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10 Lecture 7.

mechanics, which no one has ever studied in application to atomic physics, because it
never occurred to anyone that there was any connection between them. Now we have to
What will happen if we take away from one nucleus of a silicon atom
one alpha particle and add it to another nucleus of a silicon atom?
From the first nucleus there will be 6 alpha particles with a total weight of 24, these
are two carbon atoms. And the second nucleus, having acquired an alpha particle, will turn
into a sulfur nucleus with an atomic weight of 32.
How many carbon nuclei are there in a SiO2 molecule? Let's consider: the molecular
weight of SiO2 is 60. This is exactly 5 nuclei of carbon atoms. Here is the answer to the
question of where oil and all these elements in associated waters came from.

It is interesting to analyze the chemical composition of produced waters. It can be

expected that the basic composition contains elements whose nuclei contain an integer
number of alpha particles.
Nuclear reactions continuously occur in the body of the Earth. Evidence of this is the
continuous radiation of helium; geologists even have a helium method for studying deep
rocks based on the analysis of helium outflow from the Earth’s body.

This is the basis of what is happening. Of course, there is no mechanism here for
how all this happens, but there are some assumptions here too.

The fact is that our Earth continuously absorbs ether from the space surrounding us.
The ether enters the body of the Earth at the second cosmic speed, this is strictly justified.
By the way, the ether entering the Earth from space has a higher temperature than the
ether that is part of the substance. This is additional energy. The density of the ether is also
strictly substantiated. Its value in kg/m3 is strictly equal to the value of the dielectric constant
of vacuum, expressed in F/m.
And thus, we know the every-second increase in the mass of the Earth. This is about
60 tons. A new substance is formed from the incoming ether. This substance emerges
from the Earth in the form of underwater rift ridges, the total length of which is about 60
thousand kilometers. These ridges are located at the bottom of all oceans in the middle of
them, plus individual peaks in the form of islands and
individual mountains. There are especially many such islands in the southwestern part
of the Pacific
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did alchemists do? Where did oil eleven

and coal come from? ocean. We have seven of these separate mountains

sticking out near Kislovodsk.

The French measured the age of rocks around the globe. It turned out that at the top
of the rift ridges the age of the rocks is 5 million years, at the foot ten. And then the age of
the rocks increases as they move towards the shores, and at the very shores reaches 200
million years. And when you get out onto the shore, the age here is 5.5 billion years.

This is a simple conclusion. The substance formed in the Earth crawls out of the
Earth, pushes the bottom apart, and it goes under the continental plates. This is called
subduction. And the earth itself is slowly growing, the continents are moving apart, this is
called spreading
And here's what else it turned out to be. If you carefully cut out all the mothers with
the old bottom areas adjacent to them, then they all fold into a single ball, the size of which
is 1.73 times smaller than the Earth. That is, the Earth was once small, but has since
grown, and a number of international congresses in Australia have been devoted to this
issue. True, at these congresses only the fact of expansion was recorded and no reasons
for this were proposed, because due to meteorites and the absorption of matter from space
it is not possible to explain the numerical parameters. But a fact is a fact. The earth is
expanding, and the only reasonable explanation so far is

There are places where bottom rocks do not creep under the continents. On the
contrary, they climb onto the shore. These are all the Cordillera, framing both Americas
from the west, and the bottom in front of them is folded, which directly indicates that rocks
emerging from the depths of the earth support them. In principle, it would be interesting to
measure the age of rocks on the western side of the Cordillera and on the eastern side. On
the western side, the age of the rocks should be less. At the top of the Cordillera, seashells
are found and on this basis they claim that there was a sea there. In fact, there was no
sea there, just the bottom itself, along with the shells, rose up.

Thus, new matter is continuously formed in the Earth from ether coming from outside.
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12 Lecture 7.

Why does ether enter the Earth at all? It enters the earth from space because all
protons, like any gas vortex formations, have a temperature lower than the gas surrounding
them. Therefore, on the surface of protons the temperature, and therefore the pressure of
the ether, is lower than in free space. This pressure difference drives the ether into the
Earth, as well as into all celestial bodies, including all the planets and the Sun.

There is a lot of evidence on Earth that the temperature in vortices is lower than in
the environment. Airplanes freeze up in flight, and so do the air intakes. In front of an
aircraft standing on the ground, a vortex forms at the entrance to the air intake, which is
visible due to the condensation of water vapor. The temperature on the surfaces of the
tornado is also lower than the surrounding air.

I once rode my bicycle through the village of Vere-shugino just three days after they
were visited by a tornado. The tornado caused a lot of damage there, but the residents
were most struck by the fact that large icy hail was falling from the body of the tornado,
and it was not flying vertically, as normal hail should, but horizontally.


Thus, the ether is absorbed by the protons and neutrons of the substance due to the
fact that their surfaces are colder than the free ether, the nucleons swell, and then,
perhaps, a redistribution of the ether already compacted in the nucleons occurs with the
formation of new protons and neutrons there. Logically, in the body of the earth, as in
other planets, the absorption of ether leads not only to an increase in the total amount of
matter, but also to the appearance of new, increasingly heavier elements. And only then
heavy atoms turn out to be unstable and can spontaneously disintegrate.

fall to pieces.

But not all the ether coming from space into the body of the Earth turns into matter.
Its unorganized crowds roam the body of the Earth, forming their own vortices and
emissions. And in some places it begins to ooze from the Earth back into free space. In
these places, so-called geopathogenic zones are formed.

What are these zones? Most likely, these are helical jets of ether coming out of the
Earth strictly upward and, depending on the intensity of the flows, extending to great
heights. As it turned out, these screw flows have a very high
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did alchemists 13

do? Where did oil and coal come from? penetrating ability,
in any case, the iron bottoms of buses and cars are not an obstacle for them.

There are a great many geopathogenic zones around the globe, millions. They are of different
intensities, and their intensity itself varies widely and depends on many factors, in particular, on the
position and phases of the Moon, on the state of the Earth’s magnetic field and much more. Almost
today we know nothing about them, except that they are all unfavorable for humans.

Sometimes on Earth, as on other planets, powerful ethereal emissions occur, leading to the
appearance of so-called astroblemes and being the initial stage of the formation of comets. We will talk
about this later.

The ether vortices formed in the body of the Earth, as they should be, spin up and at the same
time compress and become denser, creating very serious forces on the order of the forces of strong
nuclear interaction. These forces can shuffle everything at the micro level, and they can be an integral
part of those mechanisms that lead to the transmutation of elements.

All nucleons in nuclei are oriented antiparallel to each other. And this means that they tend to
move relative to each other, but the presence of the boundary layer does not allow them to do this. But
if this boundary layer is disrupted by external interference, for example, by dense ethereal jets, then
the layer will no longer hold nucleons, and they can break away from each other.

Here we can give the following analogy. Imagine that there is a cast iron ball lying on the surface.
To tear it off, you will have to apply a lot of force. But to roll it along a plane, you don’t need much force.
It's the same with nucleons. Shifting them relative to each other will reduce the area of interactions and
facilitate their separation, thereby facilitating their movement relative to each other.

The movement of nucleons relative to each other will be accompanied by a violation of the
boundary layer, in which a neutron can turn into a proton, and this is a new element. Maybe
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14 Lecture 7.

the reverse process, when a proton becomes a neutron, but this is also new

There is another premise.

In 1900, a man appeared in London who offered to teach the Admiralty,
for one million pounds, how to replace oil with water. He said that you can
drive on water no worse than on oil.

He built a car, in front of everyone, he poured water into the gasoline

tank, added something green bought at the pharmacy, after which the car
started easily, the exhaust was clean, and he drove around in this car using
water as fuel, which , of course, it was completely impossible.

This man rode and rode, and then disappeared along with his car, and
no one remembered him again. Oil workers always had their own interests,
and they dealt with the inventor quickly and efficiently.

But the question arises: is this possible in principle? It is clear that such
things cannot exist. Or maybe?
If you look at the article “Water” in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, you
will see that ordinary river, sea, and tap water contains a drop of heavy
water. And the shape of a water molecule resembles a flyer, in which oxygen
occupies the main place, and two hydrogen atoms are attached to its sides;
in place of one of them in heavy water there is a deuteron, that is, a proton
connected to a neutron.

If there is a third substance capable of placing two such heavy water

molecules on its surface so that the deuterons are close to each other,
then when excitation is created, for example, by an electric spark, the
deuterons can combine and form an alpha particle, thereby releasing
nuclear energy. Therefore, the catalyst that was added stimulated this
reaction. And the working fluid is the rest of the water


When I calculated the energy released in this way, I discovered that

the calorie content of water actually exceeds gasoline, although, of course,
not all molecules of heavy water will be realized, and then the calorie
content will be lower. And yet me-
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did alchemists 15

do? Where did oil and coal come from? Therefore, this is
all real. Of course, it is completely unclear what kind of substance the
inventor added to the tank; they say that since it is green, then there must be a
copper base there. Anything is possible. But the usual brilliant green, which is
used to lubricate scratches, has the formula C29H34O4N2 and does not contain
any copper, and, the color is green. So this problem probably cannot be solved
in a hurry. But the main thing in every problem is to know that it has a solution.
And here it is already clear that it has. All that remains is to find this solution.

Alchemists used the so-called philosopher's stone, which was

not a stone at all, but a powder, as a catalyst for nuclear reactions.
There were two philosopher's stones -
the main and minor Main Philosopher's Stone was a red, very fine
powder. It was called the Red Lion, the General Magesterium, the
Vital Elixir, Panacea, etc. The second Philosopher's Stone - the
White Lion, the White Tink-tura, the Small Magesterium was intended
for making silver

Alchemists at work
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16 Lecture 7.
Symbolic alchemy

The philosopher's stone was made from organic substances, and al-chemists were
always digging in barnyards, which caused all sorts of ridicule at themselves.

There was a special technology for making this stone. The technology was based on
mercury. When, about two years ago, there was a big stir in the press about “Red
Mercury,” I began to wonder whether they had really gotten to this same Philosopher’s
Stone! But it was probably something else.

What is the basis of the technology for obtaining Philosophical

The stone contains mercury, it was described many times in alchemical instructions, but
in such a way that it was still impossible to make it.
Various materials were used to obtain gold -
sulfur, lead, etc., but these were cheap materials. At the same time, mercury and copper
were used to produce gold, and lead to produce silver. Sulfur and arsenic were also used.

In principle, it was believed that transmutation produces a thousand times more gold
than the Philosopher's Stone was spent, i.e. if 1 gram of stone was spent, then 1 kg of gold
was obtained. Thus, it is clear that the Philosopher's Stone played the role of a catalyst.
The Philosopher's Stone itself did not take part in alchemical reactions, but its presence in
them was mandatory. Part of the Philosopher's Stone was lost, but these were purely
mechanical losses, it was simply impossible to collect it after using it


A particularly famous alchemist of the 13th century is Roger Bacon, whom we still
consider to be the founder of experimental chemistry. The methodology he created has not
lost its significance today, and his authority was enormous. But scientists of the 19th
century and later were always surprised how such a great man could consider the
transmutation of elements and the making of gold possible, when, in their opinion, this was
impossible in principle.

The famous 13th century alchemist Raymond Lull wrote in his

“It is very good to note that the material of the philosopher’s stone is very
cheap and is found everywhere.”
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did alchemists 17

do? Where did oil and coal come from?

Roger Bacon Raymond Lull

1214-1294 1236-1316

Thus, we are talking about a catalyst, which, having caught on the

electron shell of atoms, affects
For alchemists, all reactions went on for weeks with thunder, which
surpassed all performances, it was all terribly noisy.
I tried in the book “Ethereal Dynamic Hypotheses” to present
several reactions that would lead to the creation of gold and silver and
at the same time do not absorb, but release energy.
It is interesting that these reactions, which could result in the production of gold and silver, also occur
with the release of energy, that is, such reactions could be self-sustaining, at least in principle. Such
reactions may include, in particular, the following:

80Hg + 16S => 79Au + 17Cl + 2n + (4.74 - 9.46) MeV;

80Hg + 33As => 79Au + 34Se + 2n + (4.27 - 26.25) MeV;

82Pb + 29Cu => 79Au + 32Ge + 14.38 MeV;

82Pb + 26C => 247Ag + 12n + (23.3 - 42.1) MeV;

82Pb + 14Si => 2 47ÿg + 2He + 14n + 21.1 MeV.

In the above reactions, starting materials traditional for alchemists

were used - mercury, sulfur, lead, arsenic. IN
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18 Lecture 7.

In most reactions, free neutrons are released, which, in turn, can contribute to the progress
of the reaction and the appearance of new side elements.

All this is quite plausible, but there is a trifle missing here - that same Philosopher's
Today, unfortunately, no one is working on what can be called a nuclear catalyst.
Nuclear catalysts must exist, because the origin of numerous elements cannot be explained
otherwise. But in order for someone to start doing this, they need to know that this is at
least fundamentally possible. No one will do what is impossible.

We traditionally have the idea that it is impossible to influence nuclei through electron
shells. This is not true. There is a book by Gustav Le Bon, “The Evolution of Matter,” which
went through 14 editions at the beginning of the 20th century. In it, Le Bon showed that the
half-life of radium depends very much on concentration. If radium is contained in one piece,
then it has one half-life, and if it is scattered on a blotter, then its half-life is completely

What exactly has changed? The tension of the electron shell has changed. This
means that the electron shell influences nuclear processes, and we need to find ways of
this influence, and then we can try to use them in the right direction.

And one moment. Someone needs to go back to the roots of alchemy and look with
fresh eyes at what is written there. Of course, everything is so confusing there that there
is nowhere else to go. It was not for nothing that they dressed up in all sorts of clothes, let
in fog and so on. But you can look for something, the main thing is to change your attitude
towards alchemy.

Lebon Gustav
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did alchemists do? Where did oil 19

and coal come from? 1841-1931

There is a book by V.L. Rabinovich “Alchemy”. It's all written there

it is very detailed and interesting, a wealth of material is given, but the main thing is that it says
that all this cannot be done, and thereby gives an ideological orientation to the absolute futility of
the practice of alchemy itself. This orientation is disorienting.

In fact, all alchemical matters must be looked at from the point of view of the fact that all
this can be done. Yes, today we still don’t understand how they did it. But since this can be
done, then we must search, we must try, we must work. And not as some Physics and
Technology people I know say: we still won’t understand this. This position is fruitless, and
therefore harmful. It leads nowhere and dooms us to mark time, which is what is happening to
our physics today.

Ask questions.

Question. You said that ether from space enters the Earth. Explain again what happens to
him next.
Answer. The ether, in fact, enters the body of the Earth at the second cosmic speed. There
it is absorbed by protons, which increase their volume and mass, but, apparently, the stability is
somehow broken, because at some point a redistribution of the accumulated mass must begin,
and a new substance will be formed. This process occurs throughout the entire volume of the
globe, because each proton has a reduced temperature, therefore, on its surface there is a
reduced ether pressure and, therefore, each proton will absorb ether. But the volume of the
globe is proportional to the cube of the radius, and the surface is only proportional to the square.
Therefore, there is not enough surface, and the resulting substance begins to crawl out in the
form of a system of rift ridges, individual islands, individual mountains, etc. In addition, vortices
are formed from part of the ether, which come to the surface and even burst into space

Question. Can you give an example of electrical transmutation?

cops are not in the body of the Earth?
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20 Lecture 7.

Answer. There are such examples. For example, if a chicken is calcium deficient,
then, in theory, it has nothing to make shells from, in which calcium is the main element.
However, she lays eggs with shells, i.e. Somehow calcium is produced in it. It is unlikely
that she does this consciously.

There are other examples. For example, it is still believed that chlorophyll is designed
to absorb carbon dioxide from the air, due to which plants grow. However, a simple
calculation shows that the body of plants contains up to 13% carbon, and the air contains
only 0.01% carbon. Moreover, plants also grow in greenhouses when the sun is shining
and there is no wind. The question is, where do plants get their carbon?

It is useless to talk about this topic with biologists and botanists. They immediately
fall into hysterics, everything is clear to them, it’s so obvious! However, they cannot answer
this question. And the assumptions here are simple. The nucleus of an oxygen atom
contains four alpha particles, and the nucleus of a carbon atom contains three. And if you
shake one of the alpha particles in the oxygen nucleus, the weakest one, it will fly out of
there, and carbon will be formed. This means that growing plants continuously release
helium, and this can already be checked.

I have already spoken about associated waters during oil production. Transmutation
of elements is ubiquitous, but no attention is paid to this due to the prevailing ideas about
the impossibility of this.

Question. Are there any other stereotypes?

Answer. They still exist and, unfortunately, there are many of them. Here's a simple
example. It is known that the word nitrogen means lifeless, and it is believed that it has
nothing to do with life processes. And in Nizhny Novgorod there was Volsky’s laboratory,
which began studying this issue.

They took two dozen fresh chicken eggs, put some in a regular incubator, and another
dozen in the same incubator, but replaced the nitrogen with some kind of inert gas, I don’t
remember what, either neon or argon. And what do you think? In the first incubator all the
chicks hatched, but in the second - not a single one! So much for lifeless nitrogen!
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Is transmutation of elements possible? What did 21

alchemists do? Where did oil and coal come from?
Every science, every field of natural science, and even sociology has
its own stereotypes. In some ways this is not even bad, this is the so-called
healthy conservatism, cutting off all superficiality and hackwork. But from
some point this healthy
conservatism turns into a dam on the path of the development of science, and then a war
begins, which inevitably sweeps away this dam.

Question. What do you think the situation is with stereotypes in other areas of
Answer. Things are good, everywhere there are stereotypes that do not allow you to
move on. They’ve gotten used to a lot of things, they’re used to it and don’t pay attention.

Now the most urgent task of natural science is the creation of a materialistic
methodology and the revision of everything that has been accumulated. In physics, and
not only in it, a lot of authorities have accumulated who are actually swindlers. I analyzed
the experiments of the great French researcher Fizeau and found out that his experiments
on the speed of light, which were included in all textbooks, could not have been carried
out then, in the middle of the 19th century, since then there were no technical means
absolutely necessary for this, Even now it is not easy to implement them, but then it was
simply impossible. Who checked it? No one, but the whole world was ringing.

And what are all these fifth digits worth in the masses of a neutron, proton, etc.? To
guarantee the fifth decimal place, you need in all
components of the experiments have an error at the level of the sixth or seventh digit.
And the error of magnetic and electric field meters is, at best, one percent, i.e. second
decimal place. Where did the fifth character appear in reference books?

I figured out how to do it. Stakeholders gather and share the results. They are
different for everyone, but a reference book needs to be published. Then they sum
everything up, find the arithmetic mean and drink to the agreement reached. That's all.
And they keep quiet about the spreads.

I had a case where a young engineer discarded all the so-called outliers when
processing the results of an experiment until he got the result he needed, and then
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22 Lecture 7.

I'm sure I didn't miss his hack. And such cases are everywhere.

What can we say about the results of experiments testing Einstein's Theory of Relativity? This is
all a complete fake, because there is a targeted processing of the results to suit the theory, and most
importantly, the results are interpreted exclusively in favor of the Theory of Relativity, although there
are many other theories that are confirmed by the same experiments.

Today, all science needs revision, and the main thing it needs is the creation of a modern
materialist methodology of natural science.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms





At one time, in the early sixties, I had to

Deal with the problem of converting the shaft rotation angle into code.
At that time, this was an extremely pressing problem. The fact is that every aircraft,
be it airplanes and helicopters or rockets, is full of all sorts of shafts, the angle of rotation
of which must be converted into binary code. For what? Just at this time, the first computers
began to be installed on board aircraft, which for some reason worked with digital codes,
but not with the angles of rotation of shafts or axes. This and
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2 Lecture 8.

gyro-verticals, and directional systems, steering angles, all kinds of instrument arrows,
and so on and so forth. But no one knew how to convert shaft rotation angles with the
required accuracy and small dimensions. Therefore, the theme “Shaft” was set, which was
supposed to solve this problem. And this topic went to LII, accompanied by four other
organizations, and at LII - to me, who was appointed as the Responsible Executive of the
Lead Organization on this topic.

Well, they appointed it, so they appointed it, something had to be done, and I started
become familiar with this problem.
It quickly became clear that in the whole world no one had come up
with anything useful for this purpose. All the angle-code converters created
by that time were terribly bulky, crude, required exclusively precision
technology, there was no question of any serial capability, and most
importantly, they were all absolutely unsuitable for installation in aircraft
instruments. They simply wouldn't fit in there. But the problem needs to
be solved.
Then electromechanical computers began to appear using SKVT - sine-cosine rotating
transformers. Our instrument engineers began to make them according to the American
model, and a happy thought appeared that if they were modified, or rather, completely
redesigned, then we could put them on shafts and, with their help, try to convert their output
voltage, which reflects the angle of rotation of the shaft, into code.

Then this issue was dealt with by a certain Zavolokin, who used
these SKVTs as a phase shifter. The essence of the idea was that the
phase difference between the phase and reference voltages was
converted into a time interval, which was filled with pulses, and these
pulses were counted by a counter, converting their number into binary
code. This idea, at first glance, seems simple and even obvious, but in
fact it contains many pitfalls. Conversion errors directly depend on the
content of harmonics in the supply voltage: what is the clearing factor,
so is the error. For the attention of listeners: if the harmonics in a sine
wave contain no more than 7%, then you simply will not see this on an
oscilloscope, it will seem to you that there are no harmonics there. But in
fact, the conversion error will be 7% of the 90° shaft rotation angle, i.e.
whole 6 o
. And the permissible error
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Intermolecular interactions. The aura of inanimate objects and living organisms is

only about 3-5 arc minutes, 3
i.e. 200 times less. Therefore, all efforts were aimed at getting rid of these harmonics using filters,
feedbacks and much more. The circuit also required temperature stabilization, and in general, the
initially simple circuit began to acquire all sorts of additions that made it complex. But there are no
difficulties that cannot be overcome, especially if a bonus is promised for this. I heard that rocket
and ship crews are still with

All these difficulties are successfully fought and overcome, honor and glory to them! But
we don’t overcome them, because we have them
no, basically.

RCÿ = 1 Uop

Upit ~



t TO Counter



Converting the angle into a code using SKT in phase shifter mode: Uop – reference
voltage; Uphase – phase voltage; GI –
pulse generator; K is the key.

In our environment of aviation instrument technicians, another

The idea is to balance the sine and cosine output voltages in a bridge circuit using the
same SKVT.
Then, firstly, there is no need to fight harmonics at all, since their number is the same
in both voltages, and they are equal.
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4 Lecture 8.

cancel each other out. And, secondly, the entire conversion range can be divided into 8
octants, and the accuracy automatically increases eight times. And, thirdly, any SKT sensor
can be loaded according to the selsyn transformer circuit with a large number of SKT
receivers, which is generally done in phase-shifting circuits.

You can't bark.

u1 = U0cosÿ

Upit ~ u2 = U0sinÿ




PNK software


Converting the shaft rotation angle into a code using SKT according to
the principle of amplitude balancing: SKT – sine-cosine transformer; Software
– octant switch; PNK – voltage-code converter

This idea was brought to the implementation in aviation all over the world, SKVT was
transformed into SKT and since then all aviation has been using exactly this method of
converting shaft rotation angles into code. The number of SKTs produced by us reached
700 thousand units per year.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms

year, of which aviation dismantled no more than 120 thousand, the rest were dismantled
by industry.
And the rocket crews and shipmen remained with their phase shifters
and still don’t want to hear about anything else.
All this is reminiscent of the famous phrase of our former opponent Winston
Churchill. He said: “I admire Russians who enthusiastically overcome difficulties that they
create for themselves.” And it is true.

However, one curious circumstance emerged along the way.

Any vector in a phase-shifting circuit is described by the expression

u=Ue i (ÿt + ÿ0 + ÿ – ÿ0 )

where ÿ is the shaft rotation angle. And in a bridge circuit, any vector will be depicted
differently, namely

u=Ue i (ÿt + ÿ0 ) e j ( ÿ – ÿ0 )

Here there are two imaginaries - one in time, the other in space, they are in different
planes, and here processes in time do not affect the spatial angle of rotation. And from all
this it follows that any temporal scheme must correspond to a spatial scheme and vice
versa. And then came the general philosophical conclusion that any temporal process
must correspond to a similar spatial process. And that's already something.

This means, in particular, that all existing radio technology based on time processes,
because frequency is the number of oscillation periods per second, and the period is a
time interval, must correspond to spatial radio technology, i.e. there must be types of
signals, distributed not in time, but in space. This means that just as at any point in space
there are electromagnetic radiations from all radio stations and even from all bodies, all
structures of all objects must have auras - reflections in space. This also means that at
any point in space there are auras of all beings.
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6 Lecture 8.

bodies existing in the Universe, and there should be a fundamental possibility

of detecting objects by their aura, no matter where they are. And if humanity
has not yet used this opportunity, it is only because they did not think about it.

it happened.

We will begin further discussions from the proton.

I remind you that a proton is a toroidal vortex of densified ether. It does
not crumble because on its surface there is a boundary layer in which there is
a difference in the speed of flows, their density, temperature and viscosity.
However, the nearest layers of the adjacent ether are set in motion, part of
them passes through the central hole, and most of them in an electrically
neutral atom are closed in external space, forming an attached toroidal vortex
of a larger size or an electron shell. In this shell there are no electrons as
such; there is the entire shell at once - an attached vortex. The number of
attached vortices in an atom is exactly equal to the number of protons, because
each proton creates such an attached vortex for itself. And the size of this
vortex is limited only by the conditions of its stability.

The size of atomic nuclei is known to be of the order of 10–15

meters, and the external size of the electron shell is 10–10 meters, i.e. one
hundred thousand times larger.
By the way, physicists cannot explain in any way why the number of protons and
the number of electrons in all atoms are the same, and why electrons, being at such a
great distance, are held by protons. Still, if a proton grew to a size of one meter, then the
electrons would be 100 kilometers away from it. How did all this happen, why?! Eh,
gentlemen theorists?

But on the surface of the attached vortex, the ether also moves at a speed,
of course, 8-10 orders of magnitude lower than on the surface of the core,
nevertheless. It moves and sets in motion neighboring layers. And around the
electron shell a second toroidal attached vortex is formed, which can be
appropriately called the van der Waals shell. Why?
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms Because

it was the Dutch scientist 7

Van der Waals who discovered the forces of molecular interaction, described them and even
found some patterns of this phenomenon.

Jan Diederik van der Waals Van der

1837-1923 Waals isotherms

It was Van der Waals in 1873 who showed that between molecules at
short distances there are repulsive forces that decrease with distance to the
sixth power, and at slightly larger distances there are attractive forces that
decrease with distance to the twelfth power. True, Van der Waals did not
know why this was so and what caused these dependencies. However, the
presence of a second attached vortex is the reason why the molecules are
held relative to each other. Therefore, it would be fair to call this second
attached vortex the van der Waals shell.

When we talk about the structure of atomic nuclei, there are no big
difficulties. All nuclei consist of protons and neutrons, the ways of connecting
them with each other are clear to a first approximation, and even an idea
arose about creating an album of all these nuclei, all of them together with
isotopes of the order of a thousand. Well, if with isosteres, that is, with
options for placing neutrons on the surfaces of complex nuclei, then
somewhere around two thousand. Of course, creating such an album is a
lot of work, but given modern computer technology, it is quite possible and,
hopefully, someone will
will complete

With electronic shells the matter is more complicated. The simplest

nuclei, up to and including beryllium, do not have any particular difficulties.
But then difficulties arise related to the helical flows of the ether.
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8 Lecture 8.

For example, in two alpha particles, two protons appear one behind the other and, logically,
create not two, but one stream of screwed-up ether with double power. What next, will it
be two attached vortices or one? If one, then what about the number of electrons? And if
there are two, then how can they be formed? Questions and questions. This is work.

But, when we consider the second attached vortex -

van der Waals shell, then the difficulties here increase.
Within each atomic nucleus, the influence of other atomic nuclei
can be ignored. This cannot be said within the electronic shells of
each atom. But, nevertheless, everything is somehow observable.
But the van der Waals shell is already on the order of 10–5 m in
size, while the size of the molecule is on the order of the size of an
atom, i.e. about 10–10 m. This means that the volume of the van der
Waals shell of just one atom can contain 1015 molecules, each of
which has its own shell. How they will be located there, how they will
interact, is a big question. But somehow the molecules get along with
each other. Problem!

Formation of the 2nd attached vortex – the van der Waals shell and subsequent
attached vortices – the 1st kind aura
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms Of course,

the situation here is not 9

hopeless. You can even se-

It’s time to name some key points, such as, for example, the mutual orientation of molecules
according to the principle of the highest energy of compounds. Each molecule will strive
to unfold
antiparallel to the external flows enveloping it, and then held by the same flows. But in
general, the task of determining the structure of matter, taking into account all the ether
flows of all van der Waals shells, is extremely difficult.

This shell itself should be perceived as a weak positive electromagnetic field,

because the circular motion in it is the same as in the electron shell, and the toroidal one
is again turned inside out. The size of this shell will be about one meter.

Of course, the speeds of etheric flows here will be significantly reduced compared to
the speed of flows in protons and electron shells. On the surface of the proton boundary
layer, the speed is about 5·1021 m/s. On the surface of the electron shell it is somewhere
on the order of 1011 -1012 m/s. On the surface of the van der Waals shell there is an
order of tens and hundreds of meters per second, and on the surface of the third attached
vortex the aura is already quite insignificant. But this is only for a single atom or molecule.

If we take into account that in every cubic centimeter of any substance there are
about 1023 molecules, and all of them participate in the creation of ethereal flows around
themselves, then we can assume that on the surface of any body the speed of flows
corresponds to the speed of ethereal flows on the surface of electronic shells, i.e. .e.
about 1011 -1012 m/s, and this is a completely different matter.

Around a ball with a diameter of 1 meter, the total aura can be a radius of about 50
km or more, and on its surface the speed of ether flows will amount to units and tens of
meters per second. The next vortex will be attached to this aura, which can extend for
thousands of kilometers, but is already quite weak. This is a static aura, or an aura of the
first kind, which absolutely all material bodies have

At one time I became interested in the question of what a biofield is. Life, as I heard,
is metabolism. This is a continuous chi-
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mic reaction occurring in a living cell. There are connection reactions, there are
decomposition reactions, and so on.
How do two atoms join together? There are only two ways of connection, the first is
when the atoms stick to each other with their attached vortices, i.e. electron shells, in
chemical terminology this is an ionic bond. The second method is when both attached
vortices combine into one, covering both atoms. In chemistry, this method is called covalent


In the first case, the vortices are held relative to each other in a common boundary
layer formed due to oppositely directed ether flows. Thanks to the velocity gradient
between the vortices, the pressure decreases, and the external pressure of the ether
presses the vortices towards each other. There is no transformation of the vortices other
than a change in their shape. This case corresponds to an ionic chemical bond.

In the second case, the connection of two vortices gives a single vortex. In helical
flows this is possible only when their helical factors coincide. This means that in attached
vortices both toroidal and annular motions must have the same direction in the connection
plane. Then a single attached vortex is formed, covering both connected atoms. In this
common attached vortex, the pressure is less than in the surrounding environment, and
the flow length is less than the sum of the flow lengths in both attached vortices of individual
atoms. This case corresponds to a covalent bond.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms Connection

of vortices: a – by sticking eleven

to each other (corresponds to ionic bond); b – through the formation of common flows
(corresponds to a covalent bond)

In the first case, nothing special will happen to the electron shells, except that they are
somewhat deformed. In the second case, the shells will unite into one common shell, in which the
length of the flows will be less than the total length of the ether flows in both atoms. Where will
the extra ether go? It will be thrown out of the molecule into outer space.

But the ejected part of the attached vortices is screwed in and compacted. It cannot be
maintained in this form, because the front part is a vortex source, and the back part is

eddy drain. This means that the source and drain will close and form a new particle - a lepton,
which we verified at one time, I talked about this in the sixth lecture.

I'll repeat myself a bit. We detected the appearance of leptons by the behavior of specially
made torsion balances, in which at the end of the rocker there was a thin aluminum plate - a sail.
We placed a plastic cup 10 centimeters from the sail, in which we placed an alkali tablet, and then
poured acid into this tablet from a pipette. When the reaction began, the sail moved towards the
cup, and when the reaction ended, the sail moved away from it all the way and only after an hour
and a half returned to its place.

Here is a 1st year student of the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, who with
his friend went further. They carried out a similar reaction on photographic paper, wrapped in
black paper that did not transmit light, after which they illuminated the photographic paper and
then developed it. All the paper turned black, except for the place under the cup. Here the paper
has lost its light sensitivity. And this is also a new phenomenon, hitherto unknown.

The same guys conducted an experiment with the same reaction, placing a ceramic
capacitor connected to a measuring device nearby. The idea was that in leptons the density of
the ether is increased, and the penetration of leptons into the insulator

between the plates of the capacitor should increase the dielectric constant of the insulator, i.e.
capacitor capacity. Yes and
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happened. At the beginning of the reaction, the capacitance of the capacitor increased by
1%, and then within 2-2.5 hours it restored its value.
Thus, three independent and different experiments
confirmed the initial assumption that during covalent reactions, vortex ether leptons are
formed in the space external to the reaction. And this confirms that during covalent reactions
of a compound, ether streams are ejected from the molecule.

Well, what happens if a decomposition reaction takes place next door?

When do two atoms previously united into a molecule fall away from each other? There will
be a shortage of ether there; a zone of low pressure will form there, which will gain ether
from the surrounding space. But if a stream of ether is ejected nearby and even under
high pressure, then the pressure difference will drive this stream into a low-pressure zone,
i.e. into separated atoms. A background tank is formed. When both reactions are
completed, the fountain will disappear in this place, but will appear in another. This is the
Kirlian glow, which is now widely known. True, this glow can only be seen if high-frequency
electromagnetic radiation is added there. But if you don’t add it, it’s still nowhere

It won't go away, it will just become invisible.

Thus, the fact is confirmed that with chemical
In the reactions, ether is released and an aura is formed.
And since in a living body the processes of connection and disintegration are
continuously going on, then all these emissions and absorptions of the ether form a single
pulsating field, which, in my opinion, is the aura of a living body, a dynamic aura or an aura
of the second kind.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms Kirlian

glow: glow of leaves in 13
the presence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field (200 kHz). In the last photo you
can see that the outline of the cut part of the sheet is glowing.

If you tear off a fresh sheet and place it between the plates of a capacitor connected
to a high-frequency radiation generator, the sheet, especially its edges, begin to glow.

But after twenty minutes the glow begins to weaken, and after an hour there is no
glow at all. Leaf died.
I had an interesting case. It was in the summer, I don’t remember what year. I came
home, there was no one at home, the door to the balcony was open. Entering the room, I
felt a sharp discomfort that had never happened before. And when I sat down on the sofa
next to the balcony door, the discomfort intensified.

I realized that the source of this discomfort was on the balcony, and I went out onto
the balcony. The discomfort increased sharply, and I began
look for its source.

There was a table on the balcony, and on the table there was a pot with some kind of
flower. And from this flower hung a vine 30-35 centimeters long, at the end of which hung
a dark green flower with six petals with a total diameter of ten centimeters, and it was
impossible to look at this flower without shuddering. Nothing like that happened yesterday.
I overcame myself and leaned towards the flower. The feeling was terrible and

it is impossible to describe it.

Returning to the sofa, I noted the time. Twenty minutes later he went out onto the
balcony again. Nothing changed there, but the feeling of discomfort weakened, and I no
longer felt horror in front of the flower.
After another twenty minutes, the feeling of discomfort practically disappeared. And
after another twenty minutes, the flower began to shrink and shrink in size before our eyes.
And the next morning, all that was left of the flower was a small gray lump the size of a
penny and a thin thread - a former liana.

Analyzing what happened, I realized that I accidentally found myself at the moment
of the most violent, albeit brief, flowering, which created an extremely unfavorable aura for
me. I don't name the flower
I know.

Thus, along with the static aura, inherent in all bodies, there is a dynamic aura,
inherent only
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living bodies. This aura reflects the physiological processes occurring in the body.

Now let's imagine a situation where a living object has died and all reactions in it have
stopped. But within and around it, complex ether-dynamic vortex structures continue to
remain, which have not yet disintegrated and which have a certain internal energy. And now
these structures no longer correspond to the body that created them. What will happen to
these structures?

These structures will fall away from the body and will continue to exist until they
exhaust their internal energy. What time? Unknown. The decay time of a proton, whose
body is extremely compacted and whose surface is very small, is ten or twenty billion years.
The decay time of leptons is tens of minutes, but this is for a small amount of matter. And
the biofield created by large bodies can

exist much longer.

I don’t remember where I read this, but one interesting thing turned out to be
The experiment was carried out by the British. The researchers placed the mice in a
jar, which they then sealed and placed on a scale. The mice were allowed to die peacefully,
and everyone watched what the scales would show, whether there would be a change in
weight. A change in weight occurred: the weight decreased by some milligram or microgram,
I don’t remember, but it decreased by a quite noticeable amount. But then, after several
days, the weight began to increase, despite the tightness of the jar, and increased beyond
the initial one, also by

a very noticeable amount.

A cry arose: miracle, Lord God, etc. From the standpoint of ether-
dynamics are simple.
When the mice died, the biofield they had created turned out to be inappropriate to the
new conditions, and it came off, freely passing through the walls of the jar into free space.
This is a biofield
- a complex multi-vortex structure with its own vortex flows and with its own energy, which
has not gone away. It can exist for some time until this energy is exhausted by viscosity
friction in the ether. What happened a few days later, why did the weight begin to increase?
Simple too. After a few days, the
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms

tissue pad, i.e. disintegration of matter. Molecules break down into
simpler ones, larger in total volume, the pressure of the ether drops,
and there is a shortage of ether. Then the pressure difference of free
ether and intramolecular ether begins to move from free space into new molecules. The
walls of the jar are not an obstacle here either, because glass is an insulator. That's the
whole answer. It's the same with humans.

The problem is different. Does the detached field of a person have self-consciousness? Is it possible
in this case to talk about the “soul” as some independent entity? This requires separate research. But
some interesting points can be seen here too.

Since ancient times, there has been a certain shamanic technology for “exorcising
demons.” Not only shamans, but also some psychics, fortune tellers and other non-officials
who have appropriated the status of so-called traditional healers are engaged in such
“expulsion”. I will say right away that not all such healers are engaged in “exorcism”, but
only a few. I personally know Seryozha, one of these miracles, and I know that he is a
conscientious person, and those with whom official medicine, including all kinds of
psychologists, have failed, turn to him. And these patients

people sometimes fall into a trance and begin to talk nonsense, disturbing those around
them, and then they suffer greatly from all this. And Sergei cures them.

In his opinion, in one way or another, some alien essence, an alien biofield, has been
implanted in these sick people. And this entity is fully self-aware. Most of the time she

does not manifest itself, but sometimes it manifests itself, and then the seizure begins.

Sergey uses pyra-

mid, placed in the room where the treatment takes place, consisting of all sorts of iron
boxes and magnets and entangled with wires.
He throws out the window a rectangular wire basket with its bell facing up, connected by
a thick wire to the pyramid. Then he lays the patient in his clothes on a table on which lies
an iron sheet connected by a wire to a pyramid and covered with a sheet. And then
everyone starts chatting
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talking nonsense, talking with the very essence that is found in this patient. At the same
time, all others present, and there are several dozen patients, are categorically forbidden
to talk.
“Well, how are you, Man?” asks Sergei. And “The Man,” that is, an old woman over
70 years old, who came to the session with her grandson, suddenly, without remembering
herself, begins to answer in a hoarse voice:
“Whatever, the general of the ether-dynamic troops came here, let him get out, he’s
bothering me!” This is about me sitting quietly in the corner. Sergei replies: “I’ll kick you out
myself, well, get out!” And so on. There are patients who have several entities.

Despite the improbability of what is happening, the effect turns out to be positive,
and in many cases Sergei copes with his task. And then something even more interesting
Sergei stands next to the patient lying on the table and looks over
begins to manipulate it, as if tearing something apart.
- What are you doing over there? – I asked.
- Well, of course! – Sergey answers. – Touch it here (in the air – V.A.), do you feel
the chill? This is a channel for suction of energy, which someone attached to the patient.
I cut him off.
- What's going on? – I’m interested.
– And the channel breaks, the energy is no longer sucked out of the patient, and he
will recover. And the one who hung it on him will receive an energy blow.

– So you treat some and cripple others?!

“I’ll cripple—I won’t cripple, but he’ll get hit.” Let him not parasitize at the expense of
others. Evil must be punished.
This is the method of treatment and this is the psychology of the struggle between good and

Shamans do approximately the same thing with their rituals, howls and dances. It
should be noted that not everyone can
become a shaman, and the shamans themselves do not take part in hunting and fishing,
although perhaps they do, but rarely. However, all hunters and fishermen consider it their
duty to share their catch with them. It may seem that shamans exist at the expense of
others, but it only seems so.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms


Backward peoples actually had no medicine, and shamans played the role of healers
using improvised means, in particular, their biofield and their actions, to some extent
psychological. But the alien being expelled from the patient’s body

They drove the essence into a stone or a piece of wood, which categorically could not be
touched, because otherwise this essence could move into the person who touched this

Shamans at work

Sergey divides all psychics into Junists and non-Junists, from the words of Jun, a very
famous female psychic. All the psychics he knows are Juneists. And he is not a Junist
while he is the only one, there are no others, but there will be. Junists treat people by
giving away their energy, as a result of which they
themselves can get sick, and with the very thing they are treating. Non-junists either
throw out the harmful essence, spending significantly less energy on it, or attract the energy
of the ether. This energy can be twofold. This is either the energy of the ether flow,
continuously absorbed by the Earth, or the internal energy of the ether itself, i.e. energy of
thermal motion of amers. This energy is many orders of magnitude greater than the energy
of flows, but it is much more difficult to capture.

Sergei regularly calls me for advice. Now, if there is one toroid, then how to use
another toroid to rotate it, reduce the binding energy, and then throw it away. And I have to
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quickly figure out, because the conversation is going on internationally, what needs to be done for this.

- Here! - Sergei shouts, - I thought so, but here’s another question... And so on. Sergei
claims that I help him a lot in creating treatment methods. I don’t argue, I help, I help, it’s
not difficult for me, but it’s completely incomprehensible. On the other hand, I remember the
words of Lord Rayleigh, who once said that he
was surprised at the little attention that scientists pay to the method of similarity. Often,
using this method, you can literally discover in minutes what scientists have been struggling
with for years. This is true, but the Lord forgot to say which analogy should be used in
which case. There are many analogies!

One way or another, I flatter myself with the hope that Sergei uses my recommendations
as a method of analogy with his problems. May be so!

Thus, we can talk about the third type of aura - a biofield separated from the human
or animal that gave birth to it, which begins its own existence.

This category of phenomena includes the so-called “spoilage”, “evil eye” and similar
non-scientific categories that exist
have existed for many centuries among almost all peoples.
There is a simple way to ruin the life of a neighbor who has annoyed you with
something, a well-known method. You need to bury a live frog under the porch of the house
where your neighbor lives, and when it dies in agony, its detached biofield will ruin the life
of not only your neighbor, but his entire family. And his friends will stop visiting him. So your
goal will be achieved. True, if your neighbor or his friends guess about this, they will try to
do something similar or worse to you. And then you are with them. And then they are with
you... It won’t be boring here!

At one time I was interested in what telepathy was. It is convenient to conduct trial
telepathy sessions using so-called Zener cards. Zener cards are cards made of hard paper
or cardboard measuring 5x8 cm, on one side of which a circle, a cross, three wavy lines, a
square and a star are depicted in thick lines. There are 10 pieces of each card, 50 pieces
in total, that's enough, but of course you can have more.
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms


Zener cards

There are many options for conducting sessions.


Principles of telepathy

In our case it looked like this.

In one room there was a table on which jumbled Zener cards lay face down. In the
next room at the tables
Several people were sitting, including me, with blank sheets of paper in front of them.

Inductor, i.e. the person transmitting the information took one of the Zener cards,
looked at it for a few seconds, and then tapped the table twice with a pencil and looked at
the wall behind which we were sitting, and tried to imagine a drawing of this on the wall.
cards. The cards were placed face down on top of each other. Then he took the next one,
and so on.

We all sat with our eyes closed and wrote down the picture that appeared in our
heads. In my case, it looked like this: a fiery figure drawn on the map floated out of the
darkness and floated back into the darkness. It was impossible to stop it or repeat it. Each
of us wrote down what he dreamed. And then, having gone through the entire deck, we got
together and merged

We combined what was given to us with what we accepted.

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I’ll say right away that everyone’s readings were different. But I personally had the best
ones. Maybe this is due to the strength of my own biofield; mine is strong. Not like psychics,
but still. Maybe with the ability to concentrate. Only I had the maximum agreement between
what was transmitted and what I received, somewhere at the level of 90-95%. Others had it

When the inductor came in, I asked him if there was a transmission of three triangles in a
row (we also had a triangle on our cards), he replied that there was. I said that the middle
one is the other way around. Dismantled
deck, and it turned out that yes, three triangles lie in a row, the middle one does not lie in
the same way as in front of it and behind it, but vice versa. Since then I have come to
believe that telepathy really exists.
As you know, there is a so-called dowsing. Its essence lies in the fact that over any
ground irregularities, for example, over a stream or voids, the frames in the operator’s
hands begin to deviate from the neutral position. It is known to be widely used for searching
for underground water, and in the Middle Ages it was used for searching for certain ores.
The special interest here lies in the fact that if a piece of the very ore that is being sought is
tied to the tip of the frame, then the frame acquires the ability to

the ability to react specifically to this ore and not to react to other types of ores and
heterogeneities. Selectivity appears.
From this we can conclude that there is a resonance of structures. How to manage all
this and how all this can be used is, of course, impossible to say now. But I personally
have no doubt that such a phenomenon exists. Moreover, this field, which spreads around
an object, reflects not only the shape of this object, but also its internal structure. And such
a field, weakening, spreads far. Consequently, at every point in space there are auras from
all objects.

Of course, objects located at different distances from the measurement point will create
an aura of different levels, just as radio stations at long distances may not be audible due to
the weakness of the incoming signal, however, increasing the sensitivity and selectivity of
receivers allows them to accept. It will probably be the same with spatial structures,
although today it is completely unclear how to approach them.

I'm listening to questions.

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Question. You talked about where the aura of a living person comes from, how it can
come off and even move into someone. How reliable is all this? Answer. I told you that, in
principle, such a physical possibility exists, that it is
real. For the first time we are beginning to understand, albeit very superficially, the
mechanism itself that ensures the appearance of such an aura, as well as the possibility of
radiation and, conversely, absorption of energy flows by living organisms. So, they say,
there is white energy, and there is black energy, there are energy vampires, etc. The
energy vampire himself is not happy that he is like this, but he cannot do anything. All these
questions today are classified as mysticism, but in fact this is a reality that needs to be
studied and only after that any conclusions can be drawn.

