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` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.

470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập

(Câu điều kiện)
A. Real (có thật)
- LOẠI 0: Câu điều kiện loại 0 diễn tả 1 sự việc có thật xảy ra ở hiện tại mang tính chất hiển nhiên.
If + S+ HTĐ, S + HTĐ
Ex: If you put ice under the sun, it melts

- LOẠI 1: Câu điều kiện diễn đạt 1 sự việc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và tương lai.
If + S + HTĐ, S + TLĐ
Ex: If you are busy, we will go out in other time
*NOTE: Please + V là ĐK 1 ==> Công thức: If + TLĐ/HTĐ, Please + V
==> ĐẢO NGỮ: Should + S + V(nguyên thể), S + TLĐ
Ex: If he comes, I’ll go fishing ==> shoud he come, I’ll go fishing

B. Unreal (không có thật)

- LOẠI 2: Câu điều kiện diễn đạt 1 sự việc không thể xảy ra hoặc không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
If + S+ QKĐ (were), S + would/could/migh/should…+ V
Ex: If you studied hard, you would pass the exam (Nếu bạn học hành chăm chỉ, thì bạn đã vượt qua kì thi)

* NOTE: Nếu là tobe thì V2 là WERE với mọi ngôi (đối với ngữ pháp Mỹ hiện đại, đặc biệt trong văn nói thì ko
nhất thiết; nhưng ta vẫn nên tuân theo vì nó đúng cho cả ngữ pháp Anh và Mỹ)
Ex: If I were you, I would not behave like that (Nếu tao là mày, tao sẽ không cư xử như vậy)

==> ĐẢO NGỮ: Were + S + to V/O(nguyên thể), S + would/could/migh/should… + V

Ex: If I were you, I would not behave like that ==> Were I you, I would not behave like that.

- LOẠI 3: Câu điều kiện diễn tả 1 sự việc không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ.
If + S + QKHT, S + would/could/migh/should…+ have + V3/Ved
Ex: If my parents hadn't encouraged me, I wouldn't have passed my exam. (Nếu bố mẹ không động viên tôi thì tôi đã
chẳng vượt qua kì thi)

==> ĐẢO NGỮ: Had + S + V3/Ved, S + would/could/migh/should… + have + V3/ed

Ex: Had my parents not encouraged me, I would not have passed my exam

If Main Clause


ĐẢO NGỮ: Should + S + V(nguyên thể)…
ĐK Loại 2 QKĐ (Were)
V(nguyên thể)
ĐẢO NGỮ: Were + S + to V/O(nguyên thể)…
ĐK Loại 3 QKHT (Had + V3/Ved)
have + V3/Ved
ĐẢO NGỮ: Had + S + V3/Ved
` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập
II. UNLESS + CL = IF …NOT: Nếu…Không
Ex: If he did not help me, I would not finish my homework
==> Unless he helped me, I would not finish my homework. (Nếu anh ấy đã không giúp đỡ tôi, còn không thì tôi sẽ
chẳng thể hoàn thành bài tập)

III. BUT FOR/WITHOUT + N/CỤM N: Nếu mà không, Nếu Không

Ex: If you didn’t help me, I would not finish my homework
==> BUT FOR/WITHOUT your help, I would not finish my homework

IV. OR/OTHERWISE/OR ELSE + CL (=IF): Nếu không thì

Ex: Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school
==> if you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late for school
==> Unless you hurry up, you’ll be late for school

V. IN CASE + CL (=IF): Phòng khi /Trong trường hợp

+ IN CASE OF + N/VING: Phòng khi /Trong trường hợp
Ex: You have to bring an umbrella in case it rains.(Bạn phải mang ô đi phòng khi trời mưa)


- As long as/ So long as: với điều kiện là gì
- Proving/provided/on condition (that): Miễn là
- suppose/supposing/assuming (that): giả sử như/giải sử là
- only if: với điều kiện là/Chỉ khi nếu
- If only: giá mà
Ex: I will come only if nothing is said to the press
You can use my car provided that/as long as you drive carefully

VII. AS IF, AS THOUGH + CL: cứ như thể là

===> Lùi thì: HTĐ ---> QKĐ
Ex: -He says as if he were a king. (Anh ta nói cứ như thể anh ta là 1 ông vua vậy)


***** S + V + THAT + S + “V(nguyên thể)” – “CHỦ ĐỘNG” hoặc “be V3/Ved” – nếu “BỊ ĐỘNG”
(Với các Verb sau: ask, command, decide, demand, determine, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, suggest,
urge, require,…).

***** It is/was + adjective + THAT + S + “V(nguyên thể)” – “CHỦ ĐỘNG” hoặc “be V3/Ved” – nếu “BỊ ĐỘNG”
(Với các Adj sau: advisable, desirable, essential, imperative, important, natural, necessary, vital,…)


