Analysis and Integration of Fuel Cell Co

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Energy 33 (2008) 1508– 1517

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Analysis and integration of fuel cell combined cycles for development

of low-carbon energy technologies
Petar Varbanov a,, Jiřı́ Klemeš b
Marie Curie ERG ESCHAINS, Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém H-8200, Hungary
EC Marie Curie Chair (EXC) ‘‘INEMAGLOW’’, Research Institute of Chemical Technology and Process Engineering, FIT,
University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém H-8200, Hungary

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Integrated and combined cycles (ICC, CC) traditionally involve gas and steam turbines only. The paper
Received 28 February 2008 analyses the further integration of high-temperature fuel cells (FC) having high electrical efficiency
reaching up to 60% compared with 30–35% for most gas turbines. The previous research on FC hybrids
Keywords: indicates achieving high efficiencies and economic viability is possible. The ICC of various FC
Energy efficiency types—their performance and the potential for utilisation of renewables—are analysed considering also
High-temperature fuel cells power generation capacity and site heat integration context. Further research and development with
Combined cycle industrial relevance are outlined focusing on CO2 emissions reduction.
Power cycle integration & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Total site heat integration
CO2 minimisation

1. Introduction [2] compared the integration of molten carbonate fuel cells

(MCFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) into hybrid systems. Kurz
The integrated combined cycles (ICCs) traditionally involve [3] emphasises on the choice of appropriate gas turbines (GT) for
only gas and steam turbines. They can be broadened to the given fuel cells, and Massardo and Bosio [4] study the MCFC
integration of high-temperature FC having high electrical effi- combinations with gas and steam turbines. A very promising
ciency reaching 40–60%, compared to 30–35% for most gas option is to integrate the FC with bottoming cycles to design
turbines [1]. There are three main CO2 pathways through fuel- dedicated power generation or combined heat-and-power (CHP)
based energy systems, including FC, with regard to the ambient: applications [5].
recycling, build-up and sequestration (Fig. 1). The extent of the
currently developing climate change is influenced by the volume
fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere. The presented diagram in Fig. 1 2. Efficiency of FC and combined cycles
points to three major ways of limiting CO2 emissions—improving
energy conversion efficiency, increasing the CO2 recycling via 2.1. Operating temperature and fuel cell efficiency
biofuels and CO2 sequestration. There is an extensive research
aiming at efficiency improvement of FC systems. Karvountzi et al. Most FCs use H2. One exception is the direct-methanol FC
reported by Toshiba [6]. The primary fuel—mostly natural gas or
biogas, undergoes an endothermic conversion consisting of
Abbreviations: A, HEN ‘‘A’’; AB, Afterburner; ABC, Afterburner cooling; AP, Air reforming and shift reactions to generate the required H2. High-
preheat; B, HEN ‘‘B’’; BD, Blow down; BFW, Boiler feed water; CC, Composite curve; temperature FCs (HTFCs) allow heat integration between the fuel
CC, Combined cycle; CFP, Carbon foot print; CHP, Combined heat-and-power
conversion and the power generation processes. In contrast, low-
generation; CNDIN, Condenser inlet; CNDOUT, Condenser outlet; CR, Condensate
return; DAF, De-aerator feed; DAG, De-aeration steam at generation pressure; DAO, temperature FCs (LTFCs) do not, and additional fuel is burnt to
De-aerator outlet; DAS, De-aeration steam; DW, Demineralised water; EC, supply the heat for the main fuel conversion [7], resulting in
European community; EC, Exhaust cooling; ES, Expansion steam; FC, Fuel cell; electrical efficiencies around 35% for LTFC against 41% for HTFC.
FCCC, Fuel cell combined cycle; FP, Fuel preheat; GCC, Grand composite curve; GS, Similar estimates result from MCFC integration [5] (see Table 1).
Generated steam; GT, Gas turbine; HEN, Heat exchanger network; HRSG, Heat
recovery steam generator; HTFC, High-temperature fuel cell; ICC, Integrated
combined cycle; LTFC, Low-temperature fuel cell; MCFC, Molten carbonate fuel 2.2. Combinations with bottoming cycles
cell; PEM FC, Proton exchange fuel cell; SG, Steam generation; SOFC, Solid oxide
fuel cell; ST, Steam turbine; V, Vaporiser; mGT, Micro gas turbine (i.e. with capacity
up to 100–200 kW).
After ensuring maximum energy recovery within the FC,
 Corresponding author. Tel.: +36 88 424 483; fax: +36 88 428 275. integrated systems can make even better use of the fuel. Steam
E-mail address: (P. Varbanov). and the gas turbines can be used for increasing the power output,

