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My first appreciation goes to the ALMIGHTY GOD, the one who has brought me this
far. May HIS name be exalted forever. However, this field placement would not
have been possible without the help and support of many people who had faith in
I express my utmost gratitude to my field supervisor in the Resident Magistrate
Court of Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni, Hon. Janeth Mtega - PRM. She gave me a lot
of tasks for the purpose of improving my skills, he invited me to share my legal
opinion and although I was a mere intern my opinion was always valued. I am
incredibly grateful to have been supervised by such a genuine person.
I appreciate my field supervisor at MNL Law Chambers, Advocate Sigsbert
Ngemera, for trusting and offering me the opportunity to learn along him.
Internships in law firms are competitive and can be difficult to get. Thank you for
supporting my field placement in your own great way. I appreciate my fellow
interns at MNL Law Chambers for their support at all times. Every time when I
needed help my team was there to teach me. God bless you really good. You are
the best family I can ever have.
I extend my deep gratitude to my internal supervisor Dr G. Taisamo, for his
precious advice. I appreciate my dear mother, Anastazia Ahmad and My Father Mr.
Isack Abel, for their endless support, may the Lord spare you and may you eat the
fruits of your labour. Generally, without forgetting My First-born Jerome Nubitse
Isack may God protect you and Bless your father to successed in life.
I appreciate all the co-student we worked together at Kinondoni, Gidius Godwine
Kato. Life with you has been so wonderful. We shared many good times together,
learning through team work, through mutual respect, listening to each other and
sharing responsibilities. God bless you and all that is yours.
I cannot forget all my friends at the Law School of Tanzania, whose companionship
was an ever-present blessing in times of both trouble & joy, Gidius Kato, Ibrahim
Adjitory, Noel Adam, Jackline Sanga, Daniel Mlelwa, Emmanuel Marandi, Eunice
Daniel, Jackline Mmari, just to mention a few, thank you so much for the
motivation all the way.

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To all the above named and unnamed, may I say in the best way I can, ASANTENI
SANA, for, what better language in which to say thanks than in one's own mother


This is a final report on the field placement conducted during the second semester
as a compulsory requirement by the Law School of Tanzania for the award of
postgraduate diploma in legal practice (PGDLP).

The primary aim of this report is to provide a summary of works done during field
placement. The report is divided into four chapters. Chapter one is introduction
which covers, inter alia, a brief background of the field placement program,
objectives set during field attachment, places where field was conducted and their

Chapter two covers the experience gathered from the field placement such as
duties performed and skills gained. Chapter three is on the legal aid program. And
the last chapter provides for conclusion and recommendations.

The whole field placement was conducted in Dar es Salaam. The first rotation was
conducted at MNL Law chambers in Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni while the second
rotation was conducted at Kinondoni District Court in Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni.
Regarding legal aid, the first legal aid rotation was delivered at Kawe Local
Government Authority within Kinondoni District in Dar es Salaam and the second at
Kimara local government authority (serikali za mitaa), within Kinondoni District in
Dar es Salaam. The purpose of legal aid was to raise legal awareness and provide
access to justice through free legal aid services to members of the community.

During field placement, I learned a lot of skills and experiences. I was given a lot
of tasks; I was given a chance to work closely with the experienced magistrates in
the Judiciary and Advocates in a law firm. I spoke with different legal practitioners
and heard about their experiences the legal field. This increased my confidence
and motivation to practice law. Up to the completion of the field placement, it has
offered me an opportunity to grow professionally and personally.

