Quantum Enhanced Support Vector Machine With Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial Encoding For Improved Cyclone Classification

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Quantum Enhanced Support Vector Machine with

Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial Encoding for

Improved Cyclone Classification
2023 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Advance Computing (ICRTAC) | 979-8-3503-9470-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICRTAC59277.2023.10480791

Sridevi S Indira B Shivanya Shomir Dutta

Associate Professor, SCOPE Assistant Professor, SCOPE Undergraduate, B.Tech CSE(AI/ML), SCOPE
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore Institute of Technology
Chennai. Chennai. Chennai.
sridevi.s@vit.ac.in indira.b@vit.ac.in shivanya.shomir2023@vitstudent.ac.in

Sahil Sandeep Aishwarya Sreenivasan

Undergraduate, B.Tech CSE(AI/ML), SCOPE Undergraduate, B.Tech CSE(AI/ML), SCOPE
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore Institute of Technology
Chennai. Chennai.
sahil.sandeep2023@vitstudent.ac.in aishwarya.sreenivasan2023@vitstudent.ac.in

Abstract—The paradigm of classical machine learning has been I. INTRODUCTION

greatly revolutionized by the integration of the quantum
computing paradigm, which has made it possible to solve com- Cyclone classification plays a crucial role in anticipating
plicated issues that were previously unsolvable by conventional
computers. One such problem is accurately classifying cyclones the nature of a cyclone ahead of time and preparing the
with minimal data samples and feature parameters. In this paper, appropriate countermeasures [1]. While many researchers have
we investigate the superior learning capabilities of the done similar work using classical machine learning techniques,
Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial Embedding-based kernel we here propose to use Quantum Machine Learning.
Support Vector Machine classifier when compared to the classical Specifically, we have used Quantum Support Vector
Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, especially in scenarios
with less sample size and feature vector size. Surprisingly, our Machines, where the quantum models have been trained kernel-
outcomes reveal that the quantum kernel strategy outperformsits based using scikit-learn. The Support Vector Machine (SVM)
traditional counterpart, even with a smaller sample-baseddataset. algorithm’s quantum variant, known as the Quantum Support
This incredible performance can be attributed to the quantum Vector Machine (QSVM), performs computations using
core strategy’s exceptional ability to extract complex attributes, quantum laws [2]. QSVM enhances the performance of
which enables it to extract more relevant insights from a smaller
number of data points. We present a Quantum Kernel Support classical SVM algorithms running on classical machines with
Vector Machine (QKSVM) built as a Quantum Kernel Circuit CPUs or GPUs by utilizing the capabilities of quantum
(QKC) in three configurations with varied qubit counts utilizing computing and quantum software. The two main stages of
distinct embedding techniques: Angle embedding (QKSVM quantum machine learning are as follows: first, using
Angle), Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial embedding(QKSVM
calculations on a quantum computer, classical data is
IQP), and Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm
(QKSVM QAOA) embedding. Our results demonstrate that the transformed into quantum data; second, the computer converts
QKSVM approach surpasses traditional SVM, especially when the quantum result back into the classical format [3].
IQP embedding is employed. The QSVM model trained with four The concept of Machine learning is integrated with Quantum
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based selected relevant mechanics based on inheriting the prominent features of
features outperforms the other QKC variations in cyclone
superposition and entanglement [4]. Quantum kernel
classification, obtaining an excellent test accuracy rate of
91.66%. approaches may also be utilized to transform the input data to
a space with greater dimensions, enhancing model accuracy
Index Terms—Quantum Kernel Support Vector Machine, In- and data separability.
stantaneous Quantum Polynomial Embedding, Quantum Ap- The prominent notion of this paper is on a particular type of
proximation Optimization Algorithm Embedding, Cyclone clas- QKSVM method, in which classical input is transformed into
sification representations of quantum states by using a Quantum kernel
circuit prior to being fed to Support Vector machine classifier.
This may allow the SVM classifier to benefit from some of

