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Privileged access rights Policy

Document ID ACPL-ISMS-C8.2
Document Classification Internal
Issue Date (effective from) 01.12.2023
Version No 1.0
Latest Review Date 01.12.2023

Nitin Gupta Kunal Parikh Vijay Gupta

CISO Director Director

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Privileged access rights Policy

1. Control statement:

The allocation and use of privileged access rights should be restricted and managed.

2. Purpose:

To ensure only authorized users, software components and services are provided with privileged access rights.

3. Scope:

This procedure covers the control of privileged access right for physical and logical controls .

4. Procedure:

The allocation of privileged access rights has been in accordance with the access control policy.

The following is considered:

a) Identifying users who need privileged access rights for each system or process (e.g. operating systems,
database management systems and applications);

b) Allocating privileged access rights to users as needed.

c) Maintaining an authorization process.

d) Duration of privileged access rights;

e) Making the users aware of their privileged access rights and when they are in privileged access mode.

f) Authentication requirements for privileged access rights can be higher than the requirements for normal access

g) Review of privileged access rights at a defined frequency.

h) Granting temporary privileged access just for the time window necessary to implement approved changes or
activities e.g. Maintenance activities or some critical changes

i) Logging all privileged access to systems for audit purposes;

j) Not sharing or linking identities with privileged access rights to multiple persons, assigning each person a
separate identity which allows assigning specific privileged access rights.

k) Only using identities with privileged access rights for undertaking administrative tasks and not for day-to-day
general tasks i.e. checking email, accessing the web etc.

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Privileged access rights Policy

5. Reference:

1. List of restricted websites

2. Access right record

6. Revision History

Revision Date Description Author

1.0 01.12.2023 Initial release CISO

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