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Hypermnesia and total retrieval time

Neil W. Mulligan
University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Published online: 17 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: Neil W. Mulligan (2006) Hypermnesia and total retrieval time, Memory, 14:4, 502-518, DOI:

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MEMORY, 2006, 14 (4), 502 /518

Hypermnesia and total retrieval time

Neil W. Mulligan
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Recall performance sometimes improves over repeated recall attempts, a phenomenon dubbed
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hypermnesia. A critical theoretical issue is whether hypermnesia is due to repeated testing per se or
increased retrieval time. The present experiments investigated by contrasting five testing conditions. All
participants were presented with the same study list followed by either two shorter recall tests or a single
longer test. In the multiple test conditions, the tests were either separated by a (filled) 7-minute interval
(the multiple-split condition), or presented consecutively, with no break (the multiple-immediate
condition). In the single test conditions, the test either began at the start of the recall session, after a
(filled) 7-minute delay, or with a 7-minute interruption inserted in the middle. The multiple-split
condition produced more reminiscence and hypermnesia than the multiple-immediate condition. More
importantly, the multiple-split condition produced greater cumulative recall than any of the other
conditions (which did not differ among themselves). That is, single and repeated recall tests of equal total
duration are not functionally equivalent.

Hypermnesia refers to the increase in recall that Modern research on hypermnesia is marked by
is sometimes observed over multiple recall at- the experiments of Erdelyi and colleagues (e.g.,
tempts. In typical experiments, participants study Erdelyi & Becker, 1974; Erdelyi, Finkelstein,
a set of materials (e.g., a list of words or pictures) Herell, Miller, & Thomas, 1976) who provided
and are then presented with a series of memory unambiguous demonstrations of hypermnesia
tests in which they repeatedly attempt to recall (see Payne, 1987, for a discussion of early,
the studied information. Across tests, some items equivocal, research on hypermnesia). Subsequent
are recalled on later tests that were not recalled research has demonstrated hypermnesia in a
earlier (reminiscence, also referred to as item variety of list-learning experiments (Erdelyi,
gains) while other items recalled on earlier tests 1996; Payne, 1987). Hypermnestic recall occurs
may not be recalled later (item losses). If item with prose passages and films (Montangero,
gains exceed item losses, hypermnesia is obtained Ivanyi, & deSaint-Hilaire, 2003; Otani & Griffith,
(i.e., there is a net increase in the number of items 1998; Wheeler & Roediger, 1992). Hypermnesia
recalled across tests) whereas if losses exceed has also been reported for eyewitness memory
gains, net forgetting results (see Erdelyi, 1996; (e.g., Bornstein, Liebel, & Scarberry, 1998; Dun-
Payne, 1987, for reviews). Hypermnesia repre- ning & Stern, 1992) and autobiographical mem-
sents an increase in memory performance over ory (Bluck, Levine, & Laulhere, 1999).
tests in contrast to the typical course of forgetting One important issue raised early on in modern
over time, and so is of great interest to memory research on hypermnesia is whether hypermnesia
researchers (e.g., Erdelyi & Kleinbard, 1978; is a function of multiple, discrete recall tests or
Roediger & Challis, 1989). whether it is produced by the increased retrieval
time afforded by multiple tests. Roediger and

Address correspondence to: Neil W. Mulligan, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-
3270, USA. E-mail:
I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Mike Steele and Shannen Bowen.

# 2006 Psychology Press Ltd DOI:10.1080/09658210500513438

Thorpe (1978) examined this issue by comparing duration (e.g., Payne, 1986; Roediger & Thorpe,
recall performance across multiple recall tests 1978; Roediger et al., 1997; Turtle & Yuille, 1994).
with a single test of equal total duration. In this Third, this finding is a critical result for a
study, participants were presented with a list of prominent theory of hypermnesia, the cumulative
pictures or words, followed by either a succession recall hypothesis (e.g., Roediger et al., 1982;
of three 7-minute recall tests or a single 21- Roediger & Challis, 1989), which has helped
minute test. With multiple tests, the number of shape much of the research on hypermnesia
items recalled increased across tests, demonstrat- (e.g., Madigan & O’Hara, 1992; McDaniel,
ing hypermnesia for both pictures and words. Moore, & Whiteman, 1998; Mulligan, 2001,
More importantly, cumulative recall (the number 2002; Otani, Widner, Whiteman, & St. Louis,
of different items recalled across the entire recall 1999; Payne, 1986; Payne, Anastasi, Blackwell,
period) did not differ between the multiple and & Wenger, 1994; Payne, Hembrooke, & Anastasi,
single test conditions. Furthermore, Roediger and 1993; Roediger & Payne, 1985; Rose, 1992;
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Thorpe were able to plot cumulative recall as a Widner, Otani, & Smith, 2000).
function of retrieval time across the entire 21- The cumulative recall hypothesis accounts for
minute period because participants were required hypermnesia in terms of the function relating
to mark the test sheets at 1-minute intervals. The recall to retrieval time. It has long been known
recall functions indicated that multiple and single that this function is well described by a negatively
tests produced equivalent cumulative recall not accelerated approach to an asymptote (e.g.,
only at the end of the 21-minute interval, but Bousfield & Sedgewick, 1944). The cumulative
throughout the recall period. Roediger and recall hypothesis argues that the first recall test in
Thorpe concluded that hypermnesia is a function a hypermnesia experiment can be considered an
of total retrieval time rather than of multiple interruption of the recall function (say, at the 7-
recall tests and that a single long test is function- minute mark). If an experimental condition has
ally equivalent to several shorter tests of equal not yet reached its asymptotic level of recall, then
total duration. the additional retrieval time afforded by a sub-
These results have been replicated several sequent test are expected to produce gains (i.e.,
times. In Roediger, Payne, Gillespie, and Lean reminiscence) and hypermnesia (see Roediger &
(1982, Experiment 1), participants encoded study Challis, 1989, for details; see also Mulligan, 2005).
words under a variety of encoding conditions, According to the cumulative recall hypothesis,
followed by three 7-minute recall tests or a single the recall functions from a single long test, or
21-minute test. In all cases, the cumulative recall equivalently the cumulative recall functions from
functions of the multiple and single test condi- a series of shorter tests of an equal total duration,
tions were equivalent. This result also held for are germane to the explanation of hypermnesia.
lists of nonsense syllables (Roediger et al., 1982, Because these functions are interchangeable for
Experiment 2). Payne (1986) reported similar the analysis of hypermnesia, a functional equiva-
results with picture and word lists. Finally, Turtle lence between the two testing conditions is
and Yuille (1994) presented participants with a implied (Roediger & Challis, 1989). Indeed the
videotape of a mock armed robbery. Subse- equality of cumulative recall is an explicit as-
quently, participants were given three successive sumption of this theory (Payne, 1987; Roediger &
7-minute recall tests or a single 21-minute recall Challis, 1989): ‘‘Hypermnesia, or increased recall
test. The total number of event details recalled across repeated tests, produces equivalent total
was equivalent in the two groups. recall as compared to performance of participants
The equality in cumulative recall between given a single test of the same duration’’ (As-
repeated recall tests and a single test of equal sumption #1, Roediger & Challis, 1989, p. 186).1
total duration is a critical finding in several ways. Critically, at present, all published results support
First, it has been taken to indicate that hyperm- this assumption (e.g., Payne, 1986; Roediger et al.,
nesia may be explained in terms of total retrieval 1982; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Turtle & Yuille,
time, rather than in terms of discrete recall tests 1994) and no published result directly contradicts
(e.g., Madigan & Lawrence, 1980; Payne, 1986; it (although, as we see next, some implications of
Roediger, McDermott, & Goff, 1997; Roediger & this assumption have recently been challenged).
Thorpe, 1978; Turtle & Yuille, 1994). Second, it
implies that a single long test is functionally 1
An revised version of the cumulative recall hypothesis
equivalent to several shorter tests of equal total (Payne, 1986) embodies the same assumption.