0360-5442/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517 1509

Nomenclature R power-to-heat ratio () or (MW MW1) or

(kW kW1); R ¼ P/Q
A heat exchanger area (m2) T temperature (1C)
Cp specific heat capacity (kJ kg1 1C1) TBFW boiler feed water temperature (1C)
CP heat capacity flowrate (kW 1C1) TS supply temperature (1C)
ECHP CHP energy output of the FCCC system (kW) or (MW) TSat saturation temperature (1C)
m mass flowrate (kg s1) or (t h1) TSh superheat temperature (1C)
P pressure (bar), (atm) or (kPa) TT target temperature (1C)
Q heat flow (kW) or (MW) WSOFC power generated by a SOFC (kW) or (MW)
QEvap heat consumption rate for evaporating the BFW (kW) WST power generated by a steam turbine (kW) or (MW)
or (MW) WTotal total power generated by a FCCC system (kW) or
QFuel energy input to the system in the form of fuel (kW) or (MW)
(MW) DTMin minimum allowed temperature difference (C)
QPreheat heat consumption rate for preheating the BFW (kW)
or (MW) Greek symbols
QSH heat consumption rate for superheating the steam
(kW) or (MW) ZCHP CHP efficiency () or (%)
QTotal total heat consumption for generating steam (kW) or ZCHP,Max maximum possible CHP efficiency () or (%)
(MW) ZE electrical (power) efficiency () or (%)
QUH useful heat generated by the FCCC system (kW) or

which can be supplemented by heat cogeneration. Only high- 2.2.2. Fuel cell–GT hybrids
temperature FCs are suitable for such integration, which combines The efficiency of FCCC with gas turbines has been investigated
advantageously with the conclusion from the previous section. elsewhere. Massardo and Bosio [4] studied the combination of
Several integration options have been investigated in the MCFC with gas turbines and the option of further adding steam
literature. A summary of the most interesting works is given in turbines. The systems achieve electrical efficiencies up to 69% at
Table 2. In the table, the rightmost column represents an estimate power generation capacities of 10–15 MW. Uechi et al. [8]
of what would the CHP efficiency of the corresponding systems be investigated a SOFC+mGT (micro gas turbine) system with a total
if the heat recovery from the main exhaust streams was power capacity of 30 kW (23.6 kW from the SOFC and 6.4 kW from
maximised. the mGT). Even this small system approaches 67% electrical
efficiency. Oyarzábal et al. [10], Lunghi and Ubertini [11]. Bedont

2.2.1. Fuel cell–steam cycle hybrids

Table 1
The simplest way for FC integration is with steam cycles [5]. MCFC properties from Varbanov et al. [5] for 2320 MW power generation
The sensitivity analysis in this work for a wide range of FC capital
costs indicates the potential benefits of fuel cell combined cycle Fuel for power generation (MW) 5002
(FCCC) systems. Using the year 2005 power prices and 1.255 $ h1 Additional fuel (no integration) (MW) 1610
MCFC efficiency (%) 35.09
they achieved prices as low as 40–47 $ MW1 h1
1 1 FCCC efficiency (%) 46.38
(32.65–38.37 h MW h ).


Fossil Fuels
Energy conversion
processes Power + Heat


CO2 recycling
Sunlight Sequestration

Fig. 1. CO2 pathways for energy systems.


