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1. The pH of a fertile soil is usually around

a. 2 – 3 b. 6 – 7 c. 8 – 10 d. 11 – 12

tsk; kw;Wk; tPhpakhd kz;zpd; pH

a. 2-3 b. 6-7 c. 8-10 d. 11-12

2. The hardest naturally occurring substance is

a. Iron b. Graphite c. Diamond d. Astatine

,aw;ifapNyNa kpff; fbdkhf fpilf;Fk; nghUs; vJ?

a. ,Uk;G b. fpuhigl; c. ituk; d. m];lhild;

3. Which of the following rocks is different from the remaining three on the basis of its mode of


a. Limestone b. Marble c. Sandstone d. Shale

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; ve;j tif ghiw Njhw;w tif fhuzkhf kw;w %d;W tiffspypUe;J


a. Rz;zf;fy; b. gspq;F c. kzw;fy; d. fspg;ghiw

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
4. The rate of diffusion is large in

a. Gas b. Liquid c. Solid d. Metal

tputy; tpfpjk; mjpfkhf ,Uf;Fk; nghUs; vJ?

a. thA b. ePh;kk; c. jplg;nghUs; d. cNyhfk;

5. Which of the following devices makes use of piezo-electric property of a crystal?

a.Wall clock b. Atomic clock

c. Electronic clock d. Quartz clock

xU gbfj;jpy; Vw;gLk; mOj;j-kpd; tpisTf; nfhs;ifia gad;gLj;Jk; fUtp vJ?

a. Rth;f;fbfhuk; b. mZf;fbfhuk;

c. kpd;dDf; fbfhuk; d. Fthh;l;]; fbfhuk;

6. As per Bronsted concept, acid is

a. accepting a proton b. accepting an electron

c. donating an electron d. donating a proton

gpud;];ll; tpjpapd; gb> mkpyk; vd;gJ

a. xU GNuhl;lhid ngw;Wf;nfhs;fpwJ

b. xU vyf;l;uhid ngw;Wf;nfhs;fpwJ

c. xU vyf;l;uhid toq;FfpwJ

d. xU GNuhl;lhid toq;FfpwJ

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
7. Which is used as moderator?

a. H2O b. D2O c. T2O d. H2O2

kpjkhf;fpakhfg; gad;gLtJ?

a. H2O b. D2O c. T2O d. H2O2

8. The isoelectric point of an amino acid is the

a. pH at which no net migration occurs during electrophoresis

b. pH at which all the functional groups are protonated

c. same as the pka for that acid d. all of the above

mkpNdh mkpyj;jpy; cs;s INrh vyf;l;hpf; Gs;sp

a. kpd;Kidf; fth;r;rpapd; NghJ pH-y; ve;j efh;Tk; Vw;gLtJ ,y;iy

b. pH midj;J tpid nray; njhFjpfSk; GNuhl;lhd; Vw;wk; ngWk;

c. mkpyj;jpd; pka-d; kjpg;G xd;whf ,Uf;Fk; d. midj;Jk;

9. Reactor in Kalpakkam is

a. hydro-carbon reactor b. nuclear fusion reactor

c. breeder reactor d. induction furnace

fy;ghf;fj;jpy; mike;Js;s mZ ciy

a. i`l;Nuh-fhh;gd; mZ ciy b. mZf;fU ,izT mZ ciy

c. cw;gj;jp ciy d. J}z;L mLg;G

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
10. Select correctly matched pairs:

1. Mercury - Cinnabar

2. Aluminium - Bauxite

3. Titanium - Limonite

4. Iron - Heamatite

a. 1, 2, 3 and 4 b. 2, 3 and 4

c. 1, 2 and 4 d. 1, 2 and 3

gpd;tUk; rhpahf nghUj;jg;gl;l ,izia Njh;e;njLf;f

1. nkh;Fhp - rpd;dghh;

2. mYkpdpak; - ghf;irl;

3. ill;lhdpak; - ypNkhidl;

4. ,Uk;G - N`kill;

a. 1> 2> 3 kw;Wk; 4 b. 2> 3 kw;Wk; 4

c. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 4 d. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 3

11. What is the basic concept of Raman effect?

a. reflection b. incoherent scattering

c. coherent scattering d. refraction

,uhkd; tpisT ve;j jj;Jtj;ij mbg;gilahff; nfhz;lJ?

a. gpujpgypg;G b. xj;jpy;yh xspr;rpjwy;

c. xj;j xspr;rpjwy; d. xsp tpyfy;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
12. Which of the following could act as a propellant for rockets?

a. Liquid hydrogen + Liquid nitrogen b. Liquid oxygen + Liquid argon

c. Liquid hydrogen + Liquid oxygen d. Liquid nitrogen + Liquid oxygen

,uhf;nfl; ,af;fpfshfg; gad;gLtJ vJ?

a. jput i`l;u[d; + jput iel;u[d; b. jput Mf;rp[d; + jput Mh;fhd;

c. jput i`l;u[d; + jput Mf;rp[d; d. jput iel;u[d; + jput Mf;rp[d;

13. Hydraulic lift, hydraulic press and hydraulic break work on

a. Newton‟s law b. Archimede‟s law

c. Pascal‟s law d. Bernoulli‟s law

i`l;uhypf; J}f;fp> i`l;uhypf; mKf;fp kw;Wk; i`l;uhypf; jil Nghd;w ,ae;jpuq;fs;

ve;j tpjpapd;gb nray;gLfpwJ

a. epa+l;ld; tpjp b. Mh;f;fpkpb]; tpjp

c. gh];fy; tpjp d. ngh;dhyp tpjp

14. The increasing order of lattice energy of the following NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI is

a. NaI > NaBr > NaCl > NaF b. NaI < NaBr < NaCl < NaF

c. NaF > NaBr > NaCl > NaI d. NaBr < NaI < NaF < NaCl

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; gbf Mw;wy; m

; jpfhpf;Fk; thpirahdJ NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI

a. NaI > NaBr > NaCl > NaF b. NaI < NaBr < NaCl < NaF

c. NaF > NaBr > NaCl > NaI d. NaBr < NaI < NaF < NaCl

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
15. No indicator is suitable for the titration of

a. strong acid Vs strong base b. strong acid Vs weak base

c. weak acid Vs weak base d. weak acid Vs strong base

ve;j epwq;fhl;bAk; gad;glhj juk;ghh;j;jy;

a. typik kpF mkpyk; Vs typik fhuk;

b. typik kpF mkpyk; Vs typik Fiw fhuk;

c. typik Fiw mkpyk; Vs typik Fiw fhuk;

d. typik Fiw mkpyk; Vs typik kpF fhuk;

16. Phosgene is

a. CCl4 b. COCl2 c. CS2 d. NOCl

gh];[pd; vd;gJ

a. CCl4 b. COCl2 c. CS2 d. NOCl

17. The first synthetic polymer produced in 1909 is

a. rayon b. Polystyrene c. Bakelite d. polyethylene

1909-y; Kjypy; cUthf;fg;gl;l nraw;if gygb

a. Nuahd; b. ghyp];ilhPd; c. Ngf;iyl; d. ghypvj;jpyPd;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
18. Who proposed the name Candida?

a. Berkhout b. Hurley c. Winner d. Emmons

Nfd;blh vd;w thh;j;ijia tiuaWj;jth; ahh;?

a. ngh;fm
; Tl; b. `h;Nya; c. tpd;dh; d. vk;kz];

19. What is the study of soil called?

a. Pomology b. Phycology c. Pedology d. Mycology

kz; gw;wpa gbg;gpw;F ngah; vd;d?

a. Nghkhy[p b. /igf;fhy[p c. gPlhy[p d. ikf;fhy[p

20. If we assume, the mass of an electron is 9  10-31 kg, the number of electrons required for 1

kg would be

a. 1031 b. 1030 c. 1032 d. 1029

vyf;l;uhd; Jfspd; epiwia (mass) 9  10-31kg vd vLj;J nfhz;lhy;> 1 kg epiwf;F

Njitg;gLk; vyf;l;uhd;fs; vz;zpf;if

a. 1031 b. 1030 c. 1032 d. 1029

21. The Compton shift () in wavelength is given by

a. h /moc (1-cos ) b. h/moc2 (1-cos )

c. hc/ - hc/0 d. h/moc (1-sin )

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fhk;ldpd; miyePs tpyf;fk; ()

a. h /moc (1-cos ) b. h/moc2 (1-cos )

c. hc/ - hc/0 d. h/moc (1-sin )

22. Find out the correct equations

I. H = V2 It II. V = IR III. P = VI IV. F = mV2

a. I and II only b. III and IV only

c. II and III only d. I and IV only

rhpahd rkd;ghLfisj; Njh;e;njLj;J vOJf.

I. H = V2 It II. V = IR III. P = VI IV. F = mV2

a. I kw;Wk; II kl;Lk; b. III kw;Wk; IV kl;Lk;

c. II kw;Wk; III kl;Lk; d. I kw;Wk; IV kl;Lk;

23. Who discovered X-rays?

a. Bardeen b. Roentgen c. Weiss d. Mari Curie

X-fjph;fis fz;Lgpbj;jth; ahh;?

a. ghh;Bd; b. uhz;l;[d; c. tP]; d. Nkhp fpa+hp

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
24. The number of coulomb required to liberate 127g of iodide from potassium iodide solution is

a. 53 coulombs b. 7 coulombs c. 96500 coulombs d. 127 coulombs

127 fp mNahbid> nghl;lhrpak; mNahilL fiurypypUe;J ntspNaw;wj; Njitg;gLk;

$Ykpd; vz;zpf;if

a. 53 $Yk;fs; b. 7 $Yk;fs; c. 96500 $Yk;fs; d. 127 $Yk;fs;

25. Which of following is used in making printer ink, shoe polish and paint?

a. Lamp black b. Bone black c. Carbon black d. Copper black

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; mr;Rg;nghwp> nrUg;G ghyp\; kw;Wk; ngapz;Lfspy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk;

nghUs; ahJ?

a. tpsf;F fUg;G b. vYk;G fUg;G c. fhh;gd; fUg;G d. fhg;gh; fUg;G

26. WIMAX is related to which one of the following

a. Biotechnology b. Space technology

c. Missile technology d. Communication technology

WIMAX vd;gJ gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; ve;j njhopy; Ew;gj;ijr; rhh;e;jJ?

a. Biotechnology b. Space technology

c. Missile technology d. Communication technology

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
27. The distance between the molecules is
 
a. 10 A b. 1 A c. 10-8m d. 10-15m

%yf;$WfSf;fpilNaahd njhiyT
 
a. 10 A b. 1 A c. 10-8m d. 10-15m

28. What is the excess pressure inside a soap bubble?

a. 2T/r b. T/r c. 4T/r d. T/2r

XU Nrhg;G Fkpopapd; cl;Gwj;jpy; cs;s mjpf mOj;jj;jpd; kjpg;G vd;d?\

a. 2T/r b. T/r c. 4T/r d. T/2r

29. The common table salt is

a. Compound b. Element c. Mixture d. Alloy

nghJ Nkir cg;ghdJ

a. Nrh;kk; b. jdpkk; c. fyit d. cNyhff;fyit

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
30. New elements and rare-earths are discovered and fixed in the periodic table using

a. Bragg‟s law b. Moseley‟s law c. Compton‟s effect d. Bravais lattices

GJj; jdpkq;fs; kw;Wk; mhpa Gtpj; jdpkq;fs; fz;lwpag;glTk;> jdpk thpir

ml;ltizapy; nghUj;jg;glTk; gad;gLtJ.

a. gpuhfpd; tpjp b. Nkrhypapd; tpjp

c. fhk;g;ld; tpisT d. gpuhit]; mzpf;Nfhit

31. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

a. Liquid gold - Lead

b. Liquid silver - Mercury

c. Aqua regia - Silver

d. Green silver - Copper

fPNo Fwpg;gpl;Ls;stw;Ws; rhpahfg; nghUe;Jk; xd;W

a. jput jq;fk; - fhhPak;

b. jput nts;sp - nkh;Fhp

c. ,uh[ jpuhtfk; - nts;sp

d. gRik nts;sp - fhg;gh;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
32. TV antenna elements are made up of

a. Aluminium b. copper c. tin d. zinc Mz;ldh nra;ag; gad;gLtJ

a. mYkpdpak; b. jhkpuk; c. bd; d. Jj;jehfk;

33. How many electrons can be accommodated in d-orbital?

a. 3 b. 6 c. 10 d. 8

d-Mh;gpl;lhypd; nfhs;ssT vj;jid vyf;l;uhd;fs;?

a. 3 b. 6 c. 10 d. 8

34. The compounds formed when hydrogen combines with p-block elements are called

a. Ionic hydrides b. Molecular hydrides

c. Metallic hydrides d. Polynuclear hydrides

i`l;u[d; p-njhFjp jdpkq;fSld; ,ize;J jUk; Nrh;kq;fspd; ngah;

a. mahdpf; i`l;iul;]; b. %yf;$W i`l;iul;];

c. cNyhf i`l;iul;]; d. ghypepa+f;fpspah; i`l;iul;];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

35. The method of permanent birth control in male is

a. Tubectomy b. Vasectomy c. Thyrotectomy d. Hyserectomy

Mz;fSf;fhd Xh; epiyahd fUj;jil KiwahFk;

a. ba+ngf;lkp b. thnrf;lkp c. ijNuhf;lkp d. i`rh;fl

; kp

36. Statement: For a person fitted with artificial pacemaker after 7 years battery for the

pacemaker was replaced by surgery

Reason: The pacemaker lithium battery lasts for 7 to 8 years.