The cumulative recall hypothesis has had great time and item gains (reminiscence) rather than
success in accounting for results in the hyperm- item losses. The results of Mulligan (2005) in-
nestic literature (Payne, 1987; Roediger & Challis, dicate that although single and repeated recall
1989; Roediger et al., 1997). However, recent tests appeared equivalent in the initial session,
research questions the functional equivalence of repeated recall tests produce fewer item losses
the single and multiple test conditions. Mulligan and less net forgetting. In this sense, single and
(2005) found that compared to items recalled in a repeated recall tests of equal total duration are
single long recall test, items recalled across multi- not functionally equivalent.
ple recall tests (of equal total duration) were Demonstrating this lack of equivalence was
more resistant to later forgetting. Mulligan (2005) important for two reasons. First, as noted above,
conducted several experiments, each of which an important theory of hypermnesia implies
consisted of two sessions. The first session began equivalence between multiple and single recall
with the presentation of the study materials tests. Second, prior studies have failed to demon-
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(which varied across experiments: a list of un- strate this lack of equivalence (e.g., Payne, 1986;
related words, a list of categorically related words, Roediger et al., 1982; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978;
or a short story). This was followed by either a Turtle & Yuille, 1994). However, it should be
series of short recall tests or a single long test of noted that the results of Mulligan (2005) indi-
equal total duration (e.g., four 5-minute tests vs a cated a lack of equivalence only in certain
single 20-minute test). The second session took regards. Single and multiple recall tests were not
place 2 days later and consisted of a final recall equivalent in subsequent item losses and forget-
test. The results of the first experimental session ting, but the two testing conditions produced
were consistent with prior research: the multiple equivalent recall in the initial session and pro-
and single test conditions produced equivalent duced equivalent item gains between the two
cumulative recall. However, the multiple-test testing sessions.
group exhibited less forgetting and fewer item Thus, the results of Mulligan (2005) do not
losses on the final test. falsify the core assumption of the cumulative
This research was motivated by two related recall hypothesis, that single and multiple tests
findings in the research literature. First, retrieval of equal total duration produce the same amount
strategies become increasingly organised over of reminiscence and cumulative recall. That is, the
multiple recall tests (as evidenced, e.g., by in- cumulative recall hypothesis makes its clearest
creased category clustering across recall tests; predictions regarding the initial testing session.
Mulligan, 2001). Importantly, the development The present experiments complement Mulligan
of stable and organised retrieval strategies ap- (2005) by demonstrating that single and multiple
pears to contribute to hypermnesia by limiting the recall tests are not equivalent in this regard
number of items lost between tests (Hunt & either.
McDaniel, 1993; McDaniel et al., 1998; Mulligan, This study was motivated by an early experi-
2001). Second, research on retrieval practice ment on hypermnesia by Madigan and Lawrence
indicates that prior retrieval makes items more (1980), who reported that inserting a brief (5- or
accessible on subsequent tests (e.g., Bjork, 1988; 15-minute) delay between two recall tests in-
Morris & Fritz, 2000; see Dempster, 1996, for a creased the number of item gains (also see Smith
review). Alternatively stated, retrieval practice & Vela, 1991). Madigan and Lawrence (1980;
retards the course of forgetting. Mulligan (2005) Smith & Vela, 1991) proposed that as recall in
argued that both of these factors should be more the initial test proceeds, output interference
pronounced for multiple recall tests than for a builds up, limiting access to previously unrecalled
single test of equivalent duration. Furthermore, items (that is, limiting further item gains). In
Mulligan argued that prior research failed to find addition, Madigan and Lawrence (1980; Smith &
differences between single and multiple recall Vela, 1991) argued that output interference
tests (Roediger et al., 1982; Roediger & Thorpe, reduces with the passage of time, so that a delay
1978; Turtle & Yuille, 1994) because these studies should render previously inaccessible items more
did not assess subsequent item losses or differ- accessible. Indeed, the notion that accessing
ential forgetting between the two conditions. The some items in a set can limit accessibility of
standard procedure for comparing the multiple other items has long featured in accounts
and single tests was motivated by the cumulative of related phenomena (e.g., part-set cueing,
recall hypothesis, which focuses on total retrieval retrieval-induced forgetting; Anderson, Bjork, &

