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Kipper Cards

1 – Main Male
Lenormand Counterpart : 28 Gentleman
Yes – No ? Maybe

type : signifcator / seeker

if the seeker is a male – this card represents him

if the seeker female – this card represents her partner/significant other (lover)

2 – Main Female
Lenormand Counterpart : 29 Lady
Yes – No ? Maybe

type : significator / seeker

if the seeker is female – this card represents her

if the seekr is male – this card represents his spouse / partner / significant other (lover)

3 – Marriage (“earliest and map” or “conditions of marriage”.)

Lenormand Counterpart : Ring
Yes – No ? Yes

type : connector card - connects two cards on each side of this card – look at both cards, see what is
connected and what is the state of the connection

marriage, state of marriage (the actual state of a marriage) serious commitment, agreement, contract,
married couple, partners, wedding (event) (Lenormand equivalent : The Ring)

partners (can be in any sort of partnership – see cards surrounding it)

bonus : shuffle the deck, find the marriage card – find the card above and below, the cards surrounding
the marriage card represent the partners – describing partners or what they bring to the marriage

this card in a reading it lends a bridge to a problem. It reveals conditions or the state of something or

4 – Courtship (Meeting/C onvene)

Lenormand Counterpart : 20 Garden
Yes – No ? Maybe

type : connector card – like minded people, togetherness, connecting people, same level, same

dating, courtship, being courted, wooing, being wooed,

meeting, appointment, get together, being social, social activity (depending on surrounding cards)
contrast to marriage : commitment, long term, solid,
courtship : dating, first getting to know each other, not set in stone, (Lenormand equivalent : the
garden) networking, meet and greets, introductions, contacts, social events

lighter side of marriage

Bonus : same as marriage (each card on the side of courtship depics what they are bringing to the

5 – Mature man (Good Gentleman)

Lenormand Counterpart : 30 Lily
Yes – No ? Yes

type : person card – in relation to the seeker (signifcator), Mature Man is an older male (father, grand
father, uncle, older brother, older cousin, someone who is a senior, elder

when NOT a man : positive good news – brings positivity into the situation, can be a boss figure, a

if the question is NOT familial or personal, the mature man represents a male authority figure

this man is experienced, knowledgeable, wiser, world traveled (the globe, the books – well read,
educated, well traveled, wordly, he has seen the world), great deal of maturity, life experience, ( in
traditional kipper necromancy, this card is The good Lord, the Good Gentleman) benefactor, a good and
helpful person,

the closer this card is to Main Female and/or Main Male, the more helpful this card is
the further away – the less helpful
the further away + next to “False Person” card the Mature Male is the least helpful in the context of the

if the seeker is male; this can be read as their significant other (gay lover)

the Mature Male can also represent the Husband in a question / situation concerning infidelity (the
Main Male would then be the love interest of the unfaithful partner)

DIRECTION wise – the Mature man's knee points to the left so his Future is directed to the left and his
past (back) is to the right – meaning that a card to his left is future and card to his right is the past

6 – Mature Female (Property Lady / Good Lady)

Lenormand Counterpart : Moon (32) Bouquet 09)
Yes – No ? Yes

type : person card – counter part to Mature Male, older woman than Main Female and Main Male
(mother, grand mother, aunt, older sister, older cousin, senior, elder

when NOT a man : positive good news – brings positivity into the situation ; joyous, motherly, positive
influence, can be a boss figure, a mentor

if not a familial or personal connection – she represents a female of authority figure

older, mature, wise, experienced, has maturity, life experience, (in the traditional kipper) she is The
Good lady, hence a benefactor, a good person, helpful person to Main Male and Main Female, manager,

the closer to the significator card, the more helpful

the furthest away – the less helpful

Mature Female can represent the partner to a Lesbian querent

She can also represent the “Other Woman” in a question, situation concerning infidelity (Lenormand
equivalent : Snake)

She is leaning to the left – left = future, right side = past

7 – Message (Letter)
Lenormand Counterpart : 27 letter
Yes – No ? Yes

Can be positive or negative – communication that is coming to the querrent

All types of news and messages – communication – correspondence (phone calls, emails, text

