The Impact of Product Quality On Customer Retention

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Business Administration Department

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines



An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of BSBA-MM Department


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
BSBA Major in Marketing Management

January 2022

Course Facilitator
Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Table of Contents










Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines



Conceptual Framework 6

Review of Related Literature and Studies 7

Definition of Terms 17


Research Design 20

Locale of the Study 21

Respondents of the Study 22

Sampling Size and Sampling Design 23

Data Gathering

Data Gathering Tools 25

Data Gathering Procedure 26

Statistical Treatment 26

Data Interpretation 29
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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Demographic Profile of the Respondents 31

Impact of Social media platforms to the purchase decision 33

Purchase decision of the respondents using social media 36



Findings 39

Conclusion 40

Recommendations 41


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

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South Cotabato, Philippines

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National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


In today’s time, social media has become an important platform in

connecting individuals around the world. The recent rise in the use of social

media marketing has dramatically altered in the marketing landscape. Due to the

rise of online shopping and the amount of time people spend on social media has

impact the consumers purchase decision. The consumers who are influenced by

social media are four times more likely to spend more on purchases.

The purpose of this study is to determine if social media marketing

impacts the purchase decision of the BSBA Marketing Management of SEAIT,


The researchers used quantitative research design specifically a

descriptive research design in order to emphasize objective requirements. The

statistical, mathematical or numerical data were collected through questionnaires

and surveys. The researchers adopted simple random sampling so the

respondents will be chosen fairly since they are already known.

The findings of this study show that various forms of social media

marketing such as Facebook, YouTube and TikTok can influence customer

purchase decisions. Furthermore, the findings show that respondents are actively

using social media as a tool for validating purchase decisions and seeking

relevant information when making a purchase decision.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

List of Tables

Table Title Page

1 Five Point Scale 29

2 Survey response on Sex Distribution 32

3 Impact of Social media platforms to the Purchase

Decision (Mean and interpretation) 32

4 Purchase decision of the respondent’s using social

media platforms 33

5 Purchase decision of the respondent’s using social

media platforms (Mean and interpretation) 35

6 Functional Relationship between Social Media and

Purchase Decision of Respondents 37

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 7

2 Research Design 20

3 Exact Location of SEAIT, INC. So. Cot. 22

4 BSBA Total Population per Year Level 23

5 Data Gathering Procedure 25

6 Survey response on Age Distribution 31

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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South Cotabato, Philippines

List of Appendices

Appendices Title Page

Appendix A Survey Questionnaire 50

Appendix B Letter to the Dean 56

Appendix C Letter to the President 57

Appendix D Cronbach Alpha 58

Appendix E Results of Survey conducted 59
Appendix F Computation for Multiple Regression
Analysis 68
Appendix G Documentation 70
Appendix H Curriculum Vitae 72
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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines
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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Chapter I



There is no doubt that in the current global market, where competition

does not have any geographical limitations, and the customers’ preferences

continuously change, the meaning of the quality of a product is not to be

overlooked. The product can be offered to the market to be noticed, used,

owned, or consumed to satisfy a want or need (Firmansyah, 2019). It is, indeed,

the platform for a company’s prosperity and a strong customer support base.

This paper investigates the complex connections between product quality and

customer retention, using the example of the product and brand Maunlad located

in the Philippines, the city of Koronadal, South Cotabato.

Everywhere in the globe, companies are having a hard time in terms of

staying on top of the game in a competitive economic environment that changes

for the better very fast. According to Kotler (2005), Product quality is anything

offered to the market to satisfy a want or need, including physical goods,

services, experiences, events, people, places, properties, organizations,

information, and ideas. The idea that product quality is a significant factor of

success has universal acceptance, and big companies alike all appreciate the

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

importance of this in maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In the Philippines which hosts a rich and varied business environment,

product quality and customer retention become so distinct. A growing middle

class and their increased desire for quality products and services offer pressures

to producers alike, no matter what sector they hail from. The effects of customer

service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

were studied by Altejar and Dizon. The findings of the study of Altejar and Dizon

showed that customer service quality and product quality affect customer

satisfaction, while customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty. In the light of

the above scenario, the effect of product quality on customer retention is

something that every business needs to know when aiming at maintaining a

higher volume of sales and achieving competitive advantage.

While the role of product quality in the retention of customers is gaining

recognition, there is still an existing gap between researchers and businesses in

Koronadal, South Cotabato as well as its impact on the Maunlad case

specifically. Customer feedback often implies that the product is the driving

factor as far as customer loyalty is concerned but scientific research in this area

is limited.

This research deficiency coverage will not only enrich our knowledge of the

factors that trigger customers’ repurchase but also provide advice and

recommendations to Koronadal businesses like Maunlad to improve their

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

products and ultimately gain a competitive advantage and ensure sustainability in

the market.

Review of Related Literature

This literature review will delve into various aspects relevant to how

product quality influences customer retention in Maunlad, South Cotabato,

Koronadal. It will cover the analysis of demographic indicators, such as age and

gender, as well as the products quality. The other characteristics of customer

retention such as what shapes purchase intention as well as consumer buying

behavior will be explored in details. These topics will be borrowed from textbooks

and other publications which are relevant to the particular subject area. It gives

the study the requisite basis for analysis and discussion.


