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FUNCTIONAL NEUROSURGERY 1042-3680195 $0.00 + .


G. Rees Cosgrove, MD, FRCS (C), and Scott L. Rauch, MD

Since its introduction as a treatment for severe ablation of the frontal cortices. They observed that
mental illness in 1936, psychosurgery at various the lobectomized animals demonstrated less exper-
times has been enthusiastically embraced and flatly imental neurosis to task failures, although they
rejected by both the medical profession and society were also less able to complete the tasks success-
at large. Currently, the accepted therapeutic ap- fully. These observations prompted Egas M ~ n i z , ~ ~
proach to most psychiatric disease involves a the inventor of cerebral angiography, to perform
combination of well-supervised psychotherapy, prefrontal leukotomies by injection of absolute al-
pharmacotherapy, and, in some instances, electro- cohol, with the help of his neurosurgical colleague,
convulsive therapy. Despite these modern treat- Almeida Lima. They reported that 14 of 20 severely
ment methods, however, many patients fail to re- ill institutionalized patients showed worthwhile
spond adequately and remain severely disabled. improvement after operation and coined the
In these patients, surgical intervention might be phrase psychosurgey to describe this intervention.
considered appropriate if the therapeutic result and At that time, few satisfactory treatment options
overall level of functioning could be improved. existed and the asylums for the insane were over-
In this article, we will explore the historical back- flowing with the chronic mentally ill. Therefore,
ground of psychosurgery and discuss the anatomic despite the lack of objective data and long-term
and physiologic basis for such procedures. Guide- follow-up, an enthusiastic response was obtained
lines for the appropriate selection of surgical candi- from the medical community, resulting in Moniz
dates will be presented and the four most common receiving the 1949 Nobel Prize in Medicine and
psychosurgical procedures practiced today will be Physiology.
described. Finally, overall experience, including in- One of the most enthusiastic proponents of the
dications, results, and complications for each pro- procedure was Walter Freeman, a neuropsychia-
cedure, will be reviewed and compared. trist, and within a few months of Moniz's publica-
tion, Freeman performed the first prefrontal lobot-
omy in the United States with the neurosurgical
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE help of James Watts.17The Freeman-Watts prefron-
tal lobotomy was performed through bilateral bur
Although trephination performed by ancient civ- holes placed in the inferior frontal region at the
ilizations may represent the earliest form of surgical level of the coronal suture. This disconnection pro-
intervention for psychiatric disease, the first use cedure was carried out with a specially designed
of psychosurgery in modern times was reported by calibrated leukotome that was inserted blindly, ad-
Burckhardt in 1891.8He described bilateral cortical vanced to the midline, and swept back and forth
excision with mixed results in the treatment of six to interrupt the white matter tracts in the frontal
demented and aggressive patients. Following this lobes surgically. In reporting their results in 1942
report, several other neurosurgical procedures on the first 200 patients, Freeman and Watts18were
were attempted for the treatment of the mentally favorably impressed, although they did admit a
ill.27In 1935, Fulton and Jacobsen20presented their significant complication rate, including frontal lobe
early experience with primate behavior following syndrome, seizures, apathy, decreased attention,

From Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medic:a1 School, Boston, Massachusetts




and inappropriate behavior. Despite these side- surgery, however, only a limited number of surgi-
effects, prefrontal lobotomy became widely per- cal procedures are carried out at a handful of medi-
formed throughout the United States, largely cal centers in the world today.
because of the lack of satisfactory therapeutic alter-
natives and the promotional zeal of Freeman
Tooth and Newtodo reviewed 10,365 standard RATIONALE FOR PSYCHOSURGERY
prefrontal lobotomy operations performed be-
tween 1943 and 1954 and confirmed that the rate In 1937, a year after Moniz reported his initial
of improvement was about 70%, but also reported experience with prefrontal lobotomy, P a p e pub-~~~
a 6% mortality, 1%epilepsy rate, and 1.5%marked lished a paper in which he postulated that a rever-
disinhibition. These complications prompted Ful- berating circuit in the brain might be responsible
ton19 and others to call for a less radical and more for emotion, anxiety, and memory. The compo-
specific approach to the surgery. By the late 1940s nents of this circuit consisted of the hypothalamus,
more precise open surgical procedures were de- septa1 area, hippocampus, mamillary bodies, ante-
scribed, including bilateral inferior l e ~ k o t o m y , ~ ~rior thalamic nuclei, cingulate gyri, and their inter-
bimedial l e ~ k o t o m ~and
, ' ~ orbital gyms under- connections. These structures comprise the rudi-
cutting.57Cerebral topectomies 51 and anterior cin- mentary limbic system of the human brain, which
gulectomies36,64 were also proposed and carried was subsequently expanded by M ~ L e a in n ~1952
~ to
out during the same period. At the same time, incorporate the orbital frontal, insular, and anterior
Freeman16 described a new technique of transor- temporal cortices; the amygdala; and the dor-
bital leukotomy which involved inserting a small somedial thalamic nuclei (paralimbic structures).
