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The Future of Work: Automation and AI

Opening Scene:

Visual: A man sits at a desk in an office, typing on a computer. He takes a sip from his mug and

Sound: Keyboard clicking, a sigh.

Suddenly, a robotic arm emerges from the computer screen.

Visual: The robotic arm gently pushes the man aside and takes over the keyboard, typing

Sound: Whirs and clicks of the robotic arm.

The robot finishes typing, turns to the man, and displays a message on the screen.

Visual: "THANKS! BYE!" appears on the screen.

Sound: Robotic voice saying "Thanks! Bye!"

The robot resumes typing, and the man looks on in shock.

Narrator: (Voiceover) The future of work is here. And it's automated.



● A factory with robots assembling products.

● A robot pilot flying a plane.
● A robot doctor examining a patient.
● A robot stockbroker making trades.

Sound: Upbeat, futuristic music.

Narrator: (Voiceover) For centuries, innovation has driven job creation. The invention of the
wheel, the printing press, the automobile - each new technology brought with it new
opportunities, new industries, and new jobs.

Visual: A split-screen showing a 1970s car factory with many workers on one side and a 2012
Google office with fewer workers on the other.
Sound: Music becomes more subdued.

Narrator: (Voiceover) But the internet changed the game. It allowed for automation on a scale
never seen before. And now, artificial intelligence is poised to take things even further.

Visual: A woman in a lab coat stands in front of two screens. One shows an apple, the other an
orange. She points at the apple, then the orange, looking confused.

Sound: A robotic voice says "apple," then "orange."

Narrator: (Voiceover) AI can now perform tasks that were once thought to be exclusive to
humans. It can learn, adapt, and even make decisions.

Visual: A montage of robots performing various tasks, including:

● Fixing a tractor.
● Processing food.
● Delivering packages.
● Writing news articles.
● Providing customer service.

Sound: Music becomes increasingly frantic.

Narrator: (Voiceover) So what does this mean for the future of work? Will robots take all our

Visual: A man sits on a couch in a dark room, looking stressed. Robots are performing various
tasks around him, including cleaning, cooking, and even playing with his dog.

Sound: Music becomes quiet and ominous.

Narrator: (Voiceover) It's a valid concern. But it's not the whole story.

Visual: The man on the couch looks up at a screen showing a futuristic city with robots and
humans working together.

Sound: Music becomes hopeful and optimistic.

Narrator: (Voiceover) While some jobs will be lost to automation, new jobs will be created. Jobs
that require creativity, critical thinking, and social intelligence. Jobs that robots can't do.

Visual: A group of people are working on computers, with robots assisting them.
Sound: Upbeat music returns.

Narrator: (Voiceover) The future of work is not about humans versus robots. It's about humans
and robots working together to create a better future for everyone.

Visual: A montage of robots and humans working together in various settings, including:

● A classroom.
● A hospital.
● A factory.
● A farm.

Sound: Music becomes triumphant and inspiring.

Narrator: (Voiceover) The future of work is full of challenges, but it's also full of opportunities. It's
up to us to seize those opportunities and shape the future we want to see.

Closing Scene:

Visual: The camera pans out to show a vast network of interconnected robots and humans, all
working together.

Sound: Music fades out.

Narrator: (Voiceover) The future of work is in our hands. Let's make it a future where everyone
can thrive.

Call to action:

Visual: The Kurzgesagt logo appears on the screen.

Sound: A gentle, hopeful melody plays.

Narrator: (Voiceover) To learn more about the future of work, visit Kurzgesagt.org.


Brief Summary:

This video explores the potential impact of automation and AI on the future of work. While
acknowledging the possibility of job displacement, the video ultimately takes an optimistic stance,
arguing that new jobs will be created that require uniquely human skills. The video concludes
with a call to action, urging viewers to learn more about the future of work and to help shape it
into a future where everyone can thrive.

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