1510 P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517

Table 2
Sources on cycle integration of fuel cells

Source System/notes ZE (%) ZCHP,Max (%)

Uechi et al. [8] SOFC+mGT. Integrated GT compressor 66.5 93.0

Gunes and Ellis [9] PEM FC. Residential CHP 31.0 80.0
Oyarzábal et al. [10] PEM FC+GT. Considers CHP 39.0 73.0
Lunghi and Ubertini [11] MCFC+GT. No cogeneration 59.2 59.2
Bedont et al. [12] MCFC+GT. Integrated GT compressor 59.7 83.5
Massardo and Bosio [4] MCFC+GT+ST. 1- and 2-level HRSG 69.1 82.7
Campanari [13] SOFC+mGT 64.9 71.9

et al. [12] and Campanari [13] also investigated several different produced by dry reforming, where CO2 and CH4 are consumed in
FCCC arrangements where the main distinctions were in the equimolar quantities producing H2 and CO. Consequently, waste
connection of the GT heat input and the placement of the treatment plants can be suitably equipped with SOFC-based units
compressors. The options can be classified as: to produce power and heat from biogas at top efficiency. Several
companies, including Siemens and General Electric [15], have also
(a) Systems with indirectly heated gas turbines. They have gas–gas started to develop coal-based FCs using coal synthesis gas as fuel.
heat exchangers recovering the heat from the FC exhaust. The Using syngas from combined biomass and coal gasification may
FC and the GT components also have separate air compressors. also be attractive.
(b) Systems with an integrated air compressor. The GT compressor
is used to raise the pressure of the inlet to the FC cathode 3.2. Implications for carbon capture and sequestration
compartment (the air steam). After that, the stream passes
through a post-combustor and through the GT expander,
Burning biofuels is potentially carbon-neutral—see CO2 recy-
where it generates torque.
cling in Fig. 1. However, the overall carbon footprint analysis
reveals that actually some carbon is released into the ambient
Option (a) has the advantage that the working pressures in the [16]. The CFP is obviously considerably higher when using fossil
FC and the GT are independent, allowing more flexibility. For fuels and consequently CO2 capture and sequestration should be
option (b) the GT pressure must be lower than that in the FC, considered.
which results in lower compression ratios and in lower GT FCs keep the path of the air stream apart from that of the fuel
efficiencies. However, in this case the very large and costly and its products. Stoichiometrically the only anode-side products
gas–gas heat exchanger is avoided, which can also reduce physical are just CO2 and water. Certain residual amounts of the fuel are
space requirements. also present in the FC anode exhaust. This prompts post-
combustion introducing a certain small amount of air into the
2.2.3. Fuel cell–GT–steam cycle hybrids exhaust. Thus, FCs offer an opportunity for very efficient CO2
These systems have not been much investigated due to their capture and subsequent sequestration. SOFC systems take this
relative complexity and the small marginal efficiency increase advantage to the extreme since they can oxidise both H2 and CO
compared to fuel cell–GT hybrids. From the sources in Table 2, [8]. A very interesting research direction is the development of
only Massardo and Bosio [4] investigate such a system with a cheaper SOFCs with maximum fuel utilisation, producing mix-
100 kW MCFC. These systems achieve maximum electrical tures of water and CO2 only. This would potentially eliminate the
efficiency of the MCFC+GT+ST system of around 67.4% and 69.1% need for external CO2 capture units.
for the cases of integrating single-level and two-level steam
cycles, respectively.
4. Application of FC-based energy conversion

