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fraction of NaOH

Average Atomic
Topic :- Basic Mole Calculations,
Concept of Vapour density
Mass +Average Molar Mass +
Subjective Questions
atom of silver (atomic mass =108). 10"g)
1. (1)Calculate the mass of an
1.793 x 102g, ii) 2.12 x
(Ans:- i)
(ii)1 molecule of naphthalene (C1oH)
Calculate the mass of
(i) 1 molecule ofN, sucrose (C,H,,0,).
(i) 1atom of 4C 100mnolecules of
(ii) 1molecule of water 10g, ii) 2.99 x 10g, iv) 5.68 x 10"g)
(Ans:- i) 2.32 x 102g, ii) unit) in grams. (Ans:- 1.66 x 10*g)
(atomic mass of oxygen
3 Calculate the mass of lu and number of atoms present in 11.2
4 Calculate the number of molecules, 6.02 x 102atoms)
(0,) at N.TP.(Ans:-3.01 x 1023
to be 0.223 1g. Calculateits molecular mass.
gas at S.T.P. is found
5 The mass of94.5 mLofa
(Ans:- 52.9)
6 Calcúlate the number ofmoles in the c) 65.6ug ofcarbon
b) 4.68 mgofsilicon
a) 7.85g ofiron ii) 5.47x 10 mol)
mol, ii) 1.66 x10+mol, (H=1,016).
(Ans:-i) 0.141 drop of water weighing 0.05g
7. Calculate the number ofmolecules in a
(Ans:-1.672 x1021 molecules)
ofthe following:
Calculate the numberofatoms in each
i) 52 molofAr ii) 52 u ofHe ii) 52 g ofHe
atoms, iin) 7.83 x 10atoms)
(Ans:-i) 3.13 x 1025atoms, ii) 13 following masses:
9 Calculate the number ofmoles in the
metric ton=10 kg)
i) 1.46 metrictones ofAl(1
(Ans:-5.41 x10 mol, 1.97 x10+ mol)
ii) 7.9 mg ofCa
chosen 102 as the number of particles in a mole. What would be
10. Suppose the chemists had
(Ans:-5.32 x10®g)
the molecular massofoxygen gas? type in5.3g of Na,CO,
11. Calculate the number ofatoms ofeach carbon atoms, 9.03 x 102 oxygen atoms)
(Ans:-6.022 x 1022 Naatoms, 3.01 x 102
12. Calculate the number ofmolecules present in (Ans:- 1.88 x10%, 2.69 x10)
at S.T.P.
a) 1kg oxygen b) 1dm² ofhydrogen contains 2.68% of magnesium by
Chlorophyll, the green colouring matter of plants
13. in 2.00 g of chlorophyll (at. mass of
weight. Calculate the number of magnesium atoms
Mg-24) (Ans:- 1.3 x 102 atoms) 12 per kg and Rs 36 per kg
14. The cost of table salt (NaC) and sugar (CpH,,O,) are Rs. approx)
respectively.Calculate their cost per mole. (Ans:- 70paise Rs. 12 oxygen atoms as are
15. Calculate the weight of carbon monoxide having same number of
present in 88g ofcarbon dioxide. (Ans:- 112g)
ofchloroform (CHCA). How
16. Acertain public water supply contained 0. 10 parts per billion
many molecules ofCHCI, would be contained in a0.05 m/ drop ofthis
(Ans:-2.5x 10'")
HELPLINE : O161-4668731, 998855873 1, 7889215455
Head Office : B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa Dharamshala, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.
17. Calculate the number of atoms in
i)0.5 mole atoms of carbon (C2) i) 3.2gof sulphur
in) 18.0gofglucose (C,H,0) iv) 0.20 mole molecules of oxygen
3.01l x10" atoms ,i) 6.022 x10 atoms, i) 1.445 x10"atomsiv) 2.409 x 10> atoms)
Calculate the mass of sodium which contains same number of atoms as are present in 15g
of calciumn (at. mass of Ca-40,Na-23) (Ans:-8.624 g)
How many years it would take to spend Avogadro number of rupees at the rate of 10 1akh
rupees per second? (Ans:- 1.91 x100 years)
20. One atom of an element 'X weighs 6.644 x 1023 g. Calculate the number of gram atoDs
in 80 kg ofit. (Ans:- 1999.5 gram
Calculate the number ofmolecules and number of atomspresent in 5.60L of ozone(O) at N.T.P.
(Ans:-1.506 x 102 molecules, 4.518 x 10 atoms)
22. A dot containing carbon has 1 microgram weight. Calculate number of carbon atoms
used to make the dot. (Ans:-5.019 x 10'6atoms)
Calculate the mass of oxygen in grams present in 0.1 mole of Na,CO,. 10H,0.
(Ans:-20.8 g)
24. Calculate the total number of electrons present in 1.6g ofmethane.(Ans:-
25. How many molecules of aspirin (molar mass 6.022x10)
180 amu) are present in 50mg tablet)
(Ans:-1.673 x 1020)
26. Lithium exists in nature in the form of two isotopes, Li-6 and
Li-7 with atomic masses
6.015u and 7.016u and the percentage 8.24 and 91.76
respectively. Calculate the average
atomic mass of Li. (Ans:-6.934u)
27. Why do atomic masses of most of theelements in atomic mass units
28. involve fraction ?
What is the approximate molecular mass of dry air containing 78% N, and 22%
29. 35CI and 37CIare the naturally occurring isotopes of O,?
accounts for the atomic mass 35.45 ?
chlorine. What percentage distribution
30. Two bulbs A and B of equal capacity contain 10g of
oxygen (0,) and ozone (O)
respectively. Which bulb will have
i) larger number ofmolecules ii) larger number of oxygen atoms?
31. In three moles of ethane (C,H) calculate the following:
i)Number ofmoles of carbon
i) Number of moles ofhydrogen atoms
iii) Number of molecules of ethane
(Ans:-i) 6, ii) 18, ii) 1.807 x1024 molecules)
32. Which one of the following will have largest number of atoms ?
i) lgAu (s) i) lgNa (s) ii) 1gLi(s) iv) l gCI, (g)
(Ans:-i) 6.022 x 10",ii) 6.022 x 1023 ii) 6.022 x 1023 iv) 6.022 x 1023
197 23 7 35.5
33. Calculate i) the total number ofneutrons and ii) total mass ofneutrons in 7mg of C'
(assume mass of neutron=mass ofhydrogen atom). (Ans:- 2.409 x10 neutrons, 4mg)
34. 1x 10 molecules are removed from 280 mg of carbon monoxide. Calculate the number
ofmoles of carbonmonoxide left. (Ans:-8.4 x10 mol)