979-8-3503-9470-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 748

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the special features of quantum computing, like handling They trained a CNN on enriched data, achieving 90% accuracy
several states at once. Using QML to analyze classical data in cyclone classification and 84% accuracy in locating cyclone
could be useful in pattern recognition applications, like vortices. Further, they also explore linear regression for path
classifying cyclones. Quantum computing is used to improve prediction. Novel approaches to classification and regression
various areas of computer science. In the same way, the authors challenges have been developed as a consequence of more recent
have implemented [5] QKSVM for Google speech command developments in the machine learning and artificial intelligence
recognition tasks. The researchers in references [6] and [7] have (AI) fields [16], [17]. Unfortunately, few researchers have
developed a Hybrid Quantum-classical Neural Network to examined these cutting-edge methods in conjunction with cyclone
classify Prenatal Ventricular Septal Defects from Ultrasound data mapping and detection, particularly in tropical regions [18].
Images and Allen telescope SETI images, respectively. The In order to partially close this gap in the literature, we propose in
proposed model for cyclone classificationis built upon the this work a method for classifying cyclones using geo-spatial data
Quantum Kernel Method, a popular QML architecture known taken from the Pacific set in Kaggle, along with a kernel-based
for its success in various classificationtasks [8]. Our research training of quantum models with Scikit learn for cyclone
demonstrates that the accuracy of the quantum kernel method prediction.
can surpass that of its classical counterpart.
II. RELATED WORKS A. Data-set Description
Predicting Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity is a challenging task The National Hurricane Center (NHC) performs a thorough
due to incomplete understanding of these weather phenomena. evaluation of every tropical cyclone occurring in the Atlantic
Current models for Tropical Cyclone (TC) detection commonly basin, covering the North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico,
utilize two-stage detectors that operate in near real-time, and the Caribbean Sea, as well as those in the North Pacific Ocean
integrating spatial search and temporal correlation techniques [9].
[19]. Kaggle has compiled the NHC Tropical Cyclone
As computational resources have improved, high-resolution
climate datasets have become more readily available, offering
promise in enhancing TC prediction [10]. The drawback of these
methods is their reliance on predefined rules or thresholds, which
can be a limitation when dealing with complex weather
phenomena like TCs that are challenging to quantify and predict.
In the field of meteorology, especially the utilization of Machine
Learning models has notably increased for effectively managing
extensive datasets. This is particularly crucial given the
continuous inflow of data from satellites, radar systems, and
ground-based instruments[10]. As an example, in Error!
Reference source not found., the researchers have devised a
novel model that incorporates Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) for extracting multi-
dimensional deep features and also captures deep temporal
intricacies to classify Typhoon cyclones. The majority of the
literature indicates that when images do not feature more than one
cyclone, the deep learning technique significantly enhances the
accuracy of tracking and predicting the cyclone’s eye compared Fig. 1. Cyclone distribution of Tropical cyclone Pacific Dataset
to manual processes [11].
To classify cyclones and locate the cyclone vortex, a deep
learning model was trained and assessed using artificially
intensified and categorized storm data. These machine-learning
models have the ability to directly affect public safety because
they discovered more ambiguous and active ROI, a heuristic
model, and hand-labelling techniques, which are frequently used
to generate real-time weather alerts, missed [13]-[14]. However,
it was also found that wind field data contributed more to cyclone
detection than precipitation data [10]. Analysis of the available
research demonstrates the variety of techniques utilized in
cyclone identification, from non-parametric methods to the
improvement of modeling techniques, decision support systems,
and scientific observations. Put differently, a multitude of
research endeavors have employed diverse contemporary
advancements in data accessibility, computational sciences, and Fig. 2. Balanced dataset of Tropical cyclone Pacific Dataset with 6
algorithmic enhancement to enhance the reliability of cyclone categories
mapping. These methods are capable of mapping cyclone-prone
areas with accuracy and consistency [15] and authors tested
various optical flow methods.

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Fig. 3. Architecture of Hybrid Classical Quantum Kernel Support Vector Machine model