3. Fuel options and renewable energy 4.1. Combined supply chains for energy, food and waste-
3.1. Major trade-offs
Increasing the share of renewables is highly dependent on the
The fuels for FC-based systems influence the electrical ability to develop economically viable solutions. It is clear that
efficiencies, carbon emission levels and plant economics. With renewable energy production is in competition for primary
regard to emissions, using H2-rich feedstocks such as natural resources with food production. Food and other industries need
gas is more advantageous since they generate much less to manage large volumes of solid and liquid waste of organic
carbon emissions. Biofuels lower the emissions too. The fossil origin—e.g. manure, vegetable residues, black liquor, etc.
fuels are still priced relatively lower even with the rise of the FCCC systems can be integrated into combined energy–food–
crude oil prices above 120 $ bbl1. Even with the further increase waste supply chains with other processes. See Fig. 2, as presented
of the oil price, the main bottleneck of using biofuels will be their by Beamon [17]. The benefits of the FC-based systems can come
sufficient availability. This is an important though frequently from:
overlooked factor. This also calls for higher energy conversion
efficiency.  Cost sharing between the biofuel and the other biomass-based
A study of CH4–CO2 fuel compositions for using in SOFCs [14] products.
suggests that maximum efficiency is achieved at CH4 volume  In some selected cases, waste streams can be used as fuel raw
fraction around 0.45 which falls within the usual range of biogas materials which they cannot release directly into the environ-
compositions. The main reason given in that paper is that H2 is ment. Using these resources for FC fuel generation would result

P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517 1511

Food links
FCCC systems
Byproducts Treatment Fuels:
Waste Processes Biogas, H2,
Others Syngas, etc.
organic waste

Fig. 2. Combined energy–food–waste supply chains.

in virtually negative fuel prices due to the fees to be charged 1200

for the waste treatment.
1000 Small driving forces
High capital cost
4.2. Types of applications and power-to-heat ratio 800

T (°C)
Another important indicator for evaluating the performance of 600
energy systems is the power-to-heat ratio (R). Generally, the
cogeneration efficiency decreases when the value of R is 400
increased. This is used to classify the demands and energy
conversion technologies. Energy users differ widely by the scale Hot Composite
Cold Composite
and the power-to-heat ratio (R) of the demands. Residential 0
applications feature daytime RDay410 and RNightE1. The R-values 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
of industrial energy demands also vary. An EC-project report [18]
Q (kW )
quotes values in the range 0.4–0.6. Grid supply power stations are
also a promising application, where district heating CHP variants Fig. 3. Composite curves for the heat integration of the 30 kW SOFC+GT system in
covering R 0.10–0.49 [19] are put at strong advantage by the Ref. [8].
legislation in most industrialised countries.
The cogeneration efficiencies for the reviewed systems 1000
are given in Table 2. They can serve a wide range of applications Larger driving forces
Lower capital cost
with essentially any practical value of R. For energy demands with CHP possible too
R41 (e.g. mechanical processing, grid-dedicated power plants), FC
hybrids can be applied directly. For smaller R some of the system
components such as the GT can be discarded. For very small values 600
T (°C)

of R, e.g. smaller than 0.2, a CHP plant with R40.2 may be

designed and the excess power can be sold to the grid, provided 400
this is contractually and physically possible.
An interesting direction is the design and operation of FC-based
CHP systems serving large industrial sites. In oil refineries, there are Hot CC
often large amounts of chemically low-quality hydrocarbon feed- Cold CC
stocks (currently burned) suitable for reforming and use as FC fuels. 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Q (kW )
4.3. Heat integration options
Fig. 4. Composite curves for the MCFC heat-and-power integration [5].
The heat integration has been a well-developed methodology
for minimising the energy consumption, increasing the efficiency
and minimising emissions [20]. It has been described in detail smaller driving forces, which would tend to increase the
elsewhere [21,22], offering various options to properly integrate capital costs.
the ICCs. The recovery of thermal energy between the components (ii) For the MCFC+ST [5] combination, higher efficiency is still
in FC systems has been analysed for different arrangements. possible, but the driving forces are much larger which
Figs. 3 and 4 show the composite curves (CCs) [21] for two indicates potentially smaller capital costs for the heat
representative cases—integration of a SOFC with GT and that of a recovery.
MCFC with a steam cycle, respectively. CCs are a very useful tool
for representation of heat exchange systems and can be beneficial
for selecting the integration of the component utilities into hybrid To illustrate the potential for generating steam the grand
systems. Comparing the two cases in Figs. 3 and 4 leads to a composite curves (GCC) corresponding to the same SOFC+GT
couple of interesting conclusions: and MCFC systems are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Fig. 6 indicates
that the MCFC+ST arrangement allows significant gene-
(i) In the SOFC+GT arrangement [8], the components are more ration of any level steam for heating to be used on-site or sold
tightly integrated. This leads to high efficiency, but also to for profit.