Bjork, 1994; Roediger, Stellon & Tulving, 1977) as task (the same used in the multiple-split condi-
well as in formal models of memory search (e.g., tion) followed by a single (10-minute) recall test.
Raaijmakers & Shiffrin, 1981; Rundus, 1973). This single test began 7 minutes after the start of
Furthermore, the notion that output interference the first test in the multiple-split condition but
dissipates with time has also received support ended at the same time as the second test.
(e.g., MacLeod & Macrae, 2001; Madigan, 1976; The third single-test condition addresses the 7-
Saunders & MacLeod, 2002). minute interval between tests. If the multiple-split
Regardless of the adequacy of this account, the condition produces greater cumulative recall than
empirical result has implications for the equiva- the single-test conditions, it could be due to the
lence of single and repeated tests. The typical break between tests rather than presence of two
multiple-test condition presents tests consecu- discrete recall tests. For instance, it may be that
tively, with no intervening delays, and produces participants in the single-test conditions grow
equivalent reminiscence and cumulative recall as tired of attempting to recall additional informa-
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a single test of equal total duration (Payne, 1986; tion over the extended recall period. A few
Roediger et al., 1982; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; minutes’ break might reduce this fatigue. To
Turtle & Yuille, 1994). The results of Madigan control for this, a third single-test condition was
and Lawrence (1980) imply that if a delay was implemented (the single-split condition) in which
inserted between tests, the multiple-test condition the single recall test began at the start of the
would produce more reminiscence and greater recall phase but was interrupted at the 5-minute
cumulative recall than a comparable single-test mark. At this point, the recall test was collected
condition. That is, the multiple- and single-test and participants were given a 7-minute distractor
conditions would not be equivalent, in contrast to task (the same task used in the multiple-split
the assumption of the cumulative recall hypoth- condition). At the end of the distractor task, the
esis. test sheets were returned to the participants and
Thus, a primary goal of the present experi- they continued the recall test. In contrast to the
ments was to compare recall performance on a multiple-split condition, participants had access
single longer test to performance on two shorter to the words they had previously recalled (on the
tests separated by a delay. The study phase of returned test sheet) and were not asked to begin
Experiment 1 was modelled on Roediger and recalling the words anew.
Thorpe’s (1978) experiments, using a study list of Another issue raised by the multiple-split
pictures (line drawings) of unrelated objects. condition is the potential of covert retrieval
These encoding conditions are known to produce during the interval between tests. Erdelyi and
hypermnesia, a critical prerequisite for the inter- Becker (1974) showed that an interval of covert
pretation of the rest of the results. After a brief retrieval can enhance hypermnesia. In the present
distractor task, participants began the recall case, if the multiple-split condition produced
session, presented in one of several ways. The greater cumulative recall than the single-immedi-
primary multiple-test condition (the multiple-split ate or single-delayed condition, it is reasonable to
condition) consisted of two 5-minute recall tests wonder if the enhanced recall is due to covert
separated by a 7-minute interval (an interval retrieval during the break between tests.
chosen on the basis of prior research, Madigan This issue is addressed in several ways. First,
& Lawrence, 1980). The interval between the participants in the multiple-split (or single-split)
recall tests raises several methodological issues condition were not told about the second recall
and necessitates several control conditions. test prior to its administration. The task instruc-
The first issue is the timing of the single-test tions encouraged participants to believe that the
condition. Three single-test conditions were used. memory experiment was over at the end of the
The first two control for the start time and end first recall test, and that subsequent activities
time of the multiple-test condition. In the single- were part of an unrelated study. Second, the
immediate condition, a single (10-minute) recall intervening distractor task was relatively demand-
test was given at the start of the recall phase. The ing, diminishing the ability of participants to
beginning of this single test coincided with the engage in covert retrieval even if they suspected
beginning of the first test in the multiple-split an additional test (cf. Smith & Vela, 1991). Third,
condition but ended 7 minutes before the end of at the end of the experiment, participants were
the second test. In the single-delayed condition, asked if they had anticipated a second test and, if
the recall phase began with a 7-minute distractor so, whether they had thought about the studied

pictures during the distractor task. Any partici- EXPERIMENT 1

pant anticipating a second test was removed from
the analysis. Fourth, the single-split condition
provides a useful comparison condition. If the
multiple-split produces greater recall than the Participants: A total of 186 undergraduates at
single-split condition, the case for covert retrieval University of North Carolina participated in
is weakened. In particular, the single-split and exchange for credit in psychology courses.
multiple-split conditions are identical until the Design and materials: Test condition (multiple-
second recall period begins. Consequently, the immediate, multiple-split, single-immediate, sin-
amount of covert retrieval (if any) during gle-delayed, or single-split), was manipulated
the distractor interval should be equivalent across between participants. In the multiple-test condi-
the two conditions. tions, recall test (1 and 2) was varied within
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Finally, the typical multiple test condition is participants.

also required. In this condition (called the multi- The critical study pictures were drawn from the
ple-immediate condition), the recall session con- normed line drawings of Snodgrass and Vander-
sisted of two consecutive (5-minute) recall tests wart (1980), from which 44 pictures were chosen
with no intervening break. This condition was that: (1) elicited very high name agreement (98 /
required for two reasons. First, the multiple- 100% according to the Snodgrass & Vanderwart
immediate and single-immediate conditions norms); and (2) had single-word names. Four
were compared to determine if the present additional pictures with similar properties served
experiment replicates the results of Roediger as primacy (2) and recency (2) buffers, yielding a
and Thorpe (1978; also, Payne, 1986; Roediger study list of 48 pictures. The study stimuli were
et al., 1982; Turtle & Yuille, 1994) in demonstrat- copied to slides and presented via a slide projector.
ing equivalent cumulative recall across these two Procedure: Participants were tested in groups
conditions. Second, the comparison of the multi- of three to eight. Test conditions were randomised
ple-immediate and multiple-split conditions de- at the group level such that all participants in the
termines whether the intervening delay enhances same group were in the same test condition. Prior
gains and hypermnesia relative to the typical to the study phase of the experiment, participants
multiple-testing condition, as found by Madigan were informed that they would see a series of
and Lawrence (1980). It should be noted that the pictures and that they should try to remember the
pictures for a later (unspecified) memory test.
concern about covert retrieval also applies to the
Each picture was presented for 5 seconds and the
original results of Madigan and Lawrence (1980;
entire list was presented twice in immediate
cf. Smith & Vela, 1991). That is, if covert retrieval
succession (Madigan & Lawrence, 1980).
occurred during the interval between the tests,
The test session followed the study phase
then the enhancing effects of the interval found
(Figure 1 provides a schematic of the various
by Madigan and Lawrence (1980; Madigan, 1976)
test conditions). The multiple-immediate condi-
might be tantamount to increased retrieval time. tion consisted of two consecutive 5-minute recall
The present experiment provides an opportunity tests. Participants were presented with a test sheet
to evaluate this issue by eliminating participants and asked to recall the names of the pictures from
who suspected a second test before it was the study phase. Participants were encouraged to
presented.2 use the entire time to remember as many pictures
as possible. At the end of the first test, the test
sheets were collected and the participants were
It should be noted that it is unnecessary to include a presented with the second test (and a new test
condition with two consecutive tests administered after an
initial 7-minute delay (a multiple-delay condition). Roediger
sheet). Participants were again asked to recall as
and Payne (1982) presented participants with a study list many pictures from the study list as possible. The
followed by a sequence of three consecutive recall tests. The instructions emphasised that participants were to
initial test was administered immediately, 9 minutes, or 18 write down any picture names recalled, including
minutes after the study session. The delay affected neither the names recalled on the first test as well as any
initial test performance nor the amount of hypermnesia. In the
present case, this indicates that a multiple-delayed condition
additional names that could be recalled.
would produce results indistinguishable from the multiple- The multiple-split condition consisted of two 5-
immediate condition. minute recall tests separated by a 7-minute



Test 1 Test 2
Multiple (5-min.) (5-min.)


Test 1 Distracter Task Test 2

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Multiple (5-min.) (7 min.) (5-min.)


Test 1
Single (10-min.)


Distracter Task Test 1

Single (7 min.) (10-min.)


