Fuzzy Value at Risk and Fuzzy Conditional Value at Risk Two Risk Measures Under Fuzzy Uncertainty

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Fuzzy Value-at-Risk and Fuzzy Conditional Value-at-Risk:

Two Risk Measures under Fuzzy Uncertainty

Zhaoxia Shang , Hong Liu, Xiaoxian Ma, Yanmin Liu

*School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, Shandong
Provincial Key Laboratory for Distributed Computer Software Novel Technology.
250014 gogogo144@163.com

Abstract corresponding VaR first, and at the same time, VaR

can be calculated as a by-product[17, 18]. Up to now,
This paper deals with two risk management tools VaR and CVaR are investigated and applied
and their application on Economical crisis extensively in financial management[1, 2, 8, 13].
management. Next points out some problems in their Though probability theory is one of the main tools
research and application and the direction of research, used for analyzing uncertainty in finance, it cannot
introduced some concept and formula, finally puts describe uncertainty completely since there are some
forward the prospect. other uncertain factors that differ from the random
ones found in financial markets. In reality, many
1. Introduction events with fuzziness are characterized by probabilistic
approaches although they are not random events [21].
Some other techniques have also been applied to
Risk measure is essentially important factor in handle the uncertainty of the financial markets, for
financial decision making under uncertainty which is instance, fuzzy set theory [22]. Fuzzy set theory
generally understood to have two aspects: probability provides a framework to deal with problems in which
uncertainty and fuzzy uncertainty. Most of the existing the source of imprecision is the absence of sharply
risk measures are based on the probability theory. defined criteria of class membership rather than the
Variance was first proposed by Markowitz to measure presence of random variables and provides an excellent
the risk associated with the return of assets in framework for analysis. Fuzzy set theory has been
probability framework. Since the middle of 1990s, widely used to solve many practical problems
Value-at-Risk (VaR), a measure of downside risk, has including financial risk management. By using fuzzy
become popular in financial risk management and has approaches, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis,
even been recommended as a standard on banking the experts’ knowledge and the investors’ subjective
supervision by Basel Committee[16]. One can find opinions can be better integrated in a financial
plenty of materials on the theory, modeling, optimization model. Recently, a few authors, such as
algorithms, and applications related to VaR at Ramaswamy [15], Tanaka and Guo [19] and Carlsson
http://www.gloriamundi.org which is updated on-line. and Fuller[5] studied fuzzy financial optimization
As an alternative measure of risk, Conditional Value- problem. Inuiguchi and Ramik [9] surveyed the
at-Risk (CVaR), a coherent risk measure[14], defined advantages and disadvantages of fuzzy mathematical
as the mean of the tail distribution exceeding VaR, has programming approaches compared with stochastic
been proposed as a natural remedy for the deficiencies programming, and reviewed the newly developed ideas
of VaR which is not a coherent risk measure in general and techniques in fuzzy mathematical programming.
in the sense of Artzner et al.[3]. Moreover, minimizing Wang and Zhu [21] summarized on fuzzy portfolio
CVaR can be achieved by minimizing a more tractable selection. One can refer to Bellman and Zadeh [4] and
auxiliary function without predetermining the Zimmermann [24] for a detailed discussion on the
fuzzy decision theory.
This project is founded by National Natural Science Foundation of Possibility theory was proposed by Zadeh [23] and
China (No. 60970004, No. 60743010 ) and supported by Natural advanced by Dubois and Prade [7] where fuzzy
Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. Z2008G02).
978-1-4244-6359-6/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