1512 P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517

1200 5.2. Case study description

1000 The case study is based on data derived from the example
described by Chan and Ding [23]. This represents a SOFC
generating around 3000 kW of electrical power at 50.90%
T (°C)

600 efficiency. The main FC system operating conditions include:

400  pressure 1 atm (1.01325 bar);

 70% fuel utilisation rate;
200  the fuel and the air streams enter the FC at 900 and 700 1C.
0 5 10 15 The system flowsheet is shown in Fig. 7.
Q (kW )
5.3. Heat integration data and targeting
Fig. 5. Grand composite curve for the heat integration of the 30 kW SOFC+GT
system in Ref. [8].
After an analysis of the flowsheet in Fig. 7, a number of process
streams which need thermal change have been identified and
extracted for the heat integration study (Table 3). The reformer
operation has been extracted as a two-segment stream as its Cp
1000 and consequently CP ¼ C P  m should be linearised by at least two
segments (Reformer-1 and Reformer-2).
800 The heat integration problem identified is a threshold one [22],
where under DTMin ¼ 32.2 1C there is no need for a hot utility.
600 Above this value, there is a need for some hot utility. The heat
T (°C)

recovery targets for DTMin ¼ 30 1C are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The

400 minimum cold utility required for this case is 1197.08 kW.
By analysing Figs. 8 and 9, it is obvious that there is a
200 significant thermodynamic potential for either heat cogeneration
(stream to stream heat recovery) or increased power generation
0 from the referenced system. Cooling water or air can readily be
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 used to satisfy the process stream cooling requirements, but this
Q (kW ) would generate only a heat waste.

Fig. 6. Grand composite curve for the MCFC heat-and-power integration [5].
5.4. Generating hot water

5. Case study: energy integration of a SOFC The main purpose of this case study is to investigate the
options and scope for integrating a SOFC with other energy
5.1. Definitions technologies. A number of heat exchanger networks (HENs) have
been generated for recovering maximum heat from the various
This case study analyses the energy efficiency of several process streams (Table 3). The simplest option is to use the excess
possible integrated system options measured in several ways. 1197.1 kW waste heat as hot water.
Firstly, the total power produced by the system can be written as: The cogeneration is considered for feeding hot water to
households located close to the power generation plant. The
W Total ¼ W SOFC þ W ST . (1) usual temperature of the hot water used in households is between
Additionally, the CHP energy output of the system is defined as 45 and 50 1C. To cover the heat losses during transportation of the
the sum of the total power and the useful heat outputs: water from the power plant to the users, the generation
requirement for hot water is set at 65 1C. The resulting HEN
ECHP ¼ W Total þ Q UH . (2)
topology A is shown in Fig. 10. In this case all the waste heat from
Two following efficiency definitions are used in the study— the fuel cell system is used for heating the water and neither hot
electrical and CHP efficiency. nor cold utility is needed.
The network in Fig. 10 manages to utilise the whole 1197.1 kW
5.1.1. Electrical (or power) efficiency targeted by the heat integration pinch analysis (see Figs. 8 and 9).
This is the fraction of the generated electrical power relative to This requires 140.3 m2 total heat exchange area. As a result, the
the heat flowrate input to the system in the form of fuel: overall efficiency of the combined CHP system (SOFC+HEN)
becomes 70.8%.
W Total
ZE ¼ . (3)
Q Fuel
5.5. Increased power generation using a steam cycle
5.1.2. CHP efficiency
This is the fraction of the total useful energy output relative to For designing the steam cycle generating steam at various
the energy input of the fuel: pressure levels coupled with a condensing steam turbine cycle has
been evaluated. The simplified flowsheet of the steam cycle is
given in Fig. 11. This arrangement can be modified by slightly
ECHP W þ Q UH raising the exhaust pressure of the steam turbine and using it for
ZCHP ¼ ¼ Total . (4)
Q Fuel Q Fuel district heating again.

