2261521. Priority of invention May 12,
2003 18. Potapov Yu.S. Russia. Heat generator for
heating 2045715. M., class. 5; At 25, At 29/00, liquids. RF patent

dated February 9, 2000 1993. Potapov Yu.S. No. RU 2045715 C1

19. Kenneth R. Shoulders, US Patent No. 5018180 dated December 9, 1991

20. Alekseenko V.E. Fuel-free engine . Russia. No. RU

2131036 C1 dated July 19, 1999
21. Floyd Sweet. Vacuum Triode Amplifier (VTA), US Patent, 1990.
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The book by V.A. Atsyukovsky is dedicated to

the problem of creating eternal sources of energy that
extract it from the environment. The most important
source of energy is ether - a gas-like medium from
which everything in the world consists. Ether fills all
cosmic space and has enormous energy content. In this
case, there is no need to violate the Principles of
Thermodynamics, because...

V.A. Atsyukovsky is known for his published works in the field of physics:
General ether dynamics. Modeling the structures of matter and fields based on
the concept of a gas-like ether. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1990, 2003; Popular
etherodynamics. M.: Knowledge, 2007; Ether-dynamic foundations of
cosmology and cosmogony. M.: “Petit”, 2006; Detection and neutralization of
geopathogenic radiation from the Earth. M.: “Petit”, 2006; Physical foundations
of electromagnetism and electromagnetic phenomena. M.: “Petit”, 2002;
Concepts of modern natural science. Story. Modernity. Problems. Prospects.
M.: IDSPU 2002; The brilliance and poverty of the theory of relativity. M.: MPI
1997; Ethereal wind. Collection of translations of articles from Michelson (1881)
to Townes (1958). M.: Energoatomizdat, 1993, and some others, as well as in
works in other areas.

V.A. Atsyukovsky is the author of more than 40 books and brochures in the
field of theoretical physics, technical integration, philosophy of natural science and
systemic sociology.

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