Hurricane datasets, and we have in this research analyzed

the portion of Tropical cyclone affected pacific region ஼ି஼೘೔೙
‫ܥ‬௦௖௔௟௘ௗ ൌ ஼ (1)
covering thecyclone incidents from the year 1851 to 2014. ೘ೌೣ ି஼೘೔೙
The Tropical cyclone of pacific data-set comprises of
26137 samples per- training to 12 different categories of Where ‫ܥ‬௠௔௫ and ‫ܥ‬௠௜௡ represent the maximum and
cyclones and disturbances in general. The collection of minimum values of the cyclone feature vectors respectively.
samples was unbalanced as illustrated in Fig.1. We have
used a small portion of Tropical Cyclone Pacific dataset. 2) Principal Component Analysis: As we intend to use
Amongst 12 cyclone categories, we created a balanced quantum computing for the classification process, keeping the
dataset with selective six distinct cyclone categories computation complexity in mind, we applied Principal
namely (TS) tropical cyclone of tropical storm intensity component analysis (PCA) technique to choose the highly
(34-63 knots), (TD) Tropical cyclone of tropical significant features among the existing 20 input features,
depression intensity (Less than 34 knots), (HU) Tropical making sure that the model was made to run on limited data
cyclone of hurricane intensity (greater than 64 knots), with the highest possible accuracy. Principal Component
(LO) A low that is neither a tropical cyclone, a subtropical Analysis (PCA) stands as a method for linearly reducing
cyclone, nor an extratropical cyclone (of any intensity), dimensionality, adept at identifying linear correlations within
(DB) Disturbance (of any intensity), (ET) Extratropical data [20]-[21]. Commonly employed in data processing, PCA
cyclone and (EX) Extratropical cyclone (of any intensity) techniques serve the purpose of feature extraction. To
as illustrated in Fig.2. diversify QKSVM and classical SVM classifier models, we
undertook feature vector reduction. Initially composed of 20
B. Data Pre-processing features scaled to ‫ܥ‬௦௖௔௟௘ௗ , we condensed it to a 4D vector
In this proposed QKSVM Cyclone classification task, the [‫ܥ‬ଵ , ‫ܥ‬ଶ , ..., ‫ܥ‬ସ ], highlighting four key features. Employing
input data are the features of tropical cyclones occurring over PCA, we iterated this process for 5D and 6D vectors ultimately
the Pacific which is available in the form of a CSV file from
extracting principal features [‫ܥ‬௜ ]. These specifically chosen
Kaggle. The data couldn’t be used directly hence all the null
attributes via PCA were utilized as inputs for subsequent
values or errors were eliminated. There were around 20
cyclone classifiers.
features pertaining to each cyclone sample such as ’Latitude’,
’Latitude Hemisphere’, ’Longitude’, ’Longitude
3) Label Encoding: Label Encoding serves as a crucial pre-
Hemisphere’, ’Maximum Wind’, ’Minimum Pressure’, wind
processing method in machine learning projects, as it
pressures such as Low wind, Moderate wind and high wind
transforms categorical columns into numerical formats,
from all four directions such as North east, South east, South
making them compatible with machine learning models that
west, North west, ’Month’ and ’Year’. We normalized the
exclusively operate with numerical data. This conversion is
features by applying MinMax Scaling
essential for enabling these models to utilize the categorical
1) Min-max scaling: The normalization of features has been
information within the data-set effectively. Here, for pre-
executed through Min-max scaling, following the provided
processing we have used sklearn’s pre-processing module.
equation 1 This process ensures that all features are rescaled
to fit within the range [0,1], thereby establishing that the
C. Model Architecture
minimum and maximum values of any feature or variable will
The flow diagram of the proposed QKSVM IQP classifier is
be 0 and 1, respectively.
illustrated in Figure 3. A distinctive quantum advantage

