Virabhadrasana 5

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Warrior II
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II

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How to do it

Stand with feet wide, 3–4 feet apart. Shift your right heel out so your toes are pointing
slightly inward. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees. Line up your left heel with the
arch of your right foot.

Bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping the knee in line with the second toe
to protect the knee joint. Stretch through your straight back leg and ground down into
the back foot.
On an inhale, bring arms to a T at shoulder height. Draw your shoulder blades down
the back. Spread your fingers and keep palms facedown. Gaze over the front fingers.
As you exhale, sink deeper into the stretch.

Pro tip: To draw your shoulder blades down the back, rotate your palms face-up.
Notice how that shifts your shoulders. Once settled, rotate your palms facedown.

The benefits

A pose with “warrior” in its name may not sound very zen, but this standing pose can
help calm and steady your mind. Tougher than it looks, it also strengthens your legs
and ankles while increasing stamina.

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