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Haime et al.

BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597


RESEARCH Open Access

A systematic review of the effects of

psychiatric medications on social cognition
Zoë Haime1* , Andrew J. Watson2, Nadia Crellin1, Louise Marston3, Eileen Joyce2 and Joanna Moncrieff1

Introduction: Social cognition is an important area of mental functioning relevant to psychiatric disorders and
social functioning, that may be affected by psychiatric drug treatments. The aim of this review was to investigate
the effects of medications with sedative properties, on social cognition.
Method: This systematic review included experimental and neuroimaging studies investigating drug effects on
social cognition. Data quality was assessed using a modified Downs and Black checklist (Trac et al. CMAJ 188: E120-
E129, 2016). The review used narrative synthesis to analyse the data.
Results: 40 papers were identified for inclusion, 11 papers investigating benzodiazepine effects, and 29
investigating antipsychotic effects, on social cognition.
Narrative synthesis showed that diazepam impairs healthy volunteer’s emotion recognition, with supporting
neuroimaging studies showing benzodiazepines attenuate amygdala activity. Studies of antipsychotic effects on
social cognition gave variable results. However, many of these studies were in patients already taking medication,
and potential practice effects were identified due to short-term follow-ups.
Conclusion: Healthy volunteer studies suggest that diazepam reduces emotional processing ability. The effects of
benzodiazepines on other aspects of social cognition, as well as the effects of antipsychotics, remain unclear.
Interpretations of the papers in this review were limited by variability in measures, small sample sizes, and lack of
randomisation. More robust studies are necessary to evaluate the impact of these medications on social cognition.
Keywords: Social cognition, Psychopharmacology, Schizophrenia, Antipsychotic, Benzodiazepine

Introduction (narrative synthesis element 1: bipolar disorder [2–4] and can lead to the faulty inter-
theory development) pretation of others’ intentions and thinking, as well as
What is social Cognition? inaccuracies in identifying others’ emotions [5].
Social cognition is defined as the mental processes which Social cognition can be separated into individual test-
underlie the ability to understand and act on the able domains. However, many of these domains overlap,
thoughts, intentions, and behaviours of others [1]. Defi- and there is no consistent agreement between cognitive
cits in social cognition have been found in psychiatric scientists as to which are the most important. In psych-
disorders including depression, schizophrenia and iatry research the domains most frequently studied tend
to reflect those identified by the National Institute of
* Correspondence: z.haime@ucl.ac.uk Mental Health (NIMH) at their meeting to define social
Psychiatry Department, University College London, London, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 2 of 26

cognition in schizophrenia in 2006 [6, 7]. These domains Psychiatric medications

can be seen in Fig. 1, and include: Theory of mind The existing studies showing social cognition deficits in
(ToM) - the ability to ‘infer intentions, dispositions, and psychiatric disorders often involve people who are cur-
beliefs of others’ [8]; emotion processing - the ability to rently taking psychiatric medication [19]. However, it is
perceive emotions and interpret them appropriately [9]; unclear how these medications might affect social cogni-
social perception - the ability to process social cues and tion. Many psychiatric medications have sedative effects,
context to decipher social situations [10]; attributional including benzodiazepines, antipsychotics (to varying de-
bias - how people interpret the causes of events, which grees) and drugs used as mood stabilisers (22), and evi-
may be positive or negative in nature [11]; and social dence suggests these drugs impair neurocognitive
knowledge – how mental schemas of social situations functioning in volunteers [20–23]. Antipsychotics also
guide behaviour [12]. Additional domains of social cog- impair cognitive functioning in people with Alzheimer’s
nition tested in research include emotional intelligence, disease [24], but evidence on the effects of antipsychotics
prejudice and stereotyping, and empathy [6]. in people diagnosed with schizophrenia is inconclusive.
Social functioning deficits are a core feature of most Some evidence suggests that antipsychotics improve
psychiatric diagnoses and considered an integral treat- neurocognitive functioning [25, 26] and some that they
ment target for many conditions, in order to promote impair it [27, 28].
recovery [13, 14]. Social cognition deficits have been as- Along with sedative effects, psychiatric medications
sociated with poor social functioning in several psychi- affect emotion and motivation. Antipsychotics, for ex-
atric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ample, reduce motivation and suppress emotions in vol-
anorexia, Alzheimer’s disorder, and depression [2, 3, 15– unteers [29], effects which are also reported by patients
17]. Additionally, in schizophrenia better social cognitive [30], and these effects may impact on social cognition.
ability has been linked to better social functioning out- On the other hand, psychiatric drugs may improve social
comes [18]. This makes social cognition a potential tar- cognition by alleviating symptoms that impair social
get for treatment interventions across psychiatric care. interaction, such as psychotic symptoms and anxiety.

Fig. 1 Social Cognition Domains identified by the NIMH

Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 3 of 26

Moreover, different agents within the same class may and drug-naïve patient studies will be integral to our un-
have different effects on social cognition, depending on derstanding of medication effects on social cognition in
their sedative profile and other effects [31]. neuroimaging studies.
Therefore, there is good reason to believe that psychi-
atric medications may influence social cognition, espe-
cially those with sedative actions that are known to Aims
impair neurocognitive functioning in volunteers. Clarify- Despite evidence of effects on neurocognitive function-
ing these effects is important in order to understand the ing, there has been little consideration of how psychi-
nature of social cognitive deficits in psychiatric disor- atric medications affect social cognition. We
ders, and to evaluate the effects of treatment on social hypothesised that psychiatric medications that produce
cognition and associated outcomes, such as social func- sedative effects might affect social cognition, and we
tioning. A previous review highlighted the paucity of evi- conducted a systematic review of the literature in this
dence on the effects of antipsychotic treatment, but it area. We included research on healthy volunteers as well
did not explore the use of other medications or effects as research conducted with patients with diagnosed psy-
in volunteers [31]. Volunteer studies help to distinguish chiatric disorders.
those effects that occur in the absence of symptoms of An additional aim of this review was to explore any
psychiatric disorders from those that are related to the temporal or spatial brain differences between healthy
disorder itself, or to the interaction of the treatment with volunteers and clinical populations with psychiatric diag-
the disorder. They can help with the interpretation of noses conducting social cognition tasks after administra-
studies with patients who are taking medication, and ul- tion of psychiatric medication using neuroimaging
timately improve our understanding of this complex technology. Notable differences in brain activity may re-
area. flect the effects of medication on social cognitive
Neuroimaging The review will help to clarify the nature of any under-
The realisation that social disability may be linked to lying deficits in social cognition in people diagnosed
cognitive dysfunction has led to the employment of neu- with psychiatric disorders, and this will help in the de-
roimaging techniques to study this phenomenon in psy- velopment of targeted treatments for social cognition,
chiatric populations, including the use of which may also improve social functioning and general
electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic outcomes [28].
resonance imaging (fMRI). EEG can identify temporal
changes in brain activity in response to specific tasks via
event-related potentials (ERP), and fMRI is used to de- Method
tect the location of changes in brain activity via varia- Protocol and registration
tions in blood-oxygen-level-dependence (BOLD) [32, This review follows the PRISMA guidelines for
33]. ERPs typically associated with social cognitive emo- reporting systematic reviews [36]. The review protocol
tional stimuli are the P300-P400 potentials, where the is available on the PROSPERO registry, ID:
brain shows activations 300-400 ms post-stimulus [34]. CRD42018092883.
In fMRI, a social cognitive brain network has been iden-
tified and includes consistent activation of regions, in-
cluding the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), anterior Narrative synthesis
cingulate cortex (ACC), superior temporal sulcus (STS), The scope of our narrative synthesis was to examine
ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC and the effects of sedative medications on social cognition.
DMPFC), precuneus, and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) Following guidance from Popay et al. [37] we used
[35]. Neuroimaging studies investigating the effects of four iterative elements shown in Fig. 2. As the first
sedative medications on social cognition will help to point suggests, we conducted an initial scoping of the
identify any temporal or spatial neural changes in social literature to summarise the current research in the
cognitive brain regions, as a result of medication effects. field, and in order to construct our search strategy.
This research is important in allowing researchers to as- To address point two, we reported our findings in the
sess the biological impact of psychiatric pharmaceutical results section and summarised relevant data from
treatments. In studies where patients have been using the included papers in a table (Table 1). In our dis-
psychiatric medications with sedative effects long-term, cussion we critically explored relationships between
permanent changes to structural and functional brain the reported studies and went on to discuss the
systems may inhibit the identification of medication ef- strengths and limitations of the current review, to ad-
fects on social cognition, Therefore, healthy volunteer dress points three and four.
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 4 of 26

