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2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

Pune, India. Apr 7-9, 2023

Quantum-Enhanced Support Vector Classifier for

Image Classification
Roopa Golchha Gyanendra K Verma
2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 979-8-3503-3401-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/I2CT57861.2023.10126421

Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology

National Institute of Technology Raipur National Institute of Technology Raipur
Raipur, India Raipur, India

Abstract—Machine learning plays an essential role in many processing, such as quantum state categorization. From the
fields, most commonly as a problem of approximation to de- perspective of quantum computing, QML techniques are used
termine the optimal value of an unknown function. In recent to analyze quantum data by applying ML algorithms. Also,
years, quantum-enhanced approaches have been widely studied
to address machine learning issues. The quantum-enhanced utilizing ML algorithms written in the quantum programming
approaches offer better classification results than some classical language to analyze classical data is known as quantum-
models. In this paper, we have proposed a Quantum Support enhanced ML [3-4]. In ML, classification involves predicting
Vector Classifier-based model for the binary classification of grey- classes into which data instances will fall. In quantum clas-
scale images. We have applied a pre-processing model, including sification, a finite number of copies of a particular quantum
feature selection and state preparation, to improve the Quantum
Support Vector Classifier method’s prediction rate to overcome state indicate the class to which the copies belong. It uses the
the drawback of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum systems. We concept of quantum entanglement to enhance the accuracy and
have evaluated the performance of the proposed model using speed up the classification process [5-6]. QML algorithms are
the publicly available Extended Cohn-Kanade, Gun, Knife, and less fault tolerant and the area of QML is both fascinating
FER2013 datasets. As a result, the accuracy of our proposed and practical because it could address problems involving
approach for binary classification of images is 95%, 83%, 87%,
and 83% for the classical Support Vector Machine, meanwhile computation and time complexities, and model security.
proposed Quantum Support Vector Classifier model obtained This paper aims to consider the practical applications of the
accuracy scores of 98%, 98%, 93%, and 92% on the Extended Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) for the classifica-
Cohn-Kanade, Gun, Knife, and FER2013 datasets, respectively. tion of different datasets using a pre-trained Quantum Support
Index Terms—Machine Learning, Quantum Computing,
Vector Classifier (QSVC) model from Qiskit. We have also
Quantum-enhanced Machine Learning, Quantum Support Vector
Classifier, Support Vector Machine, Variational Quantum Clas- studied the analytical performance of the Variational Quantum
sifier Classifier (VQC) with various feature mapping techniques.
For the proposed model using QSVM, we have employed
I. I NTRODUCTION regularisation to smoothen the hyperplane classifiers to bridge
the gap between decision boundaries that appear classical
In the 1980s, Feynman proposed the use of quantum com- and those driven by the complex quantum state. This enables
puters to simulate quantum systems beyond the capabilities of QSVC to perform better than traditional Support Vector Ma-
classical computers [1]. In subsequent years, many quantum chines (SVM) despite the complex nature of the datasets. As
algorithms have been presented, such as the Deutsch-Jozsa a result, QSVC’s classification performance is good across
algorithm, Simon’s Algorithm, and many others. Theoretically, various datasets and, in some cases, even better.
these algorithms promise to be significantly faster than the The key contributions of this paper are:
conventional approaches [2]. During the past decade, quantum
computing has demonstrated its potential in both practical 1) In consideration of the potential of QML, binary classifi-
and theoretical ways, attracting widespread attention from cation of images of the FER2013, Gun, Knife, and CK+
the scientific community worldwide and inspiring researchers datasets are presented.
to explore possible quantum computing applications in their 2) We aim to examine and compare the performance of
fields. classical and quantum SVM classification methods with
Machine Learning (ML) thrives on identifying patterns in four different datasets.
data to accomplish goals. ML algorithms learn on a training 3) We have presented a Deep Learning (DL) approach for
dataset that contains empirically or expert-obtained observa- feature extraction to enhance the performance of quantum
tions about objects. Various applications of ML include spam classification approach.
detection, self-driving cars, image and speech recognition, and 4) We have analyzed the performance of the QSVC model
product recommendation systems. Quantum Machine Learn- for the binary classification of images.
ing (QML) provides novel avenues for quantum information This paper is divided into six sections. Section II discusses