750 2023 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Advance Computing (ICRTAC)
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emerges from the quantum kernel circuit (QKC) using a The suggested research and supplementary tests were carried
smaller set of samples, a characteristic challenging to replicate out utilizing the Pennylane library. The QKC was designed
through conventional computing methods. Achieving efficient with a qubit-based default qubit simulator architecture in the
classification hinges on employing the quantum kernel derived Google Colab environment. We have done various trials and
from a QKC circuit [21]-[22], enabling the mapping of run experiments to arrive at the size of the feature vector to be
features into a higher-order Hilbert space. four such that the computational intensity of quantum
computations is optimal. Nevertheless, opting for this method
1) Quantum Kernel circuit: Three layers make up the leads to considerable expense in computational time. With the
proposed novel Quantum Kernel circuit (QKC). Basically, the motive of evaluating the classification performance of the
first layer is the fixed Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial QKSVM model proposed, we have designed multiple versions
(IQP) Embedding layer, the second layer is the adjoint variant of the model with varied number of qubits, ranging from 2 to
of the IQP Embedding layer and third layer is the Hermitian 6 qubits. Moreover, we have reduced the size of the dataset by
observable measurement layer. IQP Embedding refers to a choosing 220 samples from the balanced mini-dataset and
circuit that incorporates non-trivial classical feature implemented PCA dimensionality reduction technique to
processing [22], [23]. choose the top few significant features. While comparing the
results of the proposed QKSVM with classical SVM, it was
In general, QKC is expressed as Q, as shown in eq.2. Q apparent that the proposed IQP-based QKSVM method is
represents a qubit state system designed to facilitate the exceptional than other methods for all ranges of experiments
generation of a powerful quantum kernel feature map, which, as depicted in Table.I and II respectively.
in turn, is employed for the efficient training of classical
Support Vector Machine classifiers. The fixed embedding TABLE I COMPARATIVE NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF
circuit is the sole mechanism that can effectively extract the TRAINING SET
Quantum circuit quality kernel. The projection uses the
Hermitian observable function H in the Hilbert feature space. No. of 220 220 220 220 220
෡ ห߶ሺ‫ܥ‬௡ ሻ‫ۄ‬ห
ܳሺ‫ܥ‬ሻ ൌ ห‫߶ۃ‬ሺ‫ܥ‬௡ᇱ ሻห‫ܪ‬ (2) Model / No.. 2PCA 3PCA 4PCA 5PCA 6PCA
of PCA
The proposed method utilizes a consistent encoding/ QKSVM 87.15 90.53 90.82 90.82 90.82
embedding strategy for the feature vector, employing the IQP
Embedding circuit. The proposed method utilizes a consistent QKSVM 87.15 81.25 88.90 85.23 89.12
encoding/ embedding strategy for the feature vector,
employing the IQP Embedding circuit. Similarly, the IQP QKSVM 67.83 74.65 76.91 83.48 84.48
Embedding circuit is implemented as the second layer in the
SVM 86.65 87.95 88.78 88.93 89.88
adjoint version of the QKC, and lastly, the Hermitian
observable layer is utilized eq.3 to conduct a SWAP test
analysis based on mutual overlap between two encoding TABLE II COMPARATIVE NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF TEST SET
quantum states, |ϕ(Ci)ۧ and |ϕ(C′i)ۧ, used to compute the kernel
in the Quantum Kernel Circuit, mathematically. No. of 220 220 220 220 220

‫ܭ‬൫‫ܥ‬௝ ǡ ‫ܥ‬௝ᇱ ൯ ൌ ห‫߶ۃ‬൫‫ܥ‬௝ᇱ ൯ห߶൫‫ܥ‬௝ ൯‫ۄ‬ห (3) Model / No.. 2PCA 3PCA 4PCA 5PCA 6PCA
of PCA

2) SVM Classifier: The proposed method classifies quantum QKSVM 89.58 91.66 91.66 91.66 91.66
state representations by means of a Support Vector Machine
QKSVM 89.58 87.53 91.33 89.88 91.33
(SVM) classifier. Next, we use these quantum states and their QAOA
matching labels to train the SVM. The QKSVM integrates a
QKSVM 62.58 62.58 64.58 87.58 87.58
quantum kernel that possesses the ability to extract a quantum Angle
feature map with high variance based feature distances SVM 87.32 87.66 88.34 89.67 89.88
between quantum states belonging to different classes within
the feature space. This fact highlights QKSVM classifier’s
unique integration of quantum computing techniques to move The study demonstrates that the proposed QKSVM model
to the Quantum machine learning paradigm and sets it apart surpasses existing SVM models trained with feature
from classical SVMs, which use classical kernels. dimensions across all ranges of PCA feature vectors.
Particularly, its optimal performance was achieved with four
IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS significant PCA features. The model incorporating the IQP
This research aims to assess the effectiveness of the embedding layer outperformed other variations in our study.
proposed classifier by employing various kernels, including We generated a test performance confusion matrix, depicted
Angle embedding, IQP embedding [23]-[24], and Quantum in Fig. 4, to illustrate this finding. This confusion matrix is one
Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) [25]-[26] of the visualization-based performance analyses that showcase
based embedding and further to compare its performance with the superior behavior of the proposed QKSVM IQP model
Classical SVM model in the domain of cyclone classification. performance.

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