right-angled instrument under the eyelid, pushing Neurosurgical interventions for psychiatric disor-
it through the bony orbit into the frontal orbital ders have all been directed at various targets within
cortex, and severing the thalamofrontal radiations this system, and therefore some have proposed
with a sweeping motion. This so-called "ice pick the term limbic system surgery as an alternative to
procedure" could be performed quickly and with psychosurgery.
minimal anesthesia, which led to its ready accep- Although the neuroanatomic and neurochemi-
tance and widespread use. The broad and some- cal basis of emotion in health and disease re-
what indiscriminate application of this particular mains undefined, there is evidence that this
technique contributed to the subsequent decline of system and its interconnections with the cortico-
pyschosurgery. striato-thalamic circuits play a central role in
The next major advance in the neurosurgical the pathophysiology of major affective illness,
treatment of psychiatric illness occurred with the obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other anxiety
introduction of stereotactic techniques to create disorders.44, 47 Electrical stimulation of specific
well-localized and discrete lesions in-specific target areas within the limbic system, i.e., the anterior
sites. Stereotactic anterior cingulotomy was first cingulum, has been shown in humans to alter both
reported by Foltz and White in 196215and subcau- autonomic responses and anxiety level^.^^,^^ Stimu-
lation of the hypothalamus in animals produces
date tractotomy was carried out in England by autonomic, endocrine, and complex motor effects,
Knight in 1964.32 Lars Leksel17,25 described his ex- which suggest that the hypothalamus integrates
perience with anterior capsulotomy soon thereaf- and coordinates the behavioral expression of emo-
ter, and Kelley et a131 reported limbic leukotomy tional states.26,53 The Papez circuit represents the
(subcaudate tractotomy and cingulotomy com- direct conduit to the hypothalamus. Paralimbic
bined) in 1973. Isolated reports of hypothalamot- structures form the link between heteromodal cor-
omy, l2 bilateral amygdal~tomy,~~ and thalamot- tex and the limbic system proper.40Thus, the lim-
omyw also can be found during this same time bic system appears strategically located to mediate
period. and interconnect somatic and visceral stimuli with
With the introduction of chlorpromazinein 1954, higher cortical functions and in this way may add
satisfactory medical management of psychiatric ill- emotional coloring to the psychic process.48 It is
ness became possible. The availability of effective intuitively appealing, therefore, to believe that psy-
drug therapy, in combination with the side-effects chiatric disorders that are characterizedby affective
of surgical intervention and its excessive use in the and cognitive manifestations (e.g., depression, ob-
preceding decades, led to the sudden and almost sessive-compulsive disorder [OCD], and other
complete disappearance of pyschosurgery for men- anxiety disorders) might reflect a final common
tal illness. Newer and even more specific psy- pathway of limbic dysregulation. Contemporary
chotrophic medications have been developed, but neurobiologic models of anxiety and affective dis-
there remains a small percentage of patients with orders also emphasize the fundamental role of the
treatment-refractorypsychiatric disease that might limbic system and its related structures.lO,22, 44, 47
be considered for surgcal treatment. Because of Data from neuropyschologic, neurosurgical,
the ethical, legal, and social implications of psycho- physiologic, and neuroimaging studies have also

converged to implicate a circuit composed of present with mixed disorders combining symp-
orbitofrontal cortex, striatum, thalamus, and an- toms of anxiety, depression, and OCD, and these
terior cin ulate cortex in the pathophysiology patients remain candidates for surgery. Schizo-
of 0CD.g 28, 44, 55 This frontal-striatal-pallido- phrenia is not currently considered an indication
thalamic-frontal loop, which has been so well char- for surgery. A history of personality disorder, sub-
acterized for its control of motor function, may well stance abuse, or other axis I1 symptomatology is
be involved in some features of OCD, as many often a relative contraindication to surgery. In rare
similarities exist between OCD and the pathology instances only, patients with severe violent out-
seen in Sydenham's chorea, von Economo's dis- bursts and the potential for serious injury or self-
ease, focal striatal abnormalities, and Tourette's mutilation might be considered for bilateral amyg-
syndrome. Anatomic imaging with MRI has sug- dalotomy, thalamotomy, or hypothalamotomy.
