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Aircraft Maintenance Program observed human factors principles.

As follows

5.5.1 Formatting / Layout of the Maintenance task

5.5.2 Clear and concise instructions that is as brief and succinct as possible
5.5.3 Standardization of task cards at the beginning to include appropriate personnel
5.5.4 Safety warnings and cautions
5.5.5 All notes, warnings and cautions are apparent by the suggested use of boxing,
bolding, italicizing and underline text
5.5.6 Clear instructions for the mechanic inspector as to where to sign, certify, initial and
to put the date on the task card
5.5.7 Where a Maintenance item has important figure details
5.5.8 Full amplification of some tasks rather than referral to separate document that may
distract the mechanic.



To be accomplished at all stations where the flight is in transit. Transit check shall be
performed within 02 hours before flight departure.
This Check shall be accomplished at an interval of 24 hours. In case aircrafts completes 24
hours where daily check performance is not possible, the check shall be carried out maximum
within 48 hours.
This check shall be performed at an interval of 48 Hours. In case aircrafts completes 48 hours
where line check performance is not possible, the check shall be carried out maximum within
72 hours.
This Check shall be accomplished at every 07 calendar days. In case aircraft completes 07 days
where weekly check performance is not possible, the check shall be carried out where weekly
check can be performed within 08 days.
This check shall be performed at an interval of 75
2A : This check shall be accomplished at an interval of 1500 FH.
3A : This check shall be accomplished at an interval of 2250 FH.
4A : This check shall be accomplished at an interval of 3000 FH.

A-CHECK CYCLE: The A-check cycle consists of twelve grounding events i.e (A1 to A12). All due
check packages (out of 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) are performed at these grounding events.
This check shall be performed at an interval of 8 are Used.
2C : This check shall be accomplished at an interval of 16000 FH.
4C : This check shall be accomplished at an interval of 32000 FH.
C-CHECK CYCLE: The C-check cycle consists of four grounding events i.e (C1 to C4). All due
check packages (out of 1C, 2C, 4C) are performed at these grounding events.

Revision date: June 09, 2023 ATR 42-500 AMP PREAMBLE Page 8.1.2

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