Traditionally known as : Pleasant Letter (implies good news) but always take the cards surrounding it
for further context and specification

Letter can furthermore refer to : paperwork, documents, forms, actual letter, piece of mail,

Timing card : if you have a question related to timing, this card can represent a possible time period of
7 days / 1 week

8 – False Person / dishonest person / Dishonesty (rarely a person – ONLY a person is surrounding
cards validate that)

Lenormand Counterpart : Snake (8) Fox (14)

Yes – No ? No

Person Card

Person : Dishonest, insincere, deceptive, drama queen (drama king), troublemaker, hypocrite, frenemy
(friend enemy) actor (someone who plays a role) wearing a mask, hiding identity, not being the real
you, putting up a front, a false image,

Situation : – something being wrong, bad, a mistake, faux pas, error,

Direction : she looks to the right
card to the left : past
card to the right : future

What is hidden, what the querrent doesn't know

Card in front : what is affected by the dishonesty –

9 – Change
Lenormand Counterpart : Stork (17)
Yes – No ? Maybe

Type : Movement

change in circumstances / movement / change of any sort / change is coming

Move, relocation, job change, career change, change in relationship,

Inner change : outlook on things, behavior

practically speaking : car, vehicle, way of transportation, shorter transportation,

right = future
left = past

Time frame : 6-7 weeks

10 – Journey
Lenormand Counterpart : Ship (03)
Yes – No ? Maybe

Type : Movement (look what is behind and in front of the card / where it has begun, where it's headed)

Travel Card

Trip, vacation, longer journey, movement, transportation,

physically : train,

arrivals, departures,

left side : nature of the journey

time frame : 7 days / 1 week

11 – Sudden Wealth
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

unexpected money, financial gain, money you didn't have to work for to receive, lottery, bonus,
abundance, sweepstakes, found, inheritance, gambling, luck, games of chance, (what are the odds and

if not money : gain – increase , more, a lot, many, multiple, accumulation,

sudden, unexpected, surprise, (welcomed)

12 – Privileged Lady
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

traditional kipper card “Rich Girl” - someone younger than Main Male / Main Female
daughter, niece, younger sister,

if not familial : best friend, girlfriend

young woman who's privileged, she has means, financially well off, young, partying, social, frivolous,
happy, carefree, 20's, going out, party life, happiness at it's core but watch out for cards surrounding her

if Not a person : beauty, joy, creativity, fun, happiness, joie de vivre,

admiration, being admired, young woman, (young person You admire or who is being admired)

partner of a lesbian (like Mature Female) – when doing a reading, you decide Who represents the
seeker's partner (same sex reading)

left : future
right : past

13 – Wealthy Male (rich good gentleman)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

Person Card

Younger male than Main Male and Main Female / brother or boyfriend to the rich girl, can be a
bachelor, colleague, financial guy, state of current finances

Male counterpart to Privileged Lady

Son, Grandson, newphew, cousin, younger brother

if NOT family ; best friend, best man, boyfriend

business, businessman, self-employed, career, self made millionaire, wealthy, well off,
a man who works in finance, the financial industry,

if same sex read ; can be partner's significant other (like Mature Male)
Use this preferably, unless seeker specifies they prefer older partners
This card can represent the “Other man” in an infidelity question

if NOT person : good news about money matters

left = what he's leaning towards – future nature

right = elements of the past

14 – Message of Concern (traditionally : Sad News)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No

news, messages that are concerning, saddening, upsetting, disappointing, (cards : what causes the sad
news and what sad news is affecting)

concern, sadness, disappointment, grief

news or message we receive may NOT be what we want to hear or receive

setback, delay, small crisis, quarrel, minor illness, weakness, crying (being upset), self-pity
surrounding cards will point to the source / nature of the news / message

the Closer to Main Male or Main Female – the sooner this news occurs

15 – Lovers (traditionally known as : Success in Love)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

romantic love, profound friendship, loyalty, trust, faithfulness, warmth, good outcome, everything is
going to be okay

falling in love, object / situation that You love (work, project ), successful outcome (especially if this is
the last card at the end of the line
timing : spring season

if not about love : trust your feelings / trust your intuition

16 – Thoughts (traditionally His Thoughts)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Maybe