gested focal abnormalities in these striatal areas63 Thoughtful assessment of psychosurgical candi-
and smaller caudate nuclei in patients with OCD.38 dacy requires that criteria for severity, chronicity,
Functional neuroimaging research also has sug- disability, and treatment refractoriness be formal-
gested that abnormal activity in the lateral frontal ized to establish guidelines. In this regard, chronic-
cortex is a correlate of the depressive state in con- ity would require at least 1year of enduring symp-
cert with the presumed role of the limbic s ~ s t e m . ~ toms without significant remission, although
Neurochemical models suggest that the affective practically speaking confirmation of treatment re-
and anxiety disorders may be mediated via mono- fractoriness usually requires more than 5 years of
aminergic systems. In particular, the serotonergic illness prior to surgery. Severity is usually mea-
system has received emphasis with respect to sured using validated clinical research instruments
OCD. Because of the diffuse nature of the monoam- corresponding to specific indicators such as a Yale-
inergic projections and their role as neuromodula- Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS)score
tors, however, these models are not particularly of greater than 20 for OCD or a Beck Depression
instructive in terms of the functional neuroanat- Inventory (BDI) score greater than 30. Disability
omy relevant to different neurosurgical treatments may be reflected, for instance, by a Global Assess-
as they are currently employed. Although the exact ment of Function (GAF) score of less than 50.
neuroanatomic and neurochemical mechanisms In order to determine that their psychiatric illness
underlying depression, OCD, and other anxiety is refractory to treatment despite appropriate care,
states remain unclear, it is believed that the basal all vatients must be referred for sureical
1 " interven-
ganglia, limbic system, and the frontal cortex play tion by their treating psychiatrist. The referring
a principal role in the pathophysiology of these psychiatrist must demonstrate an ongoing commit-
diseases. ment to the vatient and the evaluation vrocess and
~ ~

must also agree to be responsible for postoperative

management. Detailed questionnaires that docu-
SELECTION OF PATIENTS ment the extent and severitv of the illness. as well
as a thorough account of th; diagnostic and thera-
Only patients with severe, chronic, disabling, peutic history, must be provided by the psychia-
and treatment-refractory psychiatric illness should trist. The specifics of pharmacologic trials should
be considered for surgical intervention. Chronicity include the agents used, dose, duration, response,
in this context refers to the enduring nature of the
and the reason for discontinuation for any subopti-
illness without extended periods of symptomatic
mal trial. Adequate trials of electroconvulsive ther-
relief. Moreover, the severity of the patient's illness
must be manifest both in terms of subjective dis- apy or behavorial therapy must also be demon-
tress and a decrement in psychosocial functioning. strated when clinically appropriate.
In many cases, the chronicity of the illness may be The patient and the family must also agree to
less important than the severity of the illness. The participate completely in the evaluation process as
illness must prove to be refractory to systematic well as the postoperative psychiatric treatment pro-
trials of pharmacologic, psychologic, and, when gram. In general, only adult patients (older than
appropriate, electroconvulsive therapy prior to 18 years) who are able to render informed consent
considering neurosurgical intervention. As in all and who express a genuine desire and commitment
medical decisions, the potential benefit from such to proceed with surgery are accepted. Obviously,
an intervention must be balanced against the risks the surgery should only be performed to help a
imposed by surgery. sick patient and never for social or political reasons.