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some of the previous works in the QML domain. Section (clustering), dimensionality reduction, or explicitly learning
III covers the overview of classical SVM, QSVM, and VQC. a probability function (also known as a density function) that
The proposed methodology is described in Section IV, and the captures the accurate data distribution (density estimation) [7].
experimental results and findings are discussed in Section V.
A. Learning with a Classical Dataset
The paper is concluded in Section VI.
In classical ML, the learning machine is presumed to be a
II. R ELATED W ORKS classical computer, and the observations are implicitly believed
This section discusses a brief overview of the applications of to be classical. For instance, a training dataset with n data
QML approaches in several ML fields. A QSVM that operates points in supervised learning might be expressed as Dn =
on samples and features with a logarithmic level of complexity {(x1 , y1 ),(x2 , y2 ),−−,(xn , yn )} where xj would be a vector of
was introduced in the research article [7]. The QSVM for observations on the characteristics of the j th object (or data
huge data offers exponential speedups in the feature space point) and yj is the corresponding class of that object. The
dimensions and the number of samples compared to a tradi- key distinction between supervised and unsupervised learning
tional SVM. The suggested research [8] aims to investigate a is the absence of information around the yj values in the latter
method for calculating emotional intensities in runtime that is [8].
motivated by quantum mechanics. The Amsterdam Dynamic B. Learning with a Quantum Dataset
Facial Expression Set dataset was used to characterize states
In quantum context, ML algorithms require a training
and quantify emotion intensities provided by individuals.
dataset. However, now the dataset includes quantum states
A multimodal fusion model that characterizes various quan-
instead of conventional observations, and the machine is also a
tum measurement processes in identifying a speaker’s emo-
quantum computer [9]. A training dataset with n pure quantum
tions in conversation and picking them up using a quantum-
states can be expressed as:
like neural network is presented in [9]. In article [10], a frame-
Dn ={(|ϕ1 , y1 ),(|ϕ2 , y2 ),−−,(|ϕn , yn )}, where |ϕi  is
work for Quantum-inspired Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
the ith quantum state of the training dataset and yi is the
is presented that consists of a multimodal decision fusion
class associated with this state, where the states are quantum,
strategy inspired by quantum interference and a quantum-
but the classes remain classical.
inspired multimodal representation model. In the quantum-
The task of binary classification consists in predicting the
inspired framework [11], the word interaction within a single
class y{-1,1} of an unknown quantum state |ϕ, given a single
modality and the interaction across modalities are formulated
copy of this state. For classification, several measurement
with superposition and entanglement, respectively, at different
strategies exist in the quantum context, such as maximizing
stages. A QML-based strategy was suggested by [12] as a po-
the probability of predicting the class of an unknown quantum
tential answer to the challenge of facial expression recognition.
state or minimizing the probability of making a wrong guess
This method heavily utilizes quantum interference to define
an effective classifier for a given dataset. A novel general-
purpose classifier built on quantum probability theory applied C. SVM as a Classifier
to emotion recognition is presented in [13]. This classifier SVM is a supervised ML classification algorithm. The task
performs well in terms of classification accuracy. of the SVM is to classify a vector into one of two classes
Willsch et al. [14] aims to typeset the semantic relationships for the binary classification. Given M training data points of
between pairs of keywords in various writings using the the form {(xi , yi ) : xi Rn , yi = ± 1} depending on the
concepts of quantum geometry and correlation. It explicitly class to which xi belongs, i.e. for yi =-1 or 1. The SVM
examines talks with specific terms categorized as hate or non- identifies a maximum margin hyperplane with a normal vector
hate remarks. To clarify the idea of similar meaning, the study w
 that splits the data points for the classification. Based on
contrasts this method with the traditional methodology known the data point, the algorithm tries to predict the category to
as cosine similarity. The article [15] used a QA-SVM quantum which datapoint belongs. Classical SVM works well for binary
annealer to implement SVM. It uses a single-shot training classification for low-dimension datasets. Classical SVM will
method based on the QUBO equation to train and optimize not work effectively for the multiclass dataset. This issue can
SVM. be overcome by leveraging the properties of QML, such as
III. M ACHINE L EARNING WITH Q UANTUM C OMPUTING entanglement and superposition [12].