variables are associated with possibility distributions in Let Θ be a nonempty set, and P (Θ) the power
a similar way that random variables are associated with
set of Θ . Then Pos is called a possibility measure if
probability distributions in the probability theory. The
possibility distribution function of a fuzzy variable is it satisfies the following three axioms.
usually defined by the membership function of the Axiom 1. P (Θ) = 1 ;
corresponding fuzzy set. Possibility and necessity
measures play a key role in possibility theory and are Axiom 1. P (∅ ) = 0 ;
used to model financial optimization problems.
However, it is clear, a fuzzy event may fail even Axiom 1. Pos{∪i Ai } = Supi Pos{ Ai } for any
though its possibility achieves 1, and hold even though
collection { Ai } in P (Θ) .
its necessity is 0. The credibility measure, defined by
the average of the possibility measure and necessity Let Θ be a nonempty set, P (Θ) the power set of
measure, might deserve to be used in financial Θ , and Pos a possibility measure. Then the triplet
optimization modelling. A fuzzy event must hold if its
credibility achieves 1, and fail if its credibility is 0.
(Θ, P (Θ), Pos ) is called a possibility space.
One can refer to [10] for details. A fuzzy variable ξ is defined as a function from a
Cherubini and Lunga [6] presented a value-at-risk
measure which accounts for market liquidity and possibility space ( Θ, P (Θ), Pos ) to the set of real
showed that taking into account market liquidity
implies a decoupling of valuation of long and short
positions. Zmeskal [25] described an approach to For a fuzzy variable ξ, its membership function
model uncertainty of the international index portfolio
by the value at risk methodology under soft conditions can be derived from the possibility measure by the
by fuzzy-stochastic methodology. Vercher et al. [20]
presented two fuzzy portfolio selection models where
the objective is to minimize the downside risk
constrained by a given expected return. However, few
μ ( x) = Pos {θ ∈ Θ ξ (θ ) = x} , x ∈ R .
papers are reported on VaR and CVaR defined in fuzzy
environments and measured risk with them. (2.1)
Possibility, necessity or credibility distributions can Dubois and Prade[7] developed the possibility
use to characterize experts' knowledge, historical data,
and prediction results. In this paper, based on measure and necessity measure as follows. Let r be a
credibility measure introduced by Liu and coauthors real number and ξ be a fuzzy variable. The possibility
[11, 12], we introduce two novel risk measures, named
Fuzzy Value-at-Risk(FVaR) and Fuzzy Conditional and necessity measure of {ξ ≤ r} are respectively
Value-at-Risk(FCVaR) that can be applied in the fuzzy
financial environment, and discuss some properties of defined as:
the two risk measures. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly review Pos{ξ ≤ r} = sup μ ( x) ,
x≤ r
the related concepts in credibility theory, such as fuzzy
variable, expected value operator, distorted function (2.2)
and Choquet integral. In Section 3, we define the
concepts of FVaR and FCVaR and discuss their Nec{ξ ≤ r } = 1 − sup μ ( x) .
properties. Conclusions and future research are x >r
discussed in section 4. Mathematical derivations of (2.3)
some Lemmas are provided in the appendix.
Remark 2.1 The possibility measure is a conjugate
2. Credibility Measure, Distorted Function or dual of the necessity measure.
and Choquet Integral A n − dimensional fuzzy vector  is defined as a

In this section, we introduce some concepts and function from the possibility space ( Θ, P (Θ), Pos )
lemmas that benefit main properties of fuzzy risk
measures. to the set of n − dimensional real vectors. It can be

proved that the vector  = (ξ1 , ξ 2 ," , ξ n )T is a fuzzy (2.4)
Lemma 2.1 Let (Θ, Ρ(Θ), Pos ) be a possibility
vector if and only if ξi (i = 1, 2," , n) are fuzzy
space. Then we have
variables. Throughout, vectors will be denoted in bold,
(1) Cr {A} ≤ Cr {B} whenever A ⊂ B ;
to be distinguished from variables.

Let f : Rn → R be a function and (2) Cr {A} + Cr {A c } = 1 , for any A ∈ Ρ(Θ) ;

 = (ξ1 , ξ 2 ," , ξ n )T be a fuzzy vector on the (3) Cr {A * B} ≤ Cr {A} + Cr{B} , for any

possibility space ( Θ, P (Θ), Pos ). Then A, B ∈ Ρ(Θ) .

This result shows that the credibility measure is a
η = f (ξ1 , ξ 2 ," , ξ n ) is a fuzzy variable defined as
monotone, self dual and subadditive measure. Proof for
η (θ ) = f (ξ1 (θ ), ξ 2 (θ )," , ξ n (θ )) for any θ ∈Θ . this result can be found, for example, in [12].

η and ζ are fuzzy variables in the possibility Definition 2.2 [11] Let ξ be a fuzzy variable. Then

space (Θ, Ρ(Θ), Pos ) . We say that η and ζ are the expected value of a fuzzy variable ξ is defined by