The major psychiatric diagnostic groups as de- If the patient meets the above criteria, at our
fined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of institution they would undergo a more detailed
Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised (DSM- presurgical screening evaluation by an experi-
IIIR) that might benefit from surgical intervention enced, multidisciplinary group of psychiatrists,
include (1) obsessive-compulsive disorder and neurosurgeons, and neurologists (Cingulotomy
(2) major affective disorder (i.e., major depression Assessment Committee). Thorough review of the
or bipolar disorder).' In many instances patients medical record is carried out to ensure that the

illness is indeed refractory to an exhaustive array In patients with depression and OCD, total im-
of conventional therapies. The MassachusettsGen- provement or improvement with minimal symp-
eral Hospital (MGH) evaluation also includes an toms was clinically observed in two thirds of the
electroencephalogram (EEG), brain MRI, neuro- patients.33The best review of the surgical results
psychologic testing, and independently conducted for subcaudate tractotomy was presented by Gok-
clinical examinationsby a psychiatrist, neurologist, tepe et a121in 1975. Using a five-point global scale
and neurosurgeon in the outpatient setting. Elec- and rating scales for depression and anxiety, they
trocardiogram and appropriate blood tests are ob- reviewed 208 patients with a mean follow-up of 2.5
tained to assess medical risks and to exclude or- years. Of the 134 patients available for structured
ganic etiologies for mental status abnormalities. interview, good results were seen in 68% of pa-
Validated clinical research instruments are em- tients suffereing from depression, 62.5% of pa-
ployed to quantify psychiatric symptom severity. tients with anxiety states, and 50% of patients with
There must be unanimous agreement that the pa- obsessive neurosis. Patients with schizophrenia,
tient satisfies selection criteria, that the surgery is personality disorder, drug abuse, or alcohol abuse
indicated, and that the requirements for informed did poorly. Some patients who had only temporary
consent are fulfilled. A family member or close benefit from the initial lesion had second lesions
relative must also understand the evaluation pro- created lateral to the first with good results seen
cess and the indications for, risks of, and alterna- in approximately 50%. 4
tives to surgery and agree to be available to provide The incidence of complications was small but
emotional support for the patient during the hospi- included postoperative seizures in 2.2% and unde-
talization. sirable personality traits in 6.7%. Transient disinhi-
bition was common. Of the 25 patients who had
died at the time of review, 3 patients had commit-
SURGICAL APPROACHES ted suicide. One patient died from inadvertent de-
struction of the hypothalamus when a yttrium seed
Although many methods have been used in the migrated off target.21
neurosurgicaltreatment of psychiatric disease, four
procedures have evolved as the safest and most
effective. These are all performed bilaterally and Anterior Cingulotomy
under stereotactic conditions to allow for precise
lesioning of target structures. They are (1) subcau- Fulton19was the first to suggest that the anterior
date tractotomy, (2) anterior cingulotomy, (3) lim- cingulum would be an appropriate target for psy-
bic leukotomy, and (4) anterior capsulotomy. Each chosurgical intervention, and cingulotomy was ini-
procedure has differentindications, techniques, re- tially carried out as an open p r ~ c e d u r eFoltz
. ~ ~ and
sults, and complications which will be discussed White15 reported their experience with stereotac-
in the following sections. tic cingulotomy for intractable pain and noted the
best results were in those patients with concurrent
anxiety-depressive states. Ballantine et a12 subse-
Subcaudate Tractotomy quently demonstrated the safety and effectiveness
of cingulotomy in a large number of patients, and it
Subcaudate tractotomy was introduced by has been the surgical procedure of choice in North
Knight32in Great Britain in 1964 as one of the first America over the last 30 years. Currently, the surgi-
attempts to restrict the size of the surgical lesion cal indications are treatment-refractory major af-
and therefore minimize the side-effects seen with fective disorder, chronic anxiety states, or OCD.
standard prefrontal lobotomy. The aim was to in- The procedure is still performed on occasion for
terrupt white matter tracts between orbital cortex some patients with severe chronic pain.
and subcortical structures by placing a lesion in the Initially these procedures were carried out with
region of the substantia innominata just below the ventriculography, but over the past several years
head of the caudate nucleus. Surgical indications this has been replaced by MRI-guided stereotactic
included major depressive illness, OCD, and anxi- techniques. Target coordinates are calculated for a
ety states as well as a variety of other psychiatric point in the cingulum 7 mm from the midline and
diagnoses. 20 to 25 mm posterior to the tip of the frontal horns.
The surgical procedure was performed by stereo- Lesions are created by thermocoagulation, the
tactic technique using bony landmarks and ventric- technical details of which have been well described
ular outline. Target coordinates were calculated as previously.3Intraoperative stimulation is not per-
15 mm from the midline and approximately 10 to formed routinely, but neurologic testing. is carried
11mm above the planum sphenoidale at the most out during lesioniq to ensure-that no ikpairment
anterior part of the sella turcica. Lesions were cre- of motor or sensorv function is incurred, esveciallv
' I
ated using radioactive implantable yttrium-90 in the lower extremities. On the day after surgery,
seeds. Lesionalvolumes were estimated at approxi- a postoperative MRI scan is obtained to document
mately 2 mL. the placement and extent of the lesions (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. TI-weighted MR images of the cingulotomy lesions seen 24 hours postoperatively in A, the sagittal (left)
and 6, coronal (right)views.

