Java (Model 1)

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Explain below term

a. Byte Code :-
➢ Java bytecode is the instruction set for the Java Virtual
➢ which is representation of a C++ code.
➢ As soon as a java program is compiled, java bytecode is
➢ Java bytecode is the machine code in the form of a .class file.
➢ With the help of java bytecode, we achieve platform
independence in java.
b. JVM :-
➢ JVM stands for java virtual machine
➢ JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is an abstract machine.
➢ It is a specification that provides runtime environment in which
java bytecode can be executed.
➢ JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms
➢ When you run the Java program, Java compiler first compiles
your Java code to bytecode.
➢ Then, the JVM translates bytecode into native machine code

2. Explain futures of Java.

❖ Simple :-
o Java is very easy to learn , and its syntax is simple, clean and
easy to understand.
o According to sun Microsoft , java language is simple
programming language because :-
▪ java syntax is based on C++.
▪ Java has removed many complicated features for
example, explicit pointers, operator overloading, etc.

❖ Object-oriented :-
o Java is an object-oriented programming language.
o Everything in java is an object.
o Object-oriented means we organize our software as a
combination of different types of objects that incorporate
both data and behaviour.

❖ Platform independent :-
o Java is platform independent because it is different from
other languages like C, C++, etc.
o Which are compiled into platform specific machines while
Java is a write once, run anywhere language.
o A platform is the hardware or software environment in which
a program runs.
o There are two types of platforms software-based and
hardware-based. Java provides a software-based platform.

❖ Secured :-
o Java is best known for its security.
o With Java, we can develop virus-free systems.
o Java is secured because:
▪ No explicit pointer

❖ Robust :-
o The English mining of Robust is strong. Java is robust
because :-
▪ It uses strong memory management.
▪ There is a lack of pointers that avoids security
▪ There are exception handling and the type checking
mechanism in Java. All these points make Java robust.

❖ Portable :-
o Java is portable because it facilitates you to carry the Java
bytecode to any platform.
o It doesn't require any implementation.

❖ High- performance :-
o Java is faster than other traditional interpreted programming
languages because Java bytecode is "close" to native code.
o It is still a little bit slower than a compiled language.
o Java is an interpreted language that is why it is slower than
compiled languages, e.g., C, C++, etc.

❖ Distributed :-
o Java is distributed because it facilitates users to create
distributed applications in Java.
o RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications.

❖ Multi-threaded :-
o A thread is like a separate program, executing concurrently.
o We can write Java programs that deal with many tasks at
once by defining multiple threads.
o The main advantage of multi-threading is that it doesn't
occupy memory for each thread.
o It shares a common memory area.
o Threads are important for multi-media, Web applications,

❖ Dynamic :-
o Java is a dynamic language.
o It supports the dynamic loading of classes.
o It means classes are loaded on demand.
o It also supports functions from its native languages, i.e., C
and C++.

3. What is java? Explain Object Oriented Programming Concepts in

❖ Java :-
o Java is a popular programming language, created in 1995.
o It is owned by oracle and more than 3 billion devices run
o It is used for :-
▪ Mobile application
▪ Desktop application
▪ Web application
▪ Web server and application server
▪ Games
❖ OOPC Concepts :-
o Class :-
▪ A class is a collection of object of similar type.
▪ Class is a blueprint of the object
▪ A class describe the structure of objects.
▪ It is a user defined data type that holds data members
in a single unit

o Object :-
▪ Object are the basic run-time entities in an object-
oriented system.
▪ An object is a building based on that blueprint
▪ Objects are like a signature of a class
▪ That can’t be simply declare as same as primitive

o Inheritance :-
▪ Inheritance means to create new classes based on an
existing class.
▪ The new class will have combined feature of the both
▪ It provides reusability.
▪ It makes easier to add new feature or methods to a

o Encapsulation :-
▪ Storing data and function in a single unit is
▪ Class is the best example of it.
▪ Encapsulation gives the guarantee of data hiding.
▪ The data in a class is hidden from other classes,
similar to capsulation

o Abstraction :-
▪ Hiding internal details and showing functionality is
known as abstraction