E[ξ ] = ³ Cr {ξ ≥ r}dr − ³ Cr{ξ ≤ r }dr
noninteractive if, and only if, the equality 0
0 −∞
Pos{η ∈ B1,ζ ∈ B2} = min{Pos{η ∈ B1}, Pos{ζ ∈ B2}}
holds for any subsets B1 , B2 ⊂ R .
provided that at least one of the two integrals is finite.
A fuzzy variable is said to be normal if there exists
The expected value of a fuzzy variable is a Choqute
a real number r such that μ (r ) = 1 . We always Integral since the credibility measure is self dual.
assume that the fuzzy variables are normal in this paper. Lemma 2.2 Let ξ1 ," , ξ n be noninteractive fuzzy
Let (Θ, Ρ(Θ), Pos ) be a possibility space, a variables with finite expected values.
possibility measure Pos is called concave if it ai , i = 1, 2," , n are constant. Then we have
E[a1ξ1 + " + anξ n ] = a1 E[ξ1 ] + " + an E[ξ n ] .
Pos ( A * B ) + Pos ( A  B ) ≤ Pos ( A) + Pos ( B ) ,
Proof for this result can be found, for instance, in
for any A, B ∈ Ρ (Θ) . Pos is called convex if the
reversed inequalities hold. The Choquet integral has been used extensively for
The credibility measure and its expected value pricing insurance premium in probability space. Risk
were introduced in Liu and Liu[11]. The credibility measures in possibility space may be cast as a Choquet
measure has self-duality property which is not integral which is expected value of a variable under an
possessed of possibility measure or necessary measure. appropriate distortion of the original possibility
Definition 2.1 The credibility measure of {ξ ≤ r} is distribution. We now give the following definitions.

defined as: Definition 2.3 A non-decreasing function

1 g :[0,1] → [0,1] satisfying g (0) = 0 and g (1) = 1

Cr {ξ ≤ r} =
( Pos {ξ ≤ r} + Nec {ξ ≤ r}) .
is called a distortion function.

Definition 2.4 Given a distortion function, g , the dual decreases the risk measure by α . The subadditivity

distortion function, g , is defined by property is a crucial property related to convexity, and

it implies that we can do no worse by combining risks.
g (u ) = 1 − g (1 − u ), u ∈ [0,1] .
The positive homogeneity property reflects the
Definition 2.5 Let η be fuzzy variable in the
effectiveness that risk is positive proportional to
possibility space (Θ, Ρ (Θ), Pos ) . The Choquet
position of investment. The monotonicity property says
integral of the fuzzy variable with respect to distortion
function g is defined by that, if one portfolio is always more optimal than
+∞ 0 another portfolio under all realizations, then any
H g (η ) = ³ g (Cr{η ≥ r})dr − ³ g (Cr{η ≤ r})dr .
0 −∞
sensible risk measure should imply that the more

3. Fuzzy Risk Measures and Their optimal portfolio is less risky. See [3] for a more
Properties detailed discussion of the intuition behind these
In this section, we introduce definitions of FVaR
There are n assets i = 1, " , n to be invested in the
and FCVaR about a loss function of portfolio assets
financial market that we consider. The return rate of
in a financial market and discuss their properties.
each asset is assumed to be a fuzzy variable. The fuzzy
Artzner et al.[3] presented and justified a set of
return rate of asset i is ξ , i = 1, " , n .
four desirable properties for measures of risk. It gave a i

unified framework for the analysis, construction, and Let f (x,  ) : R n × R n → R be the loss
implementation of measures of risk.
associated with the decision vector x , to be chosen
Let Ω be the set of states of nature, and assume it
from a certain subset X ⊆ R n and fuzzy return vector.
is finite, G be the set of all risks, that is the set of all
The vector x can be interpreted as representing a
real-valued functions on Ω . A measure of risk ρ is
portfolio, with X as the set of available portfolios
a mapping from G into R . subject to various constraints. The vector  stands for
Translation invariance. For all X ∈ G and all real the uncertainties that can affect the loss. The portfolio
numbers α , we have ρ ( X + α ) = ρ ( X ) − α . x is optimal to portfolio y , i.e., x ≥ y means
Subadditivity. For all X1 and f ( x,  ) ≤ f ( y ,  ) .
X 2 ∈ G, ρ ( X 1 + X 2 ) ≤ ρ ( X 1 ) + ρ ( X 2 ) . For each x , the loss function f (x,  ) is a fuzzy
Positive homogeneity. For all λ≥0 and all X ∈G , variable. The expected value of f (x,  ) for any
ρ (λX ) = λρ ( X ) . x ∈ X is
Monotonicity. For all X and Y ∈ G with Y ≥ X , ∞
E[ f (x,)] = ³ Cr{ f (x,) ≥r}dr −³ Cr{ f (x,) ≤ r} dr .