Test 1 Distracter Task Test 1 cont’d

Single (5-min.) (7 min.) (5-min.)

Figure 1. Summary of the test conditions.

distractor task. The first recall test was identical task consisted of 168 problems and participants
to the multiple-immediate condition. After the were asked to complete as many problems as
initial test, participants were told that the first possible in 7 minutes (no participant finished all
part of the experiment was over. They were told the problems in the allotted time). The clock task
that the second half of the experiment focused on was chosen because it does not interfere with
visual imagery and problem solving. They were hypermnesia (whereas other filler tasks may, see
then given a visual-imagery task in which times Payne et al., 1994, Shaw & Bekerian, 1991). After
were presented in digital form (hour:minute, e.g., 7 minutes the clock task was collected and the
10:15). Participants were asked to imagine an second recall test was administered, as in the
analogue clock showing each time and determine multiple-immediate condition.
the number of minute spaces between the hour The single-immediate condition consisted of a
and minute hands. They were told to report the single recall test lasting 10 minutes. Participants
shortest distance between the hands (i.e., no were presented with a test sheet and asked to
answer should be greater than 30). The clock recall the names of the pictures from the study

phase. Participants were asked to use the entire 44, 32, 32, and 44, respectively. More participants
time to try to recall pictures. They were informed were run in the split conditions in anticipation of
that people continue to remember the pictures eliminating those who claimed to expect the
over the entire time period, even after they feel second test (or the second half of the test)
they can no longer recall any more. Consequently, or who claimed to engage in covert retrieval
the participants were told, it was important to during the distractor task. The numbers of
continue trying. In the single-delayed test condi- participants answering either of the questions
tion, the test phase began with a 7-minute affirmatively were 11 and 10 in the single-split
distractor task, the clock task described above. and multiple-split conditions, respectively. To
After the distractor task, a single, 10-minute limit the potential impact of covert retrieval in
recall test was administered as in the single- the split conditions, these participants were elimi-
immediate condition. nated from all subsequent analysis, yielding
The single-split condition consisted of a single effective sample sizes of 33 and 34.3
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recall test interrupted by a 7-minute distractor The recall protocols were scored in two ways, a
task. At the start of the test session, participants strict scoring in which the recalled name had to
were presented with the recall test. After 5 match the picture name given in the Snodgrass
minutes, the test sheets were collected and and Vanderwart norms, and a lenient scoring in
the participants were informed that the first part which the scorer decided if the recalled name
of the experiment was over. They were then given corresponded to a picture from the study list,
the clock task for 7 minutes. After the clock task, even if the name was a variant of the normed
the recall test sheets were handed back to the name. Given the high name agreement of the
participants, who were told that the recall task pictures chosen for this study, it is not surprising
would now continue. They were asked to read over that the two scoring methods produced equiva-
their test sheets to see which picture names had lent results. The data from the strict scoring are
previously been recalled. They were then asked to reported below. The first analyses contrasted the
use the next 5 minutes to try to recall more picture multiple recall conditions to determine if a delay
names from the study list. As in the other single- between the tests affected hypermnesia, or gains
test conditions, the participants were informed and losses. Net recall (the number of picture
that people continue to remember pictures over names recalled on a given test, Table 1) was
the entire recall period and that they should use analysed with a 2/2 ANOVA, using recall test (1
the entire time. In all the test conditions, partici- vs 2) as a within-participants factor and test
pants were instructed to draw a line on their test condition (multiple-immediate vs multiple-split)
paper every 60 seconds. Any items recalled subse- as a between-participants factor. First, net recall
quently were to be written below the line, enabling increased over tests, F (1, 66) /72.92, MSE /2.58.
computation of the number of items recalled in That is, significant hypermnesia was obtained.
each 1-minute interval. Second, hypermnesia was greater in the multiple-
In the multiple-split and single-split conditions, split condition than in the multiple-immediate
the test phase was followed by a brief (two-item) condition, as indicated by the recall-test by test-
questionnaire designed to assess covert retrieval. condition interaction, F (1, 66) /21.07, MSE /
The first question asked if the participant had 2.58 (the main effect of test condition was not
anticipated the second test (or second half of the significant, F B/1). Hypermnesia was significant in
test). The second question asked if the participant both the multiple-immediate and the multiple-
thought about the study pictures during the clock split conditions, t (33) /3.56 and t (34) /7.89,
task. That is, did they try to keep the picture respectively. Thus, both multiple testing condi-
names in mind or remember the picture names in tions displayed hypermnesia but the amount of
anticipation of the second (or second half of the) hypermnesia was greater when there was a delay
recall test. between the tests.
Gains (or reminiscence) were items recalled on
the second test that had not been recalled on the
Results first test, and losses were items recalled on the

The total numbers of participants in the multiple- 3

In fact, all analyses were performed with and without this
immediate, multiple-split, single-immediate, sin- set of participants, and the pattern of significant findings
gle-delayed, and single-split conditions were 34, remained the same.

recall is comparable across conditions for the first
Experiment 1: Net recall, gains, and losses in the multiple-
immediate and multiple-split conditions 5 minutes but not for minutes 6 /10, over which
the multiple-split condition shows a greater
Recall test increase in recall than do the other conditions.
Testing condition 1 2 Gains Losses
Table 2 presents increases in recall on a minute-
by-minute basis (as well as total intrusions, which
Multiple-immediate 22.2 23.3 2.76 1.68 did not differ across test conditions, F /1.22).
Multiple-split 21.9 25.5 5.56 1.97
Minute 1 represents initial recall (the number of
studied items recalled in the first minute, equiva-
first test but not on the second. As can be seen in lent to cumulative recall for minute 1). Subsequent
Table 1, the multiple-split condition increased the minutes represent the number of items recalled in
number of gains, t (66) /5.59 but did not affect that minute that were not recalled earlier (gains).
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the number of losses, jt jB/1, relative to the For the multiple-test conditions, minutes 6 /10
multiple-immediate condition. Thus, the inter- represent the number of gains on test 2 as a
test delay increased reminiscence without appre- function of the minute in which the items were
ciably increasing losses. recalled (thus for the multiple test conditions, the
Next, we compare performance across all gains over these minutes sum to the total gains on
testing conditions. Figure 2 presents cumulative Test 2 reported in Table 1). Initial recall (at minute
recall. In the single-test conditions, cumulative 1) was not expected to differ across test conditions,
recall is simply the number of studied items and did not differ, F B/1. Ignoring initial recall,
recalled by the end of each 1-minute interval. In gains (or reminiscence) can be analysed over
the multiple-test conditions, cumulative recall is minutes 2 /10 with a 5/9 ANOVA, using test
the number of different studied items recalled condition (single-immediate, single-delayed, sin-
by the end of each minute, treating the first test as gle-split, multiple-immediate, or multiple-split) as
the minutes 1 /5 and the second test as minutes a between-participants factor and retrieval time
6 /10. The figure indicates that the growth of (minute 2/10) as a within-participants factor. The



Cumulative Recall


15 Single-Immed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Retrieval Time (min)
Figure 2. Experiment 1: Cumulative recall as a function of retrieval time and test condition.