We saw an opportunity to somehow evaluate the energy of reactions using torsion

balances. This must be continued. Then more advanced research methods will definitely
be found, as in any matter. It is impossible to say today where all this will lead. But it will
definitely lead to something. It is not for nothing that today one of the main tasks of
extrasensory perception is to study the aura, identify energy gaps and equalize the energy
of the entire organism. Some believe that this is the main direction in the development of
medicine. It may very well be!

We always have either hype or complete denial. Both are wrong. There is a problem,
some possible ways of research have been shown, but no conclusions can be drawn yet,
because we do not yet know the subject. When we figure it out, then we can draw
conclusions, but for now it’s too early.

Question. And yet, maybe today some kind of

applied use of what you talked about?
Answer. Some things are already being used today and have been used for a long
time. For example, it is known that to recharge your body it is useful to stand under a tree
with your arms raised and palms facing up. It's right. But, as it turns out, not for every tree.
Birch - yes, it charges. Aspen, on the contrary, takes away. But people
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are also different and they may have different correspondence to trees. So far, all this is at
best empirical and completely unsystematic.

I have already mentioned the folk healer Seryozha. He came up with an ether-dynamic
vibrator, a kind of spiral wire structure that he recommends installing on all moving objects
to increase their safety. Well, it would seem, what could some kind of twisted wire with a
total volume of about one tenth of a liter have to do with increasing safety? But how can
you look at it?

In my early youth I worked a lot on barometric altimeters. They have one problem -
friction in the axles and gears. To reduce this friction, a buzzer was installed on the
altimeter body, which continuously shook the altimeter. Friction was reduced and accuracy
increased completely


Now imagine, for example, that the metal is tired and prone to destruction at the
slightest shock. And if you shake it all the time at the etheric level, then microcracks may
not form, and the metal of the car will receive small or even large shocks from the outside

won't notice because it has become stronger. It is

possible that the driver will also have increased stability, and he will not drive into the
oncoming lane unnecessarily, as often happens. So, not everything is so simple and
obvious here. All this needs to be explored, and not squeal with delight or shout that all this
is pseudoscience and nonsense. We need to work on this!

Today it is all pseudoscience. Serious scientists don’t do anything about this, just as
they don’t do anything at all. Neither this nor anything else.

Question. What can you say about the structure of water? Answer.
What is water? This is oxygen to which two hydrogen atoms are attached. This is
such a flyer. In an amicable way, its formula should be written not as H2O, but as HOH, to
reflect the fact that the hydrogen atoms are not connected to each other, but each to an
The structure of an atom is determined by its nucleus. The oxygen nucleus consists
of four alpha particles. This kernel can be easily modeled using
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms

with the power of plasticine and matches, which depict attached vortices. And when you
build all this, you will see that oxygen has two holes on the surface, exactly at an angle of
109° . It is into these holes that the hydrogen atoms fall. And these two hydrogen atoms

they drive their screw flows at an angle towards each other, but with a shift. What's
happening? What happens is that they curl over each other, forming a biflagellum. But
then, as they move away from the protons, they diverge and return to the protons from the
opposite side. And then it turns out that they can form a huge number of variant structures.
In these structures there are pockets with reduced ether pressure, which may explain the
unique ability of water to dissolve other substances, the ability of water to be magnetized in
the sense of changing the structure. And much more.

Rod of Mercury

Combination of water molecules into aggregates: a – formation of ether flows

by protons of a water molecule; b – “quasi-ionic” connection of water molecules; c –
“two-flagellar” connection of water molecules. 1 – zone of biflagellate connection of
external ether flows created by the surfaces of hydrogen atoms; 2 – “pockets” of low
pressure; 3 – adhesion of surfaces of attached ether flows in a “quasi-ionic” connection
of water molecules; 4 – biflagellate connection of attached ether streams of water

Calcium has a somewhat similar structure. Maybe this is why calcium is quite strong
and is used by nature as a material for bones, shells, etc.?

Here we are again faced with a typical situation when ether dynamics allows us to
understand the reasons for the properties of water and, perhaps, predict new properties
that have not yet been discovered. But all this is work.
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24 Lecture 8.

Question. Are you an atheist? How do you feel about religion?

Answer. I am an absolute atheist and I believe, as an atheist should, that everything
in the world is explained by the self-motion of matter. The Lord God cannot deal with every
atom in which everything is arranged quite rationally. Only our illustrious theoretical
physicists, who are no longer even walking, but running towards the unification of science
and religion, can think this way. The Church fully welcomes such a union and actively
participates in congresses dedicated to this issue, for example, at the Bauman Moscow
Higher Technical School, where such conferences are already being held; I was personally
present at two. Actually, I thought that aetherdynamics would put an end to all this idealistic

It turned out there was nothing like that! On the contrary, we had to engage in a
materialistic explanation of many of the problems that religion deals with. Of course, I
achieved very modest results in this matter, but I realized that we have absolutely no idea
what religion actually does in the field of natural sciences.


In the field of sociology everything is clear. Religion stabilizes the current social
situation, for “there is no power except from God.” Be patient and endure, if you don’t like
something, God sent you a test. So everything is clear here. But in natural science...

What is a miracle? A miracle is just a certain fact, the explanation of which we do not
yet know. Scientists did not bother to engage in a materialistic explanation for all these
“miracles.” There was one academician, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov, who served 25
years in the Shlisselburg fortress for participating in the assassination attempt on Tsar
Alexander II
and who scientifically proved when and what the “Revelation of St. John the Theologian”
was written, placed in the New Testament of the Bible at the very end, and who else?
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Intermolecular interactions. Aura of inanimate objects and living organisms


Nikolai Alexandrovich Revelation in thunder and storm
(1854-1946) the history of the apocalypse

In fact, all religions, especially Christianity, contain a large number of facts that require
a normal materialistic explanation. No one is doing this, but it needs to be done.

I had a mother-in-law, a decrepit old woman, who could barely walk. But once a week
she made it to the Udelnicheskaya Church, stood there for the entire service, which was
about 3 hours, and returned happy and energetic. Why? Very simple. Orthodox churches,
since Byzantine times, have been built on a so-called good place, that is, in an area
favorable for a person’s presence. If this place is not good, then people will not feel
comfortable there and will not go there. An Orthodox church is something like a pyramid
that transforms the laminar flow of ether falling from space into a spiral one, which
replenishes lost energy for a person. There should be no metal in the walls of the church,
which our priests have no idea about due to complete illiteracy. The Cathedral of Christ
the Savior, for example, is entirely reinforced concrete, and besides, it was placed in a very
geopathogenic zone; I was there, measured it and was convinced. You cannot be on the
same staircase leading to the lower church.

After all, at one time the Bolsheviks blew up not the temple standing on this place, but
its remains, because it was all destroyed, there was quicksand. For the same reason, the
Palace of the Soviets, which they were going to build, was not built there, and nothing was
built at all. After the war, the question arose of how to use this advantageous location near
the Kremlin. And they didn’t come up with anything except the pool. And when
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26 Lecture 8.

Yeltsin was thrown into hysterics about the Bolshevik destroyers and built a temple, which
had already begun to collapse. It will probably be enough for fifty years, but what next?

But, one way or another, religions contain a lot of undisclosed knowledge that can
and should be explained. Some things are already clear, for example, the unquenchable
fire that Moses reached with his tablets. Most likely, this is a strong geopathogenic zone,
from which a strong swirling flow of ether rises, in the field of which the air ionizes and
glows. This is something akin to a poltergeist, when fire bursts out of a stone wall. Normal
physical phenomenon.

Other “miracles” may also be revealed. Manna from heaven in the form of carts with
this very manna was organized, as I read, by Pharaoh himself, who was afraid that the
Jews would return to Egypt and give him, Pharaoh, a fun life. And so on.

All this requires painstaking scientific work on a normal materialistic basis. It's difficult,
but it's necessary. This is a history that has accumulated vast, now lost knowledge. The
same goes for magic, alchemy, astrology and much more.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 1

Electromagnetic phenomena


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2 Lecture 9.

Today our topic is electrodynamics. I ask those who are attending our lectures for the
first time to raise their hands. I see five people. Then I have to repeat a little what was said

in previous lectures.
It was possible to strictly prove that all cosmic space is filled with ether, which is a
gas-like medium. It was possible to strictly prove that ether is a thin gas that has all the
properties of an ordinary real one, i.e. viscous and compressible gas. It was also possible
to prove that all the dependencies of ordinary gas mechanics apply to this gas - the ether,
and therefore we have vast experimental material and mathematical apparatus that can
be used to analyze and calculate various ether-dynamic parameters. To date, the
parameters of the ether itself in near-Earth space have been determined with fairly good
accuracy for the present time, as well as the characteristics and parameters of a wide
variety of ether-dynamic formations have been determined. It has been shown that the
main particle of the microworld is the proton, its structure and its etherodynamic parameters
have been determined. And today we will find out what electricity and electromagnetic
phenomena are.

It was found that ether, like a gas, has seven types of motion, but only one of them -
toroidal vortex motion is capable of holding a compacted gas in a confined space. It is like
a pipe that is closed on itself and does not crumble because along its entire surface there
is a so-called boundary layer, in which there is a transition of speed, density, temperature
and viscosity, and which, like armor, holds the internal vortex from disintegration under
the influence of centrifugal


We examined the structure of the proton, neutron, and electron shell of the atom in
previous lectures and will return to them as necessary, but today we must deal with

questions of electrodynamics.
What is the state of electrodynamics today?
I must say that I am very tempted to give a separate course of lectures on
electrodynamics, because there is a lot of material and it can only be presented at a gallop.
But I'm preparing now
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 3

Electromagnetic phenomena
was preparing for publication a book, “Ethereal-dynamic foundations of
electromagnetism and electromagnetic phenomena.”
I should note that since the time of James Clerk Maxwell, no one has touched on the
structure of electromagnetic fields, charge, electrons, and other things. Some attempt was
made by the Leningrad electrical engineer, academician Vladimir Fedorovich Mitkevich,
then in the 30s and 50s there were two very heated discussions on the topic of whether
there is ether or not, whether short-range or long-range action is correct, etc. And since
then there has been silence. In fact, you and I widely use electricity without having the
slightest idea what it is. What does this mean?

James Clerk Vladimir Fedorovich

Maxwell Mitkevich
1831-1879 1872-1951

This is fraught with the fact that, without understanding the essence of
electromagnetism and electromagnetic phenomena, we cannot use them in
to the fullest extent, we miss opportunities that we are not even aware of.
When we use the laws of electrical engineering, expressed by some equations, we
must not forget that any equations describe any phenomenon partially, because each
phenomenon has countless sides and, having written the equation, we have pulled out
from all this set only a very narrow range of properties and, moreover, very superficially. It
is impossible to completely describe a phenomenon in principle, and any description
corresponds only to a specific goal, but even in this case, even in relation to a specific
goal, you describe the phenomenon only partially. That's why
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4 Lecture 9.

It is under no circumstances possible to assume that the equations of Kirchhoff, Maxwell,

or anyone else describe the phenomenon completely. And the fact that our so-called
scientists have fetishized some
“well-tested laws” is a scientific crime, because it stops the development of science, and
therefore deprives us of access to new technologies, without which the further development
of technology
society is impossible.
When we begin to consider the equations in essence, it turns out that they are correct,
but not completely, that they must be supplemented, because the original model that they
describe was incomplete, and a complete model can never be. The same applies to
Maxwell's equations.

Let me remind you that Maxwell never postulated anything; with his equations he
described the vortex motion of the ether, which he considered an ideal liquid. This was the
basis of all his reasoning about the structure of electric and magnetic fields. That is why
he used the works of those who, one way or another, had

attitude to hydrodynamics, he refers in his treatise to the works of 24 authors. But the basis
of his equations are G. Helmholtz’s ideas about the vortex motion of an ideal fluid, and
Maxwell’s equations are the equations of the vortex motion of an ideal fluid.

Herman Ferdinand

Maxwell believed that the magnetic field represents vortexes of the ether, and the
electric field represents the translational movement of the same ether; in fact, it turned out
that both are vortex movements of the ether, but of different shapes.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 5

Electromagnetic phenomena
However, according to Helmholtz, vortices neither arise nor are destroyed. And we
know that both electric and magnetic fields both arise and are destroyed, and already
here there is a clear discrepancy between theory and practice.

There are a lot of contradictions in electrodynamics. TO

We got used to it, got used to it, but failure to resolve these contradictions means that we
do not use all the possibilities of electrodynamics in our practice. At one time, Engels in
his book “Dialectics of Nature” attached special importance to this issue. He even wrote
that the ethereal theory gives hope to find out what electricity is, not how it works, but
precisely what it is, because from finding out what it is, not only new ideas about electricity
itself, but also brand new


When we begin to understand a subject, we begin to see the limitations of our

current ideas about the subject, the limitations of the existing functional-mathematical

descriptions, we see some additional features, and,

Based on them, we can even offer some new devices, which is what we have done, and I
will try to tell you about some of them today.

Therefore, an idea of what the substratum we are working on today is is useful at all
stages. And in general, I must say that it was in electrodynamics that the general approach,
disagreements and antagonisms of the advancing new generation of applied scientists
and theoretical physicists sitting in their trenches and shooting back from them were
reflected, taking up a perimeter defense. Because we have a completely different
approach and hence the disagreements. Because our theoretical physicists are not under
pressure, and they can calmly discuss what is scientific and what is not.

scientifically, but we, applied scientists, need to solve applied problems, it’s just a trickle
over us. If we do not solve such problems, then no one will need us either.

These differences of ours are serious; at one time, severe administrative

measures were taken against us. There is a closed resolution of the Section of
Mathematics and Astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1964,
which has not been canceled by anyone and is still in force today, according to which
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6 Lecture 9.

It is forbidden to allow any criticism of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and to use the very
word “ether” in the scientific press.

Therefore, we are forced to take this whole problem into our own hands. I wrote in
my book that the train is coming, and if these guys are not going to ride it, then the train
will pass by them. So no one should have any doubts here.

Ethereal dynamics is inevitable, because the entire development of natural

knowledge proceeded along the levels of organization of matter: nature as a whole, from
nature to substances, from substances to molecules, from molecules to atoms, from
atoms to elementary particles of matter. Now the time has come to take the next step
from elementary particles into the depths of matter, to the building material of these
elementary particles, that is, to the ether. No one can stop this forward movement of
natural science into the depths of matter.

Now let's deal with the problems of electromagnetism.

No matter how the electric field is structured, it all consists of moving jets of ether.
Therefore, comparing the ratio of the specific energy of the electric field and the energy of
moving jets of ether.

ÿ oE2
wep = ,

ÿ e vk
wÿ = ,

where E is the electric field strength, vÿ is the speed of the circular motion of the ether
around the proton, dV is the elementary volume of space around the proton, rp is the
radius of the proton.
Since exponents ÿ about
ÿ er equal, then

ÿ O = 8.85·10–12 F m–1 = ÿ uh = 8.85 10–12 kg m–3 ,

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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 7

Electromagnetic phenomena ,
i.e., the dielectric constant of a vacuum is the density of the ether in a space
free of matter. It also follows that the electric field strength is physically
expressed in the form of the speed of aether flows, although it does not follow
from this that this
for speed, there are several of them.



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8 Lecture 9.








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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 9

Electromagnetic phenomena




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10 Lecture 9.



To derive the equations for the propagation of electrical induction

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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? Electromagnetic eleven




Experimental design Receiver Signal Dependency

on the distance between dipoles


Based on this, we received ideas about electric charge, which I already talked
about in one of the previous lectures. Electric charge is the circulation of ether density
along the
surface of the particle.

q = DS = ÿoES = ÿ evS,

What is electric current?

The scientific understanding of electric current as the movement of charges in a
conductor is, to put it mildly, incomplete. De-
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12 Lecture 9.

The point is that with a current of 1 Ampere in a conductor with a cross section of 1 mm2
the charges move at a speed of 6.25 micrometers per second. They will crawl one meter within 160
thousand seconds or 44.4 hours or almost two days. And on its surface this movement creates a
magnetic field with a strength of 282 A/m, which corresponds to the speed of ethereal flows of 106

How can electrons moving at a speed of 6 microns per second create streams moving at a
speed of more than 100 kilometers per second, i.e. ten billion times more?! No way they can. But
they create! This means that there is something not taken into account here, and this unaccounted
for is the speed of electron flows on their surface. The calculation shows that the electric field in a
conductor causes electrons not only to move along the conductor, but also to turn their backs in the
direction of the axis of
the conductor. And then the rotation of the electrons causes the surrounding ether to
rotate, and this rotation comes out of the conductor and forms a magnetic field.

new field.

Orientation of electron spins along the electric field

And then everything falls into place. Means moving

electrons in a conductor, associated with a change in the vector of thermal motion of electrons, is
responsible for all problems of electrical phenomena, and the rotation of the spins of the same
electrons is responsible for all magnetic phenomena. That's all!

As I already said, a lot of logical contradictions have accumulated in theoretical electrical

engineering. Take, for example, the law of electromagnetic induction. In principle, there are
two such laws. The first is the law of electromagnetic induction, which reflects the dependence
of the emf. on a conductor crossing power lines

magnetic field
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 13

Electromagnetic phenomena

e = – Blv

Here B is magnetic induction; l – conductor length; v – speed of intersection of

magnetic field lines by a conductor.
This law reflects a physical process, namely the intersection
conductor's reading of magnetic field lines.
As for the second law of magnetic induction - the law
Faraday magnetic induction

S dB
e=– ———
2ÿ dt

where S is the area of the circuit, then this law suffers from obvious long-range action,
since the change in magnetic induction occurs inside the circuit, and the e.m.f. occurs at
the periphery of the circuit. There is no physical meaning here for the occurrence of emf.
by crossing conductors with magnetic lines of force and it becomes completely unclear
how this emf arises.

But in fact, there is no such process in nature that makes it possible to change the
intensity of the magnetic field along the lines of force without changing their position in
space. How does the magnetic field intensity change in reality?

In fact, it is really possible to create an alternating magnetic field in only one way - by
passing alternating current through a wire coil. But then magnetic current lines of force are
formed in the conductors of this coil and come out of each conductor, spreading in space
and condensing in the center of this coil.

If at the same time they come across another coil along the way, then these magnetic lines will
cross the conductors of this coil, and an emf will arise in them.
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14 Lecture 9.

Induction of EMF in the circuit: a – according to Faraday and Maxwell; b – in reality

But then these will be other dependencies, in which a significant role will be played
by the distance between the windings - the primary, in which the alternating current
passes, creating a magnetic field, and the secondary, in which the emf arises.

We carried out appropriate experiments, which unambiguously confirmed the

correctness of our ideas.
Large circuits were built in which it was possible to change the distances between
conductors. And it turned out that for small areas of contours, our data almost does not
diverge from Fardeev’s, but as the area of contours increases, they diverge more and
more and on large contours the difference is four times! Further, in general, the e.m.f.
according to Faraday and Maxwell, it goes to logarithmic infinity, and according to
etherodynamic concepts, the e.m.f. goes into saturation. simply stops changing, no matter
how much the area of the contours expands.

I had a colleague in my laboratory, Lyubov Mikhailovna. She is a former orphanage,

she fought for justice all her life and could destroy the entire laboratory in this fight. But
everything she did, she did exclusively conscientiously and carefully. Therefore, it was
she who asked me to conduct this experiment, knowing that there would be no hack work.

The experiment completely confirmed the etherodyne-

mic performances.
Does this mean Faraday's law is incorrect? No, it doesn't mean that. It has been
tested many times; calculations of transformers, electrical machines, and much more are
based on it. It can be used, but not in all cases; sometimes it can lead to
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 15

Electromagnetic phenomena
are subject to very large errors associated with the lack of physical
understanding of the essence of the phenomenon.
Faraday's law in its mathematical form is the first approximation to reality. Our
description is a second approximation. This is all? Of course not. If additional research is
carried out, it will certainly turn out that we have not taken everything into account, and
development will go further. And we should be deeply grateful to Faraday for his excellent
pioneering work, which made it possible to create an entire branch of electrical engineering.

Michael Faraday

We were interested in some difference between the experimental data we obtained

and our theoretical dependences at the origin of coordinates for small contour areas.

Dependence of e.m.f. mutual inductance from the distance between conductors

And we conducted additional research in this particular area. This is no longer a test
of Faraday’s law, but of the complete law
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16 Lecture 9.

i = ÿHdl = dq/ dt.

In accordance with this law, which also follows from Maxwell’s equations,
the ratio of magnetic intensities at different distances from the conductor
should be inversely proportional to the ratio of these distances, i.e.

H1/H2 = R2/ R1,

Here R2 and R1 are the distance from the center of the conduction, respectively.
to the points where magnetic field strengths are measured.
We saw the explanation for this discrepancy in the fact that since the ether
is compressible, then the magnetic field can also be compressible, and this
may be the reason for the resulting discrepancies.
If this is so, then the above relationship is valid only for small values of
magnetic field strength, for which its compression can be neglected. With an
increase in tension, deviations from this law should be observed.

Deviations of magnetic intensity values from the law of total current for
i3 > i3 > i3

An analogy to this can be a spinning fan, which drives air into free space.
What is she doing? It compresses the air, which then gradually expands,
moving away from the fan to an ever greater distance.

This was tested on the same circuits, and our assumptions were
completely confirmed. The discrepancies turned out to be quite
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 17

Electromagnetic phenomena are
noticeable already at currents of 0.1A, and then they increase as the current value
increases, and increase significantly. Testing at different frequencies in the low-frequency
range showed the independence of the distribution of the magnetic field in space from
the frequency values. We did not check this at high frequencies, probably there

such a dependence will appear.

Thus, a new property of the magnetic field has been discovered -

compressibility in vacuum.
In this regard, I want to tell you about one battle that took place somewhere in the
late 40s - early 50s, I was a student then, and our lecturers told us all this. It was about
disputes between power plants and factories that consume energy. Power plants produce
energy in such and such quantities, and factories receive it in smaller quantities. At whose
expense should the difference be covered? Existing methods took into account active and
reactive losses in wires, but did they take everything into account? Did they take into
account all the features of losses of a reactive nature? The currents there are decent, but
the calculation methods probably did not take into account the fact of the compressibility
of the magnetic field near the wires.

What follows from all this? A simple conclusion follows: all such issues need to be
dealt with again, otherwise for more than a hundred years no one has worked on such
problems at all and is not working now. However, it's time!

We have carried out a dozen experiments, and we will tell you about all of them.
It’s impossible to name due to lack of time, but I’ll still tell you about some.

Imagine that a pulsating current flows in a semiconducting medium so that the current
density is constant at any point in this medium. The question is, what kind of magnetic
field will there be? I report, none, because in principle there is no magnetic field in this
uniformly distributed pulsating current. How can this be? It turns out that it can, because
at every point in this medium the magnetic field is completely compensated. Now, if you
take out part of the medium and replace it with an insulator, then inside this space, in this
insulator, a magnetic field will appear. If the medium has boundaries, then a magnet will
appear in the outer region.
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18 Lecture 9.

thread field, because it is not compensated by anything. But in a continuous

environment this is not the case.

Field compensation: a—magnetic field in a distributed current system;

b— electric field in a distributed system of magnetic fluxes

It will be similar if a pulsating magnetic field is distributed in the medium, no emf will
arise there either. Why? Because at each point in the medium the fields are compensated
according to the law of interaction of neighboring vortices. They all spin in the same
direction, but on the adjacent sides of the two vortices the flows go in opposite directions
and the effect they produce is destroyed. This has also been verified.

The experiment used a plane on which a number of wire circuits were placed,
connected in series, through which alternating current was passed. Contour co-

created an alternating magnetic field in the space surrounding them. A measuring frame
was placed above the contours, to which a measuring device was connected. Switching of
circuits was carried out in such a way that the corresponding circuit of wire circuits could
be connected alternately

The experiment showed that as circuits internal to the measuring frame are connected,
the EMF on it increases, and as circuits external to the frame are subsequently connected,
the EMF begins to decrease. This turned out to be true for all frame sizes. Thus, the
assumptions made above were confirmed.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 19

Electromagnetic phenomena

Change in EMF on the measuring circuits as the number of connected current-carrying circuits
increases: a – location of the measuring circuits
circuits on the plate with current-carrying coils creating a magnetic field; b – EMF on the measuring circuit as
current-carrying coils are connected

Further. Let us consider the Hertz dipole, which, as is known, consists of

two copper balls connected to an alternating current generator, and lower it into a
semiconducting medium, that is, into sea water. The generator itself can be isolated or
not even placed in water, leaving only these two balls in it. The question is how the
current will be distributed in water.

This is my favorite problem for electrical engineering professors. The reaction is

always the same. Take Maxwell's equations, they condescendingly recommend, substitute
the boundary and initial conditions, and get solutions. This is a task for a third year, and
you, they ask, how long ago did you graduate from college, you’ve probably already
forgotten everything!

It’s been a long time, I answer, I forgot, of course. But you know everything, please
help. Okay, scientists
agree good-naturedly. Take a walk for half
an hour and come. We will write this decision for you on a piece of paper.
But neither after half an hour, nor after a day, nor after a month, a solution was found.
Why? Yes, simply because such a problem is not included in Maxwell’s equations. And I
solved it, but, of course, again only as a first approximation.

Using the principle of superposition, we can divide a system of two balls into two parts,
one ball in each part. The same
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20 Lecture 9.

So, in each part we get one pulsating charge, both balls are in antiphase with respect to each
other. If one ball currently has a plus, then the other ball at the same moment has a minus. And
then we consider how the current propagates to the medium from each ball, and then we
assemble the system back according to the same principle of superposition.

If we released a current from the ball, then it has no choice but to spread in all directions
evenly and retarded as it moves away from the charge. Then the current density at a distance R
from the center of the ball will be:

ÿ(t – R/ c) = ————.
4ÿÿR 2

And this density will not depend in any way on the properties of the medium itself, even if it
is an insulator, but only on the value of the output current
and distance from the ball.
And then, taking into account the coordinates of the place at each point in the medium, we
can vectorially sum the current densities from the first and second balls and, thus, the problem
will be solved. In particular, there are no current losses due to propagation
in the medium. There are power losses, but they occur due to voltage, but there are no
current losses, just as there are none when passing current through an active resistance. If we
put current into a resistor, we will get exactly the same current at its output.

And now, if we place the balls at a distance equal to half the wavelength of radiation in the
medium, then the main energy will go not in the direction perpendicular to the dipole axis, but

This is the longitudinal propagation of electric waves, since the direction of the electrical
intensity vector will coincide with the direction of the energy propagation vector. This was tested
experimentally on sea water, presented to a commission specially created for this and recorded

corresponding act.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 21

Electromagnetic phenomena
Thus, we have obtained the longitudinal propagation of electric waves, which must be
approached differently than the propagation of transverse waves.

Propagation of an electric field by a dipole with lumped parameters in a

thin layer of a semiconducting medium. The longitudinal component is greater
than the transverse field component
That's it, gentlemen, professors of electrical engineering! And you say, you need to
study. It is necessary, of course, but not only for students, but also for you, professors.

We had high hopes that the longitudinal wave would go into sea water, but it turned out
that there was nothing like that. It travels in the surface layer of water, not in the air, but not
in the depths either. At a frequency of 1 MHz, we obtained distances of tens of kilometers
in the surface layer of water, and no more than 3 meters in depth. Today we know why this
is so. Because, in particular, here we have transverse propagation, and Maxwell’s law for
the distribution of transverse waves deep into the depth is valid here, as we have seen.

Clever theorists would definitely like to explain the fact of propagation by saying that
the wave travels through the air, and not through water. But imagine that we released not
alternating current from the electrodes, but direct current. It is already clear to everyone,
even the professors, that the current flows in the water. And now we will slowly begin to
increase the frequency, and an exponential will begin to appear, reducing its size as the
frequency increases. So is she jumping out of the water into the air, or what? Hardly.
Therefore, the current, whether constant or alternating, flows in water, and not in air. By
the way, sea water up to frequencies lower than 800 MHz represents purely active
conductivity and only after
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22 Lecture 9.

800 MHz active and reactive (capacitive) components are compared, and then the
capacitive component begins to prevail.
Considering that high frequencies cannot propagate deeper, the same thing can be
used for communication in sea water, but at low frequencies, a few kilohertz or hundreds
of hertz. But here the question arises: how far will such waves go? The answer is, not far,
greater power will be required. But the main power losses occur near the electrodes, and
here there is a possibility

it is possible to exclude this zone by placing an insulator between the electrodes, for
example, in the form of a breakwater or a peninsula with a thin isthmus -
Such an insulator, cutting off the near zone, can be the two continents of North and
South America. And the Isthmus of Panama is an ideal place to place an audio frequency
generator with a power of several kilowatts in some inconspicuous house. This power is
enough to keep in touch with all submarines throughout the oceans.


Quasi-static radiation of current by a dipole with lumped parameters: a – without an insulating

partition; b – with an insulating partition between the dipole electrodes; in this case, the power is redistributed to
the far zone

And closed water areas like the Black Sea need their own peninsulas. Specifically,
there is such a peninsula on the Black Sea,
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 23

Electromagnetic phenomena
are not here, but in Turkey. This is Sinop, a peninsula connected by a narrow
isthmus 200 meters wide to the coast. Unfortunately, we don’t have this. But at
least it is clear where our American friends have such communication stations.

I began to study all these issues in 1960. In 1964, reports appeared in the press that in
the USA a certain Ming had discovered hydronic and plasmonic waves propagating in sea
water. After which two decisions were made, one by the Americans, the other by us.

The Americans very quickly sent Minto to their Navy, where

he was given the opportunity to work on these waves in the interests of the United States
Navy, after which Minto disappeared from print, and nothing has been heard of him since.
Our sailors also found me, and I made 11 reports to
the top leadership of the Navy, after which I was given the opportunity to conduct
research in the Black Sea. They gave me one colonel to help me, a good-natured guy,
who said that he didn’t believe in all this, but why didn’t he spend a month on the Black Sea
as a rest. He helped us in everything, when we needed to get a boat with sailors, all this
was done instantly.

Then we achieved nothing, which is what we reported that all this takes time. Then the
Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Gorshkov asked the Academy of Sciences about the
reality of such waves, the request went to Igor Evgenevich Tamm, who wrote that since
all this contradicts Maxwell’s equations, then none of this can be. And all the work, and in
parallel and independently of us, six other large institutes were doing this, which also
received nothing, all the work was closed, except for me, because I was not an accountable
person. This was the second decision, differing in some way from the decision made by the
Americans. Thanks to the USSR Academy of Sciences and personally to Academician
Tamm. It, the Academy, represented by its best members, has ensured that we are 50
years behind the United States in this matter.

Well, what about Maxwell's equations? They are correct, these equations, but already
in the first two lies the idea that the right side of the first equation is the left side of the
second equation, and
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24 Lecture 9.

the right side of the second equation is equal to the left side of the first equation. In a
particular case this is true, but in the general case it is not at all true.
Because they are not always equal, for example, in the case of current flow in a
semiconducting medium, when fields are compensated.

And in the third and fourth equations the fact of delay is not taken into account when
deriving the divergence. Then the corresponding terms are added to these equations, and
these equations turn from static into dynamic equations of the first degree. Fundamentally,
then the first two Maxwell equations become unnecessary, because all electrodynamics
can be solved only with the help of the third and fourth equations in dynamic form. But
that's all ahead.

In dynamic form, Maxwell’s third equation acquires

the view is melting

div D + dD/ cdt = ÿ,

in which an additional dynamic term appears, there is a division by vector, which immediately
causes hysterics among true mathematicians and electrical engineers, an example of
typical superficiality and dogmatism. Why? You can't divide by a vector! But this is not
always true. Just in the case of collinearity of vectors, i.e. coincidence in direction, this
division is not only legal, but also necessary, because in this case it shows continuity with
Maxwell’s third equation and reflects the essence of the process. The derivative of this
equation is a similar equation

Concept for current propagation

div ÿÿ + dÿÿ/ÿtc = 0,

which speaks of the wave process of current propagation in a conductor. We decided to

test this last circumstance in an experiment.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 25

Electromagnetic phenomena

Experiment to determine the fact of current compressibility: a – diagram of

taps from a conductor; b – pulses arising at the taps



1) rot Hÿÿ ÿÿ = (ÿ + ÿ - )(Eÿ + EN v1 + EN v2); dt

2) rot ÿÿÿ ÿÿ = – ÿ – (Hÿ + HE v1 + HE v2); dt

3) div D + dD/ cÿt = ÿ;

4) div ÿÿ + dÿe/dtc = 0;

5) div B = 0;

6) divgradB + d(gradB)/ dtc = 0.

e and em – electric and magnetic potential difference; Fe and

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26 Lecture 9.

FM – electric and magnetic fluxes; i – electric current in the conductor; q

is a charge moving in the direction of the electric current (directional
movement gives it the shape of a vector).


e = ÿE(t – r/c)dl = – dÿÿ(t)/dt;

em = ÿH(t – r/c)dl = dq(t)/dt;

ÿe = ÿD(t – r/c)dS = q(t);

ÿÿ = ÿBdS = 0.

Two wires, each several meters long, were connected to a constant voltage source (a
regular battery). From each of the wires, taps were made every 1 m. The wires were
periodically closed by contact. The leads were connected to a high-frequency electronic
oscilloscope. The idea of the experiment was to determine how current flows through a
wire when a circuit is closed, at the open ends of which there is a total potential difference.

As a result of the experiment, it turned out that when a contact is closed, a sharp
pulse appears on the taps closest to it, with an amplitude almost equal to the full source
voltage; on the next taps this pulse is smaller in amplitude, but wider in time; on the next
taps it is even smaller in duration. amplitude and even wider in time.

Thus, the fact of compressibility and the wave nature of the expansion
the propagation of current was also confirmed.
We, therefore, conducted a number of experiments that confirmed our
initial ether-dynamic ideas about the essence of current, electric and
magnetic fields and some phenomena.
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 27

Electromagnetic phenomena .
All this is not completed and is mainly of a qualitative nature. Work in this
direction must be continued.
We are accustomed to the fact that there is one type of electromagnetic radiation -
radio waves, in which the vectors of electric and magnetic intensities and the vector of
energy propagation are mutually perpendicular to each other, therefore this radiation is
considered transverse waves. This definition itself already contains an error, because in a
homogeneous medium, even in a vacuum, even in the ether, no transverse waves can
propagate at all. Longitudinal ones can, but transverse ones cannot.

For transverse waves to occur, for example, in a string or membrane, or on the surface
of water, two conditions are required:
the presence of a clearly defined boundary between the two environments and the
presence of a potential restoring force. There is neither one nor the other in a homogeneous
medium, which means there can be no transverse waves. What are these waves? It is still
unknown, we need to figure this out, but these are not waves, but something similar in
their properties to them, some kind of vortex structures. But ordinary radio waves are not
the only radiation that exists. In fact, there are
more types of radiation.

What types of electromagnetic radiation exist?

The second type of radiation is longitudinal, in which the vector of electrical intensity
coincides in direction with the vector of energy propagation, as we have already discussed.

The third type is the so-called quasi-stationary radiation, i.e. spreading currents,
whose propagation patterns differ both from ordinary radio waves and from pro-waves.

longitudinal electric waves.

The fourth type is photon-like radiation, which we call light in the optical range and the
adjacent infrared and ultraviolet frequencies. But how this extends into the region of higher
and lower frequencies, we do not

we know.

The fifth type is aura, and there are several types, including static, inherent in all
bodies, and dynamic, inherent only in living organisms.
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28 Lecture 9.

This is all? No, not all. The existence of longitudinal magnetic radiation is quite real;
perhaps this is the so-called torsion radiation, which Akimov has been fussing about for
many years.
A separate type of radiation is geopathogenic radiation, we will talk about them later.

But there may be some other species that we don’t know about yet.
we think.

Gennady Vasilyevich Nikolaev from Tomsk published a book in which he collected 49

experiments by different authors that cannot be explained by conventional electrodynamics.
I should note that ether dynamics cannot yet explain them either. I say for now, because
etherodynamics claims that since everything consists of ether, then etherodynamic
explanations will be found sooner or later. But there aren't any yet.

There is a simple experiment that Faraday knew about. A copper disk is installed
above the ring magnet, magnetized along its central axis. Both can rotate independently
of each other on a common axis. The disk has contacts, one to the axis, the other to its
edge. When the disk rotates and the magnet is stationary, an emf appears on the disk.
Everything is fine here.

What do you think will happen if the disk is left stationary and the magnet rotates? Will
the emf be the same as we were taught? Nothing like this! There is no emf at all. Net zero!
What will happen if we glue a disk and a magnet and rotate them together? There is no
intersection of magnetic lines of force here, and no emf. It shouldn't be here either. But it
exists, and exactly the same as if the disk were rotating and the magnet remained
motionless! That's it! I personally checked all this and everyone can easily check it. Modern
electrical engineering does not know why this is so. And I don’t know with all my ether
dynamics. It seems that

the field created by the magnet is motionless in space. Why? Unknown...

I can tell you where you can get ring magnets. They are obtained from paper clippers
from secretaries of any enterprise or in office supply stores. Paper clips are thrown at
them, and they do not fly apart, but lie on them. Get it from there, and the rest is easy
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? Electromagnetic 29

phenomena and make. So go
ahead. We need to do all this, and not close our eyes and assume that we are so smart
that we know everything.
Today, many have taken up the task of conducting various experiments in the field
of electrical engineering and electrodynamics. All this is purely amateur in nature,
because everything is already clear to serious scientists. They pretend that none of this
concerns them. And here they are absolutely right. This really does not concern them,
and therefore the development of theoretical and hence practical electrical engineering
and electrodynamics will take place without them. Then they will be offended, but the
train will leave, leaving them on the platform.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one more point -

fundamental aspect of theoretical electrical engineering.
We all now use the International System of Units (SI). This system is self-consistent,
convenient and, of course, it must be used to the fullest, which I personally advise my
students. It lacks fractional indicators that are inherent in the SGSE system, the SGSM
system, and the so-called universal Gauss system, which thereby demonstrate a complete
disregard for the physics of phenomena, because it is difficult to imagine how one can
extract the square root of a gram or cubic centimeter, and there it is all the time.

Electrical engineering theorists believe that the task of the dimensions of

electromagnetic quantities is to establish proportionality coefficients between the
quantities present in the equations. In fact, the task of dimensions is to reveal the
physical essence of quantities, and since in reality there are no square roots of grams,
all these systems SGSE, SGSM and their combinations must be thrown out of science

The SI system does not have these shortcomings. But the Ampere remained in it, as
one of the main quantities, which also has no physical meaning, and must be gotten rid of.
Only those dimensions that are based on universal physical invariants - matter, space and
time, and not on Ampere - have physical meaning.

Considering that in ether dynamics the concept of charge has acquired

simple mechanical meaning and the charge has the dimension kg s–1 , That

current has the dimension kg s–2 , and now you need to replace the size -
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thirty Lecture 9.

ity [A] to the dimension [kg s–2 ] in all dimensions of physical

quantities, which will finally return their physical meaning. All this
has been done, and it helps to understand the physical content of
any electromagnetic quantity. Thus, the transformation of the
International System of SI Units ICSA into the SI System of Units ISS
is justified, and this must be done.

Conversion of the ISS system of units into the ISS system of units
Designation-Value Unit Unit Name
units reading measurements measurements
in MKSA* to the ISS

Work and Energy Joule J m²·kg·s–² kg· m²·s–²

Power Watt W m²·kg·s–³ kg· m²·s–³
Quantity of electrical Pendant Cl ÿ·s kg s–¹

(electric charge)
Current strength Ampere A A kg s–²

Electrical flow Pendant Cl As kg s–¹

displacement (induction)
Electrical displacement Pendant per Kl mÿ² A s m–² kg m² s –²
(induction) meter
Voltage, times Volt IN
m²·kg·A–¹·s–³ m²·s–¹
potential, electromotive force

Electrical capacity Farada F A s4 m–² kg–¹ kg m–²

- Kl m Asm
Electric mo- kg m s–¹
Polarization vector Cl mÿ² A s m–² kg m–² s–¹
Electric farad per F·mÿ¹ A s4 mÿ³ kgÿ¹ kg m
Permeability Electric meter
field strength Electric Volt V mÿ¹ m·kg·Aÿ¹·sÿ³ m·sÿ¹
per meter
Ohm Ohm m²·kg·Aÿ²·sÿ³ kg ÿ¹·m²·s
resistance Specific
- Ohm m
electrical resistance Specific m³·kg·Aÿ² sÿ³ kg· m³·sÿ²
electrical conductivity
Ohm ÿ¹·mÿ¹ ÿ²·s³·mÿ³·kgÿ¹ kgÿ¹· mÿ³·s²
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 31

Electromagnetic phenomena

Ion mobility -
m²·Vÿ¹·sÿ -

Magnetic flux Weber Wb m³·kg· Aÿ¹·sÿ² m²

Magnetic induction Tesla Tl kg Aÿ¹ sÿ² mxy mzÿ¹

Magnetic moment -
A·m² A m² kg m² sÿ²
Vector intensive- A.mÿ¹ A mÿ¹ kg mÿ¹ sÿ²

Inductance and mutual Henry Gn m²·kg·Aÿ¹ ·sÿ² kgÿ¹·m²·s²
Magnetic permeability Henry per Hn mÿ¹ m kg Aÿ² sÿ² kgÿ¹ m s²
bridge meter
Tension mag- Ampere per A mÿ¹ A mÿ¹ kg mÿ¹ sÿ²
thread field meter
Magnetomotive Ampere A or Av A kg sÿ²
force or Am-
Magnetic resistance A·Bbÿ¹ A²·s²·mÿ²·kg kg mÿ² sÿ²

*According to the Handbook of Physics for Engineers and University Students. M.,
Nauka, 1971.

Dear and respected listeners of my lectures!

We are on the eve of a new scientific, and therefore technological,
revolution. Personally, I believe that these revolutions will be
associated with ether dynamics, because this is a natural step deeper
into matter, a continuation of the traditional relay race of the historical
development of natural science. But we need to work on all this, not
paying attention to the dogmatists who raise a howl as soon as
someone tries to move science from its place. But this work is not
easy; it requires persistence, energy and time. However, go ahead!

Please ask questions.

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32 Lecture 9.

Question. To what extent do you consider the work in the field of theoretical
electrodynamics completed in connection with the use of ether-dynamic concepts?

Answer. God forbid we consider this work completed. Only a certain step has been
taken in understanding the physical essence of electricity and magnetism, nothing more.
Something, and superficial
but we began to understand that this is good, because until now there was nothing at all
in this regard. But there is no reason to believe that we have already understood
everything and achieved everything.
Ethereal dynamics has lifted the edge of the veil over the abyss of questions and
problems. There is a huge amount of work to be done here, and the undoubted merit of
etherodynamics is that it has at least partially identified these problems. All the main
work lies ahead, and, of course, everyone who considers themselves a physical scientist
should be included in it.

Question. In an equation, you divide a vector by a vector. But there can’t be division
by vector, everyone knows that, how do you get around it?

Answer. Here is a simple expression: speed is acceleration,

times the time

v = at


t = v/ a.
Here both speed and acceleration are vectors, and why can’t they be divided into
each other? After all, they lie in the same direction, that is, they are collinear. It's the
same for me. Dividing a vector by a vector automatically means that they are collinear.
What's the crime? The crime is that our mathematicians do not want to understand
anything, they believe that they have comprehended everything and throw hysterics for
no reason. You have to think, gentlemen of mathematicians, think!

Question. What do you see as the shortcomings of Maxwell's first and second
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What is electricity, charge, current, magnetic field? 33

Electromagnetic phenomena
Answer. Well, see for yourself. Neither the first nor the second equations can be
solved independently, only jointly. Maybe I don’t know the question well, but I haven’t
come across a solution to them anywhere. In these equations, the crosswise right and
left sides are equal, and this allows these equations of the first degree to be collapsed
into one equation of the second degree, which has two solutions. What do they do next?
And then, since one solution is divergent, it is thrown out as not corresponding to the
physics of the process. And there is always only one solution left with which they work.
The question arises: why do we need an equation of the second degree, if from

there is always only one solution left, which corresponds to an equation of the first degree?
And then it turns out that the right and left sides of the equations are not equal. The rotor
takes into account the process inside the circuit and does not take into account the
process outside the circuit. In most applied problems this works, but in a continuous
medium it does not.
The process of longitudinal propagation by Maxwell's equations is assigned to the
third equation, but the time factor is missing there. And so on. This does not mean that
Maxwell's equations cannot be used. For God's sake, use them, they have fully justified
themselves. But they are not complete, just as any equations are not complete, since it is
impossible in principle to reflect the entire physics of any process with one or two
equations. This means that when formulating any problem, it is necessary to take into
account all the essential factors inherent in this particular task, and it is impossible to take
everything into account.

To solve problems related to the transverse propagation of electromagnetic

oscillations, Maxwell's equations can be considered sufficient, but, again, only in a first
approximation. But they are not suitable for solving the problem of longitudinal propagation.
That's all!

Now we have the fundamental opportunity to solve everything only with the help of
equations of the first degree. After all, we have only two processes - the propagation of
an electric wave and the propagation of a magnetic wave. And there must be another
equation connecting these processes. Everything is ready. Was all this done by me? No,
it's not done. This is a big job, but it needs to be completed. Maybe I will be able to with
time, maybe I won’t be able to. But it must be completed.
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34 Lecture 9.

Question. It is known that the Sun is powered by thermonuclear energy.

th synthesis. How does all this relate to proton energy?
Answer. You know, it has been calculated that if the radiation of the Sun
was determined only by the energy of fusion, it would have gone out long ago.
This was not calculated by me and is one of the mysteries. Where did it come from?
gives extra energy, no one knows, but I can only guess. This is, firstly, the internal energy of the protons

which is not at all calculated using Einstein’s formula. It is 26 orders of magnitude greater than that
obtained using the mc2 formula
. In addition, the
Sun, like all celestial bodies, continuously absorbs ether from the surrounding
space, and the temperature of this ether is several orders of magnitude higher
than the temperature of the ether inside the Sun. This can also be an additional
source of radiation energy. But all this is subject to analysis, which must be
Let me note in passing that this question is related to today’s lecture topic
not applicable.

Thanks to all. See you in two weeks.

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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 1”
shifts" of galaxy spectra


Researchers tried to understand the physical essence of many optical phenomena

based on the laws of the so-called
geometric optics, when rays are drawn using the laws of reflection and refraction, diffraction
and interference, and successful
but they all use this, and also based on the fact that the light itself
represents transverse electromagnetic waves, i.e. photons of light have electric and
magnetic tensions perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the propagation
speed. Maxwell allegedly showed this, although in fact he

showed nothing in this regard.

How does the photon itself, which, in fact, is an element of light, work? None of the
modern physicists and opticians
not only doesn’t know, but doesn’t even try to find out.
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2 Lecture 10.

