Kel 2 Al-Eqab & Ismail 2011 Contingency Factors and Accounting Information System Design in Jordanian Companies

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IBIMA Publishing

IBIMA Business Review
Vol. 2011 (2011), Article ID 166128, 13 pages
DOI: 10.5171/2011.166128

Contingency Factors and Accounting Information

System Design in Jordanian Companies
Mahmoud Al-Eqab1 and Noor Azizi Ismail2
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Kingdome of Saudi Arabia
Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia


This paper examines the relationship between three contingency factors and the sophistication of
AIS design. Questionnaires were distributed to 220 companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange,
Jordan. The results reveal significant and positive relationships between four dimensions of IT
sophistication and AIS design, and between two dimensions of business strategies and AIS design.
However, no significant relationship was found between environmental conditions and the
sophistication of AIS design. Interestingly, findings from this study reveal managerial IT
sophistication, informational IT sophistication and functional IT sophistication are more important
than technological sophistication in influencing AIS design. On the other hand, cost leadership
strategy was found to be more important than innovation differentiation strategy in influencing AIS
design. Overall, cost leadership strategy appears to be the most important factor that influences the
sophistication of AIS design. Findings from this study imply that the sophistication of AIS design
can be achieved by investing not only in the technological aspect of IT implementation but more
importantly its managerial, informational and functional sophistication. Findings from this study
have deepened current understanding of AIS design and its influence factors, and provided useful
insights into the sophistication of IT development in Jordan. More importantly, it opens up
possibilities for further studies of AIS in Jordan and other Middle East countries, and on a global

Keywords: Contingency factors, information technology sophistication, environmental conditions,

accounting information system

Introduction new accounting model such as Resources-

Events-Agents (REA) and the emergence of
It is widely acknowledged that the new technology such as relational and object-
accounting profession is an important facet oriented database have transformed the way
of our society. Worldwide, leaders of business people view AIS (Ismail and King,
professional accounting bodies believe that a 2005). The REA accounting model which is
strong accounting profession plays a key role based on economic changes rather than
in economic development both globally and debits and credits as in traditional
nationally. Developments in the areas of accounting model has made it possible for
accounting, information technology (IT) and modern AIS to capture not only historical and
IS over the last three decades have widened financial-related data but also non-financial
the scope and roles of AIS, which is an and future-oriented data (Mauldin and
important component of modern information Ruchala, 1999). Business people including
system (IS). For example, the introduction of accountants can now view accounting in a

Copyright © 2011 Mahmoud Al-Eqab and Noor Azizi Ismail. This is an open access article distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution License unported 3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided that original work is properly cited. Contact author: Mahmoud Al-Eqab,
IBIMA Business Review 2