P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517 1513

3055.0 kW
1664.6 kW Power
AP Heat loss 1639.6 kW
25.0 °C 700.0 °C SOFC
2.28 kg/s
985.0 °C
0.12 kg/s 2.77 kg/s
Reformate 900.0 °C
CH4 25 °C
173.6 kW
Afterburner Loss
Fuel heat
6001.7 kW 2677.0 kW
0.49 kg/s 850.0 °C Cooling
FP Reformer
100.0 °C
1000.4 kW 932.2 °C
Water/steam 1227.9 kW reaction
P=1 atm 403.4 kW heating
EC 3119.1 kW
303.6 kW
0.36 kg/s 130.0 °C
25 °C
Cogenerated heat
(water or steam) –
varied in the analysis

Water (demineralised) Exhaust

Fig. 7. SOFC flowsheet for the case study.

Table 3 1000
Heat integration data for the case study

Stream Type Ts (1C) Tt (1C) Q (kW) CP (kW 1C1) 800

Air preheat Cold 25.00 700.00 1664.58 0.2466 600

T (°C)

Fuel preheat Cold 99.97 850.00 1000.37 0.1334

Reformer-1 Cold 850.00 850.01 1227.90 12279
Reformer-2 Cold 850.01 900.00 403.38 0.8069 400
Vaporiser Cold 25.00 99.97 303.64 0.4050
Exhaust cooling Hot 932.22 130.00 3119.09 0.3889
Afterburner cooling Hot 932.22 932.00 2677.00 1205.8

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
1000 Q (kW)

Fig. 9. Grand composite curve for the SOFC integration case study.

Several observations stem from the case study as discussed

T (°C)


5.5.1. Observation 1: efficiency trends
200 The electrical (power) and CHP efficiencies feature opposite trends
Hot CC Cold CC with increasing the steam generation pressure. These are plotted in
0 Fig. 13. It can be seen that, by increasing the steam generation
0 2000 4000 6000 pressure, the electrical efficiency increases and the CHP efficiency
Q (kW ) decreases simultaneously. This can be easily explained using
thermodynamic reasoning. At fixed steam exhaust pressure, by
Fig. 8. Composite curves for the SOFC integration case study. increasing the inlet one, the driving force for energy conver-
sion—the pressure differential between the steam turbine inter-
faces, grows. It is clear that the larger this driving force is, the
The steam specifications are tracked by the corresponding larger is the potential to generate power and at the same time the
saturation temperatures (Table 4). All resulting HEN topologies for energy dissipation (losses) also increases due to the increasing
the steam generation case are the same. As an example, the ‘‘irreversibility’’ of the process.
network for the 120 bar steam (TSAT ¼ 324.68 1C) is shown in The overall energy efficiencies of the system are bound by
Fig. 12, designated as Network B, where the main difference from the performance of two extreme designs. This is shown again in
Network A is the size of the heat exchanger area. The performance Fig. 13 where the SOFC standalone efficiency is plotted as a
of all networks of type B (those with steam generation) is given in baseline serving as a lower bound on the efficiency. Similarly, the
Table 5. CHP efficiency of the integrated system for hot water generation

1514 P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517

Fig. 10. HEN topology A—for generating hot water.

HEN - steam
BD: Blowdown water
Boiler (ZERO)
feedwater at
GS: Generated steam
pressure ES: Steam for expansion
at generation pressure
DAG: Deaeration
at generation Steam
BFW: Turbine CNDIN : Condenser inlet
Boiler P = 0.12 bara
Water Condenser

DAS: CNDOUT: Condenser outlet

Deaeration P = 0.12 bara
DAO: DV: Deaerator vent
Deaerator steam
P = 1.2 bara P = 1.2 bara CR: Condensate
P = 1.2 bara
P = 1 atm =
1.01325 bara
Deaerator DW:
DAF: Deaerator feed Demineralised
P = 1.2 bara water