Age is frequently used segmentation variable for market. Age is constantly

used with other demographic factors like gender, income and race while

conducting research on consumer behavior (Kimand, 2010). According to

Daneshvary and Schwer (2012) buying intention has a relationship with

demographic factors such as age. Younger consumers are more significant to

influence. It might be because the younger consumers are more open to

experience and are less concerned with prices. So, they will try to decide to

make easier decision and intend to purchase something in return. Age is one of

the most important demographic characteristics that influence consumer

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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purchasing decision. According to Rani (2014), age is a crucial aspect in

marketing strategy since it produces a critical difference between consumer

choices and consumption habits and patterns. As a result, the author focused her

research on demographic characteristics and their impact on respondents'

purchasing decision and preferences in product and service selection.


Sex is another demographic factor that has been explored to examine its

impact on consumer buying behavior, as it relates to product categories.

Likewise, different studies showed that men are more risk taking than women

and they are more reliance on themselves to make purchase decision than

women (Syed, 2013). Daneshvary and Schwer (2012) believe that purchase

intention has a relationship with demographic factors like gender. Furthermore

they found that purchase intention is influenced across the gender. Out of all the

other characteristics that influence customer purchase decision, sex is the most

important. When it comes to sex, the perspective of consuming a product varies.

Because of the differences in their upbringing and socialization, men and women

have different purchase preferences. Sex is also related to our study because

they influence the purchase decision and at the same time men and women differ

in making decision that may affect their purchase decision.

Objective Quality

Objective qualification represents the rated and thought-out technical

attributes of a product evaluated through standard tests, technical specifications,

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and quantitative measurements. The literature dealing with objective quality

considers this a key attribute of a high-quality product, encompassing

performance, reliability, durability, and safety (Karmarkar & Pitbladdo, 1997).

Product quality plays a crucial role in gaining a comparative advantage and

increasing profitability through feedback interactions with other strategic factors

(Jacobson & Aaker, 1987). Research focusing on objective quality often employs

thorough techniques to study and measure different product aspects (Mitra &

Golder, 2006). Objective measurement of product quality is a key dimension of

product excellence, which is quantifiable and measurable (Xu, 2020). It functions

as a basis for evaluating the product’s effectiveness, reliability, and safety,

impacting customers in terms of their perceptions, satisfaction, and brand

reputation. Objective product quality consists of properties of material,

workmanship, technical, and economic nature, fulfilling the needs of the

consumer (Box, 1983).

Perceived Quality

Perceived quality, also referred to as subjective quality or perceived value,

stands as a pivotal factor influencing consumer behavior and purchase decisions

across diverse industries. It encapsulates consumers' subjective evaluations and

impressions of a product's attributes, drawing from their sensory experiences,

expectations, and social influences. Various studies have delved into the

paramount importance of perceived quality in shaping consumer perceptions,

attitudes, and behaviors towards products. According to Stylidis et al. (2019),

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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consumers' perceptions of quality are intricately influenced by factors such as

brand reputation, product design, packaging, and customer service, collectively

shaping their overall satisfaction with the product. In a seminal study by Jover,

Montes, & Fuentes (2004), the authors underscored the multifaceted nature of

perceived quality, highlighting its dimensions of performance and imagery.

Performance pertains to the functional aspects of a product, encompassing its

reliability, durability, and effectiveness, while imagery encompasses the aesthetic

and symbolic attributes, including brand image, design, and prestige. The

findings revealed that both performance and imagery significantly impact

consumers' perceptions of quality and purchase intentions, thus emphasizing the

multidimensional essence of perceived quality. This understanding aligns with

the model proposed by Dodds et al. (1991), which elucidates the interplay

between performance and imagery in shaping consumers' perceptions of quality.

Relative Quality

Relative quality, also known as comparative quality or perceived value

relative to competitors, is a key consideration for consumers when making

purchasing decisions. It involves comparing the attributes, features, and

performance of a product against those of competing alternatives available in the

market. Numerous studies have examined the importance of relative quality in

influencing consumer perceptions, preferences, and purchase behaviors. Reich,

A. (2011), proposed a model of price-quality inference, suggesting that

consumers often use price as a cue to infer the relative quality of a product

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compared to alternatives. According to their research, higher prices may signal

higher quality, leading consumers to perceive products as offering greater value

relative to lower-priced alternatives. In a study by Takai, S., & Kalapurackal, R.

(2012), the authors explored consumers' decision-making processes when

choosing between products of varying quality and price levels. They found that

consumers' preferences were influenced by the relative difference in quality

between options, rather than the absolute quality level of each option.

Consumers were more likely to choose the option that offered the best value

proposition relative to its price, even if it did not have the highest absolute quality.

In addition to price and brand reputation, product attributes and features also

play a crucial role in determining relative quality. Studies by Olsen, S. (2002),

examined how consumers evaluate products based on multiple attributes, such

as performance, reliability, durability, and design, relative to competing options.

Consumers may prioritize different attributes depending on their preferences and

needs, leading to variations in perceived relative quality across individuals and

market segments.

Customer Retention

Customer retention, the ability of a company to retain its customers over

time, is a critical aspect of business success in today's competitive marketplace.

Numerous studies have explored the factors influencing customer retention and

the strategies companies can employ to enhance customer loyalty and long-term


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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

One key factor influencing customer retention is customer satisfaction.

