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Nama : Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris Nilai

……………………….............. Kelas : II (Dua)

No.Absen : Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 31 Mei 2024
………………………............. Waktu : 60 Menit

I. Berilah Tanda Silang (x) Pada huruf a, b, atau c, untuk jawaban yang tepat !
1. Good morning in Indonesia is ….. c. Nice to meet you
a. Selamat malam 10. Sinta : ‘’How Are you Siska ?
b. Selamat siang Siska : ‘’ …..
c. Selamat pagi a. My name is Siska
2. Saya punya dua mata . b. I am Siska
The English sentences is ….. c. I am fine
a. I have two eyes 11. Nita meet Mr. Rudi in the
b. I have two nose afternoon
c. I have two teet Nita say : …..
3. Telinga in English is ….. a. Good afternoon
a. Nose b. Good morning
b. Face c. Good evening
c. Ear 12. Text to number 14 – 20
4. I have ten ….. My name is Laila I am a gril I am
a.Nose nine years old
b. Finger My mother is Miis Dina, she is a
c. Hair tailor
She is very beautiful
5. “Gajah itu besar”
My father is Mr. Budi he is a
The English sentences is. ….. teacher he is good father
I am very happy with my family
a. The cow is big
Be cause my father and my
b. The elephant is big
mother realy love me
c. The sheep is big
Who is in the text ?
6. Papan tulis itu kotor
a. Budi
The English sentences is …..
b. Dina
a. The white board is dirty
c. Laila
b. The white board is clean
13. Who is Laila ‘ s mother ?
c. The white board is beauty
a. Mrs . Dina
7. “I have green pencil”
b. Mrs . Sinta
The Indonesian sentences is …..
c. Mrs beauty
a. Saya punya pencil merah
14. Who is Laila ‘s father ?
b. Saya punya pencil kuning
a. Mrs Dina
c. Saya punya pencil hijau
b. Mrs Budi
8. Buah jeruk in English is …..
c. Mrs teacher
a. Banana
15. Laila ‘s Father is …..
b. Orange
a. A tailor
c. Pineaple
b. Beauty
9. Budi : ‘’ what is your name ?
c. A teacher
Ani : ‘’ ……
16. Laila ‘ s is very happy with …..
a. Thank you
a. Her family
b. My name is Ani
b. Her toys
c. Her books b. A tailor
17. Laila is …. Years old c. A teacher
a. Seven 22. F – I – U – R - T …..
b. Eight a. Trifu
c. Nine b. Fruit
18. 3 + 17 = ….. c. Rufit
a. Two 23. R – E – T – A – H – C – E – H
b. Twenty …..
c. Thirty a. Certainly
19. 20 – 14 = ….. b. Theacher
a. Seven c. My mother
b. Six 24. K – B – O – O ……
c. Five a. Book
20. N -U – C - E – L ….. b. Koob
a. Cenul c. Boko
b. Enclu 25. Sunday artinya …..
c. Uncle a. Selasa
21. Laila ‘s Mother is a ….. b. Minggu
a. Good mother c. Senin

II. Isilah titik - titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar !
1. Kakek in English is ………………………………………………………………..

2. I like pineapple in Indonesia is ………………………………………………......

3. I have …………………….. ears

4. The cow has …………. Legs

5. Today is Sunday, to morrow will be …………………………………….............

6. Warna kuning in English is ……………………………………………………....

7. Duck in Indonesia is ………………………………………………………………

8. Flower in Indonesia is …………………………………………………………….

9. Market in Indonesia is ………………………………………………………….....

10. Tubuh in English is ………………………………………………………………...


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