0 −∞
we have ρ (Y ) ≤ ρ ( X ) .
The intuition behind these risk measures is fairly
The credibility of f (x,  ) not exceeding a
clear. The translation invariance property means that
adding the sure amount α to the return simply
threshold r is given by

ψ (x, r ) = Cr { f (x,  ) ≤ r} . defined by Definition 3.1 is a Choquet integral, where
the distortion function is defined by
­0, u ∈ [0,1 − β ]
Definition 3.1 Let  be a fuzzy vector and β ∈ (0,1) g (u ) = ® .
¯ 1, u ∈ (1 − β ,1]
be a confidence level. The Fuzzy Value-at-Risk is
defined by ­0, u ∈ [0,1 − β ]
Proof: Since g (u ) = ® ,
FVaRβ ( x) = inf {r ∈ R ψ ( x, r ) ≥ β } . ¯ 1, u ∈ (1 − β ,1]
­0, u ∈ [0, β )
(3.3) g (u ) = ® .
It values for the loss associated with x and any ¯ 1, u ∈ [ β ,1]

prescribed confidence level β ∈ (0,1) , commonly, β We first prove the case that FVaRβ (x) > 0 , x ∈ R n .
is close to one. FVaRβ (x) is an increasing and left- For any r ∈ (0, FVaRβ (x)) , by definition of
continuous function of β. FVaRβ (x) and credibility measure being self dual,
Definition 3.2 Let  be a fuzzy vector and β ∈ (0,1) we have Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} < β , then
be a confidence level. The Fuzzy Conditional Value-at-
Cr{f (x,) ≥r}≥Cr{f (x,) >r}=1−Cr{f (x,) ≤r}>1−β .
Risk is defined by
+∞ For any r ∈ ( FVaRβ (x), +∞) , we have
FCVaRβ (x) = FVaRβ (x)+(1−β)−1³ Cr{f (x,) −FVaRβ (x) ≥r}dr .
, ) ≥r}≤Cr{f (x
Cr{f (x , ) ≤FVaRβ(x)}=1−β .
, ) >FVaRβ(x)}=1−Cr{f (x
provided the integral is finite. Hence, by definition of g , we have
It values for the conditional expectation of losses +∞

above that amount FVaRβ (x) associated x and any

g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr
FVaRβ ( x )
prescribed confidence level β ∈ (0,1) . =³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr
Remark 3.1 If the possibility and necessity of +³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr
FVaRβ ( x )
f (x,  ) not exceeding a threshold r are given by
= FVaRβ (x) .
ψ (x, r ) = Pos { f (x,  ) ≤ r} ,
For any r ∈ (−∞, 0) , we have r < FVaRβ (x) , then
and ψ (x, r ) = Nec { f (x,  ) ≤ r} ,
Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} < β . Hence,
we can obtain the different definitions of
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr = 0 .
FVaRβ (x) and FCVaRβ (x) .
Proposition 3.1 Let  be a fuzzy vector Combined (3.7) with (3.8), it confirms the case that

and β ∈ (0,1) be a confidence level. The FVaR FVaRβ (x) > 0 .

Now we prove the case that FVaRβ (x) ≤ 0 . satisfies translation invariance, positive homogeneity
and monotonicity.
For any r ∈ (0, +∞ ) , we have
Proof: Translation invariance: The total loss is
Cr{ f ( x, ) ≥ r} ≤ Cr{ f ( x, ) > FVaRβ (x)} ≤ 1 − β . f (x,  ) − b when wealth b is added to invest as
By definition of g , we have f (x,  ) is the loss associated with the portfolio
+∞ vector x and we have
³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr =0 .
{ }
inf r Cr { f (x,  ) − b ≤ r} ≥ β

For any r ∈ ( FVaRβ (x), 0) , we have {

= inf r − b Cr { f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β }
Cr{ f ( x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β .
= inf r Cr { f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β − b . }
For any r ∈ ( −∞, FVaRβ (x)) , we have
This confirms translation invariance of FVaRβ .
Cr{ f ( x,  ) ≤ r} < β . By definition of g ,
Positive homogeneity: For any λ ≥0, we have
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr
inf {r Cr{λ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β }
FVaRβ ( x )
=³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr = λ inf {r Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β } . This confirms
+³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr positive homogeneity of FVaRβ .
FVaRβ ( x )