Studies by Ahmad, R., & Buttle, F. (2001). have found a strong positive

correlation between customer satisfaction and retention rates. Satisfied

customers are more likely to continue purchasing from a company, make repeat

purchases, and recommend the company to others, leading to higher retention

rates and increased profitability.

In addition to satisfaction, service quality also plays a crucial role in

customer retention. Narayandas, D. (1998). introduced the SERVQUAL model,

which identifies five dimensions of service quality: reliability, responsiveness,

assurance, empathy, and tangibles. Companies that consistently deliver high-

quality service across these dimensions are more likely to retain customers and

build long-term relationships.

Furthermore, studies have highlighted the importance of building

emotional connections with customers to enhance retention. Mcdougall, G.

(2001). introduced the concept of the "experience economy," emphasizing the

value of creating memorable and meaningful experiences for customers.

Companies that go beyond functional benefits to create emotional connections

and positive experiences are more successful in retaining customers and

fostering loyalty.

Finally, effective communication and relationship management are

essential for customer retention. Wirtz, B., & Lihotzky, N. (2003) introduced the

concept of relationship marketing, emphasizing the importance of building and

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maintaining long-term relationships with customers through personalized

communication, feedback mechanisms, and value-added services. Companies

that invest in building strong customer relationships are better positioned to retain

customers and withstand competitive pressures.



This chapter presents the conceptual framework and the related literature

and studies that is connected and related to the impact of product quality to

customer retention.

Conceptual Framework

 Objective
Customer Retention
 Perceived
 Relative

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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The conceptual paradigm outlined above illustrates the relationship

between the independent and dependent variables in this study, forming the

foundational framework for the research. The independent variable, Product

Quality, encompasses objective, perceived, and relative aspects. This variable is

examined to assess its impact on customer retention at Maunlad General

Merchandising in South Cotabato. Customer retention serves as the dependent

variable, representing the outcome of interest in the study. By exploring the

relationship between product quality and customer retention, this research aims

to identify potential solutions to the identified problem. The study will involve

analyzing variables and processes to gain insights into enhancing customer

retention strategies.

Statement of the Problem

This study intends to analyze the impact of product quality on customer

retention of Maunlad in Koronadal South Cotabato.

Specifically, it aims to do the following:

1. To determine the demographic profile of Maunlad's customers in Koronadal,

South Cotabato, specifically in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Income level

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

2. To examine the influence of product quality on customer retention,

considering three classifications:

a. Objective quality

b. Perceived quality

c. Relative quality

3. To measure customer retention, assessing the extent to which customers

continue to patronize Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

4. To determine the correlation between product quality and customer retention,

investigating whether there is a significant relationship between the quality of

Maunlad's products and the likelihood of customers to remain loyal and continue

purchasing from the store.

This study aims to provide insights into the demographic characteristics of

Maunlad's customers, the impact of different dimensions of product quality on

customer retention, and the correlation between product quality and customer

loyalty in the context of Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

Null Hypotheses (H0):

1. There is no significant relationship between objective product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

2. There is no significant relationship between perceived product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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3. There is no significant relationship between relative product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

Alternative Hypotheses (H1):

1. There is a significant relationship between objective product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

2. There is a significant relationship between perceived product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

3. There is a significant relationship between relative product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

These hypotheses will be tested to determine whether there is a statistically

significant relationship between different dimensions of product quality and

customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to investigate "The Impact of Product Quality on Customer

Retention of Maunlad in Koronadal, South Cotabato." The research will focus

solely on the dimensions of product quality, including Objective, Perceived, and

Relative quality, as well as customer retention at Maunlad in Koronadal, South

Cotabato. The study will be limited to a sample size of 50 respondents,

consisting of customers of Maunlad in the specified location. The research will

provide insights into the relationship between product quality and customer

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

retention within the defined scope, enabling a focused examination of the subject


Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its ability to provide valuable insights

into how operational services, particularly product quality, impact customer

retention. By understanding these dynamics, businesses can improve their

strategies to foster customer loyalty and long-term relationships. This study

contributes to marketing and consumer behavior knowledge, offering practical

implications for businesses aiming to enhance their customer retention efforts.

This study is also beneficial to the following:

1, Academe – This study enriches academic understanding by

contributing empirical evidence and insights into the relationship between product

quality and customer retention. It serves as a valuable resource for students and

researchers interested in marketing, consumer behavior, and business

management, providing a basis for further exploration and study in these areas.

2. Business Industry – The findings of this study offer practical

implications for businesses operating in various industries. By understanding the

impact of product quality on customer retention, companies can refine their

strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business

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performance. This knowledge enables businesses to adapt and thrive in

competitive markets.

3. Business Practitioners – For practitioners in the business field, this

study provides actionable insights that can inform decision-making and strategic

planning. By recognizing the importance of product quality in influencing

customer retention, practitioners can implement targeted initiatives to improve

product offerings, customer service, and overall customer experience, ultimately

driving business growth and profitability.

4. Consumers – Consumers benefit from this study as well, as

businesses that prioritize product quality are likely to deliver better products and

services. By understanding the significance of product quality in influencing

customer retention, consumers can make more informed purchasing decisions,

leading to higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty to brands that consistently

deliver quality offerings.