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Finally, this report reveals that, field placement is of extreme importance, since it
offers law students a unique opportunity to increase their understanding of the
practical side of the law and build academic relationships with various legal



LIST OF ABBREVIATION/ ACRONYMS..........................................................v


1.0 Introduction.................................................................................1

1.1 Brief background of the field placement program....................................1

1.2 Objectives set during field attachment During field placement, the following
objectives were set: -..........................................................................1

1.3 Background of the places where the field was conducted..........................2

1.3.1 Background of MNL Law Chambers...................................................2

1.3.2 Background of the Resident Magistrate Court of Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni. 2

1.4 Structure and organization of the placement offices................................2

1.4.1 Structure and Organization of MNL Law Chambers.................................2

1.4.2 Structure and Organization of Kinondoni Resident Magistrate Court............3

1.5 Major activities of the sections/field placement offices............................3

1.5.1 Major activities at MNL Law Chambers...............................................3

1.5.2 Major activities at the Resident Magistrate Court of Dar es Salaam at



2.0 EXPERIENCES................................................................................4

2.1 Duties and responsibilities................................................................4

2.2 New Knowledge and Skills gained in each of the duties.............................5

2.3 Level of accomplishment of the duties/responsibilities assigned..................5

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2.4 Relationship with other staff.............................................................5

2.5 Things enjoyed most and why............................................................5

2.6 Things enjoyed least and why............................................................6

2.7 Problems experienced and how handled...............................................6

2.8 Major benefits derived from the field attachment program........................7


3.1 Offices where legal aid was provided for both first and second rotation.........8

3.1.1 Kawe Ward Executive Office...........................................................8

3.1.2 Kimara Local Government Authority (Serikali ya Mtaa Kawe)....................8

3.2 Number of people, gender and age that was served.................................9

3.3 Type and number of cases handled while giving legal aid...........................9

3.4 Whether those cases have been taken to court and which court..................9


4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................10

4.1 Conclusion.................................................................................10

4.2 Recommendations........................................................................10

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Adv. Advocate

ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution

App Application

Cap Chapter

Dr. Doctor

E.g. Exempli Gratis

HC High Court

DC District Court

Hon Honourable

LST Law School of Tanzania

PGDLP Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

PTC Pre-Trial Conference

PRM Principal Resident Magistrate

R. E Revised Edition

OSJC One Stop Judicial Centre

WEO Ward Executive Officer

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Brief background of the field placement program

The Field Placement program is one among the courses offered at the Law School
of Tanzania (LST). The course intends to help law students learn various legal
practical aspects, whereby students are attached to various organizations such as
the Judiciary, law firms with senior Advocate(s) of not less than five years in
practice, the office of the Attorney General, the office of the Solicitor General,
National Prosecutions Services office (NPS) and any other organization or company
with legal department section.

During this period, a student is required to report every day at the field station
where he/she has been placed and prepare a daily record of work done and skills
gained by filling out a special student log book. At the end of the field placement,
a student is required to prepare a final field report which shows the names of the
institutions where field placement was conducted, the nature of works done, skills
learned, challenges faced, and recommendations thereto.

1.2 Objectives set during field attachment During field placement, the
following objectives were set: -

i) To understand how proceedings in court are conducted. To arrive at this

objective, I attended various court sessions where I learned about mention
of a case, reading of the charge, PH, 1st PTC, mediation, and final PTC.
ii) To acquire litigation skills such as how to file a case in court, how to serve
a summons, and other documents. To achieve this goal, I filed various cases
and served various documents.
iii) To improve drafting skills in drafting various legal documents such as the
power of attorneys, deeds of settlements, contracts, affidavits, and
chambers summons.
iv) To learn how to compose judgments, rulings, orders, and decrees. To
achieve this goal, I wrote various judgements, and rulings and composed
various decrees.

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v) To understand how to appear and address the court as an Advocate. This
was attained through attending and observing court sessions.

1.3 Background of the places where the field was conducted

The following is the background for each of the field places where I was attached.

1.3.1 Background of MNL Law Chambers

MNL Law Chambers is a quality law firm that provides quality legal services in
almost all areas of legal practice such as Criminal, Civil, Banking, Finance,
Insolvency, Mining, Energy, Real estate, Intellectual property, Employment, Tax,
Corporate and Commercial law, just to mention a few. It was formed by Senior Adv.
Sigsbert Ngemera and his associates. The firm is located at Kinondoni, Ikungi
Street, IBACON Building, 1st Floor Room No. 155, and P.O Box 3072 within the Dar
es Salaam Region. It is where I conducted my field placement for the first rotation.

