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31/05/2024, 08:57 SPRING 2024 BUS 498 EXIT ASSESSMENT TEST


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1. Which of the following is not done by advertising and promotions? *

A) Inform customers of a product or service

B) Convince them of a product's ability to satisfy their wants or needs

C) Help develop and sustain relationships

D) Check viability of new business ideas 1/16
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2. California Milk Processing Agency initiated Got Milk advertising campaign to *

encourage cow milk consumption in USA. This kind of advertising is referred to

A) Primary demand advertisement

B) Selective demand advertisement

C) Retail advertisement

D) National advertisement

3. After a sales decline that began in 2008, Gatorade changed its name to “G2”. *
Gatorade was trying to-

A) Position themselves against competing energy drinks

B) Re-position the brand

C) Identify market with unfulfilled needs

D) None of the above

4. Consumers develop awareness and knowledge at the ______________ stage of *

response process

A) Cognitive stage

B) Affective stage

C) Behavorial state

D) Post-purchase stage 2/16
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5) There are several reasons to use qualitative research. Which of the following *
is not a reason to use qualitative research?

A) It is not always possible, or desirable, to use fully structured or formal methods to

obtain information from respondents.

B) People may be unwilling or unable to answer certain questions.

C) People are unwilling to give truthful answers to questions that invade their privacy,
embarrass them, or have a negative impact on their ego or status.

D) none of the above

6) Which of the following statements is true about ethnographic research? *

A) It is the study of human behavior in its natural context and involves observation of
behavior and setting along with depth interviews.

B) Sometimes audio and visual recordings are obtained.

C) Both (A) and (B) are correct.

D) None are correct.

7) Which statement is not true about laboratory experiments? *

A) The laboratory environment offers a high degree of control because it isolates the
experiment in a carefully monitored environment.

B) The artificiality of the environment may cause reactive error, in that the
respondents react to the situation itself, rather than to the independent variable.

C) Laboratory experiments are likely to have higher external validity than field

D) Laboratory experiments allow for more complex designs than field experiments. 3/16
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8. Which type of budgeting method is appropriate for an organization that looks *

into the target market and set their promotional objective according to the
characteristics of the market?

A) Top-down budgeting method

B) Concave downward budgeting method

C) Bottom-up budgeting method

D) Marginal analysis

9. World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) developed a number of advertising *

campaigns to enhance awareness against environmental pollution. WWF through
these advertisement basically tried to-

A) Solicit ethically responsible behavior towards environment

B) Help promote a social cause

C) Solicit donations

D) Both (A) and (B)

10. Determining the cost of a television commercial (TVC) is a part of: *

A) Pre-production phase

B) Visual elements

C) Post-production phase

D) Production phase 4/16
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11. While marketers see themselves as selling products, customers see *

themselves as

A) Paying for a product

B) Being a part of the marketing process

C) Buying a solution

D) None of the above

12. “Pfizer Inc. is a research-based, global pharmaceutical company. We discover *

and develop innovative, value-added products that improve the quality of life of
people around the world.” The above statements indicates:

A) How a company can lure customers into thinking they are a socially responsible

B) A consumer demand-oriented definition of the company

C) A product-oriented definition of the company

D) A product-related mission

13. Which of the following is an example of informal decision? *

A) A child attempts to jump from the rooftop watching Spiderman.

B) A teenager wishes to own a watch similar to his/her friend.

C) A student starts using deodorant watching the Rexona deodorant ad on TV.

D) All of the above 5/16
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14. Which of the following personality groups discovered by Karen Horney is *

most likely to use typically the known and reputed brands available in the market?

A) Compliant

B) Detached

C) Aggressive

D) Egoistic

15. Brand personality is a mix of human traits attributed to a brand. Which of the *
following is not identified as a brand personality trait?

A) Sincerity

B) Excitement

C) Reputation

D) Sophistication

16. When Glaxo Smith Kline introduces a new version of Horlicks specially made *
for women under the brand name “Women’s Horlicks” it is using
_________________, which is a form of ___________

A) Family branding; stimulus discrimination

B) Family branding; stimulus generalization

C) Private branding; stimulus discrimination

D) Licensing; stimulus generalization 6/16
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17. A magazine ad of ‘Rado’ that shows only the watch along with its pack is *
mainly designed to attract which type of consumers?

A) Visualizers

B) Verbalizers

C) Innovators

D) Fixated consumers

18. A Juice producer who wants to reduce the size of the bottle because of the *
increased cost, wants to keep the change to be:

A) Above the just noticeable difference

B) Below the just noticeable difference

C) Above the absolute threshold

D) Below the absolute threshold

19. Consumers subconsciously screen out stimuli that they find psychologically *
threatening, even though exposure has already takes place. This is referred as:

A) Selective exposure

B) Selective attention

C) Perceptual defense

D) Perceptual mapping 7/16
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20. Ever wonder why we notice certain smells or sounds right away and then *
after a while they fade into the background? Once we get used to the perfume or
the ticking of the clock, we stop recognizing it.– This is an example of -

A) Sensory adaptation

B) Just noticeable difference

C) Stimulus response theory

D) Gestalt psychology

21. A type of research design involving a fixed sample of population that is *

measured repeatedly is called:

A) Cohort analysis

B) Cross sectional design

C) Longitudinal design

D) Panel

22. An unproven statement about a problem that is testable is called: *

A) Specific problem statement

B) Value statement

C) Hypothesis

D) Research method 8/16
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23. A scale in which the numbers are used to rate objects is called: *

A) Ordinal scale

B) Ratio scale

C) Interval scale

D) None of the above

24. A large and nationally representative sample of households who have agreed *
to periodically participate in mail questionnaire is called

A) Mail methods

B) Mail interview

C) Mail panels

D) None of the above

25. The extent to which a scale produces consistent results if repeated *

measurements are made is said to be:

A) Internal consistency

B) Reliability

C) Validity

D) Content validity 9/16
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26. A review of the questionnaire with the objective of increasing accuracy of the *
collected data is known as:

A) Data editing

B) Questionnaire checking

C) Coding

D) Data cleaning

27. While testing the association between two variables, appropriate statistic can *

A) T-test

B) Z-test

C) chi-squared test

D) paired-sample t-test

28. Suitable test for testing the hypothesis for two but independent samples with *
metric data would be:

A) T-test

B) Paired T-test

C) Two-group t-test

D) Chi-squared test 10/16
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29. For a particular research we have decided to collect data from a sample *
group once. This approach is known as:

A) Single cross-section study

B) Multiple cross-section study

C) Longitudinal study

D) Panel study

30. You would like to capture attitude of NSU students towards the faculty *
services. The type of scale you should be using is:

A) Nominal scale

B) Ordinal scale

C) Interval scale

D) Ratio scale

31. The marketer of White Plus toothpaste wants to increase the sales of the *
brand in Bangladesh. As a result, he increased promotional expenditure by
communicating the benefit of the brand through a creative tagline “white plus –
daater guardian”. This is an example of ___________________ growth strategy.

A) market development

B) product development

C) intensive

D) market penetration 11/16
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32. The marketer of Meril Splash beauty soap brand wants to implement the *
hierarchy of effects model in order to finally make the consumers make a
purchase. However, through consumer research she analyzed that consumers are
only aware of the brand. While applying the hierarchy of effects model, which
element of the model do you think she should make the consumers shift towards
through an IMC campaign?

A) benefit

B) association

C) preference

D) knowledge

33. Mr. Rahman wants to purchase a new battery for his car because his current *
battery is giving problems. The price of a new battery is 5000TK. Mr. Rahman
went to a battery shop where the salesperson suggested him to give them his old
battery plus some money and in return he can get a new battery. The salesperson
said that the price of Mr. Rahman’s old battery is 1500TK. Hence, how much is the
trade in allowance that the shop will earn?

A) 5,000

B) 3,000

C) 2,000

D) 1,500 12/16
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34. Through the process of segmentation, consumers can be grouped according *

to loyalty status. Ms. Nadiah is a foodie and she loves to dine at a different
restaurant every week and she usually does not like to go to the same place twice
in a month. Hence, according to the theory of loyalty status, she is a
______________ consumer.

A) split

B) hardcore

C) shifting

D) switcher

35. Ahmed and Raheem started manufacturing and selling mango juice under *
the brand name “Puro”. They made sure that their product is pure unlike the other
competitors in the market. Furthermore, they sold their product to the affluent
consumers in Bangladesh at a higher price. As a result, we can conclude that
Ahmed and Raheem pursued a ___________________ strategy.

A) Differentiation

B) Focus

C) Focus differentiation

D) Cost leadership

36. _______________ communication is pursued by companies who use traditional *

mass media in order to make sure that the masses of consumers across the
country are aware of their brand.

A) integrated marketing

B) sales promotion

C) above the line

D) below the line 13/16
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37. David and Grace wanted to attend the Bon Jovi concert. They went on Ebay *
and started bidding for the tickets. However, they could not get the tickets
because other buyers were outbidding them every time even till the last minute.
This type of auction where the bidders raise the price for the item until a top price
is reached in a specific time frame is called ______________________ auctions.

A) Dutch

B) Russian

C) English

D) Eastern

38. During the winter season, the consumption of beverage products decreases. *
As a result, to address this issue and increase consumer demand during the
winter, the marketer of Pran Mango Juice came up with a communication with the
message “drink pran mango juice and have fair skin”. What do you think can be
the outcomes of such a campaign?

A) increase sales

B) negative perceptions about the brand

C) increased profits

D) increased return on marketing investment 14/16
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39. There are only two companies selling product A in the market. The managers *
of both the companies called each other up over the phone and decided to
increase the price of product A together by 50% in order to make more profits. As
a result, consumers are bound to pay higher prices as they have no other
alternatives. This tactic of increasing the price of product A is:

A) ethical

B) the right decision for the company

C) unethical

D) morally correct

40. The marketer at Square Toiletries Limited used the same product formulation *
of Chaka washing powder for a premium washing powder brand and charged
consumers 10tk more than regular washing powder brands. Such an action is:

A) a good strategy to earn more profits

B) an unethical strategy and is cheating the consumers

C) highly recommended for most companies

D) smart and ethical way to earn money

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