Fig. 2 The four iterative elements of narrative synthesis [37]

Search strategy names of drug classes, and individual agents in classes

We searched the following major databases: MED- that were not included as a whole, e.g., some sedative
LINE (OViD), Embase, Psychinfo, Web of Science, Li- antidepressants), diagnosis-specific terms, outcome-
lacs, and Scopus as well as grey literature through specific subtypes and synonyms (see Additional file 1:
greylit.org and opengrey.eu. Database-specific search Appendix A for full list of search terms and search
terms included the keywords ‘social cognition’, ‘men- strategy). An attempt to find additional studies was
tal disorder’, ‘neuroleptic agents’, ‘sedatives’, and ‘tran- made through a backward reference search and con-
quilisers’ with intervention-specific terms (including tacting experts in the field.
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
Benzodiazepine Studies
Healthy Volunteers
Blair and Double-blind, 32 healthy Diazepam 15 mg N Y Emotion FERT N/A • Diazepam has a • Limited sample 12
Curran independent volunteers Processing selective effect size
(1999) [38] group design on the • Absence of a
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

recognition of control group of

angry psychiatric
expressions. patients
However, it did • No follow-up
not affect the
recognition of
any of the other
(2021) 21:597

five expressions
Coupland Randomised, 28 healthy Diazepam 15 mg N Y Emotion FERT N/A • Diazepam • No follow-up 18
et al. counterbalanced, volunteers Processing produced • Limited sample
(2003) [39] double-blind, impairments in size
placebo- emotional
controlled, recognition
within-subjects accuracy. The
comparison processing of
surprise and
disgust were
most affected.
Murphy Randomised, 24 healthy Diazepam 5 mg N Y Emotion FERT N/A • No significant • Limited sample 19
et al. between-group, volunteers Processing effect of size
(2008) [40] double-blind, Diazepam on • Low dosage of
placebo- accuracy or Diazepam
controlled design reaction times.
Pringle Double-blind 36 healthy Diazepam 15 mg N Y Emotion FERT 6, 7 or 8 • Diazepam makes • Limited sample 19
et al. intervention volunteers Processing days participants size
(2016) [41] significantly
slower on
emotional face
recognition than
Zangara Double-blind 45 healthy Diazepam 15 mg N Y Emotion FERT N/A • Diazepam impairs • No follow-up 21
et al. independent volunteers Metropolol 50 mg Processing the ability to • Limited sample
(2002) [42] group design (selective recognise angry size
antagonist of and fearful
B1 expressions.
Nilsonne Double-blind Wave 1 = 37 Oxazepam 25 mg N Y Empathy Empathy for N/A • No significant • Demographics of 23
et al. randomised healthy (Vitamin Pain effect of patient sample
(2018) [43] controlled volunteers D3) Questionnaire Oxazepam on limits
experiment. Wave 2 = 39 empathy generalisability
healthy (all-male, largely
volunteers university
Patient Studies
Page 5 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
Zurowska Intergroup The sample Diazepam concentrations of N N Emotion Computerised N/A • Schizophrenia • Patients going 12
et al. Difference Study comprised 43 BZD differed Processing/ emotion patients (during through
(2018) [44] patients with significantly Empathy recognition detox) addicted detoxification of
schizophrenia in between patients task/Empathy to bzds could be
three groups: (1) Quotient benzodiazepines experiencing
during decreased ability more severe
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

detoxification to recognise symptoms than

from emotions. those addicted –
benzodiazepines Specifically, may impact
(N = 13), (2) after negative general
detoxification emotions (fear, emotional
(N = 15), (3) a sadness, and outcomes – no
matched control anger) compared assessment of
group (N = 15). to healthy withdrawal
(2021) 21:597

volunteers symptoms
• Small sample
• Did not control
for anxiety and
Neuroimaging Studies (healthy volunteer and patient studies)
Paulus Double-blind, 15 healthy Lorazepam 0.25 or 1 mg N Y Emotion Emotional N/A • Lorazepam • No follow-up 20
et al. placebo- volunteers Processing Face decreased • Limited sample
(2005) [45] controlled, rando- Assessment activation in size
mised dose- Task - fMRI Amygdala and
response study. Insula when
emotional faces.
Olofsson Double-blind 45 healthy Oxazepam 20 mg N Y Emotion Affective 1 week • Oxazepam does • No patient 14
et al. experimental volunteers Processing Processing not influence sample
(2011) [39] task. Task - EEG electrocortical • Only one
indexes of medication type
Del-Ben Randomised, 12 healthy Diazepam 10 mg N Y Emotion FERT N/A • Diazepam • Limited sample 17
et al. balanced-order, volunteers Processing impaired the size
(2012) [46] double-blind, recognition of • Patients may be
placebo- fear in female aware of
controlled cross- faces treatment arm
over design • Reduced
activation in right
Amygdala and
right OFC
• Reduced
activation of
bilateral ACC to
angry faces
• Enhanced
activation of
posterior left
Richter Double-blind 6 catatonic Lorazepam A dose of N Y (saline) Emotion IAPS - fMRI N/A 18
Page 6 of 26

• High signal • Limited sample

Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
et al. independent schizophrenia lorazepam 1–2.5 Processing analysis decreases in OFC size
(2010) [47] group design patients mg was and MPFC in • Absence of a
(recovered) 16 administrated catatonic patients control group of
healthy controls intravenously 2–4 during negative psychiatric
(8 placebo/8 times (mean: 5.2 emotional patients
Lorazepam) mg) stimulation after • fMRI
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

Lorazepam measurements
administration covered only the
frontal lobe – so
amygdala and
MPFC regarding
(2021) 21:597

remains unclear
Antipsychotic Studies
Healthy Volunteers
Lawrence 2 experimental 14 healthy Sulpiride 400 mg Testing Y Emotion FERT baseline, • Following • Limited sample 13
et al. test conditions volunteers commenced 100 (lactose) Processing ~ 3 weeks Sulpride use, size
(2002) [48] (drug vs. placebo) min following recognition of • Short follow-up
- crossover study tablet (drug or anger facial time
design - placebo) ingestion expression at
participants who in order to follow-up was
took Sulpiride in maximise drug impaired com-
week 1 testing levels during test pared to baseline,
took placebo in administration. In other emotions
week 2 testing, order to provide an intact
and vice versa adequate washout
period, two test
sessions were
separated by a
median interval of
3 weeks. In each of
the two testing
completed a test of
recognition from
the face and a
control task of
unfamiliar face
matching (the
Benton task).
Rock et al. Between-subject, 40 healthy Quetiapine 150 mg 27 received Y Emotion FERT baseline, • No effect of • No compliance 22
(2016) [49] randomised, volunteers Quetiapine for 7 Processing one week Quetiapine on measure
double-blind, days - dropout to emotion • Healthy
placebo- n = 20 for Emotion processing ability volunteers only
controlled design Processing task in healthy • One-week dur-
participants at ation only
one week, • Modest sample
Page 7 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
compared to size
baseline • Dropout in
Quetiapine arm
(reduction of
• Authors
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