Thoughts, thinking, matters of the mind, analysis, preoccupation, over analyzing, overthinking,
continually having something on your mind, keeping you preoccupied, concept, conceptualist, making
plans (to complete something (based on imagery) – mental activity

on the positive side : ideas, inspiration, creative work, creative endeavor,

spiritually : meditation, contemplation

Timing : possible time frame 4 weeks

short illness + His thoughts = more sexual, naughty vs romantic

17 – Gift (Traditionally known as : Receiving a gift)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

actual gift, surprise, support, help, aid, resource, celebration, party, visit, giving/receiving, exchange,
unexpected gift, surprise,

emotional : gratitude, joy,

gifts, talents, abilities,

recognition for above gifts, talents, abilities

timing : birthday, holidays

Winter, Yule,

18 – Child (a child in the querrent's life / playfulness)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

person card – younger than Privileged Lady and Wealthy Man, child, a baby, infant, “baby of the

Pregnancy, new, beginning, infancy state, fresh start, innocence, childhood, innocence, naive,
simplicity, small in size, short, something that is starting up, new, playfulness, new-ness (new project)

Timing : spring, Easter, Ostara

something that comes shortly,

right = future
left = past

19 – Coffin (Grievement / Fatality)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? (Definite) No

Highly direction : the card falling in the direction in which the coffin points is the thing that is ending

Ending, completion, closure, final, finality, termination, “coming to terms”, mourning a loss, limitation,
restriction, box, storage, trunk, closed, “nothing” “no” dark, darkness,

Coffin – halt, stop (card) end of the line

(Coffin in Lenormand ; bed, rest, sleep, headaches,

Timing : night, evening

20 – House
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? (Definite) Yes

House, home, home life, family, those people you live with (sharing living space with) living under the
same roof, property, real estate, neighborhood, safety, security, stability, foundation, ownership, a need
for confidence, personal space, belonging somewhere, your roots,

(House in Lenormand : small business, home based business, family business,

Timing : 6 months (it takes 6 months to settle into a new home)

21 – Family Room (traditionally known as : Living Room)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

Personal space, privacy, intimacy, internalizing situations (internal part of the external building (house)
a room, a living room, a family room, home office, office, hotel/motel room, apartment,

door = privacy, intimacy,

close, very soon,

Timing : 24 hours – to 4 weeks

22 – Official Person
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No

stop card – he blocks

person card

military person, police officer, fireman, any person who wears a uniform, stubborn, doesn't budge from
from where he stands

someone in “office”, public office, public authority figure,

a Person who is : disciplined, follows / likes rules regulations, is ordered, orderly, structured

if NOT about a person : discipline, rules and regulations, order, structure

something being made / becoming “official”

cards on the left : future

on the right : past

23 – Court House (traditionally known as

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No – Maybe

legal matters, administrative procedures, public affairs,

public building : City hall, department of Motor Vehicles, Post office,

government, local, state and federal level,

situation if not legal : decision needed to be made for a dispute, need for balance (scales of justice)

24 – Thief (traditionally known as

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No

Loss, theft, something that is taken, stolen, being robbed, cheated, fraud, being “taken”,

in contrast to Card 11 (Sudden Wealth – increase) Thief represents decrease, few, fewer, loss,

imagery : loosing track of time, time lost,

missing out (on the broader picture)

right : what is being lost, taken, decreased,

25 – High Honor
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

honor, recognition, promotion, raise, passing an exam, graduating with honors, award, success, career
advancement, reputation, praise, business related matters, working smart, (working with your mind vs
Card ) work that requires knowledge, respect, pat on the back, being proud, (if close to the querrent :
egotistical, selfish) otherwise positive “great job!” card

right : honor / recognition being highlighted

26 – Great Fortune (tradtionally : Big Luck)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