much broader perspective with added comparing the results of previous studies.
emphasis on the economies of business Firstly, IT researchers have used different
operations and strategic management (Ismail measures of IT sophistication. Most IT-
and King, 2005). related studies also focused on the
technological dimension IT sophistication
Traditionally, AIS tended to mirror while neglecting other IT dimensions such as
historically developed manual accounting informational, functional and managerial
processes (Ismail and King, 2005). Therefore, sophistication (Ismail and King, 2007).
traditional AIS were unable to adapt to Recognizing the importance of IT to business
change, to support critical business and accounting, accounting researchers have
processes and models, and to satisfy users’ also investigated several IT-related issues.
information requirements, which are While early AIS studies focused on the impact
constantly changing over time. Modern AIS, of general IT on accounting and the roles of
however, can generate various types of accountants, more recent AIS studies focused
information including accounting and non- on the impact of more sophisticated IS such
accounting information to assist as ERP on the role of accountants (Rom and
management manages short-term problems Rohde, 2006). However, as suggested by
and integrates operational considerations Hunton (2002), most of AIS studies are very
within long-term strategic plans (Mitchell et descriptive in nature and therefore, fail to
al, 2000). Reviews of both accounting and IS reveal in a meaningful way the relationship
literature indicate that IT-related issues have between IT and AIS and its impact on
long received the attention of both organizational performance.
accounting and IS researchers. IT-related
researches have evolved over the last three Reviews of AIS literature also indicate that
decades from IT adoption and IT most AIS studies have incorporated
sophistication issues to IT alignment and IT contingency factors such as organizational
value delivery issues. One of the main issues structure, business strategy, and
with respect to IT is the impact of IT on environmental condition in their research
organization (Shin, 2001) especially, its model but have neglected the influence of IT
performance. For example, many scholars on AIS design. Furthermore, the few studies
have begun to speculate that employees’ that have examined the relationship between
underutilization of such modern IS may AIS design and IT have defined IT in a narrow
result in the failure to gain the expected perspective (Ismail, 2004). Similar to IT
success of such implementations and hence, researches, these studies viewed IT from the
threatens the long-term viability of such technological perspective only but failed to
systems (Jasperson et al, 2005). incorporate other perspectives of IT
sophistication such as informational,
Following this, many IT researchers have functional and managerial. Hunton and
attempted to explain the benefits IT will Flowers (1997) suggested that a more
bring to the organization. Several studies that comprehensive AIS study is needed to
have adopted the contingency approach have explain the relationship between IT and
suggested that IT needs to be aligned with accounting and its subsequent impact on
other contingent factors to have a real impact organization in general and
on organization. The alignments between accounting/accountants in particular.
contingency factors such as business Furthermore, most of previous IT/AIS
strategy, organizational structure, and studies were conducted in developed
strategic IT management have been found to countries (Ismail and King, 2005). Very few
have significant impacts on organizational of such studies have been carried out in
performance (Chang, 2001). Another issue developing countries especially in the Middle
with respect to IT is the difficulty in East.
3 IBIMA Business Review

Due to the continuous flow of considerable (Murrar, 2003). Despite this, the Jordanian
amount of empirical studies which government with the strong support from
investigate the contingency factors and the King of Jordan has recently invested quite
accounting and/or IS and indicates the heavily in IT development with the hope to
importance and vitality of this theory, this be a leader among the Arab countries
study is theoretically and empirically (Nasereddin, 2006). Therefore, a
constituted upon contingency theory which comprehensive AIS study which incorporates
has long been applied in both accounting and both IT and accounting issues could
information system disciplines (Chenhall, contribute to further understanding of the
2003). The contingency theory suggests that IT-related issues such as the combined effect
an organization's structure is based on of contingency factors including IT on AIS
contextual factors such as environmental design, not only in Jordan but also other
conditions, business strategy, organizational developing countries.
structure, production technology, and
management style (Ismail and King, 2004). Findings from this study could explain not
only the sophistication of IT adoption among
The above discussions relating to the Jordanian companies but also the influence of
evolution of IT and its subsequent impact on other contingency factors on the AIS design
accounting profession have raised several of adopting companies. This is important as
interesting issues that need to be carefully even though AIS users could now generate
addressed, particularly among developing and use accounting information in a more
countries like Jordan. Jordan, unlike other strategic way, lack of understanding of
Middle East countries, is a small country with available technology and contemporary
very limited natural resources. IT accounting information that could be
development in Jordan is also under- generated by the technology would hamper
developed compared to developed countries the benefits of IT implementation.
and even some developing countries

Environmental Condition

IT Sophistication:
1. Technological
2. Informational AIS Design
3. Functional
4. Managerial