a. Statement correct and Reason is wrong

b. Statement and reason are correct but the reason is not explaining the statement

c. Statement and reason are correct and the reason xplains the statement

d. Statement and reason are wrong

$w;W: nraw;if Ng]; Nkf;fh; nghUj;jg;gl;l xUtUf;F 7 Mz;LfSf;F gpwF mWit

rpfpr;ir %yk; Ng]; Nkf;fUf;fhd ghl;lhpapid kUj;Jth; khw;wp nghUj;Jfpd;whh;?

fhuzk;: Ng]; Nkf;fhpy; cs;s ypj;jpak; ghl;lhp 7 Mz;Lfs; Kjy; 8 Mz;Lfs; tiu


a. $w;W rhp fhuzk; jtW

b. $w;W rhp fhuzk; rhp Mdhy; fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;ftpy;iy

c. $w;W rhp fhuzk; rhp fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;Ffpd;wJ

d. $w;W jtW fhuzk; jtW

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
37. An example for C4 plant is

a. Sugarcane b. Potato c. Wheat d. Rice

C4 jhtuq;fSf;F xU vLj;Jf;fhl;L

a. fUk;G b. cUis c. NfhJik d. ney;

38. _______________ is composed of one or more cenospecies that are not able to intercross.

a. Family b. Comparium

c. Herbarium d. Ecospecies

___________ xd;W my;yJ gy $l;Lr; rpw;wpdq;fisf; nfhz;l> fyg;gpdf; fytp nra;ahj

jhtuf; FOthFk;.

a. FLk;gk; b. fk;Nghpak;

c. n`h;Nghpak; d. #o;epiyr; rpw;wpdk;

39. An example of C3 plant is

a. Maize b. Sugarcane c. Tribulus d. Wheat

C3 jhtuq;fSf;F xU vLj;Jf;fhl;L

a. kf;fhr;Nrhsk; b. fUk;G c. l;hpGy]; d. NfhJik

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
40. Robert Gallo discovered HIV which causes Aids in Year

,uhgh;l; NfNyh va;l;i] cUthf;Fk; HIV itiui]f; fz;Lgpbj;j Mz;L

a. 1994 b. 1984 c. 1988 d. 1985

41. The seeds which contain abundant glyoxysomes are

a. Dry seeds b. Wet seeds

c. Germinating seeds d. Shrunken seeds

fpisahf;]pNrhk;fis mghpkpjkhff; nfhz;l tpijfs;

a. cyh; tpijfs; b. <utpijfs;

c. Kisf;Fk; tpijfs; d. RUq;fpa tpijfs;

42. Which plant is an excellent example for autonomic movement of variation?

a. Desmodium gyrans b. Crocus sativus

c. Oxalis corniculata d. Oxalis latifolia

jd; ,af;f khw;wj;jpw;F jiy rpwe;j cjhuzkhfj; jpfOk; jhtuk; vJ?

a. nl];Nkhbak; ifud;]; b. FNuhf]; rilt];

c. Mf;]hyp]; fhh;dpFNyl;lh d. Mf;]hyp]; Nyl;bNghypah

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
43. Where does oxidative phosphorylation take place?

a. chloroplast b. mitochondrion

c. ribosome d. lysosome

Mf;]p[Ndw;w gh];Ngl; Nrh;g;G vq;F NehpLfpwJ?

a. gRq;fzpfk; b. ikl;Nlhfhz;l;hpad;

c. iuNghNrhk; d. iyNrhNrhk;

44. What is physical and mental dependence on drugs called

a. Neurosis b. Addiction

c. Sedation d. Indication

cly; hPjpahfTk; kdhPjpahf kUe;JfSf;F mbikahFk; gof;fk; ____________ vdg;gLk;.

a. epANuh]p]; b. mbf;\d;

c. kaf;fk;/nrlNl\d; d. ,d;bNf\d;

45. The enzyme that joins DNA fragments is

a. Restriction endonuclease b. Lipase

c. Ligase d. Peroxidase

b.vd;.V. Jz;Lfis xl;Ltjw;F gad;gLj;jg;gLk; nehjp.

a. nu];bhpf;\d; vd;Nlh epa+f;ypNa]; b. iyg;Ng];

c. iyNf]; d. nguhf;]pNl];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
46. In pesticides the example for contact poison is

a. Rotenone b. HCN c. Parathion d. C2H4

G+r;rpnfhy;ypfspy; njhlh;G tp\j;jpw;F xU cjhuzk;

a. NuhbNdhd; b. HCN c. Nguhjahd; d. C2H4

47. Match the following:

List I List II

a. Equisetum 1. Water fern

b. Marsilea 2. Horse fail

c. Cyathea 3. Clubmoss

d. Lycopodium 4. Tree fern

fPo;f;fz;ltw;iw nghUj;Jf:

gl;bay; I gl;bay; II

a. <f;tprpl;lk; 1. ePh; ngudp

b. khh;rpypah 2. Fjpiuthy;

c. irahjpah 3. fpsg; kh];

d. iyf;NfhNghbak; 4. kungudp

a. 2 1 4 3 b. 4 2 1 3 c. 3 4 1 2 d. 4 3 1 2

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
48. The Extra cellular fluid of blood is

a. RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) b. WBC (White Blood Corpuscles)

c. Plasma d. Lymph

,uj;jj;jpy; cs;s nry;ntspj; jputk; ____________

a. ,uj;j rptg;gZf;fs; b. ,uj;j nts;isaZf;fs;

c. gpsh];kh d. ypk;g;

49. The first human heart transplant was performed by professor Christian Bernard in the year

kdpjdpy; Kjd; Kjyhf ,ja khw;W mWitr; rpfpr;irapid Nguh. fpwp];bahd;

ngh;dhh;L nra;j Mz;L

a. 1959 b. 1969 c. 1967 d. 1957

50. Match the following:

a. Ovi duct 1. Fallopian duct

b. Vas deferens 2. Vagina

c. Gamete Intra fallopian transfer 3. Vasectomy

d. Cervical cap 4. Tubectomy

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

a. mz;l ehsk; 1. ngNyhg;gpad; Foy;

b. tpe;J ehsk; 2. fytpf;fhy;tha;

c. ,dr;nry; mz;l ehs 3. thnrf;lkp


d. fUj;jil jpiu rt;T 4. Ba+ngf;lkp

a. 2 1 4 3 b. 3 4 2 1 c. 1 2 3 4 d. 4 3 1 2

51. R.H. Wittaker classified living organisms into ___________ Kingdoms.

R.H. tpl;Nlf;fh; vd;gth; midj;J caphpdq;fisAk; __________ cyfq;fshf


a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

52. Twelfth International Botanical Congress was held at Leningrad, USSR in July

gd;dpnuz;lhtJ mfpy cyf jhtutpay; $l;lk; Nrhtpaj; u\pahtpYs;s nydpd; fpuhl;

vd;Dkplj;jpy; [Piy _____________ Mk; Mz;L $baJ.

a. 1930 b. 1976 c. 1975 d. 1965

53. ___________ and __________ families are grouped under the division Monandria.

a. Zingiberaceae and Anacardiaceae b. Rubiaceae and Asteraceae

c. Zingiberaceae and Asteraceae d. Anacardiaceae and Rubiaceae

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
Nkhdhz;l;hpah tFg;gpy; __________ kw;Wk; ___________ FLk;g jhtuq;fs;


a. rpQ;[pngNurp : mdfhh;GNarp b. &gpNarp : M];l;Nurp

c. rpQ;[pngNurp : M];l;Nurp d. mdfhh;GNarp : &gpNarp

54. Which is called as „Indian Flying Fox‟?

a. Crow b. Indian Parrots c. Indian Fruit Bat d. Owl

„,e;jpa gwf;Fk; ehp‟ vd miof;fg;gLtJ vJ?

a. fhf;if b. ,e;jpa fpsp c. ,e;jpa go ntsthy; d. Me;ij

55. Match the following and choose the correct option:

a. analgesic 1. Paracetamol

b. antipyretic 2. Penicillin

c. antiseptic 3. Novalgin

d. antibiotic 4. Iodoform

fPo;fz;ltw;iwg; nghUj;jp rhpahdtw;iwj; Njh;e;njL:

a. typ epthuzp 1. ghuhrpl;lhky;

b. Ru epthuzp 2. ngdprpypd;

c. Giu jLg;ghd; 3. Nehthy;[Pd;

d. Ez;Zaph; vjphp 4. mNahNlhgh/;h;k;

a. 3 1 2 4 b. 2 1 3 4 c. 3 1 4 2 d. 1 3 4 2
No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
56. Kala-azar is caused by

a. Plasmodium vivax b. Leishmania denovani

c. Leishmania tropica d. Trypnosoma gambiens

fhyh mrh; Neha;f; fhuzp

a. gpsh];Nkhbak; itthf;]; b. yP]N

; kdpah Nlhdhthdp

c. yP]N
; kdpah buhgpf;fh d. bhpg;gNdhNrhkh Nfk;gpad;];

57. The production of Phyto-Plankton is reduced due to

a. The burning of Hydrocarbon b. Deforestation

c. Depletion of ozone layer d. Climatic change

/igl;Nlh gpshq;ld; cw;gj;jp Fiwaf; fhuzk;

a. i`l;Nuh fhh;gd;fis vhpj;jy; b. fhLfspd; mopT

c. XNrhd; gly rPuopT d. thdpiy khw;wg;gLjy;

58. Match the following:

Hormone Disease

a. Deficiency of growth hormone 1. Diabetes insipidus

b. Deficiency of vasopreesin 2. Grave‟s disease

c. Deficiency of thyroxine 3. Dwarfism

d. Increase of thyroxine 4. Cretinism

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

`hh;Nkhd; Neha;fs;

a. tsh;r;rp `hh;Nkhd; Fiwtjhy; 1. ilahngB]; ,d;rpgpl];

b. thN]hg; gpu];]pd; Fiwtjhy; 2. fpNutpd; Neha;

c. ijuhf;]pd; Fiwtjhy; 3. Fs;sj;jd;ik

d. ijuhf;]pd; mjpfkhtjhy; 4. fphpl;bdp]k;

a. 2 3 4 1 b. 3 1 4 2 c. 3 2 1 4 d. 1 2 3 4

59. Write the essential component mineral for the formation of Chlorophyll.

a. „a‟ chlorophyll b. „b‟ carotein

c. Magnesium d. Xanthophyll

gr;ira epwkpfs; cw;gj;jpf;F Njitahd jdpkk; vJ?

a. „a‟ gr;irak; b. „b‟ fNuhl;bdha;Lfs;

c. nkf;dPrpak; d. rhe;Njh/gpy;

60. It is the inability to recall memories from the past

a. Stroke b. Amnesia

c. Alzheimer‟s disease d. Meningitis

,e;Neha; fz;lth;fs; fle;j fhy epfo;Tfis epidT $w ,ayhJ

a. gf;fthjk; b. mk;dPrpah

c. my;]Pkpah; Neha; d. %isf; fha;r;ry;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

61. Statement 1 : When blood comes out of the blood vessel haemostasis occurs.

Statement 2: Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin.

Statement 3: Occurrence of blood clot with in the blood vessel is known as Thrombosis.

Statement 4: Heparin present in Basophils inhibit blood clotting.

a. 1 wrong, 2 correct, 3 wrong, 4 correct b. 1 correct, 2 correct, 3 wrong, 4 wrong

c. 1 wrong, 2 wrong, 3 correct, 4 correct d. 1 correct, 2 correct, 3 correct, 4 correct

$w;W 1: fhak; Vw;gl;L ,uj;jk; ntspg;gLk;NghJ `PNkh];lhrp]; Njhd;WfpwJ.

$w;W 2: JNuhk;gpd;/iggphpNdh[id /iggphpdhf khw;Wfpd;wJ.

$w;W 3: ,uj;jf; FohapDs; ,uj;jk; ciwjy; JNuhk;Nghrp]; vdg;gLk;.

$w;W 4: NgNrhgpy;fspy; cs;s `pg;ghhpd; ,uj;jk; ciwjiy jil nra;Ak;.

Nkw;$wg;gl;l $w;Wfs; rhpahditah vd fz;lwp.

a. 1 jtW, 2 rhp, 3 jtW, 4 rhp b. 1 rhp, 2 rhp, 3 jtW, 4 jtW

c. 1 jtW, 2 jtW, 3 rhp, 4 rhp d. 1 rhp, 2 rhp, 3 rhp, 4 rhp

62. Who proposed the “Natural Selection Theory”?

a. Lamark b. Linnaeus c. Hooker d. Charles Darwin

,aw;if Njh;T nfhs;ifia ntspapl;lth; ahh;?

a. ykhh;f; b. ypd;Nda]; c. `{f;fh; d. rhh;y]; lhh;tpd;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
63. The family included under the series unisexuales is

a. Solanaceae b. Euphorbiaceae c. Malvaceae d. Musaceae

A+dpnrf;RNty;]; vd;w thpirapy; cs;s FLk;gk;

a. nrhyhNdrp b. a+/Nghh;gpNarp c. khy;Ntrp d. kpa+Nrrp

64. Consider the following statement, choose the correct answer from the codes given below.

Assertion (A): Beadle and Tatum discovered the relationship between genes and enzymes in

fugus Neurospora.