Experiment 1: Gains (as a function of retrieval time) and total intrusions

Retrieval time (minutes)

Testing condition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total intrusions

Single-delayed 15.28 3.16 1.53 1.44 0.78 0.81 0.50 0.41 0.28 0.25 1.72
Single-split 14.65 3.62 2.03 1.65 0.82 0.59 0.50 0.56 0.50 0.38 1.44
Single-immediate 14.22 3.56 1.94 1.41 0.88 0.84 0.75 0.56 0.31 0.47 2.06
Multiple-immediate 14.41 3.62 1.79 1.38 0.97 1.24 0.65 0.50 0.21 0.18 2.06
Multiple-split 14.03 3.38 2.47 1.50 0.62 2.62 1.26 0.91 0.59 0.18 1.29

For the multiple-test conditions, total intrusions are the number of different intrusions recalled on either Test 1 or Test 2.

main effect of test condition was significant, F (4, 0.50, indicating that the advantage of the multi-
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

161) /5.57, MSE /1.70, indicating that the ple-split condition was greatest in the first one or
amount of reminiscence varied across conditions, two minutes of Test 2 (i.e., largely minutes 6 and
with planned contrasts indicating greater gains in 7).
the multiple-split condition than in any other A final set of planned contrasts compared final
condition. The time by test-condition interaction cumulative recall (i.e., cumulative recall at minute
was also significant, F (32, 1288) /2.71, MSE / 10, Figure 2) in the multiple-split condition with
1.17, indicating that the advantage of the multi- each of the other testing conditions. The results
ple-split condition varied over retrieval time. The indicated that the multiple-split condition pro-
significant effect of retrieval time, F (8, 1288) / duced significantly greater cumulative recall than
142.88, MSE /1.17, is not of interest (it merely any of the other conditions, t s /2.00. Further-
indicates that gains decrease across time). more, no other two conditions differed in cumu-
The significant interaction is illuminated by lative recall, jt jsB/1.
several planned comparisons. First, the preceding
analysis was repeated, eliminating the multiple-
split condition. In this analysis, neither the main
effect of test condition nor the time by test- Discussion
condition interaction was significant, F B/1.1. This
indicates that the differential growth in recall was The present experiment examined whether single
due to the multiple-split condition, and that the and multiple recall tests of equal total duration
other conditions did not differ from one another. are equivalent. The most important finding was
A second analysis made use of all the test that introducing a delay between tests in the
conditions, but was restricted to the initial 5 multiple-test condition produced greater reminis-
minutes of recall (through the end of test 1 in cence and cumulative recall than a comparable
the multiple test conditions). This encompasses single test. Before discussing this central result, a
the retrieval time prior to the critical manipula- few other results deserve comment.
tion of delay. In this analysis, gains were sub- Embedded in the present results are some
mitted to a 5 /4 ANOVA using test condition and important replications of earlier research. First,
retrieval time (minutes 2/5) as factors. The effect consider the multiple-immediate condition, a
of test condition and the interaction were non- typical experimental condition for assessing hy-
significant, F s B/1. Thus, over the first 5 minutes permnesia. As expected (e.g., Mulligan, 2005;
of retrieval, before the critical delay in the multi- Roediger & Thorpe, 1978) net recall in this
ple condition, gains were indistinguishable across condition improved over tests; hypermnesia was
the test conditions. Finally, an analysis restricted obtained. In addition, cumulative recall across the
to the last 5 minutes of recall, after the critical two tests was equivalent to cumulative recall in a
delay manipulation, revealed a main effect of test single 10-minute test (the single-immediate con-
condition, F(4, 161) /20.00, MSE /0.65, with dition being the most comparable), replicating
planned contrasts indicating greater gains in the earlier results (Payne, 1986; Roediger et al., 1982;
multiple-split condition than in any other condi- Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Turtle & Yuille, 1994)
tion. This analysis also revealed a time by test- and the results of the initial recall sessions in
condition interaction, F (16, 644) /8.15, MSE / Mulligan (2005).

A second set of results, the comparisons of the cumulative recall than either of these conditions
multiple-immediate and multiple-split conditions, indicates that the exact timing of the single test
converges with earlier results (Madigan & Lawr- (either beginning with the first of the multiple
ence, 1980; Smith & Vela, 1991). Inserting a delay tests, or ending with the second) is unimportant to
between two recall tests increases both the the results. The multiple-split condition was also
number of gains and the amount of hypermnesia. superior to the single-split condition, indicating
In addition, the present study attempted to limit that the 7-minute break in retrieval, per se, was
the influence of covert retrieval during the inter- not the operative factor. This argues against
test delay through the use of a post-test ques- fatigue in the single-test conditions as the critical
tionnaire (cf. Madigan, 1976; Madigan & Lawr- determinant of the multiple-split advantage. Par-
ence, 1980; Smith & Vela, 1991). From the ticipants in the single-split condition had the same
perspective of the cumulative recall hypothesis, break from retrieval yet produced lower cumula-
it is important to rule out the effects of covert tive recall. Rather, it seems, the break must be
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