5. Future Researcher - Future researchers can build upon the findings of

this study to explore related topics or expand the scope of inquiry. This study

serves as a foundation for further research endeavors, providing a roadmap for

investigating the complex dynamics between product quality, customer retention,

and other relevant variables. It offers opportunities for future researchers to delve

deeper into specific aspects of this relationship and contribute to ongoing

scholarly discourse.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is carried out primarily for the purpose of determining “The

impact of Social Media to the purchase decision of the BSBA Marketing

Management Students of South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. This

study will only cover Social Media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok

and the purchase decision of the BSBA Marketing Management Students. This

will be only limited to the 337 students from the BSBA Marketing Management

Students of SEAIT, Inc. coming from first year up to fourth year level and the

social media platforms being mentioned.

Chapter III


This chapter will discuss the manner and procedures for conducting this

study. It includes the search method to be used, the comprehensive description

of research design, respondents to study and sample techniques, the instrument

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National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

and techniques to be used to verify instruments, data collection procedures and

statistical treatment applicable to the data collected.

Research Design

A survey was selected since the study is concerned about the student’s

perception of the social media regarding on their purchase decision to procure it.

This type of data collection method is more precise, and we have used it to be

able to study and analyze data collected with statistical tools. This has helped us

to reach conclusions based on data processing results.

This study use the quantitative research designs specifically a descriptive

research design in order to emphasize objective measurements. The statistical,

mathematical or numerical data were collected through questionnaires and

surveys. According to McCombes (2019) a descriptive research design can study

a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. None of

the variables are controlled or manipulated by the researcher; instead, they are

observed and measured.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing to the Purchase Decision of the BSBA
Marketing Management Students of South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

Students’ Personal Profile Locale of the Study

SEAIT, INC. Tupi, South

Demographic Cotabato

Age Respondents

BSBA- Marketing
Management Students 16
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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
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Research Instrument
SOCIAL MEDIA Survey Questionnaire
 Facebook
 YouTube Data Gathering Procedure
 TikTok
Statistical Treatment
Purchase Decision
Weighted Mean


Multiple Regression

Data Interpretation

Verbal Interpretation

5 point scale

Figure 2. Research Design

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The social phenomena investigated in this research study that follows are

the elements purchase decision and the impact of social media to their purchase

decision. The research addresses the main purpose which is to examine the

purchase decision of the BSBA Marketing Management Students of South East

Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. more specifically the impact of social media as

a research tool during their purchase decision. Thus, the study does not imply

the introduction of external variables that may affect the relationship of the

variables in the study. The survey method used is through the questionnaire

method - using questionnaires to collect information from the sample.

Researchers used a questionnaire to enable them to collect data more accurately

at least time and quickly for subjects in order to maintain the relevance of

responses. The survey method was considered to be proportional to the

objectives of the survey because it sought to distinguish data within certain

criteria, thus creating a solid approach to collecting and collecting the necessary


Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at South East Asian Institute of Technology,

Inc. located in Tupi, South Cotabato. South East Asian Institute of Technology is

a private school in Tupi, South Cotabato that offers free college education

programs and supported by different government sectors together with NGOs.

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Figure 3. Exact Location of SEAIT, INC. Tupi, South Cotabato, Philippines

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Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the BSBA Marketing Management

Students from first year up to fourth year level. The researchers only selected

BSBA Marketing Management Students as respondents of the study because

aside from the researchers also belongs to the same program, the researchers

want to know if they were engage in using social media platforms when making

or deciding their purchase decision. And since the population of the BSBA

Marketing Management students is over 2,125 students, the researchers garner

a total of three hundred thirty seven respondents from the BSBA Marketing

Management students. The researchers obtain data from the entire population of

the BSBA Marketing Management Students at SEAIT, Inc. registration office.

Figure 4

BSBA Total Population per Year Level

BSBA Total Population per Year Level

Note. Number of 1st year is 1,105, number of 2nd year is 373, number of 3rd year is
339 and0 the number of 4th year is 308 with the overall total of 2,125.
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
New Old Returnee Transferee
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Sampling Size and Sampling Design

The sample size will be 337 respondents from the population of the

BSBA Marketing Management Students of SEAIT, Inc. The sampling design that

the researchers will use for the study is the simple random sampling which

implies probability sampling. The researchers adopted this sampling method

since the population of the BSBA Marketing Management Students is known, so

the respondents will have an equal chance of being chosen (Frey, 2018). The

sampling method is unbiased and unaffected because the selection procedure

utilized provides every participant an equal chance. The purpose of this research

is to aggregate the results across the entire population.

The respondents of the study are chosen from the total population of the

BSBA Marketing Management Students of SEAIT, Inc. and determent using

Slovin’s formula.


N/ (1+Ne2)


N = Population

n = Sample

1 = constant

e = at 5%

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


n = N/ (1+Ne2)

= 2,125 / (1+2,125×0.05^2)

= 336.63

n = 337

Data Gathering Tools

The study used both primary and secondary data to gather the information

needed for the study. In primary data, the data were collected using structured

questionnaire. The researchers utilized a self – administered questionnaire to

gather data that will be given to the three hundred thirty seven respondents in

total, coming from the BSBA Marketing Management Students. The

questionnaires were formulated based on the statement of the problem

proposed. On the first part of the questionnaire, the researchers want to

determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their age and

sex. On the second part, they want to determine the impact of social media

marketing to the respondents purchase decision in terms of Facebook, Youtube

and TikTok. And on the last part of the questionnaire they want to determine how

social media marketing impacts the respondent’s purchase decision. Secondary

data were collected from articles, internet and journals related to the topic in

consumer purchase decision. The respondents were asked to rate the

statements with the use of Likert scale from 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest.