Reason (R): For their work they were awarded Noble Prize.

a. (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

b. (A) alone is correct (R) is incorrect c. (A) and (R) are incorrect

d. (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

fPo;fhZk; thf;fpaq;fis mbg;gilahf nfhz;L rhpahdij Njh;T nra;f.

$w;W (A): [Pd;fSf;Fk; nehjpfSf;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s njhlh;gpid gPby; kw;Wk; lhl;lk;

vd;gth;fs; epa+Nuh];Nghuh vd;w g+Q;irapy; fz;lwpe;jdh;.

fhuzk; (R): ,e;j mhpa fz;Lgpbg;gpw;fhf Nehgy; ghpR toq;fg;gl;lJ.

a. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R), (A) cila rhpahd tpsf;fkhFk;.

b. (A) kl;Lk; rhp (R) jtW

c. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; jtW

d. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R), (A) cila rhpahd tpsf;fky;y.

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
65. A newly discovered organ could change own understanding of Human Anatomy is

a. Lunkivitus b. Pansitium c. Intestinium d. Interstinium

kdpj clw;$wpay; gw;wpa ekJ Ghpjiy khw;wf;$ba Gjpjhf fz;lwpag;gl;l cWg;G

a. yq;fptpl]; b. gd;]pbak; c. ,d;l];bdpak; d. ,d;lh;];bdpak;

66. An adult is defined as one in the age group

taJ te;Njhh; vdg;gLgth; ____________ taJf;Fl;gl;lth;fs; vd tiuaWf;fg;gl;lth;

a. 14-35 b. 15-35 c. 16-35 d. 17-35

67. Pick the odd one out:

1. ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate

2. FAD - Flavin Adenine dinucleotide

3. NAD - Nicotinamide Adenine dinucleotide

4. EMP - Embden Meyerhof parnas

,tw;wpDs; njhlh;gpy;yhj xd;iw jdpikg;gLj;Jf.

1. ATP - mbNdhird; l;iugh];Ngl;

2. FAD - g;Nsypd; mbidd; il epa+f;spNahilL

3. NAD - epNfhbikL mbidd; il epa+f;spNahilL

4. EMP - vk;ld; Nkah;`hg; ghh;dh];

,tw;wpy; vJ jdpj;J epw;fpwJ?

a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3
No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
68. Advanced family of monocotyledanae is

a. Musaceae b. Poaceae c. Solanaceae d. Orchidaceae

xU tpj;jpiy jhtuf; FLk;gj;jpy; Nkk;ghL mile;j FLk;gk;

a. kpa+Narp b. NghNarp c. nrhyNd]p d. Mh;f;fpNl]p

69. Binomial of „Vilvum‟ is

a. Acalypha indica b. Aegle marmelos

c. Cissus quarangularis d. mimosa pudica

tpy;tk; jhtuj;jpd; ,U nrhw; ngah;

a. mfhypgh ,z;bfh b. Vfpy; khh;kpyh];

c. rpr]; Fthl;uhq;Fyhhp]; d. ikNkhrh g+bfh

70. Name the proteins which are caused for the functions and operations of Methano trophic

bacteria. Choose the correct answer

nkj;jNdhl;uhgpf; ghf;Bhpahf;fspd; nray;ghLfSf;F fhuzkhd Gujq;fs; vit? Rhpahd

tpilia Njh;T nra;f.

1. M bn B 2. M bn A 3. M bn C 4. M bn D

a. (i) and (ii) are correct b. (i) and (iii) are correct

c. (i) and (iv) are correct d. (iv) only correct

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
71. The vernacular name of this small herb with leaves sensitive to touch is

a. Mimosa quadrivalvis b. Mimosa microphylla

c. Mimosa pudica d. Mimosa pellita

njhL czh;T kpFe;j ,iyfs; nfhz;l rpW nrb> ,jd; jhtu ngah; _______________


a. ikNkhrh Fthl;Nu];FNyhhp]; b. ikNkhrh ikf;Nuh/igy;yh

c. ikNkhrh g+bfh d. ikNkhrh ngy;ypl;lh

72. Match the following

a. Corpus luteum 1. Testosterone

b. Graafian follicle 2. Inhibidin

c. Sertoli cells 3. Theca interna

d. Leydig‟s cells 4. Corpus albicans


a. fhh;g]; Yl;bak; 1. nl];Nlh];BNuhd;

b. fpuh/gpad; /ghypf;fps; 2. ,d;`pgpbs;

c. nrh;l;Nlhyp nry;fs; 3. jPf;fh ,d;lh;dh

d. yPbf; nry;fs; 4. fhh;g]; my;gpfd;];

a. 2 1 3 4 b. 4 3 2 1 c. 1 2 3 4 d. 3 4 1 2

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
73. Which year new rabies vaccine was discovered?

NugpRf;Fhpa Gjpa jLg;g+rp kUe;J ve;j Mz;L fz;Lgpbf;fg;gl;lJ?

a. 1905 b. 1912 c. 1985 d. 1980

74. The Longest bone in the human body is

a. Humerus b. Spine c. Femur d. Tibia

kdpj clypd; kpf ePskhd vYk;G

a. Nkw;if vYk;G b. KJnfYk;G c. njhil vYk;G d. fhy; Kd;ndYk;G

75. Who among the following persons discovered an alternate pathway for the utilization of

glucose by the living cells

a. Embden b. Dickens c. T.D.Lysenko d. Bateson

gpd;tUk; egh;fspy; vth; xUth;> capUs;s nry;fs; FSf;Nfhir khw;W topapYk;

gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd vd;gijf; fz;Lgpbj;jhh;?

a. vk;ld; b. bf;fd;]; c. T.D. iynrd;Nfh d. Ngl;rd;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
76. Which one is the largest cells in white blood corpuscles.

a. Lymphocytes b. Basophils

c. Monoscytes d. Neutrophils

fPo;fz;ltw;wpy; kpfg; nghpa ,uj;j nts;isaZf;fs; vit?

a. ypk;Nghirl;Lfs; b. NgNrh/gpy;fs;

c. NkhNdhirl;Lfs; d. epa+l;Nuhgpy;fs;

77. HIV size is about ___________

a. 10 – 140 m b. 10 – 100 m c. 140 – 100 m d. 100 – 140 m

vr;.I.tpapd; gUkd; Rkhh; ____________

a. 10 – 140 m b. 10 – 100 m c. 140 – 100 m d. 100 – 140 m

78. Project Tiger in India started as _________

GypghJfhg;G jpl;lk; Jtf;fg;gl;l Mz;L

a. 1973 b. 1900 c. 1980 d. 1983

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
79. Match the following:

a. Lemon 1. Tartaric Acid

b. Apple 2. Citric Acid

c. Grape 3. Oxalic Acid

d. Tomato 4. Malic Acid

fPo;fhz;gtw;iw nghUj;Jf:

a. vYkpr;ir 1. lhh;lhhpf; mkpyk;

b. Mg;gps; 2. rpl;hpf; mkpyk;

c. jpuhl;ir 3. Mf;rhypf; mkpyk;

d. jf;fhsp 4. khypf; mkpyk;

a. 2 1 3 4 b. 2 1 4 3 c. 2 4 1 3 d. 2 3 1 4

80. Among the four stages in oxidation of glucose, Which one is common in all organism?

a. Glycolysis b. Oxidative decarboxylation of Pyruvic acid

c. Krebs cycle d. Electron transport chain

FSf;Nfh]; Mf;rp[Ndw;wk; eilngWk; ehd;F epiyfspy;> ve;j epfo;T vy;yh

caphpdq;fspYk; eilngWfpd;wJ?

a. fpisf;fhyprp]; b. igUtpf; mkpyk; Mf;rp[Ndw;w fhh;gd; ePff

; kiljy;

c. fpug;]; Row;rp d. vyf;l;uhd; flj;J rq;fpyp

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
81. Who is known as Father of Taxonomy?

a. Hippocrates b. Carolus Linnaeus

c. Gregor Johan Mendel d. Aristotle

tifg;ghl;baypd; je;ij vd;W miof;fg;gLgth; ahh;?

a. `pg;Nghfpnul;l]; b. fNuhy]; ypd;Nda];

c. fpufh; N[h`d; nkz;ly; d. mhp];lhl;by;

82. Major respiratory Substrate is

a. Protein b. Vitamin c. Carbohydrate d. Fat

Rthrpj;jypy; ngUk;ghYk; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; jsg;nghUs;

a. Gujk; b. itl;lkpd; c. fhh;Nghi`l;Nul; d. nfhOg;G

83. Which one is an important vector for Plague disease?

a. Mosquito b. Housefly c. Flea d. Snail

gpNsf; Nehapd; Kf;fpa flj;jp vJ?

a. nfhR b. < c. /gpsp d. ej;ij

84. The opening and closing of leaves of Mimosa Pudica is due to

a. Thermonastic movement b. Photonastic movement

c. Seisomonastic movement d. Chemonastic movement

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
J}q;F%Q;rp (ikNkhrh Gbfh) jhtuj;jpd; ,iyfs; %Ljy; kw;Wk; jpwj;jy; nraYf;fhd


a. ntg;gQ;rhh; ,af;fk; b. xspehl;l ,af;fk;

c. eLf;f tsh;r;rp ,af;fk; d. Ntjprhh; ,af;fk;

85. The wood and bark of conifers have special channels filled with

a. Latex b. Oil c. Resins d. Tannins

Crpapiy kuq;fspd; fl;il kw;Wk; gl;ilfs; rpwg;G topfs; nfhz;L ,tw;why; epuk;gpf;


a. kug;ghy; b. vz;nza; c. gprpd; d. lhdpd;

86. The matrix of blood is known as

a. Plasma b. Blood Protein

c. RBC and WBC d. WBC and Platelets

,uj;j Nkl;hpf;]; vdg;gLtJ

a. gpsh];kh b. ,uj;j Gujk;

c. ,uj;j rptg;G kw;Wk; nts;isaZf;fs;

d. ,uj;j nts;isaZ kw;Wk; ,uj;j jl;Lf;fs;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
87. Sickle-cell anaemia is due to

a. Viruses b. Genes c. Hormones d. Bacteria

rpf;fpy; nry; mdpkpahtpw;F fhuzkhf ,Ug;gJ

a. itu];fs; b. [Pd;fs; c. `hh;Nkhd;fs; d. ghf;Bhpahf;fs;

88. Endangered plant species are conserved through

a. Herbarium b. Invitro/Invivo

c. Gene Bank d. Reducing Pollution

mope;JNghFk; jhtu ,dq;fis ,t;thW ghJfhf;fyhk;.

a. n`h;Nghpak b. ,d;tpl;Nuh/,d;tpNth

c. [Pd; Ngq;f; d. khR fl;Lg;ghL

89. The process of transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is

a. Translocation b. Transversion c. Transcription d. Translation

kugpd jfty;fis DNA tpypUe;J RNA tpw;F khw;Wk; nray;

a. l;uhd;];nyhNf\d; b. l;uhd;];nth;\d;

c. l;uhd;];fphpg;\d; d. l;uhd;];Ny\d;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
90. Which of the following is called as‟biological catalyst‟?

a. vitamin b. enzyme c. fat d. carbohydrate

fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; vJ „caphpay; tpida+f;fp vd;wiof;fg;gLfpwJ?

a. itl;lkpd; b. vd;irk; c. nfhOg;G d. fhh;Nghi`l;Nul;

91. Graafian Follicle are characteristically found in the

a. ovary of frog b. ovary of mammal

c. thyroid of mammal d. testis of mammals

fpuhgpad; ghypfps; vd;gJ ____________d; tpyq;fpdj;jpd; gz;ghf cs;sJ.

a. jtisapd; mz;lfk; b. ghY}l;bapd; mz;lfk;

c. ghY}l;bapd; ijuha;L d. ghY}l;bapd; tpe;jfk;

92. Consider the following statements

Siamese twins means

(i) Twins fail to separate completely from each other (ii) Twins have no variability

Choose the right answer

a. (i) is correct and (ii) is wrong b. (i) is wrong and (ii) is correct

c. Both (i) and (ii) are correct d. Both (i) and (ii) are wrong

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;fz;l thf;fpaq;fis ftdp

rpakp]; ,ul;ilah; vd;gJ

(i). ,ul;ilah;fs; xUthplkpUe;J xUth; KOikahf gphpahjpUj;jy;

(ii). ,ul;ilah;fspilNa NtWghL fhzg;gLtjpy;iy

rhpahd tpilia Njh;e;njLf;fTk;

a. (i) rhp kw;Wk; (ii) jtW b. (i) jtW kw;Wk; (ii) rhp

c. (i) kw;Wk; (ii) ,uz;Lk; rhp d. (i) kw;Wk; (ii) ,uz;Lk; jtW

93. Both extra and intracellular digestion take place in

a. Dugesia b. Star fish c. Poly stoma d. Turbellaria

nry;Yf;Fs;Sk; kw;Wk; nry;Yf;F ntspNaAk; nrhpkhdk; eilngWk; xU caphpdk;

a. ba+fprpah b. el;rj;jpukPd; c. ghypNrhNlhkh d. lh;gy;Nyhpah

94. In forensic science, ____________ has become useful technique to identify and found

relationship of a person.

