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Even Semester Mid-Term:

Examination 2023-24
BCA – IV Semester
Subject Code: BCA404
Computer Networks
[Time: 02:00 Hrs] [Maximum Marks: 20/30/40]
NOTE: Attempt all three sections
Attempt both questions from section “A”: (2/3/4 Marks each)

Q. 1. Answer the following. (2/3/4)

(I) Explain ICMP and write the function.

(II) Write types of connecting devices in internetworking.
Q.2 Answer the following. (2/3/4)

(I) Explain ICMP and write the function.

Attempt any two questions from the section “B”: (3/5/7Marks each)
Q. 3. Answer the following. (3/5/7)
I. Explain Sliding window protocols in detail.
Q. 4. Answer the following. (3/5/7)

I. Explain different types of switching technique in details

II. Define UDP. Discuss the operation of UDP. Explain UDP checksum with one example.
Q. 5. Answer the following. (3/5/7)

I. Explain IPv6. Compare IPv4 and IPv6.

Attempt any two questions from section “C”: (5/7/9 Marks each)
Q. 6. Answer the following. (5/7/9)
I. Explain different types of switching technique in details
Q.7. Answer the following. (5/7/9)
I. Explain Abstract Data Type and its operation’s and also explain ADT Data Structure.
II. What do you understand by a Binary Search Tree? Explain.
Q.8. Answer the following. (5/7/9)
I. Enlist basic operation that can be performed on an array?

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