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The Prairie of Gold

SER-GI-THANG, an apt name bestowed by Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi
Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk on her visit to the gewog. Cohesive interpretation of the
community is ‘prairie of gold’, for the place reaps bountiful crops which is
equivalent to owning an alp of gold.

Blessed are the people who reside in the place that is a replica of utopia. However
fact has it that, no pastry is impeccable without the cherry topping and the
SERGITHANG PRIMARY SCHOOL turns out to be that cherry to the place
which is already so magnificent. The school towers above the dense Tashithang
village like the immortal figure shading its light of wisdom.

Come summer and the place gets even more stunning. Clouds droop its sleek arms
flaunting over the lush mountains soaring round the school. Multi shade of flowers
dance to the tune of soothing breeze. Thick and green paddy lends its appetizing
aroma into the air hypnotizing the whole community. Fruits of every shape and size
befits the appetizer of each meal. The summer monsoon drenches the whole
vegetation and makes it fresher. The coal road runs through the plain valley and the
ride gets ever delightful on the bus that is the lifeline of the community.

The morning sun pours through the classroom windows piercing every individual
under its clutch. But no one minds it, for the classrooms shield it with its snowy
armor and shoves back the hot grip. Grateful are we to have an ambience and
infrastructure which is no match to other schools. The classrooms buzz with
pacifying chants of lesson, thriving to slash through to the brighter world with a
glittery blade of knowledge. By evening the setting sun baths the hills and valleys
in shades of orange. In that very shade, the playground booms with hollers and
battle of budding athletes trying their luck to make a score. Sometimes the hollers
and battles get intense because the serious match ensues between the teachers and
the community, making the rapport more strong.

The sun coyly hides its blushing face beneath the ever flaunting mountains
gesturing the days close. The birds put the day to its end with their favorite tune
like a mother’s lullaby. SERGITHANG! It is indeed the utopia of TSIRANG!

Tshering Lhamo


Sergithang Primary School

Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk graced

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