1.3.2 Background of the Resident Magistrate Court of Dar es Salaam at


The Court of a Resident Magistrate of Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni is among the

magistrate courts established in Tanzania by the order of the Chief Justice as per
Section 5 of the Magistrates Courts Act [CAP 11 R.E 2019]. The court is located at
Kinondoni within the Dar es Salaam region. Previously it was located at Kivukoni
within Dar es Salaam, but later it was shifted to Kinondoni. I conducted my field
placement for the first rotation.

1.4 Structure and organization of the placement offices

The following is the structure and organization for each of the placement offices.

1.4.1 Structure and Organization of MNL Law Chambers

The structure of the firm at which the reporter’s first rotation of the field training
was conducted has several tthree advocates, two legal officers, and one office
attendant. Whenever a client comes, he is introduced to the office orders before
meeting the advocate he is in need of meeting or before meeting the legal officer.
All these are done by the office attendant and upon compliance and payment of
the necessary fee, the consultation fee, he is then allowed to enter and have a
talk with the respective advocate he needs service from.

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At the firm, the reporter was not placed in a single section hence all the office
activities could be assigned at any time as long as they had something to do with
the legal fraternity.

1.4.2 Structure and Organization of Kinondoni Resident Magistrate Court

The District Court of Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni is found within a new large
building of integrated justice centre (kituo jumuishi cha utoaji haki) of Kinondoni
on the first floor. The building is also comprised of two other courts, that is the
Primary Court on the ground floor and the Resident Magistrate Court on the second

Speaking of the Organization of District Court of Kinondoni, it has many sections.

Each magistrate has his/her chamber and private office. There is a library, open
courts, mediation rooms, a conference room for conducting meetings, registry
offices, private Advocates' office, printing offices and a call centre.

1.5 Major activities of the sections/field placement offices

Briefly, the following is the general picture of the activities conducted at each of
the field placement places.

1.5.1 Major activities at MNL Law Chambers

This being a law firm, the major activities performed at MNL Law Chambers
include, preparing legal opinions, drafting and registration of different documents,
litigation, attendance in court and tribunals, and conducting intensive legal

1.5.2 Major activities at the Resident Magistrate Court of Dar es Salaam at


Considering the nature of the institution, that is the Judiciary, the major activities
I learned at the District Court of Kinondoni, were how to prepare and compose
court decisions such as judgments, rulings, orders and decrees, and drawn orders.

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2.1 Duties and responsibilities

During my field placement, I was assigned various duties as listed below;

 Conducting legal research & case analysis; I was assigned to find out the
legal position on various issues before making a decision or instituting a
 Preparing legal opinions; I gave legal advice on various legal issues.
 Proofreading; I was tasked to correct clerical errors in court proceedings.
 Drafting various legal documents such as deed polls, affidavits, petition.
 Preparing and issuing summonses such as summons for witnesses.
 Preparing and issuing various orders such as removal orders.
 Updating cases and preparing coram; I traced files and updated them.
 Receiving and admitting applications and various documents in court
such as written submissions and inserting them in respective files.
 Calling for records from Tribunals and lower courts such as land Tribunals.
 Attending court sessions to learn court procedures.
 Recording proceedings during hearings in chamber and open court.
 Attending oaths, I guided the parties to swear or affirm before testifying.
 Composing judgments, rulings, orders, decrees, drawn orders.
 Preparing and issuing certified copies of judgements, and decrees.
 Keeping exhibits, I received and stored exhibits in safe custody.
 Notifying parties about court updates such as the date of hearing or
 Filing cases and registration of legal documents; I filed various cases both
online and manually and I registered documents like power of attorney.
 Preparing and compiling authorities and other annexures or exhibits.
 Service of summons; I was assigned to trace the parties and serve them.
 To make follow-up of certified copies of proceedings, rulings, and
judgements in court when they are ready for collection and
 To ensure legal and administrative compliance in general at the office.

