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Subject: Java Programming (Model-1)

Question Bank
1) Explain below term.

1)Byte code

2) JVM

3) Method is a public static method. Justify

2) Explain futures of Java.

3) What is java? Explain Object Oriented Programming Concepts in java.

4) Explain Operators in java.

5) Explain basic structure of java.

1) Explain Array of Reference Type using Java Code.

2) Define String class with its all methods.

3) What is Array? Explain different types of array with example.

4) What is Conditional statement? Explain any two with example.

5) What is loop Statement? Explain any two with example.

6) Explain Array.Sort(), Array.Fill(), Array.BinarySearch() with example.

7) Explain "Array of Reference Type" using java code.

1) Discuss Accessibility of Access Modifiers in different condition.
2) Discuss Final and static method with example.

3) Explain this and super keyword with example.

4) Difference between Abstract Class and interface.

5) What is multithreading? Why it is required? Explain Thread Life Cycle.

6) What is difference between method overloading and method overriding.

7) Explain Inheritance with example.

8) What is Constructor? Explain types of constructor with example.

9) What is interface? Explain implementing interface with example.

10) What is Package? Explain creating and importing package in brief.

11) What is Variable? Explain different types of variable.

12) Write a java program to implement multiple inheritance. Also explain the concept implemented.

1) Differentiate Checked and unchecked Exception.

2) What is Exception Handling? Explain Try, catch and Finally block with Example.

3) What is Exception? Explain throw and throws block with example.

4) Explain types of Errors.

5) Explain user defined Exception with example.

6) Give Advantages of Exception Handling.

7) Explain Custom Exception. Create Custom exception named NoBalanceException and throw
NoBalanceException with a message when user enters debit amount which makes balance of
account less than 500.

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