4. Explain Operators in java

❖ There are many types of operators in java:-
o Unary operator
o Arithmetic Operator
o Shift operator
o Relational operator
o Bitwise operator
o Logical operator
o Ternary operator
o Assignment operator

❖ Unary operator :-
o The Java unary operators require only one operand. Unary
operators are used to perform various operations Ex:-
▪ incrementing/decrementing a value by one
▪ negating an expression
▪ inverting the value of a Boolean
❖ Arithmetic Operator :-
o Java arithmetic operators are used to perform addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. They act as basic
mathematical operations.
❖ Shift operator :-
o Left Shift Operator :-
▪ The Java left shift operator << is used to shift all of
the bits in a value to the left side of a specified number
of times.
o Right Shift Operator :-
▪ The Java left shift operator >> is used to shift all of
the bits in a value to the Right side of a specified
number of times.
❖ Relational Operator :-
o These operators are used to check for relations like equality,
greater than, and less than.
o They return Boolean results
❖ Bitwise Operator :-
o These operators are used to perform the manipulation of
individual bits of a number.
o They can be used with any of the integer types.
❖ Logical operator :-
o These operators are used to perform “logical AND” and
“logical OR” operations.
o Conditional operators are:-
▪ &&, Logical AND: returns true when both conditions
are true.
▪ ||, Logical OR: returns true if at least one condition is
▪ ! , Logical NOT: returns true when a condition is false.
❖ Ternary operator :-
o Ternary operator is a shorthand version of the if-else
o It has three operands and hence the name ternary.
❖ Assignment Operator :-
o Java assignment operator is one of the most common
o It is used to assign the value on its right to the operand on its
5. Explain briefly any 3 data types used in java.
❖ Int :-
o The "int" data type is used to represent integers, which are
whole numbers without decimal places.
o It has a fixed size of 32 bits
o It default value is 0.
o Example : - int a = 100
❖ Double :-
o The "double" data type is used to represent floating-point
numbers, which are numbers with decimal places. It has a
larger range
o It is represented using 64 bits.
o The double data type is generally used for decimal values
just like float.
o Its default value is 0.0d.
o Example :- double d1 = 12.3
❖ Boolean : -
o The "boolean" data type is used to represent boolean values,
which can be either true or false.
o It is commonly used in conditional statements and logical
operations. The "boolean" data type has only two possible
values: true and false.
o Example :- Boolean one = true

6. Define term: - Constant, Literals and Variable in java.

❖ Constant:-
o It is the value that cannot be changed once assigned.
o In Java, the constant values are defined by using the final
o The final keyword represents that the value of the variable
cannot be changed
o Example :- final int MAX_VALUE = 100;
❖ Literals :-
o A literal is a source code representation of a fixed value.
They are represented directly in the code without any
o Literals can be assigned to any primitive type variable
o Example :- int num = 10; // integer literal;
❖ Variable :-
o A variable is a container which holds the value while the
Java program is executed.
o A variable is assigned with a data type.
o Variable is a name of memory location.
o There are three types of variables in java: local, instance and
o Example :- int count = 0;

7. Define String class with its all methods.

❖ String Class :-
o The ‘String’ class in Java, it represents a sequence of
characters. It is widely used for storing and manipulating
textual data.
o There are many types of methos :-
❖ Length() :-
o Return the length of the string.
o Example :-
public class String1
public static void main(String ar[])
String s="Sachin";

❖ charAt() :-
o Returns the character at the specified index position.
o Example :-
public class String2
public static void main(String ar[])
String s="Sachin";

❖ Concat() :-
o Concatenates specified string to the end of this string.
o Example :-
public class String3
public static void main(String ar[])
String s1 = “Hello”;
String s2 = “World”;
String output = s1.concat(s2);