Business Strategy
1. Cost leadership
2. Innovative differentiation

Figure 1: Research Model

IBIMA Business Review 4

Research Model as suggested by Raymond and Pare (1992),

the general hypothesis above is divided into
The above discussions highlight several four sub-hypotheses relating each of four
important issues relating to accounting and dimensions of IT sophistication to AIS design.
IS from the perspective of contingency
theory. The first issue relates to the lack of a • Technological Sophistication and AIS
comprehensive empirical study that Design
examines the relationship between IT and
AIS especially among Middle East countries. The technological dimension of IT
The second issue relates to the inconsistency sophistication has been used in the literature
in the measurement of IT sophistication. in various ways such as variety of IT used,
Therefore, further study is needed to better hardware characteristics, development tools,
explain the relationship between contingency man-machine interface, processing mode,
factors especially IT sophistication and AIS and type of operation (Raymond and Pare,
design. This study represents the first 1992). However, very few studies have
attempt to fill in the gap in the specific investigated the specific relationship
context of Middle East countries. An outline between technological sophistication and AIS
research model for the relationship between design. Since it is a core assumption in
three contextual factors and IT sophistication accounting research that sophisticated
on AIS design is illustrated in Figure 1 above, technologies will provide a sufficient
and followed by discussions on hypothesis quantity of information for accountants, it
development: follows that such information can be used
when designing AIS so that more relevant
Hypotheses Development information can be supplied to managers
(Boulianne, 2007). For example, when
IT Sophistication and AIS Design companies have different types of
technologies such as Enterprise Resources
IT is one of the mechanisms that can be used Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management
to increase organizational information (SCM) and Customer Relationship
processing capabilities (El Louadi, 1998). Management (CRM), AIS will be designed by
Huber (1990, p. 65) argued that “use of taking into consideration these technologies
advanced IT leads to more available and at hand to achieve enhanced information that
more quickly retrieved information, will be relevant to end users which will lead
including external information, internal to better organizational effectiveness (Doms
information, and previously encountered et al, 2004). Therefore, it is expected that
information, and thus leads to increased companies with more sophisticated
information accessibility”. Daft and Lengel technologies will have more sophistication in
(1986) also placed particular emphasis on IT AIS design. Thus, the hypothesis can be
as a means by which organizations reduce stated as follow:
uncertainty. El Louadi (1998) conIirmed that
organizational IT sophistication has a direct H1: There is a positive relationship between
effect on the amount of external and internal technological sophistication and the
information provided. More recently, Ismail sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian
and King (2007) found a signiIicant listed companies.
relationship between IT sophistication and
AIS alignment. Therefore, it is expected that • Informational Sophistication and AIS
firms with more sophisticated IT are more Design
likely to have more sophisticated AIS design
than those that are not. Since IT Informational dimension of IT sophistication
sophistication is a multidimensional variable refers to the type of applications portfolio
5 IBIMA Business Review

and integration of these applications business advisor. Due to the nature of their
(Raymond and Pare, 1992). Targowski and work, Elliot (1992) argued that accountants
Tarn (2007) concluded that the beneIits of understand the business process better than
the IS implementation has something to do others. Therefore, accountants’ active
with a concept of the application portfolio. participation in the IS implementation would
Use of advanced applications such as order contribute to better or more sophisticated
entry, budget variances, production AIS implementation because they will be able
variances, budgeting, production planning to provide significant inputs and suggestions
and control, and activity-based accounting to the AIS design to the advantage of the
leads to more available and more quickly organizational performance. Hence, the
retrieved information. Hence, it is expected hypothesis can be stated as follows:
that firms with more sophisticated
informational applications will have a higher H3: There is a positive relationship between
degree of AIS design, which leads to the functional sophistication and the
following hypothesis: sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian
listed companies.
H2: There is a positive relationship between
informational sophistication and the • Managerial Sophistication and AIS
sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian Design
listed companies.
The term managerial sophistication has been
• Functional Sophistication and AIS employed in the literature in various ways
Design such as top management support, IT
investment, IT adoption process, control of
Researchers have used various dimensions IT, and evaluation of IT (Raymond and Pare,
such as decisional level and user 1992). The most dominant dimension found
participation to represent functional to have implication on IT implementation
sophistication (Raymond and Pare, 1992). was top management commitment.
Choe (1996) found a significant positive Considering the amount of resources such as
relationship between user participation and financial and human effort invested in IT
AIS design. User participation in IS project among large businesses, commitment
development such as participation in from top management is crucial to ensure
programming, participation in system successful IT implementation such as AIS. In
maintenance and problem solving, addition, top management can determine the
elaboration of development schedule, success or failure of computerization projects
elaboration of development budget, and because they play a dominant role in IS
training of new users on available system can planning especially, financial resource
help in the design of AIS by providing ways planning (Lin et al, 2007). In the context of
on how to improve and produce accounting AIS, top management with IT knowledge are
systems that can avoid incorrect in a better position than those without this
administrative transactions. Eventually, user knowledge, because they can understand the
participation can improve the performance company’s AIS design and then use their
of system design quality by aligning the knowledge in IS development planning to
system to fit the various needs of the match the company’s information needs.
organization. Zeffane et al (1998) also stated Therefore, it is expected that in companies
that the degree of user participation was where the top management highly
found to have a significant effect upon the participate in IS development and planning
quality of data such as accuracy, timeliness, more sophistication in AIS design will be
and completeness of data. With the advent of accomplished. Hence, the hypothesis can be
modern technologies, the role of accountant stated as follow:
has shifted from number crunching to
IBIMA Business Review 6