HELPLINE:O161-4668731, 9988558731, 7889215455

Head Office : B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa
Dharamshala, Civil Línes, Ludhiana
) No. ofmoles of Cu atom in 102 atoms of Cu.
i))Mass of 200 O atoms in amu
ii) Mass of 100atoms of Ningm.
iv) No.ofmolecules &atoms in 54gm H,0.
v) No. ofatoms in 88 gm CO,.
36. What will be the mass of one 12CatomRg?
37. Calculate mass ofO atoms in 6gm CH,COOH?
38. Calculate mass of waterpresent in 499 gm CuSO,. 5H,0?
(Atomic mass :Cu=63.5, S-32, 0-16, H=1)
10 atoms ofoxygen?
39. What mass ofNa,SO,. 7H,0 contains exactly 6.022 x (SO),.24H,0} which contains 0.64 kg
Alum (K.SO.Al,
40. The weight(in gram) of pure potash
Oxygen is. (Atomic weight of K- 39, S=32, Al-27)ever found. How many moles of carbonatom were
largest diamond
41. The Kohinoor diamond was the
present init, ifit is weigh 3300 carat. [Given:1 H,PO;
volume ofH, gas kept at STPifit contains as many Hatoms as in 98gm
42. Calculate
[Atomic mass ofP=31] ofx is :
43. 80gm of SO,gas occupies 14
litre at 2atm &273 K. The value 27°C,Atomic mass of
(X,)occupies 4.8 mL of volumne at 1 atm and
44. 4Omg of gaseous substance
element Xis (R:0.08 atm L/mole-K) (atomic weight of
ofAg, calculatea) Amount ofAg. b) Weight of one atom ofAg
45. In4g atoms b) 17.93 x102 g)
Ag= 108.) (Ans:- a) 432 g ormol)
gatoms are there in one atomn ?(Ans:- 1.66 x 102%gatom rate of 10 lakh
46. How many Avogadro's number of rupees at the
Howmany years it would take to spend
x 1010 years)
rupees per second ?(Ans:-1.9099 Howmany grams and moles of CO, are
are removed.
48. From 200 mg of CO,, 10 molecules
left ? (Ans:- 0.0028 mol) 222 ganhydrous CaCI,.
49. Calculate the number ofCI- and Ca ions in
(Ans:-4Nor4 x 6.023 x 1023)
end ofthis sentence has a mass of about one microgram. Assuming that black
The dot at the dot.
atoms of carbonneeded to make such a
stuffis carbon. Calculate approxímate
(Ans:-5x 1016 atoms of C)
nunmber of atoms as are present in 4g of
51. Calculate mass ofsodium which containssame
Ca-40) (Ans:- 2.3g)
calcium (Atomic weight Na-23, atomic weight
52 Calculate the number of molesineach ofthe following: c) 1.12LofCO, at STP
a) l1gofCO, b) 3,01x1022 molecules of CO,
(Ans:-a) 0.25 mol b) 0.05 mol c) 0.05 mol)
molecule ofSO,
53. Calculatethe mass ofthe following:- a) One atom ofcalcium b) one
(Ans:- 1.06x10g)
54. Calculate number of atoms in each ofthe following
)0.5 mol atomofnitrogen
)0.2mol molecules ofhydrogen
ii) 3.2 gofsulphur
b) Calculate number ofmolecules in each ofthe following:
HELPLINE : O161-4668731, 998855873 1, 7889215455
Lines, Ludhiana.
Head Office : B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa Dharamshala, Civil

i) 14g ofnitrogen i) 3.4 gofH,S

(Ans:-i) 3.01x 10 atoms ii) 2.409 x 102 atoms iii)6.023x 10 atoms
b) i) 3.01x10 molecules ii) 6.023 x10 molecules
55. How many moles of Oare present in 4.9 gofH,PO, ?(Atomic weight ofP, Oand H=31, 16, 1)
(Ans:- 0.2 mole of 0)
56. What is the nmolecular mass of compoundX, ifits 3.0115x 10' molecules weigh 1.0 x10Pg?
(Ans:- 200g=200 amu)
57. Caleulate the number of atoms of each type that are present in 3.42 gofsucrose
(C,H,,O, ).(Ans:- a) 7.228 x 10 atoms ofC. b)132.5 x 102 atoms of H.
c) 66.25 x1021 atoms ofO)
58. Find the volume ofthe following at STP. a) 14gofnitrogen
b) 6.023 x 1022 molecules ofNH, c) 0.1 mole ofSO,.
(Ans:- a) 11.2 L b) 2.24L c) 2.24L)
59. Calculate the total number of electrons present in 3.2g of oxygen gas.
(Ans:-;-9.635 x102 electrons)
60. Oxygen and nitrogen are present in amixture in the ratio of 1:4 by weight. Calculate the ratio
between their molecules. (Ans:- 7:32)

