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Danut-Marinel Spulbar

Street Mihai Eminescu 32

800272 Filiasi

Meppel, 06-05-2024

Regarding: Confirmation of temporary employment contract 123158, version 1

Dear Danut-Marinel,

This temporary employment confirmation is the temporary employment confirmation appendix as

referred to in the employment contract. The conditions of the temporary employment are specified
in this confirmation. The confirmation of temporary employment is an integral part of the
employment contract, and a new one will be issued upon amendment.

Name of hirer MBS Holding B.V., De Limiet 23B, 4131 NR Vianen

Project address , De Limiet 23, 4131 NR Vianen
Name of contact person
Start time
Hours per week 40,00
Collective Labour Agreement Betonproducten Industrie Baltic
Job title Betonwerker A
Function group IV
Years of experience 10
Start project 06-05-2024

Personal protective gear

and safety risks In accordance with instruction of the first day at work

Needed on location VCA certificate

Passport / ID card
Personal Safety Log (if applicable)

You can find the conditions for the secondment below:

Name client : MBS Holding B.V.
Address : De Limiet 23B
Postcode and place of establishment : 4131 NR Vianen
Phone number : 0347-343020
Department :
Report to :
Date start assignment : 06-05-2024

Reference hours : Mo – fri 08:00 /to 17:00

Work hours :
Function : Betonwerker A
Activities :
Remuneration according to : Betonproducten Industrie Baltic
Job title, job level and periodic increase at : Betonwerker A, IV, 10
Factual gross hourly wages during assignment : 16,63
Effective date wages : 06-05-2024
Work duration reduction ADV percentage : 0%/ 0%
Applicable bonuses overtime /holiday : Overwerkuren: 150%
Overwerkuren: 200%
Overwerkuren: 200%
Applicable bonuses irregular shifts ORT/shifts : Toeslaguren: 120,1%
Applicable bonuses rescheduled hours/travel : Feesturen: 100%
Kort verzuim: 100%
Reisuren: 100%
Applicable bonuses holidays
Applicable shift-work bonuses
Applicable bonuses for physically demanding
Other applicable bonuses

Applicable travel expense allowance :

Applicable net and/or gross expense allowances : Zorgverzekering: € 1,19 per week
Reiskostenvergoeding: € 4,97 per stuk
Reiskostenvergoeding: € 60,29 per stuk
Reiskostenvergoeding: € 6,21 per stuk
Netto inhouding zorgkosten: € 35,52 per
Cost of living allowance: € 32,00 per week
Particulars :

Other remarks
 When the Collective Labour Agreement Metaal & Techniek is applicable, any days off
granted due to a reduction in working hours have already been compensated in wage.
 Surcharge of reduced working hours during vacation is secured by increasing the
percentage reduced working hours with the percentage of reservation vacation days
applicable this year.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
De Gilde Groep BV

Date: 06-05-2024

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