Machine Learning is classified into two types: Supervised D. Quantum enhanced SVM: Kernel Method
ML and Unsupervised ML. Predicting an object’s class (clas- In the growing science of QML, which studies how quantum
sification) or some unobserved attribute (regression) based on computers may learn from data, quantum-enhanced SVM
several observations are typical task in supervised ML. It is the resemblance is particularly noticeable and useful. If the data
process of identifying patterns in a labeled dataset to classify is classical, QML algorithms must transform that information
the new data point. into the physical states of quantum systems. This method
In unsupervised ML, the objective is to uncover a hid- corresponds to a feature map that encodes information into
den structure in the data, such as finding natural clusters quantum states [13].

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The core idea in quantum computing and kernel methods is hyperplane to linearly separate the embedded data. The various
very similar. Both rely on mathematical frameworks that map stages of a VQC are shown in figure 3. The feature map circuit
and analyze data in high-dimensional spaces [14]. In kernel Uφ(x) that implements the data xR first maps them to a pure
methods, kernels are used to allow access to the feature space quantum state |φ(x). The quantum state is then subjected to
while in quantum computing, measurements are used (that can a short-depth quantum circuit W (θ) made up of θ parameters
alternatively be expressed by the inner products of quantum that will be discovered from the training set. Finding the circuit
states) to provide access to the Hilbert space of quantum states. W (θ) is analogous to finding the separating hyperplane as in
Data-dependent models compare training points with the the SVM, with the promise of quantum advantage arising from
new input by defining a kernel for the input space X. It is the difficulties for classical techniques to construct the feature
considered that similar inputs will produce similar results. map φ(x).
Since the model has specific trainable parameters, one can The final quantum state is measured on a computational
prioritize training inputs based on how important they are for basis, and the measurement results are linearly combined to
making predictions. arrive at the binary decision. The sign of the classifier function
A kernel is a bivariate function, defined as κ : X ∗ X → R, is then used to determine the estimated label. Optimal learning
such that for any set Xf ={x1 , x2 , −−, xM } ⊂ X the matrix can be attained by minimizing the cost function expressed
κ with entries κ(n,m) = κ(xn , xm ), where xn ,xm Xf . As a as empirical risk or binary cross entropy with respect to the
consequence, κ(xn , xm ) ≥ 0 and κ’(xn , xm ) = κ(xn , xm ). training data [19-20].
Kernel methods find the distance between data points x and There are several feature maps for classification, such
x , through a kernel κ(x, x ) as shown in figure 1. The kernel as the FirstOrderExpansion, and SecondOrderExpansion, like
function may differ depending on the input basis function, like the ZFeature map, ZZFeatureMap, and Pauli’s Feature Map
polynomial, gaussian, or sigmoid. [21]. The benefit of quantum computing becomes apparent
Figure 2 shows that for every positive definite kernel, a when non-classical simulated quantum feature maps are se-
feature space F exists that is produced by mapping the inputs lected above those that can be simulated on classical comput-
with the nonlinear map φ(x), so that the kernel of two inputs ers [22].
is equal to the inner product of their feature-mapped versions,
κ(xn , xm ) =  φ (x) | φ (x )  [16].
Based on a straightforward concept, kernel density esti-
mation for classification develops a class-conditional model
distribution from data. When defining a probability distribution
across data points, a kernel density estimator gives high
probabilities to regions with large data [17].

Fig. 3. Variational Quantum Classifier [18].