consultants for
Patient Vs. Healthy Volunteers
longitudinal studies
Behere Short-term 55 antipsychotic- Risperidone 4 mg/daily 25 drug-naïve N Emotion TRENDS Not • Schizophrenia • Non-specified 16
(2021) 21:597

et al. treatment follow- naïve schizo- schizophrenia Processing specified patients showed follow-up dur-
(2009) [50] up phrenia pa- (DSM-IV) patients (short- impairments in ation - may be
tients30 healthy term) emotion practice effects
controls processing at • Only one
baseline antipsychotic
compared to type
healthy controls • Non-randomised
• Risperidone use design
in schizophrenia
patients resulted
in improvements
in patient scores
on the emotion
processing task,
when comparing
their scores at
baseline and
Gaebel Experimental task 23 schizophrenia 13 Perazine 10 The mean daily/ 11/23 schizophrenia N Emotion FERT baseline • Schizophrenia • Pratice effects 18
et al. patients 21 MDD Haloperidol cumulative patients’ drug- Processing and 4 patients showed due to short
(1992) [51] 15 healthy (schizophrenia dosages were 376/ naïve, remaining 12 weeks impairments in follow-up time
volunteers patients only) 10160 mg CPZE drug-free emotion • Mixture of drug-
and 445/16400 mg processing at naïve and drug-
CPZE respectively. baseline free patients
compared to
healthy controls
• Both
patient and
healthy control
groups improved
at follow-up, lar-
ger improve-
ments in
schizophrenia pa-
tient group
Olivier Case-control 92 FEP patients Flupenthixol 10 mg < 4 weeks of N Emotional MCCB 6-month, • FEP performed • Additional oral 16
et al., design over 12 100 healthy Decanoate (LAI) treatment (not a Intelligence 12 month significantly flupenthixol was
(2015) [52] months. volunteers statistically worse at baseline prescribed at the
significant in all cognitive discretion of the
Page 8 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
difference at domains bar investigator
baseline, but social cognition • Not all patients
difference is compared to were tested in
present) healthy controls their first
• FEP significantly language
improved in all • Patients were
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

MCCB domains not necessarily

(including social antipsychotic
cognition) naïve
between baseline • One
and 6 months. antipsychotic
• No further type
improvements • FEP only
were seen in
(2021) 21:597

social cognition
at 12 months in
the FEP group,
stability of
intelligence over
Zhou et al. 12-week 56 schizophrenia haloperidol The mean In the risperidone N Emotion FEDT baseline, 4 • Schizophrenia • Mixture of drug- 18
(2017) [53] treatment study inpatients 28 (n = 12), chlorpromazine- treatment group, Processing weeks, 12 patients showed naïve and drug-
healthy fluphenazine equivalent dose 19 patients were weeks impairments in free patients
volunteers (n = 8), was 502.0 ± 198.3 drug-naive and 9 emotion
chlorpromazine mg/d. were drug-free (5 processing at
(n = 6), or The mean (± for at least 6 baseline
trifluoperazine standard deviation) months and 4 for compared to
(n = 2). dose of risperidone at least 1 month). In healthy controls
Risperidone was 4 ± 1.5 mg/d. the typical anti- • Risperidone
(n = 28) psychotic treatment improved social
group, 17 patients cognition in
were drug-naive schizophrenia
and 11 were drug- patients after 12
free (8 for at least 6 weeks compared
months and 5 for to baseline, but
at least 1 month). not at 4 weeks.
Lewis et al. Experimental task 18 psychosis Haloperidol 5-20 mg Drug-free at N Emotion FERT baseline • Schizophrenia • Small sample 16
(1995) [54] patients 10 baseline (for an Processing and 2 patients showed size
healthy unspecified time weeks impairments at • Short follow-up
volunteers period) emotion time period -
processing at practice effects
baseline • Did not subtype
compared to psychotic
healthy controls patients
• Haloperidol had • Patients were
no effect on not
patient antipsychotic
performance at naïve
follow-up com-
pared to baseline
Page 9 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
Wölwer Experimental task 32 acute Perazine The S/a were orally Among S/r 10 N Emotion FERT baseline • Acute and • Non-randomised 15
et al. schizophrenia Haloperidol treated with either patients were Processing and 4 remitted design
(1996) [55] inpatients (S/a) Chlorpromazine perazine (n = 20) treated with weeks schizophrenic • Short follow-up -
36 remitted Clozapine or haloperidol (n = clozapine (mean patients practice effects
schizophrenic S/r and S/a 12). The average daily dosage = 426 demonstrated a • Patients were
patients (S/r) 21 only daily dosage in − + 144 mg CPZE), stable deficit in not
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

healthy chlorpromazine 21 received typical emotion antipsychotic

volunteers equivalents (CPZE) neuroleptic drugs recognition naïve
in the T0-T1 inter- either orally or as compared to
val did not differ depot (mean daily healthy controls.
significantly (pera- dosage = 477 + 430 • Antipsychotic
zine: 436 + 217 mg mg CPZE) and 5 medication had
CPZE; haloperidol: patients were drug- no effect on
531 + 313 mg free in the T0”-T1” patient
(2021) 21:597

CPZE). Among S/r interval. Five S/a, performance at

10 patients were but none of the S/r, follow-up com-
treated with cloza- received anticholin- pared to baseline
pine (mean daily ergic medication. scores.
dosage = 426 − +
144 mg CPZE), 21
received typical
neuroleptic drugs
either orally or as
depot (mean daily
dosage = 477 +
430 mg CPZE)
Herbener Short-term 13 schizophrenia Risperidone mean dose < 4 weeks prior N Emotion CNB baseline, • Schizophrenia • Limited sample 11
et al. follow-up study patients 13 Ziprasidone R = 3.38 mg antipsychotic Processing average patients showed size
(2005) [56] healthy Aripiprazole Z = 140 mg treatment in 31.3 days impairments at • Non-randomised
volunteers Haloperidol A = 30 mg lifetime later emotion design
H = 4.5 mg (where processing at • Short follow-up
clinically baseline time - practice
stable) compared to effects
healthy controls•
medication had
no effect on
performance at
follow-up com-
pared to baseline
Daros et al. Blocked 54 Healthy Schizophrenia Drugs in FEP patients. Y Emotion CNB baseline • Schizophrenia • Non-randomised 12
(2014) [57] experimental task volunteers Risperidone chlorpromazine At study entry, Processing and an patients showed design
29 Schizophrenia (79.2%) equivalents was some patients with average of impairments on • Authors consult
patients Aripiprazole 326.9 mg (SD = SCZ and BP had 6.8 weeks emotion for
28 Bipolar (12.5%) 218.9; range: 34.4– previously been processing at pharmaceutical
Disorder patients Haloperidol 907.8 mg) for SCZ exposed to atypical baseline company
(8.3%) patients and 154.4 antipsychotics compared to
Ziprasidone mg (SD = 125.7; (45.0%), healthy controls
(4.2%). range: 34.4–524.6 antidepressants • Compared with
Bipolar mg) for BP (30.0%), typical controls,
Disorder patients. antipsychotics schizophrenia
Page 10 of 26

Risperidone (15.0%), mood patients were

Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
(86.7%) stabilizers/ worse at
Olanzapine anticonvulsants recognising
(6.7%) (12.5%), and mildly and
stimulants (12.5%), moderately sad
typically for brief expressions at
periods of time in follow-up.
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

the months • At follow-up,

preceding their schizophrenia
participation. No and bipolar dis-
patient had taken a order patients
dose of any of did not signifi-
these medications cantly differ from
within three days of each other on
assessments, with any emotion
(2021) 21:597

the exception of BP category.