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

To test the validity and reliability of the questionnaires, the researchers

used Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Test. After analyzing 20 set of the

questionnaires, the result present Cronbach is equal to 0.89. Cronbach present

the validity by Cronbach alpha at 0.89 which is greater than the standard

deviation of 0.70, therefore the set of questionnaire is valid.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers primarily prepare a formal letter of request to seek

permission to conduct a survey to the BSBA Marketing Management Students of

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc. Upon the approval, a self-

administered questionnaire was distributed to the respondents through online

survey using Google form. The respondents were given enough time to finish the

questionnaire and answer any relative question of the respondents. Afterwards,

the researchers will gather all the answered data. Finally, the researchers will

analyze and tabulate the data gather from the respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher use different statistical tools in providing a systematic way

of organizing the analyzed data used to gather in order to answer the questions

depicted in the study. The statistical tools to be use are the following:

1. Percentage. This is an expression of the proportion of the population

corresponding to a particular variable or items. This was used present the

profile of the respondents, and they possible problems that the

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respondents might encountered. Researchers used it to transform

proportion to a percent by multiplying by 100.

The formula would be: % = f/n x 100


% = Percentage

f = Frequency

n = Total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. The research used it to get the quantity to be averaged

in assigning weigh, using the frequency distribution and also to measure

the evaluation of the respondent in the questionnaire. This is adopted to

establish the weighted means of the values and attitudes of the


∑ fx
The formula is: x̄ =


X = Weighted Mean

f = Frequency

x = Scale Rate

fx = Sum of all respondents

N = Total number of respondents

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

3. Frequency. Frequency will be used to (a) organize and summarize the

survey data in a tabular format, (b) interpret the data, and (c) detect

outliers (extreme values) in the survey data set.

The formula is: f =


f = frequency

T = period

4. Multiple Regression Analysis. This will be used because it is the most

widely used statistical technique in predicting the relationship between the

dependent and two or more independent variable, which can further utilize

to predict the precise outcomes. It provides an opportunity to gauge the

influence of different independent variable on a dependent variable. More

specifically, to understand and assess the relationship between social

media platforms and purchase decision.

The formula is: y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3


Y = dependent Variable

a = Y-intercept

b1 = slope of first independent variable

b2 = slope of second independent variable

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b3 = slope of third independent variable

x1 = first independent variable

x2 = second independent variable

x3 = third independent variable

Data Interpretation

Data gathered from the questionnaires will be analyze statically and

logically by thorough inspections and evaluations. Also, in order to widen the

interpretation, data that will be gathered will be interpreted using five-point scale

and verbal interpretation. Then it will be summarized through conclusions.

1. Five-point scale served as the basis of interpretation of the results that

were arbitrarily prepared. The weighted mean of the evaluation used to

interpret based on the five-point scale.

Table 1

Five Point Scale

Scale Value Mean Range Interpretation

5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree

3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral

2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

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Five (5) point scales can be assigned to each response in a point value,

from 1 to 5, based on the number of responses. Common values for the options

start with "strongly disagree" at 1 point and "strongly agree" at 5. The mode will

be the most common response to each statement while the mean will be the

overall average response.

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Chapter IV


This section of the study is dedicated to the presenting of the

questionnaire's results. The graphical representations were crucial in the analysis

of the results because it allowed viewing and analyzing the data. In this section,

the researchers provide the findings of the quantitative analysis in the order in

which the questionnaire was completed.

A. Demographic Profile of the respondents

Age Distribution

Figure 6

Survey response on Age Distribution

38.50% (130)

(14) 4.10% 0.60%

18-21 22-25 26-30 31-35

The data collected covers five different age groups: 18 –21 years old

(38.50%), 22 – 25 years old (56.80%), 26–30 years old (4.10%) and 30 – 35

years old (0.60%).

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Sex Distribution

Table 2

Survey response on Sex Distribution

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 94 27.89 %

Female 243 72.11 %

Total 337 100

The percentage distribution of the gender is shown in the table above; with

the total of 94 representing 27.89 (%) of the respondents are males and the total

of 243 representing 72.11 (%) are females who answered the questionnaire.

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B. Impact of Social Media Marketing to the purchase decision (Facebook,

YouTube and TikTok).

Table 3

Impact of Facebook to the purchase decision (Mean)

Facebook Mean Verbal Interpretation

My decision to purchase a product or 4.21 Strongly Agree

service is influenced by Facebook

Facebook advertisement helps me 4.22 Strongly Agree

decide to make a purchase decision.

Information searching is easier via 4.23 Agree

Facebook regarding to my purchase

Facebook Influencers affect my decision 4.20

to purchase a product or service. Agree

Feedbacks/Comments/Posts on
Facebook encouraged me to make a 4.22
Strongly Agree
decision about a possible purchase.

Over-all Mean 4.22 Strongly Agree

Table 3 shows the impact of Facebook to the purchase decision and it

was shown that the respondents have strongly agreed that in terms of Facebook

it can impact their purchase decision. With the total average mean of 4.22 it can’t

be underestimated that Facebook can affect their purchase decision.

