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Beauty behind the mask maid






My name is Isabella Travis .I'm 16 years old , l live with my aunt Mrs Mart since l was 7 years old when
my parents died in a car accident that's when my aunt took me in . I have been a maid to her because
she says I'm staying in her house so working will be repaying her. She has two daughters Sarah and
Emily there are my age mates and we were enrolled at the same school and they had made their lives
goals to make my life miserable.I am a girl of average height , light in complexion and a body to die for.

Aunt: Isabella where are you (shouting )

Bella: am coming aunt

Aunt: what the hell are you doing when haven't cleaned the house yet

Bella: but aunt l cleaned the house you ask Sarah she was sitting in the lounge when I was cleaning

Aunt: just shutup and clean again and don't you dare say my lovely daughters made this mess

Bella: buh aunt l.....( a slap landed across her beautiful face from her aunt)

Aunt: what did I tell you to do witch

Bella: cle clean the house said Bella with tears down her face

Mrs Travis

What do I do with this useless witch Isabella she is useless l have to get rid of her or else she will
overcrowd my house. Whilst she was buried in her own thoughts her pfone rang and headed upstairs to
answer the call voice..we are looking for a girl who wants a job as a personal assistant (Mrs Travis
thought of her daughters at the moment if were to find this job we will be rich and won't ever worry
about poverty)when cut the call she saw Bella standing behind her
Beauty behind the mask maid

Aunt :you witch were you eavesdropping on me

Bella:no aunt l was thinking if l could get a job plz aunt let me get a job plz...... Now Bella was on her
knees begging her aunt

Aunt :Are you crazy do you expect me to do the chores while you go to work you are just a maid

Leave job coz you don't deserve it my daughters will find a job and you will remain a maid

Here no one would want to hire someone as useless as you now leave my sight

Bella: Aunt (crying in between her words) one day you will come at my doorstep and ask for

mecy from me but it wil be too late for that and l will remind you of the words you told

Me "you are nothing Isabella Travis"and she left her aunt speechless

Later that day

I was in a jovial mood cooking while singing when Sarah came back home from only were God knows

Sarah:hey you maid ain't you done cooking I'm very hungry

Bella: Sarah you know have a name right

Sarah: she laughed then replied you will remain a maid to me do you hear me

Bella: it's oky Sarah

After Sarah left for her room diner was served Bella said grace and they dug in Bella washed the dishes
and left to go to her room

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