Fig. 11. Steam cycle topology for increasing power generation.

forms an upper bound. While both bounds are quite obvious in SOFC—poor utilisation of the SOFC exhaust temperature potential
the light of the laws of thermodynamics, their significance for and the need for potentially expensive heat exchangers.
future design of FCCC integrated systems needs to be outlined.
Identifying the bounds would allow establishing targets to
determine the thermodynamic capabilities of this kind of systems 5.5.2. Observation 2: poor utilisation of the SOFC exhaust
and might provide the engineer a tool for judging the potential temperature potential
technological, resource and economic viability of the systems. Another important insight into the thermodynamics of the
There are two very important features of the system, both CHP system can be gained from Fig. 14. There the grand composite
considered to be resulting from the high temperature of the curves for thee of the investigated systems are superimposed to

P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517 1515

Table 4
Parameters of the steam levels

TSAT (1C) P (bar) TSH (1C) TBFW (1C) QPreheat (kW) QEVAP (kW) QSH (kW) QTotal (kW)

110.00 1.43 310.00 110.00 - 1013.27 182.96 1196.23

120.00 1.99 320.00 110.00 19.12 993.58 183.53 1196.23
140.00 3.62 340.00 110.00 56.81 954.02 185.40 1196.23
160.00 6.18 360.00 110.00 93.89 913.93 188.41 1196.23
180.00 10.03 380.00 110.00 130.55 872.97 192.71 1196.23
200.00 15.55 400.00 110.00 167.03 830.72 198.47 1196.23
220.00 23.19 420.00 110.00 203.59 786.67 205.97 1196.23
240.00 33.47 440.00 110.00 240.55 740.13 215.54 1196.23
260.00 46.92 460.00 110.00 278.34 690.21 227.68 1196.23
300.00 85.88 500.00 110.00 358.79 574.56 262.88 1196.23
324.68 120.00 524.68 110.00 414.75 484.98 296.50 1196.23

Fig. 12. HEN topology B—for the case of steam generation.

Table 5
Parameters of the resulting HEN designs 70
CHP efficiency hot water

TSAT (1C) P (bar) A (m2) Steam generation (t h1)

Efficiency (%)

110.00 1.43 137.75 1.64
Power generation CHP
120.00 1.99 138.16 1.62
SOFC 51%
140.00 3.62 139.64 1.60 60 standalone
160.00 6.18 141.41 1.58 efficiency
180.00 10.03 142.64 1.56
200.00 15.55 143.80 1.54 55
220.00 23.19 144.90 1.52
240.00 33.47 145.94 1.51
260.00 46.92 146.46 1.50
300.00 85.88 158.86 1.47
324.68 120.00 149.59 1.46
0 5 10 15 20
Steam pressure (bar)

Fig. 13. Overall FCCC cycle efficiency.

track the change of the temperature–heat–flowrate profile of
the system with the evolving heat recovery temperatures. The 15.55 bar (200 1C saturation temperature), and the topmost
bottommost curve depicts the case of hot water generation, the one—generation of 120 bar (absolute pressure, saturation tem-
middle one shows steam generation at absolute pressure of perature 324.68 1C) steam. It is obvious that, when generating hot

1516 P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517

1000 250 1.00

200 0.95

Power (MW)

Dryness, -
600 150 Minimum feasible dryness
T (°°C)

Steam at 100
400 120 bar(a) 0.80

Steam at 50 0.75
15.55 bar(a) Power generation Dryness Fraction
Hot water 65 °C 0 0.70
0 0 50 100 150
0 1000 2000 3000 Steam pressure (bar)
Q (kW)
Fig. 15. Steam cycle performance.
Fig. 14. Superimposed GCCs for different SOFC integration options.

than the SOFC considered here. Many combinations are possible.

