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The Dust Bowl and the Great Depression Chester 8O

The Dust Bowl was when, in the 1930s, the Southern The Great Depression was when, in the 1930s,
of the United States suffered with drought and dust unemployment was high, with around 15 million
storms. This created problems for families in the Americans without a job, most people were poor.
farming industry, as crops and livestock died. This led people to chasing jobs like the ones on

The tractors used made it so Although the Wall Street

the nutrients got taken out Crash did affect people’s
of the soil and that later lives, this was only one
turned to dust, causing the of several factors. The
dust storms. Great Depression had a
lot of complications
behind it.

The Federal Government, with Herbert Hoover as the

President tried to help, but it wasn’t enough. It was when
The main cause of the Dust Bowl was not the natural aspects, but in Franklin. D. Roosevelt became president that change really
fact in was the poor farming methods that had developed through took effect with the New Deal.
mechanization. Many of the farmers in this time believed the
superstition that “rain follows the plow.”
World War One bringing the reparations that the
Germans needed to pay. The Germans took loans
from American banks, causing problems to those
banks, which affected World finance.

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