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KCA035: Software Quality Engineering(SQE)

Overview of Different Types of Software


What is Software Review ?

❖Software Review is systematic inspection of a software by one or

more individuals who work together to find and resolve errors and
defects in the software during the early stages of Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

❖Software Reviews is a process of assessing a software product either

in a formal manner or in an informal manner. The software review can
include or can be done in the presence of customers, users, managers
Types of Software
• Software reviews are generally categorized into three:
1.Software Peer
• Peer review of code is a quality assurance activity, where a
developer other than the code's author, views and tests the usage
of a piece of code.

• Peer review is performed in order to examine or resolve the defects

in the software, whose quality is also checked by other members of
the team. Peer Review has following types:

(i) Code Review:

Computer source code is examined in a systematic way.

(ii) Pair Programming:

It is a code review where two developers develop code together at
the same platform.
1.Software Peer
• Pair programming is a development technique in which two
programmers work together at single platform. Person who writes
code is called a driver and a person who observes and navigates
each line of the code is called navigator. They may switch their role
frequently. Sometimes pair programming is also know as pairing.
• Pairing Variations :
There are three pairing variations –
Newbie-newbie pairing can sometimes give a great result. Because it is
better than one solo newbie. But generally, this pair is rarely
Expert–newbie pairing gives significant results. In this pairing, a newbie
can learn many things from expert, and expert gets a chance to share
his knowledge with newbie.
Expert–expert pairing is a good choice for higher productivity as both of
them would be expert, so they can work very efficiently.
1.Software Peer
• Advantages of Pair Programming :
Two brains are always better than one –
If driver encounters a problem with code, there will be two of them
who’ll solve problem. When driver is writing code, navigator can
think about a solution to problem.
Detection of coding mistakes becomes easier –
Navigator is observing each and every line of code written by driver,
so mistakes or error can be detected easily.
Mutual learning –
Both of them can share their knowledge with each other and can
learn many new things together.
Software Peer
(iii) Walkthrough:
Members of the development team is guided by author/Team
Leader and other interested parties and the participants ask
questions and make comments about defects.

(iv) Technical Review:

A team of highly qualified individuals examines the software product
for its client’s use and identifies technical defects from specifications
and standards.

(v) Inspection:
In inspection the reviewers follow a well-defined process to find
2.Software Management

• The management study of a software project

about its resource allocation is called as software
management review.
• Used to monitor processes, access status, and
make decisions.
• Conducted by and for Managers having direct
responsibility for the project.
• Access Project Risks.
• Evaluate the impact of actions and ways to
measure those impacts.
3.Software Audit Review:

• Software Audit Review is a type of external

review in which one or more critics/review
person, who are not a part of the development
team, organize an independent inspection of the
software product and its processes to assess
their compliance with stated specifications and
• This is done by managerial level people.
Software Inspection Process

What do you mean by Software Inspection

• The term software inspection is a Process to remove
Defect ., when it was noticed that the testing was not
enough sufficient to attain high quality software for large
• Inspection is non-testing way to eliminate the defect
from the software .
• Inspection is used to determine the defects in the code
and remove it efficiently.
• This software inspection method achieved the highest
level for efficiently removing defects and improving
software quality.
Software Inspection Process
• There are some of the stages in the software inspection process such
1. Planning : The moderator(Leader of inspection team) plan the

2.Overview Meeting: The background of the work product is described

by the author(source code developer)to inspection team.
• The Author explain everything about software to the inspection
team member.
Software Inspection Process

• The examination of the work product is done by
inspector to identify the possible defects.
• In this step all possible bugs ,defect s are removed by
inspection team.
• Mostly source code is review for removing bug and
defect .
4.Inspection Meeting: The reader(the Person that perform
documentation for each bug or defect founded in
preparation phase ) reads (represent to each member)
the work product part by part during this meeting and
the inspectors the defect of each part.
Software Inspection Process
5.Rework: After the inspection meeting, the author changes
the work product according to the work plans.

6.Follow Up: The changes done by the author are checked

to make sure that everything is correct.
Advantages of Inspection Process
• Advantages of Software Inspection:
1. Helps in the Early removal of major defects.
2. Software inspection helps in process improvement.
3. It helps in staff training on the job.
4. Software inspection helps in gradual productivity
Disadvantage of Inspection Process

1. It is a time-consuming process.
2. Software inspection requires discipline.
Difference between walkthrough and
S.No. Inspection Walkthrough
1. It is formal. It is informal.
Initiated by project
2. Initiated by author.
Usually team members of the
A group of relevant persons same project take
3. from different departments participation in the
participate in the inspection. walkthrough. Author himself
acts walkthrough leader.
Shorter time is spent on
Inspection takes longer time
walkthrough as there is no
4 as list of items in checklist is
formal checklist used to
tracked to completion.
evaluate program.
Planned meeting with the
5 fixed roles assigned to all the Unplanned
members involved.
Author reads product code
Reader reads product code.
Software Quality Metrics and

What is Software Quality Metrics ?

•Software quality metrics is standard of measuring the quality of


•Quality metrics are measurements of the value and performance of

products, services and processes.

•The term "software quality metrics" illustrate the picture of measuring the
software qualities by recording the number of defects or security loopholes
present in the software.
Software Quality Metrics and

Documentation of Metrics ?
•Quality Metrics Document may include Product metrics Parameter like size,
complexity, design features, performance, and quality level.

•Quality Metrics Document may include Process metrics Parameter like

maintenance activities of the software.

•Quality Metrics Document may include Project metrics Parameter like

number of software developers, cost, schedule, and productivity.
End Part One

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