Objective Questions
1. The charge on l gram ions ofAI* is: (N,=Avogadro number, e=
1 charge on one electron)
a) 7 Naecoulomb b) XNhe coulomb c) xN,ecoulomb d)3xNae coulomb
2. What is correct for 10g of CaCO,
a) It contains lg-atom of carbon b) It contains 0.3 g-atoms ofoxygen
c) It contains 12 g of calcium d) None ofthese
3. Which ofthe following contains the largest number of atoms
a) 1lgofC0, b) 4g ofH, c) 5gofNH,
4. If the atomic mass of Sodium is 23, the d) 8g of SO,
number of moles in 46g of sodium is:
a)1 b) 2 )2.3
d) 4.6
Out of 1.0g dioxygen, 1.0g (atomic) oxygen and I.0gof
ozone, the maximum number of
OXygen atoms are contained in
a) 1.0 g of atomic Oxygen b) 1.0 g of ozone
c) 1.0 gof oxgen gas d) All contain sarme number of
6 One mole of P molecules contains atoms.
a) 1 molecule b) 4 molecules c) 1/4 x 6.022 x 10 atoms
d) 24.088x 10 atoms
7 The number of sodium atoms in 2 moles of sodium
ferrocyanide Na, [Fe(CN)], is -
a) 2 b) 6.023 x 1023 c) 8 x 6.02 x 1023 d) 4 x 6.02 x 1023
Which of the following will contain same number of atoms as 20g of calcium ?
a) 24g magnesium b) 12g carbon c) 8g oxygen gas d) 16g oxygen atom
9 The percentage by mnole of NO, in a mixture of NO,(g) and NO(g) having
average molecular
mass 34 is :
a) 25% b) 20% c) 40% c) 75%
10. In which of the following pairs do 1 g of each of have an equal number of molecules ?
a) N,O and CO b) N, and C,C, c) N, and CO d) N,O and CO,
HELPLINE :016 1-4668731, 9988558731, 7889Z15455
Head Office: B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa
Dharamshala, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.
5.6 litre of a gas at N.TP. weights equal to 8 gm the vapour density of gas 1S
a) 32 b)16 c) 8 d) 40
12. 2 moles of H, at NTP occupy a volume of
a) 11.2 litre b) 44.8 litre c) 2 litre d) 22.4 litre
13 4.48 litres of methane at N.T.P. correspond to
a) 1.2 x 10 molecules of methane
b) 0.5 mole of methane c) 3.2 gm of methane
d) 0.1 mole ofmethane
14. Mol. wt.= vapour density x2, is valid for
c) solids d) gases
a) metals b) non metals
15. Number ofmoles of water in 188 gm ofBaCl,.2H,0 are -(Ba=157)
d) 5 moles
a) 2 moles b) 4moles c) 3moles
conditions iS :
relative to methane under the same temperature &pressure
16. Density of ozone d)2.5
c) 1.5
a) 1 b) 3
17. Vapour densityofa gas ifits density is 0.178 g/Lat d) 0.089
a) 0.178 b) 2
contain xg ofgold and yg ofquartz and has density d. If
18. Anugget ofgold and quartz was found respectively then the correct relation
E is : M Y
quartz are d, and d,
the densities ofgold and
X X+y (B) Xd, + yd, = (X + y) d
X (D) +d. +d =0
(C) d + d. =d
molecular weight ofBis M, the
twice that ofagas B. Ifthe
19. The vapourdensity ofa gasAis
molecular weight ofA will be :
a) M b) 2M

20. MassofH,O in 1000kg CuSO,.5H,0 is d) 3.605g
a)360.5 kg b) 36.05 kg c)3605 kg
ofa gas Awith respect to another gasB is 2. The vapour density ofthe gas Bis
21. The relativedensity
20, the vapour density ofthe gas Ais: c)50 s d) 60
a) 30 b) 40 measured at
the weight of 1.0 Loxygen gas both
22. The ratio oftheweight of one litre ofa gas to
gas would be:'
S.TPis2.22. The molecular weight of the d) 55.56
b) 35.52 c) 71.04
a) 14.002
23 The molarmass ofnormal water is as compared to heavy water.
b) 10% high c) 2% less d) zero %less
a) 10% less

