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Dibuka: Senin, 22 April 2024, 00:00

Jatuh tempo: Senin, 6 Mei 2024, 15:00

Saudara mahasiswa,

Anda diminta menyusun 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan istilah-istilah kata kunci sebagai berikut:

1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof

Silahkan dikerjakan.



Presumption of Innocence = Praduga Tak bersalah

Justice Collaborator = Saksi Pelaku yang bekerja sama

Contempt of court =Perbuatan Tercela/Penghinaan

Legal Standing = Kedudukan Hukum

Shifting burden of proof = Pembuktian Terbalik

1. Presumption of Innocence
a) The latter standard requires a presumption of innocence.
b) The use of drone strikes on terrorists in Pakistan and
Afghanistan goes against the presumption of innocence.
c) Mr. Deni wealth should not deprive him of the right to be
released on bail while under the presumption of
d) Following the aforementioned Roman law of Justinian, who
lived at the dawn of the medieval era, the Byzantine Empire
generally continued along his legal code which includes
presumption of innocence.
e) Presumption of innocence serves to emphasize that the
prosecution has the obligation to prove each element of the
offense beyond a reasonable doubt (or some other level of proof
depending on the criminal justice system) and that the accused
bears no burden of proof
2. Justice Collaborator
a) Someone who they defined as a justice collaborator because
he has helped the main perpetrator in violating the laws.
b) Justice Collaborator understanding in the general public
often be confused with Whistle Blower.
c) Justice Collaborator or it is said witnesses of actors who
cooperate with law enforcement officers to reveal larger
d) The birth of a law that facilitates the cooperation of witnesses
of the collaborator Justice collaborator with law enforcers
was first introduced in the United States in the 1970s.
e) In Indonesia alone, the idea of development of Justice
Collaborator actually started from the provisions.
3. Contempt of court
a) The Attorney General has found your coworker in contempt
of court for ignoring a federal subpoena.
b) As per the Contempt of Courts Act 1971, contempt refers to
the offence of showing disrespect to the dignity or authority of
a court.
c) However, innocent publication and distribution of some
matter, fair and reasonable criticism of judicial acts and
comment on the administrative side of the judiciary do not
amount to contempt of court.
d) And any absence is considered contempt of court.
e) I always think useless questioning counts as contempt of
court therefore if the newcomer attorney.

4. Legal Standing
a) However, legal standing truly rests its first prudential origins
in Fairchild v. Hughes, (1922) which was authored by Justice
b) In Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Supreme Court ruled that being
the proponents of a aballot measure is not by itself enough to
confer legal standing.
c) The implementation of group representative accusation
especially for legal standing in the practice of judge in
Indonesia is still faced with the handicaps procedural
d) Garuda Party Affirms Legal Standing in Judicial Review of
Election Law
e) This paper discusses the issue of the legal standing of
international treaties in the national legal system.

5. Shifting burden of proof

a) Shifting burden of proof is used in a variety of legal areas to
allow more flexibility in courtroom procedure.
b) However, shifting burden of proof would allow the plaintiff
to meet a lesser burden than may be required for other areas
while giving the manufacturer the ability to rebut the possibly
minimal evidence.
c) In Civil Law, the burden of proof typically lies with the person
making the claim, Once the plaintiff has done, a defendant
must be shifting burden of proof again shifts back to the
plaintiff to show that the proffered “legitimate” reasons were
d) Reconstruction on corruption act and shifting burden of
proof on the settlement of corruption.
e) Shifting burden of proof means to change the responsibility
of proving or disproving a point from one party to the other

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