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Nicolás Naves Frende 12.

2 April 11th, 2022

Amniotes 3 Column chart/ Essay Critical Analytical
1. Create a three-column chart with the heading reptilian, Avian, and Mammalian. Look
at the mammal platypus which has many traits common to reptiles and birds. Classify
them according to the Column. Does it lay eggs, does it have hair, does it have teats,
produce milk, does the Young have teeth, provide parental care, ducklike Bill, beaverlike
tail, Birdlike skull, splayed pectoral girdle, small number of offspring, leathery eggs, semi
aquatic, endothermic, Cloaca, no external ears, four legs, bony plates instead of teeth
(adults), produces venom (males only).

Reptilian Avian Mammalian

Lays eggs Lays eggs
Has hair
Doesn’t have teats Doesn’t have teats
Produces milk
The young have teeth The young have teeth
Provides parental care Provides parental care
Duck-like bill
Beaverlike tail
Birdlike skull
Splayed pectoral girdle Splayed pectoral girdle
Few offspring
Leathery eggs
Semi aquatic
Endothermic Endothermic
Cloaca Cloaca
No external ears No external ears
Four legs Four legs
Bony plates instead of
Produces venom
2. How does lifespan relate to the length of maternal care? You are to compare between
the periods of conception and birth which is referred to as the gestation period of an
elephant and a mouse.
Mammals provide maternal care for their offspring after they’re born. Through the
mammary glands mammals provide their offspring water, sugar, proteins, fats, minerals,
and antibodies that allow them to grow and develop. However, when the offspring is still
in the womb mammals provide oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby. The gestation
time differs between mammals. For example, the gestation period for an elephant is 18-22
months while, on the other hand, the gestation period for a mouse is 19-21 days.
The longer the gestation is, the more developed the offspring will be just after birth.
Elephants are considered very intelligent animals, and new-born elephants already show
an advanced brain capacity. For instance, since young they are able to use their trunks to
grab and move objects thanks to a developed central nervous system. This means that
new-born elephants are able to adapt quicker to their environment in order to survive.
Furthermore, mammals such as mice have a quick metabolism, which means that they
develop quicker (less gestation period) but die earlier, while elephants have a slow
metabolism, so they develop slower and live longer. Elephants can live up to 70 years,
while mice normally live from 12-24 months.
Therefore, the length of maternal care is closely related to lifespan, as the longer the
gestation period, the longer the animal lives.

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