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Applications from Vietnam

Application Procedure and Time-line for Sept 2023 intake
Contact person : Ms. Lucy Lu, UAL Rep./ Agency In Vietnam
09887 09698,

Students lodge application with Ms Lucy/ Duc Anh Agency-> Agency lodges application
into the UAL system and gets ID for students-> Agency arranges interview for students->
Agency gets letters of offer for students-> Agency supports student with accommodation
arrangement/ visa application/ pre-departure briefing-> students fly off to UAL and start
having fun .
UAL activities in Vietnam- Time-line
Due to Covid-19, all activities will be online and we will advise candidates accordantly

Student application timeline:

Time (tentative) Work

1 From June 2022- May Students send applications to Lucy at: or
2023 for checking and lodging with UAL, getting
UAL ID- ready for the interview in Vietnam. Please see application
checklist below this table.
2 Mid Oct/ Nov. 2022 Portfolio preparation – seminar DucAnh and UAL/ final application
check for student wanting to be interviewed in Dec 2022 or Feb
2023// An email will be sent to student by Agency / UAL about
interview date and then, interview result
3 Dec 2023 Seminar on Portfolio and application to UAL, by DucAnh and UAL
2 2 weeks before March Final Portfolio check/ guide by Lucy/ final application check for
2023 student wanting to be interviewed in March 2023// An email will be
sent to student by Agency / UAL about interview date and then,
interview result
6 Feb- April-May/2023 UAL sends CONDITIONAL letters of offer to successful
applicants. Agency will also cc to students
Student start booking for accommodation under Agency’s guidance.

7 June- July – August Students send IB or A level / HIGH SCCHOOL result to agency at:
8 July or August/ 2023 UAL sends UNCONDITIONAL Letters of offer to students. Agency
will also cc to students
Students pay deposit to UAL- send prove of payment to Agency,
Agency will get CAS for students to apply for visa
9 August 2023 Agency books for students to:
- have health checked in Hanoi/ HCMC;
- lodge application with UK visa office (please note that you maybe
beinterviewed by UK visa officers)
10 Late August or early Visa granted and students fly to UK/ enroll at UAL
Sep/2023 Students contact Agency if there is anything needs to be supported:
airfare/ late enrollment/ accommodation issues/ others…

Portfolio advices:

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