Fig. 1. Kernel distribution for data point x [22]. This section discusses the proposed framework for the
classification of images on four different datasets. The detailed
description of each dataset is discussed in this section. The
subsection discusses the steps used for the model building.
A. Dataset Description
We have analyzed our proposed model with the four differ-
ent publicly available image datasets. We have chosen lesser
number of images to make our model simple and faster as
the simulations are carried out in the classically configured
systems. A brief description of the datasets are given below.
1) FER-2013: FER2013 [23] is one particular emotion
Fig. 2. Mapping Classical feature space to Quantum feature space [22]. recognition dataset that takes into account the challenging
naturalistic contexts and constraints. It was presented
at the International Conference on Machine Learning
E. Variational Quantum Classifier (ICML) in 2013. The data set comprises grayscale images
VQC is an algorithm used for classification in the QML of human faces of size 48x48 pixels. The dataset is
[18]. It is based on techniques for figuring out the optimum divided into seven groups based on the emotion expressed

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in the facial expression as described in Table 1. The where the Gun and Knife datasets are more closely correlated
public test set has 3,589 instances, for a total of 32298 than the FER2013 and CK+ datasets.
images, whereas the training set has 28,709 examples. 2) Variational Quantum Classifier (VQC): In general, there
2) Gun Dataset: The Internet Movie Firearms Database are three steps to this QML model: state preparation, model
(IMFDb) [24] is a database of guns. The images of circuit, and measurement.
firearms are taken from Hollywood productions, TV 1) State Preparation/Data encoding: For implementing the
shows, video games, and Japanese animation. Assault QML technique, we must first convert the classical data
rifles, battle rifles, bullpups, carbines, flare guns, fictional into a quantum state in Hilbert space using a quantum
firearms, grenades, underwater weapons, etc., are all feature map, a process known as data embedding. We
covered in the category of firearms. There are about are creating a quantum circuit whose attributes are deter-
thirty categories with around 2,122 instances of guns in mined by the input data, in this case, the datasets from
this database. The negative images are randomly selected FER2013, CK+, Gun, and Knife.
from a variety of categories on the internet, including 2) Feature Map - Loading the Data into the Quantum Sys-
those for creatures, flowers, and landscapes. tem: For our model, we used ZZFeatureMap, a second-
3) Knife Dataset: The dataset [25] used for knife detection order Pauli-Z evolution circuit that encodes the data in
was gathered from security camera footage. The photos the feature map according to the connectivity graph and
were reduced from the original frames using the slid- the classical data map.
ing window technique to 100 by 100 pixels each. The The data map function of ZZFeatureMap is given in
database comprises two classes of images: positive (a equation (1) as
knife is visible in the image while being held in hand) and
negative (a knife is not visible in the image) instances. φs : x → (Π − xi )(Π − xj ) (1)
The total number of images in the dataset is 12,899 with where, φs is a classical nonlinear function that is mapping
9340 negative and 3559 positive examples. data points xi , xj and |s| ≤ 2
4) Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+): It is the most widely used 3) Variational Circuit - The quantum classification circuit:
laboratory-controlled FEC database which contains 593 This is a very crucial step for classification using quantum
video clips from 123 distinct participants [26]. With a circuits. We have added a short-depth variational circuit
resolution of 640 ∗ 490 pixels and 30 frames per second, to the feature maps defined above. The parameters of
each video depicts a facial change from a neutral expres- this variational circuit are then trained in the classical
sion to a specified peak emotion. From the perspective optimization loop until it classifies the data points cor-
of evaluation, the CK+ dataset has a good variation for rectly. This is the algorithm’s learning stage, and the
each expression type. model’s accuracy can vary based on the variational circuit
one chooses. For our proposed model, we have used
B. Detailed Description of the proposed QSVC model
the pretrained QSVC model from Qiskit with the Fi-
The block representation of the proposed model for clas- delityQuantumKernel class to evaluate the kernel matrix
sification using the classical SVM and QSVC technique is from ZZfeaturemap and the reference implementation of
described in figure 4. The proposed architecture can be divided ComputeUncompute fidelity to compute the overlapping
into various functional units described below. between the states with Sampler primitive.
1) Data Preprocessing: After loading the dataset images,
we use the Resnet152V2 model [27] to extract the best features V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULT AND A NALYSIS
from the images with a default input shape of 224∗224 of the Feature extraction and classification were executed by using
model. The selected features are then split into training and the classical and quantum SVM in Jupyter notebook with
testing parts, with 75 percent of the dataset for training and the available QML libraries provided by Qiskit, Cirq, Pennylane,
rest for testing. These steps are being performed for Happy and Scikit, and various others for classical ML. We have im-
Neutral classes for the FER2013, CK+ dataset, and Negative plemented our proposed model for binary classification on
and Positive classes for the Gun and Knife datasets for binary FER2013, CK+, Gun, and Knife datasets with four hundred
classification. samples for training and one hundred samples for testing, with
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to re- two principal components (i.e., two qubits) using ZZfeature
duce the dimension (features) of the dataset. The number of map with linear entanglement for two reps. The feature map
principal components selected from the dataset decides the is then calculated using the FidelityQuantumkernel class with
qubits used for the model. Although a dataset’s accuracy may the default values for Sampler primitive and the Compu-
change when its number of features are reduced, doing so can teUncompute fidelity. The performance evaluation metrics
be done for simplification because smaller datasets are simpler like Precision (PR), Recall, and F1 score for the proposed
to examine, easier to analyze, and quicker for ML algorithms. model for QSVC and classical SVM for various datasets are
We have selected two principal components for our pro- presented in Table 1. By analyzing the result, we found that the
posed approach for each dataset. The dataplot of (a) Gun, (b) datasets which are densely correlated give less classification
FER2013, (c) CK+, and (d) Knife datasets is shown in figure 5, accuracy with the classical SVM technique but outperform