Bài tập 1: Bài tập về câu điều kiện loại 1 2 3:
1) If we meet at 9:30, we...........(have) plenty of time.
2) Lisa would find the milk if she...........(look) in the fridge.
3) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she...........(feed) the animals.
4) If you spoke louder, your classmates...........(understand) you.
5) Dan...........(arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
6) You...........(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
7) If you...........(swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
8) The door will unlock if you...........(press) the green button.
9) If Mel...........(ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.
10) I...........(call) the office if I were you.
` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập
11) If measures had not been taken to reduce company expenses, the added costs would………by the customer
a. assusme
b. have been assumed
c. had been assumed
d. be assuming
12) if customers were unhappy with the quality of a product, the store….it or provide a refund
a. would exchange
b. exchange
c. have exchanged
d. will exchange
13) the reductions in the budget will have seriuos implications if the projects… the next quarter
a. will be executed
b. executes
c. are executed
d. will execute
14) if personal income taxes had been lowered, the national economy……..much more quickly
a. recovered
d. has recovered
c. would have recovered
d. has been recovered
15) if laws do not change and continue to favor creditors, many small-scale companies……..bankrupt
a. have gone
b. will go
c. went
d. goes
16) the supervior commented that the manual could……bettter had the company hired an editor to go over the
material before it was printed
a. organize
b. be organized
c. have organized
d. have been organized
17) The recurring problem of unheated rooms would……if the owner had responded to the tenants’initial complaints
a. have been elimination
b. had been eliminated
c. have been eliminated
d. have been eliminating
18) if the error had not been reported, the customer …..his order until after the Christmas season had ended
a. would not have received
b. would not receive
c. did not receive
d. would not be receive
19) if had not been for a trip from my stock-broker, I……thousands of dollars in doomed stocks
a. was lost
b. have lost
c. would lost
d. would have lost
20) a world-renowned economist …..that except for the euro, currencies around the world will continue to devalue
a. is predicted
b. predict
c. predicts
d. predicting
` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập
Bài tập 2: Bài tập về đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện:
1. .............anyone wish to access the information on the status of his or her order, the password should be entered.
(A) If
(B) Should
(C) Whether
(D) As though be necessary, you can print out your form and then send it to us by fax or postal service, or
A. Since
B. Should
C. Unless
D. When
3.............Jonh worked hard, he would have been promoted last year.
A. if
B. were
C. should
D. had
4.............. the patient's condition get worse, the nurse will call in an internist.
A Might
B. Unless
C. Should
D. If
5.............she wish to have more detailed information, please consult your employee handbook
6. Should she ............. our offer, we will be glad to cooperate
A. Accept
B. Accepts
C. Accepting
D. Accepted
7..............the employee followed the safety procedures properly, the accident could have been avoided
A. Having
B. Had
C. If
D. Has
8. ………..I you, I would not behave like that.
A. if
B. were
C. should
D. had
9. Had the contract……..early, we might have been able to discuss the conditions and make a decision
a. deliver
b. delivered
c. been delivered
d. were delevered
10. Had the team subnnited the report on schedule, the manager ….to postpone the meeting orr the board of Directors
a. did not have
b. would not be had
c. would not had
d. would not have had
11. …………her rental application be denied, the owers will refund the cost of processing the application.
a. could
` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập
b. may
c. do
d. should
12. Had we ……that Mr.A had a case pending in criminal court, we could never have hired him for the job
a. been known
b. knew
c. know
d. known
13. Had the director been out of the country, his assistant…….charge of ongoing projects during that time
a. had taken
b. could have taken
c. were taking
d. will have taken
14. Had their systems been protected with a reliable anti-virus program, subscribers… problems with their
A, will have
b. Have
c. would have
d. had
15. ……..the machine parts arrived promptly, we would have been able to finish assembling the machine in time for
its first run
a. have
b. had
c. should
d. were
16. Had estimated figures been more accurate, strategists would…….a better financial plan to tackle the budget
a. create
b. be creating
c. have created
d. had been created
Bài tập 3: Bài tập về Thể giả định:
1. A few flight attendants have requested that some loose volts in the overhead bins ................ tightened.
A. be
B. are
C. have been
D. will be
2. Mr. Powers has asked that the board of directors ------- the issues, strategies and solutions identified in response to
the NHHRC final report.
A. considering
B. condidered
C. consider
D. are considering
3. As the HR team will be going to the conference in May, they asked that the company outing ----- ------ until June.
(A) postponed
(B) to postpone
(C) be postponed
(D) postponing
4. Lancaster Productions ------- that all workers occasionally re-read their employee guideline booklets
(A) depends
(B) adapts
(C) specializes
(D) recommends
5. It is ------- that we fix this problem before we move on to the next one.
(A) requiring
` Đào Mạnh Cường – 01225.397.470 – Câu điều kiện và bài tập
(B) imperative
(C) indispensable
(D) impressive
6. The manager has …...that any information customers enter be used only to respond to their inquiries and requests.
(A) suggested
(B) suggesting
(C) suggest
(D) suggestion
7. It is that each department work closely with the MIS department, which coordinates all corporate data.
(A) prone
(B) vital
(C) poised
(D) ready
8. VN Restaurant requests that patrons………reservations for a table at least two weeks ahead of time
a. makes
b. making
c. made
d. make
9. The manufaturer insists that the defective air bags…..replaced in spite of the high cost of recalling thousands of
affected cars
a. are
b. be
c. have
d. has
10. Due to the urgency of this matter, it is imperative that Mr.C….one of our customer representatives
a. is contacting
b. contact
c. will contact
d. contacted
11. It is essential that no unauthorized persons …..into the building once it has been locked by the security personnel
a. admiited
b. admit
c. be admitted
d. admittance
12. The notice requestd that the purse… its owner and stated that a small reward would be given
a. returns
b. returning
c. be returned
d. to return
13. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans……, regardless of losses to the company
a. recall
b. be recalled
c. recalling
d. are recalled
14. the hotel manager requests that any meetings ….held in the conference room
a. are
b. be
c. have
d. will
15. it is essential that the process …..completed in a timely fashion
a. are b. be c. have d. will

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