H4: There is a positive relationship between influence the scope of accounting

managerial sophistication and the information required to deal with the
sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian uncertainty. Chenhall (2003) suggested that
listed companies. strategy differs from other contingency
variables because it is not an element of
Environmental Condition and AIS Design content but rather the means whereby
managers can influence the nature of the
Gordon and Miller (1976, p. 60) hypothesized external environment, and the technologies
that “ environmental dynamism of the organization. Otley (1980) suggested
increases, organizations would require more that business strategy is the important factor
non-financial accounting information on that influences the main characteristics of
matters such as competitors actions and AIS design. Furthermore, early researchers
consumer tastes, increase the frequency of like Miles and Snow (1978) and Porter
reporting and make greater use of forecasted (1980) proposed that AIS design is used
information”. Chong and Chong (1997) re- differently depending on the organization’s
emphasized the importance of external, non- strategy. Simons (1990) found evidence that
financial and future-oriented data in a organizations with appropriate strategies
turbulent and uncertain environment. It is employ AIS in successful ways. Theoretically,
through the management of external companies employ certain business
information that businesses will be able to strategies to improve their business
reduce the uncertainty that they perceive in performance (Fisher et al., 2005). To
their environment. For example, broad scope, effectively plan and implement business
timely and frequent, aggregated and strategy, firms need updated and resourceful
integrated accounting information would be business information. One of the ways to do
particularly useful for managers to respond this is through the design of AIS (Ismail and
rapidly to changes in the competitive King, 2007). The better and more
environment and market demand. However, sophisticated the AIS design is, the better the
Mia (1993) warned that sophisticated performance of companies. Since business
accounting information is only effective in strategy is a multidimensional variable as
terms of performance when the level of suggested by Paopun (2000), the hypothesis
environmental uncertainty is high. When is divided into two sub-hypotheses relating
uncertainty of the environment is low, to each of two dimensions of business
management is able to make relatively strategy as the follow.
accurate predictions about the market, thus
requires less sophisticated information. • Cost Leadership and AIS Design
Therefore, it is expected that firms that
operate in a more turbulent and uncertain Cost leadership is one of the important
environment are more likely to have more strategies adopted by previous contingency
sophisticated AIS design than those that are studies. Chang (2001) concluded that when a
not, hence the following hypothesis: company pursues a cost leadership strategy,
it would require a higher degree of
H5: There is a positive relationship between aggregation information to improve
perceived environmental uncertainty and the operational procedure. In other words, cost
sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian leadership strategy aims to reduce costs
listed companies. through the whole business process from
manufacturing to the final stage of selling the
Business Strategy and AIS Design product. Any processes that do not
contribute towards minimization of cost base
Chong and Chong (1997) suggested that should be outsourced. Low costs will permit
business strategy would determine its a firm to sell relatively standardized products
environmental domain, which in turn accepted by customers at the lowest price to
7 IBIMA Business Review