a. DNA finger printing b. Antisense RNA technique

c. Animal cloning d.Tissue culture

jla mwptpay;> xU kdpjid milahsk; fhZjy; kw;Wk; cwtpd;Kiwia fz;lwpa

cjTk; njhopw; El;gk;

a. DNA tpuy;Nuif gjpT

b. Mz;bnrd; RNA technique (RNA njhopw;El;gk;)

c. tpyq;fpd FNshdpq; d. jpR tsh;g;G

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

95. Which of the following is not a function of transpiration?

a. uptake of water b. excretion of minerals

c. cooling of leaves d. uptake of minerals

fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sjpy; vJ ePuhtpg; Nghf;fpd; gzp ,y;iy

a. ePh; cwpQ;Rjy; b. jdpkq;fs; ntspNaw;wy;

c. ,iyapd; Fsph;tpg;G d. jdpkq;fs; cs;spOj;jy;

96. In the presence of ____________ protein is differentiated from carbohydrates and fats.

GujkhdJ> fhh;Nghi`l;Nul;Lfs; kw;Wk; nfhOg;GfspypUe;J ________________ cs;sjhy;


a. N2 b. H2 c. O2 d. C

97. Asymbiotic bacterium capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen

a. Rhizobium b. Clostridium c. Agrobacterium d. Staphylococcus

$l;Laph; my;yhj tspkz;lyj;jpYs;s iel;u[id epiyg;gLj;Jk; jpwd; ngw;w ghf;Bhpak;

a. iuNrhgpak; b. fpsh];bhpbak;

c. mf;Nuhghf;Bhpak; d. ];l/igNyhfhf;f];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
98. The principal function of centromere is

a. Chromosome splitting b. Formation of spindle fibres

c. DNA duplication d. Movement of Chromosomes to poles

nrd;l;Nuhkpahpd; Kjd;ikg; gzpahdJ

a. FNuhNkhNrhk; gpsTWjy; b. fjph;f;Nfhy; ,iofs; cUthf;fk;

c. b.vd;.V ,ul;bg;ghjy; d. FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; JUtq;fSf;F efh;jy;

99. A hormone which is responsible for fright flight and fight.

a. Adrenaline b. Somatotrophin

c. Oxytocin d. Insulin

jpBh; gak;> ghJfhg;Gf;fhf XLjy; kw;Wk; rz;ilapLjYf;fhd `hh;Nkhd; vJ?

a. ml;hpdypd; b. NrhNkhNlhbnuhgpd;

c. Mf;]pNlhrpd; d. ,d;Rypd;

100. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding blood volume in human beings.

1. In adult human being the total volume of blood is about 5 litres.

2. The average volume of blood is calculated on weight basis.

3. In human beings approximately 70ml of blood for each kilogram of body weight.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2 and 3

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s thf;fpaj;jpy; kdpjDila ,uj;j msT vd;gjpy; rhpahdJ tpilia


1. kdpjDila nkhj;j ,uj;j msT ruhrhpahf 5 ypl;lh; ,Uf;Fk;.

2. kdpjDila ,uj;j msT ruhrhp cly; vilapypUe;J fzf;fplg;gLfpwJ.

3. kdpjDila ,uj;j msT cly; vilapy; 1 fpNyhfpuhKf;F ruhrhpahf 70 ml ,uj;jk;

vd fzf;fplg;gLfpwJ.

a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2 and 3

101. The seminiferous tubule is the supporting cells are cells of specialized functions called

a. cells of sertoli b. cells of labules

c. cells of legdig d. cells of scrotum

Mz; ,dg;ngUf;f cWg;gpy; nrkpdpgpu]; nry;Yf;F gf;fgykhf ,Uf;f $ba rpwg;G

gzpfis nra;af;$ba nry;fs;

a. nrul;Nlhyp nry;fs; b. NygpNahy; nry;fs;

c. ypf;bf; nry;fs; d. tpijg;igapy; cs;s nry;fs;

102. The objective of conservation of Biodiversity

1. To preserve biodiversity. 2. To preserve genetic resource.

3. To manage the natural resources.

Select the correct answer using the code given below

a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2 and 3

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
caphpd gd;ikia vt;thW fl;LgLj;jyhk;.

1. caphpd ngUf;fj;ij fl;Lg;gLj;Jjy;.

2. gy;Yaphpd kuG gz;Gfis ghJfhj;jy;.

3. ,aw;if tsq;fis eph;thfpj;jy;.

fPo;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ rhp vd Njh;e;njLf;f

a. 1 kl;Lk; b. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk;

c. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; d. 1, 2 kw;Wk; 3

103. What is the characteristic features of colour-blindness – Given below.

a. Absence of rod cells in retina b. Absence of cone cells in retina

c. Absence of lusture in lens d. Lack of colour pigments in the Eye

epwf;FUL Vw;gLtjw;F fhuzk;

a. nul;bdhtpy; uhL nry; ,y;yhjjhy; b. nul;bdhtpy; Nfhd; nry; ,y;yhjjhy;

c. nyd;rpy; <ug;gjk; ,y;yhjjhy; d. fz;fspy; epwkpfs; ,y;yhjjhy;

104. Match:

a. Agaricus bisporus 1. Milky mushroom

b. Pleurotus flabellutus 2. Button mushroom

c. Volvariella valvacea 3. Oyster mushroom

d. Calocybe indica 4. Paddy straw mushroom

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

a. mfhhpf]; ig];Nghu]; 1. ghy; fhshd;

b. gpypa+Nuhl;l]; gpshngy;Nyl;l]; 2. gl;ld; fhshd;

c. thy;Nthhpay;yh thy;Ntrpah 3. rpg;gpf; fhshd;

d. NfNyhirgp ,z;bfh 4.itf;Nfhy; fhshd;

a. 2 3 4 1 b. 2 4 1 3 c. 2 1 4 3 d. 1 2 3 4

105. Which of the following is ketohexose?

a. Glucose b. Fructose c. Ribose d. Galactose

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ fPl;Nlh n`f;N]h];?

a. FSf;Nfh]; b. /gpuf;Nlh]; c. hpNgh]; d. fhyhf;Nlh];

106. The complete manure is that which supplies to the soil

a. S, K and N b. N, P and K c. S and N d. S, N and P

fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vit xU KOikahd cukhf kz;izr; nrd;wilfpwJ?

a. S, K kw;Wk; N b. N, P kw;Wk; K

c. S kw;Wk; N d. S, N kw;Wk; P

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
107. The apparatus used to demonstrate fermentation is

a. Respirometer b. Thistle funnel

c. Kuhne‟s tube d. Wilmott‟s bubbler

Eiuj;jy; epfo;it ep&gpf;f cjTk; cgfuzk;

a. nu];gpNuhkPl;lh; b. jprpy; Gdy;

c. $d; FLit d. tpy;khl; Fkpop rhjdk;

108. Which one of the following is not reserve food of fungi?

a. Glycogen b. Fat c. Starch d. Both (A) and (B)

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ g+Q;irapd; Nrkpg;G czT my;y?

a. fpisNfh[d; b. nfhOg;G

c. ];lhh;r; d. (A) kw;Wk; (B) ,uz;Lk;

109. Which among the following is used to treat sewage?

a. Diatom, Fucus b. Chondrus, Chara

c. Chlorella, Chlamydomonas d. Chondrus, Gracilaria

fPo;tUtdtw;wpy; fopTePh; Rj;jpfhpg;gpy; gad;gLtJ vJ?

a. lahl;lk;> /gpAf]; b. fhd;l;u];> Nfuh

c. FNshnuy;yh> fpshkpNlhNkhd]; d. fhd;l;u];> fpuhrpNyhpah

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
110. Which of the following is the symptom of the protein deficiency disorder, „Kwashiorkor‟?

a. Fatty Liver b. Pigeon Chest c. Burning feet d. Pot – belly

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; Gujr; rj;J Fiwghlhd „Fth\pahh;fh;‟-d; mwpFwp ahJ?

a. nfhOg;G epiwe;j fy;yPuy; b. Gwh khh;G $L

c. ghj vhpr;ry; d. ghid Nghd;w tapW

111. Rejection is not occurs when tissues or organs are transplanted from

1. Same individual 2. Identical twins 3. Two different species

a. 1 alone b. 2 alone c. 1 and 2 d. 3 alone

jpR my;yJ cWg;G khw;wk; nra;Ak;NghJ vt;tifahditfis Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk;

1. xNu caphpdj;jpy; ,Ue;J vLf;fg;gLk;NghJ 2. ,ul;ilah;fsplkpUe;J vLf;Fk;NghJ

3. ,UNtWgl;l caphpdq;fspypUe;J vLf;Fk;NghJ

a. 1 kl;Lk; rhp b. 2 kl;Lk; rhp c. 1 kw;Wk; 2 rhp d. 3 kl;Lk; rhp

112. An Ecosystem means

a. Biotic Community b. Biotic Community and its non-living things

c. Non-living things d. Population

Roy; kz;lyk; vd;gJ

a. capUs;sit b. thoplj;jpy; cs;s capUs;sit kw;Wk; caphpypfs;

c. caphpypfs; d. ,df;FOf;fs;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
113. Which among the following atmospheric layer is most important for all biological activity?

a. Stratosphere b. Troposphere

c. Mesosphere d. Ionosphere

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; ve;j tspkz;ly mLf;F vy;yh caphpd nray;ghLfSf;Fk; fhuzkhdJ?

a. ];l;uhNgh];gpah; b. l;NuhNgh];gpah;

c. kPNrh];gpah; d. maNdh];gpah;

114. A person donating blood should have a minimum haemoglobin level of

,uj;j jhdk; nra;tjw;F Kd; kdpjdpy; Fiwe;j gl;rk; ,Uf;f Ntz;ba `PNkhFNshgpd;


a. 10g b. 11.5 g c. 12.5g d. 14 g

115. Consider the statement:

Assertion (A):The eukaryotic cells have four kinds of rRNA molecules namely 28 S rRNA, 18

S rRNA, 5.8 S rRNA and 5S rRNA.

Reason (R):The 28 S rRNA, 5.8 S rRNA and 5 S rRNA occur in 60 S ribosomal submit while

18 S rRNA occurs in 40 S ribosomal submit of 80S ribosomes of eukaryotes.

Choose the correct answer:

a. Both (A) and (R) are individually correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

b. Both (A) and (R) are individually correct but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)

c. (A) is correct but (R) is false

d. (A) is false but (R) is correct

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;f;fhZk; thf;fpaq;fis ftdp

$w;W (A): a+Nfhpahl;bf; nry;fs; ehd;F tpjkhd rRNA %yf;$Wfis nfhz;Ls;sJ.

mitfs; KiwNa 28 S rRNA, 18 S rRNA, 5.8 S rRNA kw;Wk; 5 S rRNA

fhuzk; (R): a+Nfhpahl;by; cs;s 80 S iuNghNrhk;fs; 28 S rRNA, 5.8 S rRNA kw;Wk; 5 S

rRNA %yf;$Wfs; 60 S iuNghNrhk;fspd; gFg;gpYk; kw;Wk; 18S rRNA 40S

iuNghNrhk;fspd; gFg;gpYk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

rhpahd tpilia Njh;e;njL:

a. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R) vd;gJ (A) tpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk;.

b. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R) vd;gJ (A) tpd; rhpahd tpsf;fky;y.

c. (A) kl;Lk; rhp (R) jtW d. (A) jtW Mdhy; (R) rhp

116. Which ratio is constant for DNA?

,tw;wpy; vJ b.vd;.V.tpy; cs;s epiyahd tpfpjk;

a. A + G / T + C b. A + T / G +

c. A + C / U + G d. A + U / C + G

117. Find out the wrong statement

a. The phloem in gymnosperms lacks companion cells

b. Pollination is one mophilous in gymnosperms

c. The ovules are protected by the carpels in gymnosperms

d. Vessels are usually absent from the xylem of gymnosperms

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;f;fz;l fUj;Jf;fspy; jtwhdij Rl;bf; fhz;gpf;fTk;

a. [pk;Ndh];ngh;k;fspy; fhzg;gLk; GNshak; fw;iwfspy; Njhoikr; nry;fs;


b. [pk;Ndh];ngh;k;fspy; kfue;j Nrh;f;if fhw;W %ykhf elf;fpd;wJ.

c. [pk;Ndh];ngh;k;fspd; #y;fs; fhh;gy;fshy; ghJfhf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

d. iryk; fw;iwfspy; nghJthf ntry;fs; [pk;Ndh];gh;k;fspy; fhzg;gLtjpy;iy

118. Consider the statement:

Assertion (A): Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the LDL cholesterol which may thus reduce risk if

coronary heart disease.