retrieval during this interval, otherwise the effects followed by a fresh start on retrieval. This result
of delay might simply be attributed to additional conforms with a retrieval practice/output inter-
retrieval time. It is worth noting in this regard that ference account to be described in the general
over 20% of the original participants (10 out of discussion.
44) in the multiple-split condition reported ex- The present results indicate that multiple recall
pecting the second test or engaging in covert tests are not equivalent to single recall tests of
retrieval. If similar levels existed in earlier equal total duration in terms of reminiscence or
research using this paradigm (Madigan, 1976; cumulative recall. This result was obtained using
Madigan & Lawrence, 1980), it is reasonable to pictures as the study materials. Experiment 2
wonder if covert retrieval contributed to the demonstrates the same results for words.
multiple-split advantage. The present result ar-
gues against this interpretation. The advantage
for the multiple-split over the multiple-immediate EXPERIMENT 2
condition persisted even when the ‘‘covert
Hypermnesia is readily found when the study
retrieval’’ participants were excluded from the
materials are pictures (e.g., Erdelyi & Kleinbard,
1978; Madigan, 1976; Payne, 1987). However,
Finding correspondence between present and
verbal materials often do not produce hyperm-
prior results strengthens the interpretability of
nestic recall unless the materials are presented
the central comparisons, between the multiple-
multiple times, or are encoded under instructions
split condition and the single-test conditions. The
that encourage elaboration or the formation of
first thing to note is that there were no significant
mental images (e.g., Belmore, 1981; Erdelyi et al.,
differences among the single-test conditions, and
1976; LaTour & McKelvie, 1994; Payne, 1986;
that the multiple-split condition produced greater
Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Shaw & Bekerian,
reminiscence and cumulative recall than any of
1991). Because words and pictures sometimes
the three. The equivalence of the single-immedi-
produce different results regarding hypermnesia,
ate and single-delayed conditions is not too
it is important to repeat the first experiment using
surprising. Given a relatively short delay (of 7 words as study materials. More specifically, Ex-
minutes) little forgetting is to be expected (e.g., periment 2 has two goals. First, earlier research
Roediger & Payne, 1982). The fact that the on the effects of delay on reminiscence (Madigan
multiple-immediate condition produced greater & Lawrence, 1980; Smith & Vela, 1991) used
pictures. This experiment determines if the de-
Smith and Vela (1991, Experiment 3) came to a similar layed reminiscence effect generalises to verbal
conclusion by different means. In this experiment, the inter-
test interval was either filled with a demanding task or was materials. Second, and more importantly, the
unfilled (10 minutes of ‘‘quiet time’’). Smith and Vela central result of Experiment 1 was that multiple
reasoned that if covert retrieval was responsible for the recall tests produced greater reminiscence and
positive effect of the delay, then the effect should be more cumulative recall than single recall tests of equal
pronounced when the interval was unfilled rather than filled
total duration. The present experiment demon-
with a demanding task that should limit participants’ ability to
engage in retrieval. Contrary to the covert-retrieval strates that this result is replicable and generalises
hypothesis, the unfilled interval produced numerically (but to words. As in the first experiment, the inter-
not significantly) less reminiscence than the filled interval. pretation of the critical results is enhanced if the

standard multiple-test condition produces hy-
Experiment 2: Net recall, gains, and losses in the multiple-
permnesia. Thus, the study words were presented immediate and multiple-split conditions
under encoding conditions known to produce
hypermnesia (e.g., Roediger & Thorpe, 1978), a Recall Test
list of unrelated words presented under imagery-
Testing condition 1 2 Gains Losses
encoding instructions.
Multiple-immediate 19.9 20.7 2.21 1.42
Method Multiple-split 20.4 23.5 4.84 1.81

Participants: A total of 177 undergraduates at

University of North Carolina participated in from all subsequent analysis, yielding effective
exchange for credit in psychology courses. sample sizes of 32 and 31.
Design and materials: Experiment 2 used the Net recall (Table 3) was analysed with a 2 /2
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

same design as Experiment 1. The critical words ANOVA, using recall test (1 vs 2) and test
were 44 common, high-imagery words, four to ten condition (multiple-immediate vs multiple-split)
letters in length (chosen from the MRC Psycho- as factors. The main effect of recall test was
linguistic Database, Coltheart, 1981). The words significant, F (1, 62) /38.93, MSE /3.25, as was
had imagery ratings between 600 and 700 on the the recall-test by test-condition interaction, F (1,
MRC Psycholinguistic scales, with mean imagery 62) /13.50, MSE / 3.25 (the main effect of test
of 633, mean concreteness of 618, and mean condition was not significant, F /1.79). The effect
Kucera /Francis (1967) frequency of 46.9. The of recall test was significant in both the multiple-
critical words were randomly ordered. Four words immediate and the multiple-split conditions,
with similar properties served as primacy (2) and t (32) /2.31 and t (30) /5.87, respectively. As in
recency (2) buffers, yielding a study list of 48 Experiment 1, both test conditions produced
words. The study stimuli were copied to slides and significant hypermnesia, and delaying the second
presented via a slide projector. test increased the size of this effect. As in
Procedure: Participants were tested in groups Experiment 1, the number of gains was signifi-
of two to seven. Test conditions were randomised cantly higher in the multiple-split condition than
at the group level such that all participants in the in the multiple-immediate condition, t (62) /5.04,
same group were in the same test condition. Prior but the number of losses was unaffected by test
to the study phase of the experiment, participants condition, t /1.01.
were informed that they would see a series of Cumulative recall (Figure 3) exhibits the same
words and that they should try to remember these results as Experiment 1: the growth of recall was
words for a later (unspecified) memory test. comparable across test conditions for the first 5
Participants were informed that the words re- minutes but not for minutes 6 /10, over which the
ferred to concrete objects and that it would be multiple-split condition shows a greater increase
useful to create a mental image of each word to in recall than do the other conditions. Table 4
help remember it (Roediger & Thorpe, 1978). As presents increases in recall on a minute-by-
in Experiment 1, each study item was presented minute basis (as well as total intrusions which
for 5 seconds and the entire list was presented did not differ across test conditions, F B/1). Initial
twice. The test procedures were identical to recall (at minute 1) did not differ across test
Experiment 1. conditions, F B/1. Gains were analysed over
minutes 2/10 with a 5 (test condition) /9 (re-
trieval time: minutes 2/10) ANOVA. The main
Results effect of test condition was significant, F (4,
155) /4.06, MSE /2.43, indicating that the
The total numbers of participants in the multiple- amount of reminiscence varied across conditions,
immediate, multiple-split, single-immediate, sin- with planned contrasts revealing significantly
gle-delayed, and single-split conditions were 33, greater gains in the multiple-split condition than
40, 30, 34, and 40, respectively. In the single-split in any other condition. The time by test-condition
and multiple-split conditions, the numbers of interaction was also significant, F (32, 1240) /
participants who expected the second (half) test 1.82, MSE /1.36*/as was the main effect of
or claimed covert retrieval were eight and nine, retrieval time, F(8, 1240) /110.64, MSE /1.36,
respectively. These participants were eliminated indicating that gains decrease over time.



Cumulative Recall

Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

10 Single-Immed


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Retrieval Time (min)

Figure 3. Experiment 2: Cumulative recall as a function of retrieval time and test condition.

As in Experiment 1, the significant interaction indicating greater gains in the multiple-split

was followed by several planned comparisons. condition than the other conditions */as in Ex-
First, the preceding analysis was repeated, elim- periment 1, the time-by-test-condition interaction
inating the multiple-split condition. In this ana- was significant, F (16, 620) /4.85, MSE / 0.47,
lysis, neither the main effect of test condition nor indicating that the advantage of the multiple-split
the time-by-test-condition interaction was signifi- condition was greatest in the first few minutes of
cant, F sB/1. A second analysis made use of all Test 2. This set of analyses indicates that in-
the test conditions, but was restricted to gains creases in recall did not differ across test condi-
during the initial 5 minutes of recall (i.e., minutes tions during the first 5 minutes of retrieval,
2 /4). The effect of test condition and the inter- before the critical delay in the multiple-split
action were non-significant (F sB/1). Finally, an condition. Following this, the differential growth
analysis restricted to the last 5 minutes of recall in recall was due to the multiple-split condition;
revealed a main effect of test condition, F (4, the other conditions did not differ from one
155) /17.94, MSE /0.63, with planned contrasts another.