gain competitive advantage and increase decisions relating to the strategy (Bolon,
market share (Husted and Allen, 2006). That 1998). Therefore, this study proposed the
means the cost efficiency gained in the whole following hypothesis:
process will enable a firm to mark up a price
lower than competitors for longer time H7: There is a positive relationship between
which ultimately could not match such a low innovative differentiation strategy and the
cost base. These competitive advantages sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian
gained by adopting cost leadership strategy listed companies.
lead us to know what is the features
acceptable is to many customers and in turn Research Methodology
put these features into IT team regards avoid
the variances in next business process. The focus of this study was the relationship
However, costing information needed by between contingency factor and AIS design.
managers to make effective decisions rely on To achieve this, a mail questionnaire survey
the sophistication of AIS design (Bolon, was carried out to gather the data. As at 30th
1998). Therefore, this study proposed the June 2008, Amman Stock Exchange (ASE)
following: provides a total of 260 addresses of listed
companies. Forty addresses were used for
H6: There is a positive relationship between the pre-test and pilot test, and the remaining
cost leadership strategy and the 220 were used for the main survey. The
sophistication of AIS design among Jordanian questionnaire was refined in three stages:
listed companies. pre-testing with academics and research
students, pre-testing with companies’
• Innovative Differentiation and AIS accountants, and pilot testing with
Design companies’ accountants. The pre-test aimed
to clarify the wording of both the
Innovative differentiation strategy is another questionnaire instructions and questions,
widely used strategy by previous whilst the pilot test attempted to examine
contingency studies. This strategy aims to patterns of respondents’ answers and thus
emphasize the uniqueness of a product as their understanding of the questionnaire. The
perceived by the customers. In other words, questionnaires were addressed to the
the strategy is aimed at the broad market accountants of the companies. Accountants
that involves the creation of a were chosen to be the respondents of this
product/service perceived throughout its study because they were more likely to have
industry as unique. The company or business valid perceptions of the AIS design adopted
unit may then charge a premium for its by the companies.
product. Differentiation is a viable strategy
for earning above average returns in a Measurement of Variables
specific business because the resulting brand
loyalty lowers customers' sensitivity to price. There are four main variables used in this
Increased costs can usually be passed on to study. The measurements of the constructs
the buyers. Kim and Mauborgne (2004) were adopted from previous studies. For
suggested that a differentiation strategy is example, the measurement of IT
more likely to generate higher performance sophistication constructs are based mainly
because differentiation creates a better entry on Ismail and King (2004), who validated an
barrier. However, similar to cost leadership instrument originally developed by Raymond
strategy, the innovation differentiation and Pare (1992). The measure of strategic
strategy can only be effectively planned and choice, on the other hand, is adapted from
implemented via sophisticated AIS design. Paopun (2000), which focused on two
Only sophisticated AIS can supply business strategies, cost leadership and
information to help managers make effective innovative differentiation. Questions for
IBIMA Business Review 8

measuring perceived environmental They classified AIS design into four

uncertainty were adopted from Khandwalla dimensions, namely; scope, aggregation,
(1977), who operationalized it in terms of integration, and timeliness. With the
the degree of change and unpredictability in exception of technological IT sophistication
the firm’s markets, competitors, and and information IT sophistication which
production technology. Finally, questions for were measured using nominal questions,
AIS design are based on original instrument other constructs were measured using a five-
developed by Chenhall and Morris (1986) point likert scale. The results of Cronbach
and validated by Ismail and King (2005). Alpha test are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Reliability Analysis

Factors Cronbach Alfa

Functional Sophistication .806
Managerial Sophistication .845
Cost leadership strategy .795
Environmental Conditions .800
AIS design .751
IT benefits .803

Results companies. This study used the number of

years using computer-based system to
Descriptive Statistics determine the level of IT experience
acquired. The results in Table 4 show that
The survey questionnaires were mailed to about 79% of the companies have used IT for
220 companies in August 2008. A total of 180 at least 5 years. It is observed that more than
companies responded to the survey after a one-third of respondent companies (38.9 %)
period of two months and two follow-up have been using computer-based systems
reminders, resulting in about 82 percent between 5 and 10 years, and a small
response rate. Results in Table 2 show that percentage (3.3 %) for more than 20 years.
about 43% of the companies are in the Almost one-fifth of respondent companies
Iinancial sector, 24% in the service sector (21.1%) have been using computer-based
and 33% in the industrial sector. Table 3 systems less than five years. The result
provides the age categorization of the suggests that the majority of the Jordanian
responding companies. About 70% of the companies in the sample have considerable
companies were established more than 10 experience with computer-based systems.
years, and can be considered as matured

Table 2: Industry Type

Industry type Frequency Percentage

Financial Sector 77 42.8
Services Sector 43 23.9
Industrial Sector 60 33.3
Total 180 100.0
9 IBIMA Business Review

Table 3: Company Age

Company Age Frequency Percentage

10 years or less 52 28.9
11 – 20 years 68 37.8
21 – 30 years 36 20.0
31 – 40 years 18 10.0
More than 40 years 6 3.3
Total 180 100.0