❖ toUpperCAse() and toLowerCase() :-

o The Java String toUpperCase() method converts this String
into uppercase letter and String toLowerCase() method into
lowercase letter.
o Example :-
public class String4
public static void main(String ar[])
String s="Sachin";
❖ Trim() :-
o eliminates white spaces before and after the String.
o Example :-
public class String5
public static void main(String ar[])
String s=" Sachin ";

❖ equals() :-
o Compares the strings and return true or false
o Example :-
public class String6
public static void main(String ar[])
String str1 = "Hello";
String str2 = "Hello";
boolean isEqual = str1.equals(str2);

8. What is Array? Explain different types of array with example

❖ Array :- An array is a collection of similar type of elements which
has contiguous memory location.
❖ There are two types of arrays in java :-
o One-dimensional array
o Two-dimensional array
❖ One-dimensional array:-
o A one-dimensional array, also known as a linear array, is the
simplest form of an array in Java.
o It is a collection of elements arranged in a single row.
o Example :-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int a[] = {33,22,11}
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)

❖ Two-dimensional Array :-
o A two-dimensional array is an array of arrays, where each
element is itself an array.
o It is arranged in rows and columns, forming a matrix-like
o Example :-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int a[] = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
System.out.println(a[i][j]+ “ ”);

9. What is Conditional statement? Explain any two with example.

❖ Conditional statement :-
o Conditional statements in Java, also known as control flow
statements, are used to control the flow of execution based on
certain conditions.
o They allow you to perform different actions based on whether a
condition evaluates to true or false.
❖ If statement :-
o The ‘if’ statement is used to execute a block of code only if a
given condition is true. If the condition is false, the code block
is skipped.
o Example :-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int a = 5
if (a == 5)
System.out.println(“a is 5”);

❖ Switch statement :-
o The ‘switch’ statement is used to select one of many code
blocks to be executed based on the value of a variable.
o Example:-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int day = 3;
String dayName;

switch (day) {
case 1:
dayName = "Monday";
case 2:
dayName = "Tuesday";
case 3:
dayName = "Wednesday";
dayName = "Invalid day";
System.out.println("The day is: " + dayName);

10.What is loop Statement? Explain any two with example.

❖ Loop :-
o The Java for loop is used to iterate a part of the program several
o If the number of iterations is fixed, it is recommended to use for
o There are three types of loops in java
▪ For
▪ While
▪ Do-while
❖ For loop:-
o The for loop is used to iterate a specific number of times.
o It consists of three parts: initialization, condition, and iteration.
o Example :-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
for(int i=0; i<=10; i++)
❖ While loop :-
o The while loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of code as
long as a condition remains true
o Example :-
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int i = 1;
while (i <= 5)
System.out.println("Count: " + i);
11.Explain Array.Sort(), Array.Fill(), Array.BinarySearch() with
❖ Array.sort() :-
o The Array.sort() method is used to sort the elements of an array in
ascending order. It modifies the original array.
o Example :-
import java.util.Arrays;
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int numbers[] = {5, 2, 8, 1, 4};

❖ Arr.fill() :-
o The Array.fill() method is used to fill all elements of an array with
a specified value. It modifies the original array.
o Example :-

import java.util.Arrays;
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int numbers[] = {5, 2, 8, 1, 4};
Arrays.fill(numbers, 10);
❖ Array.BinarySearch() :-
o The Array.binarySearch() method is used to search for a specific
value in a sorted array using binary search. It returns the index of
the found element.
o Example :-
import java.util.Arrays;
public class a1
public static void main(String ar[])
int numbers[] = {5, 2, 8, 1, 4};
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(numbers, 4);
System.out.println(“Index” + index);

12.Explain pass by value and pass by reference concept with example.