mNU, IU, Uprar Nayai, IVtaI raiwa UIIar aiISTIAIa, UIVII LIIes, LUamana.
24. One atomic mass unit in kilogram is
a) 1/NA b) 12/NA c) 1/1000 NA d) 1000/NA
25. The number ofelectron in 3,1 mg NO; is (NA=6x 10)
a) 32 b) 1.6x 103 c) 9.6x 1020 d) 9.6x 1023
26. Agaseous mixture contains CO, (g) and N,O(g) in a 2:5 ratio by mass. The ratio of the
number of
molecules ofCO, (g) and N,0 (g) is
a) 5:2 b) 2:5 c) 1:2 d) 5:4
27. Which ofthe following contain largestnumber of carbon atoms?
a) 15 gm ethane, C,H, b) 40.2 gm sodium oxalate, Na,C,O,
c) 72 gm glucose, C,H,0, d) 35 gm pentene, C,H,0
28. The number ofhydrogen atoms in 0.9 gm glucose, C;H,20, is same as
a) 0.048 gm hydrazine, N,H, b) 0.17 gmammonia, NH,
c)0.30 gm ethane, C,H, d) 0.03 gm hydrogen, H,
29. Ethanol, C,H,OH, is the substance commonly called alcohol. The density of liquid alcohol is
0.7893g/ml at 293 K. If 1.2 mole of ethanol are needed for aparticular experiment, what volumeof
ethanol should be measured out ?
a) 55 ml b) 58 ml c) 70 ml d) 79 ml
30. An iodized salt contains 0.5% of Nal. Aperson consumes 3gm of salt everyday. The number of
iodide ions going into his body everydayis(1= 127)
a) 10: b) 6.02 x 10-4 c) 6.02 x1019 d) 6.02x1023
31. The percentage by mole ofNO, in amixture ofNO; (g) and NO() having averagemolecular mass
34 is:
a) 25% b) 20% c)40% d) 75%
32. The number of carbon atoms present in asignature, ifa signature witten by carbon pencil, weighing
1.2x 10gis
a) 12.04 x 1020 b) 6.02 x 1019 )3,01 x 1019 d) 6.02 x 1020
33. The average atomic mass of a mixture containing 79 mole % of 24 Mg and remaining 21 mole %
of25 Mg and 26 Mg, is 24.3 1.% mole of 26 Mg is
a) 5 b) 20 c) 10 d) 15


1. D 2. B 3. B 4.B 5.D

6. D 7.C 8. C 9. A 10. C

11.B 12. B 13.C 14. D 15. B

16. B 17. B 18.A 19. B 20. B

21.B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. C

26. B 27. D 28. C 29. C 30.C

31. A 32. B 33. C

HELPLINE : 0161-4668731, 9988558731, 7889215455

HeadOffice : B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa Dharamshala, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.
Mole Concept
Topic :- Percentage composition + Laws of
combination + Empirical &Molecular formulachemical By: ER. ROHIT KUCKREJA

Subjective Questions
Calculate the percentage composition of various elements in the following
a) Blue vitriol (CuSO,.5H,0) (Ans:- Mass %Cu= 25.45%) compounds:
b) Green vitriol(FeSQ,.7H,0) (Ans:- Mass %S=12.82%)
White vitriol (ZnSO,.5H,0) (Ans:- Mass
Ethanol (C,HOH) (Ans:- Mass %h=4.040%) %0=57.71%)
Mohr's salt [(NH), SO, .FeSO,.6H,0](Ans:- Mass %Fe= 20.1%)
Calculate the percentage composition of :
a) Aluminium (Al, O), potassium oxide (K,0), and silica (SiO,) in the sample of clay
Potassium sulphate (KSO4), aluminium sulphate, and water of crystallisation in the sample
of potash alum (K,SO,Al, (SO,), 24 H,0) (Ans:-a) Mass%
Mass %of ofAI,0,=18.35%,
K,0=16.90%, Mass% of SiO,= 64.75%,b) Mass% of K,SO, = 18.35%,Mass %ofAI,(SO,);=
36.07%, Mass %of H,0= 45.56%, c)Mass %, SO =40.50%)
Asubstance on analysis,gave the followingpercentage composition: Na=43.4%, C=11.3%,
and O=45.3%. Calculate theempirical formula (atomic weight Na =23, C=12, O=16).
(Ans:-Hence, the empirical formulais Na,cO,)
4. Assuming the atomicweight of a metal Mto be 56, Find the empirical formula of its oxide
containing 70.00% of M. (Ans:- Empirical formula= M,0,)
5 Acompound,on analysis, gave the following percentage composition.
Na=14.31% S=9.97%
H=6.22% O=69.50%
Calculáte the molecular formula of the compound on the assumption that all the hydrogen in
the compound is reset in combination with oxygen as water of crystallisation Molecular
weight of the compound is 322.
(Na=23, S-32, H=1,o=16) (Ans:- Molecularformula is Na,SO, 10H,0)
6. What is the formula of Kaolin, the composition ofwhich is as follows:-Al,0,=39.5%,
SiO,=46.6% and H,0=13.9% (Al=27, Si=28, 0=16, H=1) (Ans:-Al,0, 2SiO, 2H,0)
An organic compound on analysis gave the following percentage composition: C=57.8%,
H=3.6% and the rest is oxygen, The vapour density of the compound was found to be 83.
Find out the molecular formula of thecompound. (Ans:- CH,N,0)
8a) Butyric acid contains only C, Hand 0.A4.24 mg sample of butyric acid is completely burnt.
It gives 8.45 mgof carbon dioxide and 3.46 mg of water. What is the mass percentage of each
element in butyric acid?
b) The molecular mass of butyric acid was determined by experiment to be 88u. What is the
molecularformula? (Ans:- Percentage of C= 54.3%, Percentage of H=9.0%,
Percentage of 0=36.7%)
Acompound on analysis gave the following percentage composition.
Peheaktd Na-14.31%, S=9.97%, H=6.22% and O=69.5%
Calculate the molecular formula of the compound on the assumption that all the hydrogens
in the compound are present in combination with oxygen as water of crystallisation. The
[Atmass :Na=23, S=32, H=1, 9=16]
molecular mass ofthecompound is 322. oxygen
10. gas contain carbon and hydrogen only. Burning a smallsample ofitin
Awelding fuel of 10.0L
3.38g of carbondioxide. 0.690 a ofwater and no other products.Avolume
gives to weigh 11.6g. Calculate i) empirical
(easured at S.T.P) of this weldinggas is found
tormula i) molar mass of the gas, and iü) molecular formula.
Acompound on analysis gave the following percentage composition.
Na=14.31%, S=9.97%, H=6.22% and O=69.5%.
Reheaed thatall the hydrogens In
balculate the molecular formula ofthe compound on the assumptioncrystallisation. Ihe
ne compOund are present in combination with oxyaen aswater of
molecular mass of the compound is 322. JAtmass:Na=23, S=32, H=1, 0=16]
12.) Calculate the mass percentage of various elements present in magnesium sulphate,