The best and most positive card in the deck – nullifies any bad card around it – strengthens,
emphasizes, highlights good cards, gives them more power

wishes coming true, outstanding good luck, happiness, wealth, being fruitful, bearing fruit,
improvement, blessing, abundance, new job, work opportunities, betterment,

Timing : daylight hours, summer season,

27 – Unexpected Income
Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes
small sum of money from unexpected source, surprise work bonus, reduction in a bill, cash refund,
profit, financial transactions, money changing hands, small change (change in circumstances),
everyday money activities, bills, household accounts (background of image is house) invoices, cheques,
investments, contracts, papers that require signature, improvement, positive outcome, great success,

similar to Sudden Wealth (11) this card is smaller amount of money

Time : 2 weeks

28 – Expectations (traditionally known as Her Thoughts)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Maybe

Waiting, a pause, waiting period, expectancy, observation, reflection, contemplation, outlook,

anticipation, patience, (need to be patient), stillness, non action, “3 months patience” long distance,
hopes, desires (not yet tangible), things in the future, things you are looking for,

Timing : few weeks to a couple of months

left : what is coming up, what is awaited upon, what is coming

29 – Imprisonment (Tradtionally known as Prison )

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No

Confinement, limitation, restriction, being trapped, physically being trapped, (feeling) trapped in a
relationship, jail, prison, asylum, rehab center, bank, military barracks, anywhere that has sense of
being lucked up or locked away, isolation, block, blockade, isolation, No way forward with this card,

institutions (tall, isolated)

Lenormand – Tower

Timing : time that goes by very slowly

30 – Judication (traditional kipper : Court Person)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Maybe

Connector card : (connects two cards)

Decision being made, minor government official, bureaucrat, board, board member, professorial;
advisor, chairman, expert, counselor, consultant, lawyer, doctor, judge, arbitrator, advocate, negotiator,
mediator, teacher, tax preparer, someone who explains things processes to people, clarifying a
discussion or debate “A decision that needs to be made” Court official, “a process you have to go
through” a process where you need to seek advice (especially someone official in their capacity)

31 – Bad Health (short Illness)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No
Connector card

illness / sex (sexual activity) vs living room which is intimacy

minor illness (cold, common cold), this chiefly pops in when there is need for a rest, a break, a time
out, some form of recovery, “bed card” can also imply sex, sexuality (man laying in bed), check up,
prescription, treatment (nurse), retirement for the evening, retirement (from working life)

32 – Despair (Traditional Grief and Adversity/ Sorrow and Distress)

Lenormand Counterpart : (birds)
Yes – No ? No

grieving, weeping, getting grief, severe stress, issues with the head, headache, migraines, worries,
adversity, obstacles, frustration, anger, jealousy (in regards to the situation), stress

33 – Concern (Murky Thoughts, Gloomy Thoughts)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? No

(Clouds in Lenormand) Confusion, uncertainty, doubt, negativity, pessimism, pessimistic attitude,

inability to focus or concentrate, depression, loss of hope, angst, existential angst, “fuck my life”,

34 – Occupation (Employment/Work)
Lenormand Counterpart : Anchor (
Yes – No ? Maybe

Work, working with your hands, handy work, manual, physical labor, craft, trade, skill, self-
employment, freelancing, Do It Yourself, sewing something up, mending, alteration, hobby, sport,
vocation, mental activity, attention of detail, hand crafts, the arts, effort that is put into (hobbies, sports,

35 – Pathway ( Long way – Long road – in the distance)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Maybe

Path, road, street, walkway, track, trail, a long road, marathon, triatlon, distance, “going the distance”, a
long time, “2 years patience” waiting, waiting period, “long way to go” sometimes retirement,
something that takes a looong time,

time : 1-2 years

36 – Distant Horizons (Hope / big water/ End Goal)