(6.3%) and SCZ
(12.5%) patients
who were on
treatment started
prior to study entry.
Up to four weeks of
prior cumulative
treatment was
cross-sectional studies
Kucharska- Naturalistic 100 Typical Not stated Twenty-eight (13 N Emotion FERT N/A - • Schizophrenia • Non-randomised 15
Pietura treatment schizophrenia Atypical males) were treated Processing ‘Reading in cross- patients showed design
et al. conditions patients 50 with FGAs Theory of the Minds Eye’ sectional impairments at • No follow-up
(2012) [58] healthy (perphenazine, n = Mind test emotion evaluation
volunteers 14; haloperidol, n = Empathy Balanced processing at • Antipsychotic
14) and 56 (31 Emotional baseline medication not
males) were treated Empathy Scale compared to specified
with SGAs healthy controls
(olanzapine, n = 28; • Antipsychotic
clozapine, n = 28). medication had
All patients were no effect on
clinically stable after patient
3–4 weeks of performance
antipsychotic compared to
treatment. healthy controls
Patient Only Studies
longitudinal studies
Kee et al. Baseline phase, 18 schizophrenia Haloperidol 15 mg During baseline, N Emotion FEIT baseline • Risperidone • Small sample 19
(1998) [59] brief placebo patients Risperidone 6 mg patients received Processing and 8 improved the size
washout, and 15–30 mg/day of weeks ability to perceive • Short follow-up
two double-blind haloperidol for 3 emotions time period -
phases 8 weeks weeks. This phase compared to practice effects
double blind was followed by a Haloperidol at
Page 11 of 26

• Patients were
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
period of 3–7 days follow-up com- not
of placebo wash- pared to baseline antipsychotic
out. Upon entering naïve
the subsequent
phases, patients first
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

were randomly
assigned to receive
either 6 mg/day of
risperidone or 15
mg/day of haloperi-
dol for 4 weeks
(fixed- dose phase).
In the second
(2021) 21:597

double-blind phase,
which also lasted
for 4 weeks, medi-
cation doses from
the previous phase
could be changed
according to symp-
tom and side-effect
considerations (flex-
ible-dose phase).
Harvey 8 week, 166 Risperidone 2-8 mg/daily Sleep medication N Emotion CNB baseline, 8 • No significant • Supported by 18
et al. multicentre, Schizophrenia Quetiapine 200-800 mg/daily and Processing weeks differences pharma
(2006) [60] double-blind, patients benzodiazepines associated with company
parallel-designed, were allowed as antipsychotic • Patients were
randomised, needed but were treatment at not
flexible-dose not allowed within follow-up com- antipsychotic
study 24 h of clinical or pared to baseline naïve
neuropsychological • Short follow-up
assessments. time period -
Participants were practice effects
taking antipsychotic • High drop-out at
medication at the follow-up (%) –
start of the study low
and there was no generalisability
titration period.
Mizrahi Cross sectional 17 FEP patients Clozapine Clozapine = 300 Most subjects were N ToM Hinting Task baseline - • Greatest • FEP patients only 18
et al. study and a Risperidone (n = 1) and 225 mg started on atypical 6 weeks improvement in • Mixture of
(2007) [61] longitudinal Olanzapine (n = 1) antipsychotic (measured ToM occurred antipsychotic-
study Loxapine Risperidone = 4 mg medications, except every 2 during first 2 naïve and drug-
(n = 4), 3 mg (n = for two patients weeks) weeks of free patients
1), 3.5 mg (n = 1), who were restarted antipsychotic • Non-randomised
or 1 mg (n = 1). on their previous treatment, design
Olanzapine = 10 clozapine dose (300 compared to • Short follow-up
mg (n = 4), 20 mg and 225 mg). The baseline time period -
(n = 1), 15 mg (n = rest were started practice effects
1), or 2.5 mg (n = on risperidone 4
1). mg (n = 4), 3 mg
Loxapine = 35 mg (n = 1), 3.5 mg (n =
(n = 1) 1), 1 mg (n = 1) or
Page 12 of 26

olanzapine 10 mg
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
(n = 4), 20 mg (n =
1), 15 mg (n = 1),
2.5 mg (n = 1), and
one patient was
restarted on her
previous 35 mg of
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

Sergi et al. 8, week double 73 outpatients Risperidone 4 mg Patients were N Emotion Half-profile of baseline, 8 • No significant •Pharmaceutical 21
(2007) [62] blind, with Olanzapine 15 mg initially enrolled Processing/ non-verbal weeks changes in social funding-
randomised schizophrenia- Haloperidol 8 mg and tested at Social sensitivity/IPT- cognition medications for
study spectrum baseline on their Perception 15 associated with the study were
disorder pre-study medica- treatment over provided by
tion; there was no an 8-week study pharmaceutical
(2021) 21:597

medication wash- period. companies

out period. • Modest group
size and two
paths - limited
statistical power
• Short follow-up
time period -
practice effects
• Patients were
naïve (no wash-
out period)
Mizrahi et al. Cross sectional 17 FEP patients Typical Atypical Not stated The study was a N Attribution IPSAQ baseline, 6 • Attributional style • Small 11
(2008) [63] study and a cohort of Style weeks scores did not longitudinal
longitudinal consecutively change during 6 cohort – may
study admitted weeks of not have
antipsychotic-free antipsychotic sufficient power
patients to the in- treatment • Short follow-up
patient and out- time period -
patient Schizophre- practice effects
nia program who • FEP patients only
were willing to start • Antipsychotic
antipsychotic medi- medication not
cation. Patients had specified
previously un-
treated psychosis
and were
at the beginning of
the study, or had
started or changed
medication to im-
prove symptoms in
the previous 48 h.
Fakra et al. Controlled, open, 25 schizophrenia Haloperidol Not stated Followed a wash- N Emotion FEDT baseline, 2 • Greater beneficial • Small sample 17
(2009) [64] randomised and patients Risperidone out period of at Processing weeks, 4 effect of size
prospective least 1 week for weeks Risperidone than • Patients were
Page 13 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
design. prior antipsychotic Haloperidol in not
treatment. Random schizophrenic antipsychotic-
assignment to Halo- patients’ ability to naïve
peridol or Risperi- discriminate facial • Short follow-up
done treatment emotions at time period -
groups.Use of other follow-up com- practice effects
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

antipsychotics or pared to baseline

long-life benzodiaz-
epines was prohib-
ited. Benzodiaze-
pines were not
administered for a
minimum of eight
hours before emo-
(2021) 21:597