❖ Pass by Value :-
o In the pass by value concept, the method is called by passing a
value. So, it is called pass by value.
o It does not affect the original parameter.
o Example :-
public class Example {

int a = 10;
void call(int a) {
a = a+10;

public static void main(String[] args) {

Example eg = new Example();

System.out.println("Before call-by-value: " +
System.out.println("After call-by-value: " +
❖ Pass by reference :-
o In the pass by reference concept, the method is called using an alias
or reference of the actual parameter. So, it is called pass by
o it would affect the original value.
o Example :-
public class Example {

int a = 10;
void call(Example eg) {
eg.a = eg.a+10;

public static void main(String[] args) {

Example eg = new Example();

System.out.println("Before call-by-reference: " +
System.out.println("After call-by-reference: " + eg.a);


13.Discuss Accessibility of Access Modifiers in different condition.

❖ Top-level Classes :-
o Public :- A public top-level class can be accessed from any other
class or package.
o Default :- A class with no default access modifier can only be
accessed within the same package.
❖ Nested Classes :-
o Public :- A public nested class can be accessed from any other
class or package
o Protected :- A protected nested class can be accessed within the
same package or by subclasses in different packages.
o Private :- A private nested class can only be accessed within the
enclosing class.
o Default :- A nested class with default access can only be accessed
within the same package.
❖ Class Members :-
o Public :- A public method or variable can be accessed from any
other class or package.
o Protected :- A protected method or variable can be accessed
within the same package or by subclasses in different packages.
o Private :- A private method or variable can only be accessed
within the same class.
o Default :- A method or variable with default access can only be
accessed within the same package.
❖ Different Conditions :-

14.Discuss Final and static method with example

❖ Final :-
o A final method is a method that cannot be overridden by any
o When a method is declared as final, it means that its
implementation is fixed and cannot be changed in any subclass.
o Example :-
❖ Static :-
o A static method is a method that belongs to the class itself rather
than an instance of the class.
o It can be called directly using the class name
o Example :-
15.Difference between Abstract Class and interface.

Abstract class Interface

➢ Abstract class can have abstract ➢ Interface can have only abstract
and non-abstract
➢ Abstract class doesn't support ➢ Interface supports multiple
multiple inheritance. inheritance.
➢ Abstract class can have final, ➢ Interface has only static and
non-final, static and non-static final variables.
➢ Abstract class can provide the ➢ Interface can't provide the
implementation of interface. implementation of abstract
➢ The abstract keyword is used to ➢ The interface keyword is used to
declare abstract class. declare interface.
➢ An abstract class can be ➢ An interface can be
extended using keyword implemented using keyword
"extends". "implements".
➢ A Java abstract class can have ➢ Members of a Java interface are
class members like private, public by default.
protected, etc.

16.What is multithreading? Why it is required? Explain Thread Life

❖ Multithreading :-
o Multithreading is a process to execute multiple threads at the
same time without dependency of other threads called
❖ Threads Life Cycle :-
o As we know a thread is well known for independent execution.
o During the life cycle a thread can move from different states:-
▪ New state
▪ Runnable state
▪ Running state
▪ Blocked state
▪ Dead state
o New State :-
▪ When a threads object is created, the threads is said to be
in born state.
▪ At this moment, the thread is not scheduled for running.
▪ At this state, the following be done :-
• We can run the thread by calling start() method.
• We can kill the thread by using stop() method.

o Runnable State :-
▪ The runnable state means that the thread is ready for
execution and is waiting for the availability of the
▪ In simple terms, the thread is ready but has not got the
processor time.

o Running state :-
▪ Running means that the processor has given its time to
the thread for its execution.
▪ A running thread may have following condition :-
• It has suspended using suspend() method. A
suspended thread is revived by using resume()
• It has been made to sleep using sleep(time) method
where time is in milliseconds. After the given time
the thread itself joins the runnable state.
• It has been told to wait until some event occurs.
This is done using wait() method and scheduled to
run again by notify() method.
o Blocked state :-
▪ A thread is in the Blocked state when it is waiting for

o Dead State :-
▪ A thread is said to be in dead state when it has been killed
by using kill() method or it has successfully completed
17.What is difference between method overloading and method

