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Sanico, Arce Lemuel A.

Reboja, Jersey Ainsley Q.

Physical Mechanisms
➢ Sclereids – consisting the walls of the nest making it resistant to damage from the acidic
digestive juices
➢ Prickles – downward-pointing outgrowths making upward movement harder after
entering the nest
➢ Slippery inner surface – waxy/mucilaginous coating on the inner surface of the nest to
make it slippery and harder for insects and other prey to escape from the nest
➢ Aerial roots – specialized roots responsible for nutrient uptake, functioning for
absorption of water and minerals from the environment

Chemical Mechanisms

➢ Phenolics – Guaiacol serves as lure for birds due to the emitted scent that resembles
the scent of materials needed to create a nest
– Caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid maintain the sterile environment of a
pitcher plant and aids in the digestion process
– Lignin and other phenolics contribute to the integrity of the plant to maintain
its form and function
➢ Viscous digestive fluids – enzymes such as proteases, chitinases, and lipases digest
the prey
– hexose and pentose sugars, as well as uronic acids make
the digestive fluid more viscous

Behavioral Mechanisms

➢ Mimicry – mimics the nest of small birds

➢ Carnivory – digestive enzymes and acids commence the breakdown of avian prey and
facilitate the nutrient absorption

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