0 Monotonicity: For any x ≤ y , we have

= 0+ ³ dr
f ( x,  ) ≥ f ( y ,  )
FVaRβ ( x )
= − FVaRβ ( x) . Cr { f (y,  ) ≤ r} ≥ Cr { f (x,  ) ≤ r} . Therefore,
Combined (3.9) with (3.10), it confirms the case {
inf r Cr { f (y ,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β }
that FVaRβ ( x) ≤ 0 and finishes the proof of
≤ inf r Cr { f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β } . This confirms
Proposition 3.1.
monotonicity of FVaRβ and finishes the proof of
This non-decrease function g (u ) is not
Proposition 3.2.
continuous at point 1 − β .
Proposition 3.3 Let  be a fuzzy vector
Proposition 3.2 Let f ( x,  ) be the loss associated
and β ∈ (0,1) be a confidence level. The FCVaR
with the portfolio vector x , to be chosen from a
defined by Definition 3.2 is a Choquet integral, where
certain subset X ⊆ R n , the fuzzy return vector
the distortion function is defined by
 ∈ R in the possibility space (Θ, Ρ(Θ), Pos ) , and
g (u ) = min{u /(1 − β ),1}, u ∈ [0,1] .
any prescribed confident level β ∈ (0,1) . FVaRβ Proof:

Since g (u ) = min{u /(1 − β ),1}, u ∈ [0,1] , +∞
³ 0
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr
g (u ) = max{0, (u − β ) /(1 − β )}, u ∈ [0,1] . 1 +∞

We first prove the case that FVaRβ (x) > 0 , x ∈ R n .

1− β ³ 0
Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r}dr

1 +∞
For any r ∈ (0, FVaRβ (x)) , by definition of =
1− β ³ − FVaRβ ( x )
Cr{ f (x,  ) − FVaRβ (x) ≥ r}dr
FVaRβ (x) and credibility measure being self dual, . (3.13)

Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≤ β , then For any r ∈ ( FVaRβ (x), 0) , Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≥ β .

Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r} ≥ Cr{ f (x,  ) > r} = 1 − β . For any r ∈ (−∞, FVaRβ (x)) ,

For any r ∈ ( FVaRβ (x), +∞) , Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≤ β . Then we have

Cr{ f (x, ) ≥ r} ≤ Cr{ f (x, ) > FVaRβ (x)} ≤ 1− β .

³ −∞
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr
Therefore, we have
+∞ = ³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr +
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr FVaRβ ( x )

FVaRβ ( x )

FVaRβ ( x )
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr ³ −∞
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr
+∞ 0 Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} − β
+³ g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r})dr =³ dr
FVaRβ ( x ) FVaRβ ( x ) 1− β
1 +∞
1 −FVaRβ (x)
= FVaRβ (x) +
1− β ³FVaRβ ( x )
Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r}dr =−
1− β ³0
Cr{ f (x, ) − FVaRβ (x) ≥ r}dr − FVaRβ (x)

1 +∞ . (3.14)

1− β ³0
= FVaRβ (x) + Cr{ f (x, ) − FVaRβ (x) ≥ r}dr .
Combined (3.13) with (3.14), it confirms the case that

(3.11) FVaRβ (x) ≤ 0 and finishes the proof of Proposition

For any r ∈ (−∞, 0) , we have 3.3.

Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r} ≤ β . Then, This non-decrease function g (u ) is continuous

0 on [0,1] .
g (Cr{ f (x,  ) ≤ r})dr = 0 .
Proposition 3.4 Let f (x,  ) be the loss associated
with the portfolio vector x , to be chosen from a
Combined (3.11) with (3.12), it confirms the case that
certain subset X ⊆ R n , the fuzzy return vector
FVaRβ (x) > 0 .
 ∈ R n in the possibility space (Θ, Ρ(Θ), Pos ) , and
Now we prove the case that FVaRβ (x) ≤ 0 .
any prescribed confident level β ∈ (0,1) . The
For any r ∈ (0, +∞) , we have
FCVaRβ satisfies translation invariance, positive
Cr{ f (x,  ) ≥ r} ≥ 1 − β . Therefore,
homogeneity and monotonicity.

Proof: Translation invariance and positive analysis and research. We gave the risk some
management and control. Value at risk (VaR) is a
homogeneity can be obtained by translation invariance
measure for senior management that summarises the
and positive homogeneity of FVaRβ and definition financial risk a company faces into one single number
[27]. CVaR is the modified model of VaR model. The
of FCVaRβ (x) . force that relies on considering the combination of
CVaR and VaR is balanced burden and dispersive risk.
Monotonicity: For any x≤y , we The new model is effective for reduce the risk through
put forward the mathematical abstraction for
have f (x,  ) ≥ f (y ,  ) , FVaRβ (x) ≥ FVaRβ (y ) , measurement of risk.

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