Reason (R): People with problems of blood circulation such as varicose veins benefit from

consumption of omega-3 fatty acids since they stimulate blood circulation and

help to breakdown fibrin (clot)

Choose the correct answer:

a. Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)

b. Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

c. (A) is true but (R) is false d. (A) is false but (R) is true

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;f;fhZk; thf;fpaq;fis ftdp:

$w;W (A): xNkfh-3 nfhOg;G LDL nfhy];l;uhiy Fiwj;J ,Uja Neha; tUtij \

Fiwf;ff; $baJ.

fhuzk; (R): ,uj;j Xl;lj;jpy; FiwghL-NthpNfh]; ehsk; cs;s kdpjh;fs; xNkfh-3

nfhOg;ig cl;nfhz;lhy; ,uj;j Xl;lj;ij rPh;gLj;jp> ,uj;j fl;bfis


rhpahd gjpiy Njh;e;njLf;fTk;.

a. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R) vd;gJ (A) tpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fky;y

b. (A) kw;Wk; (R) ,uz;Lk; rhp (R) vd;gJ (A) tpd; rhpahd tpsf;fk;.

c. (A) kl;Lk; rhp (R) jtW d. (A) jtW Mdhy; (R) rhp

119. The end product of anaerobic respiration is

a. Acetyl Co-A b. Ethanol alchol c. Pyruvic acid d. Succinic acid

fhw;wpy;yh Rthrj;jpy; ,Wjpahf fpilf;fg;ngWtJ

a. mrpily; Co-A b. vj;jpy; My;f`hy;

c. igUtpf; mkpyk; d. rf;rpdpf; mkpyk;

120. Golden rice is a genetically modified crop. Where the incorporated gene is meant for

biosynthesis of

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
Nfhy;ld; mhprp vd;gJ xU kugZ khw;wg;gl;l gaph; MFk;. ,jpy; xUq;fpize;j kugZ

caphpa nrwpTf;fhdJ

a. itl;lkpd; A b. itl;lkpd; B c. itl;lkpd; C d. itl;lkpd; D

121. Most widely used bioweapon is

a. Bacillus subtilis b. Vibrio cholera

c. Bacillus anthracis d. Escherichia coli

kpf gutyhf gad;gLk; caphp MAjk;

a. Ngrpy;y]; rg;by;yp]; b. tpg;hpNah fhyNu

c. Ngrpy;y]; Me;juhrp]; d. v];n]hprpah Nfhiy

122. Among the following plants, which one has oil repelling property?

a. Tobacco b. Maize c. Hibiscus d. Aloe Vera

,tw;Ws; ve;j jhtuk; „vz;nzapid tpyf;Fk; jpwd;‟ cilaJ?

a. Gifapiy b. kf;fhr; Nrhsk; c. nrk;gUj;jp d. fw;whio

123. What happens in human Thalassemias?

1. reduce  - globin synthesis 2. reduce  - globin synthesis

3. enhance  and  - globin synthesis

a. 1 alone correct b. 2 alone correct c. 1 and 2 are correct d. 3 alone correct

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
jykPrpah Neha; cs;sth;fSf;F vit eilngWfpwJ?

1.  - FNshgpd; cUthtJ Fiwf;fg;gLfpwJ

2.  - FNshgpd; cUthtJ Fiwf;fg;gLfpwJ

3.  kw;Wk;  - FNshgpd; cUthtJ mjpfhpf;fg;gLfpwJ

a. 1 kl;Lk; rhp b. 2 kl;L;k; rhp

c. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk; rhp d. 3 kl;Lk; rhp

124. Which of the following plant boosts the production of red blood cells?

a. Turmeric b. Tulsi c. Lemon grass d. Mustard

gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; ve;j jhtuk; ,uj;j rptg;gZ cw;gj;jpia J}z;lf;$baJ?

a. kQ;rs; b. Jsrp c. vYkpr;rk; Gy; d. fLF

125. Find the wrong pair/pairs:

1. Metabolism - Sum total of enzymatic reactions

2. Auxin - Photosynthesis

3. Photolysis of water - Growth

4. Oxidative phosphorylation – Respiration

a. 1 and 2 b. 2 only c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
jtwhd ,iz/,izfisf; fz;Lgpb:

1. tsh;rpij khw;wk; - xl;Lnkhj;j nehjpfspd; tpidfs;

2. Mf;]pd; - xspr;Nrh;fi
; f

3. ePhpd; xspg;gpsj;jy; - tsh;r;rp

4. Mf;]p[Ndw;w gh];ghPfuzk;- Rthrk;

a. 1 kw;Wk; 2 b. 2 kl;Lk; c. 2 kw;Wk; 3 d. 3 kw;Wk; 4

126. Which one of the following is need on a non-conventional source of raw material for the

paper production?

a. Bamboo b. Casuarina c. Sugarcane bagasse d. Eucalyptus

fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sitfspy; vit kuGrhuh cw;gj;jp nghUshf fhfpjk; jahhpf;f


a. %q;fpy; b. rTf;F c. fUk;G rf;if d. a+fhypg;l];

127. Consider the following Endocrine glands:

1. Islets of Langerhans - Produce Insulin

2. Thyroid gland - Produce diabetes

3. Adrenal gland - Produce Goitre

Which of the following is correctly matched?

a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1, 2 and 3

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
fPo;nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ehskpy;yh Rug;gpfspy; vJ rhpahf nghUe;Jk;:

1. Inyl;]; Mg; Nyq;fh;fhd; - ,d;Rypid nfhLf;Fk;

2. ijuha;L Rug;gp - rh;f;fiu tpahjpia nfhLf;Fk;

3. ml;hpdy; Rug;gp - Kd; fOj;J fyioia nfhLf;Fk;

a. 1 kl;Lk; b. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk;

c. 2 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk; d. 1> 2 kw;Wk; 3

128. Which one called from the development and the maturation of the erythrocyte from the


a. Erythropoiesis b. Erythrocynin c. Erythrocyte d. Haemotocyte

fPo;fz;ltw;wpy; ,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs; `pkl;Nlhgpsh];bfspypUe;J cUthfp Kjph;;r;rp

miltjw;F ngah;

a. vhpj;jpNuhgha;rp]; b. vhpj;jpNuhirdpd; c. vhpj;jpNuhirl; d. `pkl;Nlhirl;

129. Combined drug in use to cure the Malaria is

a. Quinine b. Fansidar c. Chloroquine d. Primaquine

kNyhpahit Fzg;gLj;j jw;NghJ gad;gLj;jg;gLk; $l;L kUe;J vJ?

a. Fapidd; b. Ngd;rplh; c. FNshNuhFapd; d. gpiukhFapd;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
130. In mammals the mammalian glands are modified gland of following

1. Salivary gland 2. Sebaceous gland 3. Pituitary gland

a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 1 and 2 only d. 1 and 3 only

ghY}l;bfspy; ghy; Ruf;Fk; Rug;gpfs; gpd;tUk; Rug;gpahf khw;wg;gl;L nray;gLfpwJ

1. ckpo;ePh; Rug;gp 2. rNgrpa]; Rug;gp 3. gpl;a+l;lhp Rug;gp

a. 1 kl;Lk; b. 2 kl;Lk; c. 1 kw;Wk; 2 kl;Lk; d. 1 kw;Wk; 3 kl;Lk;

131. Which of the following ecological Pyramid is always upright?

a. Pyramid of energy b. Pyramid of number

c. Pyramid of biomass d. (B) and (C)

gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ Neuhd #o;epiyapay; $k;G?

a. Mw;wy; $k;G b. vz;zpf;if $k;G

c. vil $k;G d. (B) kw;Wk; (C)

132. Who is the author of Book Anatomy of seed plants?

a. A. Schmidt b. Katherine Esau c. Ray. F d. K.N. Rao

tpijj; jhtuq;fspd; cs;sikg;gpay; E}iy ntspapl;lth;

a. A. \;kpl; b. Nfj;jhpd; <rh c. Nu.F d. K.N. uht;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
133. Consider the following statement.

Assertion (A): Neutrophils are belonging to granulocytic type.

Reason (R): Neutrophils contain no granules in cytoplasm.

a. Both (A) and (R) are correct b. Both (A) and (R) are wrong

c. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong d. (A) is wrong but (R) is correct

fPo;fz;l thf;fpaq;fis fUj;jpy; nfhs;f.

$w;W (A): epa+l;Nuhgpy;fs; Jfs; rhh;e;j ,uj;j nts;isaZf;fs;.

fhuzk; (R): epa+l;Nuhgpy;fspy; irl;Nlhgpshr Jfs;fs; ,y;iy.

a. (A) kw;Wk; (R) rhp b. (A) kw;Wk; (R) jtW

c. (A) rhp (R) jtW d. (A) jtW (R) rhp

134. The hormone which maintains pregnancy and regulates menstrual cycle is

a. Progesterone b. Oestrogen c. Relaxin d. Testosterone

khjtplha; Row;rp kw;Wk; fh;g;g epiyia rPuhf guhkhpf;Fk; `hh;Nkhd;

a. GNuhn[];buhd; b. <];l;Nuh[d; c. hpyhf;]pd; d. nl];l;Nlh];Buhd;

135. Alcoholic fermentation takes place in which organism

a. Yeast b. Fungi c. Bacteria d. Virus

My;f`hypf; nehjpj;jy; eilngWk; caphpdk; vJ?

a. <];l; b. g+Q;ir c. ghf;Bhpah d. itu];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
136. Which is insectivorus plant?

a. Cuscuta b. Monotropa c. Vanda d. Drosera

G+r;rp cz;Zk; jhtuk; vJ?

a. f];Fl;lh b. khNdhl;uhgh c. thz;lh d. l;u]Puh

137. Match the following:

a. Beriberi 1. Vitamin C

b. Pellagra 2. Vitamin B1

c. Scurvy 3. Vitamin D

d. Rickets 4. Vitamin B3


a. nghpnghp 1. itl;lkpd; C

b. ngy;yhf;uh 2. itl;lkpd; B1

c. ];fh;tp 3. itl;lkpd; D

d. hpf;nfl;]; 4. itl;lkpd; B3

a. 4 3 2 1 b. 2 4 1 3 c. 1 3 4 2 d. 3 2 1 4

138. Growth of plants only in water without soil is called

a. Hypertonic b. Hydroponics

c. Hydrolytic d. Hypotonic
No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
jhtuq;fis kz; ,y;yhky; jz;zPhpy; kl;Lk; tsh;f;Fk; Kiw ,t;thW miof;fg;gLfpwJ.

a. i`g;gh; Nlhdpf; b. i`l;NuhNghdpf;];

c. i`l;Nuhiybf; d. i`g;NghNlhdpf;

139. Which of the following characters is true about fungi? They are

a. Heterotrophic plants b. Chlorophyllus plants

c. Prokaryotic plants d. autotrophic animals

fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;ltw;wpy; g+Q;iriag; gw;wpa cz;ik vJ? mitfs;

a. n`l;bNuhbuhg;gpf; jhtuq;fs; b. gr;iraKila jhtuq;fs;

c. GNuhf;Nfhpahl;bf; jhtuq;fs; d. Ml;Nlhbuhgpf; tpyq;Ffs;

140. The most likely period in which a woman may conceive is

a. From 7th to 10 day of menstrual cycle b. 15 to 19 day of menstrual cycle

c. on 14th day of menstrual cycle d. at any time in menstrual cycle

ngz;zpd; fUTWjy; (Vwf;Fiwa) eilngWk; ehs;

a. khjtplha; ,Ue;J 7 Kjy; 10-tJ ehs; b. khjtplhapypUe;J 15 Kjy; 19tJ ehs;

c. 14-tJ ehs; khjtplhapy; ,Ue;J d. khjtplhapypUe;J midj;J ehl;fspYk;

141. The deficiency of Vitamin “A” causes

a. Hair to fall b. Dysentery c. Night blindness d. Weakness

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
caph;rj;J tpl;lkpd; “A” FiwghL

a. Kb cjph;jy; b. tapw;WNghf;F c. khiyfz; Neha; d. Nrhh;T

142. Which of the following characters of Gnetum brings it close to Angiosperms?

a. Woody habits b. Anomalous secondary growth

c. Presence of vessels in xylem d. Naked seeds

ePl;lj;jpd; ve;j gz;G mij tpijAiw cila (Md;[pNah];gh;k;) jhtuq;fspy; rhh;e;J


a. ku mikg;G b. jhWkhwhd ,uz;lhk; tsh;r;rp

c. nt]y;]; cila iryk; d. jpwe;j tpij

143. From the list below choose the binomial of Lotus

a. Nelumbium speciosum b. Victoria regia

c. Pistia stratiotes d. Nymphaea stellata

jhkiuapd; jhtu ,U nrhy; ngaiu fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;ltw;wpypUe;J Njh;T nra;

a. ePy;yk;kpak; ];gP]pNah]k; b. tpf;Nlhhpah hP[pah

c. gp];bah ];l;uhl;bNahl;]; d. epk;gah ];nly;Nyl;lh

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
144. Haemophilia is a human disease caused by

a. Bacterial infection b. Fungal infection

c. Mutant gene d. Viral infection

`PNkhgPypah vd;fpw ,uj;j xOfy; Neha; vjdhy; Vw;gLfpwJ?

a. ghf;Bhpah njhw;W %yk; b. g+Q;ir njhw;W %yk;

c. jpBh; khw;wk; %yk; d. itu]; njhw;W %yk;

145. __________ is essential for binding of Ribosomal sub units.

iuNghNrhk; Jiz myFfis ,izf;fg; gad;gLk; fdpkk;

I. Mo II. Mg III. Cl IV. Ca

a. I and II only b. II only c. III and IV only d. IV only

146. Human ovum contains no yolk. How can we call it?

a. Alecithel Egg b. Isolecithel Egg c. Mesolecithel Egg d. Telolecithel Egg

fUTzT mw;w kdpj mz;l mZtpid vt;thW miof;fyhk;?

a. Vnyrpj;jy; Kl;il b. INrhnyrpj;jy; Kl;il

c. kPNrhnyrpj;jy; Kl;il d. BNyhnyrpj;jy; Kl;il

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
147. Which gland enlarges, after the middle age of the male people, leads to interrupt urination?

a. Bulbo-urethral gland b. Prostate gland

c. Ampulla d. Gowper‟s gland

taJ KjpUk; epiyapy; Mz;fSf;F ve;j Rug;gp nghpjhtjhy;> rpWePh; fopg;G ghjpg;gilAk;?

a. gy;Ngh-a+hpj;uy; Rug;gp b. GNuh];Nll; Rug;gp

c. Mk;Gy;yh d. nfsg;gh; Rug;gp

148. The average ocean salinity is

ngUq;flypd; ruhrhp cth;g;gpaj;jpd; msT

a. 45% b. 35% c. 33% d. 38%

149. The female sex organ in Alga-chara is called as

I. Globule II. Strobili III. Oospore IV. Nucule

Nfuh ghrpapd; ngz; ghYWg;G

I. FNshGa+y; II. ];l;nuhgpyp III. C];Nghh; IV. epa+f;a+y;

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

150. Which fungi impart “earthy odor” to the soil after rain?

I. Penicillium II. Rhizopus II. Mucor IV. Streptomyces

kiof;Fg; gpd; “kz; third” Vw;gl fhuzkhd g+Q;ir vJ?