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Table 4

Impact of YouTube to the purchase decision (Mean)

YouTube Mean Verbal Interpretation

My decision to purchase a product or 4.25 Strongly Agree

service is influenced by YouTube

YouTube advertisement helps me decide

4.23 Strongly Agree
to make a purchase decision.

Information searching is easier via 4.21 Strongly Agree

YouTube regarding to my purchase

4.19 Agree
YouTube influencers affect my decision to
purchase a product or service.

Feedbacks/Comments/Posts on YouTube
encouraged me to make a decision about 4.20 Agree
a possible purchase.

Over-all Mean 4.22 Strongly Agree

Table 4 shows the impact of YouTube to the purchase decision and it was

shown that the respondents have strongly agreed that in terms of YouTube it can

impact their purchase decision. With the total average mean of 4.22 which has a

highest impact among the other two social media. It can’t be underestimated that

YouTube can greatly affect the purchase decision.

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Table 5

Impact of Tiktok to the purchase decision (Mean)

TikTok Mean Verbal Interpretation

My decision to purchase a product or 4.23 Strongly Agree

service is influenced by TikTok

TikTok advertisement helps me decide to

4.24 Strongly Agree
make a purchase decision.

Information searching is easier via TikTok 4.20 Strongly Agree

regarding to my purchase decision.

4.20 Agree
TikTok influencers affect my decision to
purchase a product or service.

Feedbacks/Comments/Posts on TikTok
encouraged me to make a decision about 4.22 Agree
a possible purchase.

Over-all Mean 4.22 Strongly Agree

Table 5 shows the impact of TikTok the purchase decision and it was

shown that the respondents have strongly agreed that in terms of TikTok it can

impact their purchase decision. With the total average mean of 4.22, the same

result with YoTtube which has also high impact towards the purchase decision. It

can’t be underestimated that TikTok can greatly affect the purchase decision.

C. Purchase decision of the respondent’s using Social Media Platforms.

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Table 6

Purchase decision of the respondent’s using social media platforms (Mean and


Questions Mean Verbal Interpretation

Do you agree that Social media influences 4.24 Strongly Agree

your purchase decision?

Do you agree that Social media helps you 4.24 Strongly Agree
into making your purchase decision?

Do you agree that Social media helps you 4.21 Agree

to find new products or services you hadn’t
found on your own?

Do you think that social media affect your 4.20 Agree

purchase decision?

Do you feel encouraged to make a

purchase decision after watching some 4.21 Strongly Agree
sort of reviews using social media?

Over-all Mean 4.22 Strongly Agree

C. Regression Analysis

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Table 7

Functional Relationship between Social Media and Purchase Decision of


Source of Degrees Sum of Mean F F Decision Interpretation

Variation of Squares Squares Comp.
Freedo Tab
m a= 0.05
Due to 1 0.0013 0.0012

30.104 0.0119 Significant
Due to Ho
from 3 0.0001 0.00004

Total 4 0.0014

Table 6 shows the relationship between Social Media and Purchase

Decision of Respondents. Since the F computed value of 30.104 is greater than

F tabular value of 0.0119 at (3,1) degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance,

the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is a significant relationship

between social media and purchase decision of respondents.

Chapter V

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This is the research report's concluding chapter. This chapter is organized

to describe the study's findings, conclusion and recommendations.


The following findings are presented as a result of the data gathered from the


The majority of respondents were between the ages of 22 to 25. And the

majority of them that has responded were females.

According to the survey results, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok has

impact their purchase decisions and most of them base their purchase decisions

on these Social Media referrals.

According to the survey results, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok the same

overall weighted mean which signifies that has impacted to the respondents

purchase decision and affected their perception about products and services

before and after a purchase. Because most of them read reviews about the

products or services they are considering when purchasing, their perception of

those products and services may be influenced. And most of them look at online

reviews and comments about a product before deciding on the best brand and

price and it shows that these Social media affected while making their purchase


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The study also found out that Facebook, YouTube and TikTok has

significant relationship towards the purchase decision of the respondents. In

determining the impact of social media to the purchase decisions of the BSBA

marketing management students, it was discovered that social media namely

Facebook, YouTube and TikTok has somewhat bring changes to their purchase

decision. It is no denying that social media is a useful tool for shopping and aids

in gathering enough information to make faster decisions in a variety of purchase

situations. The impact of social media on purchase decisions is already visible

and it is likely to grow in the future as new technology becomes available.


The amount of information available to people grows and as a result, we

are easily overwhelmed, prompting us to consider various aspects of the

information available on social media. Because the sharing of customer

experiences has become much faster and more available for all social media

users, brands have been compelled to become even more customer-centric in

order to prevent a negative reputation. To match today's consumer needs, social

media marketing should focus on producing high-quality and consumer-relevant

content (Kelly et al., 2020).

The purpose of this study was to determine if social media impacts the

respondents purchase decision. The findings of this study show that various

forms of social media marketing can influence customer purchasing decisions

and even create new demands by providing targeted advertising and simple

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solutions to meet those requirements. However, rather of purchasing the goods

or service right away, the respondents are motivated to seek more accurate and

true information from social media once a purchase thought has been sparked.

To conclude, from the findings of this study, majority of the respondents

affected by social media on their purchase decision was aged 22 to 25 and

majority of them were female. The respondents are actively using social media

as a tool for validating purchase decisions and seeking relevant information.

