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QnQ Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Policy on Employment of Spouse or Spouse working in the Organization.

1. Introduction:

This Policy outlines the guidelines for employment of married couples working within the
Organization or Spouse seeking employment in QnQ Healthcare Pvt Ltd. It is designed to ensure a
fair, professional, and efficient work environment while managing potential conflicts of interest in
the course of employment .

Consideration will be given to potential conflicts of interest, especially in cases where a direct
reporting relationship exists.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to all current and prospective future employees of QnQ Healthcare Pvt Ltd,
encompassing all departments and retail units, with a specific focus on Marketing, Sales, and Field
Operations (MSFO).

3. Policy Statement:

3.1 Recruitment and Deployment of Married Couples:

Individuals who are legally married to an employee of this Organization ( Spouses ) , will not be
recruited . If the candidate (spouse) is of an extra calibre or rare skill /Talent , under such
circumstances ,it may be considered . In an ordinary situation , it will not considered . If recruited ,
such individuals shall NOT be deputed to work in the same department or retail unit or direct
reporting of spouse at work place shall be devoid . This measure is to prevent potential conflicts of
interest, ensure impartiality, ensure confidentiality and to maintain a professional work

4. Transfers and Reporting Relationships:

Transfer will be effected , ensuring that , the spouses do not work in the same Department ,but in
different departments or roles. And ensure there is no direct or indirect Reporting relationship or
matrix .


Policies regarding hiring, promotions, and other employment decisions involving spouses , will be
fair and consistent and all the rules / procedures shall be followed without any deviation. There will
not be any room for favouritism or unfair advantages.

6. Reallocation of Existing Married Employees:

Married couples currently working in the same department or Retail unit will be subject to
reallocation and possible Travels with the Head Office (Villupuram) or out of HO or to other Units
/Branches. The company will handle this process with fairness, transparency, and sensitivity to both
the professional and personal needs of the employees.

6.Professional Conduct:

All employees are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in the workplace and
maintain Office decorum .

Public displays of inappropriate behaviour or quarrels between the spouses inside the company or
any conduct that disrupts the work environment or people are not acceptable.

7. Mandatory Disclosure:

Employees must disclose their marital status to the Human Resources Department upon
commencement of employment or any change therein. Failure to disclose a marital relationship with
a fellow employee may result in disciplinary action.

8. Conflict of Interest:

The company acknowledges that marital relationships with a co- employees may lead to perceived
or actual conflicts of interest which may hinder the business interest . In such cases, the company
reserves the right to take appropriate measures, including but not limited to reallocation or

9. Grievance Redressal:

Employees who have concerns or grievances regarding the implementation of this policy may
approach the Human Resources department for a confidential discussion and resolution.

10. Implementation and Enforcement:

The Human Resources department is charged with the implementation, monitoring, and
enforcement of this policy. Regular reviews and audits will be conducted to ensure compliance.

11. Amendments:

This policy is subject to amendment at the company’s discretion. Employees will be notified of any
changes in a timely manner.

12. Effective Date :


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