Although the patient may experience an immedi- This is the first study to demonstrate in a prospec-
ate reduction in anxiety, there is generally a delay tive way that cingulotomy is effective in OCD as
in the onset of beneficial effect on depression and measured by standard psychiatric rating scales and
OCD. This latency may be as long as 6 to 12 weeks independent observers.
and must be clearly explained to the patient and In over 800 cingulotomies performed at MGH
referring psychiatrist. If there has been no response since 1962, there have been no deaths and no infec-
to the initial cingulotomy after 3 to 6 months, then tions. Two acute subdural hematomas occurred
reoperation and enlargement of the cingulotomy early in the series secondary to laceration of a corti-
lesion are considered. cal artery at the time of introduction of ventricular
The results of bilaterial cingulotomy in 198 pa- needles but only 1patient suffered permanent neu-
tients suffering from a variety of psychiatric disor- rologic impairment.3 An independent analysis of
ders were reported retrospectively by Ballantine et 34 patients who underwent cingulotomy demon-
a1 in 1987.' With a mean follow-up of 8.6 years, strated no significant behavorial or intellectual
62% of patients with severe affective disorder were deficits as a result of the cingulate lesions them-
found to have had worthwhile improvement. Simi- selves." They subsequently evaluated 57 patients
larly, in patients with OCD, approximately 56% before and after cingulotomy and found no evi-
were found to have undergone worthwhile im- dence of lasting neurologic or behavorial deficits
provement. In 14 patients suffering from non- after surgery. A comparison of preoperative and
obsessive anxiety disorders, 50% were found to be postoperative Weschler IQ scores demonstrated
functionally well and 29% showed marked im- significant gains postoperatively. This improve-
provement. A recent retrospective study evaluat- ment was greatest in patients with chronic pain
ing cingulotomy in 33 patients with refractory OCD and depression but negligible in those with the
demonstrated that, using very strict criteria for suc- diagnosis of schizophrenia.
cessful outcome, at least 25% to 30% of patients
benefited substantially from the procedure.29In a
prospective long-term follow-up study of 18 pa- Limbic Leukotomy
tients who underwent cingulotomy for intractable
OCD, 5 patients met very conservative criteria as Limbic leukotomy was introduced by Kelley et
treatment responders and 2 others were considered a131 in 1973 and combines subcaudate tractotomy
possible responders (Baer L, Rauch SL, and Ballan- with anterior cingulotomy. This procedure was de-
tine, et al, unpublished data). Overall, the entire signed to disconnect orbital-frontal-thalamic path-
group improved significantly in terms of functional ways with the former lesion and interrupt an im-
status and no serious adverse effects were found. portant portion of the Papez circuit with the latter.

Kelley reasoned that these two lesions might lead cases were also performed using the gamma
to a better result for the symptoms of OCD than knife.7,41
either lesion alone. Indications for surgical inter- In the first 116 patients operated on by Leksell,
vention included obsessional neurosis, anxiety 50% of patients with obsessional neurosis and 48%
states, depression, and a variety of other psychiat- of depressed patients had a satisfactory response.
ric diagnoses. Only 20% of patients with anxiety neurosis and
This procedure was carried out stereotactically 14% with schizophrenia were improved.25In this
and three small (6-mm diameter) lesions were classification system, only patients who were free
placed in the lower medial quadrant of each frontal of symptoms or markedly improved were judged
lobe and two lesions in each cingulate gyrus. Le- as having a satisfactory response. Of the patients
sions were created using either a cryoprobe or with who were rated as worse after capsulotomy, 9 were
thermocoagulation.Intraoperative stimulationwas schizophrenics, 4 depressives, and 3 obsessives.