Method Overloading Method Overriding

➢ Method overloading is a ➢ Method overriding is a run-time
compile-time polymorphism. polymorphism.
➢ Method overloading may or ➢ Method overriding always
may not require inheritance. needs inheritance.
➢ In method overloading, methods ➢ In method overriding, methods
must have the same name and must have the same name and
different signatures. same signature.
➢ In case of method overloading, ➢ In case of method overriding,
parameter must be different. parameter must be same.
➢ Poor Performance due to ➢ It gives better performance
compile time polymorphism
➢ Private and final methods can ➢ Private and final methods can’t
be overloaded. be overridden.
➢ Argument list should be ➢ Argument list should be same in
different in method overloading method overriding.

18.Explain Inheritance with example.

➢ In Java, Inheritance means creating new classes based on existing
➢ It is an important part of OOPs
➢ In Java, inheritance is achieved using the extends keyword.
➢ Example :-
19.What is Constructor? Explain types of constructors with example.
❖ Constructor :-
o A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize
objects of a class.
o It has the same name as the class and does not have a return
type, not even ‘void’.
o In Java, constructors are called automatically when an object
is created using the ‘new’ keyword.
❖ Types of Constructors :-
o Default Constructors :-
▪ A constructor that has no parameters is known as
default the constructor.
▪ A default constructor is invisible.
▪ Example :-
o Parameterized Constructor :-
▪ A constructor that has parameters is known as
parameterized constructor
▪ Example :-
20.What is Package? Explain creating and importing package in brief
❖ Package :-
o In Java, a package is a group of classes, interfaces,
enumeration, and annotations.
o Java contains many pre-defined packages such as java.lang,,, etc.
o When we create any Java program the java.lang package is
imported by default.
❖ Creating a Package :-
o To create a package, follow the steps given below:
▪ Choose a package name according to the naming
▪ Write the package name at the top of every source file
(classes, interface, enumeration, and annotations).
▪ Remember that there must be only one package
statement in each source file.
❖ Import Package :-
o It is necessary to import that package at the top of the
program by using the import keyword before the package
o It allows you to access classes, interfaces, and other
resources from other packages.
o Syntax :-
▪ import packageName;

21.What is Variable? Explain different types of variables.

❖ Variable :-
o A variable is a container which holds the value while the
Java program is executed.
o A variable is assigned with a data type.
o Variable is a name of memory location.
o Example :- int num = 100
❖ There are three types of variables in java:-
o Local variable
o Instance variable
o Static variable
❖ Local variable :-
o A variable declared inside the body of the method is called
local variable.
o Local variables do not have default values and are not
accessible from other methods or blocks.
o You can use this variable only within that method and are
accessible only within that scope.
o A local variable cannot be defined with "static" keyword.
❖ Instance Variable :-
o A variable declared inside the class but outside the body of
the method, is called an instance variable.
o It is not declared as static.
o They are also known as non-static variables because they
belong to the instance of a class and are unique to each
o It is called an instance variable because its value is instance-
❖ Static Variable :-
o A variable that is declared as static is called a static variable.
o It cannot be local.
o You can create a single copy of the static variable and share
it among all the instances of the class.
o It declares ‘static’ keyword.
22.Write a java program to implement multiple inheritance. Also
explain the concept implemented
➢ Java does not support multiple inheritance.
➢ This means that a class cannot extend more than one class, but we
can still achieve the result using the keyword 'extends'.
➢ For Example:-
23.Differentiate Checked and unchecked Exception

Checked Exception Unchecked Exception

➢ Checked exceptions occur at ➢ Unchecked exceptions occur at
compile time. runtime.
➢ The compiler checks a checked ➢ The compiler does not check these
exception. types of exceptions.
➢ These types of exceptions can be ➢ These types of exceptions cannot
handled at the time of compilation. be a catch or handle at the time of
➢ They are the sub-class of the ➢ They are runtime exceptions and
exception class. hence are not a part of the
Exception class.
➢ Here, the JVM needs the exception ➢ Here, the JVM does not require the
to catch and handle. exception to catch and handle.