Calculate the percentage of cation in ammonium dichromate.
(Ans:-i) Mg=20%, S=26.67%, O=53.33%, i) 14.29%)
13. An organic compound containing carbon,hydrogen and oxygen gave the following
percentage composition:
The vapour density of the compound is 59.Calculate the moleculare formula of the
compound. (Ans:-C,H,0,)
14.i) The elemental composition of butyric acid was found to be 54.2% C,9.2% Hand 36.6% O.
Determine its empirical formula.
in) The molecular mass of butyric acid was determined by an experimentto be 88u. What is its
molecular formula ? (Ans:-i) C,H,0 i) C,H,0,)
15. Anoxide of nitrogen contains 30.43% of nitrogen. The molecular weight of the compound is
equal to 92 a.m.u. Calculate the molecular formula ofthe compound. (Ans:- N,0,)
16. Calculate the empirical and molecular formula of the compound having the following
percentage composition:
Na=36.5%, H=0.8%, P=28.6%,O=38.1%
The molecular mass of thecompound is 126 a.m.u.Also name the compound.
(Ans:-The empirical and molecular formula is Na,HP0, sodium hydrogen
17. A
crystalline salt when heated becomes anhydrous and loses 51.2% of its weight. The
anhydrous salt on analysis gavethefollowing percentage composition:
Mg=20.0%, S=26.66%, 0=53.33%
Calculate the molecularformula of the anhydrous salt and the crystalline salt. Molecular
weight of theanhydrous salt is 120. (Ans:- Mg SO,.7H,0)
18. Calculate the empiricalformula of amineral which has the following percentage composition
:-CuO=44.82%, SiO,=34.83% and Water= 20.35% (at. wt. of Cu-63.5, Si=28)
19, Determine the empirical formula of acompound having percentage composition as:
Iron= 20o; Sulphur =11.5%; 0xygen=23.1% and water molecules=45,4%
(Atmass of Fe=56, S=32) (Ans:-FeSO,.7H,0)
20. Calculatethe mass percentage composition of copper pyrites (CuFeS).(Ans:-34.91%)
21. Calculate the percentage composition of the following compounds:
i)Urea Co(NH,), i) Copper sulphate CuSO,5H,0(Ans:-i) 6.67o, i) 4.01)
22. Ferric suiphate is used in water and sewagetreatment and in removal of
Impurities. lts empirical formula is Fe (S0) Calculate the mass percentage ot iron,
sulphur and oxygen in this compound.
23. Write the empirical formula of the compounds having the molecularformulae:
i)cH, i)C,Hp ii) H,0, iv) Na,C0.,
v) B,H, Vi) N,O, vi) H,PO, vii) Fe,O,
ix) C,H, x) N,0,
FOur gram of copper chloride on analysis was found to contain 1.890 gof copper (Cu) artd
2.110 of chlorine (C). What isihe empirical formula of copper chloride?
25. Acompound contains 4.07% hydrogen.24.27% carbon and 71.65% chlorine. Its molecular
mass is 98.96. What are its empirical and molecular formulae. (Ans:-C,H,cl,)
26. Determine the empirical formula of an oxide ofiron which has 69.9% iron and 30.1% oxygen
by mass. (Ans:-Fe,0,)
27 Anorganic compound containing oxygen,carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contains 20%
carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 46.67% nitrogen. Its molecular weight was found to be 60. Find
the molecular formulaof the compound. (Ans:-CH,N,O)
28. If6.3gof NaHCO, are added to 15.0gof CH,C0OH solution, the residue is found to weigh
18.0g. What is themass of CO, released in the reaction? (Ans:-3.39)
Carbon and oxygen are known to form two compounds. The carbon content in one of these
Compounds is 42.9% while in the other, it ís 27.3%. Show that the data are in the agreement
with the law of multiple proportions.
30. 2.0g of a metal burnt in oxygen gave 3.2 g of its oxide. 1.42g of the same heated in steam
gave 2.27gof its oxide. Which law is shown by this data ?
31. Phosphorus and chlorine form two compounds. The first compounds contains 22.54% by
mass of phosphorus and 77.46% by mass of chlorine. In the second compound the
percentage are 14.88 for phosphorus and 85.12 for chlorine. Show that these data are
consistent with the law of multiple proportions.
32. Three oxides of lead on analysis were found to contain lead as under:
i) 3.45 ofyellow oxide contains 3.21 g of lead.
i) 1.195g of brown oxide contains 1.035 goflead.
i) 1.77g of red oxide contains 1.61g of lead.
Show that these data illustrate law of multiple proportions.
33. Two oxides of a metal contain 27.6% and 30% of oxygen respectively. If the formula of the
first compound is M,0.find the formula of the second compound.
34 Hydrogen sulphide (H,S) contains 94.11% sulphur, water (H,0)contains 11.11% hydrogen
and sulphur dioxide(SO,)contain 50% oxygen. Show that the results are in agreement with
law of reciprocal proportions.
35. Water contains 88.90% oxygen and 11.10% of hydrogen, ammonia contains 82.35% of
nitrogen and 17.65% of hydrogen and dinitrogen trioxide contains 63.15% oxygen and
36.85% of nitrogen. Show that these data illustrate law of reciprocal proportions.
36. When 4.2gof NaHCO, is added to asolution of CH,COOH (acetic acid) weighing 10.0g, it is
observed that 2.2g of CO, is released to the atmosphere.The residue left is found to weigh
12.09. Show that these observations are in agreement with the law of conservation of mass.
37. Hydrogen peroxide and water contain 5.93% and 11.2% of hydrogenrespectively.Show that
the data illustrates law of multiple proportions.
38. ElementsAand Bcombine to form two different compounds as :
0.3g ofA+ 0.4g of B-> 0.7g of
18g ofA +48g of B-’ 66g of compound X
Show that the data illustrates the lawcompound Y.
of multiple proportions.
Carbon combines with hhydrogento form compounds having thefollowing compositions:
A Carbon (%) Hydrogen(%)
B 75 25
85.5 14.3
92.3 7.7
Show that the data illustrate the lawof
1.375g CuO wasreduced by multiple proportions.
1.178g of Cu was dissolved inhydrogen
and 1.098 gCu was obtained. In another experiment
CuO by ignition. The weight of CuO andtheeresulting copper nitrate was convertedinto
law of constant formed was 1.476g. Showthat theseresults prove the
41. composition.
llustrate the law of definite proportions from the
i) 0.32g of sulphur on
burning in air produced 224following
ml of
data i
)Ametal sulphite reacts with a mineral acid to give SO, gasatwhich N.T.P
and 50% of oxygen. contains 50% of sulphur
42. Copper sulphate crystals
contain 25.45% Cu and 36.07% H,0. If the law of
proportions is true then calculate the constant
weight of Cu required to obtain 40g of crystalline
sulphate. copper
43. Copper sulphide contains 66.5% Cu,
Copper oxíde contains 79.9% Cu and
contain 40% S. Show that thedata illustrates
44. Two oxides of a certain metal were the lawof reciprocal sulphurtrioxide
separately heated in a current of hydrogen until constant
weight were obtained. The water produced in
weighed. It was observed that 1g of each oxideeach case was carefully collected and
gave 0.1254g and 0.2263g of water
respectively. Showthat the data illustrate the law of multiple