carried out, and, if pronounced autonomic re- In another series of 35 patients with OCD who
sponses were observed, this was thought to pro- underwent capsulotomy and were followed pro-
vide physiologic proof of correct location. spectively by independent psychiatrists, 16 were
Using the same five-point scale described in the rated as free of symptoms and 9 were much im-
study by Goktepe et a1,2166 patients were assessed proved, for an overall satisfactory result of 70%.7
preoperatively and postoperatively (mean 16 mo). In a review of all cases of capsulotomy previously
In patients with obsessional neurosis, 89% were reported in the literature, Mindus found sufficient
clinically improved; in chronic anxiety, 66% were data to categorize outcome in 213 of 362 patients.
improved; in depression, 78%were improved; and Of these, 137 (64%)were deemed to have a satisfac-
in a small number of schizophrenics, over 80% tory result (Mindus P et al, unpublished data.)
were improved.43Kelley30later reported that in 49 More recently Mindus and Nymad2 have fol-
patients with OCD, 84%were improved 20 months lowed 24 patients prospectively with standardized
after surgery. They also noted that postoperative rating scales. Complications of the surgery in-
symptom improvement was not immediate, with a cluded transient episodes of confusion during the
fluctuating but progressive reduction of symptoms first week in 19 of 22 patients available for follow-
over the first postoperative year. up, and an occasional patient had nocturnal incon-
Although many patients complain of lethargy, tinence. One patient was noted to have an intra-
confusion, and lack of sphincter control in the early cranial hemorrhage without neurologic sequelae,
postoperative period, persistent complications are and one patient suffered seizures. One patient
rare. No patients developed seizures postopera- committed suicide in the postoperative phase and
tively, one patient suffered severe memory loss 8 patients suffered from depression requiring treat-
due to improper lesion placement, and 12% of pa- ment. Excessive fatigue was a complaint in 7 pa-
tients complained of persistent lethargy. Measure- tients, 4 had poor memory, and 2 patients showed
ments of IQ showed slight improvement postoper- slovenliness.Weight gain is common after capsulo-
atively. tomy with an overall mean weight gain of about
10%. No evidence of cognitive dysfunction has
been reported in 200 capsulotomy patients studied
by a variety of psychometric tests.7,9,25,61Reopera-
Anterior Capsulotomy
tion was required in 2 patients who did not achieve
Although Talairach et a159were the first to de- a satisfactory result, with only 1 improving after
scribe anterior capsulotomy, Leksell et a17popular- the second operation. Burzacogsubjected 17 of his
85 patients to a second procedure to enlarge the
ized the procedure for patients with a variety of
lesions, and half of these reoperations yielded satis-
psychiatric disorders. The aim was to interrupt pre-
factory results.
sumed frontothalamic connections in the anterior
limb of the internal capsule where they pass be-
tween the head of the caudate nucleus and the DISCUSSION
putamen. Clinical indications for capsulotomy ini-
tially included schizophrenia, depression, chronic Much of the controversy surrounding the use
anxiety states, and obsessional neurosis. of psychosurgery may be attributed to its rather
The exact target coordinates as described by Lek- indiscriminate application and the high incidence
sell are in the anterior one third of the anterior limb of side-effects seen with the early procedures. Ste-
of the internal capsule 5 mm behind the tip of the reotactic techniques have certainly minimized the
frontal horns, 20 mm lateral to the midline at the side-effects of surgery, but the issue of case selec-
level of the intercommissuralplane. Intraoperative tion remains a major consideration. Although ini-
electrical stimulation has not been helpful in terms tially any patient with a severe psychiatric illness
of determining optimal placement of lesions within was once considered a candidate for surgical inter-
the capsule. Lesions were created by thermocoagu- vention, it is now clear that the indications for
lation using a bipolar electrode system. Several psychosurgery are more restrictive. There is gen-

era1 agreement among centers that patients with capsulotomy patients 45% had clear-cut improve-
major affective disorder, chronic anxiety states, ment, and of cingulotomy patients 39% were im-
and OCD are the best candidates for surgery. It proved.
can be safely concluded that schizophrenia is not Based on these methods of comparison, the clini-
an indication for psychosurgery, although patients cal superiority of any one procedure is not convinc-
with concomitant psychotic disorders and depres- ing. Although many centers claim advantages for
sion might still be helped with surgery and should their specific surgical inter~ention,~~, 49, 62 we are
not be excluded. Personality disorders or psychoac- unable to determine whether one of the four major
tive substance use disorders are significant relative psychosurgical procedures is superior to the oth-
contraindications to surgery. Appropriate selection ers. Cingulotomy is the treatment of choice in this
of patients for surgery remains a major issue and country, whereas in Europe capsulotomy and lim-
the responsibility of the psychiatrist, guided by the bic leukotomy are more prevalent. They all appear
informed and expert opinions of the other mem- roughly equivalent therapeutically, but cingulo-
bers of the psychosurgical team. tomy appears to be the safest of all procedures
With currently available data, it is impossible to currently performed in terms of unwanted side-
determine whether there is one optimal surgical effects.