I. ngdprPypak; II. iuNrhg]; III. kpa+f;fh; IV. ];l;nug;Nlhikrp];

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
151. Which protozoan causing Kala azar?

a. Trypanosoma gambiens b. Leishmania donovani

c. Leishmania Tropica d. Plasmodium vivax

“fhyh mrhiu” Vw;gLj;Jk; GNuhl;NlhNrhtd; (xU nry; xl;Lz;zp) vJ?

a. bhpg;gNdhNrhkh Nfk;gpad;]; b. yP]N

; kdpah Nlhdhthdp

c. yP]N
; kdpah buhgpf;fh d. gpsh];Nkhbak; itthf;];

152. I. Obelia polyp is sessile and fixed.

II. Obelia mature medusa in free-swimming.

Statements are True/False

a. (1) alone true b. (II) alone true c. (I) and (II) are true d. (I) and (II) are false

I. xgpypahtpd; ghypg;fs; efu KbahjjhfTk; xl;bf;nfhz;Lk; fhzg;gLk;.

II. xgpypahtpd; Kjph;e;j nkLrh-jdpahf ePe;jf; $bait.

Nkw;$wpa $w;W rhpah? jtwh?

a. (I) kl;Lk; rhp b. (II) kl;Lk; rhp

c. (I) kw;Wk; (II) rhpahdit d. (I) kw;Wk; (II) jtwhdit

153. Sensitivity, congenital, traumatic, metabolic and associated with drugs, smoke and heavy

alcohol consumption are characters of

a. Obesity b. Cataract c. Glaucoma d. Diabeties

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
czh;r;rpaw;wpUg;gJ fhd;n[dpl;ly;> buTkhbf;> tsh;rpij khw;wk; kw;Wk; kUe;J> Gif

kw;Wk; Fbgof;fj;NjhL njhlh;Gila Neha;

a. Fz;lhf ,Ug;gJ b. fhl;uhf;l;

c. FSf;Nfhkh d. ePuopT

154. In human, which types of cells are affected by Malarial parasite?

a. Liver cell and RBC b. RBC and WBC

c. RBC and TH Cells d. RBC and Epithelial cells

kdpjdpy;> kNyhpah xl;Lz;zpapdhy; ve;j tif nry;fs; ghjpf;fg;gLfpwJ?

a. fy;yPuy; nry; kw;Wk; ,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs;

b. ,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs; kw;Wk; ,uj;j nts;isaZf;fs;

c. ,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs; kw;Wk; TH nry;fs;

d. ,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs; kw;Wk; vgpnlh;kp]; nry;fs;

155. Nutrition Atlas and Diet Atlas were published by

Cl;lr;rj;J ml;yh]; kw;Wk; czT ml;yh]; ,tw;iw ntspapl;lJ.


No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
156. According to Fluid-Mosaic model, Plasma membrane is made of

a. Cellulose and hemicellulose

b. Phospholipids and hemicelluloses

c. Phospholipids and intrinsic proteins

d. Phospholipide, intrinsic and extrinsic proteins

jput-nkhirf; khjphpapd;gb. gpsh];kh rt;thdJ __________ My; MdJ.

a. nry;YNyh]; kw;Wk; n`kpnry;YNyh];

b. gh];Nghypg;gpLfs; kw;Wk; n`kpnry;YNyh];

c. gh];Nghypg;gpLfs; kw;Wk; cs;shh;e;j Gujq;fs;

d. gh];Nghypg;gpLfs;> cs;shh;e;j Gujq;fs; kw;Wk; ntspg;Gwg; Gujq;fs;

157. Trypanosomiasis is a disease transmitted by

a. Sand fly b. Tse-tse fly c. Fire fly d. May fly

bhpg;gNdhN]hkpah]p]; vd;w Nehiaf; flj;Jk; caphp

a. kzy;g+r;rp b. Tse-tse(nrl;rp) g+r;rp c. jP g+r;rp d. Nk g+r;rp

158. The Drug most widely used against AIDS virus is

a. Zidorudine b. Miconozole c. Nawoxylol d. Virazole

AIDS caph;nfhy;yp itu];f;F vjpuhf gad;gLj;jg;gLk; kUe;jpd; ngah;

a. irNlhUbd; b. ikNfhNdhNrhy; c. ehNdhiryhy; d. tpuNrhy;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
159. All of the following are bacteria except

a. Bacteriophage b. E.Coli

c. Lactobacillus subtilis d. Corynebacterium diphtheria

,tw;Ws; xd;iwj; jtpu kw;wit vy;yhk; ghf;Bhpahf;fs;

a. ghf;BhpNah/Ng[; b. v.Nfhiy

c. yhf;NlhNg]py]; rg;byp]; d. fhh;zpg;ghf;Bhpak; bg;jphpah

160. Who constructed a model successfully for DNA first?

a. Barbara Mcclintock 1965 b. Melvin and Calvin 1963

c. Watson and Crick 1953 d. Hatch and Slack 1965

,th;fspy; ahh; Kjd;Kjypy; DNAf;F ntw;wpfukhf khjphp tbtk; nfhLj;jhh;fs;?

a. ghh;ghuh nkf;fpspd;lhf; 1965 b. nky;tpd; kw;Wk; fhy;tpd; 1963

c. thl;rd; kw;Wk; fphpf;]; 1953 d. N`r; kw;Wk; ];yhf; 1965

161. Ovulation generally occurs

a. Just before menstruation b. During menstruation

c. Just after menstruation d. Midway through menstrual cycle

Kl;il ntspgLjy; ve;j fhyj;jpy; eilngWk;

a. khjtplha;f;F Kd;G b. khjtplha; fhyj;jpd;NghJ

c. khjtplha; fhyk; gpd;dhy; d. khjtplha; elf;Fk; fhyj;jpd; ,ilNa

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
162. Blood is formed in the human adult by the

a. heart b. spleen

c. red bone marrow d. yellow bone marrow

tsh;r;rpaile;j kdpjdpd; ,uj;jj;ij cUthf;FtJ

a. ,jak; b. kz;zPuy;

c. rptg;G vYk;G kQ;ir d. kQ;rs; vYk;G kQ;ir

163. A boys larynx enlarges leading to deepening of voice and he shows hair growth over his face.

This is due to the hormone

a. Inhibition b. Testosterone c. Oestrogen d. Progesteron

xU rpWtdpd; njhz;ilg; gFjp mfd;W Fuy; khw;wk; Vw;gLfpd;wJ? NkYk; mtDila

Kfj;jpy; Nuhk tsh;r;rp fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,jw;F fhuzkhd `hh;Nkhd;

a. ,d;`pgpbd; b. nl];Nlh];BNuhd; c. <];bNuhn[d; d. GNuhn[];bNuhd;

164. The ulcer is mostly due to infections by a bacterium called

a. Helicobacter pylori b. Strepto cocci

c. Staphylo cocci d. Mycobacterium tuberculae

ngUk;ghYk; Fly; Gz; Njhd;w fhuzkhd ghf;Bhpak;

a. n`ypf;NfhNgf;lh; igNyhhp b. ];l;nug;Nlh fhf;if

c. ];nligNyh fhf;if d. ikf;Nfhghf;Bhpak; ba+gh; FNyhr];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
165. __________ is an antibiotic obtained from the blue green mold.

a. Streptomycin b. Penicillin

c. Aureomycin d. Chloromycin

_________ xU Mz;bgahbf; ,J ePy gr;ir g+Q;irapypUe;J vLf;fg;gLfpwJ.

a. ];l;nug;Nlhikrpd; b. ngdprpy;ypd;

c. MhpNahikrPd; d. FNshNuhikrPd;

166. Pyrethrum Extracted from the inflorescence of

a. Chrysanthemum b. Citrus c. Agro bacterium d. Bacillus

ighpj;jpuk; vj;jhtu kQ;rhpapypUe;J gphpj;njLf;fg;gLk;

a. fpiurhe;jpkk; b. rpl;u]; c. mf;Nuhghf;Bhpak; d. Ngrpy;y];

167. How many asymmetric carbon atoms are present in a glucose molecule?

a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five

xU FSf;Nfh]; %yf;$wpy; fhzg;gLk; nkhj;j rPHikaw;w fhh;gd; mZf;fspd;

vz;zpf;if vj;jid?

a. ,uz;L b. %d;W c. ehd;F d. Ie;J

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
168. In Abelmosclus esculentus, the fruit is

a. Drupe b. Schizocarp c. Regma d. Loculicidal capsule

Vngy;kh];fy; v];Fyz;l]; jhtuj;jpd; fdp tif

a. l;Ug; b. gpsTfdp c. nuf;kh d. #yf miw ntbfdp

169. Which of the following is not a „blue copper protein‟?

a. Stellacyanin b. Ferritin

c. Plastocyanin d Azurin

fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; vJ „ePy jhkpug; Gujk;‟ fpilahJ?

a. ];nly;yhradpd; b. /ngh;hpl;bd;

c. gpsh];Nlhradpd; d. m[{hpd;

170. Which bacterium contains the crystal protein (endotoxin) that kills Lepidoptera insects?

a. Xanthomonas campestris b. Bacillus thuringiensis

c. Pseudomonas syringe d. Bacillus anthracis

ve;j ghf;Bhpahtpy; fhzg;gLk; ];gbf Gujk; (vz;Nlhlhf;]pd;) nygplhg;buh tif

g+r;rpfis nfhy;fpwJ.

a. rhe;NjhNkhdh]; fhk;g];l;hp]; b. Ngrpy;y]; JUQ;nrd;rp];

c. #NlhNkhdh]; rphpQ; d. Ngrpy;y]; Me;j;uhrp];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
171. Carnivorous adaptation of plants mainly compensate for soil that has a relatively low

content of

a. Potassium b. Nitrogen c. Phosphate d. Calcium

G+r;rpAz;Zk; jhtuq;fspd; jftikg;ghdJ Kjd;ikahf kz;zpy; Fiwe;j msT

__________ ,Ug;gij <L nra;tjw;fhf

a. nghl;lhrpak; b. iel;u[d; c. gh];Ngl; d. fhy;rpak;

172. Match the following types of cancer based on the tissue:

a. Carcinoma 1. Cancer of the Lymphatic System

b. Sarcoma 2. Cancer of the white blood cells or bone marrow

c. Lymphoma 3. Cancer of the bone and soft tissues

d. Leukemia 4. Cancer of the epithelial cells

fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s Gw;WNehapd; tiffis mJ fhzg;gLk; jpRf;fs; (jirfs;)

mbg;gilapy; nghUj;Jf.

a. fhh;rpNdhkh 1. ypk;ghbf; rp];l Gw;WNeha;

b. rhh;Nfhkh 2. nts;is mZf;fs; my;yJ vYk;Gk[;i[ Gw;WNeha;

c. ypk;Nghkh 3. vYk;G kw;Wk; nky;ypa jpRf;fs; Gw;WNeha;

d. Y}f;Nfkpah 4. vgpjPypay; nry;fspy; Gw;WNeha;

a. 2 3 1 4 b. 3 4 1 2 c. 4 2 1 3 d. 4 3 1 2

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
173. Which organ growth requires thyroid hormone?

a. Heart b. Lungs c. Brain d. Kidney

ve;j cly; cWg;gpd; tsh;r;rpf;F ijuha;L `hh;Nkhd; Njitg;gLfpwJ.

a. ,Ujak; b. EiuaPuy; c. %is d. rpWePufk;

174. During DNA replication, the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand and joined together


a. DNA ligase b. DNA polymerase

c. Primase d. Helicase

b.vd;.V ,ul;bj;jypd;NghJ xfrhfp Jz;Lfis gpd;dilT ,ioAld; ,izf;Fk; nehjp

a. b.vd;.V.ypNf]; b. b.vd;.V ghypnkNu];

c. gpiuNk]; d. n`ypNf];

175. Red data book contains data of

a. All plant species b. All animal species

c. Economically important species d. Threatened endangered species

“nul; Nll;lh Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s tptuq;fs;”

a. midj;J jhtu ,dq;fs; b. midj;J tpyq;fpdq;fs;

c. nghUshjhu hPjpahf Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tha;e;j caphpfs;

d. mopAk; epiyapYs;s mghafu epiy caphpdq;fs;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
176. If a tea leaves are kept in hot water for longer time, the liquid becomes bitter because

a. The volatile oil in the leaves dissolves out b. The tannin dissolves out

c. The thein dissolves out d. Of the defect in the tea leaves

NjapiyahdJ nfhjpf;Fk; ePhpy; mjpf Neuk; itj;jpUe;jhy; frg;Gj; jd;ikia ngwf;


a. Mtpahff;$ba vz;nza; ,iyapypUe;J nte;ePhpy; fiutjhy;

b. Nldpd; (lhdpd;) nte;ePhpy; fiutjhy;

c. jPapd; nte;ePhpy; fiutjhy; d. ,iyapd; FiwghL fhuzkhf

177. Hydrolysis of proteins give

a.  - amino acids only b.  - amino acids only

c.  - amino acids only d. mixture of all

Gujq;fis ePuhw;gFf;Fk;NghJ fpilg;gJ

a. - mkpNdh mkpyk; kl;Lk; b. -mkpNdh mkpyk; kl;Lk;

c. - mkpNdh mkpyq;fs; kl;Lk; d. midj;J mkpNdh mkpyq;fSk;