Reflections of the sculptor Rodin

about the essence of “Redshift”,
The Big Bang and the logic of relativists

There are also interpretations of some optical phenomena. Why

does light reflect from a metal mirror? Because there is a Fermi
surface on the surface of the mirror, but how exactly this reflection
occurs is unclear. By the way, what does the Fermi surface consist
of? It consists of electrons. I personally have no objections to this,
electrons are just electrons. But if electrons appeared on the entire
surface of the metal, then it should be charged, but it is not charged.

Enrico Fermi John Rayleigh Louis de Broglie

1901-1954 1842-1901 1892-1987

In a piece of metal, the protons are hidden inside, their field is

screened by electrons and all that jazz. Moreover, those same free
electrons, of which there are many in the metal, crawl out to the surface.
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 3”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
go, and the metal atoms themselves remain inside with their electrons and they are neutral.
This means that the charge of surface electrons is not compensated by anything. However,
metal as a whole is also neutral. What's the matter?

As for the mathematics in all this, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev noted that he, too, can
write any number. But whether it will reflect reality is unknown.

Well, and so on.

I will start with the fact that no transverse vibrations can propagate in a continuous
medium, be it ether or anything else. In order for such oscillations to propagate, a density
gradient is needed and a potential restoring force is needed, which arises when deviating
from the equilibrium position. None of this exists and cannot exist in a continuous medium,
therefore no transverse vibrations are possible in a continuous medium, no matter what or
whoever claims it. This means that light is not transverse vibrations, but something else.
What exactly needs to be figured out.

Why is the propagation of transverse waves in a continuous medium impossible? Very

simple. If you hit along the table top, the compression waves will go in the direction of the
hit, but not across. The so-called Rayleigh waves, waves of rotation of molecules, go
across, and they propagate only over a distance of 4-5 molecular gaps.

Transverse vibrations can occur only at the boundary of two media with different
densities and only in the presence of a restoring force. If one of these conditions does not
exist, then there cannot be transverse waves.

Let's take a string. You pulled it back, released it, and transverse vibrations began.
You threw a stone into the sea, and transverse vibrations began. But in these cases there
is a boundary between two media having different densities, and there is a restoring force.
But there is none of this in the ether, which means there are no transverse vibrations. So a
photon is not a vibration, but something else. It is interesting that everyone refers to each
other, radio engineers to opticians, and optics to radio
engineers, although neither one nor the other has anything confirming the presence
of transverse oscillations. There are only similar phenomena - interference and diffraction.
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4 Lecture 10.

tion, which, in fact, are inherent in transverse vibrations, but I have already said more than
once that each phenomenon can have various interpretations.

Hans Christian Louis de Broglie

Andersen 1892-1987

Since wave-particle dualism was proclaimed by Louis de Broglie himself, it is already

universal by definition. From this universality it follows that such vibrations are inherent not
only in the electronic shells of atoms, but also in planets. But since the amplitude of
oscillations is inversely proportional to the masses, they are small for planets, and we
cannot measure them. But they exist, and it is indecent to doubt it. And this is science?!

Our physicists generally like to refer to phenomena that, of course, exist, but they
cannot be noticed and measured, for example, the curvature of space or the Lorentz
contraction of lengths. Like in Andersen's fairy tale about the dress of the naked king.

There is an interesting phenomenon discovered by the outstanding American

astronomer Hubble, this is the so-called “Red Shift”.
study of the spectra of distant galaxies. The
essence of the “Red Shift” is that the entire optical spectrum of light coming to us
from distant galaxies is shifted towards long waves. This means that the light coming from
distant galaxies changes, and the wavelengths increase in direct proportion to the distance
to these galaxies.

Without in any way questioning the fact of the presence of the “Red Shift”, I draw
attention to the fact that physicists decided that this phenomenon is supposedly a
confirmation of the theory of the “Big Red Shift”.
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 5”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
th explosion,” when the entire mass of the Universe was concentrated at the so-called
singular point, and then, for no apparent reason, it exploded, and before this explosion, no
processes occurred at this point. Exploding, the entire Universe scattered

in all directions and after a few milliseconds reached a size of several light years. It did not
occur to anyone that for this the Universe had to fly away at a speed many orders of
magnitude higher than the speed of light, which is prohibited by the same theory of relativity.

Dwin Powell Hubble Hubble Space Telescope


Edwin Hubble is an outstanding scientist; his discovery is truly fundamental. But look
at how theorists disposed of his discovery. Of all the possible interpretations of this
phenomenon, and there are many, they chose one - the expansion of the Universe,
because only such an interpretation corresponds to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity,
and by this they committed a scientific forgery, because there is no smell of scientific
objectivity here. And today we’ll talk about what it really is. The Soviet scientist, Soviet
inventor of the radar Pavel Kondratyevich Oshchepkov in his book “Life and Dream” draws
attention to the fact that any fact can have countless interpretations, and that’s right, that’s
way it is. Therefore, the correspondence of a fact to the theory that put forward the
assumption of its existence does not at all unambiguously confirm the validity of this
theory, but simply does not contradict it.
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6 Lecture 10.

Objectivity requires consideration of all possible theories and interpretations, and this
practically never happens.

Pavel Kondratievich

Now, if the fact contradicts the theory, then the theory is over. And
if it does not contradict, then a single fact does not mean anything at
all, because it is not a category associated with all other facts.
A good confirmation of this position are the Lorentz Transformations,
which are the basis of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, which
rejects the ether. But these transformations themselves were derived
in 1904 by Lorentz, and not by Einstein, which is why they bear his
name, based on ideas about the presence of ether in nature. And how
should we now interpret the correspondence of experiments to these
transformations - as the presence of ether or as the absence? And so
Now, when we take up optics, then, first of all, the question arises:
what is a photon? The one that has wave-particle duality. And so it was
necessary to draw up a technical specification for the photon, that is,
a list of properties that it should have.

Well, firstly, the photon flies at the speed of light, it has this
property. The photon has polarization. The photon has a spin, even
two - either +1 or - 1. The photon has a wavelength
has mass, has energy. A photon changes its wavelength as it travels
from galaxies to us. And a photon consists not of one, but of millions of
vibrations, optics know this well, because
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 7”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
some of them manage to chop photons into pieces using high-speed Kerr cells. A
comparison of these properties on the basis of ether
dynamics leads to a single version of the photon structure, to the so-called “Karman
Path”. The Karman track is a system of linear vortices formed behind a ship with a blunt
stern. The stability of this path was
calculated in 1912 by the German scientist Theodor Karman (1881-1963).

All properties of a photon are as close as possible to the first approximation

correspond exactly to the Karman track. But not really.

a) b)
Karman's path: a) behind the stern of the ship; b) in the air

The photon is created by the electron shell of the atom due to the additional energy
it receives from the outside. Due to this energy, the electron shell - the ether vortex
attached to the nucleus of the atom - begins to oscillate around a certain neutral position,
capturing the surrounding ether and spending its energy on it until it all calms down.

How does the ether get captured by the oscillating protrusion of the attached vortex?
It happens like this. When the protrusion goes in one direction, its advancing side sets
the adjacent ether in motion and creates a helical jet in it, which it simultaneously repels.
In this jet, a source immediately appears at one end and a drain at the other, which leads
to the closure of the jet into a ring, the diameter of which is many times larger than the
size of the atom itself. This ring immediately turns out to be a screw ring, but while this
ring is being formed, the convexity goes in the opposite direction, forming the same ring
on the other side of the atom. At the same time, we provide
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8 Lecture 10.

It turns out that the sign of the screw in both rings is the same, which
causes the ether to flow from one ring to the other.
As a result of many oscillations, a vortex formation is formed from
linear vortices of the Karman Path type. The difference is that the ether
is compressible, and the middle part of each linear vortex is compressed,
and also that the Karman track is formed on the surface, and the photon
is in a continuous medium. The formed photon in the
form of a two-row vortex structure will have all the properties that it
actually has - mass, wavelength (the distance between the centers of
vortices of the same row), polarization and spin. Since the intensity of
the vortices of both rows is the same, it will also have straight
propagation and, just like gas toroids, cannot stand still: it gains full
speed already at 4-5 wavelengths. Swapping the rows of vortices leads

change in the sign of the spin.

Photon production Photon structure

There is one peculiarity here. Each photon consists not of one

vibration, there are no such photons at all, but of many, even millions of
vibrations, optics have known this for a long time. But the mass and
energy of each pair of vortices on average correspond to the mass and
energy of one electron. This means that not one atom, but many, work
on each photon, jointly forming each photon.
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 9”
shifts" of galaxy spectra

tone and giving each of the vortices that make up the photon a small fraction of its mass and
its energy. The vibrations of atoms are in phase, they are synchronized by the flow that they
create. If one atom is out of phase, it will be corrected immediately.


ÿÿ n/ 2 n/ 2 cosÿ 1 1
E = —— ÿ ÿ ÿ 4ÿ i=1 I ÿk ÿÿ —— dl1dl2 ~ — ~ — ~ ÿ
k=1 l1l2 r r ÿ

2 2
ÿE ÿH
—— = ——
E = Ee + Ei ; Ee = Ei = mc2 / 2; W =
4ÿ 4ÿ
Therefore, all excited atoms come into synchronism with each other, and all together
create a common photon. This creates
a fundamental possibility for lasers to create coherent radiation. In lasers, the entire active
substance of the laser participates in the formation of the entire beam. Here each photon
can no longer consist of millions, but of billions of vortices.

The central part of each photon vortex must be compressed, according to the same
laws by which any gas vortex is formed. But since the mass of this compressed mass – the
core – is on the order of the mass of one electron, it will be compressed to the same size,
that is, to approximately 10–16 meters. Before and after this, the ether flows in each vortex
have a diameter many times larger and are on the order of tenths of a micron; more precisely,
the diameter of each vortex is equal to the wavelength of the photon. For blue, green and red
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10 Lecture 10.

light is respectively (4; 5.2-5.6; 7)·10–7 meters. Thus, the diameter of each vortex exceeds
the diameter of the core by approximately 10 orders of magnitude, and the density by 20
orders of magnitude. From here it becomes clear
why the rays of light do not interact when crossing: photon cores bend around each
other, the probability of their collision is negligible, and the loose parts of photons

penetrate each other.

When the critical density of the core is the same as that of protons, i.e. 2.7 1017kg/
m3 , the average photon density will be about 10–3 kg/m3
, which will exceed the density of free ether by 8 orders of magnitude. This is the
basis for the known pressure of light on an obstacle. Of course, all calculations are very
approximate, but still give some idea of the orders of magnitude. During its formation, the
photon gains full speed in a very short time:

–t / Tp
vÿ = ÿ – (c – co) e ; ÿp = 10–15 -10–16 s,

and then the movement of the photon in space is determined by the expression:

Ro ÿr vo ÿr vo

L(t) = —— [ (1 + 4 —— ) – 1]1/ 4 —— = 2H; ;

ÿr R Ro

14 2 2
L(t) = —— [(1 + 8Ht) – 1] = ct ( 1 – 3Ht + 14 H t -...)

If Hubble's law:

ÿ – ÿo L(t)
Z= ———
= H —— ;
ÿo c

collapse with Planck's law:

E = hÿ;
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 11”
shifts" of galaxy spectra

then we obtain the exponential law of decrease in photon energy with time:

dE dr -t/ To -r/ro
—— =
– H ——; E = Eoe = Eoe ; To = 1010 l.; ro = 1026 m.
E c

This means that over 10 billion years, or at a distance of 10 billion light years, the
energy of the photon will be reduced by e
once. This also means that photons will one day lose stability and fall apart, forming cosmic
microwave background radiation. They have
the speed slows down, the cross section increases, and they begin to rush through space,
colliding with each other, forming a photon gas, which no longer has any designated
direction. This is what we see, this is how it is. So it's simple.

If a photon, i.e. this entire system of vortices will begin to lose energy due to the
viscosity of the ether in which it moves, then everything
the vortices that make it up will begin to swell, as befits any gas vortices, and then the
radius R of the photon gradually increases, as does its wavelength ÿ:

R(t) = Ro + ÿrL(t); ÿ(t) = ÿo + ÿÿ L(t); ÿÿ = ÿo N/d ÿ 10–26 .

The resulting expressions are fully consistent with Hubble’s law, this is the physical
essence of the “Redshift” of the light of distant galaxies reaching us. So the Universe is not
running away anywhere.

I have an article by astronomers from the Pulkovo Observatory, which provides 16

groups (!) of non-Doppler explanations for the “red shift” of light. My explanation is the
seventeenth, and it seems to me the most plausible, since it is linked to all other structures
and phenomena. But, one way or another, there is no longer any reason to insist on the
Doppler explanation. No one is scattering anywhere, there was no Big Bang, and why
would there be one, the galaxies are more or less in their places, moving, slowly, who
goes where, and so on. So
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12 Lecture 10.

that astronomers can calm down, their firmament will not go anywhere, and I would
recommend that they listen less to relativists and think for themselves.

As can be seen from the structure, the photon really has particle-wave duality,
because each vortex has mass, and the distance between the centers of vortices of the
same row is the length
The photon, like the smoke ring, always moves in the same direction as the internal
flow of ether. This happens because the photon has a significant area at the periphery
and is repelled from the ether like a paddle steamer from water. It will reach the full speed
of light at a distance of 4-5 wavelengths from the atoms that gave birth to it. A photon
cannot stop because its mass is small and its surface is large.

What are the dimensions of a photon? From its structure it is immediately clear that
its transverse dimensions are approximately two wavelengths
us. For green light this will be slightly more than one micron.
The wavelength of a photon is on the order of half a micron. And if it contains a million
vibrations, then its length will be about 0.5 meters. That is, a photon is a tiny and

a long needle, and, by the way, opticians know this too.

If we look at the photon from the direction of its movement, we will see that the ether
moves from the upper row to the lower one, and from the lower row to the upper one,
i.e. it has spin. If this rotation occurs clockwise, then the spin is –1, if counterclockwise,
then +1. And all particles have a spin of 1/2. Why is the photon so different from all other
particles? I draw your attention to the fact that a photon, although with some stretch, is a
rectangle in cross-section, even a square. And everything else-

The particles are round in cross section.

To what extent a photon has a spin equal to one, and a particle has one-half, you
need to ask quantum scientists. It’s unlikely that all this is accurate, I think that this is just
another postulate, it’s more convenient, but hardly anyone understood how it really is.
The same applies to the speed of photons in space.

In the known expression for the speed of movement of a toroidal vortex ring in a
viscous medium
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 13”
shifts" of galaxy spectra 2

ÿ(t) = c0 ( 1 – 3Ht + 14 H t 2 -...),

quite applicable for the vortex structure of a photon, the value of H in the case under
consideration is very small, therefore the speed of movement of the photon in space
remains practically constant for a long time. But after the photon loses its energy, it begins
to decrease noticeably, and at the end of its existence this speed is only 0.37 of the initial
speed of light. Approximately, photons in the cosmic microwave background radiation should
have such a speed, so the postulate about the constancy of the speed of light put forward
by Einstein itself is invalid.

The behavior of a photon at the end of its existence resembles

maintaining a smoke ring if someone was watching closely. The ring is blown out by the
smoker and moves at a relatively high speed, and then begins to slow down. Slowing down
a vortex in space means that it has exhausted its internal energy to overcome viscosity. It's
the same with photons. Photons begin to crumble, fall apart, collide with each other like gas
molecules, causing the original direction to be lost, and then dissolve in the free ether, giving
way to new arrivals. What is the initial energy of a photon?

We consider the energy of a photon according to Einstein as mc2 , and here especially

there are no objections, since half of this energy is just

the kinetic energy of its translational motion, and the second half is the energy of its
rotational motion. At first glance, everything is fine here. It is convenient and can be used
for now. But still, what energy does a photon actually carry? In order to answer this question,
you need to completely absorb a photon by some substance and then measure the
temperature of
this substance. Carrying out such experiments is a difficult matter, and I personally do
not know of such experiments, probably they have never happened, but everyone uses
speculative calculations and is happy. But still, there are no special objections to Einstein’s
formula for photon energy, unless we extend it to everything about everything, as our smart
theorists do.
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14 Lecture 10.

ki, because it has nothing to do with the equivalence of mass and energy. Mass and
energy are different categories, mass is the amount of matter, and energy is a measure of
the movement of the same matter, and there is no talk of any equivalent of mass and

Now, based on the above, we can consider

physical essence of basic optical phenomena. Let us consider the
phenomenon of light refraction in a medium.
Even in the time of Fresnel, the process of refraction of light in a medium was
considered a consequence of the difference in the speed of light in media with different
optical densities.
Fresnel was a strong supporter of the ether with all the ensuing details. He gave a
completely clear explanation of why the speed of light slows down in optically denser
media. It was he who came up with the famous coefficient of light capture by a moving

Augustin Fresnel Paul Drude

1788-1828 1863-1906

How did he explain the refraction of light? He explained it simply. Here is a wave of light falling from
empty space into a medium with a higher density of ether or, what is the same, with a higher optical
density. What is high optical density? This is the density of the ether in the medium, but only that part that
participates in the formation of the wave. The wave is compressed, and then it moves at a lower speed

than in free space. That's all, refraction is a consequence of this. In principle, you don’t even need to
change anything here. All this has been tested many times by different researchers.
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 15”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
When we look at all this from the point of view of the photon model, everything turns
out the same. All relationships of geometric optics are completely preserved.

With the physical meaning of reflection, everything turns out differently.

Well, first of all, why does light reflection occur at all?
Metals have a so-called Fermi surface, consisting of electrons. Inside a metal, all
atoms are electrically neutral, so electrons on the surface

are unlikely to be compensated by the charge of the protons, especially since the protons
are inside and the electrons are outside. Despite this, pieces of metal are electrically neutral,
and modern physics cannot say anything useful about this.

From the point of view of etherodynamics, an electron is not a ball with a charge that
came from nowhere. The electron is a helical toroid, and the circular motion of the ether of
its surface is perceived as an electric charge.

But on the surface of the metal, all the electrons that get into the outer layer are
installed anti-parallel relative to their neighbors, so the ethereal flows are closed on each
other and do not spread far. Therefore, the Fermi surface as a whole has no charge at all.

Structure of the “Fermi surface”

A photon with a transverse of 10–12 m 2 collides with electrons located on the Fermi surface

at a distance from each other of the order of 10–9 m. This means that it will encounter at least a million, and perhaps a large number of electrons,

the mass of each of which is close to the mass of one photon vortex. What kind of re-emission can we talk about in this case? Nothing! Here,

only reflection of the photon can occur as a result of hitting and bouncing off the wall. Therefore, all discussions about
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16 Lecture 10.

that light is re-emitted by the metal atoms of the mirror do not make any sense.

But here we need to pay attention to some features of the impact reflection of a
photon. The fact is that, in contrast to a simply elastic body, which retains its shape after an
impact, a vortex of ether, hitting an obstacle, turns inside out, and the rows of vortices in
the photon’s body change places, as a result of which the sign of the photon’s spin changes
to the opposite. If the incident photon had a spin sign of +1, then the reflected one will have
a spin of –1, and vice versa. This means that after each reflection from a metal mirror, the
sign of the spin should change to the opposite. I wonder if it is possible to somehow test
such an ether-dynamic prediction? In laser gyroscopes, triangles turned out to be less
stable than quadrangles, so there is already some indirect confirmation, however, they
become less sensitive, which is why triangular laser gyroscopes are used more.

Formation of a Production of photons

photon system during annihilation
electron and positron
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 17”
shifts" of galaxy spectra

Reflection and Reflection and refraction Change of sign

refraction of an elementary gas jet photon spin
when reflected
vortex from metal

Light refraction Diffraction

The Movement of the Earth in space

nature of refraction
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18 Lecture 10.

Smoke ring stability in laminar air flow

Regarding interference. In principle, vortices can interfere in the
same way as waves. The confusion here is caused by the core, in
which the density of the ether is high, thereby its stability is high. But
there is one more circumstance here.
The point is that both interference and diffraction can result from
statistical relationships. There have been many works on this topic.
But this is most clearly demonstrated by the example of diffraction.
If a beam of light passes along the surface of a non-transparent
object, then a velocity gradient arises between the photon vortices and
the surface of the object, and hence a reduced ether pressure. The
external pressure of the ether presses the photon against the object,
and at the exit the photon turns towards the shadow.
If the photon is moved slightly away from the object, the pressure
difference will become smaller and the deflection angle will become
smaller. All this exactly corresponds to
real diffraction. Professor of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute
Timofey Alekseevich Lebedev, who told all this in 1976 in his book
“On the continuity between the phenomena of the micro- and
macroworld”, was considering alternative options for explaining the
physical essence of quantum phenomena for many years. Such
options exist, and they are more convincing than those officially
recognized by modern science. The explanation of the physical
content of optical phenomena by modern physics does not stand up
to criticism. What is this “re-emission of light” when reflected from a
mirror? After all, if an atom, having taken energy from the incident
light, re-radiates it, then it will emit light
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 19”
shifts" of the spectra of galaxies already
at their own frequency, and not at the one that fell on it. Meanwhile, reflected light always contains
exactly the spectrum that is contained in the incident light. What does re-emission have to do with
it? This can be easily explained by a direct impact, but by re-radiation it cannot be explained at
all. Let's take interferometry. Light is emitted from a so-called point source, which is split into two
beams and then combined on a screen, which
produces an interferometric pattern. In this case, it is absolutely necessary that the paths
traversed by both rays be exactly the same. If

they diverge even slightly, then the picture becomes unclear

some, and if significant, then it will not exist at all.
However, I remind you that the so-called point source of light does not exist in the
world; a certain surface glows, calculated at best in tenths of a square millimeter or more.
This means that radiation from different parts of the source is necessarily synchronized
with each other. How? There is no explanation for this. But it is obvious that synchronism
and even in-phase must exist. If a source sends light in different phases from different
areas, then there will be no interference pattern.

What is the mechanism of photon synphasing? Modern physics does not consider
this issue at all, but from the standpoint of etherodynamics the process looks like this. If
two photons are close
distance, then the unidirectional vortices are pulled towards each other and are installed
exactly opposite each other. This corresponds to the minimum energy of the system.
That's all the in-phase! And all interferometers, by the very fact of their existence, testify to

This means that light from a source is not a set of individual photons, it is a system
of photons rigidly connected to each other. And this system can be separated by a mirror
or in another way, and then brought together on a screen, on which we get the same
interference pattern as in the wave process.

Some conclusions follow from this. Without in any way questioning all the experimental
data that
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20 Lecture 10.

developed over centuries, one must at the same time note the complete unsuitability of
their explanation. All these processes must have a clear internal etherodynamic mechanism,
and already at this
basis, we can interpret and understand all these

There may be one point here that has a certain practical significance.

It is now believed that light is a special case of electromagnetic radiation on the

grounds that light and an electromagnetic wave have the same speed of propagation. The
equality of these speeds was predicted by Maxwell, and this is confirmed by experiments
and all the practice of optics and radio engineering. There are no questions here. The
question is different: why, based on the coincidence of a single parameter, was such a
categorical conclusion made about their equivalence, that is, about their fundamental

However, there is one feature that does not fit into such an identity. The fact is that a
flat radio wave and light behave completely differently when they move from the air to the

In accordance with Maxwell's laws, a plane electromagnetic wave should attenuate

in a marine environment the faster the higher the frequency, and this is true. I personally
became convinced of this when I conducted research on the longitudinal propagation of
waves in sea water in the Black Sea. We worked at a frequency of 1 MHz, and already at a
depth of 3 meters there was no signal. But light has a frequency of about 14 MHz, i.e. eight
orders of magnitude higher, and according to the same Maxwell’s law, it should penetrate
into water to a depth ten thousand times less, i.e., no more than 0.3 mm. And he pushes
for hundreds of meters and does not pay attention to the lamentations of theorists who do
not understand why light does not behave as the theory dictates. But the matter turns out
to be simple if you look at it from the standpoint of etherodynamics.

I remind you that no one shoots short bullets in water. They shoot either long arrows
or long bullets; short bullets are quickly slowed down, they do not have enough energy to
overcome the resistance of water. But long bullets and arrows are enough, because they
have more mass, and the frontal resistance is so

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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 21”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
In a radio wave, in each half-cycle, the vectors of electric and magnetic intensities
are opposite in direction to the intensities of neighboring half-cycles, and each half-cycle
spends its energy on heating water independently, because

neighboring half-cycles do not energetically support each other. The higher the frequency,
the shorter the half-cycle length of the wave, the less energy it contains, the faster it will
be wasted. The way it is.

In the structure of a photon everything is different. This is a single vortex system in

which each vortex is part of a single photon energy system, and hence the result. In
addition, each photon contains a core in which both the bulk and the main energy of the
vortex are concentrated. This core will go around all these nuclei of water atoms, it simply
will not touch them, and will not waste its energy on them. Hence the result. Thus, we have
to assume that a photon is not electromagnetic radiation, since their structures are
different, although they move in space at the same speed.

Probably, the speed of light is some kind of critical characteristic of a medium such
as the speed of sound in air. Let us remember how much effort had to be made to
overcome the speed of sound. It is likely that even more effort will have to be made to
overcome the speed of light, but there is no reason to consider it insurmountable.

Ask questions.

Question. You mentioned the Fermi surface. How do you pre-

do you make it one electron thick or something else?
Answer. You see, I looked at the model of one layer and tried to show what
properties this layer has, of course, only at a qualitative level. How many layers are there
in total now?
It’s impossible to say. Probably, electrons from the depths of the metal will constantly
approach, and the layer will grow, but since the upper layer has already been formed,
there will be less and less opportunity for subsequent electrons to cling to the upper
layers. Probably, the electron density in this layer will decrease exponentially with depth.
these are just assumptions.
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22 Lecture 10.

Question. Can the Fermi surface transmit light?

Answer. Partially, of course, it can. The Fermi surface is not continuous, it is holey,
and some of the ether flows in the vortices can, I
I think it will leak out, losing, of course, its energy, for example, in heating the metal. If the
light were completely reflected, the metal would not heat up. And since it heats up under
irradiation, it means
Some of the light is absorbed, for example, by penetrating the Fermi surface. But all this is
subject to research.

Question. What can you say about the emission of electrons when a metal is irradiated
with light?
Answer. Such electron emission exists, but not for all materials. Selenium, for
example, emits, alkali metals emit, but other materials do not emit. It is likely that those
materials that have this property have a lower work function than those that do not have
this property. Of course, I don’t know this question, because I haven’t dealt with it. But I can
say that in this process one electron is not knocked out by one photon. Each photon hits a
surface in which from a million to a hundred million electrons are concentrated, not just one
photon, but many photons, and the process of shaking up all systems of electrons on the
Fermi surface begins. This process is uneven over the area, probably, somewhere the
disturbance is greater, and the stability of the bonds of electrons with other electrons is
less. This is where the electrons jump out. But this is just a guess.

Question. How do you feel about fractal and affine geometry?

Answer. Why should I treat them somehow? They are not used in etherodynamics
and, in my opinion, are not needed. Fractal geometry asserts the similarity of forms at
different levels of organization, but do they really exist, and if so, where? Here, reasoning
about forms, rather than about physical essence, prevails.

The same applies to affine transformations. Well, such transformations exist. What
does physics have to do with it?
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How does a photon work? Optical phenomena and the nature of “red 23”
shifts" of galaxy spectra
Do you know the difference between an integral and a differential from a physics
point of view? The integral gives us an integral picture, i.e. result. And the differential is
a process in the small, i.e. the cause.
You can always get an integral from a differential. Whether it is possible to obtain a
differential from an integral is a big question. This is a relationship of cause and effect.
From a cause it is always possible to obtain an effect, but from the effects it is not always
possible to identify the cause. In short, the differential is physics, and the integral

- mathematics.

Question. The Americans conducted an experiment with stopping the

photo-tone. Does such a photon have mass?
Answer. The Americans are great. It is interesting to know how they guessed in the
experiment that the photon was stopped? After all, without calculation, this can only be
known by receiving a light signal, i.e., using the same photon. So for me personally


But let's say they stopped it. After all, a photon is a material body, right? And
absolutely any material body contains matter, and mass, as Newton correctly defined, is
the amount of matter. I point out that this is exactly

inertial mass, not gravitational, because gravity is

it is a process that changes depending on conditions. And the amount of matter is mass,
and it is determined by inertial properties, in this Newton was absolutely right.

Why is it believed that a photon at rest has no mass? Because, firstly, it is more
convenient for theory, and secondly, because no one has ever seen a photon at rest,
especially when it is being formed. Maybe the Americans succeeded, then they will
answer this question. Again, the photon was stopped, how and relative to what? Question!

I have repeatedly come across publications in Physical Review Lettö; there is such
a supplement to the well-known journal Physical Review. To get to Physical Review you
need to go through fire, water and copper pipes. And to get into Lettö, that is, into letters,
you don’t need anything. You send it and they publish you.
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24 Lecture 10.

So our Einsteinians, Frankfurt, for example, constantly refer to

publications in these very letters, presenting these references as if this
is a fact confirming, of course, the Theory of Relativity. And this is
already a forgery! So we need to look at all this more closely, and then
we’ll see.

Question. How do you think the elementary particles of matter are structured?
society and what is graviton?
Answer. What is a graviton, ask those who use this term, I don’t have such a term.
As for the elementary particles of matter, all these mesons, gluons and so on, I have not
considered them, and will not consider them, because all of these are fragments and
combinations of fragments of stable formations. They can be pinned as much as you like,
and they are pinned. In the normal state of matter there are none at all.

Mesons are said to form at an altitude of 41 kilometers. It may very

well be! Only this is a calculated, not a real value, and calculated
according to the theory of relativity. But the real question arises: who,
when and where at an altitude of 41 kilometers saw this? And how did
he do it? A? I can not hear. Ah, no one! Then what is the matter, and
how can this be stated as an indisputable fact? And you can imagine
anything at all.
But if a meson has appeared, then it can only have a toroidal
structure; there is simply no other structure. True, this structure itself
can be complex, consisting, for example, of two toroids or more, but this
is only a toroidal structure. It should be noted here
that not every toroidal structure is stable; unstable structures will
divide and unite until stable structures appear. An example of this is a
drop falling into water. A toroidal ring immediately forms on the surface,
which is divided into new smaller toroids, these also divide, and so on,
until small toroids are formed that no longer divide, they are stable.
And part of the material of the original particles will dissolve in the
ether. So here it is, but I won’t do it, it’s not relevant.

Good health to everyone. We'll meet in two weeks.

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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 1

Geopathogenic zones




Today we are looking at gravity. First of all, I remind you of the

following things. In 1546, the future great astronomer Tycho Brahe
was born.
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2 Lecture 11.

Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton

1546-1601 1571-1630 1643-1727

Tycho Brahe in the last quarter of a century of his existence, and he died in 1601,
created and headed the Uraniborg Observatory, which was located on a small island near
Copenhagen and was equipped with the most modern instruments of that time. Brahe
carried out very accurate measurements, which today would create honor for any modern

In 1597, Johannes Kepler arrived to Tycho Brahe and became his assistant. Two
years later they were kicked out of there, and they both moved to Prague. And two years
later, Tycho Brahe died, leaving Kepler a huge amount of materials with measurements of
the positions of the planets, mainly Mars, which Brahe worked on

separately and specially.

Kepler spent more than a year trying to put all these measurements in order and
generalize them. As a result, he created his famous laws of celestial mechanics, which
astronomers use to this day.

Isaac Newton set himself the goal of reducing these Keplerian laws to one law, from
which these Keplerian laws of celestial mechanics would follow as consequences. He
solved this problem, and we still use his Law of Universal Gravitation, from which Keplerian
laws of celestial mechanics actually follow as special cases.

This law, as you know, looks like this:

F= – G ——— ;
R 2
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 3

Geopathogenic zones

and it truly contains “universality”, since no restrictions on distances are imposed.

It must be said that Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation was far from immediately
accepted by the scientific community, because it still contained some discrepancies with
the measurement results. Proposals poured in to add new terms to this law, for example,
a factor of the form e–ÿR . This factor immediately put an end to the “universality” of the
law. There were other proposals, and these disputes lasted for decades. The British were
especially unhappy, although the French took it more calmly. The battles were put to an
end by one of the French, I don’t remember who, who said that if everyone adds whatever
they want to such a simple and elegant law, then what will happen to science in general?
This argument was accepted by everyone, and all talk about changing the Law of
Universal Gravitation was stopped. And later it turned out that discrepancies with the
measurement results were caused by errors in the measurements themselves.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation received final recognition after Halley's Comet
appeared in the sky at exactly the specified time.

Edmund Halley Halley's Comet

1656-1742 December 25, 1758

Edmund Halley, having compiled the first catalog of the elements of the orbits of
comets, drew attention to the coincidence of the paths of the comets of 1531, 1607 and
1682 . and suggested that this is the same comet, revolving around the Sun with a period
of 75-76 years. Halley predicted that
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4 Lecture 11.

rotation of this comet in 1758 , and it actually appeared on time and was discovered by
Johann Georg Palitzsch
December 25, 1758 This was a brilliant confirmation of Newton’s Law of Universal
Gravitation, after which there were no longer any claims to Newton’s Law of Universal

Carl Neumann Hugo Seeliger

1832-1925 1849-1924

In the second half of the 19th century, German scientists Carl Neumann and
Hugo Seeliger discovered that if the masses of celestial bodies are distributed evenly in
the space of the Universe, then at every point in space there will be a gravitational
potential of infinitely large magnitude, and no attractive forces will become possible.
This conclusion was called the cosmological Neumann-Zeliger paradox. Thus, it was
discovered that there was something wrong with Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

A little later, two more circumstances emerged in which

something is also wrong. The first circumstance was the shift of the perihelion of
Mercury, which over 100 years shifts either by 34 arc seconds, or by 43 arc seconds, no
one really knows. But it is shifting. In a hundred years, Mercury will make about a hundred
and a half revolutions, it moves faster than the Earth, and how you can measure
these seconds of displacement, and even looking at them from the side, is a big mystery.
However, they say that they somehow measured it.

The second circumstance was that Pluto, the farthest planet in the solar system,
does not move the way it is supposed to move according to Newton’s law. It has a large
eccentricity, a large deviation of the orbit from the ecliptic plane by more than one, and
most importantly, the Sun is not at the focus of its orbit. About 17o
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 5

Geopathogenic zones

there was even an article in the magazine “Knowledge is Power” entitled “Stepson of the
Sun”. So not everything is in order not only in the Kingdom of Denmark, which Hamlet
lamented, but also in Newton’s law.
The general theory of relativity, otherwise called the theory of gravity, solves the
problem simply. She believes that gravitating masses bend space, and gravity appears in
curved space. This suits everyone, especially

that it is not customary to condemn Einstein’s theory of relativity.

This reminds me of an old story when one dashing rider, having fallen into a swamp
with his horse, pulled himself out of the swamp along with the horse, grabbing himself by
the hair. It's about the same logic here. Space is curved because gravitational masses
have entered it, and these masses become gravitational because they have fallen into
curved space. This is amazing!

However, it is possible to understand all this if we return to the position of etherodynamics.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that gravitational interactions, unlike
other fundamental interactions, are, firstly, the most long-range, and secondly, they
accompany absolutely all bodies, which other interactions cannot boast of. And when we
analyze the movements of the ether as a gas, we are convinced that of the seven forms of
movement, only one form accompanies all other
forms of movement. This is thermal diffusion.

Therefore, taking into account that gravity is everywhere and thermal diffusion is
everywhere and that this type of motion is the only one that exists everywhere, it would be
correct to use thermal diffusion to explain gravity.

I remind you that in mechanics there are two forms of motion with a variable radius.
In the first case, the movement of the mass occurs around a cylinder on which a thread is
wound that holds this mass. As the thread is wound onto the cylinder, the radius of rotation
of the mass decreases. In the second case, the mass rotates around the center in a circle
until a force is applied that is capable of overcoming the centrifugal force. When

such a force is found, then the radius begins to contract, but not spontaneously, but under
the influence of this force that does work.
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6 Lecture 11.

Without dwelling on the details, I inform you that in the first case the law of
conservation of energy is valid, since no additional energy is put into the rotation to change
the radius of the thread’s trajectory, everything happens spontaneously. And in the second
case, the law of constancy of the angular momentum is valid, and the energy changes due
to the fact that you are forced, i.e. external energy changes the direction of movement of
the mass, reducing its radius. This second case occurs during the formation of gas
vortices, and this is directly related to elucidating the physical essence of gravity.

At the outer boundary of the vortex, the summation of three forces occurs
– two internal – internal residual pressure and centrifugal force and one external –
external gas pressure. If two internal forces in total exceed the external one, then the
excess gas flies away, and only that gas remains for which the external pressure exceeds
the sum of the internal pressures. Then the vortex begins to compress, simultaneously
accelerating in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum.

Two cases of mass motion with a variable radius: a) around a cylinder

; b) around the center, c) compression of the gas vortex body
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 7

Geopathogenic zones

But as soon as the rotation speed increases, the pressure inside drops, and the body
continues to compress until equilibrium is reached due to the compaction of the walls, when
a fourth force of the walls appears, resisting further compaction.

Thus, compression occurs due to external pressure, i.e. the pressure of the
atmosphere, which does this work, giving up its energy, and the entire atmosphere of the
planet works on each tornado, where they get such power.

I had the good fortune to ride a bicycle through the village of Vere-shugino and saw
that uprooted trees were lying all over the village. It turned out that three days before my
visit to this village there was a tornado, which caused all this in just a couple of minutes. I
spent the night there, and the owners told me that this tornado en masse threw out large
hail, each hailstone the size of a chicken egg. But what amazed them most of all was that
the hail was not flying vertically, as usual, but horizontally.


Thus, we have experimental confirmation that the temperature of the vortex is colder
than the ambient temperature, and this is true. But to understand the mechanism of this
decrease in temperature, given that the gas in the body of the tornado is compressed, is
the task of gas dynamics, and the task is not an easy one.

The body of a tornado has its own temperature, and when it spins up, not only does
energy transfer from the external
space into the rotational energy of the tornado, but also the redistribution of the thermal
motion of the gas molecules forming the tornado from completely chaotic to partially
ordered. The movement of molecules along the periphery of a tornado around the center is
ordered. But thermal motion along two perpendicular axes remains chaotic. This chaotic
movement decreases as

part of the energy is given to ordered movement, which means that the temperature of the
tornado’s body decreases. The ambient temperature also decreases as the gas expands
there. And from here follows a simple conclusion that the temperature of any gas

vortex is reduced relative to the temperature of the surrounding gas. Or, as thermodynamics
say, a gas vortex is a source of negative heat.
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8 Lecture 11.

Distribution of temperature and pressure around a material body

But then we must admit that all material bodies that consist of protons - condensed
ether vortices, neutrons of the same protons with an increased boundary layer and electron
shells - attached vortices - have a temperature lower than the temperature of the ether
surrounding them and around Each body has a temperature gradient and, as a
consequence, a pressure gradient, since the pressure in a gas is always proportional to
the temperature.

Thus, a temperature gradient and a pressure gradient will be created around each
body. And if another body gets into the field of this gradient, then the ether will press on it
from all sides, but from the side of the first body this pressure will be less than from the
outside. The same goes for the first body that falls into the gradient field of the second
body. This is the whole secret of the gravitational interaction of bodies, its physical content.

In order to now derive the gravitational attraction of bodies from the thermal diffusion
process, we must take the heat distribution equation and replace the thermal power in it

accuracy on mass, since mass is strictly proportional in this case to thermal power.

Since my mathematical talents clearly leave much to be desired, I borrowed

the solution to this problem from the book “Equations of Mathematical Physics”
by Tikhonov and Samarsky, in which this problem is solved and all that remains
is to replace the power Sasha, it would be good, if not too late, on the 28th
poster place a small table between the upper formulas:
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 9

Geopathogenic zones

R s.s./ 1 R 2 R 5 R s.s.
10 R ÿ(r, t) 0.89
s.s.0.78 0.48 0.17
s.s. R s.s.= 40 s.s. 20 R s.s. 30 R s.s.

AU - radius of the Solar system 0.06 10-5

heat source to ground.

Gravitational interaction of bodies

M1M2 1 d 1ÿ
— r²
F = f ——— ÿ(r, t), ÿ (r,t) =—
lim(– — ÿ e dÿ); ro = 2 at ,
ÿ (r, t) = 1.
r² 2ÿ d r r r / rÿ rÿ0

To the derivation of a refined equation of gravitational interaction of bodies

Then we get the same Newton law of attraction, but slightly adjusted:
an additional factor ÿ(R,t) appears in it, containing the Gauss integral:

F= – G ——— ÿ(R,t);
R 2]

Dependence of factor ÿ(R,t) on distance

R s.s./ 1 R 2 R 5 R s.s.
10 R ÿ(r, t) 0.89
s.s.0.78 0.48 0.17
s.s. R s.s.= 40 s.s. 20 R s.s. 30 R s.s.

AU - radius of the Solar system 0.06 10-5

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10 Lecture 11.

The property of this integral is such that for relatively small

in the values of the arguments, in this case, the distance, it differs little from unity, but,
starting from a certain value of R0, it quickly goes to zero. This may, in particular, explain
the incomprehensible behavior of Pluto, whose orbit does not obey Newton’s law.

It should also be noted that at relatively short distances from the Sun, somewhere
within 30 AU. that is, this factor is practically equal to 1, and in this range Newton’s law is
observed, and then the attraction of the planets by the Sun begins to decrease

the faster, the farther from the Sun and the more this follows from Newton’s law. At a
distance of more than 100 au. this attraction is practically
ski disappears completely.

This means that stars located at a distance of several light years from each other,
many times greater than the zone of gravity, do not interact gravitationally, and the
Neumann-Seliger gravitational paradox is successfully resolved. The stars turn out to be
gravitationally isolated from each other, and there is no need to worry about the problems
of gravity at interstellar distances: the stars are not attracted to each other. There

completely different laws apply, which we will talk about later.

Those researchers who at one time insisted that an exponential factor appear in
Newton’s law were actually right. They probably intuitively felt that there could not be an
infinite zone of propagation of gravity, but they did not try to get to the bottom of the
physical essence of gravity; there was no data for this then. And now this data is available,
and the answer, perhaps not very accurate, has been received.

The magnitude of the pressure gradient in the ether is very small. And then it turns
out that the speed of propagation of the first sound in the ether is the speed of propagation
of gravity in world space. It is very large and at least 13-15 orders of magnitude higher than
the speed of light.

Pierre Simon Laplace, a French scientist, astronomer and mathematician, knew that
the speed of propagation of gravity is high.
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. eleven

Geopathogenic zones

Pierre Simon Laplace Presentation

1749-1827 world systems

Laplace analyzed the secular accelerations of the Moon and came to

the conclusion that the speed of propagation of gravity is no less (!) than 50 million times
higher than the speed of light. He wrote about this in 1878 in the two-volume “Exposition of
the World System.”
It should be noted that the entire experience of celestial mechanics confirms this
position, since all calculations are made according to the formula of Newton’s law, which is
static, and therefore implies an infinitely high speed of propagation of gravity. Taking into
account the delay of the gravitational potential, the formula of Newton’s law would take
the form:

F(t – R/cgr) = – G ———,

where cgr is the speed of gravity propagation. This expression turns into the formula of
Newton's law only for cgr = ÿ.
This, of course, contradicts Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which prohibits
the propagation of signals at superluminal speeds. The entire experience of celestial
mechanics, therefore, contradicts this theory of Einstein, which was hushed up in every
possible way.
is happening.

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, considered a theory of gravity, is an even

greater crime against physics and common sense than the Special Theory of Relativity.
Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century might not have known that electromagnetic
interaction and gravitational interaction are different
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12 Lecture 11.

fundamental interactions, but our contemporaries know very well that the speed of light,
as an electromagnetic quantity, cannot in principle have anything to do with gravity. So

the so-called constants of electromagnetism and gravity differ from each other by 36 (!)
orders of magnitude, and this does not bother anyone. And this is science?!

Thus, we have experimental and statistically reliable confirmation that the speed of
propagation of gravity is many times higher than the speed of light, because if at the Earth-
Moon distance it is impossible to rely on the speed of light. and this is only 1.3 seconds of
light delay, then what can we say about other planets! Therefore, the General Theory of
Relativity, as well as the Special Theory of Relativity of the same author, is a direct and
blatant lie, restrained only by administrative measures. Well, God be with her, with the
Theory of Relativity, there is no need to fight with her, she will die a natural death herself,
since she is surprisingly sterile and at the same time extremely wasteful. I hope this
happens in the near future.

But that's not all. When we have a gradient of ether pressure in space, then the ether
itself will begin to move in space towards celestial bodies, which will begin to absorb it,
increasing their mass.

A simple calculation shows that when a spherical layer of ether moves under the
influence of this ether pressure gradient towards a celestial body, no adiabatic changes
occur with the ether, because as it approaches this body, the surface area of the spherical
layer decreases, but increases proportionally its thickness, so the volume of this layer
remains unchanged. This means that this layer falls onto the surface of a celestial body like
a stone from infinity. And this is the second cosmic speed, which for the Earth is 11.18 km/
s. And since the density of the ether is

near-Earth space is well known to us, it is equal to 8.85 10–12 kg/m3

, then we can easily calculate the every second increase in the mass
of the Earth, amounting to 50 thousand tons per second, however, provided that all the
absorbed ether turns into matter. In fact, not all of it turns into substance, because... part of
it is erupted back into space, but more on that later.
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 13

Geopathogenic zones

Knowing the second escape velocity for all celestial bodies, we

Now we know the mass increment for each of them, including the Sun.

On average, the relative absorption of ether by celestial bodies is

identically and leads to an every second relative increase
-1 .
mass change is about 10–17 s

Weight, kg Area V II , m/s ÿM/ ÿt, ÿÿ/ ÿÿt,

surface- kg/s sÿ¹
body sti, m²
Sun 1.99 1030 6.08 1018 6.18 105 3.32 1013 1.67 10–17 2.72
Mercury 3.24 1023 7.15 1013 4.86 4.3 103 106 8.4 10–18
5.97 1024 4.8 1014 Venus 1.04 104 4.45 107 9.15 10–18
Earth1024 5.1 1014 6.39 1023 1.42 1.12 104 5.05 107 8.45 10–18
Mars ·1014 1.9·1027 5.1 103 6.4 106 1·10–17
Jupiter 6.16·1016 5.68·1026 6.08 104 3.3 1010 1.75 10–17
Saturn 4.19·1016 8.73·1025 3.68 104 1.36 1010 2.4 10–17
Uranus 7.3·1015 1.03·1026 2.22 104 1.43 109 1.65 10–17
Neptune 6.5·1014 5·1024 ? 2.48 104 1.43 109 1.38 10–17
Pluto 5.07·1014? 3·103 ? 1.35·107 ? 2.7·10–18 ?

Speaking of the Sun. I have already said that for the Sun no explanation has been
found for the duration of its radiation, which, according to calculations, should have ended
long ago, but for some reason it does not end. Of course, in such calculations no one took
into account the energy of the ether absorbed by the Sun, which, by the way, has a higher
temperature than the ether located in the bowels of the Sun and in the protons of matter.
Perhaps this is the reason for the long-term activity of the Sun?