technique or strategy. All procedures seem to be Regardless of the choice of procedure, surgical
well tolerated with minimal side-effects or compli- failures should be investigated, and if the lesion
cations when applied with the modern stereotactic size or location is suboptimal, consideration should
techniques. No matter which structure in the limbic be given to repeating the procedure. In 5 of the
system is chosen for ablation, the clinical outcome 24 patients in the Mindus and N ~ m a series, n ~ ~ a
appears similar. significant correlation was found between neurora-
There are many obstacles that prevent a direct diologic ranking of a target site and the psychiatric
comparison of results across centers. These include outcome, suggesting that the site and extent of
diagnostic inaccuracies, nonstandarized presurgi- the lesion may be important factors influencing
cal evaluation tools, center bias, and varied out- outcome. Repeat surgery in capsulotomy patients
come assessment scales. In virtually all published has been reported as 20%.34 At least 45% of patients
reports, however, some modification of the Pip- undergoing cingulotomy require repeat operation
pard Postoperative Rating Scale5' or equivalent has with good results being salvaged in 50%.3,29 The
been used to determine clinical outcome. The exact size or volume of tissue required for an effec-
Pippard scale rates outcome in five categories: tive outcome at each of the target sites has yet to
(1) symptom free, (2) much improved, some symp- be determined.
toms remaining, but no additional treatment nec- The method used for creating the lesion itself
essary, (3) slightly improved, (4) unchanged, and does not appear to influence results or complication
(5) worse. Although comparisons are imperfect, rates. There is some interest in the potential use
these scales appear to have some clinical valid- of external radiosurgical techniques for psychosur-
it^.^^, 62 If categories 1 and 2 are considered satis- gery, but this remains controversial. Although ra-
factory outcomes, then, in patients with OCD, diosurgery does not require introduction of a sub-
subcaudate tractotomy was effective in 50%, cin- cortical electrode, it remains a surgical procedure
gulotomy in 56%, limbic leukotomy in 61%, and with a small but significant complication rate.58Lit-
capsulotomy in 67%. In patients with major af- tle is known about the exact dosimetry required
fective disorder, subcaudate tractotomy was effec- for satisfactory lesions,37and the latency to onset
tive in 68%, cingulotomy in 65%,limbic leukotomy of beneficial effect as radionecrosis develops may
in 78% and capsulotomy in 55%. not be reasonable for patients who are in a grave
K ~ l l b e r gattempted
~~ to compare cingulotomy psychiatric condition. In view of the proliferation
and capsulotomy in the treatment of 26 patients of radiosurgical centers and the inexperience of
in a randomized fashion. Six of 13 capsulotomy these same groups with psychosurgery, the poten-
patients and 3 of 13 cingulotomy patients were tial for misapplication of this technique is great.
better, but transient deterioration in mental status While controversy exists regarding the exact
was much more marked after cavsulotomv than choice of surgical procedure to be employed, there
after cingulotomy. Fodstad et all4reported a similar is unanimous agreement that the presurgical evalu-
experience but only studied 4 patients. Recently ation be performed by committed multidisciplinary
two prospective studies attempted to evaluate the teams with expertise and experience in the surgical
efficacy of cingulotomy (Baer L, Rauch SL, Ballan- treatment of psychiatric illness. Although it is im-
tine HT, et al, unpublished data) and capsulotomy possible to mandate uniformity across all centers,
(Mindus P, Rauch SL, Nyman H, et al, unpublished diagnosis based upon the DSM classification
data) in OCD. Using the best available research scheme is encouraged, and prospective trials em-
methodologies and well-accepted rating scales of ploying standardized clinical instruments with
disease and outcome, exhaustive preoperative and long-term follow-up are needed. Comparisons of
postoperative evaluations were carried out. Of the preoperative and postoperative functional status,

i n addition to target psychiatric symptoms, remain 5. Baxter LR Jr, Schwartz JM, Bergman KS, et al: Cau-
important parameters i n characterizing outcome. date glucose metabolic rate changes with both drug
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