178. Nuclei acids are high molecular weight polymers containing

a. Phosphate group b. Pentose sugar + Phosphate group

c. Heterocyclic Base + Pentose sugar

d. Phosphate group + Pentose sugar + Heterocyclic Base

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
epa+f;spf; mkpyq;fs; vd;w mjpf %yf;$W vil nfhz;l gygbapy; cs;sit

a. gh];Ngl; njhFjp

b. ngd;Nlh]; rh;ff
; iu + gh];Ngl; njhFjp

c. gy;ypd tisa fhuk; + ngd;Nlh]; rh;ff

; iu

d. gh];Ngl; njhFjp + ngd;Nlh]; rh;ff

; iu + gy;ypd tisa fhuk;

179. Where is the strongest muscle of the human body located?

a. Jaw b. Nose c. Ear d. Neck

kdpj clypy; tYthd jir vq;Fs;sJ?

a. jhil b. %f;F c. fhJ d. fOj;J

180. ____________ is the storage form of carbohydrate in plants and comprises the primary

source of energy in the diet.

a. Starch b. Glucose c. Glycogen d. Cellulose

jhtuq;fspy; Nrkpf;fg;glf;$ba fhh;Nghi`l;Nul;lhfTk;> cztpy; Mw;wypd; Kjd;ik

MjhukhfTk; tpsq;FtJ

a. ];lhh;r; b. FSf;Nfh]; c. fpisNfh[d; d. nry;YNyh];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
181. All the arteries are carrying oxygenated blood except _________

a. Pulmonary artery b. Femoral artery

c. Bronchial artery d. Alucolar Artery

,e;j jkdpia jtpu midj;J jkdpfSk; Mf;]p[d; cs;s ,uj;jj;ij vLj;J nry;fpwJ.

a. gy;kdhp jkdp b. gpNkhuy; jkdp

c. gpuhd;rpay; jkdp d. mypFyhh; jkdp

182. Find out the scientific name of the economically important plants:

a. Cotton 1. Curcuma Domestica

b. Turmeric 2. Withania somnifera

c. Ashwagandha 3. Gossypium Herbaceum

d. Indian Rosewood 4. Camellia sinensisk

e. Tea 5. Dalbergia latifolia

nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s nghUshjhu Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngw;w jhtuq;fspd; mwptpay; ngahpid


a. gUj;jp 1. fh;Fkh nlhk];bfh

b. kQ;rs; 2. tpjhdpah Nrhkpdpngh;uh

c. m];tfe;jh 3. fhrpgpak; n`h;Ngrpak;

d. ,e;jpah Nuh];Tl; 4. Nfnkypah iridd;rp];

e. Njapiy 5. lhy;gh;[pah NybNghypah

a. 3 1 2 5 4 b. 3 1 2 4 5 c. 3 2 1 5 4 d. 3 4 5 2 1

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
183. The highly resistant bodies produced within the cells of certain gram positive bacteria

a. Granules b. Globules c. Endospores d. Plasmid

rpy fpuhk; ghrpbt; ghf;Bhpahf;fspy; cUthFk; mjpf vjph;g;G rf;jp nfhz;l nghUl;fshdJ

a. fpuhDa+y;fs; b. FNshGa+y;fs; c. vz;Nlh];Nghh;fs; d. gpsh];kpl;

184. Fermentation is similar to

a. Aerobic respiration b. Anaerobic respiration

c. Photosynthesis d. Transpiration

nehjpj;jy; ,jw;F ,izahdjhFk;.

a. fhw;Wr; Rthrk; b. fhw;wpy;yhr; Rthrk;

c. xspr;Nrh;f;if d. ePuhtpg;Nghf;F

185. Who performed First Heart transplant in (1967)

a. Christian Barnard b. Jan Donald

c. Willem Kolff d. Ian Donald

,ja khw;W mWitrpfpr;ir nra;j Kjy; kdpjh; ahh; (1967)

a. fpwp];bad; gh;dhh;L b. [hd; nlhdhy;L

c. tpy;ypak; fhy;g; d. ,ahd; nlhdhy;L

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
186. Symbiosis is an interaction between two species in which

a. Both live together in direct contact b. Both are benefitted

c. One benefits and other is neither benefitted nor harmed

d. One benefits and other is harmed

,izT tho;fi
; f Nkw;nfhs;Sk; ,uz;L caphpdq;fSf;fpilNa cs;s cwtpy;

a. ,uz;Lk; Neubahf ,ize;J thOk; b. ,uz;Lk; gad; ngWk;

c. xd;W gadhsp kw;nwhd;W cjtpAk; nra;ahJ jPq;Fk; tpistpf;fhJ

d. xd;W gadhsp kw;nwhd;W jPq;fhdJ

187. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

a. Turner‟s syndrome - 44 autosome + XO

b. Klinefelter‟s syndrome - 44 autosome + XXY

c. Down‟s syndrome - 44 autosome + XYY

d. Super female - 44 autosome + XXX

gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; nghUe;jhjJ vJ?

a. lh;dh; FiwghL - 44 cly; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; + XO

b. fpisd;/gpy;lh FiwghL; -44 cly; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; + XXY

c. lTd; FiwghL -44 cly; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs;+XYY

d. #g;gh; ngz; -44 cly; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs;+XXX

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
188. Dodo is a _______ animal.

a. Endangered b. Critically endangered c. Rare d. Extinct

NlhNlh xU ____________ tpyq;F.

a. mopAk; epiy caphp b. ftiyf;fplkhd mopTepiy caphp

c. mhpa d. mope;J Nghd

189. Coniferous trees are found mostly in

a. Deccan Plateau b. Eastern Coast c. Western Coast d. Middle Himalaya

Crpapiyf; fhLfs; fhzg;glf;$ba ,e;jpahtpd; gFjp vJ?

a. jf;fhz gPlg+kp b. fpof;F flw;fiu

c. Nkw;F flw;fiu d. kj;jpa ,kakiy

190. Trace elements required for plant growth

jhtu tsh;;r;rpf;F Njitg;gLk; Ez;Z}l;lr; rj;Jf;fs;

a. N, P, K b. Ca, Mg, Fe c. Mn, Zn, Cu d. C, H, O

191. The principal genetic material of living beings

a. DNA b. RNA c. Both „A‟ and „B‟ d. Nucleolus

capUs;stw;wpy; fhzg;gLk; Kjd;ik kuGg; nghUs;

a. b.vd;.V b. Mh;.vd;.V c. „A‟ kw;Wk; „B‟ d. epa+f;spNahy];

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
192. The Chief component of fungal cell wall is

a. Mucopeptide b. Cellulose c. Mucopolysaccharide d. -D glucopyranose

G+Q;irfspd; nry;Rthpd; Kf;fpa cl;nghUshdJ

a. kpa+Nfhngg;ilL b. nry;YNyh];

c. kpa+f;Nfhghyprhf;fiuL d. My;/gh-b-FSNfhigNuNdh];

193. The study of the presence, distribution and prevention of disease in populations is called as

a. Ecology b. Encyclopedia c. Epidemiology d. Environment

kf;fs; kj;jpapy; Neha;fs; ,Ug;gJ> tpepNahfk; kw;Wk; jLg;G gw;wpa Ma;T gw;wp gbg;gJ

__________ vd;W miof;fpd;Nwhk;.

a. #oypay; b. fiyf;fsQ;rpak; c. Nehapay; d. Rw;Wr;#oy;

194. The male honeybee has ___________ set of chromosome.

a. Diploid b. Haploid c. Tetraploid d. Polyploid

Mz; NjdPf;fs; __________ FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; FOf;fs; ngw;wpUf;fpwJ.

a. bg;sha;L b. N`g;sha;L c. nll;uhg;sha;L d. ghypg;sha;L

195. What is phototropism?

a. movement of plants towards chemicals b. movement of plants towards light

c. movement of plants towards soil d. response of plants for day length

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Contact - 94438 44441
Nghl;Nlhl;uhg;gp]k; vd;why; vd;d?

a. nrbfspd; Ntjp nghUs; Nehf;fpa ,af;fk; b. nrbfspd; xsp Nehf;fpa ,af;fk;

c. nrbfspd; kz; Nehf;fpa ,af;fk; d. nrbfspd; xsp fhyj;J tpid

196. The crop which gets affected by pink ball worm is

a. Banana b. Wheat c. Mango d. Cotton

,sQ;rptg;G ge;J GOthy; ghjpf;fg;gLk; gaph;

a. thio b. NfhJik c. kh d. gUj;jp

197. In higher plants the sporophytic phase is formed after growth and development of the

zygote. Point out the type of cell division involved in this growth.

a. Mitosis b. Meiosis c. Amitosis d. Zygotic meiosis

cah;tif jhtuq;fspd; ];NghNuhigl;bf; epiy irNfhl;bd; tsh;r;rp khw;wj;jhy;

cUthfpwJ ve;j tif nry; gphpT ,jpy; nray;gLfpwJ vd;gij Rl;bf;fhl;L

a. ikl;lhrp]; b. kpahrp];

c. Vikl;lhrp]; d. irNfhl;bf; kpah]p];

198. Kuhne‟s tube can demonstrate the process of

a. Fermentation b. Germination of seeds

c. Growth of plants d. Aerobic respiration

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

$d;]; Foha; ve;j epfo;it ep&gpf;Fk;

a. nehjpj;jy; b. tpij Kisj;jy;

c. jhtu tsh;r;rp d. fhw;Wila Rthrpj;jy;

199. A preparation of living (or) killed micro-organism (or) viruses used in prevention of diseases

through immunization is called

a. Toxoid b. Vaccine c. Viremia d. Anti-toxin

capUs;s (m) capuw;w Ez;zpa caphpdq;fs; (m) itu];fis ek; clypDs; nrYj;jp

ekf;F vjph;g;G rf;jpia cUthf;Ftjw;F vd;d ngah;?

a. lhf;rha;L b. jLg;G Crp c. tphpkpah d. vjph; er;R

200. The source of energy in any eco system are

a. Osmotrophs b. Autotrophs c. Lithotrophs d. Heterotrophs

#o;epiyapaypd; Mw;wypd; Kf;fpa Mjhuk;

a. M];Nkh kz;lyk; b. Ml;Nlh kz;lyk;

c. xsp kz;lyk; d. ntt;NtW kz;lyk;

201. In normal persons, the blood plasma will not contain this ion.

a. Mercury b. Sodium c. Calcium d. Magnesium

Nehaw;wthpd; ,uj;j gpsh];khtpy; ,e;j madp fhzg;glhJ

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Contact - 94438 44441
a. nkh;Fhp b. Nrhbak; c. fhy;rpak; d. nkf;dPrpak;

202. Progesterone hormone is secreted by

a. Corpus luteum b. Pituitary gland

c. Pineal gland d. Placenta

g;Nuhn[];l;buhd; `hh;Nkhd; _____________ y; Ruf;fpd;wJ.

a. fhh;g]; Y}l;bak; b. gpl;a+l;lhp Rug;gp

c. gpdpay; Rug;gp d. jha;-Nra; ,izg;G jpR

203. Energy centre of a sperm is

a. Middle Piece b. Head c. Tail d. Entire Sperm

xU tpe;J nry;ypd; Mw;wy; ikakhf ,Ug;gJ

a. eLg;gFjp b. jiy c. thy; d. KO tpe;J

204. The cell wall formation begins at the telophage stage of the cell division find granular

structure called as

a. Plasma desmata b. Phragmoplast

c. Symplast d. Apo plast

nry; Rth; cUthFk; NghJ BNyhNg[; epiyapy; nry; gFg;gilAk; NghJ Njhd;Wk;

rpWkzp Nghd;w mikg;gpw;F

a. gpsh];kh nl];Nkl;lh b. gpuhf;Nkhgpsh];l;

c. rpk;gpsh];l; d. mNgh gpsh];l;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

205. Mature graffian follicle is generally present in the ovary of healthy human female around

a. 5 – 8 days of menstrual cycle b. 11 – 17 days of menstrual cycle

c. 18-23 days of menstrual cycle d. 24-28 days of menstrual cycle

Kjph;e;j fUg;ig Ez;ziw nghJthf xU MNuhf;fpakhd ngz;kzpapd; fUg;igapy;

vj;jid ehs; ,Uf;Fk;?

a. khjtplha; Row;rpapd; 5-8 ehs; b. khjtplha; Row;rpapd; 11-17 ehs;

c. khjtplha; Row;rpapd; 18-23 ehs; d. khjtplha; Row;rpapd; 24-28 ehs;

206. Which year, Tolly the sheep was born, the first mammal to be cloned from on adult cell?

%jhijahpd; nry;ypypUe;J gbnaLg;G Kiwapy; cUthf;fg;gl;l Kjy; ghY}l;b tpyq;F

Nlhyp vd;fpw ML gpwe;j Mz;L vJ?