tional testing.
Penn et al. Random 873 Olanzapine (Zyprexa, Eli Lilly) Overlap in the N Emotion FEDT baseline • Patients in all • Authors consult 22
(2009) [65] assignment to schizophrenia Quetiapine (7.5 mg), (Seroquel, administration of Processing and 2 treatment groups for pharma
double-blind patients Fumarate AstraZeneca) (200 the antipsychotic months (with the companies
intervention Risperidone mg) agents that patients exception of • Medications
Ziprasidone (Risperdal, Janssen received before Ziprasidone) provided by
Perphenazine Pharmaceuticals) study entry was showed small, pharma
(1.5 mg) permitted for the non-significant companies
(Trilafon, Schering- first four weeks improvements in • Patients were
Plough) (8 mg) after randomization emotion percep- not
(Geodon, Pfizer) to allow a gradual tion from base- antipsychotic-
(40 mg) transition to study line to two naïve (medica-
medication. months tion was grad-
Concomitant ually titrated
medications were over 4 weeks fol-
permitted lowing
throughout the randomisation)
trial, except for
Roberts Randomised, 223 Olanzapine olanzapine mean Participants entered N Social SCRT baseline • Olanzapine and • Patients were 20
et al. double-blind clin- Schizophrenia- Quetiapine dose = 15.6 mg a 2-week titration Perception and 6 Quetiapine not
(2010) [66] ical trial. spectrum quetiapine mean period during months significantly antipsychotic-
patients dose = 455.8 mg which they were improve naïve (medica-
Chlorpromazine switched from their performance on tion was titrated
equivalents of current medication 3/4 social cue over 2 weeks fol-
these doses are to Olanzapine or recognition tasks lowing
312 mg/day and Quetiapine. at follow-up randomisation)
607.7 mg/day, compared to • Pharmaceutical
respectively. baseline funding
Maat et al. 8 week, 48 schizophrenia Aripiprazole maximum 30 mg Overlap in the N Emotion FERT baseline, 8 • No significant • High drop-out 17
(2013) [67] randomised, patients Risperidone maximum 6 mg administration of Processing weeks effect of rate (few follow-
multicentre, the antipsychotic medication- ups)
open-label study agents that patients group on end- • Short follow-up
received before point perform- time period -
study entry was ance on social practice effects
permitted for the cognition at • Funded by
first 2 weeks after follow-up pharma
Page 14 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
randomisation to compared to company
allow for gradual baseline • Patients were
transition. not
Concomitant antipsychotic-
medication other naïve
than antipsychotics
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

was permitted
throughout the
trial; the dosage
was restricted to a
maximum of 30 mg
diazepam or
equivalent, 120 mg
propranolol, and
(2021) 21:597

12 mg biperiden or
Shi et al. Single-arm, open- 95 Schizophrenia Paliperidone 3-12 mg/daily Single antipsychotic N Emotional MCCB baseline, 6 • Treatment • Funding from 19
(2016) [68] label study patients usage for at least 4 Intelligence months associated with pharma
weeks before study. improvements in company
5/6 cognitive • Open-label,
domains, but not single-arm de-
social cognition sign (efficacy
Koshikawa 6 month pilot, 21 Paliperidone PP- doses of the Inclusion: N Emotion SECT baseline, 6 • No significant • Small sample 21
et al. open-label, ran- Schizophrenia- Palmitate drug were Having received Processing months differences size
(2016) [69] domised con- spectrum Risperidone adjusted according risperidone long- between the two • Patients were
trolled study patients (LAI) to clinical status, acting injection for groups in terms not
upper limit of 50 2 months or longer. of the SECT antipsychotic-
mg /2 weekly. R Exclusion: Current accuracy at naïve (excluded
(LAI)-The dose was treatment with oral follow-up if they were not
determined risperidone or oral currently being
depending on palmitate treated with
patient’s clinical risperidone. antipsychotic
status, with an Current treatment medication)
upper limit of 150 with multiple oral
mg/monthly antipsychotics.
Gultekin Longitudinal 19 Clozapine CPZE equivalent = being under N Emotion FERT baseline, • Ability to • Small sample 16
et al. naturalistic study Schizophrenia- Risperidone 600 mg/day CPZE current Processing 16–20 recognise disgust size
(2017) [70] spectrum equivalent = 800 antipsychotic weeks faces poorer by a • Patients were
patients mg/day treatment included significant not
in inclusion criteria amount in the antipsychotic-
Risperidone naïve
group compared
to the Clozapine
group at baseline
and significantly
poorer after
treatment with
Risperidone then
with Clozapine at
• Mean responses
to facial
Page 15 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
shorter after
Clozapine and
Risperidone than
at baseline
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

cross-sectional studies
Savina Experimental task 84 clozapine (n = Not stated received clozapine N ToM First-order N/A - • Olanzapine and • Non-randomised 13
et al. Naturalistic schizophrenia- 18) (n = 18), olanzapine Belief Task cross- Clozapine groups design
(2007) [71] design spectrum pa- olanzapine (n = (n = 20), risperidone sectional performed similar • No follow-up
tients 24 healthy 20) (n = 23) or typicals to healthy evaluation
volunteers risperidone (n = 23), including controls on ToM • Patients were
(2021) 21:597

(n = 23) perphenazine (n = task. not

perphenazine 2), fluphenazine • Risperidone and antipsychotic-
(n = 2) (n = 8), flupentixol typical naïve
fluphenazine (n = 6), antipsychotic
(n = 8) zuclopenthixol (n = groups
flupentixol (n= 4), stelazine (n = 1) performed worse
6) and haloperidol on ToM task
zuclopenthixol (n = 2), for at least (compared to
(n = 4) 4 months. Most healthy controls)
stelazine (n = 1) were also receiving
haloperidol mood stabilizers or
(n = 2) other medications,
but these were not
recorded. However,
treating physicians
were asked not to
refer patients who
Kucharska- Naturalistic, 84 FGAs and SGAs Not stated 39 patients were N Emotion FERT N/A - • No significant • Non-randomised 15
Pietura pragmatic sample Schizophrenia- treated using Processing cross- differences in • No follow-up
et al. spectrum conventional sectional performance evaluation
(2012) [72] patients antipsychotic drugs between typical
(perphenazine, and atypical
perazine, treatment
fluphenazine, groups.
haloperidol) and 61
were treated with
antipsychotic drugs
clozapine and
quetiapine). All
patients were
clinically stable after
4 weeks of
antipsychotic use
Page 16 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
Labuschagne Experimental task 113 Early HD Neuroleptics Not stated Of those taking N Emotion FERT N/A • In early HD • Emotion 13
et al. (2013) patients Not specified neuroleptics (n1/ Processing neuroleptic use recognition
[73] 429) almost all of was associated deficits in HD
the patients were with worse facial may be due to
on atypical emotion facial perception
neuroleptics except recognition impairments
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

for one patient; the compared to • Time constraints

most common those not using in testing –
neuroleptic taken neuroleptics presenting only
was olanzapine (14 10 stimuli per
patients). The emotion
neuroleptic daily • Single channel
dose range of emotion
(expressed as the processing –
(2021) 21:597

equivalent dose of faces only

was 50–800 mg.
These patients may
have been taking
medications such
as SSRI’s that were
not fully listed.
Adjusted for stage
of disease
Neuroimaging Studies (healthy volunteer and patient studies)
Sumiyoshi Longitudinal 20 outpatients Perospirone Dose adjusted to 7/20 drug-free, 13/ N Social Script Tasks baseline, 6 • Perospirone was • Subjects 15
et al. treatment design with optimise 20 on antipsychotic Perception months associated with heterogeneous
(2009) [74] schizophrenia improvement in medication an increase in in terms of
symptoms. P300 ERP in the premedication
Subjects who had left PFC. • Small sample
already been • Performance on size due to large
treated with script tasks (social drop-out rate
antipsychotic cognitive task) • Funding from
drugs, had was improved pharmaceutical
medication during treatment, company
switched stepwise positively
to Perospirone correlated with
monotherapy P300 changes.
during the initial 6
Takahashi Single-blind, 13 healthy Sultopride 25 mg N Y Emotion Affective Not • After •Pharmacological 14
et al. randomised, volunteers Fluoxetine 50 mg (lactose) Processing Processing specified 3 antipsychotic actions may be
(2005) [75] placebo- (antidepressant) Task - fMRI sessions administration on vascular and
controlled design healthy respiratory
study. volunteers systems which in
showed turn effect BOLD
decreased BOLD • Only healthy
responses in volunteers used
limbic areas • Pharmacological
when viewing changes did not
emotional stimuli represent the
Page 17 of 26
Table 1 Data Extraction of All Studies Included in the Narrative Synthesis, with Data Quality Scores (Continued)
Author & Date. Study Design Sample Medication Dosage Treatment Placebo Domain/s Measure/s Follow- Key Limitations D&B
Name/s Pre-Intervention Ups Findings Checklist
Franken Randomised, 32 healthy Bromocriptine 2.5 mg All subjects Y Emotion Affective weekly (for • Low dose • Substantial 21
et al. double-blind, volunteers (Beta-Blocker) 2 mg received a single (lactose) Processing Processing each haloperidol and dropout in
(2008) [76] placebo- Haloperidol oral dose of Task - EEG condition bromocriptine Bromocriptine
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry

controlled cross- placebo (lactose), −3 weeks did not change group – lower
over design. bromocriptine (2.5 total) ERPs towards generalisability
mg), and affective stimuli. • Low doses of
haloperidol (2 mg) medication -
in a due to
counterbalanced unwanted side
order. The effects
medication was • Some
(2021) 21:597

provided by the participants

pharmacy of the received
Erasmus Medical Domperidone to
Centre in treat nausea
Abbreviations: SMI serious mental illness, FERT facial emotion recognition task, fMRI functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG Electroencephalography, IAPS International Affective Picture System, MPFC Medial Pre-
Frontal Cortex, OFC Orbitofrontal Cortiex, ACC Anterior Cingulate Cortex, FEIT facial emotion identification test, CNB computerised neurocognitive battery, ToM theory of mind, IPSAQ internal, personal, and situational
attributions questionnaire, FEDT facial emotional discrimination task, SCRT social cue recognition test, FGA first-generation antipsychotic, SGA second-generation antipsychotic, MCCB Matrics Consensus Cognitive
Battery, SECT social emotional cognition task, LAI long-acting injection, CPZE chlorpromazine equivalent, ERP event-related potential, TRENDS tool for recognition of emotions in neuropsychiatric disorders, DSM-IV
diagnostic statistical manual 4th edition, BOLD blood-oxygen level dependent, D&B Downs and Black Checklist
Page 18 of 26
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 19 of 26

Inclusion/exclusion criteria Results (narrative synthesis element 2: developing

a preliminary synthesis)
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Search results
Longitudinal or cross-sectional study Published in a non-English The search identified 2931 papers fitting the eligibility
designs language criteria, with 2681 remaining after de-duplication. The
Participants received or were being Qualitative, theoretical, or abstracts and titles of those records were then screened
treated with a psychiatric systematic review or meta- and 2511 were excluded due to not meeting the inclu-
medication with sedative properties analysis papers
a sion criteria. This resulted in 170 papers for full-paper
screening. A further 130 papers were excluded during
The population included healthy
volunteers, humans with mental this stage, for reasons shown in Fig. 3. The remaining 40
health or neuropsychiatric disorders full-text papers were used in the narrative synthesis.
Investigated a social cognition Data from these papers including study design, sample,
measure or task. medication (name, dosage), pre-intervention treatment,
Paper present in the initial search placebo (yes/no), social cognitive domains tested, social
filtered for the following dates: cognition measures, follow-up timepoints, key findings,
From inception of database to 10th
August 2019. and study limitations, were extracted and can be viewed
Second search (on 30/12/2019): 10/ in Table 1. Notably there were no studies of mood stabi-
08/2019–30/12/2019. lisers, barbiturates, pregabalin or any sedative
Study present in grey literature antidepressants.
searches on (greylit.org and
opengrey.eu) and fit all the above
inclusion criteria. Quality of assessment of studies
Data quality was rated by ZH on all 40 full-text papers
We included all antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, and barbiturates. and AJW on 20% randomly selected papers. An interra-
Tricyclic antidepressants, mirtazapine and trazadone were also included, and
pregabalin. Drugs that are prescribed for mental disorders but predominantly ter reliability score Cohens Kappa Coefficient of 0.85
used for physical health complaints, such as gabapentin and beta-blockers, was calculated [80], indicating good agreement between
were excluded
authors. Of the 40 included papers, 11 were rated poor
and 20 were rated fair. Only 9 total papers were rated
good, and none were rated excellent. Scores for each
paper are reported in Table 1.
Citations were imported to Mendeley and all duplicates
were removed. ZH independently screened all citation ti-
tles for their applicability [77]. Titles that did not meet Benzodiazepine studies
eligibility criteria were removed. Full-text papers were Four benzodiazepine studies conducted in healthy vol-
then screened and any uncertainties about inclusion unteers showed significant impairments in emotion rec-
were discussed with a second reviewer (AJW). ognition social cognition tasks following diazepam
administration [39, 41, 44, 81], suggesting that sedative
medication at a therapeutic dose impairs emotion pro-
Quality of assessment of studies cessing. One of these papers also incidentally investi-
Study quality was evaluated using the Downs and Black gated the effects of Metropolol, a beta-blocker with mild
checklist [78] as it allows for assessment of both rando- sedative effects, and found no significant effect of the
mised and non-randomised studies. The checklist evalu- drug on emotion recognition [41]. A further study [42]
ates papers on reporting, external validity, and internal showed a selective effect of diazepam on recognition of
validity (bias and confounding). It consists of 27 items angry expressions only. This result may be due to using
scored with 0 points for ‘no/unable to determine’, or 1 a small dose in comparison to other studies. One benzo-
point for a ‘yes’ response. Item 5 is scored differently diazepine study using oxazepam showed no effect on a
with 0 points for a ‘no’ response, 1 point for a ‘partially’ measure of empathy [38].
response, or 2 points for a ‘yes’ response. The last item One study was conducted in patients with schizophre-
on the checklist regarding power was altered in concord- nia, which looked at the effects of benzodiazepine with-
ance with a previous review conducted by Trac et al. drawal. Patients who were in the process of withdrawing
[79] to rate whether a power analysis was calculated (1 from benzodiazepines were significantly impaired in
point), or not (0 points). The maximum score for the recognising negative emotions compared to healthy vol-
checklist was 28, with the scoring ranges being (< 14) unteers, in contrast to patients who had already with-
poor quality, (15–19) fair quality, (20–25) good quality, drawn, who were not. However, all patients were likely
and (26–28) excellent quality. to have been on other medications [81].
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 20 of 26

Fig. 3 PRISMA flow diagram [36]

Neuroimaging studies of benzodiazepines and social healthy volunteers taking a placebo drug during the
cognition same emotion recognition tasks [46]. However, at the
All neuroimaging studies compared social cognition be- time of the fMRI task all patients were taking either
fore and immediately after administration of the experi- antipsychotic or antidepressant medications in addition
mental drug. Del-Ben et al. [43] showed that a single to the administered lorazepam.
dose of diazepam in healthy volunteers resulted in atten-
uated activation of the right amygdala when responding Antipsychotic studies
to fearful faces, although no evidence was found for this Healthy volunteers
interaction when participants viewed angry faces. In an- Only two studies tested the effects of antipsychotics on
other healthy volunteer study, Paulus et al. [82] showed social cognition in healthy volunteers. A small crossover
that lorazepam attenuated activation in the amygdala study by Lawrence et al. [47] (N = 14) found that recog-
and insula, and that the activation was significantly nition of angry facial expressions was reduced in partici-
lower after 1 mg compared to 0.25 mg, suggesting a pants taking sulpiride, but recognition of other
dose-dependent reaction in emotional processing re- expressions was not affected. In addition, a larger rando-
gions. However, a study by Olofsson et al. [45] found no mised parallel group trial of quetiapine versus placebo
interaction between benzodiazepines and EEG activity by Rock et al. [48] (N = 27) found no effect of the medi-
during response to an affective processing task. cation on facial expression recognition, though dropout
A study investigating benzodiazepine effects on pa- rates were high (25%) in the quetiapine arm, which may
tients with ‘catatonic’ schizophrenia and patients with have obscured an effect.
bipolar disorder found that lorazepam induced BOLD
signal decreases in the occipital cortex and medial pre- Patient studies
frontal cortex (MPFC) in patients with schizophrenia All studies comparing patients with schizophrenia and
when undertaking a negative emotion recognition task. healthy volunteers found patients performed less well on
This resulted in BOLD patterns resembling those of social cognition tasks whether or not they were taking
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 21 of 26

