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In its 1200 year history, Hamburg has witnessed the ups and downs of European civilization, the Process of Hamburgs development from a small fishing village into a fortress citadel. Nowadays, Hamburg is not only famous for its historic sites but also its beautiful landscapes. First time visitors to Hamburg must be surpurised at the nature and people here. They have chance to enjoy the historic monuments, listen to melodious sounds of classical music, tuck into a snack of delicious grilled lamb, sipon a traditional beer. Moreover, they are highly welcomed by the hospitable hippies. With its architecture, nature, music and people, Hamburg makes an unforgettable imperession to tourists who have ever been there. Additionally, Hamburg is a good choice for those who love to travel and want to discover culture of different nations.

This text is an article which aims to the public all over the world. Thus, it uses standard English, understandable vocabularies. Additionally, the writer applies flexibly various structural sentences. For example: + long sentences: From the decadence of the Romance Hamburg has seen it all..

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86


+imperative sentences: So join in.; Dance. + elliptical sentences: Lying on the banks of the Elbe River commercial centres; Whilst enjoying the sounds of Bach a traditional beer. + etc In this text, a variety of vocabularies are used. Especially, the author utilizes synonyms in order to prevent the readers from boredom. With a host of polished figurative words, visitors seem to be at Hamburg.

Through this article, the writer also wants to transmit the communicative messages: - Help the public have an overview of Hamburg city. - Praise both ancient and modern beauty of nature, artchitecture, inhabitants, music - Attract tourists all over the world coming here and enjoying it.

Hopefully, after reading this article, the readers will have essential information about Hamburg city - a well-known tourism site, and make a decision to go to Hamburg in this summer holiday with their family.

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86


ELEMENTS MAKING THE TEXT MEANINGFUL ----------------------* Anylizing the image in the article

By a glimpse of the pictures, the readers can easily recognize the most outstanding features of Hamburg, its beautiful rivers, symphany orchestra, classical architecture and music. When looking at the pitures, visitors can imagine how to enjoy the melodious and romantic sounds of music on the streets. It can be said that Hamburg is an ideal tourism destination.

1. Reference

: Hamburg it town hall it hippies - they hippies their ( Personal Reference). The St. Pauli Festival here

(5) (6)

(9) (10) : (27) (28) : (27) (28) : (27) (29) :

(Demonstrative reference).

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86


2. Substitution :

(1) (2)

Hamburg the city (Nominal substitution). each weekend on these day (Nominal

(21) (22) : substitution). (25) (27) : (27) (29) : substitution).

3. Ellipsis

Hamburg here (Adverbial substitution). St. Pauli Festival here (Adverbial

: : Hamburg is omitted (Nominal ellipsis). Passers-by is omitted (Nominal ellipsis).

(5) (6)

(22) (23) :

4. Conjunction

: : : : : : : : Not surprisingly (Clausal conjunction). But (Adversative conjunction). Sometimes (Temporol conjunction). Once (Temporol conjunction). Whilst (Temporal conjunction). Here ( Locative conjunction) So (Causal conjunction)

(17) (8) (811) (12) (16) (17) (17) (18) (22) (23) (27) (29) (29) (30)

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86



1. Synonymy

: : Hamburg, a fishing village, a fortress

(1), (3)

citadel, a centre of Christian. (3), (5) : bastion, fortress.

(21, 22, 23, 24): pedestrians, public, passers-by, visitors. (28), (32) : the ordinary, folk.

2. Repetition

(1), (2), (3), (8), (9), (11), (13), (15), (20), (25), (32): Hamburg. (2), (4), (10), (12): (9), (21), (22) (3), (11) (14), (25),(32) (19), (32) : : : : the city the town hall fishing village offers welcome

(20), (21), (24), (25): music

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86


(23), (24), (25) : (27), (29) (28), (31) : :

sounds here dance

3. Atonymy :

(15), (18), (19) incompatibles). (15), (18) incompatibles).

summer, autumn, winter (multiple

blue, red, yellow, orange (multiple

4. Hyponymy

: many historic monuments - townhall,

(8) - (9, 10, 11) :

citys parliament, the Church of St. Peter, the sombre Cathedral of St. Michael. (12) (13, 14) : museums Kunsthalle Museum,

Hamburg Museum of History, Museum of Ethnography. (20) (21) : music classical music.

5. Meronymy

: : Hamburg Elbe river, Alster river.

(1) (6), ( 24)

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86


(1) (232)

Hamburg town hall, river, church,

centers, villages, monuments, belfry, roadside, square, hotel, streets, city, museums. (2) (3), (4) : Europe Hamburg, Scandinavia,

Russia, Iceland, Greenland. (21) (22) (27) (28) : : town hall doors, foreourt. hippies their flowing hair,

technicoloured garb.
6. Conceptual field

: : religion church, Christian,

(1) (2), (5), (12)

Christianity, Puritanical Crusades creed. (6) (7) ships (15), (16), (17) shower. (18), (19) : autumn falling leaves, trees. : summer days sunlight, a big : habour riverside docks, huge

(20), (21), (22), (23), (24),(25):music concerts, orchestra, stage, Beethoven, Bach, Schumanm, violin, accordion, ABBA, Boney M., Modern Talking.

Ngoc Anh - Quynh Chau N.T.Van Hong Thuy Hai Yen86

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