Answer Key - Audio Script For Unit 3 Test

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Test Unit 3 audio script

and answer key

Audio script
Track 4
A Listening
Listen. Circle the words you hear.
& A =^!BVgn#I]^h^hBg#Hb^i]#>h
B NZh!]Z^h#=Z»hlViX]^c\IK#
' A =^!i]^h^hBgh#8]d#>hndjg
B NZh!h]Z^h!Wjih]Z»hZVi^c\
( A =^!Bg#GVbdh#I]^h^hBVgiV#
B NZh!h]Z^h!Wjih]Z»hhaZZe^c\
) A =^!Bg#7gdlc#I]^h^h7g^Y\Zi#
B NZh!]Z^h!Wji]Z»hhijYn^c\
* A =^!=Vgjb^#>hndjgh^hiZg"^c"
B Cd!h]Z^hc»i#

Answer key
A Listening E Writing
&# \gVcY[Vi]Zg )# hdc 6chlZghl^aakVgn#:VX]^iZb
'# bdi]Zg *# h^hiZg"^c"aVl ^h)ed^cih#HXdgZ[dgVXXjgVXn!
(# c^ZXZ \gVbbVg!ejcXijVi^dc!VcY
B Grammar heZaa^c\#
&# VbhijYn^c\ )# VgZiVa`^c\ Edhh^WaZVchlZgh/
'# ^hgZVY^c\ *# ^hhaZZe^c\ &# HXdii^hZ^\]inZVghdaY#
(# ^hlViX]^c\ '# Bgh#8aVg`^h'.nZVghdaY#
(# Bg#VcYBgh#8aVg`]VkZ[djg
C Grammar X]^aYgZc#
&# ldg`^c\ )# ]Zae^c\ )# Bg#VcYBgh#8aVg`]VkZdcZ
'# ZVi^c\ *# iV`^c\ YVj\]iZg#
(# Wjn^c\ *# Bg#VcYBgh#8aVg`]VkZi]gZZ
D Reading hdch#
&# W^gi]YVn )# iV`^c\
'# \gVcYhdc *# [Vb^an
(# ZVi^c\

© Cambridge University Press 2008 Photocopiable Ventures 1 Test Unit 3 audio script and answer key

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