antipsychotics at baseline [49–54, 56, 61, 63, 68]. This treatment groups (except for ziprasidone) on an emotion
included one study with patients who were drug naïve processing task, with no difference between individual
[61], two studies with patients who were drug-free at second-generation drugs or between first- and second-
study commencement [53, 68], studies including partici- generation drugs.
pants with a mixture of drug-naïve, drug-free, and previ- One study involving participants with Huntingdon’s
ous treatment for under 4 weeks [50–52, 54, 57, 72], and disease showed poorer performance on facial recognition
one study with patients stable on an antipsychotic [58]. tests in those taking antipsychotics compared to those
Most longitudinal studies involving people with schizo- who were not, after controlling for the stage of the dis-
phrenia taking antipsychotics showed improvements in ease [71].
performance on social cognition tasks at follow-up com- In this review, several studies were conducted by au-
pared to baseline [50–52, 55, 56, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 70], thors who received funding from pharmaceutical com-
although some found no effect [49, 53, 54, 58, 60, 62, 65, panies for research purposes or consulting. One study
67] and one showed a decline [68]. had a pharmaceutical company provide the medication
When studies were classified by the prior medication for the research [65]. Studies that were conducted by au-
status of participants, two longitudinal studies involved thors who received pharmaceutical company funding
patients who were previously drug naïve. One of these found either improvements in social cognition after anti-
studies detected improvements on an emotional process- psychotic administration [55, 64, 73], or no effect of the
ing task at follow-up [61], the other study involved an drug on performance [60, 63, 65]. However, improve-
attributional style task, and found no effects of the medi- ments were also shown in studies that did not rely on
cation [49]. Studies that involved patients who had a pharmaceutical funding [50–52, 56, 61, 66].
prior drug-free period, mostly found improvements in
emotion processing tasks [50, 52, 53, 70], and one in a Neuroimaging studies of patients and social cognition
theory of mind task [56]. Some studies specified that A study by Sumiyoshi et al. [73] investigated the effect
participants were taking an antipsychotic at baseline of the antipsychotic, perospirone, on social perception in
prior to switching to another [51, 54, 55, 58–60, 62–65, schizophrenia patients. They found an increase in the
67, 68] and one did not describe the prior treatment sta- P300 ERP activation in the left pre-frontal cortex (PFC),
tus of participants [66]. In studies in which people were as well as improvements in the social cognitive script
already taking antipsychotic treatment, results reflect ef- task, after 6 months treatment compared to baseline.
fects of changing the type of antipsychotic rather than A study investigating the effect of sultopride on emo-
starting treatment. tion processing in healthy volunteers found decreased
One study tested healthy volunteers at baseline and BOLD responses in the amygdala when viewing nega-
follow-up to control for practice effects [50]. It found tively valenced stimuli compared to before sultopride ad-
that patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsy- ministration [74]. There was also increased activation in
chotics (a mixture of people who were previously drug the PFC identified during positron emission tomography
naïve (n = 11) or drug free (n = 12)) showed significant (PET) scans. However, behaviourally they found minimal
improvements in emotion recognition at 6 months com- changes to performance on social cognition tasks. Add-
pared to healthy volunteers. itionally, a crossover EEG study by Franken et al. [75]
One longitudinal study involving 29 people with with healthy volunteers, found that both the dopamine
schizophrenia and 28 with bipolar disorder explored agonist bromocriptine, and antipsychotic haloperidol
dose-response relationships [68]. Findings showed that produced no significant difference in emotion-related
patients with schizophrenia who were taking higher ERPs (P300-P400) compared to before drug administra-
doses of antipsychotic medication had more difficulty tion. This study used low doses of medication, however,
recognising sad and neutral facial expressions compared and some participants were also prescribed domperidone
to those taking lower doses at follow-up. In bipolar pa- to treat nausea.
tients, antipsychotic dose was unrelated to the accuracy
of performance in judging emotions. Discussion (narrative synthesis element 3:
Studies comparing different antipsychotics produced exploring the relationships within and between
inconsistent results. Some found that patients treated the studies)
with second-generation drugs did better than those tak- Clarifying the effects of prescribed medication on social
ing first-generation antipsychotics [55, 59, 66, 69, 70], cognitive ability is important since social cognition ap-
but there was no consistent pattern to the results. pears to be impaired in people across psychiatric diagno-
Others found no difference between different agents or ses, and this impairment may be related to deficits in
types of agent [57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 72]. The largest study social functioning that represent a significant disability.
by Penn et al. [64] showed improvements in all Hypothetically, psychiatric drugs may impair social
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 22 of 26

cognition due to their sedative effects, or may, through with bipolar disorder. The study with patients with Hun-
improving psychiatric symptoms, benefit social tingdon’s disease also found worse facial recognition
cognition. performance associated with antipsychotic use, even
The findings suggest that psychiatric drugs with seda- after adjusting for disease severity [71]. This is consistent
tive properties, such as benzodiazepines, can impair with the evidence of reduced neurocognitive functioning
emotion recognition in healthy volunteers [39, 41, 42, in people with Alzheimer’s following antipsychotic use,
44, 81]. Findings were most consistent for emotion pro- but further studies are required to clarify the effects of
cessing following the use of diazepam, however few drugs in other psychiatric conditions.
studies were conducted using other benzodiazepines or Patients who experience psychiatric disorders are likely
measures of social cognition. Two neuroimaging studies to experience neurocognitive deficits such as poor atten-
investigating lorazepam found decreased activation in tion and decision-making skills due to the nature of their
the social cognitive neural network during emotion pro- symptoms [83], which may directly prevent successful
cessing [46, 82]. These findings suggest sedative effects social cognitive ability [27]. In addition to this, some re-
of lorazepam may be altering brain processes required search has found that patients with a mental health diag-
for emotion recognition, although neither study used a nosis are more likely to have poorer intellectual abilities
behavioural measure to confirm the effects on social than the healthy population [84], which could result in
cognitive ability. In contrast effects of antipsychotics on difficulties with language and communication skills.
healthy volunteers were inconsistent, but only two stud- These difficulties may make individuals less experienced
ies were identified. As antipsychotics have different or confident in a social environment and have a negative
pharmacological profiles and cause varying levels of sed- influence on social cognition as a result. The studies ex-
ation, different agents may have different effects. Further amined here confirmed that there is an impairment of
research is required to clarify effects of antipsychotics on social cognition in people experiencing a psychotic epi-
social cognition in volunteers, especially considering the sode, even before drug treatment is started. However,
evidence that antipsychotics impair neurocognitive per- the research base is currently not adequate to unravel
formance and their reported effects on emotional whether there are additional positive or negative effects
reactivity. associated with the use of psychiatric drugs.
Results of studies with patient populations found that Neuroimaging findings suggest that medication may
antipsychotic treatment improves or has no effect on so- be affecting brain processes that have been found to be
cial cognition in patients with schizophrenia. The studies associated with social cognitive ability. Sumiyoshi et al.
suffered from several important methodological limita- [73] found an increase in the P300 ERP during a social
tions, however. First, practice effects in cognitive tasks perception task in patients with schizophrenia after anti-
are common [76], and as most studies in this review had psychotic administration, which was positively correlated
short follow-up time windows (averaging 3.2 months) it with their task performance. However, only 7 of 20 par-
is expected that improvements would be caused by task ticipants started the study drug-free, and 8 participants
memory from earlier sessions. Only one study controlled dropped out after the baseline assessment, making it dif-
for practice effects by including a healthy volunteer con- ficult to make firm conclusions. Takahashi et al’s [74]
trol group. The study identified practice effects, but also study on an affective processing task showed decreased
showed an additional improvement in social cognition BOLD responses in the amygdala and greater activations
that was independent of practice effects [51]. Second, in the PFC following antipsychotic administration in
studies did not distinguish the effects of the medication healthy volunteers. This was noteworthy as the PFC is
from the effects of changes in symptoms. Symptom im- known to attenuate amygdala activation during emo-
provement may occur as a result of antipsychotic treat- tional processing [85]. Therefore, it is possible anti-
ment but may also occur spontaneously. One of the psychotic medication is working directly on the PFC,
present studies detected a correlation between psychotic and decreased amygdala signals are secondary to this.
symptoms and social cognition [53], but ultimately,
placebo-controlled comparisons are needed to reliably Strengths and limitations (narrative synthesis element 4:
detect treatment-specific effects. assessment of the robustness of the synthesis)
In contrast to studies showing improvement in social One of the most important strengths of this review was
cognition with antipsychotics, one study on emotion establishing the current literature on the effects of seda-
processing identified a negative effect with a dose- tive psychiatric medications on social cognition using a
response relationship, such that higher doses of antipsy- rigorous search strategy of published and unpublished
chotics related to higher levels of social cognitive impair- work.
ment in patients with schizophrenia, but this was only We included all psychiatric populations, and healthy
found in people diagnosed with schizophrenia and not volunteer studies in our search. However, in our review
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 23 of 26