5 congresses were held in Australia on the topic of the expansion of the Earth. One of
Kerry’s participants published a book called “The Expanding Earth.” On the cover of this
book there is a photograph in which two smiling gentlemen are holding in their hands a
large transparent globe, inside of which there is a second smaller globe, on the surface of
which all the continents are located, closely adjacent to each other.
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14 Lecture 11.

The inner globe corresponds to a time of about 3.75 billion years ago, the outer one
corresponds to modern Earth.

2 GM 1/2
ÿV = S ÿl =4ÿr² —— ÿt² = 2ÿ G Mÿt² = const; vII = (———)
2r² R

Absorption of ether by the gravitational mass of the Earth and the formation of mountains

According to my calculations, the Earth's radius is increasing at a rate of 0.56 mm/year.

According to other calculations, a little more, but the order of magnitude is approximately
the same among different authors.
In our country, these problems are most intensively dealt with by Vitaly Filippovich
Blinov in Kyiv, who published his monograph on this topic “Growing Earth. From planets to
stars." Unfortunately, the main institution for Earth research is the Institute
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 15

Geopathogenic zones

Physics of the Earth named after. O.Yu. Schmidt, who should pay special attention to this area, is
not concerned with this problem.

Earth's oceanic rift ridge system:

1, 7 – East Pacific Rise; 2 – North Atlantic Ridge; 3 –
South Atlantic Ridge;
4 – West Indian Ridge; 5 – Australian-Antarctic rise; 6, 8 –
South Pacific Rise

The expansion of the Earth leads to the fact that every subsequent
the day is longer than the previous ones, the lengthening of the day per century is 2.4 ms.

How does the Earth expand? According to my ideas, the absorbed ether is absorbed by
protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei, and they expand, and the attached vortices - the electronic
shells of atoms - expand accordingly. But it comes

the moment when the equilibrium is disturbed, and then a restructuring of the nuclei and,
accordingly, the substance occurs. Matter in the Earth is continuously accumulating, and this
means that tensions within the planet and the resulting volcanism will not stop as long as the Earth
exists. And it is the Earth’s absorption of ether from the surrounding space that is the root cause of
not only expansion, but also the formation of new rocks, as well as many geological phenomena,
including such as spreading and subduction.
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16 Lecture 11.

What is spreading? This is the movement of continents relative to each other. This is
a well-known phenomenon, continents move relative to each other

Spreading is a geodynamic process of extension, expressed in the impulsive and

repeated spreading of blocks of the lithosphere of the oceanic crust and in the filling of the
released space with magma generated in the mantle. In the middle of all the oceans there
are ridges and rises, at the tops of which the rocks are about
5 million years old, at the foot – 10 million years old, and further towards the shores
the age increases to 200 million years, and the rocks on the shore near the water are aged
rocks are about 4.5 billion years old. This means that subduction is taking place - the
creeping of the seabed under the continents.

The absorbed ether is not all converted into substance. Crowds of unorganized ether
roam inside the planet, which oozes from the Earth’s body into outer space, and sometimes
bursts out in the form of powerful jets.

In the first case, geopathogenic zones arise in which the ether comes out in the form
of vertical swirling jets. These are stationary zones, but there are also wandering ones,
causing the so-called poltergeist, which means “noisy spirit.” Then the lamps and doorbells
burn out, frying pans start flying, and flames come out of the stone walls.

Small stationary zones are very common; prolonged stay in them is harmful to health.
The thickness of these zones varies; they occur along geological faults and around various
heterogeneities and voids. These areas on the roads are especially dangerous, and they
are the cause of many mass accidents, when the consciousness of drivers is turned off,
and experienced drivers

or for no apparent reason they drive into oncoming traffic lanes and get into accidents. You
need to know about such zones, and you need to take measures to neutralize them.

Currently, to detect geopathogenic zones, so-called frames are used - wires bent in
the shape of the letter “L”, which begin to turn in the operator’s hands when passing the
zone. Now an instrumental method has been found for detecting zones, based on the fact
that the laser beam in these zones is bent, which is easily determined by photodetectors,
but all this
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 17

Geopathogenic zones

is at the stage of development by amateurs, and serious organizations neglect all this.

Neutralizing geopathogenic zones is quite simple. You need to unwind about a

hundred meters of thin copper wire with a diameter of 0.12 to 0.2 mm on the floor, it doesn’t
matter whether it’s bare or varnished, wind the wire into a chaotic lump, flatten it and put it
in an envelope made of thick paper. You can roll this lump into concrete, ceramics or any
insulating material. Then place this flattened lump in the center of the zone, and the zone
will instantly disappear. This has all been checked many times. The principle of operation
of such a lump is simple: jets of ether are not deflected by it, but seep through it, breaking
into pieces and generating many small ethereal whirlwinds that scatter in all directions and

all other streams are flowing.

This is exactly what needs to be done on the roads in places where there are accidents.
happen often.
There are also so-called etheric emissions - unexpected powerful emissions of ether
from the Earth, we will talk about them when we deal with the problem of the origin of
comets. For now I will say that there are billions of comets in our Solar System, and all of
them are relatively short-lived, from several tens of years to 1-2 thousand, but this is rare.
Our science regarding the origin of comets, and they should be born every day and in
considerable numbers, speaks of such nonsense that it is simply shameful.

There is, you see, a certain Oort cloud located from the Earth at a distance of several
hundred astronomical units, almost at a distance of a light year. These comets are visible
and invisible there, and from there they fly into the solar system. Where the comets came
from in this cloud, science remains silent. They drove the hare into the forest, and okay! In
fact, comets are born by all planets, leaving behind so-called astroblemes, but the main
supplier of comets to
the Solar System is probably the Sun.

On April 12, 1991, on the outskirts of the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region, an absolutely
incredible event occurred. Early in the morning, one and a half kilometers from the outskirts
of the city, rock was ejected into space, 1800 tons of rock disappeared, leaving a round
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18 Lecture 11.

astrobleme - a pit with a diameter of 28 meters and a depth of almost 4 meters with a
loose hill in the middle and a ring shaft along the edges.
The doors and windows of outlying houses on the side opposite the crater were
pressed inside the houses. The telegraph poles of the power lines were tilted towards the
funnel, the iron hooks on them were bent. The police, investigators, and then scientists who
came in large
numbers could neither understand nor explain anything. The only person who
explained what happened was Anatoly Fedorovich Chernyaev, who, having investigated
what happened on the spot, wrote and published the book “Stones Fall into the Sky.” His
opinion coincides with mine that it was an etheric outburst that gave birth to one of the
small co-


Last year I was on the Kola Peninsula, there are many small swamps and many
similar astroblems overgrown with bushes. This is a round formation with bushes raised to
a small height, a round depression and a small hill overgrown with bushes in the middle.
There are plenty of them there.

One of the astroblemes

There are also larger astroblemes on the surface of the earth; the nearest Puchezh-
Katun astrobleme is located four hundred kilometers from Moscow. Its depth is about 500
m, the height of the surrounding ring rise is also about 500 meters. And the internal
diameter is about 58 kilometers, the external one is about 80 kilometers, and in the center
there is a hill one and a half kilometers high from the foot. It was formed quite a long time
ago, maybe a million or more years ago. It is well described in Astronomical
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 19

Geopathogenic zones

skom bulletin about two years ago. There are at least 150 astronomers with a diameter of
about 100 kilometers or more around the globe; there is even a special map.

There are also larger astroblemes on the surface of the earth; the nearest Puchezh-
Katun astrobleme is located four hundred kilometers from Moscow. Its depth is about 500
m, the height of the surrounding ring rise is also about 500 meters. And the internal diameter
is about 58 kilometers, the external one is about 80 kilometers, and in the center there is a
hill one and a half kilometers high from the foot. It was formed quite a long time ago, maybe
a million or more years ago. It was well described in the Astronomical Bulletin two years
ago. There are at least 150 astronomers with a diameter of about 100 kilometers or more
around the globe; there is even a special map.

Astronomers believe that astroblemes are of meteorite origin; it would be nice if they
could explain the Sasso phenomenon on this basis; they have not done this yet and are
unlikely to do so.
What moral follows from all this? The moral is simple: understanding the internal
mechanisms of processes is a useful thing. This makes it possible to understand the causes
of processes, their consequences, understand associated factors and draw completely non-
trivial conclusions on practical use or on the application of practical measures for improving


Ask questions.

Question. Do you think anti-gravity is possible?

Answer. Antigravity is impossible in principle. All bodies have a lower etheric
temperature. All. This is what gravity is based on. Antigravity requires an increased
temperature; it seems to me that this cannot be done. But this does not mean that it is
impossible to create forces that resist gravity. On the contrary, this needs to be done. In an
airplane, lift counters gravity and airplanes fly. But everyone knows that this is a lifting force,
and not antigravity at all. Lifting force can be created
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20 Lecture 11.

in different ways, for example, by creating a vortex on the upper side of the
body and reducing the ether pressure there. The body will fly up. But this
is not anti-gravity. And so on. By understanding what is possible and what
is not, you can quickly find the right solution.

Question. So, bodies do not attract, but push?

Answer. Exactly. By the way, the debate about whether people are
attracted or pushed began a long time ago and went on for a very long
time. In fact, in this issue, Descartes's ethereal concept of short-range
action and Newton's concept of long-range action collided. For Descartes,
interaction is transmitted through the ether, which cannot pull anything. But
Newton has no mechanism of gravity at all. And this gave birth to the
concept of long-range action through nothing. In fact, the pressure
difference in the ether is precisely the pushing of ether with high pressure
towards an area with lower pressure.

Question. But how does the General Theory of Relativity solve the
problem of potential retardation?
Answer. But he can’t decide there. There, without any reason, the
speed of light was introduced as supposedly universal, but it arises
The underlying paradoxes are simply not considered at all.
Celestial mechanics silently moved away from this and exists as if on
its own, without any theory of relativity. Everyone somehow forgot about
retarded potentials, as if this issue did not exist at all.

When I tried to discuss this issue with some “serious” astronomers, I

received an answer in the sense that don’t bother, we won’t deal with this
issue. I got the impression that they know all this, but they don’t want to get
into battles with theorists, it’s more expensive for themselves.

Once I came with all these questions to our Tsagov academician

Dorodnitsin, said that Einstein... He did not let me finish and answered:
Einstein is a swindler! I replied that I completely agree. Dorodnitsyn said,
no, I won’t get involved in these issues. This is understandable. He
understood everything, but he had his own area of interest, and there was
simply no need for him to get involved in a fight on someone else’s field.
The same is true for those who study celestial mechanics.
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 21

Geopathogenic zones

Question. How does the expansion of the Earth occur, since there
are versions that this occurs due to meteorites?
Answer. Yes, there is such a version. But there are already people who have
calculated all this, and the data does not converge by 4 or 6 orders of magnitude, I
don’t remember exactly. In addition, meteorites fall from above, and the Earth is
expanding from the inside, this is already clear to everyone. And, most importantly.
all ends meet. After all, why does matter crawl out of the Earth’s body? Because it is
formed throughout the entire volume of the Earth, the volume is proportional to the
cube of the radius, and the surface is only proportional to the square. And she's
missing. So the underwater mountains come out, where? Where the crust is thinner,
in the ocean. Hence both spreading and subduction.

Question. When you talk about the age of rocks, the question is, is
this the age of what, nuclei or substance? And by what method was all
this measured?
Answer. I only know that the French did all this. When I was visiting
Blinov, he showed me the cards that they sent him. All seas and oceans
are divided into small rectangles, and each one is marked with an age.
How they did it, I have no idea. This, in principle, should be done by the
Institute of Earth Physics, maybe they all know this.

Question. How can you explain the fact that on land

find remains of the seabed?
Answer. They find it. Here's a look at the Cordillera - the western coast of the
Americas. At an altitude of three thousand meters, not only sedimentary rocks are found,
but even shells. From this it is concluded that there was a sea there. There was no sea
there! This land itself emerged from the sea along with shells as a result of spreading. Only
there was not a creeping of the seabed under the continent, as in other places, but, on the
contrary, a creeping of the seabed onto the continent, and this is how the Cordillera was

This becomes clear if you look at the map of the seabed near them
together with the Cordilleras. It is all folded, which indicates high
stresses in the plane of the seabed. Testing this phenomenon is
generally very simple: you need to ask the same French to measure the
age of rocks in the western and eastern
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22 Lecture 11.

slopes of the Cordillera. On the western slope the age of the rocks should be less.

Question. Do you accept cold fusion?

Answer. As one character from the novel “12 Chairs” said, consent is non-resistance
of the parties, and this is correct. Everything is a product of agreements. In principle, I don’t
see why cold nuclear fusion can’t happen. The fact that it occurs in the Earth, in which there
are no million-degree temperatures, is beyond my doubt; helium radiation speaks directly
about this. Therefore, cold nuclear fusion exists, and our task is to create our own industrial
technologies, and not to talk about whether it can exist or not.

can not.

Question. How do you feel about geological concepts?

Answer. I treat it precisely as concepts, i.e., some formed opinion of some group of
scientists who found something, understood something, and came up with something. At
the same time, another group of scientists, using the same material, came up with a
completely different concept, and they began to fight over who would outshout whom.

I noticed that the main battles over concepts took place either in cosmology or in
geology, i.e. where nothing can be checked. Space is curved, but it cannot be measured,
time slows down, but the same, and so on. What about geology? During such and such a
period there was such and such. Were you there at that time, dear geologist? Oh, it wasn't!
Where does such confidence come from? Oh, you think so! Well, then it’s clear!.. Uniformists,
catastrophists, Neptunists, volcanists, and whoever is there. Fights, battles, and why? Due
to incomplete data. So

that, excuse me, all these are just assumptions and not established facts. All this will
change a hundred times.
Once again about cold fusion. While in
Bashkiria, I visited an elderly petroleum geologist, an extremely interesting person. I
asked him if there were oil fields without sulfur. He replied that there are no such deposits;
sulfur there is either in the form of hydrogen sulfide or in the form of heavy resins. I asked
the second question, what elements are contained in
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What is gravity? Earth expansion, spreading and subduction. 23

Geopathogenic zones

associated waters. Having lowered his eyes, the geologist replied that the entire periodic
table. I was completely satisfied with both answers.
What is the most common breed on earth? Silica, sand, SiO2. What is the atomic weight of
silicium? 28. What about sulfur? 32. What about carbon? 12. Now, if we take away one alpha
particle from a silicium nucleus and add it to another silicium nucleus, then we get an atomic
weight of 24 at one end, i.e. two carbon atoms, and at the other end 32, i.e. sulfur atom. This is
the answer to the question of where oil and coal came from. The latter entirely has an atomic
weight of 12, and the molecular weight of silica, by the way, is 60, which is purely 5 carbon atoms.
Option? Option. I don’t know how this happens, but the possibility is obvious.

Oil is everywhere, it is only absent where there is coal. They are not together. I saw a
map of oil fields, it's all black! It is only there where no geologist has ever set foot. When I
found out that there was a lot of hydrogen sulfide in the lower layers of the Black Sea
water, I immediately said that there was oil along the shores. She was found, however,
regardless of my predictions. Another thing is that production may turn out to be unprofitable,
but it exists.

Question. Since ether is a gas, and air is also a gas, are toroidal formations possible
in the air, and if possible, will they be stable?

Answer. Such formations exist, but they are weakly stable. Well, first of all, there are
clouds of smoke. These are toroids, but they only last for a few seconds. Robert Wood
created toroids using the famous Wood's box; he used air toroids to knock off the hats of
passers-by. These toroidal vortices also existed for several seconds. But toroidal tornadoes
have existed for several minutes, and these are the most destructive tornadoes. The axis
of such a toroid is parallel to the earth's surface, so that one half rolls along the ground
and the other hangs in the air. In America, such tornadoes appeared several times, and
each time they left behind them a strip of catastrophic destruction several hundred meters
wide and a kilometer long.

Why is the proton stable, but air toroids are unstable? The most likely explanation is
that the parameters of ether and air are different. The ratio of the free path length in
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24 Lecture 11.

ether to the diameter of its molecule amer is about 30 orders of magnitude, and for air only
4-5. Accordingly, ether can be compressed strongly, and air weakly. The proton is small,
but the mass is large; for an air tornado, the opposite is true: the surface is large, but the
mass, which does not contain energy, is small. Hence the low stability: a proton exists for
billions of years, and an air toroidal vortex exists for seconds. Thank you everyone, I look
forward to seeing you at the next lecture.
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 1

galaxies. Resolving cosmological paradoxes



March 4, 2001

For those who came today for the first time, I must say that in this series of
lectures we are discussing the problems of the formation of a new field of physics
- etherodynamics, that is, the modern theory of the ether.
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2 Lecture 12.

Fundamentally, etherodynamics makes it possible to consider the mechanism of any physical

phenomenon, absolutely anything. And, if this has not been done yet, it is only because it has not
yet been completed.
There is enough time and not enough effort has been invested in this direction. I have personally
been dealing with this issue closely and continuously for more than forty years. All evenings, all
vacations and all free time are invested here. This does not mean that the subject is completed,
quite the contrary, this is just the beginning of the journey. Restoring ideas about the ether is a
transition to the next level of
organization of matter, which opens up completely new possibilities for us. What they will lead
to is difficult to say today, but I draw your attention to the fact that all previous transitions or, in other
words, physical revolutions led to the emergence of new areas of science and through this to new
technologies, which led to the rapid growth of productive forces and further – to a change in socio-
economic formations. One can expect that something similar will happen this time. Today we will
discuss the problem of the circulation of ether in nature, i.e. the mechanism by which our Universe


I will try once again to briefly outline the basics that formed the basis of etherodynamics.

When studying the provisions of etherodynamics, there were no inventions, inventions, much
less postulates and axioms. Aetherodynamics is based on the rigid logic of studying nature as it is,
and no liberties are allowed here and, most importantly, are not necessary, because at every step
logic leads to the only possible solutions, so there is even nothing to choose from . In principle, this
is fully consistent with the materialist methodology, which requires nature to be studied, and not
invented, as is done by modern theoretical physics, entirely based on “principles,” postulates and
axioms. The same applies to the definition of universal physical invariants.

I remind you that the goal of any physical research is to obtain the dependence of some
quantities, considered functions, on others, considered arguments. Arguments are initial, their
change is the reason for the change
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 3

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes of
quantities considered functions. And it’s not always possible to

In any physical study we must determine

quantities that, within the framework of this study, we consider to be initial, argumentative,
invariant categories. And for a general physical theory it is necessary to look for universal
invariants that are essentially present in any structures and phenomena.

The emergence of the Theory of Relativity led to the fact that the
speed of light and the four-dimensional interval were arbitrarily assigned
as invariants, approximately in the same way as Gulcetay was assigned
as his beloved wife. There was no justification and there is no, most
importantly, there cannot be, since the speed of light is a particular property
a particular phenomenon, and in the four-dimensional interval this same speed of light
completely arbitrarily connects space and time.
And off we go! Five postulates in the Special Theory of Relativity, five
more postulates added in the General Theory of Relativity, the last postulate
of General Relativity about the presence of ether in nature contradicts the
first postulate of SRT about its absence, and this does not bother anyone.
The speed of light was sent to the General Theory of Relativity, i.e. into
gravity, to which it has nothing to do at all. And then the Big Bang, the
recession of the Universe, and so on and so forth. And at the heart of all
this lies a purely methodological error.

And the conclusions from Einstein’s invariants are already fundamental. This is the
dependence of real universal invariants on the speed of movement and away we go.
Lorentz's transformations completely changed the original meaning, and in general the
very possibility of beginning to clarify the physical essence of structures and phenomena
was nipped in the bud. I have already said more than once and repeat that Einstein’s
theory of relativity is a reactionary and deceitful attempt to stop the development of physics
and natural science in general. Reactionary because it takes researchers away from the
very attempt to understand the structure of the physical world, and false because all its
initial positions are false, all experiments are practically rigged, and from all possible
interpretations only those that are beneficial to this theory are chosen.
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4 Lecture 12.

We can safely say that as long as physicists adhere to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, physical
science will mark time, there will be no sense from it, there will only be harm and not only ideological,
but also economic, for example, the collider and thermonuclear fusion.

Ethereal dynamics, which claims to reveal the mechanisms of all physical phenomena, must
define as such invariants those categories that are universal for all known phenomena. There is no
need to invent anything here, it’s enough

look around carefully.

What physical categories can be taken as physical invariants for a theory that claims to consider
all physical phenomena? Only those that are essentially present everywhere, in any material structure
and any physical phenomenon. This is matter because

everything in nature is material, this is space, since everything happens in space, and this is time,
since all processes take place in time. And the existence of matter in space and time is movement.
Friedrich Engels, who can be considered the founder of the methodology of dialectical materialism,
knew this very well.

Friedrich Engels

“Materialism,” said Engels, is proven not by a couple of magic phrases, but by the entire
experience of natural science.”
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 5

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes The
discovery of the role of universal physical invariants for physical theory
is the main thing that I have done, because everything else is a simple
consequence of this. I was always surprised why this was not done earlier,
since at any stage of the development of natural science there was
everything for this. This can be explained by the fact that until the beginning
of the 20th century this was not relevant, since no one encroached on these
categories, they were always supposed to be original, and in the 20th century
the Einsteinians turned everything inside out and fundamentally rejected
everything these categories, basing their theories on particular rather than
universal phenomena. Materialist methodology had already been largely lost
by the end of the 19th century, and in the 20th

century, all physics turned to idealism.

Fundamentally, there was sufficient material at any stage of the development of
natural science to formulate general physical invariants and the conclusions arising
from them. But this was not done.

Universal physical invariants - matter, space,

time and their combination - movement - immediately give us the basis for building a
theory. From the very properties of these invariants as argumentative categories follow
provisions that provide the basis for any subsequent studies of material structures and
physical phenomena. What are these properties?

Four universal invariants: motion and its three components - matter, space and time,
have seven basic properties:

- presence in all structures and phenomena;

- preservation during any transformations; - unlimited divisibility;

- additivity;
- linearity; - unlimited;
- lack of any preferred scales
preferred segments.
From these properties of invariants, non-trivial consequences necessarily follow -
properties of our real world:
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6 Lecture 12.

1) non-destroyability and non-creation of matter, space, time and movement;

2). Euclidean space;

3) uniformity of the passage of time;
4) unlimited divisibility of matter, space, time and
5) the presence of matter and movement in any, even the smallest volume of space;

6) continuity of material spatial structures (including field ones) and processes in time
(the end of some processes gives rise to other processes);

7) hierarchical organization of matter in space and processes in time;

8) the sameness of physical laws at all levels of organization of matter;

9) the sameness of physical laws at all points in space and at any period of time;

10) Reduction of all processes (including all so-called fundamental interactions) to

mechanics - the movement of masses of matter in space;

11) Infinity and limitlessness of the Universe in space

12) Infinity and limitlessness of the Universe in time;
13) Constant (on average) view of the Universe at all times.
There is such a wonderful thing - the minimum Planck length, exactly 10–33 cm,
nothing can be less than that. Why? Where is the rationale? There is no justification, there
is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. And so on in other places. All this does not suit
applied scientists, i.e. people who really have to solve urgent problems, and not just talk
about abstract topics. Our contradictions, therefore, are antagonistic in nature, and nothing
can be done about it: either - or.

Not everything in physics is bad. The conservation laws of classical mechanics have
also passed into modern physics. These laws are also unshakable for ether dynamics,
since they reflect the properties of invariants. But if the law of conservation of matter in the
form of the law of conservation of mass is clearly formulated, as well as the laws of
conservation of motion, then the laws of conservation of space and conservation of time
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 7

galaxies. The resolution of cosmological paradoxes
has not been formulated at all, but should be, because space and time are
invariant categories. How can they be presented? Well, for example, like this.

There cannot be empty spaces in space without matter. There can be no volume of
space that is not filled either by a structure or by a force field, which is also material. Any
material formation has boundaries, but another material formation is closely adjacent to this
boundary, and that is the whole meaning of this law of conservation of space.

There can be no gaps in time that are not filled with processes. Any process is
finite in time. But as soon as one process ends, another process immediately begins without
any time intervals. Another thing is that this can happen at different hierarchical levels of the
organization of matter, but there cannot be periods of time that are not filled with any
processes. But perhaps philosophers will come up with better formulations.

From the position that the same physical laws operate at all hierarchical levels of the
organization of matter, it follows that all quantum phenomena are a special case of ordinary
physics, and no “special” quantum phenomena of the micro-world exist. This implies the
possibility of using analogies of the macroworld to study the laws of the microworld

It also follows that all points in space are identical on any period of time. It is not that
there is another universe somewhere with different physical laws.

Since there are only three universal invariants - matter, space and time, all fields must
be reduced to the movement of masses in space and, therefore, in time. There were doubts
about this before. In 1824, Fourier declared that heat is a special type of energy, and it can
never be reduced to mechanics. Boltzmann did this in 1867.
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8 Lecture 12.

Jean Fourier Ludwig Boltzmann

1768-1830 1844-1906

It also follows that all force fields of interactions - strong and weak nuclear,
electromagnetic and gravitational - must be reduced to mechanics, i.e. to the movement
of the masses.
This is followed by the infinity and limitlessness of the Universe in space, the infinity
and limitlessness of the Universe in time, and, finally, the sameness on average of the
Universe at all times.

Do you want to know what the Universe looked like 100 billion years ago? Look
outside the window. Would you like to know what the Universe will look like in 100 billion
years? Look there too.
This is what follows from the simplest analysis of universal physical invariants. A
whole philosophy!
The most interesting thing is that all this could be understood starting from the 15-16th
centuries. But until the mid-19th century, no one became interested in this, because all
this was somehow taken for granted. In the mid-19th century, cosmological paradoxes
appeared that introduced doubts into the minds of scientists. But in the 20th century, all
these questions were simply abandoned. And now we are forced to return to all this, to
create a new materialistic methodology, without which it is impossible to move further in
science, and in cosmology in particular.

It is from these foundations that we will now dance when considering

theories of cosmology.
As you know, we live in a spiral Galaxy. How is it structured?

The Spiral Galaxy has two spiral arms converging in the central part - the core. The
spiral arms have
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 9

galaxies. The resolution of cosmological paradoxes is the
magnetic field, the only magnetic field that is open. We are not aware of other open fields.
God knows not how big it is, only 8-10 microGauss, but it is there.

There are a huge number of young stars in and around the core. Proton-hydrogen gas
with a mass of 1.5 solar masses per year is released from the core in all directions. At first
they thought that there was a decaying massive body in the core, which supplied material to
all these stars and gas, but when they looked deeper, they saw that there was nothing in the
core, emptiness, and gas was released from this emptiness and young stars were born. All
this was discovered by the Byurakan Observatory, specifically by Viktor Amazaspovich

Victor Amazaspovich Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory

Ambartsumyan named after V.A. Ambartsumyan

Around the core is a spherical cap of old stars. The spiral arms themselves are tubes,
in the walls of which the bulk of the stars are concentrated. There are no stars inside spiral
galaxies, it is empty.

And this is how it all looks from the perspective of etherodynamics.

The ether coming from the periphery enters the core of the Galaxy through two arms.
At high speeds of the order of thousands and even tens of thousands of kilometers per
second, the ether bursts into the core and, mixing, swirls. Toroidal vortices are formed,
which divide, condense, divide again, condense again, etc. This process is easily
simulated in a jar of water if a drop of ink is dropped into it from a small height. This
experiment was suggested by Niko-
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10 Lecture 12.

Lai Egorovich Zhukovsky, and anyone can easily conduct such an experiment at home.

Nikolai Egorovich Drop of Zhukovsky ink falling

into water

At the moment of contact with a drop of water, a toroidal shape is immediately formed.
a ring that begins to release tornadoes, at the end of each of them the same smaller
ring is formed, which also releases tornadoes, at the ends of which rings also hang,
etc., a total of 4-6 divisions.

Something similar happens when jets mix at high speeds.

Formation of vortices in gradient flows

The difference with liquid lies in the compressibility of the ether and, co-
responsible for the spontaneous compression of the toroids, the division of which will
occur until the maximum density is established. These will be protons. Protons organize
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 11

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes around
itself attached vortices - electron shells and st-
are renewed by hydrogen atoms. A
gas of increased density can be maintained at a constant pressure only if it has a
reduced temperature. The same applies to ether. But in the body of all vortices, the gas
temperature is always lowered, because during the formation of vortices, part of the
internal thermal energy of the gas is converted into rotational energy, therefore a
temperature gradient and a pressure gradient arise around protons and atoms, and thus
gravity appears. Protons gather into stars.

The born proton-hydrogen gas, like any gas, expands and flies out of the core at a
speed of 50 km/s, as determined by the Byurakan Observatory. Stars formed by this
proton-hydrogen gas will also move outward from the core, which is quite natural, and at
the same speed as the gas that formed it, i.e. 50 km/s. And then the fate of the stars will
depend on whether they fall into the spiral arm or not. Those stars that fall into the spiral
arm of the Galaxy are exposed to ether flows that move towards them from the periphery
to the core. This is the galactic ethereal wind, which Michelson,
Morley and Miller were searching for. The flow of ethereal wind behaves exactly like
water flowing down a bathtub drain. They twist and form

a screw flow with its own boundary layer and somewhat compacted walls in which a
gradient flow takes place. Stars caught in the spiral arms are drawn into these walls and
held within them. And the helical flows of the walls themselves are perceived by earthly
observers as a weak magnetic field.

But near the core of the Galaxy, the flow of ether changes the ring
the direction is axial, as is what happens when draining water in a bathroom. This flow
also has a velocity gradient, i.e. nearby flowing jets of ether have different speeds, and it
is in this gradient flow that the stars that fall into the spiral arm of the Galaxy, including our
Sun, find themselves.
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12 Lecture 12.

Movement in a spiral with a variable step: a – movement of the ether in a spiral

the central arm of the Galaxy; b – movement of water when flowing into the hole

Once in the gradient flow of ether, the star begins to spin, and the spinning occurs
along the surface, so the inner layers of the star are shielded from the ethereal wind by the
outer layers. The entire main rotation of the star occurs near the core, where the ether,
which makes up the oncoming flow, is the densest, its speed is greatest, and the speed
gradient is also the greatest. As the star moves away from the core, the direction of the flow
of ether in the arm changes, the density of the ether in the flow decreases, as well as the
speed and forces twisting the surface of the star weaken.


A body in a gradient flow of ether: a – movement of the body to the region of

the greatest velocity gradient of the gas jet; b – creation of rotational motion of a body in a
gradient gas stream

Simultaneously with the rotation of the star, its compression occurs under the influence
of gravity, which leads to the fact that the speed of rotation of the star gradually increases.
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 13

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes An interesting
consequence follows from this: all stars located close to each other should have
approximately the same direction of rotation, stars located along the axis of the spiral arm
should have almost the same direction.

rotation, and the stars located around the circumference of the spiral arm are different,
and the difference in angles should increase as the distance between the stars increases.
All this will someday be verified.

As the star moves along the spiral arm from the core to the periphery, the increment in the mass
of the star increases due to the absorption of ether; at the same time, the energy of protons is lost, all
this leads to an increase in the size of the star and a shift in its spectrum from blue to red. All young
stars are blue, all old stars are red. Our Sun is yellow, which indicates that the Sun has traveled about
half the distance in time, and about two-thirds in distance from the core, since its movement is slowing

As they approach the periphery of the Galaxy, protons lose energy due to the
viscosity of the ether surrounding them, and at the periphery of the Galaxy they begin to
lose stability and dissolve in the ether. The star thus ended its journey in the Galaxy and
in general
ceased to exist as a star.
The dissolution of protons, in which the ether was extremely condensed, in the
ether, leads to an increase in the pressure of the ether, while in the core there was a
compression of the etheric vortices, turning into protons, and this led to a drop in the
pressure of the ether in the core. The difference in ether pressure on the periphery and in
the core is the reason why the ether returns from the periphery to the core. This is how
the ether circulates in a spiral galaxy: from the core to the periphery in the form of star
matter, from the periphery to the core in the form of ether flows. The question arises about
the growth of entropy. Isn't it increasing? Why is it increasing? In the ether, which goes
from the periphery to
the core, it grows, but in the core the ether flow itself is transformed into protons,
and the thermal energy of the ether is converted into an ordered movement of tangential
and annular velocities. The formed proton-hydrogen gas also increases its energy
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14 Lecture 12.

tropia, but on the periphery it turns into a consolidated ether. And so

on endlessly. On average, entropy is thus maintained constant in the
Galaxy. Therefore, such a circulation of the ether can last forever if
the equilibrium conditions are not violated, for example, if a new
galaxy does not begin to form in the neighborhood, which will take
away the ether.

Ethereal dynamic structure of a spiral galaxy: a – view on a flat

bone; b – side view.

What about the stars that are not caught in the spiral arms? They
will have a different fate. Such stars will move along a radial trajectory
from the center of the galaxy and form a spherical cap consisting of
old stars. As protons run out of energy
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 15

galaxies. The resolution of cosmological paradoxes
will begin to dissolve in the ether, and the freed ether will begin to move
partly back to the core, and partly to the spiral arms, capturing everything
that comes along the way. As a result, a dark stripe forms along the periphery
of the spiral galaxy from everything that these flows have collected - cosmic
dust, cold
gas, etc.

Thus, all the main features of the structure of a spiral galaxy receive a simple
explanation. The protons of stars caught in the spiral arm are
washed by a counter flow of ether, which means that they have an additional gradient
of ether speed across their surface, and they gain additional stability. But the protons of
stars that do not fall into the spiral arms do not have such a counter flow. It can be
assumed that this explains the fact that the path of stars in the spiral arms is approximately
2 times longer than the path of stars in a globular cluster around the core.

The movement of the ether from the periphery to the core is the same ethereal wind,
which Maxwell first spoke about, and then Michelson searched for, Morley and Miller
found, Miller investigated and again confirmed by Michelson with his assistants Peace
and Pierre.

Albert Abraham Edward Williams Dayton Clarence Albert Abraham

Michelson Morley Miller in Michelson
in 1887 in 1887 1925 in 1929
1852-1931 1823-1923 1866-1941 1852-1931

Of course, Maxwell proceeded from other assumptions, and the ethereal wind turned
out to be the product of completely different reasons, and blows in a completely different
direction than expected, but the fact is a fact, it was Maxwell who gave the original idea
and actually began the research of the ethereal wind. In this direction there would be
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16 Lecture 12.

Whether extensive research has been carried out, it has been continued in our time in Kharkov by
Yuri Mikhailovich Galaev and requires further research. Confirmation of the ethereal wind will lead
to universal recognition of the existence of the ether and will return natural science and all physics
to a normal materialistic channel. This will be the beginning of a new physical revolution.

What can disrupt the stability of a spiral galaxy? The only circumstance that can disrupt it is
the formation of a new galaxy somewhere nearby, which will require ether, and which will begin to
take ether from the spiral galaxy. What could be the impetus for the formation of a new galaxy?
Such a push could be a collision of large comets generated by a spiral galaxy, which will give rise
to a new center of vortex formation. And in our Galaxy, apparently, there is not just one such
center, but at least five. These centers are visible as small clusters of young stars in the arms of
the Galaxy.


How comets are formed, and what they are in general, we will consider in the following
lectures. For now, I’ll just say that comets fly to us not from some mythical “Cloud of Orth,” as the
official doctrine claims, which has not come up with anything more clever, but from all the stars
and planets. In the Solar system, the main supplier of comets are sunspots; a small part is born by
all the planets, in particular, the Earth, as evidenced by the asterblems on its surface. The nuclei
of comets are large toroidal ethereal formations, inside which the speed of ether flows is very high,
and The collision of large comets is quite capable of generating a new vortex center. This happens
quite rarely, probably one

once every tens and even hundreds of billions of years, however, it happens, and this leads to the
birth of new and the death of old galaxies. How this process occurs can be seen in the example
of so-called double

The collision of comets leads to the collision of the ethereal jets of the comet's body and the
creation of a new center of vortex formation. Vortexes begin to form, which divide and become
denser until new protons are formed, gathering into stars. The ether surrounding the center is
taken up by ever new vortices, and
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 17

galaxies. The resolution of cosmological paradoxes
decreases in the region of vortex formation, which forces the surrounding
ether to rush towards this center and thereby supply building material for new
vortices. The vortex formation itself slows down, since the pressure of the
ether is reduced, and can completely stop if the surrounding ether does not
have time to compensate for the loss of ether.

The resulting protons are overgrown with attached vortices - electron shells, and the
resulting hydrogen,
Thanks to the resulting gravity, it gathers into stars moving away from the center. The
ether surrounding
the stars begins to be absorbed by stars, the mass of which increases. At the same
time, stars are compressed by gravity, and their constituent protons gradually waste their
energy, increase in size and slow down their rotation, which accelerates the loss of their
internal energy.

When protons become unstable due to loss of energy, they fall apart, dissolve in the
ether, and the star ceases to exist, the pressure of the ether in this place increases. The
ether begins to move from the high pressure area back to the center of vortex formation,
i.e. into the area of low pressure, and here the main question is whether these return flows
will have time to compensate for the low pressure in the centers of vortex formation, in
which the pressure has dropped due to compression of the vortices during vortex

If the pressure in the center is restored, the process will stabilize and the structure
of a new spiral will begin to form.

The formation of a new galaxy requires additional building material, ether, which will
begin to be sucked away by the new galaxy being formed. These streams of ether, moving
away from the old galaxy, capture stars with them, and in the end, a stable outflow of
ether and captured stars is formed into the new galaxy. This process is visible in
photographs of double galaxies.

But, if the ether itself is taken up by the core of a new galaxy, where vortex formation
occurs, then the stars that arrived in this new galaxy, by inertia, jump over it, and a clearly
visible star bridge is formed between the old and new galaxies, as well as
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18 Lecture 12.

"tail" formed by these stars. At the end of this “tail” the stars dissolve into the
ether, which rushes towards the core of the new galaxy. This flow of ether
can be detected in the form of a weak magnetic field coming from the end of
the “tail” to the new galaxy. This is the probable picture of the interaction of
galaxies in the general system of a double galaxy.

Double galaxies

If the returning ether does not have time to increase the pressure in the
center before the vortex formation process stops, then the entire process
will stop, the shape of the entire set of stars becomes uncertain, like clouds
that gradually dissolve, and these are the so-called “irregular” galaxies –
Horse's head, Magellanic clouds and a number of others.

Large Magellanic Cloud Small Magellanic Cloud Nebula

cloud horse head
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 19

galaxies. Resolving cosmological paradoxes

Irregular galaxies

It must be said that modern astronomy, cosmology and cosmogony do not provide
any explanation for the reasons for the formation of galaxies, much less their evolution,
principles of interaction, etc. There is no ether, which means there is no basis for explaining
all these phenomena . Ethereal dynamics explains all these phenomena, albeit superficially,
because an in-depth consideration of all this will require significant efforts of entire teams
of astronomers and cosmologists. But at least it becomes clear where we are heading.

get out.

Currently, the morphological classification developed by the American astronomer E.

Hubble in 1926 and improved by him in 1936 is adopted as the basis for the classification
of galaxies. This classification was called the “Hubble Tuning Fork” due to its similar shape
to a tuning fork. This classification was later refined by Gerard de Vaucouleurs and Alan
Sandage. In this classification, the main distinguishing feature of a galaxy is its shape.
Different types of galaxies are arranged in such a way that the relative content of gas and
young stars in them decreases from left to right

The very introduction of the classification of galaxies already indicates that astronomers
have done a lot of work in the direction of studying galaxies. But such a classification does
not allow us to understand the stages of development
orbit of galaxies.

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20 Lecture 12.

Edwin Powell Hubble Morphological classification of galaxies

1889-1953 according to Hubble (“Tuning fork”)

On the basis of etherodynamic ideas about the development of galaxies, it becomes

possible to create a functional classification
cation of galaxies as stages in their development.

Aetherdynamic functional classification of galaxies

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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 21

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes The
sequence of galaxies in such a classification may look like this:

– point radio sources and their division by type into

depending on intensity, spectrum composition and distance; these are centers of vortex
formation of the ether and future nuclei of galaxies; – quasars – former point radio
and nuclei of
current galaxies; –
Seyfert galaxies – former quasars and future
existing radio galaxies;
– radio galaxies – former Seyfert galaxies and future globular clusters of stars;

– globular clusters – former radio galaxies and future ones

existing spiral galaxies;
– spiral galaxies and their fragmentation by type, for example, by the number of new
vortex formation centers existing in them, a sign of which is the presence of clusters of
young stars in various regions of the galaxy; these are former globular clusters;

– elliptical galaxies, which can be considered as former spiral galaxies, in the

spirals of which the flow of ether from the periphery to the center has stopped, vortex
formation has ceased, the nuclei have lost activity, and the spirals have disintegrated

– double galaxies, dividing based on the ratio of the masses of associated galaxies,
from which a conclusion can be drawn about the moments of the formation of a new
galaxy and the death of an old galaxy;

– galaxies in which there are no nuclei (“clouds”), which are divided according to
the mass contained in them and according to the specific density, which characterize
their age; these are dying ha-
lactic acids.

This process, as has been shown, can begin with the collision of comets originating
in one of the existing
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22 Lecture 12.

existing galaxies. The end of this process consists in the dissolution of the mass of matter
of the dying galaxy and the transition of its matter into free ether. The pressure in the ether
will be increased, and this will create additional conditions for the use of this mass of ether
by nearby developing galaxies.


Of course, this classification is very superficial, but

this is the first attempt to understand the stages and sequence of developments
orbit of galaxies.

It is likely that other functional features can be found that can form the basis for a
functional classification of galaxies.

There are clusters of galaxies, and there are superclusters. In clusters, galaxies are
arranged so that they form a toroid. 60% are located in the center of this toroid and 40%
on the periphery, which is significantly larger in size than the center.

In a supercluster, clusters are located in a similar way: 60% of the clusters are in
the center of the toroid and 40% of the clusters are along the periphery of this supercluster.
Thus, there is a matryoshka system, which fully corresponds to the hierarchical organization
of the structure of matter. Why is this so? Because ether is a gas and only a toroidal
structure allows it to be kept in a closed region.

In the article “Ethereal Island,” Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

described the hierarchical organization of space.
He believed that there are an infinite number of
ethereal islands of spherical shape, in which there are super-clusters of galaxies,
clusters, etc. And between these “ethereal islands” there is “matter unknown to us.”

Tsiolkovsky made a mistake in one thing, in the spherical shape, it turned out to be
became toroidal, and now it’s clear why.
As for “matter unknown to us,” it should be “ether-2,” i.e. building
material of amers, then it is also gas, but consisting of material
formations even smaller in size than amers, moving in space at an
even higher speed than amers, whose thermal speed is 15 orders of
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 23

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes above the speed
of light, living even longer than amers, which exist much longer than protons, whose
lifetime is at least 10 billion years.

Konstantin Eduardovich
The question is, what do ether-2 amers consist of? I report
they consist of ether-3, and ether-3? From ether-4. And so on.
They say, but this is a bad infinity! Yes, that's her. So what? I take
comfort in the fact that today our task is to master broadcast-1. The
engine of science has always been applied problems. The development
of ether-1 will create conditions for the emergence of many technologies
that will solve these problems, and, probably, for applied purposes the
development of ether-2 will no longer be necessary. This means that it
will go to theorists and philosophers who will argue
about all this. In ether-2 between the “Islands” the pressure of
ether-1 will be completely insufficient for the formation of stars and
weighty matter in general. In addition, light will not pass through the gap
between the “Islands” either, because for its formation a certain density
of ether-1 is needed. This means that the limit of optical astronomy will
be determined by several factors. Firstly, this is the stability time of the
photons themselves, somewhere on the order of 10-20 billion years.
Secondly, these are the boundaries of our “ethereal island”. How many?
To this day we do not know this. But this does not mean that we will not
be able to find out. Perhaps it is for this purpose that we will have to
master Ether-2. But this is no longer our destiny, but that of our descendants.
Thus, we have eternal Matter, the eternal Universe, the eternal
movement of matter, in which only processes flow
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24 Lecture 12.

hierarchical structure of matter. All this can be understood, but, as always in matters of
absolute and relative truth, we learn something, clarify something, and scratch our heads
in the hope that we will find out, although not today, but someday... something.

I had to say a few words about the so-called cosmological paradoxes. There are
three of them - the Neumann-Zeliger gravitational paradox, the Chezo-Olbers optical
paradox and the Clausius thermodynamic paradox. In principle, I have already talked
about them. All these paradoxes are associated with not taking into account real
circumstances; this is not a paradox of nature, but the imperfection of theories.

The gravitational paradox is caused by the assumption that Newton’s law of

gravitation is universal, but this law is not universal at all.
The optical paradox is associated with not taking into account the energy losses of
the photo, and “Red Shift” resolves this paradox. And the Clausius thermodynamic
paradox, which predicts the Heat Death of the Universe, does not take into account the
presence in nature of processes of energy concentration, and not just its dissipation, but
such processes exist. Any paradoxes are an imperfection of theories, not nature.

I'm listening to questions.

Question. How does the velocity gradient affect temperature and viscosity?
bone and how does this affect the stability of protons?
Answer. In accordance with gas mechanics, in a gradient flow both temperature and
viscosity decrease relative to the stationary gas. Therefore, on the surface of a proton
and, especially, a neutron, the viscosity and temperature are always lower than the
temperature of the free ether, which makes the proton and neutron stable; it rotates inside
the boundary layer as in a sliding ball bearing. When the protons are additionally blown by
the ethereal wind, the velocity gradients increase and the stability of the protons increases,
which explains the increase in the path length of stars in the spiral arms of the galaxy
compared to the path of stars in the spherical cap around the core of the galaxy.

lactic acids.
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 25

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes Question. Since
the ether is viscous, the planets will be slowed down, but no one has noticed a
decrease in the speeds of the planets in their orbital motion around the Sun. How do you
explain this?
Answer. Of course, since the ether is viscous, the planets will be slowed down. So I
calculated how much the planets would reduce their orbital speed due to the viscosity of
the ether. It turned out that over the course of a year, the relative decrease in orbital speed
for all planets of the Solar System will be of the order of 10–11, for example, for the Earth
moving around the Sun at a speed of 30 km/s, this will amount to a decrease in speed of
3·10–7 m /s or 0.3 µm/s per year. For the same Earth, this means a reduction in the length
of the orbit, amounting to approximately a billion kilometers per 10 meters per year or on
the order of one millionth of an arc second, which cannot yet be detected in any way and
therefore is not taken into account.

Question. You once said that the energy of the Sun cannot be explained only by
nuclear fusion energy. Please explain again what's the matter.

Answer. Yes, I said it and I say it again. These are not my calculations, it is known
that, using only nuclear fusion energy, the Sun should have exhausted all its reserves a
very long time ago. The discrepancy between calculations and reality is at least two orders
of magnitude. The question is, what’s the matter, where does the additional energy come
from? But such a factor, for example, was never taken into account in calculations; this is
that the Sun continuously absorbs the ether of outer space, which has a temperature
many orders of magnitude higher than the temperature of the surfaces of protons directly
involved in thermonuclear fusion. Perhaps this is the reason for the real energy of the Sun.
But, most importantly, the real energy of the protons themselves was never taken into
account, which is no less than 26 orders of magnitude higher than calculated by the theory
of relativity. Moreover, this second component, which, as it seems to me, is the main one,
is used for a small part. But an accurate analysis is yet to come.