➢ Example :- ➢ Example :-
▪ File Not Found Exception ▪ No Such Element Exception
▪ No Such Field Exception ▪ Undeclared Throwable
▪ Interrupted Exception Exception
▪ No Such Method Exception ▪ Empty Stack Exception
▪ Class Not Found Exception ▪ Arithmetic Exception
▪ Null Pointer Exception
▪ Array Index Out of Bounds
▪ Security Exception

24.What is Exception Handling? Explain Try, catch and finally block

with Example.

❖ Exception Handling :-
o The Exception Handling in Java is one of the powerful
mechanisms to handle the runtime errors so that the normal
flow of the application can be maintained.
❖ Try Block :-
o Java try block is used to enclose code that might throw an
exception or risky code
o It must be used within a method.
o Java try block must be followed by either catch or finally
❖ Catch Block :-
o Java catch block is used to handle the exception.
o It must be used after try block only
o You can use multiple catch block with single try.
❖ Example :- Try-catch

❖ Finally Block :-
o A finally keyword is used to create a block of code that
follows a try or catch block.
o A finally block is always executed whether an exception
is handled or not.
o A finally block appear at end of catch block
o Example :-
25.What is Exception? Explain throw and throws block with example
❖ Exception :-
o Exception is an unwanted or unexpected event, which
occurs during the execution of a program
❖ Throw block :-
o Throw keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception.
o We can throw either checked or unchecked exception
using throw keyword.
o Throw keyword we can write exception manually by
o Example :-

❖ Throws block :-
o It declare throws block
o The Java throws keyword is used to declare an exception.
o It gives an information to the programmer that there may
occur an exception.
o Example :-
26.Explain types of Errors. Give difference between error and
❖ Errors :-
❖ Difference between exception and error
Exception Error
➢ An exception is caused by ➢ An error are not caused by
our program. our program
➢ Exceptions are recoverable ➢ Errors are not recoverable
➢ Exception are also Run-Time ➢ Errors are also unchecked
errors exception.
➢ They are not fatal in all the ➢ They are often fatal in nature
case and recovery
➢ Exception is meant to be ➢ Error is not meant to be
caught caught.
➢ It divided into checked and ➢ It divided into Run-time and
unchecked exception Compile-time Errors.

27.Explain user defined Exception with example.

➢ In Java, we can create our own exceptions that are derived classes of
the Exception class.
➢ Creating our own Exception is known as custom exception or user-
defined exception.
➢ Basically, Java custom exceptions are used to customize the exception
according to user need.
➢ Example :-
28.Give Advantages of Exception Handling
➢ Error Handling :-
o Exception handling allows you to catch and handle errors
and exceptions that occur during the execution of a program.
o You can gracefully handle the exception
➢ Robustness :-
o By using exception handling, you can make your code more
robust and resilient.
o It helps prevent your program from crashing or error occurs
o By handling exceptions, you can recover from errors and
continue the execution of your program.
➢ Separation of Concerns :-
o Exception handling allows you to separate error-handling
code from the normal flow of your program.
o You can enclose the code that throw exception in try-catch
blocks and making the code more readable and maintainable.
➢ Debugging and Troubleshooting :-
o Exception handling provides valuable information about the
cause of an error or exception.
➢ Graceful Program Termination :-
o In situations where an exception cannot be handled or
recovered, exception handling allows you to gracefully
terminate the program
➢ Flexibility and maintainability :-
o By using exception handling, you can write more flexible
and maintainable code.
o You can define custom exceptions to represent specific error
conditions in your application.
o Making it easier to handle different types of exceptions.

➢ Overall, exception handling in Java helps improve the reliability,

stability, and maintainability of your programs
29.Write a program to handle Divide By Zero Exception using try- catch
and finally

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