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2.2 New Knowledge and Skills gained in each of the duties

I gained a lot of new knowledge and skills such as how to draft legal documents,
how to prepare annexures, how to serve summonses, how to file cases both
electronically and manually, and how to register documents such as power of
attorney and deed polls. I also learned how to write and compose judgments,
ruling, decrees, and orders. Above all, I learnt to be careful as a Magistrate or
Advocate in handling cases, since not all disputes are genuine. Sometimes, parties
can cook the facts to deceive the Court and Advocates to escape the arm of the
law or to avoid a certain legal obligation. Example tax evasion.

2.3 Level of accomplishment of the duties/responsibilities assigned

Most of the tasks were excellently performed and submitted on time. This was
made possible due to the strong passion and commitment which I had.

2.4 Relationship with other staff

During my field placement, I had excellent teamwork. I worked collaboratively

with my colleagues to achieve organizational goals, we used to support each other
in the preparation of legal opinion, conducting legal research, writing, and making
follow-up of judgments. We were always willing to learn from each other, simply
stated, I had good supervisors and a good team, and my staff indeed treated me as
part of their family.

2.5 Things enjoyed most and why

The first thing I enjoyed most was the higher trust from my supervisors. I was much
trusted and assigned delicate duties as if they had known me before. I worked
under minimum supervision. Once you are given a case file, the whole matter is
upon you to perfect it. Such confidence that they had in me is something that
impressed me a lot.

The other thing was good treatment. My supervisors indeed treated me well all the
time. I had great and patient supervisors who had time to train me. I also enjoyed
various discussions with the magistrate who supervised me at Kinondoni and with
the Advocates at MNL Law Chambers in respect of various legal issues.

Also, I enjoyed working under prestigious institutions with prominent and

experienced supervisors. I was interested in how Hon. Janeth Mtega - PRM is highly

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committed. She takes pride in being a magistrate and is always committed to
delivering decisions on time. I have been inspired and that commitment is
something that will continue to inspire me in the future.

I enjoyed learning under supervision of the senior Adv. Sigsbert Ngemera at MNL
Law Chambers. He is a very responsible Advocate who cares about his staff and
clients. I remember my first day at MNL Law Chambers, the fact that I was going to
be supervised by such prominent Advocate, the experience was so wonderful,
entering at the firm, introducing myself and getting to know the rest of the team
is something that I will cherish forever.

2.6 Things enjoyed least and why

One of the things l enjoyed the least, was network problems during online case
filing. I remember I was assigned to file an appeal at Temeke District Court, but I
stuck for almost four days waiting for the network. Another thing which I enjoyed
the least, was the spending of a lot of time in waiting for the case to be called.

I remember I attended a criminal case, as part of field placement, in the Temeke

District Court of Dar es Salaam at Kinondoni, but we spent almost five hours
waiting for the case to begin and even when the case was called it was adjourned
because the witnesses were not ready. When we went back the next day, the same
thing happened. This time, the case was scheduled to proceed with hearing at
09:00 AM 0'clock, but the same was called for hearing at 12:00 PM which again was
adjourned because the witness was sick.

Let alone the delay in issuing summonses, copies of judgements, rulings and
decrees or drawn orders, which is also prevalent. I was flabbergasted with how
Advocates' precious time is always wasted in court premises.

2.7 Problems experienced and how handled.

Problems were not many, however I remember one day I was assigned to search a
certain case. I invoked all my excellent research skills and tried to search it in
Tanzlii by hook and crook, but I didn't find it. And it was a very crucial ruling (case)
which we intended to rely in court. It seemed that this case was not probably
uploaded in Tanzlii. So, the next day I resolved to go physically at the Court of
Appeal of Tanzania where the decision was delivered, to inquire on the availability

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of that case. I thank God, after mentioning the parties, I was given a soft copy.
That is how I managed to solve it.