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Fig. 4. Proposed model architecture for image classification.

Fig. 5. Dataplot of (a) Gun (b) FER2013 (c) CK+ (d) Knife Datasets for
binary classification.
(a) (b)

TABLE I Fig. 6. Confusion matrix on the CK+ dataset with (a) Classical SVM and

Dataset Model Precision Recall F1 score Accuracy

SVM 0.87 0.87 0.87 87%
Quantum SVM 0.93 0.93 0.931 93%
SVM 0.93 0.72 0.81 83%
Quantum SVM 0.99 0.97 0.977 98%
SVM 0.93 0.97 0.948 95%
Quantum SVM 0.98 0.99 0.985 98%
SVM 0.85 0.81 0.835 83%
Quantum SVM 0.91 0.92 0.915 92%

(a) (b)
the QSVC model. The sparsely correlated datasets have good Fig. 7. Confusion matrix on the Gun dataset with (a) Classical SVM and (b)
classification with the classical SVM and better performance QSVC respectively.
evaluation criteria with the QSVC technique.
Table 2 shows the results comparison of our proposed
model with the other methods implementing the classical utilized the Confusion Matrix in which the predicted labels are
SVM, VQC, and QSVM for different datasets. From this, we shown as columns while the true labels are shown as rows.
conclude that the proposed QSVC model outperforms them by Figures 6,7,8 and 9 show the Confusion Matrix from classical
providing better classification results with various datasets. SVM and QSVC models for the CK+, Gun, FER2013, and
As a criterion for evaluating the proposed system, we have Knife datasets, respectively.

TABLE II In this paper, the QSVC-based model is implemented with
the quantum kernel approach and the FidelityQuantumKernel
Model Dataset Accuracy class. For boosting the quantum state preparation for QSVC,
Amplitude Encoding with VQC [5] Synthetic 74.4% we suggest using the DL pre-processing method Resnet152V2.
Amplitude Hybrid [28] Synthetic 97.4%
Hybrid Quantum Feature Selection Algorithm [29] Sonar 74% Our results showed that on the Knife, Gun, CK+, and FER2013
VQC [30] Diabetes 74% datasets, traditional SVM achieved 87%, 83%, 95%, and 83%
Proposed QSVC model CK+ 98% accuracies, whereas QSVC scored 93%, 98%, 98%, and 92%

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