The main energy that is used in all interactions is the internal energy of the protons
themselves, but it is used
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26 Lecture 12.

It is present in all these processes only a little, in a tiny fraction. After the collapse of the
protons, the main part of it returns to the ether.

Question. What is the relationship between the mass of ether in the Universe and the
mass of matter?
Answer. The calculation is very simple. The mass of the Sun, a typical star, is about
2·1030 kg. The nearest star is approximately 3.5-4 light years away from the Sun. The
density of ether is approximately 10–11 kg/m3 . And it turns out that the mass of ether
contained in free space is 100 million times greater than the mass of ether in the composition
of the substance. What kind of “dark matter” is there! It itself makes up a tiny fraction of the
mass of the ether. Grandiose energy processes take place in the ether, which generally
determine everything that happens in the Universe at all levels of organization of matter.
And our so-called “science” is nothing

doesn’t see it, doesn’t know, and doesn’t want to know.

Question. What is the nature of the magnetic field in the spiral arms of the Galaxy?

Answer. We perceive the movement of the ether in the walls of the Galaxy's arms from
the periphery to the core as a magnetic field. It's probably not entirely laminar flow, it's
gradient flow. And it appears to us as a magnetic field. Its intensity is not great, only 8-10
microGauss, but it directly indicates the presence of ether flows in the spiral arms.

Question. Why do you use the category of time? It is quite possible to get by with only
two concepts - mass and space.
Answer. Now there are many proposals to reduce the number of initial categories, in
particular, time. But there are also proposals to exclude matter; it seems to some authors
that it is not needed. There can be any number of such abstractions. You never know what
mathematicians will come up with! Lobachevsky came up with a whole geometry in which
the sum of the angles of a triangle is less than 180 degrees. So what? Why do we, applied
scientists, need all this? We need to solve specific problems, and not entertain ourselves
with mathematical puzzles. It should be about methodology
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The circulation of ether in nature. Structure and interaction 27

galaxies. Resolution of cosmological paradoxes of the real world,
and the methodology developed by etherdynamics meets this. There is no need to invent
anything, you need to carefully analyze what exists, then all the answers will come out on
their own. Our task is not to invent nature, but to understand how our nature works. Only
when our knowledge corresponds to real nature will we be able to create new technologies,
because then they will be based on real natural laws.

Let's wrap this up and see you in two weeks.

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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 1

planets, comets and meteors


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2 Lecture 13.

For some reason, until now the Solar System has not been considered as
an element of the Galaxy. Of course, they always said about the Sun that it is
a typical yellow star, of which there are many in the Galaxy, about 1011
, but how the structure and behavior of the Sun and
planets of the Solar System is related to the structure of the Galaxy and the
processes occurring in it remained behind the scenes. The Galaxy has always
been on its own, and the Solar System has always been on its own, although it
is located in the Galaxy. In fact, the Solar System should be considered as an
element of our spiral Galaxy.
The solar system has a number of features that are completely incomprehensible
from the point of view of today's science, and the main questions that need to be answered
1. How did the solar system come about?
2. Why does the vast majority of the mass of the solar system
(99.87%) is contained in the Sun?
3. Why, despite its small mass, does the planetary system carry
yourself the main (98%) orbital moment?
4. Why are the orbital planes of all planets and all major satellites
do they coincide with the plane of the solar equator?
5. Why do all the planets and the Sun itself revolve in the same direction?
in the same (direct) direction?
6. Why do the planets themselves also rotate around their axis in the same
forward direction?
7. Why do most satellites also revolve around their planets in a forward
One of the features of the Solar System, in which there are nine planets in place of
the tenth (fifth in the general order, if you count from the Sun) between Mars and Jupiter,
is not a planet, but an asteroid belt. The presence of asteroids instead of a planet gave rise
to the legend that in this place there was a planet Phaeton, whose population reached the
heights of civilization and blew up the planet along with itself, which is also quite possible
for us in connection with, for example, atomic weapons and the collider under construction.
We are also highly civilized and can also achieve the same results, since we have already
reached high energies and have absolutely no idea of the consequences of their use.

The fact that the orbits of all planets with slight deviations are in the ecliptic plane
directly indicates that they
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 3

planets, comets and meteors
originated from the Sun. But then their orbital momentum should
correspond to their masses, but it not only does not correspond, but exceeds the calculated one
by almost 4 thousand times! Why?! Science has no answer to this question, like many others.
Numerous researchers devoted their efforts to the question of the origin of
the solar system and the explanation of the peculiarities of its structure, for example
Descartes (1596–1650), Kant (1724–1804), Buffon (1707–1788), Laplace (1749–1827), Darwin
(1845–1912) , Hoyle (1944, 1958), Kuiper (1951), McCrea and some others. The most recognized
concept at present is the concept of O.Yu. Schmidt (1891–1956), according to which the planets
of the Solar System arose through the concentration of interstellar dust. The concept of the
respected Otto Yulievich does not tell where this dust came from. All these hypotheses, while
answering some questions, do not answer others. Almost no hypothesis, with the possible
exception of Descartes' hypothesis, has provided an explanation of the origin of the material from
which the Solar System was formed. None of these hypotheses provided an explanation for the
entire set of features of the Solar System. Neither modern astronomy, nor cosmology, nor
cosmogony can explain

Science today is dominated by phenomenology, which considers objects and phenomena

from above, as they are, without any attempt to understand why they are exactly the way they are.

some, and not others, what reasons led to the fact that these phenomena are exactly like this. But
celestial mechanics is not alone in this regard. All physics not only does not know, but also avoids
raising the question of searching for the causes of phenomena. As a result, we do not know what
electricity is, what underlies fundamental interactions

and so on.
Very specific models are emerging. For example, the nature of strong nuclear interactions
is as follows. Two nucleons stand pressed against each other with their backs, bellies facing out.
One nucleon throws forward a gluon, a kind of virtual particle that seems to be there, but it doesn’t
seem to be there, repels from it and presses against another nucleon. He receives this gluon in
his stomach and also presses against the first nucleon, immediately moving away
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4 Lecture 13.

pushes this gluon away from itself, and it flies into the stomach of the first nucleon. And so
on. Such a
misunderstanding of the essence of physical processes permeates all physics, and
the consequence of this is technological conservatism, adherence to old and obsolete
technologies, depletion of resources, and much more. And our philosophers speak to each
other in a bird's language, which no one but them understands. What are they doing,
lovers of wisdom? It seems that the main methodological shortcoming

of all these ancient and modern cosmological and cosmogonic hypotheses is the
separation of the question of the origin and formation of the Solar system from galactic
Ethereal dynamics for the first time allows us to consider the structural features of the
Solar system in connection with these processes, which gives
the opportunity to relatively simply answer all the questions listed above.

As is known, there are two spiral arms in our Galaxy. The spiral arms have a magnetic
field of about 10 microGauss. The stars are located in spiral arms, like in pipes, along the
walls. At the center of the Galaxy there is a core, around which many young stars are
concentrated. The galactic core is surrounded by a huge sphere of old stars. Proton-
hydrogen gas with a total mass of one and a half solar masses per year and at a speed of
50 km/s is emitted from the core of the Galaxy in all directions. How can all this be

It was previously shown that within the spiral Galaxy there is a circulation of ether -
ether flows rush to the core in spiral arms, ether leaves the core in the form of formed
toroidal vortices - protons with attached vortices - electron shells. The formed gas -
hydrogen - gathers into stars, which, by inertia (the gas, expanding, rushes from the core)
continue to move towards the periphery of the Galaxy.

In ether dynamics, the magnetic field is interpreted as gradient flows of the ether. It
becomes clear why the stars are located as if along the walls of a pipe, in which the
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 5

planets, comets and meteors
gradients of the speed of ether flows, and hence the reduced pressure
Well, the stars are drawn there.
There is such a simple and beautiful experiment in which a stream of water hits from
bottom to top, and there is a metal ball on the stream. The ball cannot fall down, because
the stream is propping it up from below, but it cannot jump off the stream; moreover, if
you forcibly try to push it to the side, this does not succeed, the ball stubbornly returns to
the center of the stream. What's the matter?

But the fact is that the ball is washed by a stream of water. And on its surface a gradient of water
velocity is formed, where the pressure is lower. If you try to pull it out to the side, then the exposed side
of the ball is under high atmospheric pressure, and the pressure difference drives the ball back into the
stream. It's the same with the stars.

Our Solar System is located approximately two-thirds of the way from the Galactic
core to the periphery, in time this is approximately half the lifetime of the Sun, whose
movement towards the periphery is slowing down.

The Earth, along with the entire solar system, is located within the walls
one of the arms of the Galaxy and, together with the entire Solar system, is blown by the
ethereal wind. I spoke in detail about the search for the ethereal wind in the second
lecture; the greatest research was carried out by Dayton Clarence Miller, professor at the
Case School of Applied Science, California, USA, in 1921-

1925 All the main articles on the ethereal wind from Michelson to Townes, including all of
Miller’s articles on this issue, were found by me in various libraries, translated and
published in the form of a collection “Ethereal Wind”, Energoatomizdat, 1993. Currently,
research work ethereal wind are conducted by Yuri Mikhailovich Galaev, a researcher at
the Kharkov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Ukraine.
Galaev fully confirmed the results of Miller's experiments. I also talked about them.

Our relativists, who say that Michelson had nothing, are lying, this is a blatant lie and
a scientific forgery. This is a manifestation of idealism in action, when under a fictitious
begin to sort the facts. It's actually not like that, ethereal
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6 Lecture 13.

wind was discovered, even in Michelson's earliest experiments, although not of the same
magnitude. With increasing height above the Earth's surface, its relative speed increases,
all this is in full compliance with the provisions of the gas
Collision of ethereal jets entering the galactic core
along the spiral arms, leads to the appearance of vortices, which condense and divide in
the same way as what happens when a drop of ink falls into a jar of water. Toroidal rings
are formed
high vortices that repeatedly divide and condense until they reach a critical density. These
will be the pro-tones. Protons themselves create attached vortices around themselves -

electron shells, and proton-hydrogen gas is formed, which, expanding, is removed from
the core of the Galaxy, leaving the core at a speed of 50 km/s.

Proton-hydrogen gas gathers into stars, which also move away from the galactic core
at the same speed, and those stars that fall into the spiral arm move towards the ether
flows moving from the periphery of the galaxy to its core. Other stars that do not fall into
the Galaxy's arm move away in a radial direction and, having traveled a certain path,
form a spherical cap, having managed to grow old and turn red during the journey. Since
they are not related to the solar system, we will not consider them further.

In the sleeve, the flow of ether moves in a spiral with a variable pitch, which
resembles the picture of a water drain in a bathtub.

Movement in a spiral with a variable step: a – movement of the ether in a spiral

the central arm of the Galaxy; b – movement of water when flowing into the hole
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 7

planets, comets and meteors
As in every gas stream, a boundary layer is formed along the surface of the flow, in
which there is a velocity gradient. A star formed in the central region will be drawn into
this boundary layer, since the ether pressure from the gradient flow will be less. Any star
in the boundary layer will be under the influence of an ethereal flow that has a velocity
gradient, which will force it to begin a rotational motion, the axis of which is directed
perpendicular to the directions of the velocity and gradient.

A body in a gradient flow of ether: a – movement of the body to the

region of the greatest velocity gradient of the gas jet; b – creation of rotational
motion of a body in a gradient gas stream

Photographs of spiral galaxies show that near the core the cross-sectional area of the
spirals is reduced by at least an order of magnitude. The thickness of the ether flow will
be reduced by another order of magnitude. Taking into account the change in the direction
of the ethereal wind in the area of the core, one must assume that the speed of the
ethereal wind in the core itself will be no less than 1 thousand km/s, and the density of the
ether will increase by at least one order of magnitude and will be 10–10 kg/m3 .

Thus, the reason for the rotation of the star becomes clear, and what attracts attention
is that the rotation comes from the surface, which is quite consistent with how the Sun
rotates: its surface rotation speed is greater than the rotation speed of the deep layers.

When the Sun was still close to the core, its mass was significantly less than it is
now, about a hundred times, but the density of the ether in the jets of the ethereal wind
was much higher. A
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8 Lecture 13.

it is known that drag or, what is the same, the effect of gas flow on a body is proportional to the density
of the gas, the cross-sectional area of the body and the square of the oncoming flow velocity. On the
side of the star where the flow speed is greater, the force exerted by the flow on the protons will be
correspondingly greater, and on the side where the flow speed is lower, the force on the protons will be
less, but the difference in speed will be proportional not the difference in speeds, but the difference in
the squares of the speeds. Therefore, the unwinding force of the surface layer on one side will significantly
exceed the braking force of this layer on the other. Further, the process of star promotion acquires
several consequences.

putting. Firstly, the

star continues to contract under the influence of gravitational forces, which means that its rotation
is accelerating. Secondly, the star, under the influence of the same gravity, begins to gain additional
mass by absorbing the ether of the surrounding space, which means it must expand. Thirdly, the star
moves from a region in which the etheric flow blew in the plane of its equator to a region in which the flow
becomes perpendicular to this equator. But here the flow speed is much lower, as well as the density of
the ether, so the impact of the ethereal wind on the star weakens.

It can be assumed that at about the same time, the compression of the star under the influence of
gravitational forces gives way to its expansion due to the absorption of ether, and at present this is exactly
what is happening to the Sun and planets. Thus, some features of the behavior of the Sun find a
relatively simple explanation.


But how did the planets and their satellites originate? Based on the foregoing, we can make the
following assumption. At a stage when the Sun was still shrinking under the influence of gravitational
forces, the speed of rotation of the surface layers increased, and the moment came when a surface
wave appeared at the equator, breaking away from the Sun. This separation occurred in the equator
region, because it is here that the centrifugal force is greater than in other places, so the entire mass of
the wave continued to move in the plane of the equator of the Sun. Since in the separated mass the speed
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 9

planets, comets and meteors, the
rate of movement of matter is different - further from the Sun the speed is greater, closer to the Sun
it is less, it began to break up into parts, each of which was structured into a ball, the rotation of
which turned out to be direct. Thus, the above assumption basically explains why the future planets
all have a direct rotation and why their orbits lie in the plane of the equator of the Sun.

The emergence of a planetary system and the increase in the orbital

momentum of the planets under the influence of the ethereal wind gradient

The formed planets find themselves at different distances from the Sun,
therefore, they are under the influence of different forces from the etheric wind, which
continues to spin them, as a result of which the planets gain orbital angular
momentum. This explains why the orbital momentum of the planets is many times
greater than the rotational moment of the Sun itself.

The inclination of the ecliptic relative to

to the equator of the Sun at 7o , and different deviations from the ecliptic plane of different
planets. To do this, you need to consider the Sun as a generator of local ethereal flows,
as a centrifugal pump of ethereal
The rotation of the Sun leads to the fact that the free ether located in the body
of the Sun is squeezed out of it, which leads to a decrease in the pressure of the
ether inside the Sun, and the ether from the surrounding space begins to be drawn
into the Sun in the region of the poles. Thus, a source of ether is formed in the
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10 Lecture 13.

regions and drainage in the region of the poles. The flow of ether is closed,
and all planets are under the influence of this flow.
The matter torn away from the Sun and disintegrated into planets is
unlikely to have come off strictly symmetrically along the equator. But if at
the initial moment it was even slightly displaced relative to the equatorial
plane of the Sun, then this deviation will increase by the flows of ether blown
out by the Sun, which is what happened. However, the impact of these flows
on the planets is different and depends on several factors - the mass of the
planet, its volume and distance from the Sun, since the density, which
means the force of influence per unit cross-sectional area of the planet,
decreases with distance from the Sun. On the other hand, the time the
planet stays in orbit increases, and the integral effect of the influence of
ethereal flows increases. All this is a complex task that must be dealt with

Direction of the ethereal wind relative to the Earth's orbit:

a – at the beginning of the formation of the Solar system and at the present time; b –
annual movements of the Earth relative to the ether flows created by the Sun
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 11

planets, comets and meteors
The influence of the solar etheric wind on the planets on one side of their orbit is
opposite to the same influence on the other side, which causes not the removal of the
entire plane of the planets’ orbits from the Sun, but the inclination of the orbits of all planets
relative to the equivalence.
However, at the same time, the planets are blown by the galactic ether flow, which
combines with the solar flow, etc.
If on one half of the orbits the flow directions are summed, then on the other half of the
orbit they are subtracted. This leads to the fact that there comes a moment when the
ethereal wind is absent and then changes its direction to the opposite, which was discovered
by D.K. Miller in 1921-1925. and confirmed by the research of Yu.M. Galaev already in our

It can be assumed that the satellites of the planets originated in approximately the
same way as the planets, breaking away from their planets, but this mechanism does not
fully explain the peculiarities of the rotation of all satellites. For example, four of Jupiter's 11
moons rotate in the opposite direction to forward rotation. The reasons for this must be
further established. However, it can be argued that all the planets were formed at the same
time, and at the same time their satellites were formed, and, consequently,

Indeed, the age of their constituent rocks is the same, which, by the way, was discovered
during the study of lunar soil rocks.
The sun, rotating, is a centrifugal pump relative to the masses of the ether surrounding
it, which at the equator throws the ether into outer space, and at its poles draws it inward.
As a result, there is a drain of ether in the region of the poles, and a source along the
entire equator. As a result, two toroidal flows are formed around the Sun: one in the
northern and the second in the southern part of the Sun. In this case, a flat gradient flow
is formed in the equatorial plane, in which the maximum speed and, accordingly, the
maximum speed gradient will lie in the equatorial plane. It is here that there will be a
minimum of ether pressure, which will force the planets to stabilize around the plane.
Further, the flows will diverge and head towards the poles. The first pair of toroidal flows
will be joined by the second pair, followed by the third, etc. with ever-increasing dimensions,
just corresponding
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12 Lecture 13.

satisfying the above dependencies. The position of the planet is stabilized thanks to the
flows of ether, pushing it into the space between the vortices. As for the flows moving in a
direction transverse to the plane of the equator of the Sun, each planet crosses this plane
twice during its revolution around the Sun and experiences pressure in one direction during
one half-period, and in the other direction during the other half-period, as a result keeping
the position of its orbit unchanged. Thus, for the first time, a hypothesis has been
expressed about the physical basis of the Titius-Bode relationship.

Secondary vortices indicated by an oscillating Flow cylinder

around the cylinder are similar to the flow around the Sun as a centrifugal pump.

Toroidal ether vortices created by the Sun, zones of reduced

ether pressures corresponding to the Titius-Bode relationship.
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 13

planets, comets and meteors
The fact that all celestial bodies are expanding and gaining mass is confirmed by the
expansion of the Earth. This question was quite recently in the category of controversial.
But several International Congresses have already been held in Australia on this topic and
Kerry’s book “The Expanding Earth” has been published. On the cover of the book there is
a photograph of two smiling gentlemen holding in their hands a transparent meter-sized
globe with continents marked on it. And inside this globe there is a small globe with the
same continents, closely adjacent to each other at all edges. Not Gondwana, but the globe.

This directly indicates that the Earth was once small, there were no oceans, but it
The universe burst and broke up into continents, which moved away from each other as
the Earth expanded. Calculations show that this happened somewhere around 3.75 billion
years ago.
What is the reason for this? The reason is simple: the Earth gains ether and, therefore,
mass throughout the entire volume, which is proportional to the cube of the radius, and
the surface is proportional to the square of the radius, and it is not enough for proportional
expansion. So it bursts. And new substance crawls out into these cracks, forming a thin
seabed, pushing it apart and creating ridges in place of faults,

individual islands, etc.

The ridges are arranged in a very interesting way. Here is one peak, here is a second
peak, and between them there is a crevice, and so on along the entire ridge. And the total
length of this entire system of ridges and rises from one and a half to two and a half
kilometers high from the seabed is 60 thousand kilometers, and this entire system is
located in the middle of all the oceans. The French measured the age of bottom rocks in
all seas and oceans, and found that the rocks located at the top of the ridge are 5 million
years old, at the foot - 10 million, and then the age of the seabed rocks increases to 200
years on the coast. million years. Continental rocks are 4-4.5 billion years old, which
means that the seabed goes under the continents (subduction), and in some places, on
the contrary, creeps onto the continents (Cordillera). The continents themselves drift and
move apart (spreading).
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14 Lecture 13.

At some time, water appeared in the crevices, the origin of which

remains to be thought about. But the fact that water itself consists of
oxygen, which has 4 alpha particles in its nucleus, is also suggestive,
i.e. a very stable nuclear system, and two hydrogen atoms, which
were already available as the starting material. It is possible that the
origin of water, about which our science also knows nothing, is the
result of nuclear reactions, just like oil and coal.

As you know, spots form on the Sun.

Consideration of velocity gradients in connection with the role of
the Sun as a centrifugal ethereal pump leads to the conclusion that
there is no noticeable velocity gradient in the regions of the equator
and poles. Spots appear in the region of the northern and southern
hemispheres in the latitude belt from 5ÿ to 30ÿ (the so-called “royal
zones”). It can be suggested that the presence of a large gradient of
ether flow velocities in these areas stimulates the appearance of
relatively stable vortex toroidal formations, which are sunspots. Then
their nature becomes clear: vortex toroids near the
surface of the Sun can have two positions: first,

in which the plane of the toroid is perpendicular to the plane of the surface, half of the
toroid is located in the body of the Sun; the second, in which the plane of the toroid
coincides with the plane of the surface of the Sun. In the first case, we have on the surface
a section of the toroid across its plane (bipolar spots); in such spots it never happens that
both spots have the same polarity, for example, north. Both spots always have different
polarities, which is fully explained by the fact that both belong to the same

toroidal structure.
In the second case, the toroid is cut along a plane (unipolar spots),
in which only the central part of the toroid (core) is visible. Multipolar
spots are apparently a chaotic set of bipolar and unipolar spots. Only
compact sections of toroids on the surface of the Sun are observed
in the form of “spots”, because the part that is outside the Sun has a
significantly lower density and larger dimensions, its observation is
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 15

planets, comets and meteors

Formation of sunspots: a – the Sun as a centrifugal pump pumping ether; b – ether

flows in the area of the unipolar spot; c – ether flows in the bipolar spot region. 1 – direction
of ether leak; 2 – blowing of ether along the equator of the Sun; 3 – area of maximum
gradients of air flows and area of sunspot occurrence; 4 – surface of the Sun; 5 -

areas of observed sunspots.

Now let's see what comets are and how they are formed with
from the point of view of etherodynamics.
Comets are luminous wandering cosmic bodies of relatively small size, but with a
gigantic luminous wide tail extending over millions of kilometers. Some comets have two
tails, not only the back one, but also the front one, thin, like a sting, also stretching for
many kilometers, but forward.

There are a lot of comets in the Solar System, on the order of

hundreds of billions of them. Observing all comets is impossible, which
is why astronomers track less than a thousand of them, and we are only
informed about those that come close to Earth and that can be seen
with the naked eye. Most comets are short-lived, with a lifespan of
about 200 years, but there are also long-lived ones, whose lives last up
to 2000 years. From
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16 Lecture 13.

yes they do, modern science knows nothing. But, one way or another, it is clear that in
order to replenish the population of comets in the solar system, their regular supply must
be established in accordance with
current quantity.
According to modern ideas, comets arrive in Sol-
fine system from the Oort cloud.

Jan Hendrik Drawing illustrating the proposed appearance

Oort of the Oort cloud

Jan Hendrik Oort, a Dutch astrophysicist, devoted his work to researching the structure of the Milky
Way. Interested in the trajectories of comets, Oort suggested that they all arrived in the solar system
from a certain cloud in which a huge number of comets were concentrated. Oort did not consider where
the comets came from in this cloud, but suggested that they ended up there at the stage of formation of
the Sun itself.

The comet cloud itself is located at a distance of about 50-100 thousand astronomical
units from the Solar system, i.e. at a distance exceeding the size of the Solar System
itself by a thousand times, since the outermost planet of the Solar System, Pluto, is
located at a distance of 39.6 AU from the Sun.

Oort did not consider how comets find their way from a cloud to the Sun. Somehow
they find it. Because if they had not been found, then their number in the cloud should
be absolutely fantastic.
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 17

planets, comets and meteors
a huge figure that exceeds the number of stars in the Galaxy by
billions of billions of times. So they find it.

Rice. 11.19. Photographs of comets: a – comet Hyakutaki, 1996, the toroidal structure is clearly
visible; b – comet Ikeya–Seki, 1965, the comet has a spindle-shaped rear “tail”; c – comet Ikea, 1963, the
rear “tail” is expanded and split; d – Arend-Roland comet, 1957, the comet has a sharp front “tail”; d –
comet Marcos, 1957, matter is dissipating, the comet is close to death
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18 Lecture 13.

Now let's do a little calculation. Let us assume

that there are not hundreds of billions of comets in the Solar System,
but only one hundred billion, i.e. There are 1011 copies, and let’s assume
that they all live not 200 years or 2000 years, but 1000 years.
To keep the number of comets constant, it is necessary that at least
108 are born every year , those. one hundred million comets, or 300
thousand pieces per day, or about 12 thousand pieces every hour, or 3-4 pieces every second.
To deliver such a number of comets
from the Orta cloud, a continuous systemic transportation of comets along a beaten path
must be established, especially since at such a distance the angle at which the Solar system is
visible from the Orta cloud is only 40/100,000 rad = 0.15 arc seconds . So you need to aim very
accurately, avoiding dispersion. From here it is clear that this still requires a very qualified
shooter. Such difficulties, however, do not bother anyone, and Orth’s concept of the origin of
comets is accepted throughout the astronomical world. Do not have another one.

But maybe etherodynamics can help in this matter?

On April 12, 1991, on Cosmonautics Day, an incomprehensible event

occurred near the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region, which caused a lot of
noise: a ring crow with a diameter of 28 meters and a depth of about 4
meters formed in the morning one and a half kilometers from the outskirts
of the city. At the bottom of the crater a mound of loose earth formed,
along the edges there was a circular embankment 0.8 meters high. 1800
tons of rock disappeared. A small astrobleme formed.

Structure of the Sasovo funnel

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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 19

planets, comets and meteors
In fact, there are many thousands of similar astroblemes on Earth. Small astroblemes
have a diameter of several tens of meters, large ones – hundreds of kilometers. The
Puchezh-Katun astrobleme, located 400 kilometers from Moscow, has an internal diameter
of 58 and an external diameter of 85 kilometers. Its depth is 500 meters, the central hill
has a height of about 1.5 kilometers. But on the globe there are only about 150 astroblemes
with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers on land, and on the Kola Peninsula small
astroblemes are found very often, but no one counted them. How were they formed?

As already mentioned, from time to time the ether accumulated in the bowels of the
Earth breaks out.

Comet formation: a) initial stage; b) formation c) release of a comet into space;

d) formation of a posterior “tail”; e) formation of the anterior “tail”; f) dispersion of
the substance; g) meteor shower left behind by a comet

This happens because the accumulation of ether pressure cannot continue indefinitely.
It starts to either leak out
outward, swirling and creating so-called geopathogenic zones, or, if the accumulation of
ether proceeds faster than resorption, the rocks holding the ether break through, and then
the stream of ether
comes out through rocks that have a high dielectric constant and because of this are
ether pipelines,
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20 Lecture 13.

those. channels with low ether-dynamic resistance. Such rocks are any non-porous
After a stream of ether escapes from the insulator,
it collides with empty space, in which the dielectric constant is equal to unity, and the
ether-dynamic resistance for the jet increases sharply. This is enough for the jet to first
expand and then collapse into a toroid, its edges touching the surface of the Earth, the
rocks of which have a dielectric constant higher than that of free space. This contributes
to the completion of the formation of the ethereal toroid, which now includes surface rocks.

The ethereal toroid is a stable and energy-intensive system. Gradients of ethereal

flows inside the toroid create forces sufficient to separate and retain in it the substance
torn off from the surface of the Earth. The ethereal toroid itself, like any gaseous toroidal
vortex, is repelled by its outer surface from the environment and moves in space in the
direction in which the ether flows in its center move, i.e. in the same direction in which the
ether moved in the jet that formed the toroid.

Thus, an etheric stream escaping from the bowels of the planet forms a toroidal vortex
on its surface, which will capture the rock in it into its body, carry part of it through the top
of the toroid and scatter it around the circumference in the form of a ring shaft, and collect
a small part in the center in the form of a slide , and will take everything else with it.
Further, everything will depend on what strength and power the initial stream of ether was.

If the power was relatively small, then the toroid will quickly lose stability after
formation. Then an explosion will occur with a scattering of the accumulated substance
and ethereal jets. Gradients of ethereal flows will create forces that will cause destruction,
and along the axis of the jets the forces will be directed towards the movement of the
ether, and near the jets the direction of the forces will be towards the jets. The forces can
be very large, sufficient to destroy rocks, buildings, forests.

If the power of the initial jet is large, then the toroid, together with
the substance will rush into outer space, and a new comet will appear in space.
Possessing, like any gas vortex, self-
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 21

planets, comets and meteors
movement, the toroidal vortex of the ether, pushing off from the surrounding ether, will
gradually increase its speed and orbital momentum, moving to an increasingly elongated
orbit until its energy is exhausted.

At the same time, the toroidal vortex will form into a tube-type formation closed on
itself. The substance collected by it will be concentrated in the walls of this pipe, since it is
in them that the toroidal velocity gradient is maximum, therefore, all the substance will be
sucked into these walls. The boundary layer of ether on the surface of the pipe will not
allow either the ether or the captured substance to be scattered until the etheric vortex
begins to lose its energy due to diffusion and due to transformation

rotational energy into translational energy.

The further evolution of the comet is associated with the loss of energy by
the ethereal vortex due to the viscosity of the ether and the conversion of its energy
toroidal rotation into the energy of the translational motion of the comet, with the sublimation
of the substance captured by the comet and with a number of other factors, a full account
of which requires separate studies. However, here, too, several assumptions can be made.
The substance captured by the toroidal vortex is subjected to grinding inside the vortex,
there are gradient flows of ether in it and large forces arise that tear the substance.
These forces can be so great that rupture of the substance can occur.

walk not only at the molecular or atomic level, but also at the nuclear level. Therefore,
transmutation of substances and elements can occur inside the ethereal toroid, which
probably explains the elemental composition of meteorites, in which the increased iron
content is due to the highest value of the bond energy of nucleons in the atomic nucleus
of iron (at. weight 56 = 14 alpha particles )

compared to the nuclei of other elements located to the left and right of it in the periodic
table, as well as an increased content of SiO2 (at. weight 28 + 2x16 = 7 + 2x4 alpha
particles) and MgO (at. weight 24 + 16 = 6 + 4 alpha particles). The presence of other
elements - aluminum, calcium, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, nickel and sulfur is also
explained by the relatively high specific binding energy of nucleons in even nuclei, although
somewhat lower than that of iron.
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22 Lecture 13.

It does not matter what composition of elements was captured by the comet at the time of
its birth.
If part of the rotational energy of the vortex is lost, then the boundary layer on the surface of the
vortex weakens, and it begins to allow accumulated matter to pass through. In this case, part of the
ground dust-like substance is thrown back by the whirlwind, and the comet forms a “tail”, which will
become visible when the comet approaches the Sun. If the energy losses increase further, then the
boundary layer in the central part of the toroid will be eroded and will no longer retain matter. Then part
of the crushed substance is thrown forward at high speed, and the comet forms a front “tail” in addition
to the back one. And if the energy loss becomes even greater, the substance will begin to scatter in all
directions. This means that the comet is close to death, and when the ethereal toroid dissolves in the
ether, processed rocks - meteorites - will remain in its place, which is actually the case.

Thus, the origin of comets may have a planetary basis. This is confirmed by flares on
Mars, which occur quite often: a certain point suddenly begins to glow brightly, quickly
expands over tens and hundreds of kilometers, and then disappears as suddenly as it
appeared. The whole process

lasts a few seconds. Pulkovo astronomer Kozyrev saw the same flash on the Moon, which
he confidently attributed to a volcanic eruption, forgetting that not a single volcano can
act for seconds or a few minutes. And the surface of the Moon is generally covered with
astroblemes, but only from the side of the Earth, which is fully explained by the fact that
the Earth attracts lunar ethereal

masses in the same way as the Moon attracts sea waters, creating a
tides in the seas and oceans.
All this is correct, but does not explain the number of comets in the Solar system.
Who can give birth to them in such numbers? They are generated by the Sun.

Sunspots are vortex formations. They eject matter, but, unlike prominences, they
emit already vortexed matter, and therefore vortex ether.

Immediately after the ejection, the screwed stream of ether will turn into an ethereal
toroid with the substance accumulated inside it. Having
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 23

planets, comets and meteors
initial ejection velocity commensurate with the second cosmic velocity, continuing to push
off from the surrounding ether, the toroid will develop a speed approaching the second
cosmic velocity, equal to 618 km/s for the Sun. The entire process of a comet leaving the
Sun lasts seconds and can be completely unnoticeable, especially against the background
of the Sun itself, its corona and prominences.

If the comet exceeds this speed, it will forever leave the solar system. And if it does not exceed, it
will acquire an elongated orbit and will move along it, regularly returning to the Sun according to all the
rules of celestial mechanics, but only if it has already spent its internal energy. Otherwise, its ellipsoidal
orbit will rotate additionally.

Thus, we can assume that the ether-dynamic approach makes it possible to explain at
a completely physical level many features of processes not only in the Universe and in
galaxies, but also in the Solar system.

Let's move on to the questions.

Question. When do you think our Sun will go out?

Answer. The Sun emerged from the galactic core at a speed of 50 km/s. It is now
moving at a speed of 7 km/s and has passed halfway to the periphery, when it will actually
cease to exist. Considering that the time from the exit of the Sun from the core is about
5-5.5 billion years, we can assume that it will exist for another 5-6 or more billion years,
and we will have enough time to understand that we need to study ether dynamics.

All this is reminiscent of a well-known joke, how in one completely independent

country a lecturer announced that the Sun will go out in nine million years. Panic began in
the hall. One listener controlled himself and exclaimed:

- Through skills?!
The lecturer repeated:
- Through Nine Billion Rocks.
The listener was delighted:
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24 Lecture 13.

- God bless! And then we thought that in nine million years!

The panic subsided. It was possible to live peacefully further

many billions of rocks. And it will be seen there.

Question. Please explain, does our Galaxy rotate or not?

Answer. Our Galaxy does not rotate, but stands still. The movement of stars in spiral
arms actually occurs around the center, and it seems that the Galaxy is rotating. But the
stars, reaching the edge of the Galaxy, dissolve into the ether. If you have watched water
flowing in a bathtub, then perhaps you have noticed that standing waves form on the
surface of the flowing water. The waves stand, and the water moves in them. It's the same
here. If we could see how the ether flows move from the periphery of the Galaxy to the
core, we would decide that the Galaxy rotates, but in the opposite direction. In fact, it does
not rotate anywhere, but stars move in it from the core to the periphery, and the ether from
the periphery to the core. Maybe the Galaxy is moving somewhere and even rotating, but
not at all in the way astronomers see it today.

Question. Do I understand correctly that etherodynamics decides

all the problems of physics?
Answer. You get it wrong. Ethereal dynamics lifted the veil over the abyss of
problems and solved only some of them, not all. Of course, it still solved some pressing
problems, but only to a first approximation, and even this still needs to be double-
checked. Ethereal dynamics returns us to normal materialistic methodology, forces us
to understand structures and interactions, and has really done something in this direction.
But there are many more problems left.

There is a huge amount of work ahead, in which everyone can take part, and there will
be enough headaches for everyone.

Question. Do you think the planets formed at the same time or at different times,
and why are the large planets located in the middle of the solar system?
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Why is the solar system arranged this way? Origin 25

planets, comets and meteors

Answer. I don't know, I can only guess. The fact is that once every 26 thousand
years all the planets line up in one line. The last time this happened was on May 5 last
year. There were even predictions about the end of the world in connection with this. But
it was apparently canceled and did not take place. But lining up in one line suggests that,
most likely, this was a one-time act, i.e. they all separated from the Sun together, and then
fell apart. Then the far end of the drop was narrower than the middle, just like the near
one. And in large planets, probably, the process of rock formation occurs more slowly.
Here is the answer. But all this is just speculation.

Question. What do geologists say about this?

Answer. They say different things. They have a struggle of concepts all the time.
Volcanists and Neptunists, catastrophists and uniformists. And so on and so forth. In
general, the further away from us, whether into space or into the depths of the earth,
where nothing can really be verified, the more concepts there are and the more intense
the struggle of opinions. Why? Because neither one nor the other has reliable knowledge,
but everyone has their own opinion. Hypotheses arise all the time, and that's good. The
bad thing is that they are presented as truth, but this is no good. We are ruled by
authorities, but in science there should be no authorities at all. But they exist, and this
slows down the development of science.

Question. Do you have numerical calculations?

Answer. There are such calculations, but they are approximate or indicate only
boundaries. For example, air pressure is defined as “not less than such and such.” From
the strong nuclear interaction it follows that the lower limit of pressure is 2·1032 Pascals.
But recently it was possible to clarify the limit, and now we can assume that this is no
less than 1.3·1037 Pascals. But this is also the lower limit. All this is based on calculations
according to the rules of gas dynamics, but in gas dynamics itself there is a lot of confusion
and many questions have not been resolved, so there is a lot of work to be done here too.

Let's leave it at that, let's get back to our problems in

two weeks.
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 1
formation of the Earth's figure



April 1, 2001

Today we are dealing with the Earth. Our topic is why the Earth has this shape,
which is called a geoid. And the word “geo” means “Earth”. Thus, we consider the
question of why the Earth has the shape of the Earth.
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2 Lecture 14.

All celestial bodies, due to centrifugal force, should be compressed at the poles and
somewhat inflated at the equator, the same with the Earth, but the Earth, nevertheless, has
its own characteristics. This does not mean that other planets do not have the same features,
but we know them poorly, because we are talking about not very large changes. And we
know them about the Earth.

If the Earth is considered relative to its equator, then the North has an excess of 400
meters over the South. This makes us consider it not a complete ellipsoid, which was once
composed by Feodosius Nikolaevich Krasovsky (1878-1948), a Soviet geodesist who
devoted many years and efforts to this problem, but rather a geoid, meaning that there are
features of the shape of the Earth , not taken into account by mathematics and still have no
explanation of where they came from and why.

Feodosiy Nikolaevich

On Earth, in the north there is the Arctic Ocean, and in the south there is the ice
continent of Antarctica. Further. If you add all the continents and old bottom structures
together, then you get not Gondwana, as many believe, but a globe in which there are no
oceans, but all the continents with
old bottom rocks meet at their edges, and a small ball is obtained. This means that the
Earth was once small and did not have any oceans. Five International Congresses in
Australia, called “The Expanding Earth,” have already been devoted to this issue, as I have
already spoken about.
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the etheric wind in the formation of 3
the figure of the
Earth Someone Kerry published a book called that; on the cover of the book two
smiling gentlemen are depicted holding in their hands a transparent globe with modern
continents and oceans printed on the surface, and inside this transparent globe there is a
smaller globe, on the surface of which the same continents are also marked, but without
oceans with closed edges. Unfortunately, such a picture is missing in the Russian edition of
this book.

The earth is expanding, different scientists estimate the rate of expansion differently, but the
orders converge. According to my calculations, this amounts to 0.5-0.6 millimeters per year radially.
Confirmation of the expansion is the monotonous and steady slowdown of the Earth’s rotation by fractions
of a microsecond per day, which is an indisputable fact. This is fully explained by the fact that the Earth
gains mass and volume, while maintaining angular momentum. The question is, where does the Earth
gain this additional mass?

The Earth itself, like any material body and like any substance, consists of ether, ether surrounds
it, and this ether, under the influence of gravitational forces, enters the Earth at the second cosmic speed,
equal to 11.18 km/s for the Earth . The density of ether in near-Earth space is well known to us, it is 8.85

kg/m3 . And thus, we know the every second (50 million kilograms per second) and annual (1.6·1015 kg
per year) increase in the mass of the Earth. Making the only assumption that the average density of the
Earth 5.5 remains unchanged, we calculated the magnitude of the radial expansion of the Earth. Of
course, all these calculations are very approximate, but the order of magnitude coincides with the
calculations of other

other authors, as well as with geological data.

To a first approximation, it was also possible to establish the time when the Earth's surface split
into continents. This happened approximately 3.75 billion years ago, which also fits well with the data of

The ether that entered the Earth is converted into matter, and this matter emerges from the body
of the Earth in the form of rift ridges and individual islands and mountains, in which the rocks are younger
than the seabed, and the seabed is many thousands of times younger than the rocks of the continents.
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4 Lecture 14.

In 1881, Michelson published the results of his first experiment to detect the ethereal wind,
then it turned out that this experiment did not confirm the assumed knowledge.

calculations of its speed, and the data obtained are within the error limits, which was interpreted as
a zero result by various scientists, but not by Michelson himself. If this were so, then Michelson
would not have improved his instrument. And he did, and Professor Morley began to help him.

Their main task then was to remove the susceptibility of measurements to the influence of
vibrations and increase the sensitivity of the interferometer. But even then, in the article of 1881,
nothing was said about a negative result, it was said about an uncertain result. And further research,
mainly by Professor Miller from the Case School of Applied Science, USA, California, clearly
showed the presence of ethereal wind in outer space. True, he blew in the wrong direction, and not
at the speed that was expected of him. But there was wind, and that’s a fact.

Work on the study of the ethereal wind was continued in our time by Yuri Mikhailovich Galaev,
an employee of the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine (Kharkov) and completely confirmed Miller’s data. But work on the research of the
ethereal wind should be developed and


Yuri Mikhailovich Galaev

Researcher at Kharkov University
Research Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 5
formation of
the Earth’s figure What can be considered established today? Installed

1. The speed of the ethereal wind increases with height from the Earth’s surface: at
zero altitude it is approximately 1.6 km/s, at an altitude of 250 m above sea level - 3-3.5 km/
s, at an altitude of 1860 m . –
8-10 km/s. Yu.M. Galaev also discovered that in August the ethereal wind reduces its
speed to almost zero.
2. The direction of the ethereal wind is perpendicular to the ecliptic and its apex is
located at coordinates 26o from the Celestial Pole and 17 o'clock from Greenwich.

3. The ethereal wind has daily and annual variations.

4. Oscillations with a clear content of second and higher harmonics with periods from
fractions of minutes to several hours, with the number of periods from 4-5 to several tens,
are superimposed on the ethereal wind.
All this finds a completely natural and simple explanation within the framework of the
ether-dynamic concept.
In accordance with this concept, in our Galaxy, as in all other spiral galaxies, the ether
circulates - from the core to the periphery in the form of the substance of stars and planets,
from the periphery to the core - in the form of ether flows that move in a spiral, but near the
core change their direction and burst into

the core is already in the radial direction at high speeds.

The mixing of flows from the two arms leads to turbulization and vortex formation,
which generates many toroidal vortices, which divide and become denser until protons are
finally formed, and from them hydrogen atoms. The resulting proton-hydrogen gas,
expanding, partially leaves the core in the form of gas, and for the most part gathers into
stars due to the resulting gravity. Stars formed from proton-hydrogen gas escape from the
core at the same speed as the gas. Stars move to the periphery, protons lose energy due
to the viscosity of the ether and
dissolve at the periphery, forming free ether of increased pressure. The ethereal flows
move back to the core, where the ether again turns into stars.

This circulation of the ether in a spiral galaxy lasts until a new center of vortex formation
arises, which
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6 Lecture 14.

will suck out the ether, and the spiral galaxy will cease to exist-

Our Sun has fallen into a spiral arm and is slowly moving towards the periphery at a speed of
7 km/s. Now the ethereal wind has a direction almost perpendicular to the ecliptic. But at an early
stage, when the Sun had just formed as a star, near the core of the Galaxy, a stream of ether
washed the Sun in the plane of its equator. This happened in the same way as happens in a
bathroom when draining water: the water swirls over the drain hole, and the

thus goes into this hole, changing rotational to translational, perpendicular to the plane of rotation.
I talked about this in the previous lecture.

Next, the Sun gains mass due to the absorption of ether, simultaneously compressing and
unwinding, a wave is formed on its surface, which separates from the Sun and breaks up into
drops -
future planets. Under the influence of the gradient of the ethereal wind, the orbital speed of the
planets increases, which causes the orbital momentum to increase, and so on, we have already
gone through all this.

The earth has been in the same flow of ether all this time, and today, as established by Miller,
the ethereal wind blows us from the north at an angle of 26o 17 o'clock.

California ranges surrounded

Mount Wilson Observatory

As mentioned earlier, there has been some doubt about the accuracy of these data. Since the
Mount Wilson Observatory is located in the Californian ranges, the influence of local objects, i.e.
surrounding mountains may be significant.
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the formation of 7
the Earth's figure
Streams of the ethereal wind will bend around these ridges, which will certainly affect the
accuracy of determining the direction of the ethereal wind in outer space.

In principle, the direction of the ethereal wind at the present time should strictly coincide
with the direction of the axis of rotation of the Sun and differ from it by no more than a few
arc minutes.
I have already returned more than once to the topic of the ethereal wind, and now no
one should have any doubt that the ethereal wind has been found, and now we need to
determine not only its influence on the entire solar system, which was the subject of the
previous lecture, but also to our Earth.

The reason why the speed of the etheric wind increases with increasing altitude above
the Earth was absolutely not understood at the time of Michelson and Miller. The fact is that
at that time natural knowledge had not yet gone through the stage of formation of gas
dynamics and had no idea about the boundary layer in gradient flows; this came later, and it
did not go through the stage of elementary particles of matter. Both of these moments
turned out to be absolutely necessary for the development of etherodynamics.

There are still a lot of unresolved issues in gas dynamics today, however, especially in
connection with the development of aviation,
on a powerful theoretical and experimental basis that could be used by ether dynamics,
since the ether turned out to be a gas, and an ordinary, real gas, i.e. compressible and
viscous, and all models and calculations of ether-dynamics are built on this. This could
have been done fifty years earlier, but it could not have been done even earlier. In particular,
a book by the German scientist G. Schlichting “The Theory of the Boundary Layer” appeared,
which collected a large amount of theoretical and
experimental material on the boundary layer, which played an important role in the
development of etherodynamics.

The figure below is taken directly from this book. The figure shows a ball flowing around
a gas stream and the speed of the gas flow at various distances from its surface. From this
figure it is clearly visible why the relative speed of the etheric wind increases over the
earth's surface. If the ether had no viscosity, and there would be no atmosphere on the
surface of the Earth, then only
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8 Lecture 14.

The thickness of the boundary layer would be extremely small, literally microns. But the
ether has viscosity, and the Earth has an atmosphere, so the ether is connected to the
atmosphere, the ether flow is slowed down
all air molecules, and the thickness of the boundary layer increases many times, up to
tens of kilometers.