Table 4: Number of Years Using Computer-based Systems

Number of years using computers Frequency Percentage

Less than 5 years 38 21.1
5 - 10 years 70 38.9
11 - 15 years 48 26.7
16 - 20 years 18 10.0
More than 20 years 6 3.3
Total 180 100.0

Hypotheses Testing X8 = P81X1 + P82X2 + P83X3 + P84X4 + P85X5 +

P86X6 + P87X7 + P8aRa
Multiple regression analysis was conducted
to analyze the relationships between Where:
contingency factors and the sophistication of X8 = AIS design; X1 = technological; X2 =
AIS design. Validity tests such as content informational; X3 = functional; X4 =
validity, construct validity, and criterion managerial; X5 = cost leadership; X6 =
validity for all variables and reliability were innovative differentiation; X7 =
first conducted in order to examine the environmental conditions.
goodness of data. The assumptions of
linearity, normality, and homogeneity of data The regression equation treated AIS design
were also tested and the obtained results (X8) as the dependent variable and
show that the assumptions of linearity, technological IT sophistication (X1),
normality, and homoscedasticity of data informational IT sophistication (X2),
were met. functional IT sophistication (X3), managerial
IT sophistication (X4), cost leadership (X5),
To test the hypotheses, the research model is innovative differentiation (X6), and
represented by the following regression environmental conditions (X7) as the
equation: independent variables.
IBIMA Business Review 10

Table 5: Regression of X8 Against X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7

Variables Regression T value Significance

X1 Technological .444 2.235 .027*
X2 Informational .843 3.819 .000*
X3 Functional .147 2.942 .004*
X4 Managerial .256 4.345 .000*
X5 Cost leadership .294 5.925 .000*
X6 Innovative differentiation .097 2.174 .031*
X7 Environmental
.078 1.820 .071

R = 0.731; R2 = 0.855; Adjusted R2 = 0.720; F = 66.688; p < 0.01

The results of multiple regression analysis specific context of Jordanian listed

display the correlations between the companies. Six factors, technological IT
variables, the unstandardized regression sophistication, informational IT
coefficient (B) and intercept, the sophistication, functional IT sophistication,
standardized regression coefficient (β), R, R2 managerial IT sophistication, cost leadership
and adjusted R2. A summary of results are and innovative differentiation, are found to
shown in Table 5. The multiple R under significantly influence AIS design. More
consideration is 0.731 (R2 = 0.855). The F interestingly, findings from this study reveal
value of 66.688 which is signiIicant at the that managerial IT sophistication,
0.01 level suggests that it is extremely informational IT sophistication and
improbable that R in the population is zero. functional IT sophistication are more
While the F ratio is useful as a test of important than technological sophistication
statistical significance for the equation as a in influencing AIS design. Furthermore, cost
whole, a t value for each coefficient and an leadership strategy was found to be more
associated two-tailed significant test important than innovation differentiation
represents a test of the statistical significance strategy in influencing AIS design. Overall,
of the individual regression coefficients. The cost leadership strategy appears to be the
outputs in Table 4 shows that technological most important factor that influences the
IT sophistication (β1 = 0.444; p<0.05), sophistication of AIS design, followed by, in
informational IT sophistication (β2 = 0.843; descending order of importance, managerial
p<0.01), functional IT sophistication (β3 = IT sophistication, informational IT
0.147; p<0.01), managerial IT sophistication sophistication, functional IT sophistication,
(β4 = 0.256; p<0.01), cost leadership (β5 = technological IT sophistication, and
0.294; p<0.01), and innovative innovative differentiation strategy. This
differentiation (β4 = 0.097; p<0.05) study, however, found no significant
contribute significantly to regression with t relationship between environmental
value of 2.235, 3.819, 2.942, 4.345, 5.925 and
2.174 respectively, thus providing support conditions and the sophistication of AIS
for H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. Environmental design. Probably, the sophistication of
conditions however appear unimportant. technology adopted by Jordanian companies
has enabled them to generate sufficient
information irrespective of the conditions of
Discussions and Conclusions the environment.

The objective of this study is to examine the There are two important implications from
factors that influence AIS design in the the findings of this study. First, companies
11 IBIMA Business Review

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expensive technological sophistication would Chong, V. K. & Chong, K. M. (1997). "Strategic
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