Lenormand Counterpart :
Yes – No ? Yes

hopes and dreams, wishes, wish fulfillment, bodies of water (ocean, pond, lake), overseas, foreign
people, foreign places, call to open one's mind, developing new views (new ways of looking at things –
philosophical approach), visions, fantasies, liquids (drinks, beverages, alcohol, spirits) new adventure,
intuition, psychic ability, metaphysical, esoteric nature or quality,
Time : summer

Reading TIPS – Directions and More

• When two people / person cards are back to back to each other = disagreement, not seeing the
situation the same way – turning their back to each other -

Directional Cues – reading Kipper

the grand tableau is like a snakes and ladder – movie board – all directions count or can be taken into

What is in front of the main character is auspicious (good)

what is Behind the main character is inauspicious (bad)

They can handle the things in front better than the things behind – behind is a harder pill to swallow –
requires harder work

Character cards

Main Man, Main Woman, Rich Girl, Wealthy Man, Older Gentleman, Older Woman, Infant (child)


State of Marriage, Convene (Courtship, Meeting), Court Official, Short Illness


Change (left this was – right this will be) Journey, Gift (from above and below) Long way (long path –
card below to card above – if in the last column of a Grand Tableau : status quo)

Cause and Effect

Gloomy thoughts, Expectations, Sad news

behind = what causes
in front = what will be affected by

Exception Cards

Theft (stolen/lost from the left, given/placed to the right)

Dishonest person (dishonesty /wrongness) what is behind her is what is not known (watch out for a
person behind the “door”) , that is the dishonest and has impact to the left (facing the card)
Fatality (Coffin) coffin pointing – where it points is the direction to follow what has ended / the cause
is on either side. The cards that will receive the highest impact is above the card. The card below is
what is being transformed.

You need to suffer and deal with the end before getting to the new thing.

Stop cards

win a lot
Good outcome
his thoughts
living room
military person
high honors
great fortune
unexpected money
great water (ultimate stop card)

Special Stop Cards – have more in depth

His thoughts – cupid in the corner will show What his thoughts are about
Great Fortune – to her left : the card that receives the most
Military person – card beneat him is what we need to put a halt to, to put our foot down and say no to

recap :

Direction 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18

Connectors 3, 4, 30, 31
Movement 9, 10, 17, 35
Cause & Effect 8, 14, 19, 24, 28, 33
Stop Cards 7, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36
Auspicious and Inauspicious Positions

Look at the character – which direction the look at

the cards in front of him : he can manage

the cards behind him : harder work needs to be done

Counting the Kipper Cards

Counting Method 1

shuffle the cards -

the second card is the number depicted on the first card

the third card is the number depicted on the second card

example : card 1 : 15 so count to the 15th card for the second card

second card is 28 : so count to the 28th card for the third card

Line of Sight (cards to in the direction in which the significator card is looking at)

Take out of the Main Female or Main Female (they represent You)

Shuffle the cards

(cut the cards 3 times towards you)

Lay out the fan – chose 2 to 5 cards

Counting Method 2 – Master Cards -

Shuffle Cards – DO NOT Cut !

Chose a number you will stick to within your practice

Use that number to count out the number of cards (if you have chosen 3, count 3 cards, if you have
chosen 5, count out 5 cards

If the chosen card is a Master Card (see list below) Keep this card and put the card that was directly
underneath it as you counted, laying underneath on the table (or reading surface)

If the chosen card is NOT a Master Card – keep counting to the next set of your chosen number
Master Cards (Fin de Siècle Kipper by Ciro Marcetti)

1 – Main Male
2 – Main Female
3 – Marriage
4 – Courtship (Meeting)
11 – Sudden Wealth
16 – His Thoughts
19 – Coffin (end of this part)
20 – House
25 – High Honors
26 – Great Luck
28 – Expectations (Her Thoughts)
39 – Community

Lenormand – 9 Cards for a Tableau of 9 (can be applied to Kipper)

Shuffle cards – DO NOT CUT -

Count to the 9th Card – place it face up

Count to the next 9th Card – place it to the right of your first card

Count the to the next 9th Card – place to the right of the previous card

You now have the first line of 3 cards

Repeat 2 more times to have a tableau of 9 Cards

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