Book by G. Schlichting and his speech on television

A) b)

Gas flow around a ball: a – direction of flow; b – diagram of changes in the relative flow velocity with
increasing distance from the surface of the ball

All this is confirmed by measurements by Michelson, Morley, Miller and

Galaev in the period 1881-2002. What did they intend?

They measured that in the basement there is practically no ethereal wind, on the
surface of the Earth the speed of ethereal flows is about 1.6 km/s, at an altitude of 250
meters above sea level (Euclidean heights near Lake Erie) the speed of ethereal wind is 3
-3.5 km/s, at an altitude of 1860 meters – 8-10 km/s.
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 9
formation of
the Earth's figure If the Earth did not absorb the ether, then there would
be no speed at all on its surface. But it absorbs, and therefore the speed of
the flow continues in the upper layers of the Earth, which is why some readings
appeared from the Michelson interferometer in 1881 and 1887.

Those clever people - R. Kennedy and K. Ilingworth in America, as well as A. Picard

and E. Stael in Belgium, who received nothing, although the first two conducted an
experiment on the same Mount Wilson, and the second two even ascended in a balloon
above Brussels to a height of 2.5 kilometers, they did everything in their power to get
nothing. They made a small interferometer with an optical path of 1 meter, packed it in a
sealed metal box, put helium in it to ensure temperature stability, thereby showing that they
sealed the device in good faith, and they had no idea it turned out that they were thereby
completely shielded from the ethereal flows. This is the same as saying that there is no
wind outside because the anemometer installed in the room does not show anything. The
case is anecdotal, but this is how it really happened.

There was a worse case. The famous Nobel Prize winner Charles Townes and his
assistant Cedarholm tried to measure the Doppler effect in a mutually stationary source
and receiver of high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations, forgetting that in this case there
is no Doppler effect at all. Having received nothing, they announced the absence of
ethereal wind and ether, to which everyone agreed. The incident is simply shameful. I think
that Townes was handed the program and signed it without looking, because it’s hard to
believe that Townes, the inventor of the masers, was so illiterate. This experience is
in many places, in particular, in the large Soviet encyclopedia in the article “Michelson's

Based on the theory of the boundary layer, we can today talk about the magnitude of
the ethereal wind in space. This is not 300-400 km/s, which follows from the anisotropy of
the cosmic microwave background radiation, there are completely different reasons, but
50-60 km/s, hardly more.
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10 Lecture 14.

The Earth was formed somewhere around 5.5 billion years ago, near the exit from
the core of the Galaxy along with the Sun, and somewhere 3.75-4 billion years ago it
began to split, and at that time the ethereal wind began to change its direction. By this
time, the earth had already acquired the shape of a sphere or an ellipsoid, but not a
Simultaneously with the splitting of the crust into continents, atmosphere and
water began to appear, as geologists explain to us, from solid rocks. They don't really
know anything and what they claim is
just a hypothesis.

The ethereal flow moves, as Miller calculated, from the side of the Zeta
constellation Draco, i.e. at an angle of 26o from the celestial pole, i.e. from the North
Star. The Earth's axis is inclined relative to the plane of the ecliptic by 23°27', the plane
of the ecliptic itself is inclined relative to the plane of the solar equator by 7° . Thus,
the ethereal wind blows the Earth from different directions,and at each point on the
Earth’s surface there are daily and annual variations in direction.


Flow of the ethereal wind around the Earth: 1- zone of increased ether pressure; 2
– zone of low ether pressure; 3 – zone of moisture capture from the ocean; 4 –
attached toroidal vortex of the ether, capturing atmospheric air in winter.
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the etheric wind in the formation of the figure eleven

of the Earth The

etheric flow is not at all all-pervasive. For it, different materials have different resistance. For
example, metals have greater resistance to it due to the presence of a Fermi surface. Insulators are
permeable, but to varying degrees. Air has small molecules, but if you put a sieve, it will be slowed
down. Also the ether in a solid body. Therefore, the ethereal flow circles the Earth in full accordance
with the boundary layer theory, perhaps with some minor differences. Therefore, in general, there is
a zone of increased ether pressure above the North, in which the ether flow is slowed down, a zone
of increased ether pressure is formed there, the continents cannot enter there, and the Arctic Ocean
was formed there. The flow itself, bending around the Earth, creates a gradient flow over the Northern
Hemisphere, in which the ether
pressure is reduced at the surface of the Earth.

And then, already beyond the equator in the Southern Hemisphere,

the ethereal flow, in accordance with the boundary layer theory,
breaks away from the surface of the Earth, forming on it a zone free
from the ethereal wind. The toroidal vortex of the ether has a diameter
of several hundred, and perhaps thousands
of kilometers. The toroidal attached vortex of the ether captures
the air, and along the edges of Antarctica a toroidal vortex of air-air is
formed, the diameter of which is of the same order as the ethereal
toroidal vortex.
I haven’t been able to remember yet where I got the information
on this issue. The Americans launched a balloon somewhere in the
Antarctic region. And he went for a walk around Antarctica in a toroidal
spiral, reaching a great height, which caused great amazement, why
would that be?
What happens next? And then dry cold air, descending to the
surface of Antarctica from a great height and therefore very cold,
should pump high pressure into the Antarctic region like a pump. I
report: in Antarctica there is always an anti-cyclone, i.e. high pressure
and temperature in Antarctica are always several tens of degrees
lower than in the Arctic. If in the Arctic the temperature rarely drops
below minus 40° Celsius, then in Antarctica it reaches minus 80°
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12 Lecture 14.

this. So it is quite possible to consider that the version of the attached ether vortex is
confirmed by real facts.
What does dry, cold air do as it passes over the surface of the ocean? It heats up
and picks up moisture, and then it throws this moisture over the top and, cooling, throws it
onto the Antarctic continent. Therefore, in Antarctica it often (or always?) snows, ice is
compressed and accumulates, which slowly moves towards the oceans, slides into them,
breaks up, forming icebergs. Such are the things.

In reality, the picture is probably more complex. It is known, for example, that near the
shores of the oceans there is a surface southern current, the direction of which is exactly
opposite to the direction of air flows in the vortex that I described. How can this be
explained? This can be explained by the fact that a secondary vortex of the ether and,
accordingly, air is attached to the main attached vortex of the ether, just as the external
vortex of the ether – the electron shell – is attached to the proton. The proton is small in
external dimensions, but the attached vortex is large, and here both vortices are
comparable in size, although, probably, the second attached vortex is still larger in diameter
than the first. All this needs to be checked, although at the qualitative level the picture is
already more or less clear.

What about in the Northern Hemisphere? Here, the low pressure causes all the
continents and ocean water to be pulled to the north, and a rise in the entire northern part
of the Earth relative to the equator is formed, as a result of which a pear-shaped figure of
the Earth is formed, called a geoid, in which the northern part is raised relative to the
southern part equator at 400 meters. Not very much compared to the diameter of the Earth,
which is 12,742 kilometers, but it is still noticeable that various phenomena must be taken
into account in accurate calculations.

As I have already reported, a pressure gradient of the ether is formed in space, and
the ether itself moves towards the celestial bodies, which absorb it, increasing their mass.

The ether enters the Earth, like all cosmic bodies, at the second cosmic speed, which
for the Earth is 11.18 km/s. The every second increase in the mass of the Earth is 50
thousand tons, provided that all the absorbed ether is converted
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 13
formation of
the Earth's figure into matter. In fact, not all of it turns into substance, because...
some of it is spewed back into space.
5 congresses were held in Australia on the topic of the expansion of the Earth. One of Kerry’s
participants published a book called “The Expanding Earth.” On the cover of this book there is a
photograph in which two smiling gentlemen are holding in their hands a large transparent globe,
inside of which there is a second smaller globe, on the surface of which all the continents are
located, closely adjacent to each other. The inner globe corresponds to a time of about 3.75 billion
years ago, the outer one corresponds to modern Earth. According to my calculations, the expansion
of the earth occurs at a rate of 0.56 mm/year. According to other calculations, a little more, but the
order of magnitude is approximately the same among different authors.

In our country, these problems are most intensively dealt with by Vitaly Filippovich Blinov in
Kyiv, who published his monograph on this topic “Growing Earth. From planets to stars."
Unfortunately, the main institution for Earth research is the Institute of Physics of the Earth named
after. O.Yu. Schmidt, who should pay special attention to this area, is not concerned with this


Absorption of ether by the gravitational mass of the Earth and the formation of mountains
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14 Lecture 14.

It is the expansion of the Earth that explains those facts that

geological science has not yet found an explanation for - the thin
thickness of the seabed, the presence of a global system of rift ridges,
the relatively young age of rocks at the top of the ocean mountains -
5 million years, at the foot - 10 million years, increasing the age
towards the shores to 200 million years, all this indicates the formation
of a new substance in the body of the Earth and its release to the outside.
I verified the fact of the Earth's absorption of cosmic ether. We
recorded the deflection of the laser beam using photodetectors, and it
turned out that when the laser unit was placed in an iron box, the
beam rose upward by several tenths of millimeters. This suggests
that the interaction of the ether flow with the laser beam takes place,
and that the ether flow comes to the Earth from space and is absorbed
by it, and also that the laminar ether flow, probably, unlike the helical
one, can be screened with an iron screen. The latter is especially
interesting in light of the analysis of the results of the attempts of
Kennedy, Illingworth, Picard and Stael to measure the etheric flow in
a tightly sealed iron box. They simply shielded themselves from the
ethereal wind, received nothing, but attributed their results to the lack
of ethereal wind. But you had to blame it on your illiteracy.

Earth's oceanic rift ridge system:

1, 7 – East Pacific Rise; 2 North Atlantic Ridge; 3 – South Atlantic Ridge; 4 –
West Indian Ridge; 5 – Australian-Antarctic rise; 6, 8 – South Pacific
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 15
formation of
the figure of the Earth Thus, the fact of the expansion of the earth
under the influence of the ether absorbed by it can be considered established.
Various options for explaining the expansion of the Earth by other possible
reasons are not in the order of magnitude. For example, the explanation of
the expansion of the Earth due to the fall of meteorites does not go beyond 7
orders of magnitude, as well as due to the Solar wind, absorption of
electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, etc.
Until recently, the main objection of geologists against the fact of the expansion of
the Earth was that there is no energy source capable of raising the continents to great
heights, since this requires great strength and energy expenditure. However, today it
becomes clear that such forces exist, that such energy exists, and that the forces and
energy that must be expended to lift the continents are minuscule in comparison with the
energy available in the ether and the possibility of creating forces based on it. Therefore,
this objection of geologists disappears.

It is likely that it is the absorption of cosmic ether by the Earth that creates its own
sources of vortex formation, gradient flows, etc. in the Earth’s body, which creates a
mechanism for various low-temperature nuclear reactions. But such reactions undoubtedly
take place, and evidence of this is, in particular, the emission of helium from the Earth’s
body in considerable quantities. The formation of new matter in the body of the Earth
creates tension in the rocks and is the cause of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions, which, thus, will not stop as long as the Earth itself exists. At the
same time, this consideration creates the basis for forecasts of both earthquakes and
eruptions, since the tension of rocks should also create reverse geopathogenic flows. They
are created because animals and birds try to get away from dangerous places several days
before the incident.

The ancient Japanese had a device for predicting earthquakes. A piece of magnetic
ore was tied to the upper end of a vertically placed board, which held an iron hammer with
its magnetic field. And below them there was a copper basin. A few minutes before the
earthquakes began, the ore was demagnetized, the hammer fell into the basin, a ringing
sound was heard, and at this signal it was necessary to grab the children and run out of
the houses. But it worked
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16 Lecture 14.

only before the earthquake itself, probably because the pathogenic flow intensified at that time and
disrupted the magnetic field
iron ore.

Therefore, even now there are different ways of predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,
including on an ether-dynamic basis, but we need to work on them.

The last thing to talk about today is the origin

Earth's magnetic field.

There are different hypotheses about the origin of the magnetic field, including those related
to the rotation of the Earth. Currently, the most recognized hypothesis is the geomagnetic dynamo,
according to which the rotation of the Earth in a magnetic field creates currents in its core, which
strengthens this field and the process increases. The initial origin of the field is unclear here.

There have been attempts to connect the Earth's magnetic field with its rotation, but they have
not given a clear answer. An experiment was carried out with the rotation of a golden ball, above
which a magnetic compass was placed. The experiment did not give a positive result, and on this
basis it was decided that the magnetic field of the planets is not related to their rotation. However,
such a conclusion should be considered hasty, because ethereal flows do not penetrate deeply into
metal bodies, therefore, the experiment was incorrect and contained a gross methodological error.
Thus, at present there is no basis for any unambiguous conclusion about the causes of the
emergence of a magnetic field in celestial bodies. However, work on addiction research

It is advisable to continue the study of the magnetic field strength of the planets on the speed of
their rotation around their axis.
Attempts have been made to explain the main magnetic field of the Earth by the presence of
ferromagnetic materials in the Earth's crust, by the movement of electric charges that participate in
the daily rotation of the Earth and thereby create an electric current, by the presence in the Earth's
core of currents caused by thermomotive force at the boundary of the core and mantle, and, finally,
by the action of the so-called hydromagnetic dynamo in the metallic core of the Earth. The last
hypothesis, currently considered the most satisfactory, involves the self-excitation of an earthly
generator moving in a magnetic field that it creates for itself. In the latter case
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the etheric wind in the 17
formation of
the figure of the Earth , the authors apparently assume that excitation in the field is possib
which itself moves with the body, this contradicts logic.
Aetherdynamics has put forward a hypothesis about the appearance of Coriolis forces
associated with the absorption of aether flows and the rotation of the Earth. These forces
cause ether flows, which are structured into magnetic lines of force. Thus, the initial
magnetic field can be explained, and then the strengthening of the field can be associated
with the geomagnetic dynamo.

Calculations of the magnetic field on this basis gave good agreement with the
measured magnetic field for all planets except Mars, for which measurements of the
magnetic field strength showed a significantly lower value, and there is no explanation for
It seems appropriate, on the basis of etherodynamic concepts, to return to the hypothesis
that rotating bodies should have a magnetic moment, however, not all, but only di-

As shown above, all bodies from the surrounding space
continuously absorb ether, which falls on the surface of the body at the second escape
velocity. If the body is not metallic, then streams of ether penetrate into the body; if the body
is metallic, then its penetration and advancement in the body is very small. At each point of
the rotating body, the absorbed ether flow will be additionally
influenced by the force caused by the Coriolis acceleration. This acceleration can be
calculated using the formula

acor = 2ÿvsinÿ.

Here ÿ is the angular velocity of rotation of the celestial body; v – the speed of the
ether flow, equal to the second cosmic speed; ÿ is the angle between the flow direction and
the angular velocity vector. At constant density, body mass

M = ÿÿVÿ = — ÿÿÿR³, 3

where ÿÿ – average specific density of the body; Vt is the volume of the body, R is its radius.
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18 Lecture 14.

vII = r 8/3

those. the speed of the ether flow decreases as it penetrates into the depths of the celestial

The emergence of a vortex field of ether in a rotating celestial body

From the above it follows that a vortex field of the ether will be excited in the surface
layer of the celestial body. If, in addition, there is an iron core in the center of the body, as
is assumed, for example, in the Earth, then the vortex field of the ether will be closed
through it, since this core itself will not create an opposing vortex flow, but, on the contrary,
will promote penetration -newness of the vortex field of the ether.

Hypothesis of the formation of the Earth's magnetic field. Iron core 1 does
not create MMF directly, but is a conductor and amplifier of the magnetic field created
in the surface layer 2
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 19
formation of
the Earth's figure However, if there is no such core, then taking into
account the weakening of the field in the center of the celestial body, this
central field will also be unable to counteract the general flow, which should
still lead to the closure of the vortex field through the center of the celestial
body . As a result, the planet acquires a vortex field of ether –
a magnetic field

The table below shows the calculated parameters of the magnetic field of celestial
bodies in relative units, under the assumption that the magnetic field strength is proportional
to the Coriolis acceleration on the surface of the bodies, while the magnetic field strength on
the surface of the Sun is taken as one:

(ÿvII) t
NT = NS———

Calculation of magnetic intensity for celestial bodies

Heavenly T s–1 (ÿvII)t
ÿ, ÿvII, Nt/Ns
body —————
m/s² (sp.)

Sun 25.38 days 1 1

2.85 10–6 1.76 1.25
Mercury 58.65 days 0
10–6 5.4 10–3 3.1 10–3 3.1 10–3 1.75
Venus 243 days 0
10–3 3 10–7
Earth 23 h 56 min 4 s 0.812 0.462 7.2 10– 0.42-0.7
7.27 10–5
24 h 37 min 23 s –
Mars 5 0.36 0.205 1.74 10–4 1.62 10–4 6
Jupiter 9 hours 55 minutes 40 seconds 0.9 5.6 4
1.68 10–4

Saturn 10 hours 40 minutes
3.52 1.1 10–4 3.3
2 –
Uranus 10.8 hours
2.74 10 –4 1.37 As

Neptune 15.8 hours
can be 2.52 1.43

Pluto 6.39 h seen from the table, 0.78

for those celestial bodies for which

The magnetic field strength on the surface is known, the coincidence of the calculated
values with the reference values is quite satisfactory. For those celestial bodies for which
the magnetic field strength on the surface is not known, only calculated values of the
expected strength are given.
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20 Lecture 14.

Please ask questions.

Question. Where do constant westerly winds blow from on the ocean

around Antarctica?
Answer. My apologies. I forgot to say that the attached vortex around
Antarctica creates additional Coriolis forces in the atmosphere, which, in
principle, can be the reason for the appearance of westerly winds.

Question. What is the Roaring Forties?

Answer. The Roaring Forties is the name given by sailors to the oceanic area
between 40° and 50° latitude in the Southern Hemisphere, where strong and persistent
westerly winds blow, causing frequent storms.

Due to the absence of slowing continental masses, the winds

especially strong in the southern region of the Indian Ocean, which now
belongs to the Southern Ocean. At the latitude of the Roaring Forties , the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current encircles the Earth.
This current may be caused by what I just talked about - Coriolis forces
caused by the attached vortex of the ether around Antarctica, which arose
as a result of the galactic ether wind blowing the Earth.

Question. How do you evaluate the change of magnetic poles in the light
your hypothesis about the origin of the magnetic field?
Answer. Well, firstly, I didn’t assert anything, but only stated a hypothesis that should
be paid attention to. And secondly, it would be necessary to take a closer look at the
materials that geologists used to confirm the change of magnetic poles.

It is an indisputable fact that the magnetic poles drift. But whether this is
the reason for the complete polarity reversal of the Earth is a big question.

Near Novorossiysk along the road there are exposed layered rocks
inclined at an angle of 70 degrees. No one claims on this basis that the entire
Earth was inclined at this angle. There were some local disturbances that
brought the layers to this situation. Could it be similar with those places
where geologists discovered a polarity reversal? After all, on this same
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Why is the Earth a geoid? The role of the ethereal wind in the 21
formation of
the Earth’s figure can be based on the fact that the Earth generally rotated
in the other direction; there are also such hypotheses. But there must be
reasons for this, but no one talks about them. Therefore, all such statements
should be attributed not to reliable facts, but to hypothetical
theses that are subject to verification.
I have already said that I discovered two areas in which the greatest battles on
concepts took place, these are geology and cosmology. I personally understand why. The
author of each concept has some fragmentary facts, which he interprets quite freely. It is
impossible to check everything as a whole, because in geology everything is deep, but in
cosmology everything is far away. And a fight begins at the level of prestige and authority
for a place in the Sun. That's all!

And how many times have all these concepts changed! And they will continue to
change. What is a concept? This is just an opinion, today it is one thing, tomorrow it will
be different. So nothing is firmly established here -
no one.
By the way, all this applies to ether dynamics. The main thing in it is -
This is a methodology, here everything seems to be clean. And everything else should be
double-checked, clarified, and, if the ends do not meet, then cancelled. We need to take it
all more calmly.
We must not forget one most important point: that any specific fact can be supported
by countless hypotheses and theories. But some interpret facts only to their advantage,
for example, the theory of relativity. This is a scam.

I wish everyone health and rest!

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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 1



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2 Lecture 15.

Dear comrades! Today our topic is energy.

The problem of determining the measure of motion arose back in the days
Newton. In his three laws of mechanical motion, the concept of energy as
such does not appear, but the quantity of motion is used, i.e. K = mv, and
the Second Law of Mechanics looks like

F = d/ dt(mv).

Newton's contemporary Leibniz introduced the concept of "living force",

which he called what we today call kinetic energy, i.e. L = mv2 / 2.

Newton Leibniz
Isaac Gottfried Wilhelm
1643-1727 1646-1716

Even then the question arose of what should be the measure of movement
of a moving body - quantity of motion, i.e. the product of mass and speed, or living force,
i.e. the product of mass and half the square of the speed. But the problem became
especially acute already in the 19th century, due to the emergence of a large number of
problems requiring resolution. This dispute lasted almost until the end of the 19th century,
until it was resolved by Engels.

Using the example of a falling load, Engels showed that there are two
types of motion - non-destroyable and annihilable. The first is measured by the
amount of motion, the second by kinetic energy, and there are no contradictions
here. Here, of course, the question arises that movement, in principle, cannot
be destroyed in any way; in fact, we should be talking about the transition of
one form of body movement - visible, i.e. external to internal
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 3
form of movement - thermal. And then no contradictions arise at all, so Engels’s
formulation on the “destroyed” movement requires clarification. Nevertheless, he
understood the direction of solving the problem correctly, and today by kinetic
energy we can understand the ability of movement to move from an external form to
an internal one.

Books by F. Engels “Dialectics of Nature” and “Anti-Dühring”

in German and Russian

Although by this time it was already clear to everyone that, as Engels said, there is nothing in the
world except moving matter, and this movement of matter occurs in space and time, which, by the way,
immediately and automatically brings absolutely everything together. influences on mechanics. Which
mechanics exactly is another question, it could be the mechanics of a solid, liquid or gas, but mechanics,
since the movement of any masses in space and time is mechanics, and Engels formulated this very

Fourier Boltzmann
Jean Baptiste Joseph Ludwig
1768-1830 1844-1906
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4 Lecture 15.

Back in 1824, Jean Fourier stated that heat belongs to a special type of energy, and it
can never be reduced to mechanical motion. Fifty years later, in 1868, Ludwig Boltzmann
reduced heat to mechanical motion: in gases to the movement of molecules in space, in
solids and liquids to vibrations of molecules, and thus Engels’s statement that everything
boils down to the movement of matter in space and time, and has been confirmed in the
field of thermodynamics.

Ethereal dynamics indeed reduces all types of fields and interactions to mechanics,
i.e. to the movement of ether masses in space and time, and claims that there cannot be
a single physical phenomenon that could not be explained on the basis of ether dynamics.
This opens up wide opportunities for understanding the inner essence of any physical
phenomena and any interactions of material structures. Therefore, ether dynamics has a
great future.

There are three measures of mechanical movement. The first one is

mv, i.e. the product of mass and speed is the amount of motion, and the second is mv2 /
2, i.e. the product of mass and the square of speed divided by two, i.e. kinetic energy. This
expression for kinetic energy was at one time called “living force” by Leibniz, and this name
lasted for almost a century. AND

It was precisely on the question of how to measure the magnitude of movement - quantity
of motion or kinetic energy that a long-term dispute broke out among physicists and
This is compounded by one more circumstance. Our respected quantum physicists
already in the 20th century replaced the concept of momentum with the concept of
momentum. What is impulse? Impulse P is the product of force F and the time of its action
T, and this product is actually equal to the amount of motion

P = FT = mv.

But there is one subtlety here. If a mass m moves with a speed v, then the total
amount of motion is understandable, because there is mass and there is speed, and there
is no impulse here. The impulse actually appears only when this mass interacts with another
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to the

stars? goy 5
mass. This means that the concept of momentum is a real concept, and the concept of
momentum is virtual.
From here follows a whole philosophy that nature exists for us only when we see
interactions and that nature exists insofar as we can know about it. This is the old story
about observable and unobservable manifestations of nature. We can judge nature only
insofar as it is observable. And this philosophy permeates all modern physics. Today's
physics claims that what we do not observe does not exist, that's all. In fact, what is not
observable today will become observable tomorrow. They said about the Sun that we will
never know what it consists
of. With the invention of spectral analysis, this issue was resolved. And so on.
Therefore, in this matter we need to return to a materialist position and return to the concept
of momentum.

The indicated two measures of motion correspond to the laws of their conservation,
which state that in a closed system the quantity of motion remains unchanged, as well as
The third measure of motion is the angular momentum L, i.e. the product of the
momentum mv and the radius R of the trajectory along which the body moves:

L = mvR.

Here, it seems, confusion sets in: if a body moves along a curvilinear trajectory, then,
according to the law of constancy,
ment of the momentum, with a change in the radius of the trajectory the speed must
change, i.e. both the momentum and the energy will not be constant, and if they are
constant, then what to do with
law of constancy of angular momentum
In fact, there is no confusion, but it is necessary to clearly understand
mother, what applies to which cases.
As I have already said, there are two cases of motion with a variable radius. The first
case is the movement of a mass around a cylinder, and the second case is the movement
of a mass around a point.
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6 Lecture 15.

Movement of a body along a trajectory with a variable radius: without

energy supply (a); with energy supply (b); to the calculation of centripetal acceleration

In the first case, the body does not receive energy from the outside, and if at the initial
moment it has a speed v1, then at the end of the path, turning around the cylinder, it will
arrive with a speed v2, almost equal to the initial speed v1. Here the thread holding the
mass is taut, the center of rotation of the mass runs along the cylinder, and the angle
between the thread and the trajectory is always 90° . There are no reasons for the
acceleration or deceleration of a body rotating around a cylinder, except for friction losses,
and all this was confirmed by a specially designed experiment.

Here the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of energy
take place. In the second case, the
body rotates around the center, and if you do not pull it towards the center, it will
move in a circle, and there will be no variable radius. We need to tighten it up. But then,
as the radius decreases, the angle between the thread and the trajectory will be less than
, and the force with which the mass is pulled towards the center will
be projected onto the trajectory. The body will begin to accelerate, and this acceleration
occurs due to the energy supplied to the body through a stretched thread. The law of
constancy of angular momentum operates here, and the law of conservation of energy is
not violated.
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the stars? 7
is possible because energy is supplied from outside. This second case occurs during
the formation of gas tornadoes.
When observing tornadoes, a rapidly rotating column is visible, expanded at the
earth's surface and gradually expanding
jumping up.

Appearance of the tornado (a) and its structure according to observational data

Formation of a cyclone in the Florida region (image from space)

Observations of tornadoes from space showed that the tornado

in fact, it has a toroidal structure, which means that the velocities of gas flows in the
center and at the periphery are significantly different.
In toroidal motion, all the gas, when rising upward, must pass through the central
part of the tornado and then, at a large distance from the center, must descend back to
the earth's surface. But the area of the toroid is large, the radius of the outer part is many
times greater than the radius of the central part, and the area
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8 Lecture 15.

the peripheral part, in which the air descends to the ground, is related to the area of the
central part, in which the air rises upward, like the squares of the radii. Therefore, if the
air is up
rushes at a speed of one hundred meters per second, then from top to bottom it descends
at a speed of 1-2 centimeters per second, and we simply do not see this part. This does
not mean that since we don’t see it, then it doesn’t exist at all, it exists because the air has
to go somewhere, and the speed of the flow coming from top to bottom can be measured
do this specifically.
Why is the tornado compressed at all? It is compressed due to the specifics
of the formation of gas vortices.
Unlike a liquid, in which the molecules are linked to each other, in a gas the molecules
are not bound to each other. Therefore, on the surface of the gas vortex during formation,
the external pressure always exceeds the sum of the internal and centrifugal pressure,
and the vortex begins to compress and unwind. But with the spin-up, the internal and
centrifugal pressures decrease, and then an avalanche process of further compression
and spin-up of the vortex body occurs, the atmospheric pressure in the near-vortex zone
decreases, the temperature drops, and this energy is transferred into the body of the

From here it becomes clear why tornadoes have such power: the entire atmosphere
of the planet works on each tornado. AND
all this despite the fact that the enthalpy, i.e., the heat content of the air
is only 105 J/m3, this is the atmospheric pressure of 105 Pascals. What can you expect
from the ether, in which the specific energy is 32 orders of magnitude higher than the
specific energy of air! From here it is immediately clear that the energy of a proton is 26
orders of magnitude higher than the energy of the same proton calculated using the
formulas of the theory of relativity. But it also follows from this that we need to work on
obtaining energy from the ether, and not whine about the fact that the energy will soon
run out, because oil, gas and uranium will soon run out. Gentlemen of the energy industry,
we need to think about new technologies and pay less attention to modern “theorists.” If
you listen to them, humanity will soon die from a lack of resources and energy, from
ozone holes and global warming. In fact, humanity will not go anywhere, but what will be
the fate of the current “theorists”... Hmmm!
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 9
I want to draw your attention to what efficiency is, i.e. efficiency. I draw attention
to the word useful, and not just any action.

If by efficiency we mean the ratio of the output energy of a process to the input
energy, then taking into account all losses, the efficiency of any process is equal to unity,
because motion cannot be created or destroyed by any means, it can only be transferred
from one form to another.

In the fifties of the 20th century, a fierce debate unfolded in physics around the
concept of efficiency. The main participant in the discussion, who raised the question of
the need to revise the concept of efficiency, was Pavel Kondratyevich Oshchepkov, a
Soviet inventor
radar operator.

Pavel Kondratyevich

The subject of discussion was ordinary refrigerators. The fact is that an ordinary
refrigerator, from the point of view of efficiency, somehow works incorrectly, because at its
output - on the heater - it produces more energy than it consumes from the network. This
happens because it takes energy from a colder body - a chicken lying in the freezer, and
transfers energy to a hotter body - a heater. And this, excuse me, is nonsense. Because
there shouldn't be such a thing, because the Second Law of Thermodynamics doesn't

Now, finally, we have figured it all out, now it’s called
There are heat pumps, but back then the landfill was big.
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10 Lecture 15.

Oshchepkov argued that when it comes to efficiency, you just need to approach the problem
differently. What takes place here is not the dissipation of energy, as in all natural processes, but
its concentration: in
In the refrigerator, energy was taken from two places - from the network and from the chicken, and
released in one place - in the heater. And there’s nothing you can do about it, here the efficiency
is always and fundamentally greater than one.
And if you look from the point of view of the freezer, then the efficiency here is generally
negative, since energy is not released in the freezer, but is taken away. Pavel Kondratievich got
it in nuts then, but the heat
pumps went ahead and even reached an efficiency of about four, and since then many
thousands of these pumps have been configured, and all of them have an efficiency greater than

Block diagram of the refrigerator: 1 – freezer; 2 – heater that releases thermal

energy into the environment; 3 – refrigerant circulating between the freezer and
heater; 4 – pump that circulates the refrigerant.

As you know, every refrigerator has a refrigerator or even a freezer, from which heat is
forcibly removed and transferred to an environment that has a higher temperature. It turns out
that heat is taken from a colder body and transferred to a hotter body with the help of a refrigerant
circulating between them - a liquid that can turn into steam and thereby take away heat, and then
in another body.

will not turn into liquid again, and thereby give off heat.
True, this liquid must be forced to circulate using a special circulation pump, and therefore
the word “spontaneously”, which is in the formulation of the Second Principle, has nothing to do
with it. Still, not spontaneously, but forcibly, this changes things somewhat.
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to the stars? As
already eleven

indicated above, the movement of matter cannot be created or destroyed in any way. In the
example given, the refrigerator consumes from the network in the amount necessary to drive the
pump pumping the refrigerant, and on the heater it releases this energy plus that which it forcibly takes
from the refrigerating chamber and the products in it. The overall energy balance is maintained, but the
efficiency here from the point of view of heat release is always greater than unity. If the goal is not to
heat the room with the help of a refrigerator, but to lower the temperature of the products stored in it,
then the efficiency turns out to be negative, because the temperature in the refrigerator compartment
drops and heat is removed. This once again demonstrates the need to clarify the very concept of
efficiency - the coefficient of useful (for the intended purpose) action.

Thus, more energy is released on the heater, which is the output of the refrigeration
machine, than was expended to ensure the circulation of the refrigerant. And this means
that the efficiency of any refrigerator is greater than one. In some cases, it is 3-4 and
even 5. And this is very beneficial, because if you place the freezer in a river, lake or
ocean, and place the heater in the house, you can take 3-4 times the energy from the
water more than if you directly heat the room with a simple stove. This has long been used
all over the world and is called “heat pumps”. And even a theory has been developed
according to which heat pumps operate without violating the principles of thermodynamics
in the least.

But here the temptation arises to close the system and make the refrigeration
machine work forever without any artificial supply of energy to it.

Why not? After all, you can use the excess energy released on the heater, which
has a temperature higher than the freezer, to start the pump (Fig. 3).

Then, after the first shock, the entire system will begin to move and will not only pump
coolant through the pipes, but also supply free energy to the heating premises! How good!
But for this it is necessary that the excess energy be large and that the product of this
excess and the efficiency of the pump be greater than unity.
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12 Lecture 15.

In short, it is necessary that more energy be released than the pump consumes. But this
is not yet possible.

A modernized refrigerator circuit with system closure, turning the

refrigerator into a perpetual motion machine: 1 – freezer; 2 –
heater that releases thermal energy into the environment; 3 – refrigerant circulating
between the freezer and heater; 4 – pump that circulates the refrigerant; 5 – feedback
device that converts the heater energy into energy for the refrigerant pump.

All this is very useful. You spent 1 kilowatt of energy and received four. Where does
she go then? Back into the atmosphere, through cracks, vents, walls. Thus, a circulation of
energy around the house is obtained. This additional energy is absolutely environmentally
friendly, and this direction must be developed in every possible way. Of course, this
direction has its costs - radiators at the bottom need to be cleaned, fish need to be chased,
etc. But all this justifies itself, although in general the energy problem cannot be solved
this way, unfortunately.

But although numerous heat pumps of various designs have been built all over the
world, which is very beneficial for power engineers, no one has yet succeeded in closing
the system so that it can work forever.

However, to date there has still not been a theorist who would prove the fundamental
impossibility of closing the refrigeration system and transferring it, so to speak, to self-
service in order to perform the task of pumping heat from a colder river to a warmer room.
And therefore, attempts to create such a closed system continue, and perhaps they will be
crowned with success. This can be expected, because success is achieved not by those
who know that it cannot be done, but
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 13
one who does not know this, and therefore does it. The history of inventions is
confirmed many times. Here you
should pay attention to one fundamental point -

Some heat pumps are designed differently. Water vortices are formed in them, which simply rotate
cold water, which heats up not in accordance with the energy expended on this rotation, but by a greater
amount, approximately 1.5-2 times. There are companies that specialize in the development and serial
production of such devices, without really understanding where they get the excess energy from. And
then some of them invite me in order to understand at least something. What can I tell them? Here's

Currently, many devices have been invented in which efficiency, i.e. the ratio of energy released
to energy expended is greater than one. Many of them are patented, many are implemented in the form
of working samples. And almost all the authors of these devices cannot explain where they get additional
energy from. Without understanding the physical essence of the processes they use, they try to question
the existing physical laws, the same Principles of Thermodynamics, and this is incorrect. This path is a
dead end, because, firstly, these laws are correct, and secondly, the authors, without understanding the
processes they use, deprive themselves of the opportunity to improve their devices. In fact, in their
attempts to explain the effects they obtained, they simply do not take into account all the circumstances.
And most often, they do not take into account the presence of the ether surrounding their installations,
from which these devices draw additional energy. It is the formation of ethereal vortices in the space
surrounding the device, and then their absorption, that makes it possible to explain all the effects
associated with
an increase in the energy at the output of these devices compared to the energy they received at
the input.

From the point of view of ether dynamics, water is capable of accumulating ether, which is
expressed in the form of its high dielectric constant: relative dielectric constant of water ÿ =
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14 Lecture 15.

81. How this happens in water is a separate question. The ether

accumulated by water is relatively weakly bound to its molecules, and
when the water rotates, it is thrown out
of it. A decrease in ether pressure inside a water vortex leads to the
suction of ether along the axis of the vortex. Thus, an etheric doublet is
formed - the release of ether along the periphery of the vortex and the
suction along its axis, and this leads to the closure of the ether flows:
two toroidal vortexes are formed around the water vortex.

A) b) V)

Formation of ethereal vortex toroids: a) initial stage; b) formation of

ethereal toroids; c) compression of the ethereal toroid by external pressure of the

As soon as the jets of ether are closed, the external pressure of the
ether will compress the formed etheric vortices and drive them back into
the water, transferring their energy to it. This is the additional one, due to
which the water temperature rises. In all likelihood, this process is
repeated periodically, which, in principle, can be detected using frames
or special devices based on the effect of deflection of the laser beam
from its normal position, which can be recorded by photoelectrons.

tric detectors. The story of the

creation of a heat generator by Yu.S. Potapov is typical in the sense that everyone
except him knew that this could not be done, but Potapov did not know this, so it was he
who created this generator.

In 1931, the French scientist Joseph Rank discovered the vortex

effect of the energetic separation of gases, called
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 15
subsequently caused by the Ranque effect. After Rank's report to the French
Physical Society, the effect was forgotten, and only since 1946 did the vortex effect
become the object of research by scientists from different countries. A large number
of experimental works on its study, carried out in the USSR and in other countries of
the world, made it possible to reveal the main features of the vortex effect and
approach its theoretical justification.

Joseph Rank

Ranque vortex tube diagram

The vortex effect or Ranque effect manifests itself in swirling

a normal flow of viscous compressible gas and is implemented in a very simple device
called a vortex tube. the schematic design of which is shown in the figure.

When gas flows through the nozzle, an intense circular flow is formed, the axial
layers of which are noticeably cooled and discharged through the diaphragm opening in
the form of a cold flow, and the peripheral layers are heated and flow out through the
throttle in the form of a hot flow. As the throttle is closed, the overall level
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16 Lecture 15.

the pressure in the vortex tube increases, and the flow rate of the cold flow through the
diaphragm opening increases with a corresponding decrease in the flow rate of the hot
flow. At the same time, the temperatures of the cold and hot streams also change.
Improvements have been made to various pipe designs to improve pipe performance for
specific applications.

It should be specially noted that in the Ranque vortex tube the ob-
The overall energy balance is maintained.
Potapov tried to use water instead of air in the Ranque vortex tube, i.e. incompressible
liquid and got an unexpected effect: not cold, but warm water flowed out along the axial
line, and hot water flowed out along the periphery. After calorimetric measurements, it was
recognized that more thermal energy is released than supplied, approximately 1.3 - 1.5

Since it is clear to everyone that neither the creation nor the destruction of energy is
impossible in principle, and only the transfer of energy from one place to another is possible,
then somewhere there must be a hidden source of the discovered additional energy. As
an explanation, some scientists have suggested that, in accordance with a slightly modified
Theory of Relativity, mass is converted into energy in Potapov’s heat generator, and, in
addition, cold nuclear fusion is also carried out in it. However, such assumptions seem
very artificial.

The mechanism that ensures an increase in the temperature of the water in the
cochlea of the Ranque tube is described above. This can happen periodically. However,
another option is also possible, when the released ether is then sucked in at the ends of
the pipe, then this process occurs continuously. In all cases, there is an additional
compression by the external pressure of the ether of the resulting etheric vortex and
thereby the input of additional energy, which is then transferred to the water. To increase
heat transfer, it is advisable to improve the conductivity of water or introduce any
suspensions into it, and to facilitate the vortex formation of ether, it is advisable to make
the body and other parts of the vortex tube not from metal, but from any insulating material.
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the stars? 17
Something similar has been found in devices that use or spontaneously form
cavitation bubbles. In principle, the same amount of energy should be spent on the
formation of bubbles as will later be released when they collapse. But additional heat
generation was also discovered here, and it can be assumed that here, too, some
similar process of ether capture occurs, then its vortex formation, compression of
the ethereal vortices by the surrounding ether, thereby introducing additional energy
into the vortices, then absorption of the ethereal vortices by that the same water and
transfer of accumulated energy to water, which causes its additional heating.

Currently, both in Russia and throughout the world, several types of vortex heat
generators have been created for various capacities. The heat generator shown in the
diagram is a conventional asynchronous motor coupled to a rotor placed in a thick-walled
cylinder into which water flows. The rotor is an axis on which flat disks are mounted.
Rotation of the disks by the engine allows you to obtain additional thermal energy, greater
than that expended by the engine. The developing pressure is several tens of atmospheres.
The measurements made by the authors confirmed the presence of excess energy with an
overall efficiency of the order of 1.6 (in some samples up to 1.8).

2 5

˜ 4
Diagram of a vortex water heat generator: 1 – engine; 2 – water
cylinder; 3 – disks mounted on the engine axis; 4 – water input; 5 – water outlet

The heat generator is installed in a separate room to avoid both noise effects and
possible ether-dynamic radiation.

While recognizing the creation of similar or any other heat generators as useful, one
can, however, raise doubts about
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18 Lecture 15.

that even the widespread use of such devices will solve the energy problem. With a heat
transfer coefficient of 1.3-1.5, the overall energy savings are not that great. Even if all
thermal installations and all engines in the world doubled their efficiency, the energy
problem would not be solved. But it needs to be resolved.

I remind you once again that the energy content of air is 105 J/m3 , and it is this
energy that is the source of the power of tornadoes and hurricanes, although they involve
more than one cubic meter of air. And the internal thermal energy of the ether is 32 orders
of magnitude greater, it is ubiquitous, and is an eternal inexhaustible environmentally
friendly source of energy anywhere, on earth, in the skies and at sea, and even under
water and in space, and no one is working on it . This is during a global energy crisis! This
is despite the fact that the pursuit of energy resources has led to a series of wars, this
despite the fact that by burning oil, coal and gas, we destroy valuable chemical raw
materials and spoil the environment. How can this be explained?!

There is only one way to explain this: our academic science believes that there is no
ether, so there is no need to deal with it. Why not? Because the great Einstein said so.
Why did he say that? Because with ether the theory becomes too complicated. That's all!
Don’t you think, dear ones, that humanity is paying too dearly for this inflated authority?!

How can etheric energy be realized?

A similar incident occurred in our laboratory a few months ago. While celebrating
something in the laboratory, one employee plugged in a small tape recorder, and a ball of
lightning with a diameter of 10 centimeters jumped out of the outlet.

Tsa got scared, pulled out the plug, and then put it back into the socket. Ball lightning
jumped out again, but this time it was larger, 20-30 centimeters in diameter. It spread
across the employee’s hand and burned her hand, leaving a black coating on her skin. We
ran to the doctors, they lubricated her hand with something, bandaged it, and she walked
around with a bandage for a month. Then everything went away.

Our engineers found a clever technical solution to ensure that such an incident would
not happen again: they sealed this socket with tape, and thus solved the safety problem.
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stars? In 19
Zhukovsky, where I live, there was an even more interesting case. Nearby in the
village of Kratovo, at one grandmother’s house, in the morning, ball lightning jumped out
of the socket and went through a closed window, burning a TV on the way, By

three meters away from the trajectory. The lightning went to the Ilyushinsky passages,
and there it was already a red ball, two meters in diameter. There it exploded, and the
sound was such that one would think that an ammunition depot had exploded. I personally
heard this sound when I was 4-5 kilometers from the explosion site. Then our city
newspaper “Zhukovskie Vesti” dug up all this and published it.

What is the energy of ball lightning? It is quite significant. With an exceptionally small mass,
as evidenced by the fact that it floats freely in the air, its internal energy is impressive.


Neither tornadoes, nor typhoons, nor cyclones can compare in their specific energy content
with ball lightning. Specific energy content is the amount of energy contained in a unit of body
mass. For example, gasoline as a result of complete combustion produces 44 MJ/kg, natural gas -
35.6 MJ/kg, and coal (anthracite) - 22 MJ/kg. In this regard, 1 kg of air moving in a tornado at a
speed of 100 m/s contains only 5000 Joules, which is disproportionately small compared to any
type of fuel. However, the average tornado contains a mass amounting to thousands of tons,
hence its overall power.

As for ball lightning, even from ordinary observations one can draw important conclusions.
Since lightning floats freely with air currents, this means that its specific gravity is significantly less
than the specific gravity of air, which is 1 kg/m3, that is, on the order of no more than 0.1 kg/m3.
The diameter of an ordinary ball lightning is about 4-6 cm, which means that its volume is about
100 cubic meters. cm, and the mass is about 0.01 grams or less. The energy content is such that
it is capable of evaporating more than 70 kg of water (there was a case when ball lightning hit a
barrel and evaporated about 70 kg of water), which requires at least 38,000 kcal or, which is the
same, 200 million Joules. With a mass of one hundredth of a gram, it turns out that the specific
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20 Lecture 15.

the retention of ball lightning is no less than 1.6.1013

That's how you say it! What kind of gasoline is there?
There is great interest in ball lightning. There are laboratories that are trying to
recreate ball lightning based on their models. Unfortunately, all the proposed models, in
terms of their totality of properties, do not correspond to what we know about ball lightning.
There are, for example, chemical models, all sorts of clusters, etc. The question is, how
can such lightning, created on a chemical basis, pass through a closed window? No way.
In short, there is no satisfactory model today. This is reminiscent of a situation when a
person lost his watch at a train station, and looks for it under a street lamp on the road,
on the basis that it is lighter under the lamp.

In fact, any model of ball lightning must satisfy all the properties that are known
about it today. What are these properties?

Ball lightning, with its insignificant mass of micrograms, carries enormous energy. It
is able to penetrate through insulators and adhere to metal. There was a case when it
rolled along the wing of a flying airplane, moving from the tip of the wing to the fuselage,
into which it penetrated through the window and then exploded. It can change shape,
spreading over an object, and so on...


From the standpoint of etherodynamics it looks like this.

Ball lightning is an ethereal torus of fairly low density, but the flows of ether inside
have a speed of the order of thousands of kilometers per second, which is less than the
speed of light, but still high. It sticks to a metal surface due to the velocity gradient and
reduced pressure on the metal surface. It cannot penetrate the metal due to the Fermi
surface, but it penetrates freely through any insulator that does not have such a surface.

The glow of ball lightning is the glow of excited air atoms, it is a small incidental
phenomenon, energetically weak. Hence its penetration through the glass - on this side
the air molecules became excited, when the etheric body of lightning passed through the
glass, they went out and became excited on the other side. We do not see lightning itself;
it can exist in a vacuum.
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to the

stars? Ball 21

lightning has the shape of a ball, but this is not exact. It should be a toroid, with
parameters close to a ball. Thus, the ether-dynamic model seems to answer all existing

How can you make ball lightning? There can be several ways, as in any business.
One of them is the use of fast-acting spark gaps, preferably vacuum ones, because they do
not require recombination of molecules that delay the process of toroid formation. In fact,
ball lightning occurs without any vacuum arresters. But, one way or another, the path to
creating ball lightning is somewhere here.