Furthermore, social media marketing using Facebook, YouTube and TikTok has

significant relationship towards the respondents purchase decision.

According to Perumal (2018) in his study entitled the influence of social

media marketing on consumer buying decision making process. In this research

the Pearson,s Correlation analysis explores a positive significant relationship

between social media marketing and consumer buying decision making. It can be

seen how much it consumer buying decision is influenced and the real impact of

social media marketing reflected in the consumer in the consumer buying

decision making process.


The responses to the study and the interpretation of the data collected

have led to several recommendations and suggestions. With the assistance of

this study, the following recommendations and suggestions can be made:

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 Since the world has become a global village, businesses and

entrepreneurs are advised to increase the usage of social media platforms

but choosing the best social media when reaching out to customers with

an ease and to improve customer feedback handling (Shankar et


 Sorescue et al. (2011) suggested that businesses must go beyond the

advertising aspect of social media marketing such as Facebook, YouTube,

Instagram, Tiktok and Twitter. And find groundbreaking ways to use them

as a way to conduct conversations with consumers, instead of a one-way

communication network.

 Since social media sites can be exploited for the information it provides on

consumer behavior with regards to their purchasing intentions, research

further suggests that businesses should incorporate social networking

sites into their business model or promotional mix (Sorescue et al., 2011).

 This study also suggests on how businesses could initiate and maintain

social media marketing to improve relationships with their customer base.

To stay relevant businesses need to keep up with the changes to ensure

that they will be noticed by consumers, reinforcing the fact that more

research would be valuable to all parties involved: retailers, marketers,

and scholars (Gonzalez, 2018).

 Anyone who’s not engaged in some form of social media is a mistake in

today’s world given the volume of people have embraced and utilize social

media (Gonzalez, 2018).

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 Social media opens up a whole new world for businesses by providing an

endless array of potential interactions with consumers, which is the main

reason why there is a need for an increase in studies examining the

impact of this new phenomenon on businesses (Curran et al., 2011).

 Customers should also be encouraged to visit the social networking sites

to get new information’s and to be abreast with the changes in the

operations of the businesses (Kelly et al., 2020).

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Survey Questionnaire for the BSBA Marketing Management Students

of SEAIT, Inc.

This data collection tool has been designed to assist the researcher in

gathering information pertaining to “The Impact of Social Media Marketing to

the Purchase Decision of the BSBA Marketing Management Students of

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.”. Kindly answer the following

questions as honestly and accurately as possible. You are guaranteed that any

information you provide is exclusively meant for the research and nothing else.

Your answer to the questions will be kept confidential.

Please complete this section by ticking the applicable box.

PART A. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional):

Age : 18-21 22-25 26-30 30-35 36-40

Sex: Male Female

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PART B. Impact of social media marketing to the purchase decision (Facebook,

Youtube and Tiktok).

Direction: Please indicate your degree of agreement on the following

statements. Rate with the following scale: (5) Strongly Agree (4) Agree, (3)

Neutral, (2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

Facebook Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree
My decision to purchase a
product or service is
influenced by Facebook
Facebook advertisement
helps me decide to make a
purchase decision.
Information searching is
easier via Facebook
regarding to my purchase
Facebook influencers
affected my decision to
purchase a product or
posts on Facebook
encouraged me to make a
decision about a possible

YouTube Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree
My decision to purchase a
product or service is
influenced by YouTube

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YouTube advertisement
helps me decide to make a
purchase decision.
Information searching is
easier via YouTube
regarding to my purchase
YouTube influencers
affected my decision to
purchase a product or
on YouTube encouraged me
to make a decision about a
possible purchase.

TikTok Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

Agree e Disagree
My decision to purchase a
product or service is
influenced by TikTok
TIkTok advertisement helps
me decide to make a
purchase decision.
Information searching is
easier via TikTok regarding
to my purchase decision.
TikTok influencers affected
my decision to purchase a
product or services.
posts on TikTok
encouraged me to make a
decision about a possible

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Part C. Purchase decision of the respondent’s using social media marketing.

Direction: Please indicate your degree of agreement on the following

statements. Rate with the following scale: (5) Strongly Agree (4) Agree, (3)

Neutral, (2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

Recent shopping trip Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly

based on using Social Agree e Disagree

Do you agree that Social

media influences your
purchase decision?

Do you agree that Social

media helps you into making
your purchase decision?

Do you agree that Social

media helps you to find new
products or services you
hadn’t found on your own?

Do you think that social

media affect your purchase

Do you feel encouraged to

make a purchase decision
after watching some sort of
reviews using social media?

Thank you for your time. GODBLESS !

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A. Demographic Profile of the respondents

Survey response on Gender

Survey response on Age

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Direction: Please indicate your degree of agreement on the following

statements. Rate with the following scale: (5) Strongly Agree (4) Agree, (3)

Neutral, (2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

B. Impact of Social Media Marketing to the purchase decision of the

respondents (Facebook, YouTube and TikTok).

B.I Impact of Facebook to the respondents purchase decision.

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B.2 Impact of YouTube to the respondents purchase decision.

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B.3 Impact of TikTok to the respondents purchase decision.

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Direction: Please indicate your degree of agreement on the following

statements. Rate with the following scale: (5) Strongly Agree (4) Agree, (3)

Neutral, (2) Disagree, (1) Strongly Disagree.