Objective Questions
1. The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of K,[Fe(CN)J is -
(A) 1.8 gm (B) 18 gm (C) 3.6 gm (D) 36 gm
2 The percentage of nitroen in urea is about
(A) 38.4 (B) 46.6 (C) 59.1 (D)61.3
3 The empirical formula of a compound of molecular mass 120 is
CH,0.The molecular formula of the
compound is:
(A) C,H,0, (B) C,H,0, (C) C,H,0, (D) all of these
Insulin contains 3,4% sulphur by mass. What will be the minimum molecular weight of insulín -
(A) 94.117 (B) 1884 (C) 941 (D) 976
5 The percent of Nin 66% pure (NH), SO, sample is
(A) 32 (B) 28 (C) 14 (D) None of these
6 Acompound was found to contain 5.37% nitrogen by mass. What is the minimum molecular weight
of compound
(A)26.07 (B) 2.607 (C) 260.7 (D) None
Calculate the molecular formula of compound which contains 20% Ca
weight of compound is 200. (Atomic wt. Ca = and 80% Br (by Wi)
40, Br = 80)
(A) CagBr (B) CaBr (C) CaBr (D) Ca,Br
8 The empirical formula of a compound is CH s molecuar weight is 78. The molecular formula or tne
compound will be -
(A) CH (B) CH, (C) CH, (D) C
9. An Oxide of a metal (M) contains 40% by mass of oxvgen. Metal (M) has atomic mass of 24. lne
empirical formula of the oxide is
(A) M,0 (B) MO (C) M,0, (D) MO4
10. wo OXIdes of Metal contain 27.6% and 30% oXVgen respectively. If the formula of first oxide is M4
then formula of second oxide is -
(A)MO (B) M,0 (C) M,0, (D) MO 2
element X (atomic mass = 10) and 50% of the
11. he simplest formula of a compound containing 50% of
elementY (atomic mass = 20) by weight is
(A) XY (B) X,Y (c) XY, (D) X,Y,.
An organic compound contains 4% sulphur by mass. Its minimum molecular weight
is :
a) 200 b) 400 c) 800 d) 1600
13. Which ofthe following series ofcompounds have same mass percentage of carbon?
a) CO,. C0 b) CH, C,H, C,H,
c) C,H,.CatH, CoHs d) HCHO, CH,COOH, CoHp0,
fomula as that of glucose
14. Which of the following compounds has same empirical
a) CH,CHO b) CH,COOH c) CH,OH d) C,H,
15: Acompound of X and Y has equal mass of them. If their atomic weights
are 30 and 20 respectively.
The molecular formula compound is -
a) X,Y, b) X,Y, c) X,Y, d) X,Y,