Noteworthy is the fact that the appearance of ball lightning is usually associated with
discharges. It jumps out of sockets, magnetic starters, accompanies linear lightning, etc.
Therefore, one can expect that an attempt can be made to create ball lightning using a
spark gap, a vacuum one at that, in order to avoid prolongation of the pulse fronts during
the recombination of air ions. The current interruption must be such that the magnetic field
formed when the current passes through the arrester does not have time to hide in the
conductor. Then it will hang in the air and will be forced to close in on itself. And then the
pressure of the ether will compress this large torus into a small torus, pumping the
corresponding energy into it.

But all this is just an assumption, because in nature spherical

High lightning occurs without vacuum arresters.
Are ball lightning the only promising converter of ethereal energy into a form that can
be used for applied purposes? Of course not. The famous inventor Nikola Tesla knew how
to use the energy of the ether without any ball lightning. His inventions do not correspond
to the views of modern electrical engineering, but they worked, and no one can repeat them
to this day.
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22 Lecture 15.

Nikola Tesla Tesla with fiery Tesla Generator

1856-1943 balls in hands

And now we can consider the problem of interstellar transfers


At one time, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky uttered the famous phrase: “The Earth is
the cradle of humanity, but you can’t live forever in the cradle,” and this phrase was the program of
his actions.

Konstantin Eduardovich

Despite all the sonority of this phrase, the idea behind it is incorrect. The earth is not only the
cradle of humanity, but also our common home. No one is waiting for us anywhere, no one needs
us on other planets. And if we cannot improve life at home, then we will drag all this bedlam to
other planets. Therefore, we do not need to move anywhere, but we need to establish life at home,
that is, on Earth.
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to the

stars? 23
Nevertheless, it is necessary to explore the outer space surrounding us, and as
widely as possible, so the task of interstellar flights remains relevant. But for the technical
implementation of this problem, three questions need to be answered:

- Is it possible to reach superluminal speed?

- Is it possible to achieve high accelerations without destroying organisms?

- Where do you get the energy for all this?

Ethereal dynamics gives a positive answer to all three questions posed.

The answer to the first question. Who and when proved that it is impossible to
travel at super-light speeds? Nobody ever. This is a postulate of Einstein’s Special
Theory of Relativity, the basis of which was his position that “with the ether the theory
will be too complicated” and that “the speed of light is limiting.” There is no other
justification. And this is the basis for ether to be thrown out of natural science and for
categorically asserting that the speed of light cannot be exceeded?! This is not
justification, but chatter. Another thing is that overcoming the speed of light is a very
difficult engineering task. But not a principle! Therefore, we need to work in this direction,
you see, we will overcome

The answer to the second question. Acceleration at 9g is the limit

acceleration that a person can withstand for a short time.
LII test pilot Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin once withstood such acceleration in a
fighter coming out of a dive. At the same time, his own body weighs not 80, but no less
than 700 kilograms, falls on a person, when he can no longer do anything. The plane can
be brought out of a dive only by the autopilot. Hence the conclusion - accelerations
greater than 1g should not be allowed for a long flight. And it is necessary, because
otherwise it will take years to even reach the speed of light.

But it turns out that there is not one, but two ways to accelerate a body. The first
method is the usual one, in which the force presses on the surface of the body, and
inertia, which is a mass force, prevents this acceleration, and the body is deformed. But
if a body falls freely on the Sun, then it will experience an acceleration of 29
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24 Lecture 15.

g, and there will be no deformation. This means that we need to look for such a way, and
it exists. For example, purging the entire body with ether, which affects all elements of the
body volume. So here too the principle
There are no fundamental prohibitions.

Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin


Well, we have already formulated the answer to the third question. There is ether at
any point in world space, which means there is energy too. We must learn to use it.

Please ask questions.

Question. Are you familiar with the works of Chernetsky?

Answer. Yes, I do. Alexander Vasilyevich Chernetsky worked at the Plekhanov
Institute of National Economy, organized a laboratory there in which he conducted his
research. The essence of the research was that in the circuit he developed, two identical
incandescent lamps were switched on in series

with a friend and with a voltage source, but a capacitor and an adjustable spark gap were
placed between the lamps. As a result, the first lamp burned barely, and the second shone
with a clear fire. All this was obvious, but completely incomprehensible. It seemed that
energy was being added using the spark gap.

We assembled the circuit, configured it, got the same effect, but there was no increase
in energy. Then we were told that we had not reached critical currents. It is very likely that
this was the case.
Chernetsky himself did not take into account the harmful effects of the spark gap,
got cancer and died, and this should be an edification to everyone,
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Where to get environmentally friendly energy and is it possible to fly to

the stars? 25
who will work with dischargers, they emit pathogenic non-electromagnetic radiation,
which I have personally verified. When the arrester is operating, you must not
approach it, and you only need to turn on the circuit for a short time to take readings.

Question. How do you see the design of an interstellar ship?

Answer. Surprisingly enough, exactly like a flying saucer. Why? Because it is this
form that has the least resistance in a gas atmosphere, and ether is a gas.

This plate should have ether intakes, swirlers and an annihilation chamber, in which
the streams of compacted vortex ether are added up, the vortices are mutually destroyed,
and compacted ether remains, which immediately expands and gives a jet stream back and
blowing through the entire structure along with the equipment. press forward. Of course,
there may be other solutions.

In this regard, I must recall an anecdotal incident when a representative of a Krasnodar

bank came to me with an offer to provide me with financial assistance to complete
starship, and I have to return this money two years later with moderate interest.

I expressed full agreement to accept the generous gift from the Krasnodar bank, but
with one amendment: that I would return the money not in two years, but in fifty years. The
representative expressed satisfaction
and promised to report all this to his superiors. Unfortunately, he never came again,
otherwise, of course, the starship would have been completed. True, at that moment it not
only had not begun to be built, but even to be designed. So one of Russia's two ills has
been demonstrated.

That's all for now, see you in two weeks.

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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 1



OTHER Pseudoscience
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2 Lecture 16.

I'm put in a difficult position today because there are a lot of people today, half of
you are here for the first time, and this
half are schoolchildren.

Since there are a lot of new listeners here today, I should make a short general
We live not only in the atmosphere of the Earth, but also in the atmosphere of the
ether - a physical environment that fills the entire world space, which is the building
material for all types of matter, the movements of which are perceived by us as physical
fields of interactions. It turned out that ether is a thin gas that has all the properties of
ordinary real, i.e. viscous compressible gas, which is subject to all the laws of ordinary
gas mechanics. The ether molecule - amer is many times smaller than the electron, the
density of the ether is eleven orders of magnitude, i.e. one hundred billion times less
than the density of air, and the pressure, or what is the same energy content, is 32 orders
of magnitude higher than air, i.e. one hundred thousand billion billion billion times more
than air. This is ensured by the fact that the speed of thermal motion of amers is many
times higher than the speed of light, according to my calculations, by about 15 orders of

On the basis of ether dynamics, we are for the first time beginning to understand
what electric current is, what a magnetic field is, what gravitation is, what nuclear
interactions and other physical phenomena are. From this understanding flow experiments
and in any field of natural science the following can be done:


Today we most need to understand the processes with which we are dealing.
Failure to understand this leads to Chernobyls, to unnecessary costs for all sorts of
synchrophasotrons, and to all sorts of troubles that could be avoided if we understood the
processes we undertake.

If you are walking along the road and you know that there is a hole ahead, then you
will either stop or go around the hole, but if you do not know about it, then you will
definitely fall into it. Law of life.
Among the phenomena that we do not understand and which official science does
not take up is everything that has received the official name “pseudoscience.” These are
UFOs - unidentified flying objects, geopathogenic zones, poltergeists, telekinesis,
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 3

telepathy, dowsing, holy icons, all kinds of evil eyes, damage and a number of others that
have existed for many hundreds of years, which craftsmen have successfully used for
their own benefit, and others - unknown to what and to which it has developed in public
opinion and, above all, , in science there is a disdainful attitude. Since we don’t understand
this, it’s all nonsense and mysticism, and there’s no need to deal with it. In fact, all this is
not so, and ether dynamics is already opening up some ways and directions for research
into such phenomena.

There is no need to create a stir in all such things, such as, for example, the one that
passed through a UFO several years ago with shouts and dances;

We already know the parameters of the ether in near-Earth space quite well. Of
these, we will need only two today, this is the density of the ether, equal to 8.85 10–12 kg/
m3 (for air 1 kg/m3 ) and pressure equal to 1.3 1036 Pa (for air 105 Pa). We'll use the rest
of the broadcast parameters another time.

When we begin to explore all these exotic phenomena, the question immediately
arises: where do all these phenomena get their energy from? I report that they take
energy from a single source - the thermal energy of the ether or from its pressure, which
is the same thing. The thermal energy of the air turns out to be enough to create cyclones,
hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural phenomena. And the specific energy of ether is
31-32 orders of magnitude higher than the specific energy of air, and the total amount of
ether is generally unlimited. Therefore, all physical phenomena, including exotic ones,
are sufficiently provided with something, namely energy.

You and I, being in the atmosphere, experience a pressure of 1 kg per square

centimeter of the surface of the body, we don’t feel any of this, because from the inside
this pressure is completely balanced. It's the same with ether. Everything in him is
balanced, and manifests
This pressure appears only in the form of gradients, when a pressure disequilibrium is
formed in space at neighboring points. That's when all this manifests itself, and all these
exotic phenomena begin
interfere in our lives.
We must remember that it is not the absolute value of pressure that destroys us, but
the gradient of this pressure, and gradients arise
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4 Lecture 16.

mostly as a result of the emergence of vortices, which have to be dealt with in this regard.
All this applies to all phenomena, including UFOs - unidentified flying objects.

UFOs are not necessarily only man-made; they can also be of natural origin. There
are toroidal meteorological formations. There are ethereal emissions that are the
ancestors of comets. Something similar happened in Chernobyl, all signs point to this,
for example, in

In the room in which the explosion occurred, the walls were intact and clean, so the
explosion had a strictly vertical direction, and even the temperature was low, since
scraps of painted plywood with untouched paint were found in this room.

There are ball lightnings, also of unknown origin, there are all kinds of waste from
spacecraft launches and rocket tests, and the like. All this is mixed together and there is
no classification yet.

But among them there really are those that we can identify with man-made aircraft,
probably of alien origin.

UFOs are constantly visiting UFO over the Kremlin

our planet 12/19/2009

They visit us, they are interested in us, and from very ancient
times, and then the question arises whether all this is physically possible.
Well, let’s estimate how long it will take to accelerate, decelerate, and fly at various
speeds and with various accelerations and decelerations to such speeds. For the sake of
clarity, the results are summarized in a table, from which you can immediately find out
the time required to achieve a particular speed at a particular acceleration.
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 5

The length of the trip depends on this

on acceleration and speed
a, m/s2 v, m/s
0.1s 1s 10s 100s 100s

1 = 0.1g 10 10 months 8 years 80 years 800 years 8000 years

= 1 g 100 1 month 10 months 8 years 80 years 800 years

= 10 g 1000 = 3 days 1 month 10 months 8 years 80 years

100 g 104 = 103 g 8 hours 3 days 8 1 month 10 months 8 years

105 = 104 g 50 min. hours 3 days 8 1 month 10 months

8 min. 50 min. hours 3 days 1 month

It turns out that if we allow a one-way trip to be equal to one month, then we need to
fly at a speed of the order of many tens of the speeds of light, and accelerate (and
decelerate) with an acceleration of many hundreds of earthly accelerations.

Hmmm! One inevitably wonders whether interstellar flights are even feasible? But
where do UFOs come from then? Moreover, they behave defiantly: they suddenly
disappear, maneuver under
right angles, they emit something... In order to
solve this problem, you only need to answer
three questions:
- Is it possible to reach superluminal speed?
- Is it possible to achieve high accelerations without destroying organisms?

- Where do you get the energy for all this?

Ethereal dynamics gives a positive answer to all three questions posed, as I already
reported to you at the last lecture. I will repeat it all here.

The answer to the first question. Who and when proved that it is impossible to
travel at super-light speeds? Nobody ever. This is a postulate of Einstein’s Special Theory
of Relativity, the basis of which was his position that “with the ether the theory will be too
complicated” and that “the speed of light is limiting.” There is no other justification. And
this is the basis for ether to be thrown out of natural science and for categorically asserting
that the speed of light cannot be exceeded?! This is not justification, but chatter.
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6 Lecture 16.

Another thing is that overcoming the speed of light is a very difficult engineering task.
But not a principle! Therefore, we need to work in this direction, you see, we will overcome

The answer to the second question. Acceleration at 9g is the limit

acceleration that a person can withstand for a short time.
LII test pilot Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin once withstood such acceleration in a fighter
coming out of a dive. At the same time, his own body weighs not 80, but no less than 700
kilograms, falls on a person, when he can no longer do anything. The plane can be brought
out of a dive only by the autopilot. Hence the conclusion - accelerations greater than 1g
should not be allowed for a long flight. And it is necessary, because otherwise it will take
years to even reach the speed of light.

Sergei Nikolaevich Anokhin


But it turns out that there is a way to accelerate a body, in which the force presses
not on the surface of the body, but on all elements of the volume of the body. If a body
falls freely into the Sun, it will experience an acceleration of 28 g, and there will be no
deformation. This means we need to look for such a way, and it exists. For example,
purging the entire body with ether, which affects all elements of the body volume. So there
are no fundamental prohibitions here either.

Well, we have already formulated the answer to the third question. There is ether at
any point in world space, which means that energy is also there. And if we want to travel
in outer space to the stars, we must master this energy, we must learn to use it. In fact,
nature knows how to do this itself. This one is so

called ball lightning.

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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 7

Ball lightning has long been of great interest to people. Usually this is a brightly
glowing ball with a diameter of several centimeters, freely floating in the atmosphere. We
talked about the properties of ball lightning in the last lecture, I will repeat some

of them.

Ball lightning has colossal energy; its specific energy content is comparable only to
an atomic bomb. Ball lightning is capable of penetrating through insulators, such as
closed windows, through narrow cracks and keyholes. In me-

ball lightning cannot penetrate talli; it sticks to them and begins to move along the surface.
There were cases when ball lightning landed on the wing of a flying plane, which then
moved along the wing and penetrated through the window into the cockpit.

plane, where it exploded. It is capable of either quietly disappearing or exploding with a

roar, causing destruction.
There was a case when ball lightning in the mountains under a clear sky attacked a
group of climbers and maimed them, tearing out pieces of meat from their bodies, and
then spread across a woolen blanket and disappeared, leaving behind crippled people
and creating complete chaos in the tent.

Anyone who learns to reproduce ball lightning will gain access to a boundless ocean
of energy, so there were many such attempts, and all of them were based on certain
ideas of the authors about the nature of ball lightning, on their models.

Unfortunately, all the numerous known models of ball lightning, except for the ether-
dynamic one, do not correspond to the totality of the properties of reality, so attempts to
create ball lightning have not yet been crowned with success.

In accordance with etherodynamic concepts, the mass of ball lightning is very small,
its density is only 10-20 times greater than the density of free ether, which is why it floats
in the air, because the cohesive forces with air molecules are

enough to hold it.

The glow of ball lightning is just the glow of excited air molecules, a phenomenon
that is energetically weak and has nothing to do with the main energy of ball lightning
contained in its etheric body, in ethereal streams moving at a speed that is a noticeable
fraction of speed
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8 Lecture 16.

Sveta. Ball lightning can exist in a complete vacuum, then it is not visible at all. But if it
gets into the air, the air molecules begin to glow. When lightning passes through glass,
the air molecules on this side go out, and on the other side they get excited and glow.

From the ether-dynamic model of ball lightning it follows that to create it you need to
have spark gaps capable of passing through pulsed currents of thousands of amperes,
with short fronts lasting nanoseconds and resisting emf. self-induction of millions of volts,
as well as diodes with similar characteristics. Such elements do not exist today, but nature
knows how to create ball lightning without any such elements, and this means that we do
not know something very significant, otherwise ball lightning would have been created
long ago.

Nevertheless, the path is indicated precisely by etherodynamics, but this path is not
tried by anyone. Why? Because there is no ether, so said the brilliant Einstein, which
means there is no need to deal with it. Well, if it’s not necessary, then nothing will happen,
which is what we have.
But, one way or another, we answer positively all three questions about the possibility
of superluminal speeds, large accelerations of hundreds of g, and the availability of energy.
This means that, although all this is not yet available to us, other civilizations, in principle,
could achieve the necessary technical level and walk in space.

space, visiting planets in different star systems

I can make a guess why they do this. I believe that they come to us for research
purposes, perhaps due to the not very favorable state of their planets, perhaps due to the
fear that human communities that have not achieved communist relations are capable of
doing stupid things, and they must be warned against this. One way or another, visiting
us by alien ships is technically possible, and there is no reason to attribute UFO sightings
to the human psyche.

Unlike us, the Americans have long approached UFO issues systematically, because
they do not have the same fear of science as we do, they do not have the kind of insanity
to which we have sunk and which is hindering our development. And we need their
understanding in this matter.
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 9

drive Since we have climbed into space, it is not known, however, why, then we must
assume that we will still develop further, which means we must know all the possible
aspects of our stay in space and communication with everything that is there, including
with UFOs and their inhabitants, if they have any.

The second thing I would like to talk about is poltergeists. What is it? It consists in
the fact that in apartments and houses there are sounds - knocking, whispering, and
then all sorts of objects begin to fly, mainly metal ones, although wooden cabinets can
also fall. How can this be explained from the standpoint of ether-dynamics? If a vortex of
ether appeared in space, then a gradient of ether flow velocity formed between it and a
metal object,
and hence a pressure drop. The pressure difference will cause the metal object to
move in space.

In principle, the same thing happens with insulating materials, since the speed of
the ether flows penetrating into them is less than in free space, but here the gradients of
the ether are significantly smaller, therefore the forces arising from the ether are also
much less, than the forces of interaction between the ether and metal objects.

Formation of a velocity gradient and pressure gradient between the vortex and
metal plate

Therefore, the question that should arise here is not why objects fly, but why vortices
formed in this house and in this place, what contributed to their appearance, how to
remove them and how to make sure they do not arise.

What can contribute to the emergence of such vortices? There are several such
reasons. Firstly, these are the so-called geopatho-
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10 Lecture 16.

gene zones in which helical flows of ether take place, leaving the body of the Earth.
There are stationary zones that are located in the same places, but there are also
wandering zones that come and go. The intensity of these zones is different, in addition,
each zone itself can change its intensity. Weak zones spoil people's health, strong zones
cause poltergeists, burnouts and explosions of lamps, shades, etc. But very strong
emissions of ether lead to ionization of air and spontaneous combustion of objects, which
is especially dangerous for

all kinds of vehicles. There are cases when a

tongue of fire shoots straight out of a stone wall. There is a well-known biblical case
when Moses discovered an unquenchable and miraculous fire in the bushes, also a
manifestation of a poltergeist, or rather, in this case, a strong geopathogenic zone, the
energy of which was sufficient to excite a molecular

cool air
The appearance of such vortices, and hence poltergeists, is facilitated by especially
excitable children who have strong bipoles, and they help the emergence of vortices
simply by being in a place where the corresponding situation has already been prepared
by other sources - the presence of underground faults, streams, etc. what kind of
inhomogeneities, etc. And among other things, all this is influenced by the activity of the
Sun and the location of the Moon.

All this has been studied very poorly, practically not at all, because the position of official
science is still the same: we don’t understand this, which means it doesn’t exist.

The question is, how to get rid of all this? Attempts to attract clergy, sprinkling the
“holy”, i.e. charged water, reading prayers sometimes helps, but not in all cases, because
such an effect, in principle, exists, but it is energetically weak. Therefore, the easiest way
is to force the zones to self-destruct by passing ethereal flows

through a “colander” - tangled and flattened skeins of thin wire with a diameter of 0.15-0.2
mm and a length of about 50-
100 m, laid out in the room on the floor, as well as along the walls and
hung on the walls.

Passing through a coil of such wire, part of the flow is broken, and small toroidal
vortices are formed, which
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience eleven

scatter in all directions and break the main flow. The range of action
of one such neutralizer is 1.5-2 meters, so several of them need to be
installed at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. Try it when the
need arises!
Now let's see what telekinesis is.
Recently there was an exhibition at the Plekhanov Institute. And
there some craftsmen made such a device: a pin-pong ball was
attached to a horizontally located stick suspended on a thread, a
counterweight was attached to the other end, and all this was
enclosed in a plexiglass box. It was necessary to swing this pendulum
with your biofield. Most people didn’t succeed, but I did, I rocked it,
bringing my hands first to one side of the wall of the box, without
touching it, then to the other, and the total range of vibrations was
about 4 centimeters.
The people around were delighted and asked to do it again. I did
it, but now the range of fluctuations was only 2 centimeters. The third
time, the range of vibrations was 1 centimeter, and the fourth time
there was nothing at all. And it didn’t work anymore, even the next
day. I'm exhausted.
They say that this is all thanks to electrostatics. But for electric
Trostatics need to charge the ball, but no one charged it, so it’s unlikely. The biofield is not
electrostatics, not magnetism and not thermal fields. This is a different field with a different
structure, and the ball was shaken by the biofield emanating from my hands. But the field
can come from any organs of a living organism, in particular from the eyes. The ancient
Greeks once even had a debate about what the eyes do in general - they receive light
rays or, on the contrary, they emit them by feeling objects.

Different people have different energy. Not because some are

smarter and others are dumber, this doesn’t matter at all for the case
under consideration, it’s just that it’s probably genetic. Young guys
have stronger energy, older guys have weaker energy, alone
they know how to concentrate, others need to train for this, therefore the manifestations
of telekinesis vary from person to person.
The question arises, what is a biofield?
We proceeded from the fact that life is the metabolism of matter,
i.e. the biofield must be generated by chemical reactions occurring in
a living organism, and there are only two chemical reactions -
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12 Lecture 16.

ionic and covalent, I already talked about this in the sixth lecture.
From the point of view of etherodynamics in the first surface method
molecules stick to each other and are held by the drop in ether pressure caused on their
surfaces by the velocity gradients of surface ether jets. In this case, the atoms simply
stick to each other, without being destroyed, but somewhat deformed. In the second
case, part of the ethereal flows of both molecules is combined into a common flow or, as
say, into a common orbital. This case is more interesting. When a common flow is
formed, its length turns out to be less than the sum of the ether flows in two separate
atoms, and part of the total flow turns out to be superfluous in the molecule, it is thrown
out of this molecule.

What is this discarded part? This is a screwed-up condensed vortex of ether, which
cannot exist in this state. If there is a zone with low pressure nearby, it rushes there; if
there is no such zone, it closes on itself and forms a new particle, a lepton, whose mass
is less than the electron one, but its size is many times larger. Thus, the release of ether
from a molecule occurs at the moment of connection of two atoms or two molecules. But
if the molecules are separated, disintegrated, then there is not enough ether, and it is
taken from external space. In a living organism, both compound and decomposition
reactions occur. The ejected condensed ether is immediately picked up by the neighboring
region, in which the process of decay occurs. Fountains are formed, as it were, which
was discovered by the Kirlian spouses and later received the name Kirlian effect, I also
already talked about this..

But if there is no low pressure zone nearby, then the ejected compacted screw
vortex will close on itself and form a new toroid, a light particle.
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 13

Kirlian glow: leaves glow in the presence of a high-frequency

electromagnetic field (200 kHz). In the last photo you can see that the outline
of the cut part of the sheet is glowing.

To verify this position, a special experiment was carried out using specially constructed torsion
scales, on one of the arms of the rocker arm of which an aluminum plate (sail) is attached, connected
to the metal body of the scales through a 10-megohm resistance to avoid the possible influence of
electrostatics. The body of the scales was grounded to the steam heating battery.

A plastic jar was placed opposite the sail at a distance of

10 cm, in which dry alkali KOH and concentrated sulfuric or
hydrochloric acid reacted.
During the reaction, the sail was first attracted to the reaction, and then, after its completion, it
moved away from it to the maximum distance (all the way) and returned back after 1.5–2 hours.

The same result was obtained if the reaction was carried out in the same glass, placed on a
wooden or foam cube away from the scales. Then bringing this cube to the scales gave the same result.
Everything was recorded automatically

The explanation for the results of the experiment is that when a chemical reaction occurs and a
leptonic foam is formed, the leptons touch the sail. Since the movement of the ether on the surface of the
leptons, at any orientation, is always parallel to the plane of the sail, a gradient of ether velocities with
reduced pressure is formed. The sail begins to be attracted to the reacting substances.
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14 Lecture 16.

Scheme of a laboratory experiment to identify leptonic foam during the

formation of a covalent chemical bond (a) and a graph of the deflection of the
scale sail during a chemical reaction (b): 1 – a
glass with chemical reagents; 2 – torsion scales; 3 – laser;
4 – recorder.

After the end of the reaction, the leptonic foam begins to diffuse, and the leptons in
the upper layer of the foam are destroyed first, since the velocity gradient on their surface
is less than that of the internal leptons, therefore, the viscosity is higher and the lifetime of
the surface leptons is higher. new less. But leptons, like any vortices, had an ether density
higher than the ether density in free space. Therefore, the ether pressure increases, and
the sail moves away. After all the leptons have diffused, the pressure in the ether is
equalized, and the spring returns the balance beam to its original state. Different
substances give different deviations, but the behavior of the scales remains the same.

We also conducted experiments with combustion, when we realized that combustion

is also a covalent reaction. The result was
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 15

Thus, we can assume that the fact of the formation of leptons during a covalent
reaction has been confirmed to a first approximation.

I immediately give you methodological advice: never improve your results on the
sample on which the result has already been obtained, create a second similar sample,
experiment on it, otherwise you may lose what has already been achieved. This is what
happened with us. The first experiments were the most successful, but we decided to
improve the result, modified the torsion scales, and the result worsened, and there were
no other scales.

Thus, to some extent, our initial ideas were confirmed, but we did not answer
another question, how the biofield spreads over long distances, at least meters. One can,
of course, attribute all this to the particularly high intensity of the field in some people, but
for now all this is in the fog.

It can be assumed that the biofield has a structure similar to the electric field, but
all this is still guesswork, although, in principle, it is the electric field that can explain
individual manifestations of telekinesis.

Structure of ether flows in an electric field

Let's return to telepathy. At one time I was interested in what it was and whether
telepathy really existed, and we decided to try it ourselves.

It is convenient to conduct trial telepathy sessions using so-called Zener cards.

Zener cards are cards made of hard paper or cardboard measuring 5x8 cm, on one side
of which a circle, a cross, three wavy lines, a square and a star are depicted in thick lines.
There are 10 pieces of each card, 50 pieces in total, that's enough, but you can, of course,
have more.
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16 Lecture 16.

Zener cards

There are many options for conducting sessions.


Principles of telepathy

In our case it looked like this.

In one room there was a table on which jumbled Zener cards lay face down. In the
next room, several people were sitting at tables, including me, with blank sheets of paper
in front of them.

Inductor, i.e. the person conveying the information took one of the Zener cards in
turn, looked at it for a few seconds, and
then he tapped the table twice with a pencil and looked at the wall behind which we were
sitting, and tried to imagine the drawing of this map on the wall. The cards were placed
face down on top of each other. Then he took the next one, and so on.

We all sat with our eyes closed and wrote down the picture that appeared in our
heads. In my case, it looked like this: a fiery figure drawn on the map floated out of the
darkness and floated back into the darkness. It was impossible to stop it or repeat it. Each
of us wrote down what he imagined. And then, having gone through the entire deck, we
got together and compared what was handed to us with what we accepted.
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 17

I’ll say right away that everyone’s readings were different. But I personally had the
best ones. Maybe this is due to the strength of my own biofield; mine is strong. Not like
psychics, but still. Maybe with the ability to concentrate. Only I had the maximum agreement
between what was transmitted and what I received, somewhere at the level of 90-95%.
Others had it worse.

When the inductor came in, I asked him if there was a transmission of three triangles
in a row (we also had a triangle on our cards), he replied that there was. I said that the
middle one is the other way around. Disassemble
looked at the deck, and it turned out that yes, three triangles lie in a row, the middle one
does not lie in front of it and behind it, but vice versa. Since then I have come to believe
that telepathy really exists. But what kind of physics underlies it is a whole matter.

At one of the previous lectures, I talked about sine-cosine transformers, which turned
out to be very convenient for converting shaft rotation angles into code, which turned out
to be a lot on airplanes. A phase-shifting circuit can be used here, or an amplitude circuit
can be used.

Any vector in a phase-shifting circuit is described by the expression


u=Ue i (ÿt + ÿ0 + ÿ – ÿ0 )

where ÿ is the shaft rotation angle. And in a bridge circuit, any vector will be depicted
differently, namely

u=Ue i (ÿt + ÿ0 ) e j ( ÿ – ÿ0 )

There are two imaginaries here - one in time, the other in

space, they are in different planes, and here
Processes in time do not affect the spatial angle of rotation. And from all this it follows
that any temporal scheme must correspond to a spatial scheme and vice versa.
Shipbuilders and rocket men took the first route and overcame a lot of technical difficulties
in this direction, in accordance with the expression of Winston Churchill, who said: “I
admire the Russians who overcome difficulties with enthusiasm,
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18 Lecture 16.

which they create for themselves." And it’s true, the whole story with angle-code
converters confirms this. We, relying on the second formula,
bypassed all these difficulties.
Honestly, we simply don’t have them, everything has been dramatically simplified, and
at the same time the overall accuracy of the conversion has increased by an order of
magnitude, even a little more. And since we were the leaders in aviation on this issue,
then all this was implemented on all planes and helicopters. And then
followed the general philosophical conclusion that any temporal process must
correspond to a similar spatial process. And that's already something.

This means, in particular, that all existing radio technology based on time processes,
because frequency is the number of oscillation periods per second, and the period is a
time interval, must correspond to spatial radio technology, i.e. there must be types of
signals, distributed not in time, but in space. This means that just as at any point in space
there are electromagnetic radiations from all radio stations and even from all bodies, all
structures of all objects must have auras - reflections in space. This also means that at
any point in space there are auras of all bodies existing in the Universe, and there should
be a fundamental possibility of detecting objects by their aura, no matter where they are.
And if humanity has not yet used this opportunity, it is only because they did not think
about it. Such are the things.

What does all this have to do with telepathy? The most direct.
As you might guess, to transmit any signals you need a signal source and a receiver,
and the receiver must be able to tune to this signal according to some criteria, for example,
by frequency, modulation method, or something else. The same is true in spatial terms.
Here, the tuning criteria can be both the same time factors and spatial criteria, for example,
the screw factor, the relative location in space of individual field components, etc. For close
relatives, these factors coincide or are close, but for them too

communication organizations need to tune in, and some people and animals know how to
do this. So, underneath all this there is clearly physics, but in order to understand it, one
must not only record this fact and reconstruct
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 19

click, ah, Messing!, ah, Kuleshova!, but also work in this direction at the level of physical
understanding of the processes. Any business requires a system and perseverance.

In all space we have all the auras of all existing objects. All these auras are different.
All of them carry information and energy from sources - real physical bodies. And nature
shows that the method of transmitting and receiving information really exists, and there
is also a method for selecting the necessary information from the entire set of auric
signals, just as there is a method for the receiver to select the required frequency from
the set of frequencies of all radio stations. A certain analogy here is dowsing, when
operators search for water and ores using wire frames, and it has been noticed that tying
a piece of ore to the end of the
frame helps to find exactly the same ore, i.e. and here there is a resonance, but a
spatial resonance.

This means that there is a technical problem of spatial resonances, when one spatial
structure interacts with another, and this means that attempts to master telepathy for
technical applications are a real task, and one can do it, hoping for success.

In conclusion, I want to say the following.

All these incomprehensible phenomena, which modern science famously attributes
to mysticism and deception, but which in fact have been recorded for many centuries,
could not have existed for such a long time if they were not real. It is a great stupidity to
suspect all the numerous witnesses of deception and self-interest, a stupidity that costs
us all dearly, because it deprives us of new and very promising technologies.

Please ask questions.

Question. Have you heard the expression “a person has been possessed by a
demon”? What do you think about it?
Answer. I'm fine. This phenomenon really exists.
exists, and I was even present several times during the procedure of casting out demons
from a person. First of all, what is a “demon” from the standpoint of etherodynamics? This
is an alien biofield, which either accidentally
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20 Lecture 16.

but, either by someone’s will it was planted in an ordinary person and exists
in him. In most cases, and there are many such cases, it prevents a person
from living, and in those moments when the “demon” takes possession of
is a person, the person himself is not aware of it and commits actions that he would never
have done in a normal state. Although all this is provided by psychologists, they themselves
do not know how to get a person out of this state. Priests, shamans, and all sorts of village
grandmothers knew how to do this, but not science. The task of healers is to expel the
“demon” from a person and move him into something - a stone, a tree, some object, so
that he does not bother anyone there. It is not recommended to touch this object in order
to avoid transferring this essence from the object to a new person. I saw a woman of about
forty, very intelligent, subtle, pretty, in whom there were five such alien entities. She begged
one traditional healer to rid her of them. These entities were a little girl, a criminal and
someone else, I don’t remember. When she became a criminal, she swore and threatened
everyone; when as a little girl, she asked to go to the potty. And so on. The healer helped
get rid of these entities, and many people came to him, from whom medicine had disowned.
I saw all this myself. Here, as in many other things, the subject needs to be studied and
technologies for treatment must be developed.

In the Middle Ages, such demon-possessed people were simply burned alive. Not out of
bloodthirstiness, but in order to destroy this malicious entity with fire. It was just the technology. Shamans
do not burn anyone, but they perform dances, spells, etc., strengthening their energy and helping others.
If they were not useful, they would have been dispersed long ago. And they are fed at the expense of the
tribe, they are treated with great respect, which means they are really useful. And you don’t have to look
down on all this. All this is reality, and it must be mastered.

Question. Do parallel worlds exist?

Answer. I don’t know this, but I can easily admit it. The densities of all
substances range from 1 kg/m3 (air) to 20,000 kg/m3
(gold), i.e. within 4 orders of magnitude. And between air and ether, which
has a density of 8.85 10–12 kg/m3 , the ratio is 11 orders of
magnitude, and there is hardly anything there. Most likely there is, but we practically
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UFOs, poltergeists, telekinesis, telepathy and other pseudoscience 21

We don’t cross paths. There can be a variety of objects there, plant and animal life, there
is a different energy there, and these objects and creatures can be next to us, pass through
walls (but not through metals, the Fermi surface will not let them through), etc. Someday
we will be able to verify this.

What do we know, for example, about the structures of radio waves? Almost nothing.
And for the first time I was able to examine these structures, of course, in the most
superficial way. There were five of these structures, but this is unlikely to be all. This is a
transverse electromagnetic wave, this is a longitudinal electric wave, these are photons,
which are not electromagnetic waves at all, these are spreading currents, in which there is
an alternating electric field, but no magnetic field, and also some others. This is all? Of
course not.

This room contains radio waves from all radio stations in the world. Install the receiver
and choose the one you need. Exactly
also here are the auras of all objects and, in principle, their
can be detected, but with what? We don’t work in this direction at all! The same goes for
parallel worlds. We don’t bother them, they do us. But they can exist, and we can co-exist
with them. But in reality, I don’t know.

Question. Do energy vampires exist?

Answer. Yes, they exist, and most of them do not know about it, but those from whom
they take energy feel uncomfortable in the presence of these vampires. Some vampires
know how to install special channels to suck out energy; these channels can stretch for
many kilometers. Seryozha, to whom I go to Bashkiria, knows how to cut off the channels
through which energy is sucked out. A channel break should be felt extremely painfully by

who set up this channel, but this, in his opinion, is justice: the innocent should not suffer,
and evil should be punished.

Question. What is a miracle?

Answer. A miracle is a physical phenomenon whose mechanism we have not yet
understood. Any miracle requires energy and carries information. Both are possible only
with the participation of matter. And this means that sooner or later, it, a miracle, is
knowable. And when they deal with him, he ceases to be a miracle.
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22 Lecture 16.

What is a “holy icon”? This is not the kind of daub that is sold on trains, but the sample that
the icon painter has been working on for years, and which he charges with his energy, creating
certain structures. Then it begins to manifest its energetic and informational properties, including
producing miraculous signs, signs, healings, etc.

Question. In the Gobi Desert in Mongolia there are stone drinking basins in which there
is always water, but there is no source. Isn't this a miracle?

Answer. This is not a miracle, but a simple misunderstanding of the situation. Stone
drinking bowls are large stone bowls that are installed in geopathogenic zones of high intensity.
From below there is a screw flow of ether, which collects moisture from the air and deposits it
into these bowls, similar to what is done with tea leaves in a glass of tea when stirring is
stopped. The zones are stationary and intense, so they collect moisture from high altitudes.
From what I've heard, the bowl fills within 24 hours. So there is no miracle here, but the use of
ether-dynamic technology

In conclusion, I must say the following. Don't make me a know-it-all, that's far from true. I
know very little, and etherodynamics is only the beginning of a long journey, this is the beginning
of another sixth physical revolution, if we count from the beginning of natural science, that is,
from Thales of Miletus. Here everyone who will be involved in this direction will plow and plow.
This subject is difficult, but the gain will be great - understanding the internal essence of all
physical phenomena and through this the creation of new, exclusively progressive technologies
capable of ensuring the future of humanity.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 1

The eve of the technological revolution



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2 Lecture 17.

When we talk about technology, we must not forget the position that Marxism
formulated about the relationship between productive forces and production relations.
According to Marx, the development of productive forces at the first stage of the formation
of a socio-economic formation proceeds rapidly and catches up with production relations.
And then these same production relations hinder the further development of productive
forces, and this leads to a crisis. The crisis is resolved by a social revolution, which leads
to a new socio-economic formation,

and everything starts all over again.

When the reverse process occurs from a subsequent formation to the previous one,
then this is a counter-revolution. A counter-revolution is always accompanied by the
degradation of productive forces, the ruin of the national economy, a decline in living
standards, etc., which is what we have today. Therefore, within the production relations
that have developed today, when all social production is distributed into private hands,
there is no need to talk about any serious advancement in the field of technology. No
private owner will invest money, effort and time in this, because science and the
technologies resulting from it will not provide quick profits, and then why develop them
and deal with them at all? To make a profit, the easiest way is to deal with financial flows
by playing on the stock exchange, speculating and, in extreme cases, milking profit from
existing technologies through intensification. And this is also what we have today.

In Soviet times, a systemic economy was created, in which not a single enterprise
could operate without other enterprises; the entire technological chain was closed, at least
within the borders of the state. Today, when, on the one hand, technologies have become
knowledge-intensive, and on the other hand, private property, having destroyed the
technological system, has become an obstacle to the development of the economy, not
only will knowledge-intensive technologies not develop, but also existing technologies will
be destroyed. And we see all this.

Imagine that ether dynamics will provide the opportunity to obtain environmentally
friendly energy at any time, at any point in space, in any portions. So what? Will our
oligarchs, oil and gas kings and rulers be delighted with this?
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 3

On the eve of the technological
revolution , power plant dealers? I highly doubt it. Most likely, they will take
measures to ensure that none of this happens, otherwise their income and profits
will crack at all the seams.
True, here it should be taken into account that etherodynamics is only
calls out the fundamental possibilities of all this and much more, but so far all her
statements most closely resemble science fiction. Of course, if there are no fundamental
possibilities for creating new ether-dynamic technologies, either in the energy sector or in
other areas, then no one will take them on. But if such possibilities exist in principle, then
there is a chance that someone once did something, maybe

and he will do it, but even here you cannot count on quick results.
An example is the work of Nikola Tesla. Almost everything is known about them;
there are all his patents, descriptions, lectures, books, etc. There is only one thing: for 100
years, no one anywhere has been able to reproduce his inventions. His transformers work,
but no one knows how. His car ran on etheric energy, but no one understood why. And so

I personally have been repeatedly contacted by various so-called wealthy people

who simply did not know how to manage their honestly acquired wealth. They offered me
a lot of money for participating in the serial production of my own proposals. And I told
them, guys, let’s first make mock-ups so that they work and confirm the physical principle,
but for now we have nothing to launch into series. What is needed for this, they asked. It
doesn’t take much, I answered, we need to find a laboratory that will start creating mock-
ups for pennies. Of course, with my participation, otherwise they will achieve nothing. And
how long will this last, patrons wondered. Three or four years, I told them, or maybe five
or six. And the benefactors immediately evaporated, and there were many of them.

We have a department of innovation at our university. I'm a student

asked what innovation is and what is your role in it?
Well, of course, they answered. Innovations are some new technologies that, when
implemented, will provide greater profits. And our task is to choose from all the numerous
offers those that will give the greatest profit.
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4 Lecture 17.

Very good, I concluded. Do you know, dear innovators, that only a large series can
provide greater profits. Yes, the students answered, we understand this well.

That's right, I continued. But here’s the rub. A large series is preceded by a small
series, in which all operational aspects are tested. A small series is preceded by prototypes
that have passed all tests. And prototypes are preceded by experimental samples, which
can do everything, but have not yet been tested. And they are preceded by prototypes that
confirm the physical principles inherent in your innovations. And each such stage takes
from 5 to 8 years, and all these stages are expensive. True, when the big series starts, it
may justify all your expenses. But it may not be justified, because over the years other
companies will mature that are no stupider than you. They will wait for your layouts and
continue on their way, but without you. So you will also have to make sure that you are
not robbed.

If you put all this into work tomorrow morning, then in twenty to thirty years you will
get results, maybe. But perhaps you won’t get it, no one knows. Well, how do you like this
forecast? Is it possible to somehow speed up this process if we invest

A lot of money right away, upset students ask.

Yes, how can I say, I answer them. There were experiments to speed up the birth
rate of children by taking nine women to give birth to one child in one month, but for some
reason it didn’t work out. One woman can bear one child in nine months, but for some
reason nine women cannot bear one child in one month. But if they are fed properly, then
suddenly they are taken out? Try it!

The conversations ended there, because everyone remained with

your opinion.

Does it follow from this that nothing needs to be done? No, you shouldn't. On the
contrary, given the length of the deadline, every effort must be made to ensure that
prototypes of new ideas appear. It will still not be possible to implement them quickly, but it
will be clear that physics has been vindicated. And then, who knows, maybe the students
will be right! Although it's unlikely...
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 5

The eve of the technological revolution
Nevertheless, there have always been, are and will be enthusiasts; the only thing I
would advise them is not to be too upset if the implementation of their results is delayed.

Based on all that has been said, one should treat etherodynamic
developments as something that is possible in principle, and not at all
as results ready for widespread implementation. Even if it is possible to
create a sample ready for production, its actual implementation will take
decades. Everything is known about electric cars, but so far there are
only a few of them, while there are millions of gasoline cars. The place
is occupied and will not be free soon. But someday it will be freed up,
and electric cars, of course, will supplant gasoline engines. Over 40 years old
50 this will definitely happen. And if you don’t work, it will never happen,
so you have to work, and no one will interfere with you, innovators. But
also help. The entire series
of lectures on ether dynamics is devoted to the problem of ether, i.e.
material environment that fills the entire world space.
Let me remind you that the ether, which fills the entire world space
and is the building material for all material formations without exception,
turned out to be a thin gas with all the properties of an ordinary real one,
i.e. viscous and compressible gas.
It has been strictly proven that the same physical laws operate at
all levels of the hierarchical organization of matter, and therefore all the
provisions of ordinary gas mechanics can be extended to the ether, like
a gas, which has been done. I called the molecules of
ether amers, i.e. not having
measures, because that’s what Democritus called them. From Democritus, the Englishman
Dalton in 1824 borrowed the word atom, which throughout world literature is interpreted as
indivisible; this is incorrect. In fact, the word atom does not mean cut (for biologists, a
microtome means a thin cut), and nothing is said about indivisibility either in the word atom
or in the word amer. They are divisible, like any material formation, although we do not
always succeed in this. Let me remind you that amers did not have gravity, although they
were parts of an atom; this circumstance has always been criticized. In fact, this is the
case, because gravity itself, gravity, is a manifestation of thermal diffusion processes,
which only the totality of amers possesses, i.e. an atom, and not each individual amer.
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6 Lecture 17.

Democritus of Abder John Dalton

460-370 BC. 1766-1844

It turned out that the size of the dimensions, i.e. molecules of ether are many orders
of magnitude smaller than the electron, and the diameter of the amer is related to the
diameter of the electron, just as the diameter of the electron is related to the diameter of
our Galaxy. If the air
density is 1 kg/m3 , then the density of the ether
11 orders of magnitude lower and amounts to 8.85 10–12 kg/m3
But the speed of thermal motion of amers is 15 orders of magnitude higher than the
speed of light, and the speed of light itself is not the value for which one should pray,
because, besides the fact that Einstein said that it is limiting, there is no other justification
at all does not exist, and we cannot take his opinion into account


It is the high speed of thermal movement of amers, and their significant quantity per
unit volume, that has led to the fact that the pressure in the ether and its energy content
are exceptionally high and amount to more than 1.3 1036 Pa or, which is the same, 1.3
J/m3 , which is 31 orders of magnitude higher than the corresponding parameters of our
atmosphere. Thus, we
are surrounded by a boundless ocean of energy at any point in space and we do not
feel it only because everything in the ether around us is balanced. For the same reason,
we do not feel the pressure of the atmosphere, although it presses on us with a force of
one kilogram for every square centimeter of the surface of our body. But here, too, the
atmospheric pressure is balanced by internal pressure, and if the external pressure is
removed, the internal pressure will tear us apart.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 7

The eve of a technological revolution
Although it is completely legal to use the apparatus of gas mechanics in
aetherdynamics, and this has turned out to be very productive, it is wrong to
assume that gas mechanics itself has worked out everything that is needed for
the further development of aetherdynamics. Despite
Despite the fact that respectable monographs have been published on the theory of the
boundary layer, in fact the theory of the boundary layer has been poorly developed. There
is no theory at all for gas vortices, especially toroidal ones. There is no theory of the
interaction of screw gas jets. And so on. Therefore, in the future, gas mechanics will face
a series of problems, without the solution of which the development of theoretical ether
dynamics will be difficult.

Today, first of all, it makes sense to consider the problem

The air energy mentioned above is enough to organize cyclones, hurricanes,
typhoons and tornadoes, in which, of course, not one, but thousands of cubic meters of
air from the surface layers of the atmosphere are involved. The ether has a specific energy
content ten thousand billion billion billion times greater, and its total volume is infinitely

While everything is balanced in the ether, nothing happens. But if temperature

gradients or velocity gradients appear in it, then its internal energy begins to manifest
itself, and nature sometimes shows us how this energy can be realized. We are talking
about ball lightning.

As I already reported in the last lecture, movement has

three conservation laws:
– the law of conservation of momentum (physicists call it the law of conservation of
momentum) mv = const;
– law of conservation of energy mv2 / 2 + ÿ = const; (P - potential energy);

– law of conservation of angular momentum mvR = const?

