Tutorial 6

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PCL 1 - Tutorial 6

Luc, Isabelle, Lucas, Maritina

1. Exercise 2 Feedback 01101000
2. Lecture Material Review: 00100001
1. Python re module
2. Tuples
3. Sets
4. Nested lists
5. Wikipedia module

3. Quizizz!
Exercise 2 Feedback

Task 2 : a = int(input("Enter the value of a: "))

Task 4 : Tip: use of lists to store the suffixes and

use of str.endswith() method
Example = masc_suffixes = ["smus", "ner", "ich", "ist"]

if noun.endswith(masc_suffixes):
# the noun is masculine
print("The noun is masculine. -> der " + noun)

Task 5 : count < n safer option than count != n

● Ordered set of values ()
● Immutable = CANNOT modify the
values once created
● Elements can have any type
● Access elements via index or
● Iterable
● Unordered collection of
unique values
● Empty: set()
● With values: {1, 2, 3}
● Iterable
● Mutable
● Operations like
add(),remove(),&,| etc.
● Construct a set from a
list or tuple by set()
Sets: Union, Intersection and Difference
set_1 | set_2 set_1 - set_2
set_1.union(set_2) set_1.difference(set_2)

set_1 & set_2

Some Built-in Functions:
Nested Lists
A list can contain any
sort object, even
another list (sublist),
which in turn can
contain sublists
themselves, and so on...
Wikipedia Module
Installation pip install wikipedia
Import import wikipedia
Searching results = wikipedia.search("Python programming")
Summary summary = wikipedia.summary("Python programming", sentences=1)
Language setting wikipedia.set_lang("es") # Sets to Spanish. Use 'en' for English, 'de' for German, etc.

Page content page = wikipedia.page("Python programming")

title = page.title
url = page.url
content = page.content
summary = page.summary
Page methods
images = page.images
references = page.references
links = page.links
sections = page.sections
It’s QUIZZIZZ time

click here

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