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Government Of the People's Republic Of Bangladesh

Office Of the Chief Controller Of Imports and Exports

Import Registration Certificate (IRC)

1. This is to certify that until further orders Jubaer textile Limited. Address: Plot No: 19, Union Capital
Market, 86 Siddeshwari Circular Road. Dhaka hereby registered as a Commercial Importer to Office
of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports under the jurisdiction of Office of the Controller of
Imports and Exports, Dhaka with following terms and conditions.

Company's Particulars:
1. E.TIN 852534283945
2. previous IRC NO BA031586
3. Nominated Bank Name & Branch:IFIC Bank Limited, Banani
4. Import Slab up to 6,00,00,000 Taka
5. First issue Date 20 May, 2024
6. Valid up to 21 May, 2025
Last Updated Date 07November, 2023

Terms & condition:

1, This Registration Certificate will have to be renewed
every financial year. Md Jubaer
2.Without any permission of the Chie' Control'er 'mports Exports
Executive or anyOffice
Officer Other
officer authorized by him. This Registration Certificate cannot be transferred.
the Controller of Imports
and Exports,
3.It any Importer. Exporter &Indentor violates any Drovisions of
Dhaka National Sports
Importers. Exporters &Indentors (Registration) Order. 1981 or any other laws.
Council (NSC) Tower, 62/3.
the registration may be suspended or cancelled. Level-14, PuranaPaltan.
4.Any kind of fraud, forgery and misdeclaration is punishable under
ICUAct. 2006 and in such cages the registration may be suspended or canceled
by the Authority,
5, The authority reserves the right to cancel the registration certificate at any time without assigning any
reason whatsoever.

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