Experiment 2: Gains (as a function of retrieval time) and total intrusions

Retrieval time (min.)

Testing condition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total intrusions

Single-delayed 12.43 3.13 1.77 1.30 0.63 0.43 0.63 0.37 0.10 0.57 2.30
Single-split 13.34 2.97 1.31 1.28 0.72 0.69 0.34 0.19 0.09 0.16 1.63
Single-immediate 12.03 3.82 1.88 1.44 0.74 0.44 0.38 0.12 0.47 0.44 1.26
Multiple-immediate 12.97 3.48 1.52 1.09 0.82 0.82 0.55 0.45 0.18 0.21 2.36
Multiple-split 12.90 3.16 2.32 1.29 0.68 1.81 1.26 0.97 0.58 0.23 1.68

For the multiple-test conditions, total intrusions are the number of different intrusions recalled on either Test 1 or Test 2.

A final set of planned contrasts indicated that fect, as well as the multiple-split advantage over
the multiple-split condition produced significantly single-test conditions.
greater cumulative recall than any of the other
conditions, t s /2.28. Furthermore, no other two
conditions differed in cumulative recall, jt js B/1. GENERAL DISCUSSION

An important issue in research on hypermnesia is

Discussion whether hypermnesia is a function of multiple,
discrete recall attempts or simply a product of the
The results of this experiment are thoroughly increased retrieval time provided by multiple
consistent with Experiment 1, indicating that the tests. Based on extant data (Payne, 1986; Roedi-
results are replicable and generalise to words. ger et al., 1982; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Turtle
First, the multiple-immediate condition (the typi- & Yuille, 1994) one would be justified in con-
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

cal condition for assessing hypermnesia) demon- cluding that multiple recall tests are equivalent to
strated the expected increase in net recall. This a single test of equal total duration. These results
result replicates prior research indicating that are central to the cumulative recall hypothesis,
words can produce hypermnesia when accompa- which is predicated on this assumption, and
nied by imagery-encoding instructions (e.g., Mul- formed the basis of Turtle and Yuille’s (1994)
ligan, 2005; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978). In speculation that hypermnesia is due to increased
addition, cumulative recall across the two tests retrieval time and is ‘‘not a memory phenomenon,
was equivalent to cumulative recall in a single 10- per se’’ (p. 268).
minute test (the single-test conditions), replicat- The present results provide the first demon-
ing earlier results (Payne, 1986; Roediger et al., stration that this is not the case. When a delay is
1982; Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Turtle & Yuille, inserted between multiple tests, the tests pro-
1994) and the results of Experiment 1. duced greater reminiscence and cumulative recall
A second set of results demonstrates that than comparable single tests of equal total dura-
words, as well as pictures, can produce the tion. These results complement those of Mulligan
delayed-reminiscence effect. In particular, the (2005), who found that multiple recall tests also
comparison of the multiple-immediate and multi- retard subsequent item loss and forgetting. The
ple-split conditions shows that a delay between present results and those of Mulligan (2005)
two recall tests increases both the number of provide strong evidence that multiple and single
gains and the amount of hypermnesia, the same recall tests matched on total retrieval time are not
result as obtained with pictures in Experiment 1 functionally equivalent. This central result is
(Madigan & Lawrence, 1980; Smith & Vela, important for a more complete understanding of
1991). As in Experiment 1, the present study hypermnesia. First, it indicates that hypermnesia
attempted to limit the influence of covert retrie- is not simply a product of total retrieval time (e.g.,
val during the inter-test delay through the use of a Roediger & Thorpe, 1978; Turtle & Yuille, 1994).
post-test questionnaire. The percentage of parti- There are effects of multiple recall tests that go
cipants in the multiple-split condition expecting beyond the total retrieval time afforded by these
the second test or reporting covert retrieval was tests. Second, this result undermines one of the
similar to Experiment 2 (9 out of 40). Again, the key assumptions of the cumulative recall hypoth-
same advantage for the multiple-split over the esis. Furthermore, the present results weaken the
multiple-immediate condition persisted when case that hypermnesia can be understood primar-
the ‘‘covert retrieval’’ participants were excluded ily in terms of cumulative recall (cf. McDaniel
from the analysis. As in Experiment 1, there were et al., 1998). Finally, these results motivate addi-
no significant differences among the single test tional research on the effects of multiple vs single
conditions. Finally, the most critical replication is recall tests with other types of materials (e.g.,
the finding that the multiple-split condition pro- eyewitnessed events, text, autobiographical infor-
duced greater reminiscence and cumulative recall mation). For example, although hypermnesia has
than any of the single-test conditions. Words do been reported for eyewitness memory (e.g.,
not always produce the same results as pictorial Bornstein et al., 1998), there is a question as to
stimuli in research on hypermnesia. However, the whether the effect represents anything more than
present results indicate that words and pictures increased retrieval time (Turtle & Yuille, 1994).
can both produce the delayed-reminiscence ef- The present results suggest that introducing a

delay between recall tests will increase the total delay in the multiple-split condition enhanced the
recall of witnessed material and will demonstrate amount of hypermnesia, net recall, and gains on
that multiple recall tests are functionally distinct Test 2 relative to the multiple-immediate condi-
from a single, time-matched test. tion (see Tables 1 and 3). For the delay to have
Although the primary focus of the present these positive effects, the dissipation of output
study is empirical (i.e., the assessment of the interference must operate more quickly than any
equivalence of multiple and single tests), the forgetting that might occur over the delay. There
results have bearing on several theoretical and is some research to support this characterisation.
methodological issues. First, the present results Several studies indicate that output interference
and those of Mulligan (2005) might be under- effects can dissipate over relatively short delays
stood in terms of the multiple effects of retrieval (e.g., 25 minutes in Chandler, 1993; 5 minutes in
on subsequent retrieval. On the one hand, retrie- Smith & Blankenship, 1991). Over similarly short
val practice makes the retrieved items more delays, little forgetting is found on recall tests
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