we found the research was largely limited to studies of or of practice effects. Additionally, only one study of an-
benzodiazepine effects in healthy volunteers, and studies tipsychotics, and no benzodiazepine studies, looked at
of antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia with one dose-dependent effects. This variability in studies also
study of patients with the neuropsychiatric disorder, restricted analysis of the papers included, making a
Huntingdon’s disease [86]. Research on neurocognitive meaningful meta-analysis impossible to conduct.
function suggests that antipsychotics, in particular, may One other major limitation of this review was that
have specifically detrimental effects in people with psy- 80% of the included studies explored emotion processing
chiatric disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, and further re- tasks, leaving the other domains of social cognition
search on their effects on social cognition in people with largely ignored in the literature. Resultingly, our review
these disorders would be valuable. is more of an insight into the effects of sedative medica-
We made efforts to also include all prescribed psychi- tions on emotion processing, rather than the broader
atric medications with sedative effects in our search, but area of social cognition as a whole.
we may have omitted some medications that are not Finally, benzodiazepines have reasonably consistent ef-
commonly used. We also excluded drugs that are pre- fects, but antipsychotics vary widely in their receptor tar-
scribed for mental disorders but are predominantly used gets, pharmacological actions and sedative profiles [47,
for non-psychiatric indications, such as gabapentin or 48]. The studies examined did not enable a comprehen-
beta-blockers. We also did not include drugs with seda- sive comparison of the effects of different agents within
tive effects that are routinely used for physical disorders, any class of drugs. In addition, no studies were found
such as opiate anaesthetics, for example, and we also did that assessed effects of other prescribed psychiatric
not include recreational sedatives such as alcohol or her- drugs with sedative properties, such as mood stabilisers,
oin in our search. The review focused on prescribed psy- sedative antidepressants or pregabalin.
chiatric medication in order to clarify the effects of these
medications in people with diagnoses of mental disor- Further research
ders, but recreational drugs are commonly used amongst We suggest that further research of higher quality is
patients with a mental health diagnosis [87], and their needed to clarify the effects of sedative medications on
sedative effects may also influence social cognitive abil- social cognition in healthy volunteers and patients with
ity. Therefore, this should be an important consideration psychiatric diagnoses.
for future research in the area. Further studies conducted with neuroimaging tech-
An integral strength of our search for this review was niques will allow better insight into structural or func-
the inclusion of all known terminology for social cogni- tional brain changes resulting from administration of
tive domains and measures. However, this was difficult psychiatric medication with sedative effects. Conducting
due to the use of interchangeable terms for similar these studies with a behavioural performance element
items, exposing a feature of the social cognition field will also allow researchers to identify if brain changes
that needs to be addressed. are consistent with changes in social cognitive ability.
A limitation of the current review was the poor quality Further studies also need to control for practice ef-
of available studies. Our data quality analysis tool fects, and studies involving patients should include pla-
allowed us to identify several deficiencies with current cebo or no treatment control groups in order to
papers available in the field, such as small sample sizes, distinguish the effects of medication from the natural
non-randomised designs, and few adherence to medica- evolution of psychiatric symptoms. Studies should be
tion measures. Only four of the studies found conducted conducted across a range of social cognition domains, to
power analysis to qualify their sample size. This resulted ensure we are getting an accurate picture of complete
in many of the included studies having small numbers of social cognitive ability. Additionally, studies should be
recruits, undermining the internal and external validity conducted across a range of psychiatric medications with
of the research findings. During quality analysis, re- sedative properties, to ensure we are able to identify any
searchers also found only three of the longitudinal stud- significant differences between drugs, and in different
ies included were recording medication adherence. In psychiatric diagnoses to clarify the effects of medication
addition to this, very few studies considered the influ- across conditions.
ence of practice effects, which have an important influ- Notably, recent research in the field of social cognition
ence on the results of longitudinal studies of cognitive and psychiatry has focused on the potential benefits of
performance, and there were few randomised placebo- non- pharmacological interventions, such as social cog-
controlled studies that would allow conclusions about nition and interaction training (SCIT), metacognitive re-
whether changes in patients taking antipsychotics were flection and insight therapy (MRIT), and metacognitive
attributable to specific medication effects, or whether training. A review in 2009 by Choi and colleagues [88]
they were the result of unrelated symptom improvement found that five intervention studies showed promising
Haime et al. BMC Psychiatry (2021) 21:597 Page 24 of 26

results for social cognitive improvements in patients Funding

with schizophrenia, and a comprehensive review by This research was funded by North East London Foundation Trust
supporting the PhD study of first author ZH.
Kurtz et al. [89] showed large effect sizes for training on
facial affect recognition, moderate effect sizes on theory Availability of data and materials
of mind, and small effect sizes on attribution bias for pa- Not Applicable.
tients with schizophrenia. Although some studies in-
cluded in these reviews used control groups, the Declarations
majority of studies failed to control for potential medica- Ethics approval and consent to participate
tion effects in participants with schizophrenia. Psychi- Not applicable.
atric medication use alongside a social cognitive training
intervention may cause improvements or deficits in par- Consent for publication
Not applicable.
ticipant outcomes, which we consider an important clin-
ical implication in treatment implementation. Therefore, Competing interests
we suggest future research in this area accounts for psy- JM is chief investigator for the NIHR-funded RADAR study of antipsychotic re-
chiatric medication use in the analysis of intervention duction. All other authors do not have any conflict of interest.

effectiveness. Author details

Psychiatry Department, University College London, London, UK. 2Institute of
Neurology, UCL, London, UK. 3Department of Primary Care and Population
Conclusion Health, UCL, London, UK.
Deficits in social cognition have been identified in
Received: 23 June 2021 Accepted: 14 October 2021
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