2.8 Major benefits derived from the field attachment program

The major benefit is that, through field placement, I got opportunity to develop
my skills and gained practical experience. I learnt how the judiciary works, how to
act as a magistrate, how to run a law firm and the challenges Advocates and
Magistrates face. Further, field placement improved my research, oral and writing
skills. Also, I got friends including my field supervisors, legal interns and other
practitioners in both first and second rotations. This helped me to build my
professional network.

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3.1 Offices where legal aid was provided for both first and second rotation

The following are the offices where I provided free legal aid services.

3.1.1 Kawe Ward Executive Office

This office is located at Kawe within Kinondoni District at Dar es Salaam region. It
is a section within Kawe Ward office where I provided legal aid during the first
rotation. The legal aid was provided for one week under the supervision of the
WEO and Community Development officer. The office has its own means of
communication herein phone Number 0789597549. The section deals generally with
different cases, especially land and marriages matter however, the existence of
legal aid led peoples with other matters including civil and criminal cases appear
looking for assistance. After receiving the complaints, the Social Welfare officer
will call the responsible parents and talk with them and where necessary take the
matter to appropriate court.
3.1.2 Kimara Local Government Authority (Serikali ya Mtaa Kawe)
It is located at Kimara within Ubungo District at Dar es Salaam. This is where I
provided free legal aid for the second rotation. The legal aid was provided for one
week under the supervision of the WEO and Community Development officer. The
office has its own means of communication herein phone Number 0789597549. The
office has its own means of communication herein phone Number 0716600210. The
office performs various function of the government at the level of a street within
Kimara. The most common functions include, receiving complaints from people
within its local area, authorizing various transactions, issuing introduction letters.
Summary of Legal Aid Provided in first and Second rotation (Kawe and Kimaara)
Place People Gender Age Nature of Legal Problem Total
Attendant M F
Kawe 7 4 3 17-43 Probate cases 4
Civil Cases 2
Criminal Cases 1
Kimara 6 2 4 23-37 Probate cases 1
Civil Cases 2
Criminal Cases 3

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3.2 Number of people, gender and age that was served

During the legal aid program, I provided free legal aid and counselling services to
at least 2 to 3 people every day, both male and female, ranging between 17 years
and above.

3.3 Type and number of cases handled while giving legal aid

The type of most cases which I handled at Kawe Social Welfare office were family
matters, such as children rights where most women were claiming for maintenance
of their children. While, at Kawe Serikali za Mitaa, I provided legal awareness to
citizens on probate, land matters, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and human

3.4 Whether those cases have been taken to court and which court

Many disputes were amicably solved through ADR, and some of them were taken to
the court by the clients themselves, the ADR reduced a flood of litigation. Also, the
focus was to educate them on how they can take action to defend themselves.

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4.1 Conclusion

Generally speaking, field placement is a great opportunity for students who are
passionate with law, it offers an opportunity for law students to put their class
knowledge and experience into practice. It gives first hand impression and
professional experience in the legal arena. Students get opportunity to speak with
different legal practitioners and hear about their experience in the field. You get a
chance to use your law skills in helping the general public to understand the laws
and their rights.

Also, it increases the likelihood of future employment. Although it is not a

guarantee, but in many organizations, people with previous work experience are
more considered when hiring for jobs. So, this program should not be taken for
granted, for it will make a real difference to your CV.

However, there are few challenges such as lack of seriousness on the part of some

Other challenges include lack of enough funds. Some students are not able to
afford the costs of attending field placement for the whole 18 weeks. Bearing in
mind that, field placement is free, you can be paid or not. Some law firms and
organizations offer a paid internship. The average sum offered for paid internship
varies from firm to firm or organization. Another challenge is on legal aid,
sometimes even the local government authorities did not recognize us. Also, it was
hard to find people who need legal aid.

4.2 Recommendations

It is recommended that; the legal aid program be improved. The Law school should
make enough preparations and create favourable environments which will assist
students to meet with people who need legal aid. It is further recommended that;
law students should not take for granted field placement program. If you are
placed in an organization, use that opportunity to learn sufficiently.

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