water, the temperature potential of the SOFC exhaust is extremely For instance, a larger steam turbine plant can be combined with
poorly utilised despite the excellent CHP efficiency. Even generat- more HTFCs [4] (e.g. 10–20 units), or possibly in the future HTFCs
ing steam at 120 bar results in only modest utilisation. will be capable of generating 20–30 MW of power, which would fit
The main conclusion from this observation is that energy the scale of larger industrial steam turbines.
recovery from an SOFC or any other HTFC using HENs is suitable The latter option (HTFC+GT) seems more attractive since mGTs
mainly for a specific range of power-to-heat ratios (R). In the are already available commercially and they fit the present HTFC
current case study, the highest R ¼ 4.751 for generating 15.55 bar prototypes by both the thermodynamic profile and the scale of the
steam, while the lowest is R ¼ 2.552 for generating hot water. capacity.

5.5.3. Observation 3: potentially expensive heat exchangers

Another consequence of the high FC exhaust temperature is 6. Conclusions and future work
that the heat exchangers may need to be built of special materials
and/or with advanced designs. This may contribute to higher Studies of the trends and the potential benefits of fuel cells
capital costs and thus to be economically suitable only to heat integration based on the Heat Integration (Pinch) Methodol-
applications with high profit margins and/or large scales, where ogy have been performed. It has been found that the focus should
the returns on the investment can be faster realised. be on high-temperature FC. Combining FC with either GT or ST is
Two possible solutions can be suggested. One is to exploit the very efficient. Integration with both bottoming cycles provides no
high FC exhaust temperature directly by adding gas turbines as significant benefits in terms of overall efficiency.
discussed previously [2–4,10–13]. These machines already use An obvious observation is that lowering the FC cost while
special materials and are intended for power generation, where preserving their high efficiency is needed. The emphasis should be
the profit margins are generally much higher than for heating or put on the CHP rather than electrical efficiency, which has the
CHP. Moreover, such an addition also fits nicely to the problem potential to greatly increase the overall fuel utilisation efficiency.
with efficiently utilising the exhaust temperature potential from Waste treatment and biogas plants can be suitable fuel
the thermodynamic point of view. suppliers for FC-based CHP systems. Gasified biomass or coal
can be attractive too. With regard to fuel supply, the need for
5.5.4. Observation 4: trends in the steam cycle when varying the combined energy–food–waste supply chains has been revealed.
steam pressure Clean coal power plants should be based on SOFC with CO2
The last observation concerns the performance of the steam sequestration.
cycle alone (Fig. 15). The power generation from steam first In terms of designing systems which both maximise the fuel
asymptotically increases, then features a peak and slowly utilisation rate and are economically viable, several directions for
decreases, with increasing the steam pressure. In parallel, the further research and development can be outlined:
dryness of the turbine exhaust decreases monotonically and the
highest-pressure steam cycle, which is feasible, is the one with  The considered energy systems are complex and heteroge-
15.55 bar (see Fig. 15). These trends can be explained with the neous process systems. Designing them would require tools
monotonic increase in the total energy extraction from the steam, with a significant strength for solving combinatorially inten-
consuming increasing fractions of the steam superheat and part of sive problems with heavy optimisation loads. A method
the steam condensation heat. efficiently handling the combinatorial nature of such pro-
This trend reveals an important design limitation of systems blems is the P-graph framework developed by Friedler
integrating HTFCs (or any other source of high-temperature waste and co-workers for heat exchange network synthesis [24],
heat) with steam turbines—there is an upper limit on the pressure district energy system [25] and combined heat exchange and
differential of a single turbine stage. One possible solution, if even separation [26].
larger power generation is required, is to either employ a multi-  There is continuously a need for novel advanced design for
level steam cycle with reheat/letdown and another is to switch to heat transfer and power generation equipment reducing their
HTFC+GT based hybrid cycles. cost. Currently special alloys and ceramic materials are used in
The former option (multistage steam power cycle) would constructing the high-temperature devices—gas turbines and
require additional steam turbine machines or a single multi-stage SOFCs. A possible cost reduction solution can be to lower
turbine, which would be more expensive and of much higher scale the SOFC working temperatures down to 800 1C [27] and

P. Varbanov, J. Klemeš / Energy 33 (2008) 1508–1517 1517

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