accessible on subsequent tests (e.g., Bjork, 1988; (e.g., Roediger & Payne, 1982; the equivalence of
Dempster, 1996; Morris & Fritz, 2000). To the the single-immediate and single-delayed condi-
extent that retrieval practice is greater in multi- tions of the present experiments). These empiri-
ple-test than single-test conditions, multiple tests cal results render it plausible that over short
should exhibit fewer losses and less forgetting on delays, the positive effects of the release from
subsequent tests, as was shown in Mulligan output interference outweigh the negative effects
(2005). On the other hand, retrieving some items of forgetting. However, the time-course of remi-
may make competing items less accessible, via niscence and losses in the multiple-recall para-
mechanisms such as output interference, retrieval digm needs to be explored in greater detail. For
blocking, or retrieval-induced forgetting (e.g., example, it seems obvious that the positive effects
Anderson et al., 1994; Madigan & Lawrence, of the inter-test delay have some limit. With a
1980; Rundus, 1973; Smith & Vela, 1991). Such sufficiently long delay, the amount of forgetting
mechanisms have long played an important role (losses) on Test 2 would presumably produce
in explanations of temporary forgetting, in ex- lower net recall (and less hypermnesia) than the
planations of the ‘‘self-limiting’’ nature of recall comparable immediate (no delay) condition.
(e.g., Roediger, 1978), and in formal models of Likewise, the positive effects of delay on reminis-
recall (e.g., Raaijmakers & Shiffrin, 1981). The cence would at some point be outweighed by the
corollary notion is that output interference dis- decreasing accessibility of previously unrecalled
sipates over time or via intervening activity, items (i.e., potential or unrealised gains). Thus,
permitting later accessibility of material pre- this analysis predicts a nonmonotonic effect of
viously rendered inaccessible (Bower, 1972; delay on hypermnesia: over relatively short de-
Madigan & Lawrence, 1980; Mensink & Raaij- lays, increasing delay should increase hypermne-
makers, 1988; Rundus, 1973; Smith & Vela, 1991). sia and net recall on Test 2, but over longer
Consistent with this view are several studies in delays, increasing delay should decrease hyperm-
which output interference and retrieval-induced nesia and net recall, eventually below the levels
forgetting decreased with delay (MacLeod & found in the multiple-immediate condition.
Macrae, 2001; Madigan, 1976; Madigan & Second, the present results raise a methodolo-
Lawrence, 1980; Saunders & MacLeod, 2002; gical issue. Several researchers have suggested
Smith & Vela, 1991). This analysis indicates that that the patterns of gains and losses across multi-
introducing a delay between recall tests reduces ple recall tests can be used to draw inferences
output interference, stimulating gains and cumu- about encoding processes, specifically item-speci-
lative recall on the post-delay test, as was seen in fic vs relational encoding. Item-specific proces-
the multiple-split condition of the present experi- sing involves the encoding of information unique
ments. In addition, the results from the single- to an item (compared to items in the surrounding
split condition imply that the positive effects of encoding context) and is thought to enhance
the delay can be undone by re-presenting the distinctiveness in memory; relational encoding
already-retrieved items. One obvious possibility is refers to the processing of shared features of
that output interference is reinstated when the items, and is thought to foster organised retrieval
participants look over their original responses. strategies (see Hunt & McDaniel, 1993, for a
This account raises an important issue about review). Klein, Loftus, Kihlstrom, & Aseron
the relative time-course of gains and losses. The (1989) related the item-specific/relational dis-

tinction to research on hypermnesia, arguing that solutions. The present results appear similar to
more item-specific processing at encoding en- these results, supporting the contention that the
hances later gains across recall tests, whereas positive effects of (at least short) delays in recall
more relational encoding reduces the number of and problem solving may have a common basis
losses across tests. Several studies have used gains (Smith & Vela, 1991).
and losses to index the relative amounts of item- A second example is Finger and Pezdek’s
specific and relational encoding, respectively (1999) study on memory for faces. These
(e.g., Burns, 1993; Burns & Gold, 1999; Engelk- researchers found that more extensive verbal
amp & Seiler, 2003; Klein, Loftus, & Schell, 1994; description of a face impaired accuracy on a
McDaniel et al., 1998; Mulligan, 2001). The subsequent face-identification test (an example
present results (and those of Madigan & Lawr- of the verbal overshadowing effect). However, if
ence, 1980, and Smith & Vela, 1991) provide a the face-identification test was delayed (by as
caution for a strict encoding interpretation of little as 25 minutes), groups providing more or
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 20:39 18 December 2014

gains in hypermnesia. These results indicate a less verbal description produced comparable
retrieval component as well, in which gains are identification accuracy (release from the verbal
influenced not just by the amount of item-specific overshadowing effect). The authors concluded
processing during encoding but also by the that verbal descriptions did not permanently
particulars of inter-test delay. On other grounds, disrupt memory for the face but rather tempora-
Burns and Hebert (2005) have recently critiqued rily diminished access, a form of output inter-
the use of gains to measure item-specific proces- ference that is similar to the way in which wrong
sing, concluding that cumulative recall curves answers can disrupt access to correct answers in
provide a better assessment. The present results problem solving, or that earlier retrieved items
provide the same caution for this analysis: cumu- block access to later items in recall.
lative recall is likewise influenced by retrieval
Manuscript received 3 June 2005
dynamics and inter-test delay, which may under-
Manuscript accepted 28 November 2005
mine the use of cumulative recall curves to infer PrEview proof published online 19 April 2006
encoding processes.
Finally, there are several related areas of
research in which the dissipation of interference
results in improved memory or problem solving.
We mention two such examples. The first is
research on incubation in problem solving Anderson, M. C., Bjork, R. A., & Bjork, E. L. (1994).
(Dodds, Ward, & Smith, 2003; Smith & Blanken- Remembering can cause forgetting: Retrieval dy-
ship, 1991). For certain types of problems, addi- namics in long-term memory. Journal of Experi-
tional work on an unsolved problem is more mental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
likely to yield success if the additional work does Cognition , 20 , 1063 /1087.
Belmore, S. M. (1981). Imagery and semantic elabora-
not immediately follow the unsuccessful attempt tion in hypermnesia for words. Journal of Experi-
but rather occurs after a delay (the ‘‘incubation mental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory,
effect’’ in problem solving). Smith and Blanken- 7 , 191 /203.
ship (1991) have argued that incubation can be a Bjork, R. A. (1988). Retrieval practice and the main-
product of reduced output interference. Initially, tenance of knowledge. In M. M. Gruneberg, P. E.
Morris, & R. N. Sykes (Eds.), Practical aspects of
wrong answers block retrieval of correct answers, memory: Current research and issues, Vol. 1: Mem-
a type of interference that dissipates with delay. ory in everyday life (pp. 396 /401). New York: John
Smith and Blankenship simulated this situation Wiley & Sons.
by providing misleading (wrong) answers to items Bluck, S., Levine, L. J., & Laulhere, T. M. (1999).
from the Remote Association Test (RAT). Parti- Autobiographical remembering and hypermnesia: A
comparison of older and younger adults. Psychology
cipants were then given the RAT either immedi- and Aging , 14 , 671 /682.
ately or after a brief (e.g., 5-minute) delay. The Bornstein, B. H., Liebel, L. M., & Scarberry, N. (1998).
delay increased the recall of correct answers as Repeated testing in eyewitness memory: A means to
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