Objective Answer Key

1.D 2. B 3.B. 4.C 5.C 6.C

7. B 8. D 9.B 10. C 11.B 12. C
13. D 14. B 15. C
Solutions &colligative
ACADEMY IV Concentration terms


Subjective Type Questions

1 A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent
of the solute. (Ans:- 10%)
2 Calculate the molarity of NaOH in solution prepared by dissolving 4g in enough water to form
250mL of the solution. (Ans:- 0.4M)
Calculate the molality of KClsolution prepared by dissolving 7.45g of KCl in 500mL of the
solution. (dso1.2g mL) (Ans:- 0.168 m)
Calculate the molality (m) of 3M solution of NaCl whose density is 1.25 g mL (Ans:- 2.79 m)
5 1L of 0.1MNaOH, 1L of 0. 2MKOH, and 2Lof 0.05 MBa (OH), are mixed together. VWhat is the
final concentration of the solution. (Ans :-0.1 M)
The percentage composition by mass of asolution is 20% urea (NH,CONH,), 40% glucose
(C,H,,O),and 40% water (H,0). Calculate the mole fraction of each component of the solution.
(Ans:- Xurea=0.12, XGiucose=0.08, XH,O=0.8)
7 Asolution is prepared by mixing ethanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is
a) What is the molality (m) of the solution?
b) Water is added to the above solution such that the mole fraction of water in the solution
becomes 0.9. What is the molality (m) of the solution? (Ans:- a) 2.415m, b) 6.17m)
8 Calculate the molarity () and molality (m) of 16% aqueous methanol (CH,OH) solution by
volume. Density of solution=0.9 g mL1. (Ans:- 2.232m, 1.875M)
20mg of K°ions are present in 1 Lof aqueous solution. Density of the solution is 0.8g m L What
is the concentration of K° ions in ppm? (Ans:- 25ppm)
10. Calculate normality and molarity of the following:
a) 0.74 g of Ca(OH), in 5mL of solution.
b) 3.65 g ofHCI in200 mL of solution.
c) 1/10 molof H,SO,in 500mLof solution. (Ans:- a) M=2, N=4 b) M=0.5, N=0.5,c)M=0.2, N=0.4)
11. Calculate the molarity and molality of 20% aqueous ethanol (C,H,OH) solution by volume.
(density of solution=0.96 g m1) (Ans:- (M=3.48) (m=4.35)
12 Asample of H,SO, (density 1.787gmL') is labelled as 86% by weight. What is the molarity of
acid? What volume of acid has to be used to make 1Lof0.2M H,SO,?
(Ans:- M=15.68, V= 12.75 mL)
13. Mole fraction of l, in C,H, is 0.2.Calculate molality of l, in CoH,. (Mw of C;H,=78 mol")
(Ans:- 3.205)
Calculate molality of 1litre solution of 93% H,SO, by volume. The density of solution is 1.84 g
m.1 (Ans:- 10.42)
15. 4.0g of NaOH is contained in one deciltre of aqueous solution. Calculate the following ín the
solution (d of NaOH solution = 1,038 g mL 1)
a) Mole fraction of NaOH
b) Molarity of NaOH
c) Molality of NaOH (Ans:- 0.0177)

HELPLINE:9988558731, 9988445576
Head Ofice : B-1-810/25A, Gali No. 10, Upkar Nagar, Near Pahwa Dharamshala, Civil Lines, Ludniana.
Branch Oifice : Sco-10, Kitchlu Nagar, Main Market, Opp. BVMSchool, Ludhiana.
16 Calculate the mass fraction and mole fraction of ethylalcohol and H,O in a solution containing
9.2 g of alcohol in 18.0Ogof H,0. (Ans:- XcaHeOH=0.17 Mole fraction=0.34)
17 Asolution contains 410.3 g H,SO, per litre ofthe solution at 20°C. If the density=1.243 g mo
what will be its molality and molarity ? (Ans:- M=4.186, m=5.027)
18. Concentrated HNO, is 69% by mass of nitric acid. Calculate the volume of the solution which
contains 23g of HNO,. (Density of concentrated HNO, Solution is 1.41g ml-) (Ans:- 23.6 mL)
Calculate the molality of asolution obtained by dissolving 15.87 gthyl alchol (C,H,OH) in 168 g
of H,0. (Ans:-2.05)
20. A6.90 Msolution of KOH contains 30% by weight of KOH, Calculate the density of the solution.
(Ans- d=1.288 mL')
21. 3.5 litre of 0.01 MNaCl is mixed with 1.5 litre of 0.05 M NaCI. What is the concentration of tne
final solution? (Ans:- M3= 0.022)
22. The density of 5% aqueous MgCl, solution is 1.043 amL-1. What is the molarity and molality of
the solution? What is the molality of CI ion ? (Mg=24amu) (Ans:- M=0.548, m=0.554, mcl-=1.108)
23. The density of 0.06 Msolution of Kl in water is 1.006gmL1. Determine the molality of this solution.
(K=39, 1= 127 amu) (Ans:-0.06024)
Integer Ty pe :
1. What volume of 90% alcohol by weight (d=0.8gmL1) must be used toprepare 80mLof 10%
by weight (d=0.9g mL)? (Ans:-10mL)
2 HClgas 0s passed into water, yielding asolution of density 1.095 g m-1 and containing30% HClby
weight. Calculate the molarity of the solution. (Ans:-9 M)