And there are two types of curvilinear movement of mass - firstly
circle of the cylinder and around the center.
In the first case, when moving around the cylinder, the radius changes, but the
center of rotation itself runs along the cylinder. The angle between the thread and the
velocity vector is 90° , there is no projection of the force
holding the mass onto the trajectory, the movement occurs with constant
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8 Lecture 17.

at a certain speed, despite the change in radius. The law of constancy of angular
momentum does not apply here.

Movement of a body along a trajectory with a variable radius: without

energy supply (a); with energy supply (b); to the calculation of centripetal acceleration

In the second case, when the movement goes around the center, to change the
radius you need to tighten the mass, i.e. invest additional energy into it. Here the angle
between the thread and the trajectory is less than 90°
, therefore there is a projection of the force holding the mass onto the
trajectory of movement. As the radius decreases, the speed increases because additional
energy is invested, which realizes the increase in speed through the projection of force
onto the trajectory. In principle, this additional energy is not the potential energy mentioned
in the
law of conservation of energy, it is additionally invested energy, and it is this moment
that is realized in the spontaneous increase in energy in gas vortices during their
formation. Unfortunately, over the 300 years of the existence of mechanics, no one thought
of comparing these two cases with each other, and their difference is fundamental, and
especially now,
because this is a game.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 9

The eve of the technological revolution
plays a decisive role in considering the peculiarities of the formation of gas vortices, and
therefore of ethereal vortices. The gas vortex is a tubular structure,
because when it rotates, the centrifugal force throws air molecules out of its center,
and the boundary layer prevents the vortex from dissolving in the surrounding gas. In this
boundary layer there is a velocity gradient, a temperature gradient, a viscosity gradient
and a pressure gradient. These values themselves in the inner layers of the boundary
layer are greater than in the outer ones, and the presence of gradients is the reason that
keeps the vortex from destruction.

Thus, all the gas surrounding the vortex works on the formation of a gas vortex and
its energy. The pressure in it is pa-
gives, the temperature decreases, part of its pressure energy or that
the same thing, thermal energy passed into the body of the vortex. The overall balance of
energy is preserved, but the energy from the thermal form has passed into the kinetic form
of rotation of the vortex, and from a dispersed state has passed into an ordered state.
Thus, this is an anti-entropic process. All this happens during the formation of any gas
vortex, both in the air atmosphere and in the ether.

It is widely known that the temperature decreases in air gradient currents. This
includes icing of aircraft and condensation of moisture in accompanying jets. When I was
riding my bicycle through the village of Vereshugino, 200 kilometers from here, it turned
out that three days before my visit there was a tornado that caused a lot of trouble. But
the residents were not struck by this, but by the fact that numerous hailstones the size of
a chicken egg flew out of the tornado and they did not fly from top to bottom, but in a wide
layer horizontally. So

that everything I said has confirmation, however, for the air. But on the air, all the processes
are the same, albeit without hail.
Moreover, if the sum of the remaining internal pressure and centrifugal force for the
outer layer of the vortex turns out to be less than the external pressure of the gas
surrounding the vortex, then this part flies off, nothing holds it. Therefore, only those layers
remain for which the sum of the remaining internal pressure and centrifugal force is less
than the external pressure or equal to it. But if it is even a little smaller, then the external
pressure begins to compress the vortex, it unwinds, and its radius decreases, so this
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10 Lecture 17.

is preserved, and the body of the vortex continues to compress until the walls acquire a
critical density that prevents this compression. And that is why the body of the vortex
becomes thinner, and the speed of gas movement on the surface of the vortex and the
energy become greater. But if we cannot use the potential energy of the gas, then we can
use the kinetic energy of the rotation of the vortex, for example, by inserting a turbine into
the body of the vortex.

Thus, air vortices convert the thermal energy of the air into kinetic energy, and similar
thermal energy of the ether, which is 31 orders of magnitude greater, we have so far
We don’t know how to transform it into a form convenient for us. And nature does this
successfully, although the result is ball lightning, which is not always convenient and even

Natural ball Ball lightning 9.08.04 Ball lightning obtained

lightning in the laboratory

Several books have been written on ball lightning, for example, by Stakhanov and
other authors. But all of them are of a descriptive statistical nature, where there have been
any cases of lightning, and various models of ball lightning are proposed. There are theories
of clusters, there are theories of lightning being fed by unknown external sources, as well
as others, but in my opinion, all these models are incorrect, because none of them satisfies
the entire set of known properties of ball lightning. For some reason, the authors do not pay
attention to this fact. Therefore, all their attempts -

an empty business, doomed to failure from the start.

What is ball lightning from the standpoint of etherodynamics? It is an ethereal toroid
with a relatively small density of the ether, as calculations show, no more than 4-5 orders
of magnitude greater than the density of the ether. Such toroids can
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. eleven

The eve of a technological revolution can

be created as a result of a very short discharge. Some equivalent may be a magnetic field
that is closed on itself, however, the magnetic field does not have any boundary layer, and
here you can’t do without it

Presentations by I.P. Chinarev (Tver, 1999)

about the structure of ball lightning

The speeds of the ether flows are up to light speeds, but the energy is like this
lightning at such density and such speeds is already serious.
How did the energy content of ball lightning become known? There was a
case when ball lightning hit a large barrel of water, the water began to bubble,
boil, and about 75 liters of water evaporated. But the mass of lightning is
micrograms, which is why it floats in the air, bonding with nitrogen and oxygen
molecules. Air molecules are excited in the lightning body and begin to glow
brightly, and we see them. In a vacuum, ball lightning will be invisible, there will be
nothing to be excited or glow there, and the lightning itself will be there as it is. If
it hits a metal surface, then it cannot penetrate into it because of the Fermi layer,
and will
either stick to it or roll along it, depending on which side it touched this surface.

Calculations show that ball lightning can be created by breaking a current of

kiloamperes in a time of nanoseconds and overcoming the emf. self-induction of millions of
volts. We do not have the elements that could satisfy all this, and they will not appear in
the near future. But nature somehow manages to do without all this, creating ball lightning.
This means that we do not know something large and fundamental here, although the
general direction, as it seems to me, has been determined correctly.
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12 Lecture 17.

There was Alexander Vasilyevich Chernetsky at the Plekhanov Institute, who tried
to use a spark gap to obtain energy from a vacuum. He professed the Dirac theory of the
electron-positron vacuum, from which it did not follow that one could not go into the area
of the spark gap. And he meddled. The result is this: Chernetsky got a tumor in the form
of a flat sponge on one side

face and soon died of cancer.

But, of course, we don’t know all the specifics of work in this direction, and therefore
the same jokes as there were with radioactivity, with x-rays, etc. are possible. People did
not imagine the dangers of work and were exposed to radiation, and then died without
understanding why. The same is possible here. Hence the conclusion if

work with all this, then you need to turn on the installation for a short
time, after turning off, wait a few minutes, and only after that continue to do something. I
don’t rule out the possibility of waving a wire neutralizer in the same area, but this needs
to be checked.

This also includes the question of the possibility of interstellar travel, which I already
talked about once.
The three main questions that arise when analyzing the possibility of interstellar
flights are whether it is possible to move in space at superluminal speeds, whether large
accelerations of bodies are possible, significantly greater than the earth's acceleration of
gravity without destroying organisms, and where to get the energy for this, etherodynamics
gives positive answers. answers. We looked at this in the last lecture, but I’ll repeat it

The impossibility of flights at superluminal speeds is a postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity
and is not justified by anything, and there are no other justifications at all. The possibility of large
accelerations without destroying organisms is associated with the need to use not surface, but mass
gradient-free forces, which is technically possible. The energy for all this is available anywhere in the
world, you just need to learn how to use it. Therefore, for the first time, ether dynamics at least
theoretically substantiates the possibility of interstellar flights in relatively short periods of time, calculated
in years, and maybe even months.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 13

The eve of a technological revolution A
simple conclusion follows from this: we can be visited by alien civilizations if they
have actually mastered aetherodynamic technologies. This also leads to the second
conclusion: these civilizations have long ago solved all their social problems and have a
communist system. This can be justified by the fact that, having the ability to use enormous
powers of etheric energy and, thus, the possibility of self-destruction, they are nevertheless
alive and even busy exploring deep space. This means that the so-called relations of
production no longer bother them, and they have settled down on their planets. Their
interest in us, apparently, is connected with the fact that we do not do anything stupid. But
they don’t come into contact with us because we

as a civilization, they are not interesting, and what’s more, we can try to use their
technical capabilities for weapons and new wars.

We have a whole series of tasks that fundamentally need to be

solve, for example, the raw materials crisis. What is it?
The raw materials crisis lies in the fact that the raw materials that we
we use in existing technologies ends, and new technologies, even ready-made and tested
ones, based on other raw materials, are not used. But this is not the only crisis.

We have a crisis in agriculture due to the fact that soils suitable for the production of
agricultural products are becoming less and less, and the remaining soils are being
depleted. But
Today there are technologies that can produce significantly larger yields on the same
areas, but they are not used, although 80% of the world's population is malnourished,
and there are countries in which the population is dying of hunger. These problems are
can be solved today, especially by creating fundamentally new technologies, but they are
not being solved. And although, as the once famous publicist Kuzmich (Anatoly Kuzmich
Tsikunov) put it, “the poor will eat the rich along with atomic weapons,” there are no
serious movements in this direction. Profit is more important.

We don't have enough fresh water on our planet. On the one hand, two thirds of the
Earth’s surface is covered by oceans and seas, on the other hand, there are huge areas
of deserts that need
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14 Lecture 17.

floating in the water. Sea water is unsuitable for this; fresh water is needed.
But there are technologies for desalination of water, and it is possible
Set up desalination stations along the shores, at the same time extracting
from sea water all sorts of useful elements, of which there are a dime a dozen.
Is this being done? No. Firstly, it is not profitable, and secondly, it requires a
lot of energy. But we already talked about energy, and about benefits... And
here we again come up against market relations.

As an example of a possible product technology, let's look at what processes occur in the cow
that gives us milk.

A cow eats grass, the grass somehow decomposes and goes into the
blood. Blood carrying nutrients enters the udder, and in the udder they are
somehow converted into milk. Well, of course, you need enzymes and
something else, but in principle, these are all chemical reactions. Is this
impossible to reproduce? It can't be! Since all this exists in nature, then all
this can be reproduced. Is anyone doing this? Nobody

doesn't do it.

I assume that in this technology, without understanding the essence of

chemical processes, i.e. Without etherodynamics, things won’t work. In the
end, what do we have? We have an udder - a black box in which there is one
entrance and two exits. All waste goes into one exit, which again enters the
blood and is then thrown out in the form of urine, feces and carbon dioxide.
And the other exit leaves the finished milk, please note, without any harmful
impurities. Is it impossible to understand what is going on in this black box?
Difficult, but possible. Who is interested in this, who is working on it? Nobody.

They say, but this is a living creature, a cow, and no one has yet managed
to create a living substance. Yes, it hasn't worked yet. So what? When studying
living matter, it seems to me that some methodological errors were made.

As an example, consider the process of launching ordinary me-

chanic clock.

Here at the watch factory they made all the parts of the watch and laid
them out on the table. This is a clock? No, these are their elements for now.
We put the elements together. Everything is there, but it’s not a clock yet, because it’s
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 15

The time has not yet shown the eve of the
technological revolution . They introduced energy into them, i.e. They were brought in,
but they are standing still. This is a clock? Not yet. They pushed and they went. But they
don't show the correct time yet. And only after they were put out, i.e. brought them into
line with the surrounding reality, they became clocks, i.e. a device capable of showing
the time. But even after this, it is necessary to ensure that they do not lag behind or get
ahead of the present time and are in accordance with the events surrounding them. But
the same is true in living matter!

Why do foreign organs and tissues not take root, but are rejected by the body? After
all, it would seem that they are no different from the organ and tissues that are inherent in
the body? But they diverged, for example, in the phase of the processes. In terms of
microconnections, in terms of energy levels, and you never know what else. We must
learn to observe all the boundary and initial conditions, and there are many of them and
this is difficult, but without this things will not work. But there is also the problem of self-
starting and self-sustaining processes. Let's take a regular electronic amplifier connected
to a power source. The amplifier is ready to amplify the
signal arriving at its input. But there is no signal, and it stands there, simply consuming
energy. Let's take a second similar amplifier. The same. But if we connect the output of
the first amplifier to the input of the second, and the output of the second to the input of
the first, then a multivibrator is born, and oscillations will immediately begin. The process
has begun!

What happened? We have assembled an amplifier with positive feedback. A

structure has appeared that can generate vibrations. Is there such a structure for those
who tried to create life in a test tube? I can not hear. There are no even attempts to think
about such a structure. So why should life appear in a structureless environment?

What are enzymes? These are catalysts. But there still hasn’t been a theory of
catalysis, although there have been written papers on particular types of catalysis
mountains of work.
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16 Lecture 17.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich

And the general principle of catalysis is still not understood,

although individual attempts have been made, for example, by Alexey
Aleksandrovich Balandin, professor of the Chemistry Department of
Moscow State University,
the author of the multiplet theory of catalysis. Already today, ether
dynamics can provide a new direction in the search for a general
theory of catalysis. We are talking about the vector properties of the
surfaces of molecules and the gradient flows of the ether in
intermolecular spaces, which no one thought of in Balandin’s time - in
the sixties of the last century. But this is where the solution to the problem of cataly
Any object has an aura - a system of vortices attached to each other, nested inside
each other like nesting dolls, and this aura - a static aura or an aura of the first kind,
stretches from each object over long distances, of course, weakening with increasing
distance from the object. But it exists, and it reflects not only the contours of the object,
but also its internal structure and even the material from which it consists.

But if chemical reactions occur inside a living organism, then an aura of the second
is superimposed on this aura of the first kind
kind, the aura is dynamic, the Kirlian spouses learned to visualize it.

So, in technologies like the cow's udder, it will be necessary not only to transfer the
necessary substances, including nutrients and enzymes, into this black box, but also to
learn how to create the appropriate auric atmosphere, without which all these processes
will not take place, but all this is possible, and everyone needs this

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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 17

The Eve of the Technological
Revolution I think that a significant portion of future technologies will be
biological technologies. Of course, this is difficult and responsible. But they
somehow mastered hydroponics when they learned to mix the necessary
substances into the nutrient medium. And the very pro-
production has become a normal mechanized production, in which it is possible to use automation
at all stages. But this is only the beginning of a journey in which much more can happen.

Has anyone looked at the effect of light spectrum and intensity on plant growth? Where do
plants get carbon for their growth, especially in greenhouses? They say out of thin air. But plants
contain up to 13% carbon, and only 0.01% in the air. And from ethereal dynamics it follows that light,
and only red light, transforms the nucleus of an oxygen atom containing 4 alpha particles into the
nucleus of a carbon atom containing 3 alpha particles, and does this on the basis of resonance,
simultaneously transforming from frequencies of 1014 Hz to a frequency of 1038 Hz. And therefore,
it is red light that is needed, although it contains less energy than violet. I am absolutely convinced
that it is possible to grow any food products with all their useful and tasteful qualities, beef, lamb,
butter, cereals and anything else, artificially, but all this requires a completely different approach
than is accepted today. This breakthrough in technology
will feed all of humanity and end many social problems, so it's worth working on.

Let me remind you that there are such wonderful things as amulets, like trees that you can
stand under so that they charge you with energy, and this tree is favorable for you, but that one, on
the contrary, is not favorable. Separately, it makes sense to talk about pathogenic radiation, which
our smart science does not recognize, but which actually exists and spoils people


One summer I returned home, no one was home, but I suddenly felt acute discomfort.
I entered the apartment and the discomfort intensified. I approached the balcony door, the
discomfort became stronger, literally, physically palpable. I went out onto the balcony and
felt horror; someone was sitting somewhere and wanted to eat me. I looked around and
saw a flower standing on the table, and a vine the diameter of
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18 Lecture 17.

the rum is three millimeters and twenty centimeters long, at the end hangs a dark green
flower with six petals with a total diameter of eight centimeters, and it is impossible to look
at it without horror. There was no smell. Yesterday there was no flower.

I overcame myself and leaned towards the flower. I have never experienced a greater
feeling of horror and disgust. He moved away and went into the room. And then he went
out onto the balcony every twenty minutes, and each time the feeling of horror weakened.
An hour and a half later, the situation with the flower had not
changed externally, but there was no longer any negative feeling. And after another
hour, the flower began to shrink and dry out before our eyes, and by evening it shrank to a
diameter of about one centimeter, and the vine turned into a thread. All this happened
before my eyes within a short period of time.

how many hours?

I probably accidentally arrived at the moment of the greatest flowering activity. And I
understand that negative auras exist, and that they can ruin life. Geopathogenic agents do
the same thing.
Geopathogenic zones are places on the surface of the earth in which the negative
impact of a given place on humans, animals and plants is manifested. Trees in these
zones are twisted, the presence of people in such zones leads to deterioration in health,
prolonged stay of people in such zones leads to deterioration in health, illness and even
death. On roads in places where geopathogenic zones are located, accidents occur more
often; drivers behave inappropriately, lose consciousness and cannot explain their actions
that led to the accident.

The easiest way to detect local geopathogenic zones is to use the dowsing method,
which is accessible to almost everyone, but requires a little training. The essence of the
method is that the search for zones is carried out using so-called “frames”, which mean

metal wires at right angles, best of all - knitting needles with a diameter of 2 mm and a
length of 40 cm with one end pointed. 1/3 of the length of the knitting needle is bent at
right angles to the rest. The short part with a pointed end is inserted into the body of a
conventional fountain pen instead of
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 19

The eve of the technological revolution of the
core. The long end should be blunted for safety reasons. The frame is ready (Fig. 2).

The operator takes a frame in each hand, tilts them slightly forward
so that they are parallel to each other (Fig. 1a, b), and walks around
the site or room.
The operator's sensitivity can be checked by holding the frames
up to the wall. Approximately 30–40 cm from the wall, the frames will
begin to diverge (Fig. 1c).
Above the geopathogenic zone, the frames themselves will intersect without any
whatever the operator’s wishes (Fig. 1d).
When leaving the zone, the frames become parallel again.

Detection of geopathogenic zones by the operator using wire frames

In accordance with ether-dynamic concepts, in the geopathogenic

zone, a screw stream of ether emerges from the body of the earth,
which produces all the negative effects described above on humans.
It is impossible to eliminate the source of such a flow, since it is
located deep in the body of the Earth, but it can be neutralized by
dispersal. To do this, you can use a randomly twisted coil of wire.
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20 Lecture 17.

Passing an ethereal stream through a skein will lead to the fact that the entire stream
will be broken into small vortices, which, scattering in all directions, will destruct the entire
stream, and the zone as such,
will disappear. If this coil of neutralizer is removed, then the zone
foam will be restored.

The disadvantage of the method is that it is subjective, and not every person can be
a dowsing operator; for this, he must have his own strong biofield, and not everyone has
this. Therefore, it is necessary to find an instrumental method for detecting and assessing
the power of a geopathogenic zone, independent of the operator’s abilities. This method
has been found and tested; it is a method based on the ability of radiation from a
geopathogenic zone to deflect a laser beam from a neutral position.

Scheme for measuring the speed of the ethereal wind using a laser beam: 1
– laser; 2 – detector; 3 – photoresistors; 4 – frosted glass; 5 – opaque partition; 6 – signal amplifier for
vertical beam deflection; 7 – signal amplifier for horizontal beam deflection.

The laser method for determining ethereal flows was tested in laboratory conditions
during studies of ethereal wind. The method is based on the fact that the laser beam
bends under the influence of the pressure of the ethereal flow on it, just as a cantilevered
beam bends under the influence of wind load. Laser beam end deflection is proportional
to density
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 21

The eve of the technological
revolution of the ethereal flow and the square of the flow speed and the
square of the length of the laser beam. This deviation is recorded by two
pairs of photodiodes or photoresistors, respectively included in two bridge
electronic circuits. One pair of photodiodes (photoresistors) is located
horizontally and records the beam deflection in the horizontal plane, the
second pair is located vertically and records the beam deflection in the
vertical plane.
To increase the sensitivity of the device by increasing the length of the laser beam,
reflection of the beam from mirrors with surface reflection can be used. The method can
be recommended for measuring the direction and
speed of aether flows and their changes in mines, on the surface of the earth, on
water and under water, in the air and in space, both on fixed bases and on moving objects
for various purposes. This device records the displacement of the ether in two directions -
horizontal and vertical, therefore, to determine the direction and speed of the ether flows,
two devices are required,
located in the horizontal plane perpendicular to each other. Recording of readings
of deviations of the laser beam from the neutral position can occur continuously and be
processed continuously, if necessary.

Since helical ethereal flows, unlike laminar ones, have increased penetrating ability,
and the thickness of a submarine’s hull of 10 cm is not an obstacle for them. These flows
have the ability to ionize the air, which can cause a fire, so recording such radiation
becomes especially necessary.

Ethereal dynamics allows us to consider some other types of radiation.

Today we know only one type of electromagnetic radiation, these are electromagnetic
waves, in which the direction of propagation and the vector of electric and magnetic field
strengths are mutually perpendicular. But I discovered, purely theoretically, that there
should be another type of radiation in which the vector of electrical intensity coincides
with the vector of energy propagation. I was hoping that such radiation would come
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22 Lecture 17.

into sea water and will solve the problem of underwater communications. This
was sometime in the early 60s.
Almost simultaneously and completely independently, a similar thought
came to a certain Minto, an officer in the US Navy. By this time, President
Kennedy had been impeached in the United States, and Vice President
Johnson took his place. By a special decree of President Johnson,
publications on hydronic and plasmonic waves, which Minto was doing,
were prohibited, and Minto disappeared from the horizon. The fate of further
development of this direction is not for us

What happened here? Our sailors found me, and I made 11 reports to
the top leadership of the Navy in this area, and I was even allowed to
continue my experiments in Sevastopol on the 6th berth. But there are no
quick results, and I didn’t have them either. Then the Commander-in-Chief of
our Navy, Admiral Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov, sent a request to the USSR
Academy of Sciences. At the Academy of Sciences, this request came to the
famous academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Igor Evgenievich
Tamm, who wrote that since such radiation contradicts Maxwell’s equations,
and this is indeed the case, then nothing like this can happen, all this is bluff
and disinformation. And all work, and besides me, 6 other large institutes
urgently took up this work, were stopped. I continued this work, and 20 years
later I presented the positive results to a specially created Air Force
commission (for the Be-200 aircraft).

Admiral Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Sergei Georgievich Igor Evgenievich

Gorshkov There M
1910-1988 1985-1971
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 23

The eve of the technological revolution
Then we received longitudinal radiation at a frequency of 1 MHz in sea water with a
very narrow radiation pattern, at distances of tens of kilometers with many unfinished

Propagation of an electric field by a dipole with lumped parameters in a

thin layer of a semiconducting medium. Main tension
electric field is obtained along the axis of the dipole, and not across it, as
this follows from Maxwell's equations. Most elongated diagram
turns out to be the case if the distance between the emitter electrodes
will be half a wave in a semiconducting medium.

The longitudinal radiation did not go into depth, then we did not understand why, but
now we understand it. And although we did not achieve everything we wanted, we
theoretically substantiated and practically
confirmed under natural conditions the existence of longitudinal electric waves.

But this does not mean that there is nothing else at all. We just need to do this,
because Maxwell’s equations, with all due respect to them, are not at all the limit of
theoretical and applied thought.

There are also quasi-static fields of spreading currents, which practically no one works
on, and their difference is precisely
such that they can be used in a wide frequency range to almost any depth, albeit at
relatively low frequencies of hundreds of Hertz.

It can be assumed that there may also exist a photon-like field, a longitudinal
magnetic field, something like a pathogenic field, and a number of others. Therefore,
there is an immense field of activity ahead that can and should be done, and things will
go well
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24 Lecture 17.

It will be more successful if ideas of etheric dynamics are involved in this.

Quasi-static radiation of current by a dipole with lumped parameters: a – without an insulating

partition; b – with an insulating partition between the dipole electrodes; in this case, the power is redistributed
far away
lower zone

What's interesting here is how light behaves. Light is considered electromagnetic

radiation. If this is so, then due to the fact that light has a frequency of the order of 1014
Hz, its attenuation should occur in the water of the Black Sea at a depth of 104 times less
than the 1 MHz at which we worked. But in our case, the signal completely faded at a
depth of 3 meters. This means that the light should completely extinguish at a depth of 0.3
mm. And it fades at a depth of 150-200 meters. What's the matter? But the fact is that a
photon has a different structure than a radio wave. Light is not a radio wave at all, although
it travels at the same speed.

And there are a lot of such questions.

I had an engineer friend named Sergel, I was at his house in Leningrad. He claimed
that a certain alien civilization was in contact with him, which regularly dictated various
information to him. At one time, Sergel was in a hospital in Baku and was irradiated along
with many other people. But you can disconnect from the channel, and almost everyone
disconnected, scared, but he became interested, and he did not disconnect. And then the
transfers of various information began. He writes down what is given to him and puts it
under the bed. There are many of these notes, and he himself could not come up with them.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 25

The eve of the technological revolution I
had his article about how the communication channel works. At that time there was no
aether dynamics yet, but today I can say that the channel was drawn quite competently.
This is a long vortex tube, in the inner cavity of which a disturbance of the ether of the type
of first sound is transmitted, corresponding to the speed of propagation of gravity, i.e. 15
orders of magnitude higher than the speed of light. At the transmitting end there is a kind of
lamp, at the receiving end there is a human brain. From the standpoint of etherodynamics,
it is quite plausible. Sergel’s appeals to scientific institutions led to nothing; all these
records most likely disappeared.

In principle, we can recall that the mass density of a vacuum is its dielectric constant.
And there are already experiments on changing the dielectric constant of insulation in
capacitors if a covalent reaction is carried out nearby. Therefore, everything is at least
plausible, since all the prerequisites for such a connection exist. This connection will
transmit the signal instantly, but building this channel itself will take a long time.

I have already said before that from simple relationships it follows that any process
in time must correspond to a process in space. There must be not only temporal radio
communication, but also spatial one, not only temporal resonances, but also spatial ones.
And, given that the auras of all objects exist at any point in space, there is a definite future
for this method of finding objects. I want to say a few words about alchemists. Contrary to
popular belief, alchemists were doing exactly what they trumpeted - they actually made
gold, albeit with the help of the philosopher's stone, which was a
catalyst. These are lost technologies that need to be restored.

Thus, we have many opportunities to create new technologies. Will they come to
life? They will go if elementary order is established on our planet like this

so-called production relations, if people stop fighting for money, each for himself, and set
as their goal the general well-being.

What questions do you have?

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26 Lecture 17.

Question. Is it possible to overcome the speed of sound on air?

Answer. The speed of the second sound, i.e. the speed of light can certainly be
overcome, and we need to work on it. But the speed of first sound, which is 15 orders of
magnitude higher than the speed of light, is unlikely; there are no technical means available
for this, at least for now.

Question. How do you feel about Newton's laws of mechanics and the relativistic laws
of mechanics?
Answer. I take it very simply. Newton's laws of mechanics are all correct, they have
been confirmed many times and there is no need to touch them, they must continue to be
used in the future. But all relativistic laws must be thrown out, they are a complete lie, they
are not confirmed by anything. They must be thrown out entirely along with the so-called
theory of relativity. So my attitude is simple and clear to both.

Question. What is your opinion about the theory of relativity based on?
Answer. In one of my books, I analyzed the theory of relativity in a way that no one
else has done. I analyzed her logic, and it turned out that it was closed in on itself and
contradictory within. The special theory of relativity categorically rejects the ether, because
if there is an ether, its postulates cannot exist, and the General Theory of Relativity
categorically affirms the ether, because it cannot exist if there is no ether. How to understand
all this? I analyzed all the main experiments on the theory of relativity and saw in them
either direct manipulation, or targeted processing, or direct errors, or wishful thinking and
simply appropriating the same results obtained in ordinary physics. Einstein's theory of
relativity is a reactionary and false theory that stands in the way of the development of
natural science, and its place is in the trash. This is not a scientific problem at all, it is a
social problem, a feeding trough problem that relativists have set up for themselves all
over the world at our expense. The theory of relativity has nothing to do with science.

no relation.
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About some applied possibilities of etherodynamics. 27

The eve of the technological revolution
And for those who doubt, I recommend conducting such an analysis

Question. Can a proton and a photon break the speed of light?

Answer. Can not. How the smoke ring accelerates, because it cannot stand still. The
smoke toroid has a large outer surface and relatively small mass. It always flies in the
direction of the jet emerging from its center and is pushed away from the air by its outer
surface, like a paddle steamer. So is the photon and proton. But the photon has a large
outer surface, its diameter is about 10–6 meters, and its mass is small, on the order of
electronic. But a proton has a diameter of 10–15 meters and a mass 2000 times greater.
The ratio of mass to surface area of a proton is 1021 greater than that of a photon. A
photon accelerates in 4-5 wavelengths to the full speed of light, and a proton takes tens of
billions of years. But it accelerates. But the speed of light is a big obstacle for him, just as
the speed of sound was an obstacle for us. We were forced to change the principle of
acceleration by introducing jet thrust. Neither the proton nor the photon have such a
possibility, so they cannot overcome the speed of light, but not at all because the speed of
light is generally a limiting value. This structure simply does not have the technical
capabilities for this.

And if we use reactive methods in devices, then we will rely on the speed of amers,
and it is 15 orders of magnitude higher than the speed of light. Here such opportunities
appear, although their implementation will not be easy. But this speed is not the maximum,
there will simply be technical difficulties, but this is completely different.

no matter.

Well, see you in two weeks!

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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 1



March 27, 2010


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2 Lecture 19.

More than 50 years have passed since the first attempts to form the etherodynamic
foundations of natural science. During this time, a materialistic methodology of
etherodynamics was created, which completely excluded the postulate and axiomatic
approaches rooted in modern theoretical physics, and continued the traditions of the
kinetic theory of matter, laid down in physics by the Austrian professor Ludwig Boltzmann
and continued in Russia by a professor at Moscow State University A.K. Timiryazev and
academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, professor of the Leningrad Polytechnic
Institute V.F. Mitkevich. On the basis of this methodology, the materialistic approach to
the study of the structures of material formations, fundamental interactions and basic
physical phenomena has been restored, some
physical laws have been clarified and proposals have been developed for the creation
of new technologies.

Ethereal dynamics fundamentally rejected the postulate and axiomatic methods

rooted in modern theoretical physics, and does not contain any postulates, axioms, or
“principles” that abound in modern theoretical physics, and also does not contain
inventions. All its constructions are

the result of a logical analysis of the experience of natural science accumulated over
hundreds of years. This concerns both its initial provisions related to the definition of
universal physical invariants, and the historical aspect arising from the analysis of past
physical revolutions and the identification of general patterns of phenomena of the macro-
and microworld. Taken together, this turned out to be sufficient to formulate the basic
provisions of ether dynamics; everything else obtained by it is a simple logical consequence
of these initial provisions.

Over the past time, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out, as
a result of which new ideas have been obtained about the physical essence of certain
There is no doubt that the work done is just an attempt to return physics to the
materialistic path of development. Further development of physics in this direction, and
with it the whole of natural science, will inevitably lead to another, sixth in a row since the
formation of physics, physical revolution, which will be followed by another technological
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 3

on the basis of which many problems that today are considered crises will be solved. It
can be assumed that, in
accordance with the economic laws of social development, the technological revolution,
in turn, will lead to a social revolution that rejects market relations in social production.

Since the etherodynamic direction of physics has existed for several decades, there
was a desire to sum up the first results and determine the further development of
etherodynamics and the consequences arising from it.

A materialistic methodology of etherodynamics has

been developed

General physical invariants

Invariant categories, i.e. physical quantities that significantly determine the basic
principles of the theory must take place or at least be implied in any theory and any
experiment. For physical theory, inventing invariants is unacceptable, because can lead
to a discrepancy between the theory of all physical reality, which is what happened with
A. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

The materialistic approach to the definition of invariant categories requires their

isolation from all physical quantities based on their presence in all material structures,
fundamental interactions and physical phenomena without exception. According to this
criterion, universal physical invariants

we are:
– matter (everything in the real world consists of matter);

– space (all material structures, interactions

actions and phenomena are located in space);
– time (all processes and phenomena occur in time
and their totality is movement
“There is nothing in the world except moving matter”
F. Engels “Dialectics of Nature”.
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4 Lecture 19.




Presence in all structures and phenomena

Saving during conversions
Infinite divisibility


1) Indestructibility and non-creation of matter, space, time and movement;

2) Euclidean space;
3) Uniformity of the passage of time;
4) Infinite divisibility of matter, space, time and
5) The presence of matter and movement in any, even the
smallest volume of space;
6) Continuity of material spatial structures (including field ones) and processes in
time (the end of some processes gives rise to other processes);

7) Hierarchical organization of matter in space and pro-

ces in time;
8) Identity of physical laws at all levels of organization of matter;
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 5

9) The sameness of physical laws at all points in space and at any period of time;

10) Reduction of all processes (including all so-called fundamental interactions) to

mechanics - the movement of masses of matter in space;

11) Infinity and limitlessness of the Universe in space

quality and in time;
12) Constant (on average) view of the Universe at all times.


1. The laws of the macro and microworld are the same

2. Internal mechanisms exist at any level
organization of matter

1. Involvement in consideration of the deep level of organization of matter

2. Using analogies between the phenomena of the macro and microworld

3. Analysis of the properties of the microcosm - determination of the main properties
new element

4. Analysis of the properties of the macrocosm - determination of the properties of the totality

Analysis of macro- and microworld phenomena

“If energy leaves one body and does not reach the second, it means
cheat, it is in the intermediate material environment" J.C. Maxwell

The concept of short-range action: the interaction of bodies is carried out

occurs through the material intermediate medium – ether.
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6 Lecture 19.

Qualitative determination of the basic properties of ether

Properties of the real world Properties of the ether

Invariants of all physical Invariants of the ether - matter,
phenomena - matter, space, space, time, movement
time, motion Isotropy
of the characteristics of matter and fields in Natural filling of space with ether without
space voids and dislocations

Low resistance to movement Low density and viscosity


High speeds of propagation of interactions Greater elasticity

Mutual transformation of all mental Possibility of formation of various
particles of matter The condition for structures
mutual transformations of stable “elementary Ether elements must provide
particles” is mutual collisions consider the possibility of mutual

collisions while preserving the mechanical

with preservation of mechanical parameters nic parameters of movement –
parameters of movement - energy and energy and momentum
Keeping matter within stable “elementary The presence of forms of motion that
cha- retain ether in the composition of material
stits" substances formations
Difference in specific densities of Compressibility of ether over a wide range
“elementary particles” of matter

Conclusion: ether is a material medium with the properties of the real

viscous and compressible gas
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 7


Depth of penetration New area Energy Socio-economic into matter

Sciences formation

Nature as a whole Muscular strength slaveholding
(Thales, 6th century BC) humans and animals

Earth Water Air Fire philosophy firmament liquid gas energy Same slaveholding
(Aristotle, 4th century BC)

Substance pharmacology Water and wind energy feudal

(Paracelsus, 16th century)

Molecule chemistry Fossils capitalist

(Lomonosov, Lavoisier, 18th century) energy resources 1st phase

The electromagnetism Same capitalist

Atom (Dalton, 1824) 2nd phase

Elementary particles atomic physics, plasma atomic Same,

physics and energy and solid state socialist
(Rutherford, 1911) semiconductors

Ether etherodynamics ether communist

(21st century) energy

The crisis in physics arises as a result of the exhaustion of knowledge about the
organization of matter. New experimental data cannot be explained on the basis of existing
theories. Resolving the crisis and creating new technologies is only possible along the
path of further deepening into the structure of matter. Today this is a transition from
elementary particles of matter to ether.

Since the ether turned out to be a real gas, and the laws of the macro and microcosm
are the same, all the experience and mathematical apparatus of ordinary gas mechanics
were completely legitimately used to calculate the parameters of the ether in near-earth
space and its molecules - amer.
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8 Lecture 19.

Parameters of the ether in near-Earth space

Parameter Magnitude Unit

Broadcast in general

Density ÿ uh = 8.85·10–12 kg m–3

Pressure P > 1.3 1036 w Nm–2
Specific energy content > 1.3 1036 J m–3

Temperature T < 10–44 TO

Velocity of the first sound V1 > 4.3 1023 m s–1

Velocity of the second sound v2 = c = 3 108 a m s–1
Temperature-diffusivity coefficient ÿ 4 109 m2 s–1

Thermal transfer coefficient kt ÿ 1.2·1089 kg m s–3 K–1

water content
Kinematic elm- ÿ ÿ 4·109 m2 ·With

Dynamic viscosity Adiabatic ÿÿ 3.5·10–2 1 - kg.m–1 s–1

exponent Heat capacity at 1.4 cP -

> 1.4·1091 m2 s–2 K –1

constant pressure
Heat capacity at cV > 1091 m2 s–2 K –1
constant volume

Amer (ether element)

Mass ma < 1.5 10–114 kg

Diameter da < 4.6 10–45 m

Quantity per unit volume na > 5.8 10102 m–3

Average free path ÿÿ < 7.4·10–15 m

Average speed of heat ua ÿ 5.4·1023 m s–1

first movement
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 9

Theoretical developments

The main forms of ether movement are determined:

– diffusion – mass transfer, momentum transfer, energy transfer;

– translational – laminar movement (wind), 1st sound;

– rotational – open, closed (toroidal)
– A hypothesis of the circulation of the ether within the spiral Galaxy
has been developed;
– Three components of the ethereal wind in near-Earth space have
been determined - generated by the Earth, generated by the Sun and

Experiments on the ethereal wind have been carried out

– the main articles on the research of the ethereal wind by Michelson,

Morley, Miller, Kennedy, Illingworth, Picard, Stael, Townes, Cedarholm
were found, first translated into Russian and published in the collection
“Ethereal Wind”; – Three new 1st order methods for
determining the ethereal wind have been developed - V.A.
Atsyukovsky (NII JSC) for deflecting a laser beam as a cantilever beam;
Yu.M. Galaeva (Kharkov Research Institute of Radiophysics and
Electronics) on radio beam splitting and ether viscosity;

– Yu.M. Galaev conducted extensive statistically significant studies

of the ethereal wind at the latitude of Kharkov, confirming the results of
D.K. Miller in 1925.
Theoretical provisions
– the energy of the formation of gas vortices as an anti-entropy
process has been determined;
– vortex models of proton, neutron, electron, alpha particle were
– alpha particle models of atomic nuclei were developed;
– vortex models of atoms were developed.
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10 Lecture 19.

– the physical essence of fundamental interactions has been determined – strong and
weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravitational;

– the unified essence of strong and electromagnetic interactions is shown;

– the physical essence of chemical interactions is shown

ionic, covalent and metallic;
– the origin of free electrons in the metal is determined
and Fermi surface structure:
– the fundamental possibility of transmutation of elements is shown and a hypothesis
is put forward about the origin of oil and coal.

– the physical essence of intermolecular interactions and aura has been determined.

– an assumption has been made about the possibility of refining the theory of
heterogeneous catalysis, developed by Moscow State University professor A.A. Balandin,
based on taking into account not only the shapes of molecules, which is already taken into
account by his theory, but also the vector properties of their surfaces.

– experiments were carried out on the production of leptonic foam by chemical means,
– experiments were
carried out on increasing the capacitance of a capacitor near a covalent reaction and
on the loss of sensitivity of photographic paper under the same conditions.

Theoretical provisions
– the physical essence of the electric charge and the structure of the electric and
magnetic fields are determined; – the essence of electric current
as movement has been clarified
electrons and rotation of their spins;
– the equations of electrodynamics have been refined taking into account the delay
research on the propagation of electric and magnetic fields;
– the SI ISS system was converted into the SI ISS system, which made it possible to
determine the physical meaning of all electrical
tromagnetic quantities.
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics eleven

– experiments were carried out and the Law of total current on
the basis of the compressibility of the magnetic field in vacuum;
– experiments on the compressibility of electric current were carried out;

– experiments were carried out and ideas about the interaction of the primary and
secondary windings of a transformer and the dependence of the transformation ratio on the
relative position of the windings were clarified;

– the conditions for coordinating communication equipment with sea water were determined,
full-scale experiments on the longitudinal propagation of high-frequency electrical oscillations in
sea water were carried out and presented to the commission;

– the conditions for the propagation of low-frequency spreading currents in sea water were
determined and full-scale experiments were carried out to exclude the near zone in order to
increase the transmission range
transmitting signals.

Cosmology and cosmogony

Theoretical provisions
– Models of the main types of galaxies and their etherodynamic classification have been
– The main features of the Solar system are explained –

the prevalence of the moment of quantity of orbital rotation of planets over the moment of
quantity of the Sun, the location of the orbits of planets near the ecliptic plane, direct rotation of
planets and satellites, the Titius-Bode pattern of orbit distribution, features of the behavior of

– a hypothesis has been proposed for the structures of comets and their origin through the
ejection of ether and matter from sunspots and from the bodies of planets;

– the reasons for the geoid shape of the Earth, its expansion and some features of the
structure of its surface are determined;
– a hypothesis of the origin and structure of geopathogens has been proposed
ny zones.
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12 Lecture 19.

– a prototype for detecting geopathogenic zones for premises, roads and the Earth’s
surface has been developed and tested, the design of an industrial design of POGIZ has
– a passive neutralizer of geopathogenic zones for apartments and office premises
has been developed and tested, a neutralizer has been prepared for roads"

– a prototype of a torsion balance was created and it was determined

the influence of artificial geopathogenic zones on the attraction of metal objects to the
earth's surface.

Ethereal dynamic energy

Theoretical provisions
– the specific energy of ether was determined and the fundamental possibility of
obtaining energy from ether using the type of heat pumps was shown;

– the structure and energy of ball lightning have been determined and
the conditions for its occurrence as an ether-dynamic toroid have been determined;

– a schematic diagram of the layout of the “Electric Generator” was developed
tric energy”, received patent No. 2261521 dated May 12, 2003;
– a one-time experiment was carried out with spontaneous combustion of the
secondary winding of a transformer, confirming the fundamental possibility of obtaining
energy from the ether.

Thus, despite its youth, etherodynamics today can already demonstrate certain
achievements in the field of recreating the materialistic methodology of physics and, on its
basis, certain achievements in the field of theoretical and experimental research in various
physical directions. Ethereal dynamics has also proposed promising technologies, some
of which have been tested in practice. It should be noted that these are just the first steps
of a new materialist direction in the development of physics.

The main task of etherodynamics is to return physics to the materialistic

path of development.
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 13

XII symposium “Restructuring of natural science in the 3rd
Russia, Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, April 20-22, 2001

1. The symposium noted that at present natural science and its main branch of
knowledge - physics - are in a state of crisis. Signs of the crisis are the absence of new
fundamental discoveries in natural science that shape the worldview, stagnation in the
field of structure formation of matter, fields, a real understanding of the mechanisms of
interactions and a materialistic description of the laws of nature.

2. The symposium notes that the methodology of modern fundamental science and
its main direction - theoretical physics - needs a synthesis of knowledge at a new level.

3. The Symposium notes that modern mathematical models of the Universe often
inadequately characterize the experimental results of mapping the micro and macro world,

and this leads to a significant gap between theoretical and applied developments and the
isolation of theory from the utilitarian problems of natural science.

4. The Symposium notes that at present many important problems have been
identified, on the solution of which the fate of humanity largely depends. These are
environmental and energy problems, problems of waste-free and raw materials-free
technologies, problems of healthcare and food supply for the population, problems of
human improvement. The solution to these problems is possible only by understanding
the internal mechanisms of processes, which requires a restructuring of the methodology
of Science, Education, Culture, Social Science, and Human Studies.

5. The Symposium notes that the Laws that determine the development of Science
are adequate to the Laws of the development of Nature, Society and Man, and therefore
is concerned about the actions of rejection of theories and developments that contradict
the policies of official scientific bodies
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14 Lecture 19.

countries, using the example of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which established a
monopoly on relativism and completely removed alternative theories from scientific
circulation, both traditional ones from the field of etherodynamics and
new directions based on rhythmodynamics, eniology and others, which is confirmed by the
presence of regulations of the Russian Academy of Sciences that are not advertised to
the scientific community.

6. The Symposium notes that the degradation of elementary natural scientific

Knowledge in society has become dangerous for Man, Humanity and Nature, which is
explained by the destructive state system of Upbringing and Education in Secondary and
Higher schools.

7. The Symposium notes that new proactive research and development of many
natural scientists, scientists, engineers and specialists in various fields of knowledge make
it possible to determine the strategy for the development of society based on information
technologies and methodologies in the education and formation of Man, on the basis of
discoveries and high technology in the field of energy, transport, communications,
rhythmodynamics of Nature, natural biorhythmodynamics and psychogenetics of health,
biosystem forecasting, creation of local and global safety systems and other areas that
overcome catastrophic scenarios of degradation of technogenic earth civilization.

The participants of the symposium consider it relevant:

1. Restoration of materialist positions in natural science and physics, which is the

basis of natural science, introduction of educational courses on materialism in high school.

2. Conducting modern research and experimental work in the field of determining the
fundamental constants and patterns of a century ago, including on the air, based on the
latest instruments, measuring equipment and high-precision equipment.
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Theoretical and applied results of etherodynamics 15

3. Transferring the teaching of natural sciences in educational institutions to an

appropriate methodological foundation, bearing in mind the formation in the younger
generation of a holistic Worldview, a holistic picture of the structure of Nature.

4. Introduction in official science of more democratic norms of scientific exchange at

the national and international levels, leaving behind silence and bans on publications in
the past, to open discussion of experimental and theoretical works containing results that
are not consistent with official scientific paradigms.

5. Attracting the attention of the national Academies of Sciences and Parliaments to

the revision of outdated state laws on the monopolization of scientific truths, such as the
Theory of Relativity, on the blocking of new knowledge, on the pseudoscientific definition
of sciences and scientists who are at the unknown and most difficult stages of knowledge
of Nature, on the elimination of commissions at any level , who have appropriated to
themselves the competence of rendering verdicts on the scientific and pseudoscientific
nature of searches and research in the field of natural science.

The participants of the symposium call on Russian scientists and the

international scientific community to respond to this Decision and put forward
counter-proposals and solutions to problems on current issues of natural science.

Accepted by the participants of the XII Symposium “Restructuring Natural

Sciences in the Third Millennium.” Moscow, Russia, April 22, 2001
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Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky -

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the State University of Management,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of
Cosmonautics named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, honorary academician of the
Russian Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences, academician of the International
Academies of Energy Information Sciences and Bioenergy Technologies.

V.A. Atsyukovsky has written more than 50 books and brochures, including
8 monographs, as well as a number of scientific and popular articles in the field
of avionics, applied philosophy, theoretical natural science and system sociology.

V.A. Atsyukovsky created ether dynamics - a new direction in theoretical

physics associated with the restoration of ideas about the world environment -
gas-like ether, on which he worked for more than 50 years.

The subject of special attention of V.A. Atsyukovsky is also the development

of Marxist-Leninist theory in relation to the modern state of society.

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