a. 1994 b. 1995 c. 1996 d. 1997

207. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a study about?

a. Brain b. Heart c. Lungs d. Liver

vyf;l;uNdhnrghNyhfpuhgp my;yJ <<[p vd;gJ vijg; gw;wpa gbg;G?

a. %is b. ,jak; c. EiuaPuy; d. fy;yPuy;

208. A problem with development of Red blood cell called as

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
a. Anemia b. Polycythemia c. Dyserythropoiesis d. Yolk sac

,uj;j rptg;G mZf;fs;; cUthtjpy; Vw;gLk; gpur;ridapdhy; tUk; ghjpg;G vd;d?

a. mdPkpah b. ghypirj;Njkpah c. ilrh;NuhNgh[p]; d. Nahf; rhf;

209. The first person who produced induced mutation was

a. Hugo De Vries b. T.H. Morgan c. Mendel d. H.J. Muller

J}z;lg;gl;l jpBh; khw;wj;ij Kjypy; Vw;gLj;jpath;

a. `Pa+Nfhb tphp]; b. b.vr;.khh;fd; c. nkz;ly; d. vr;.n[.Ky;yh;

210. Most of the energy during aerobic respiration is produced by the

a. Electron transport chain b. Glycolysis

c. Krebs cycle d. Pyruvic acid oxidation

fhw;Wr; Rthrj;jpy; mNef msT Mw;wy; ,jpy; cw;gj;jp nra;ag;gLfpwJ.

a. vyf;l;uhd; flj;jy; rq;fpyp b. ,dpg;G gpsj;jy;

c. fpnug; Row;rp d.igUtpf; mkpy Mf;]p[Ndw;wk;

211. Aquatic Plants lost most of their metabolic wastes by _____________ in their surroundings.

a. Evaporation b. Combine with ions and precipitation

c. Direct diffusion d. Periodic removal as their parts fall off

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
ePh;tho;j; jhtuq;fs;> jkJ mNef tsh;rpij khw;wf; fopTfis ____________ %yk;

mtw;wpd; Rw;Wg;Gwj;jpy; ,of;fpwJ.

a. Mtpahjy; %yk; b. madpfSld; Nrh;e;J vwptjd; %yk;

c. Neubahd guty; %yk;

d. fhy; ,ilntspapy; mtw;wpd; ghfq;fs; fPNo tpOtjd; %yk;

212. Ganong‟s respirometer can messure the following

a. Photosynthesis efficiency of plants b. R.Q. of respiratory substrates

c. Q10 of respiratory metabolism d. Rate of CO2 evolution during respiration

fhdhd;]; nu];gpNuhkPll
; h; vij mstpl;L fhl;Lk;?

a. xspr;Nrh;f;if jpwd; b. Rthr %yf;$Wfspd; R.Q.

c. Q10d; Rthr tsh;rpij khw;wk; d. Rthrpj;jypd; CO2 ntsptpLk; msT

213. The average length of human pregnance is

a. 34 – 36 weeks b. 36-38 weeks c. 38-40 weeks d. 34-40 weeks

ruhrhp kdpjdpd; fh;g;g fhyk;

a. 34-36 thuk; b. 36-38 thuk; c. 38-40 thuk; d. 34-40 thuk;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
214. Which diseases have been eliminated in India?

a. Malaria and Dengue b. Typhoid and Tuberculosis

c. Small Pox and Plague d. Chicken Pox and Leprosy

,e;jpahtpy; xopf;fg;gl;l Neha;fs; vit?

a. kNyhpah> nlq;F b. ilg;gha;L> fhrNeha;

c. nghpa mk;ik> gpNsf; d. rpd;d mk;ik> njhONeha;

215. Gametogenesis is the important event of sexual reproduction in any organism. Which of the

following type of cell division controls this process?

a. Mitosis b. Amitosis c. Meiosis d. Binary Fission

; fs; cUthFtJ fUtpdg; ngUf;fj;jpd; xU Kf;fpa epfo;T. ,tw;iw fl;Lg;gLj;Jk;

nry;gphpT tif vJ?

a. ikl;lh]p]; b. Vikl;lhrp]; c. kpahrp]; d. ,ul;ilg; gphpT

216. DNA transcribes different types of RNAs. Find out the coding RNA.

DNA ntt;NtW tifahd RNA fis tbtikj;J cUthf;Fk;. mjpy; vJ (Nfhbq;) RNA

vd;W ngah;?

a. tRNA b. rRNA c. mRNA d. snRNA

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
217. The medicine for Typhoid is

a. Chloroquin b. Vitamin A c. Chloromycelin d. Sulpha-drugs

ilgha;L fha;r;rypd; kUe;jpd; ngah;

a. FNshNuhFapd; b. itl;;lkpd; A

c. FNshNuhikrpypd; d. ry;gh buf;];

218. Who are the major primary producers of marine environment?

a. Sea anemons b. Sea grasses c. Phyto planktons d. Zoo planktons

fly; Rw;W #oypd; Kjd;epiy jahhpg;ghsh;fs; ahit?

a. fly; mdpNkhd; b. fly; Gw;fs; c. igl;Nlhgpshq;ld;fs; d. kpjit gpuhzpfs;

219. The total contribution of ATP per glucose oxidized through Kreb‟s cycle

xU FSf;Nfh]; fpug;]; Row;rp %yk; rpijf;fg;gLk;nghOJ vj;jid ATP %yf;$Wfis


a. 30 b. 38 c. 4 d. 8

220. The disease sickle-cell anaemia, is caused by

a.Iron deficiency b. Malarial infection c. Poor hygiene d. Genes

rpf;fps; nry; mdPkpah vDk; ,uj;j Nrhif Neha; Vw;gl fhuzk;

a. ,Uk;G rj;J FiwghL b. kNyhpah fha;r;ry;

c. Rfhjhu NfL d. [Pd;fs;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

221. Which of the following is called as „King of Oil seeds‟?

a.Olive b. Castor c. Groundnut d. Sesame

fPo;fz;ltw;Ws; „vz;nza; tpj;Jf;fspd; murd;‟ vd;W miof;fg;gLtJ vJ?

a. Mypt; b. Mkzf;F c. epyf;fliy d. vs;

222. The smallest of the living apes is

a. Gibbon b. Loris c. Orangutan d. None of the above

rpwpa tif thOk; thy; ,y;yh Fuq;F tif

a. fpg;ghd; b. Nyhhp]; c. Mud;Flhd; d. vJTkpy;iy

223. In human beings, sex is determined by sex chromosomes X and Y. The female human is

represented by sex chromosomes

kdpj ghy; eph;zapj;jypy;> ghy; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; X kw;Wk; Y cs;sd. kuG mikg;gpy;

ruhrhp ngz;zpd; FNuhNkhNrhk;fs;

a. XO b. XX c. XY d. YY

224. „Fruit of angel is referred to

a. Mango b. Jack c. Banana d. Papaya

„NjtJ}jh;fspd; fdp‟ vd Fwpg;gplg;gLtJ

a. kh b. gyh c. thio d. gg;ghsp

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
225. Who discovered Rh factor?

a. James Watson b. Robert Hook

c. Landsteiner Carl d. William Harvey

Rh fhuzp ahuhy; fz;lwpag;gl;lJ?

a. N[k;]; thl;rd; b. uhgh;l; `{f;

c. yhd;];ildh; fhy; d. tpy;ypak; `hh;tp

226. Which of the following is male accessory reproductive glands in mammals?

a. Gastric gland b. Mushroom shaped gland

c. Prostate gland d. Inguinal gland

fPo;fz;ltw;wpy; ghY}l;;bapd; Mz; ,dg;ngUf;f Jiz Rug;gpahf ,Ug;gJ vJ?

a. fh];l;hpf; Rug;gp b. k];&k; tbt Rug;gp

c. g;Nuh];Nll; Rug;gp d. ,d;#ud;]; Rug;gp

227. Haemoglobin, haemocyanin, serum, albumin are __________ type of proteins.

a. regulatory b. transport c. storage d. Protective

`PNkhFNshgpd;> `PNkhiradpd;> rPuk;> My;Gkpd; Mfpait __________ tif Gujk;

a. fl;Lg;gLj;Jk; b. flj;Jk; c. Nrkpj;J itf;Fk; d. ghJfhg;gspf;Fk;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
228. Exhibition of superiority by a hybrid over both of its parents is called

a. Heterosis b. Hybridization c. Hypostatis d. Recessive

ngw;Nwhh; jiyKiwia tpl mjpf cah;T gz;Gfisg; ngw;w fyg;gpd caphp vdg;gLtJ

a. fyg;G tPhpak; b. fyg;gpdkhjy;

c. i`g;Ngh];lhrp]; d. xLq;f jd;ik

229. Which is not true of a prokaryotic cell?

a. No mitotic cell division

b. DNA not associated with proteins in chromosomes

c. Typical cell organelles like mitochondria are absent

d. Membrane-bound nucleus

g;NuhNfhpahl;bf; nry; Fwpj;J vJ cz;ik ,y;iy?

a. ikl;lhrp]; nry; gFg;G fpilahJ

b. FNuhNkhNrhk;fspy; b.vd;.V-Tld; Gujk; ,ize;jpUg;gjpy;iy

c. ikl;Nlhfhz;l;hpah Nghd;w nry; cWg;Gfs; ,Ug;gjpy;iy

d. rt;tpdhy; #og;gl;l cl;fU

230. The C4 pathway of CO2 fixation was discovered by

a. Arnon b. Hatch and Slack c. Calvin d. Hill

C4 topj;jlk; %yk; fhpakpy thA epiyepWj;jiy fz;lwpe;jth;

a. Mh;dhd; b. N`l;r; kw;Wk; ];yhf; c. fhy;tpd; d. `py;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
231. Find the correct statement/s:

I. Signal molecule carries a message to the target cell.

II. Target cell detects the signal molecules and receive the message.

a. I wrong II correct b. I correct II wrong

c. Both I and II wrong d. Both I and II correct

rhpahd $w;iw Njh;T nra;f:

I. rkpf;if %yf;$Wfs;> nra;jpia ,yf;Fr; nry;fSf;F vLj;Jr; nry;fpd;wd.

II. ,yf;F nry;fs;> rkpf;iffis fz;lwpe;J nra;jpia ngWfpd;wd.

a. I jtW II rhp b. I rhp II jtW c. I kw;Wk; II jtW d. I kw;Wk; II rhp

232. Match the List –I (Shapes of viruses) with List-II (Examples) and choose the correct

answer using the codes given below.

List I List II

a. Helical rod shaped 1. Bateriophage

b. Brick shaped 2. Tobacco mosaic virus

c. Tadpole shaped 3. Rabies virus

d. Bullet shaped 4. Pox virus

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
gl;bay;-I (itu];fspd; tbtq;fs;) cld; gl;bay; II-I (cjhuzq;fs;) nghUj;jp> fPNo

cs;s njhFg;gpypUe;J rhpahd tpiliaj; njhpT nra;f.

gl;bay; - I gl;bay; - II

a. RUs; ,io Fr;rp tbtk; 1. Ngf;Bhpaf;nfhy;yp itu];

b. nrq;fy; tbtk; 2. Gifapiyg; gytz;zg; g+r;R itu];

c. jiyg;gpul;il tbtk; 3. ntwpeha;f;fb itu];

d. Gy;yl; tbtk; 4. mk;ik itu];

a. 2 1 3 4 b. 2 4 1 3 c. 2 3 4 1 d. 3 1 2 4

233. Mature sperms are stored here.

a. Vas deferens b. Seminal vesicle

c. Epididymis d. Seminiferous tubules

Kjph;e;j tpe;jZf;fs; ,q;F Nrkpj;J itf;fg;gLfpwJ

a. thy; bgud;]; b. nrkpdy; tprpfps;

c. vgpbbkp]; d. nrkpdpngu]; Foha;fs;

234. Statement: There is passive movement of nearly 70% blood from auricle into ventricle.

Remaining 30% is pumped into ventricles by artirial contraction.

Reason: Opening of the atrio-ventricular valves

a. Statement in correct. Reason is wrong b. Statement and reason are correct

c. Statement and reason are wrong

d. Statement is correct but the reason is not explaining the statement.

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441
$w;W: Vl;hpaq;fspypUe;J ntz;l;hpf;fps;fSf;Fs; 70% ,uj;jk; jhdhfNt ke;j epiyapy;

fPopwq;FfpwJ. vQ;rpa 30% ntz;l;hpf;fps;fSf;Fs; Vl;hpa RUf;fj;jhy; jpzpf;fg;gLfpwJ.

fhuzk;: Vl;hpNah ntz;l;hpf;Fyhh; thy;Tfs; jpwg;gjhy;

a. $w;W rhp> fhuzk; jtW b. $w;W rhp> fhuzk; rhp

c. $w;W jtW> fhuzk; jtW d. $w;W rhp fhuzk; $w;iw tpsf;ftpy;iy

235. A Permanent birth control method in female is

a. Copper-T b. Tubectomy c. Cervival-cap d. Contraceptive pills

ngz;fSf;fhd xU epiyahd fUj;jil Kiw

a. fhg;gh; - T b. ba+ngf;lkp

c. fUj;jil jpiur; rt;T d. fUj;jil khj;jpiufs;

No-43, Jumancentre, Promonade road, (Opposite BSNL Office), Cantonment, Trichy - 620 001
Contact - 94438 44441

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