Objective Type Questions

1 The volume of water that must be added to a mixture of 250 ml of 0.6 M HCI and 750 ml of 0.2 M
HCI to obtain 0.25 Msolution of HOCI is:
a) 750 ml b) 100 ml c) 200 ml d) 300 ml
2. What approximate volume of 0.40 MBa (OH), must be added to 50.0 mL of 0.30 MNaOH to get
a solution in which the molarity of the OH ions is 0.50 M?
a) 33 mL b) 66 mL c) 133 mL d) 100 mL
3 500 mL of 0.1 M KCI,200 ml of 0.01 MNaNO, and 500 ml of 0.1 M AgNO, was mixed. The
molarity of Agt, CI:, Nat, NO, in the solution would be
(A) [K]=0.0416 [Ag]=0.04 (Na =0.002 (B) (K*]= 0.0416 [Nat] =0.00166
[clj=0.04 [NO,1=0.042 [NO,]=0.0433
(C) [K»]=0.04 [Ag1 =0.05 [Na'] =0.0025 (D) [(K]=0.05 [Na']= 0.0025
[clj=0.05 [NO,] =0.0525 [NO,1=0.0525
4 Mole fraction of Ain H,O is 0.2. The molality of Ain H,0 is:
a) 13.9 b) 15.5, c) 14.5 d) 16.8
5 What is the molarity of H,SO, solution that has a density of 1.84 g/cc and contains 98% by mass
of H,SO, (Given atomic mass of S=32)
a) 4.18 M b) 8.14 M c) 18.4 M d) 18 M
6 The molality of a sulphuric acid solution is 0.2. Calculate the total weight of the solution having
1000gm of solvent.
a) 1000g b) 1098.6g c) 980.4g d) 1019.6g
7. Mole fraction of C3H5(OH)3 in a solution of 36g of water and 46g of glycerine is:
a) 0.46 b) 0.36 c) 0.20 d) 0.40
8. Column -l Column-ll
a) 4.5m solution of CaCO, density 1.45 g/ml P) mole fraction of solute is 0.2
b) 3 M100 ml H,S0, mixed with 1 M300ml H,SO, Q) mass of the solute is 360g
e hmotarity of an aqueous solution of glucose (CH..0) is 0.01. To 200mL of the solution,
which of the following should be carried out to make it 0.02 M?
i) Evaporate 50mL of solution
) Add 0.180g of lucose and then evaporate 50mL of solution
ii) Add 50 mL of water
The correct option is
a) i b) i c) i
An aqueous solution of urea (NH,ONH,) is 3.0 molal. The mole fraction of urea is
a) 0.33 b) 0.25 c) 0.66 d) 0.05
Which of the following quantities are dependent on temperature?
a) Molarity b) Normality
c) Mole fraction d) Molality
the acid that
Asample ofH,SO, (density 1.8 g mL-) is 90% by weight. What is the volume of
has to be used to make 1L of 0.2M H,SO,?
a) 16mL b) 18 mL c) 12mL d) 10 mL
13. 0.2 mol of HCl and 0.1 mol of barium chloride is dissolved in water to produce a 500mL
The molarity of CI° is
a)0.06M c) 0.09M d) 0.80M
b) 0.12M
14 The density of 1Msolution of NaCl is 1.0585 g mL-1, The molality of the solution is
a) 1.0585 b) 1.00 c) 0.0585 d) 0.10
solution of glucose it is
15 lf 18gram of glucose (CzH,,O) is present in 1000 gram of an aqueous
said to be -
a) 39.2 molal b) 1.1 molal c) 0.5 molal d) 0.1 molal
16 Which of the following is correct -
wt. X 1000
a) mole = molarity x Vinl wt. b) milli mole= molarity x Vin mL= mol.wt

balanced chemical
c) Moles and millimoles of reactants react according to.stoichiometric ratio of
d) All
17. Density of water is 1g/mL. The concentration of water in mol/litre is
a) 1000 b) 18 c) 0.018 d) 55 5
18. How many grams of NaOH will be needed to prepare 250mL of 0.1 M solution.
a) 1g b) 10g c) 4g d) 6g
19 How many gramsof glucose should be dissolved to make one litre solution of 10% (w/v) glucose -
a) 10g b) 180g c) 100g d) 1.8g
20. 5.85g of NaCl are dissolved in 90g of water. The mole fraction of NaCl is
a) 0.1 b) 0.01 c) 0.2 d) 0.0196
21 The molalty of 15%(wtvol.) solution of H,SO, of density 1.1 g/om is approximately
a) 1.2 b) 1.4 c) 1.8 d) 1.6
22 30 molal NaOH solution has a density of 1.110g/ml. The molarity ofthe solution is
d 2.9732 b) 3.05 c) 3.64 d) 3.0504
23 In the aqueous solution of sulphuric aid the mole fraction of water is 0.85. The molality of the solution
a) 8.9m b) 0.19m c) 9.8m d) 15m
24. 1000 gram aqueous solution of CaCO, contains 10 gram of carbonate of solution is
a) 10 ppm b) 100 pm c) 1000 ppm d) 10,000 ppm
25 Equal volumes of0. 1MAgNO, and 0.2M NaClare mixed. The concentration of NO, ions
in the mixture will be -
a) 0.1M b) 0.05M c) 0.2M d) 0.15M
26. H.O, solution used for hair bleaching is sold as a solution ofapproximately 5.0g H,O, per 100 ml of
the solution, The molecular weight of H,0,is 34.The molarity ofthis solution is approximately -
a) 3.0 b) 1.5 c) 0.15 d) 4.0
27 All of the water in a 0.20 Msolution NaCl was evaporated and 0.150 mol of NaCl was obtained Whet
was the original volume of the sample?
a) 30mL b) 333 mL c) 750 mL d) 1000 mL
28. 25 mLof 3.0MHNO,are mixed with 75mL of4.0MHNO,. Ifthe volumes are additive, the molarity of
the final mixture would be
a) 3.25M b) 4.0M c) 3.75M d) 3.50M
29. 10 gram of glucoseare dissolved in 150 gram ofwater. The mass %of glucoseis
a) 5% b) 6.25% c) 93.75% d) 15%
30. If 100 ml of 1.0M NaOH solution is diluted to 1.0L, the resulting solutions contains
a) 1mole of NaOH b) 0.1 mole of NaOH c) 10.0 mole of NaOH
d) 0.05 mole of NaOH

Answer Keys

4 C

11. a, b
12. a) b)
22. d
30 b

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