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Suicide is defined as the act of killing yourself because you do not want to

continue living. as I have noted many people in earth are suffering from what's
happening in reality being a young fellow living in a county that is full of criticism
and being judge by one other. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
over 800,000 people die through suicide annually. The suicide rates increase every
year. A lot of people have considered ending their lives due to the current situation
on life. People do not like to deal with difficult or awkward situations or confront
people directly, so they commit suicide. To me, that is just a way to escape a
problem because you do not want to work through it. I will never understand why
someone would want to kill themselves or how something could be that bad that
that seems like the only option. It only hurts the people around you that have to go
through the pain.
As well people should focus on the things that are should be seen being a freely
person, and also do the things that you could in your life as a person that living in
world example Bullying has become a serious matter in the world today, it has
come to the point where suicide is an only option. But it’s not the only option.
There are ways to get help, there are ways to solve this type of situation. Killing
and suicide is definitely not the answer to anything. we must protect one another to
stop the happenings happen. we must protect one another to prevent the suicide by
checking them in daily basis from by that we can help them concur their fear by
facing it and helping them to develop. and encourage them to go out more and the
things they never tried and be more considerate toward someone feelings they must
feel not belong and feel unloved and my advice is also help yourself to grow and
enjoy that things you must things that you may not see in people maybe you need
to try to step out from your comfort zone. Also suicide also can be so hard we
recommend the therapy it will help you go through the things that you never talk to
thus, you can gain again a better life and living the best of it.
The conclusion is that we people have gotten worse anymore we do not care what
other people thoughts living in a world that is full of good and bad you do not
where do you belong anymore thus people choose to attempt a suicide in any age
we can ready someone mind but we feel them why not ask them if they are okay in
a simple way to talk to them just to make them feel appropriate. Suicidal people
should have a therapy in a way them to talk their feelings on someone who they
can rely on to save their own self from this cruel world and escape the dark side of
it we need to encourage them to came forward to their life helping them live a
better life that they want.

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