C. Purchase decision of the respondents using social media platforms

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Facebook YouTube TikTok Average Purchase

x1 x2 x3 Social Media Decision
4.21 4.25 4.23 4.23 4.24

4.22 4.23 4.24 4.23 4.24

4.19 4.21 4.2 4.20 4.21

4.2 4.19 4.2 4.20 4.2

4.22 4.2 4.22 4.21 4.21


Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.953612587

R Square 0.909376967

Adjusted R Square 0.879169289

Standard Error 0.006503134

Observations 5

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df SS MS F Significance
Regression 1 0.001273128 0.001273312 30.10416667 0.11909374

Residual 3 0.000126872 8

Total 4 0.0014 4.22907E-05

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower Upper 95.0%
95.0 %

Intercept -0.513788546 0.862775923 -0.595506356 0.593438802 -3259526595 2.231949502 -3.259526595 2.231949502

Social Media 1.123348018 0.204739208 0.011909374 0.011909374 0.471776482 1.774919553 0.471776482 1.774919553

Chart Title
4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi



PurokSampaguita,Baranggay San Isidro,
StoNiño ,SouthCotabato
Contact: 09073707374

Personal Background
Gender : Female
Date of Birth : January 11, 1999

Place of Birth : San Isidro Sto. South Cotabato

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic

Language : Ilonggo
Father’s Name: Ireneo Gulmayo
Mother’s Name: Meriam Gulmayo

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present

Senior High School Sto Niño National High School

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Sto Niño South Cotabato

Accountancy, Business and Management
Year Graduated: 2017-2018

Junior High School Sto Niño National School of Arts and Trade
San Isidro, Sto Niño, South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2016-2017

Elementary San Isidro Elementary School

San Isidro, Sto Niño, South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Employment/Working Experience

 SPES at LGU Sto Niño


Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


Sitio Valencia, San Vicente, Banga, South Cotabato
Contact: 09305636553

Personal Background
Gender : Female
Date of Birth : January 13, 2000
Place of Birth : Marikina, Maternity Clinic

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Language : Ilonggo, Tagalog

Father’s Name: Jose Joel P. Lañohan

Mother’s Name: Violeta E. Antequera

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present

Senior High School San Vicente, Senior High School

San Vicente, Banga, South Cotabato
General Academic Strand (GAS)

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Year Graduated: 2017-2018

Junior High School San Vicente National High School

San Vicente, Banga, South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2016-2017
Elementary San Vicente, Elementary School
San Vicente Banga, South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Employment/Working Experience

 Job Immersion at LGU Banga

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Prk. Kawit, Brgy.Maligo,Polomolok, South Cotabato
Contact: 09777008633

Personal Background
Gender : Female

Date of Birth : March 16, 1999

Place of Birth : Kawit, Maligo, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Seventh Day Adventist

Language : Cebuana

Father’s Name: Eleuterio S. Lepiten

Mother’s Name: Geraldine T. Lepiten

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present

Senior High School Polomolok National High School

Octavio Village, Cannery Site, Polomolok,
South Cot.

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Accountancy, Business and Management

Year Graduated: 2017-2018

Junior High School Polomolok National High School

Octavio Village, Cannery Site, Polomolok,
South Cot.
Year Graduated: 2016-2017

Elementary Kawit Elementary School

Kawit, Maligo, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Employment/Working Experience

 Job Immersion at LGU Polomolok

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


Prk. Bumanaag,Bgry. Zone III,Koronadal City, South Cotabato
Contact: 091039150

Personal Background

Gender : Female
Date of Birth : November 25, 1999

Place of Birth : Koronadal City

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Born Again

Language : Ilonggo, Bisaya, Tagalog

Father’s Name : Rev. Jojo E. Luma-as

Mother’s Name: Ptra. Chona T. Luma-as

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present


TVL- Programming


Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi




Employment/Working Experience

 Helper at Binaryokambingan
 OJT in DTI Koronadal City

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


Purok Magsaysay, BaranggayPuti, Norala, South Cotabato
Contact: 09559126787

Personal Background
Gender : Female

Date of Birth : August 18, 1999

Place of Birth : Surallah, South Cotabato

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Language : Ilonggo

Father’s Name: Romy L. Mejares

Mother’s Name: Elnora F. Mejares

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present

Senior High School Koronadal National Comprehensive HS

Koronadal City, South Cotabato
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Year Graduated: 2017-2018

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Junior High School BaiSaripinangNational High School

BaiSaripinang, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Year Graduated: 2016-2017

Elementary B. Venus Elementary School

BaiSaripinang, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat
Year Graduated: 2011-2012

Employment/Working Experience

 Job Immersion at Marbel Computer Center ( MCC)

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi


Contact: 09753325230

Personal Background

Gender : Female
Date of Birth : June 19, 1999
Place of Birth : Antipas, North Cotabato

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic

Language : Ilonggo
Father’s Name: Eduardo Patriarca Jr.
Mother’s Name: Wanna Patriarca

Educational Background
Tertiary South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
BSBA-Marketing Management
At present

Senior High School Surallah National High School

Surallah South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2018-2019

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi

Junior High School Surallah National High School

Surallah South Cotabato
Year Graduated: 2015-2016

Elementary Shri- Bisaya Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2010-2011

Employment/Working Experience

 SPES at Municipality of Surallah


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